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S06.E19: Goodbye, Dubai

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One key point is the other woman are making Yolanda a part of their story. She's just responding to them incorporating her illness and journey into their storylines for the show. How is this is something that Yolanda should have to pay for?


Yolanda is sharing not imposing. Either accept it or don't. Yolanda isn't showing up at their doorsteps with a expectant look on her face, dragging them out of their houses, demanding they pick lemons for her. She's doing her and expresses why she feels it so inappropriate that these women even speak of her in the manner they have. Decoded:  "Can you believe these bitches are using my storyline for camera time meanwhile they can't do  more than a handful of texts and a vase of flowers in the off season"? I'd be mad too. Tacky tacky tacky.


Nothing more nothing less. Now has she been a bitch in the past and in this season? Yup but damn at least this season she actually have a reason to be as annoyed as she is and firing the way she is.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 2

Well I find that stance to be quite sad.


Everyone handles life's curveballs differently which is everyone's right. I choose to be flexible, open minded and non judgemental especially to those in the process of battling not matter where they fall on the likability meter. Some possibly at arms length, some even farther than that but always with some semblence of compassion no matter how  slight. Doesn't hurt.

C'mon now. I hope you aren't saying that I can't feel compassion.


My point is and has always been that Yolanda is a liar and manipulates/hurts others with her fake illness. I won't believe anything else until she goes to a real doctor. How much compassion does she show by dragging her own children into her lies?

  • Love 7

One key point is the other woman are making Yolanda a part of their story. She's just responding to them incorporating her illness and journey into their storylines for the show. How is this is something that Yolanda should have to pay for?


Yolanda is sharing not imposing. Either accept it or don't. Yolanda isn't showing up at their doorsteps with a expectant look on her face, dragging them out of their houses, demanding they pick lemons for her. She's doing her and expresses why she feels it so inappropriate that these women even speak of her in the manner they have. Decoded:  "Can you believe these bitches are using my storyline for camera time meanwhile they can't do  more than a handful of texts and a vase of flowers in the off season"? I'd be mad too. Tacky tacky tacky.


Nothing more nothing less. Now has she been a bitch in the past and in this season? Yup but damn at least this season she actually have a reason to be as annoyed as she is and firing the way she is.

Why is she on the show? Yolanda rarely participates unless it's on her turf and all about her. Maybe she should ride off into the sunset if she can't take it. And yes, the women talk about one another. It's. Part. Of. The. Show.

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If they aren't there for her, then why are they all so concerned about her illness, her munchausen, whether her kids have it? Why is Rinna enraged that she missed a dinner. Why do they care if she wears makeup to Rinna's bday dinner.  Why at the taco-fest with Rinna not even there does it matter if Yo and Rinna made up at the carnival and moved on? Yo isn't controlling these women's lives. They are - She wasn't even in Dubai and her name was mentioned a ton. I can see why she thinks they are shitty friends.  All this talk about her and they don't even bring a casserole. Either they are friends and they come to visit, or they aren't and they should keep her name out of their mouths



So you should only talk about your friends? lol

  • Love 7

But she brings those details up in connection with the fact that she is being spoken about by them but they aren't actually participating in supporting her. Well they are... for show that is.


What fails to be brought into the forefront when listing Yolanda's "offenses" is that it's not happening in some sort of vacuum. She's reacting to the shitty behavior of the other women and how they choose to react to her Instagram and how she displays her illness. Yolanda is reacting to things directed at her or about her whereas the start of all this mess was because the women were reacting to things that Yolanda wasn't deliberately doing to them specifically. They were just reacting to her in general, how she behaves in general, how she posts pics on instagram, how she's handling her illness. They weren't going on about how, let say, Yolanda posted some catty comment on someone's picture. Or maybe reacted nasty to a person's tweet. It all started because the women were being meanspirited when discussing Yolanda and her illness. Not every conversation was meanspirited by some of them were or at the very least inappropriate and in bad taste. That's crux of this storyline. Not nice things were lobbied around unnecessarily and Yolanda understandably reacted with an attitude for pretty much the whole season. I really don't see how that's Yolanda's fault. They set up the tone with their inappropriate jesting. Lisa Rinna took it a bit further for paycheck sake turned it up a couple of notches with even more inappropriate declarations and the rest is about them getting attitudes with Yolanda because she was confronting them with a justified attitude and all of a sudden it turns into who does Yolanda think she is trying to dictate whether or not we get to joke about her illness.. oh excuse me.. get to discuss with an "abundence of concern" (sure yeah right) her illness. My eyes can't roll enough at this complete distortion of what the season actually entailed. It's mind boggling. 

Yolanda has for the most part, shut the women out of her life. They call her, text her and she refuses to talk/text to them so all they have to go by is the nonsense she is putting out. Then filming begins and she still refuses to see most of them except for a few times where she doesn't stay and talk with them once again, leaving her tweets/IG posts to do the talking for her. I really believe she likes keeping them confused, guessing because she know it makes then look bad on film/the show and that is important to her. The few times she does interact with them, as soon as someone starts to ask normal question she suddenly has "Lyme brain/brain fog/swelling brain) and bolts and doesn't answer 1 question. But had she stuck around long enough to have an honest conversation, answering them and clearing up the confusion she caused she would loose the narrative control she is desperately holding on to. I suspect she knows that if she is honest, she will loose fans and that would defeat her long term agenda of eventually getting her own spinoff show.  

  • Love 4

Her doctor is real and licensed, in the state of Washington specifically.

I don't think Yolanda has Lyme, but I believe Yolanda believes she does. Why would Yolanda lie about this? What has she gained? What has it cost her?


Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt has a Washington Medical license and practices "medicine" in the state of Washington. I would trust my vet more than I would trust that "lymeliterate" quack.

All the events have HW drama except for Yo's Lymeaward. I wish Eileen and Rinna had started drama at that lymegala

  • Love 6

So you should only talk about your friends? lol

People can talk about whoever they want but at the same time I don't understand what's so confusing about Yolanda's reaction to said chatter. To me what has transpired is a natural cause and effect.


They were laughing at Yolanda. Because they engaged in those initial inappropriate behaviors it snowballed from there. Feelings got hurt, Yolanda spoke up and now we are here.  I don't get what's so gosh darn bad about a person having an attitude about finding out that co workers/acquaintances have been having a laugh about an illness your affected with. It wasn't nice. Yolanda was hurt and angered by it. What on earth is so outrageous about that? The rest that transpired was a bunch of blundered attempts at making excuses and denying the malicious intent. From there it was just on insult to injury after another so.....


Joking about someone and their illness even if it's in jest is just not a good look. How do you justify that? Laughing at someone sickness? So it's okay to refer to an instagram pic of someone with cancer as Kojak? Shoot off a couple of witty quips?  What I gathered is that Kyle and Lisa were making fun of Yolanda's "sick" selfies. Done. Right there. Completely disgusting and wrong. That's why no matter what Yolanda has done I can't compare it to two grown women having  mean girl moments and joking with each other about another person and their illness. 

  • Love 2

People can talk about whoever they want but at the same time I don't understand what's so confusing about Yolanda's reaction to said chatter. 

Nobody is confused. We are all voicing opinions. Also, Vicky was referencing your sentence structure. Take another look at her post.

People can talk about whoever they want but at the same time I don't understand what's so confusing about Yolanda's reaction to said chatter. To me what has transpired is a natural cause and effect.


They were laughing at Yolanda. Because they engaged in those initial inappropriate behaviors it snowballed from there. Feelings got hurt, Yolanda spoke up and now we are here.  I don't get what's so gosh darn bad about a person having an attitude about finding out that co workers/acquaintances have been having a laugh about an illness your affected with. It wasn't nice. Yolanda was hurt and angered by it. What on earth is so outrageous about that? The rest that transpired was a bunch of blundered attempts at making excuses and denying the malicious intent. From there it was just on insult to injury after another so.....


Joking about someone and their illness even if it's in jest is just not a good look. How do you justify that? Laughing at someone sickness? So it's okay to refer to an instagram pic of someone with cancer as Kojak? Shoot off a couple of witty quips?  What I gathered is that Kyle and Lisa were making fun of Yolanda's "sick" selfies. Done. Right there. Completely disgusting and wrong. That's why no matter what Yolanda has done I can't compare it to two grown women having  mean girl moments and joking with each other about another person and their illness. 

They aren't making fun of ill people. They are making fun of Yolanda. That's a big difference.

Edited by homeperm
  • Love 10

People can talk about whoever they want but at the same time I don't understand what's so confusing about Yolanda's reaction to said chatter. To me what has transpired is a natural cause and effect.


They were laughing at Yolanda. Because they engaged in those initial inappropriate behaviors it snowballed from there. Feelings got hurt, Yolanda spoke up and now we are here.  I don't get what's so gosh darn bad about a person having an attitude about finding out that co workers/acquaintances have been having a laugh about an illness your affected with. It wasn't nice. Yolanda was hurt and angered by it. What on earth is so outrageous about that? The rest that transpired was a bunch of blundered attempts at making excuses and denying the malicious intent. From there it was just on insult to injury after another so.....


Joking about someone and their illness even if it's in jest is just not a good look. How do you justify that? Laughing at someone sickness? So it's okay to refer to an instagram pic of someone with cancer as Kojak? Shoot off a couple of witty quips?  What I gathered is that Kyle and Lisa were making fun of Yolanda's "sick" selfies. Done. Right there. Completely disgusting and wrong. That's why no matter what Yolanda has done I can't compare it to two grown women having  mean girl moments and joking with each other about another person and their illness. 


maybe they were laughing at Yolanda's hypocrisy and lies? 

maybe they were laughing as a form of self-defense or using good natured humor to cope with a concerning situation? 

how does anyone know the intent? saying someone looks like they are in a jiffy popcorn popper can be said without malicious intent and even someone like Yo could laugh about that. I could also see using humor to try to uplift some---hair loss from chemo...hey, at least you can save $ on shampoo/products or something like that.

we haven't heard the comments and we don't know the intent

maybe it would be better if no one talk to or about Yo and so no point in filming with her

  • Love 5


Joking about someone and their illness even if it's in jest is just not a good look. How do you justify that? Laughing at someone sickness? So it's okay to refer to an instagram pic of someone with cancer as Kojak? Shoot off a couple of witty quips?  What I gathered is that Kyle and Lisa were making fun of Yolanda's "sick" selfies. Done. Right there. Completely disgusting and wrong. That's why no matter what Yolanda has done I can't compare it to two grown women having  mean girl moments and joking with each other about another person and their illness. 

Where do you get any of that?  They were questioning the happy selfie/sick selfie dichotomy.  One day she's doing a modeling pose and the next day she had an IV in her arm.  It is confusing.  They were laughing about the mixed messages.  I've done the same thing looking at her Instagram feed.  They have all said that they believe she is sick, but it's the how sick and the doing things for attention thing that they took umbrage with.  If I had a co-worker slagging off all the time while I was hustling....you can bet I'd be discussing it with my co-workers.  Sickness does not make you free from questions about questionable behavior.

  • Love 12

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt has a Washington Medical license and practices "medicine" in the state of Washington. I would trust my vet more than I would trust that "lymeliterate" quack.

That's beside the point. He is a licensed medical practitioner, he's a real doctor. In Washington since 1984, no recorded disciplinary action. He's full of shit, but he's still a real doctor.
  • Love 1

maybe they were laughing at Yolanda's hypocrisy and lies? 

maybe they were laughing as a form of self-defense or using good natured humor to cope with a concerning situation? 

how does anyone know the intent? saying someone looks like they are in a jiffy popcorn popper can be said without malicious intent and even someone like Yo could laugh about that. I could also see using humor to try to uplift some---hair loss from chemo...hey, at least you can save $ on shampoo/products or something like that.

we haven't heard the comments and we don't know the intent

maybe it would be better if no one talk to or about Yo and so no point in filming with her

When my 60-something mom was first diagnosed with breast cancer, one of the first things she said was, "Well, there goes my career at Hooter's." Humor is a part of good mental health. I would have never said that to her, but she said it and we laughed our asses off. 

  • Love 9

People can talk about whoever they want but at the same time I don't understand what's so confusing about Yolanda's reaction to said chatter. To me what has transpired is a natural cause and effect.


They were laughing at Yolanda. Because they engaged in those initial inappropriate behaviors it snowballed from there. Feelings got hurt, Yolanda spoke up and now we are here.  I don't get what's so gosh darn bad about a person having an attitude about finding out that co workers/acquaintances have been having a laugh about an illness your affected with. It wasn't nice. Yolanda was hurt and angered by it. What on earth is so outrageous about that? The rest that transpired was a bunch of blundered attempts at making excuses and denying the malicious intent. From there it was just on insult to injury after another so.....


Joking about someone and their illness even if it's in jest is just not a good look. How do you justify that? Laughing at someone sickness? So it's okay to refer to an instagram pic of someone with cancer as Kojak? Shoot off a couple of witty quips?  What I gathered is that Kyle and Lisa were making fun of Yolanda's "sick" selfies. Done. Right there. Completely disgusting and wrong. That's why no matter what Yolanda has done I can't compare it to two grown women having  mean girl moments and joking with each other about another person and their illness. 

Let's be clear what they were laughing at was Yolanda in some metal contraption with her head sticking out and Kyle said she looks like a piece of toast.  When challenged about her selfies she readily admits she does it for awareness.  Lying and exaggerating claims about an invisible illness, posing for glam shots for the cover of the California Lyme Magazine and then no showing as the guest of honor when you are well enough to be in Holland is worthy of comment.  Claiming your very public children have Lyme Disease and then coming unglued when their father is asked about their illness is just overreaction, lying about who told you about the conversation removes the "sick card" from the equation.


For four years Yolanda has been rude to the other women, first Taylor, then Adrienne-who never did anything to her, Kyle, Camille, Kim, Joyce and all the while whining about how they were not good friends.  Where was Yolanda's concern when LVP hit the deck while practicing for DWTS?


Most of all calling into question how the others treat Yolanda and her illness.  She wanders in looking like an unwashed bum to a semi-formal event and then gets upset about being called out for the same.  Had someone showed up at one her events looking like the great unwashed Yolanda would be full of comments. If they say she looks pretty they are morons and she is ready to take a long walk off a short pier because they are not acknowledging her illness, if they say she looks terrible, they are being insensitive.  Putting little hearts on place cards, offending the rest of her guests with comments about the "Dream Team", insulting Mauricio, Michael and Ken about getting in women's business, and holding out her husband as so above the fray.  Accusing in her blog, after the show aired, LVP of having a birthday party for Ken and Mauricio and month before Ken's birthday, just to exclude her as she was going to David's daughter's wedding the same night.  Yolanda claimed "all one had to do was google Ken Todd and know his birthday is in August not July" and then went on rant.  Problem was the party was the exact date of Ken Todd's birthday and idiot Yolanda must have one of the ace researcher at her lymefriendly doctor's office do the research as it was Ken Todd the soccer player's birthday she referenced.   That doesn't stop Yolanda from her blasts.


Mostly Yolanda has more guts than a sausage house demanding, referencing and rating how these women are as friends.  There has yet to be an event this year where she has not argued, condescended or chided someone.  Now she wants sympathy because her husband dumped her and she is not comfortable answering the other women's texts because she has trust issues?  Maybe her trust issues stem from the fact she Yolanda Hadid Foster is not one who should be defining friendship or marriage at this point in her life.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 15

Let's be clear what they were laughing at was Yolanda in some metal contraption with her sticking out and Kyle said she looks like a piece of toast. When challenged about her selfies she readily admits she does it for awareness. Lying and exaggerating claims about an invisible illness, posing for glam shots for the cover of the California Lyme Magazine and then no showing as the guest of honor when you are well enough to be in Holland is worthy of comment. Claiming your very public children have Lyme Disease and then coming unglued when their father is asked about their illness is just overreaction, lying about who told you about the conversation removes the "sick card" from the equation.

For four years Yolanda has been rude to the other women, first Taylor, then Adrienne-who never did anything to her, Kyle, Camille, Kim, Joyce and all the while whining about how they were not good friends. Where was Yolanda's concern when LVP hit the deck while practicing for DWTS?

Most of all calling into question how the others treat Yolanda and her illness. She wanders in looking like an unwashed bum to a semi-formal event and then gets upset about being called out for the same. Had someone showed up at one her events looking like the great unwashed Yolanda would be full of comments. If they say she looks pretty they are morons and she is ready to take a long walk off a short pier because they are not acknowledging her illness, if they say she looks terrible, they are being insensitive. Putting little hearts on place cards, offending the rest of her guests with comments about the "Dream Team", insulting Mauricio, Michael and Ken about getting in women's business, and holding out her husband as so above the fray. Accusing in her blog, after the show aired, LVP of having a birthday party for Ken and Mauricio and month before Ken's birthday, just to exclude her as she was going to David's daughter's wedding the same night. Yolanda claimed "all one had to do was google Ken Todd and know his birthday is in August not July" and then went on rant. Problem was the party was the exact date of Ken Todd's birthday and idiot Yolanda must have one of the ace researcher at her lymefriendly doctor's office do the research as it was Ken Todd the soccer player's birthday she referenced. That doesn't stop Yolanda from her blasts.

Mostly Yolanda has more guts than a sausage demanding, referencing and rating how these women are as friends. There has yet to be an event this year where she has not argued, condescended or chided someone. Now she wants sympathy because her husband dumped her and she is not comfortable answering the other women's texts because she has trust issues? Maybe her trust issues stem from the fact she Yolanda Hadid Foster is not one who should be defining friendship or marriage at this point in her life.

Considering she flaked on most events, I don't see how Yolanda could be present to complain. And Yolanda's little Dutch jaunt didn't conflict with her Bay Area Lyme Gala thing. Did co-guest of honor muzak man David Foster show up? He's not even claiming to be sick. Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 1


Mostly Yolanda has more guts than a sausage

I'm crying here.   OMG that is priceless!!


I don't see these women interacting very much with each other when not filming.  I'm sure once they all got together again, the subject of YO and her endless IG IV selfies caused a great deal of discussion.  I think it's pretty darn natural.     YO herself has opened herself up to questions and criticisms with her constant contradictory statements and exaggerations.     I have no doubt that YO has some sort of illness - whether it is Lyme or leaking breast implants (which BTW since they were removed, her health has seemed to greatly improve), but I also think a big part of her endless bedridden days, going without make-up, greasy hair, had more to do with her failing marriage.   She lost status, the status of a great house, mingling with musical celebrities, and all that came with being married to David.   I think it was easier to think he couldn't stay because she was ill, and couldn't handle the pressure, rather than he fell out of love with her.  It makes her look more like a victim, and caused people to load her with much more sympathy than she would have gotten had it just been YO going through a divorce.  Divorce in Hollywood is nothing new, and doesn't elicit huge amounts of sympathy.  

  • Love 3

I think the idea that others should allow their lives to be controlled by Yo's or anyone else's illness, real or imaginary, is the height of self-indulgent arrogance. People should and mostly do IMO what in in their heart to do for an ill person. Anything else is just a form of control by the sick one and resented by the others. JMO.

 Agreed, because thing is, it's not a contest. We all have something. Illness, addiction, divorce, family issues. I am not more important than my friends because I have HIV. Most sick people just want to be normal. They want to be treated like everyone else. I know that's what I want. I don't want to be treated like some fragile porcelain doll. I just want to be a person. I have been a LOT of sick people. Most are like me; a few are like Yo has been depicted.

 And I have a weird thing about phones. I HATE talking on the phone. My friends and family know to text me, not call.

 These are not Yolanda's close friends. They are colleagues  who maybe knew each other for a short time before Yo got sick.

  • Love 9

That's beside the point. He is a licensed medical practitioner, he's a real doctor. In Washington since 1984, no recorded disciplinary action. He's full of shit, but he's still a real doctor.


He's a real doctor but he is still a quack. She needs to see a reputable doctor or facility. Dr. Klinghardt has had disciplinary action (license was suspended for 3 years and then probation).


  • Love 5

He's a real doctor but he is still a quack. She needs to see a reputable doctor or facility. Dr. Klinghardt has had disciplinary action (license was suspended for 3 years and then probation).


Seems his suspension was suspended, and he met the terms of his probationary period. Still a doctor.

Well I find that stance to be quite sad.


Everyone handles life's curveballs differently which is everyone's right. I choose to be flexible, open minded and non judgemental especially to those in the process of battling not matter where they fall on the likability meter. Some possibly at arms length, some even farther than that but always with some semblence of compassion no matter how  slight. Doesn't hurt.

Compassion, yes. It's nice. But I don't believe that I am entitled to any more than anyone else. I don't want special treatment. In fact, pity, sadness etc, that just makes it harder. My close friends are the ones who treat me just like anyone else.


When my 60-something mom was first diagnosed with breast cancer, one of the first things she said was, "Well, there goes my career at Hooter's." Humor is a part of good mental health. I would have never said that to her, but she said it and we laughed our asses off. 

My kids sing the You Have AIDS song from Family Guy and I think it's funny.. But there is a difference between laughing with someone  and laughing at someone.I do think the ladies were laughing at Yolanda and that's not cool.

  • Love 1

Well I find that stance to be quite sad.


Everyone handles life's curveballs differently which is everyone's right. I choose to be flexible, open minded and non judgemental especially to those in the process of battling not matter where they fall on the likability meter. Some possibly at arms length, some even farther than that but always with some semblence of compassion no matter how  slight. Doesn't hurt.

I don't disagree, but I think that for the most part, they have done this.

The thing is, Yolanda has never inspired any warmth in any of these women. She has rarely been even kind to them. I am trying to figure out why they are supposed to do more than send texts and call every once in a while. More than offer support when they see her, tell her she looks good and they hope she recovers. What has she done to inspire more than this from them? Eileen has been nothing but kind and supportive of her which is as it should be, since I don't believe Yo has ever done anything to her, but what about LVP and Kyle? Why would she expect more than what she has received? She was horrible to Kyle right from the beginning, and for no reason that I have ever been able to understand, save for the fact that she didn't like her calling out Brandi. Despite this, Kyle has been kind to her. She was kind to her when they vacationed together last year, and kind to her in Amsterdam. It was Kyle who was worrying over her when she was too sick to get out and about. Kyle who tucked her into bed and told her she wished she would feel better. Kyle has been kind and supportive of her this season. And what about LVP? Yo hates LVP as much as LVP hates her. The accusation against Ken was horrific, and Yo for the most part has never really behaved in a manner that makes me believe she cares at all about LVP.

Regarding the fact that they are talking about her behind her back - now I get why that would sting. I think that anyone who says they don't understand this is maybe letting Yo dislike get in their eyes. I cannot stand her, and never have been able to, but I certainly get why it would hurt to know that people were laughing at you. I get her feeling that way and would completely understand her sharing this at the reunion. I love Kyle more than my luggage, but she should have to face Yo's pain and hurt in knowing that learning that she laughed at her hurt. LVP should have to face the same thing, so should Lisar. That's the thing: they can do it, but they have to be able to face up to the fact that they hurt someone. I'm not judging them at all. I would have laughed at the silly selfies as well. I would have wondered and pondered if something else was wrong with her; if she was making herself sicker by all these silly treatments. I would also be mortified upon the person finding out what I had done. It's kind of human nature. I get it all, but they need to put their big girl panties on, look her in the face, and admit to what they did (Kyle has already admitted she did it). They can explain it, talk about why it was confusing/strange/funny. They just need to be honest about it all.

  • Love 3

I don't disagree, but I think that for the most part, they have done this.

The thing is, Yolanda has never inspired any warmth in any of these women. She has rarely been even kind to them. I am trying to figure out why they are supposed to do more than send texts and call every once in a while. More than offer support when they see her, tell her she looks good and they hope she recovers. What has she done to inspire more than this from them? Eileen has been nothing but kind and supportive of her which is as it should be, since I don't believe Yo has ever done anything to her, but what about LVP and Kyle? Why would she expect more than what she has received? She was horrible to Kyle right from the beginning, and for no reason that I have ever been able to understand, save for the fact that she didn't like her calling out Brandi. Despite this, Kyle has been kind to her. She was kind to her when they vacationed together last year, and kind to her in Amsterdam. It was Kyle who was worrying over her when she was too sick to get out and about. Kyle who tucked her into bed and told her she wished she would feel better. Kyle has been kind and supportive of her this season. And what about LVP? Yo hates LVP as much as LVP hates her. The accusation against Ken was horrific, and Yo for the most part has never really behaved in a manner that makes me believe she cares at all about LVP.

Regarding the fact that they are talking about her behind her back - now I get why that would sting. I think that anyone who says they don't understand this is maybe letting Yo dislike get in their eyes. I cannot stand her, and never have been able to, but I certainly get why it would hurt to know that people were laughing at you. I get her feeling that way and would completely understand her sharing this at the reunion. I love Kyle more than my luggage, but she should have to face Yo's pain and hurt in knowing that learning that she laughed at her hurt. LVP should have to face the same thing, so should Lisar. That's the thing: they can do it, but they have to be able to face up to the fact that they hurt someone. I'm not judging them at all. I would have laughed at the silly selfies as well. I would have wondered and pondered if something else was wrong with her; if she was making herself sicker by all these silly treatments. I would also be mortified upon the person finding out what I had done. It's kind of human nature. I get it all, but they need to put their big girl panties on, look her in the face, and admit to what they did (Kyle has already admitted she did it). They can explain it, talk about why it was confusing/strange/funny. They just need to be honest about it all.

I really like this nuanced and sensitive critique.


I would only add that I would like Yolanda to come clean, too. I think the doubters deserve an apology just as much as Yolanda does. I think they, the Lisas and Kyle, have actually been kinder to Yolanda than she has been to them.


And thanks for again for that post. It gave me pause in the best possible way.

  • Love 3

Considering she flaked on most events, I don't see how Yolanda could be present to complain. And Yolanda's little Dutch jaunt didn't conflict with her Bay Area Lyme Gala thing. Did co-guest of honor muzak man David Foster show up? He's not even claiming to be sick.

Yolanda was well enough to go to the photo shoot and well enough to go to Holland, I hardly think a trip to San Francisco would kill her.  Who knows maybe David's refusal to stand in steed ultimately contributed to the divorce.  She is the one claiming Lyme Disease and illness.  As far as other events, she by-passed Ken's dinner(and rightfully so) a dinner to attend another event.  It isn't her attendance or lack thereof it is the condemnation of others-in the case of Ken's birthday she claimed LVP was being manipulative.    She manages to muster the strength to swan in and make an appearance, or stick around long enough to yell at Rinna and LVP and thro bean bags, but no get up and go to go to far away San Diego, for her only true friend's performance?  Oh of course, it would be the Lyme Disease and her inability to listen to music, unless of course it is a gala honoring her.

  • Love 6

He does sell magic stickers to prevent EM fields escaping from phone batteries or some crap. And the body volt meter!

If Chronic Lyme isn't officially recognized, since there's no diagnostic criteria, can he diagnose it to whoever he wants?

He didn't diagnose Yolanda, a Dr. (Quack) of ill repute in Belgium diagnosed her with CLD after 2 Dr.s here in an LA Hospital  diagnosed her with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Yolanda admits that she did not like that diagnosis and that is why she went to the Dr. in Belgium.


Oh, and the Dr in Washington, Dr. K., uses a private lab, not one used by conventional Dr.s

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 5

Yolanda was well enough to go to the photo shoot and well enough to go to Holland, I hardly think a trip to San Francisco would kill her. Who knows maybe David's refusal to stand in steed ultimately contributed to the divorce. She is the one claiming Lyme Disease and illness. As far as other events, she by-passed Ken's dinner(and rightfully so) a dinner to attend another event. It isn't her attendance or lack thereof it is the condemnation of others-in the case of Ken's birthday she claimed LVP was being manipulative. She manages to muster the strength to swan in and make an appearance, or stick around long enough to yell at Rinna and LVP and thro bean bags, but no get up and go to go to far away San Diego, for her only true friend's performance? Oh of course, it would be the Lyme Disease and her inability to listen to music, unless of course it is a gala honoring her.

Being with her family in the Netherlands might be stress free and invigorating for Yolanda, but then she flies back to LA and her failing marriage and the happiness evaporates.
  • Love 3

Being with her family in the Netherlands might be stress free and invigorating for Yolanda, but then she flies back to LA and her failing marriage and the happiness evaporates.

Yeah, I am not bothered by sick one day fine the  next. That's just how it goes with chronic illness. You may be fine in he morning and bad at night. feel OK one day and terrible the next. You may even have weeks or months of feeling good and then feeling bad. You can guess how you will feel, but you don't always know. and sometimes sick people just have to pick and choose. I was never puzzled by her healthy one day, IV instagram the next. It happens.

Edited by JennyMominFL
  • Love 5

I really like this nuanced and sensitive critique.


I would only add that I would like Yolanda to come clean, too. I think the doubters deserve an apology just as much as Yolanda does. I think they, the Lisas and Kyle, have actually been kinder to Yolanda than she has been to them.


And thanks for again for that post. It gave me pause in the best possible way.

I completely agree. I think they have been much more kind to Yo than she has ever been to them. Just once I would love to hear her say "I've not been an especially good friend to you guys. I have judged you harshly. I haven't treated you with kindness. I've not expressed concern for you, or reached out when you were hurting. I don't just call to see how you are doing. I am sorry for that".

  • Love 9

I don't disagree, but I think that for the most part, they have done this.

The thing is, Yolanda has never inspired any warmth in any of these women. She has rarely been even kind to them. I am trying to figure out why they are supposed to do more than send texts and call every once in a while. More than offer support when they see her, tell her she looks good and they hope she recovers. What has she done to inspire more than this from them? Eileen has been nothing but kind and supportive of her which is as it should be, since I don't believe Yo has ever done anything to her, but what about LVP and Kyle? Why would she expect more than what she has received? She was horrible to Kyle right from the beginning, and for no reason that I have ever been able to understand, save for the fact that she didn't like her calling out Brandi. Despite this, Kyle has been kind to her. She was kind to her when they vacationed together last year, and kind to her in Amsterdam. It was Kyle who was worrying over her when she was too sick to get out and about. Kyle who tucked her into bed and told her she wished she would feel better. Kyle has been kind and supportive of her this season. And what about LVP? Yo hates LVP as much as LVP hates her. The accusation against Ken was horrific, and Yo for the most part has never really behaved in a manner that makes me believe she cares at all about LVP.

Regarding the fact that they are talking about her behind her back - now I get why that would sting. I think that anyone who says they don't understand this is maybe letting Yo dislike get in their eyes. I cannot stand her, and never have been able to, but I certainly get why it would hurt to know that people were laughing at you. I get her feeling that way and would completely understand her sharing this at the reunion. I love Kyle more than my luggage, but she should have to face Yo's pain and hurt in knowing that learning that she laughed at her hurt. LVP should have to face the same thing, so should Lisar. That's the thing: they can do it, but they have to be able to face up to the fact that they hurt someone. I'm not judging them at all. I would have laughed at the silly selfies as well. I would have wondered and pondered if something else was wrong with her; if she was making herself sicker by all these silly treatments. I would also be mortified upon the person finding out what I had done. It's kind of human nature. I get it all, but they need to put their big girl panties on, look her in the face, and admit to what they did (Kyle has already admitted she did it). They can explain it, talk about why it was confusing/strange/funny. They just need to be honest about it all.

Nice post. 


I think everyone is entitled to have a little off the record comment.  We have never heard LVP or Kyle admit to saying anything cruel about Yolanda regarding her illness.  The really cruel person is Lisa Rinna, even if Kyle and LVP were cutting up off camera about how asinine Yolanda's claims were-what gives Rinna the right to deliver the message and hurt Yolanda?  Because she Rinna, intentionally made the misstep of trying to clear her conscience and confess to chatter.  After she saw how angry Yolanda was, why bring others in?  This is Brandi mentality, "I am mad at Adrienne and I don't care if I hurt her children by prematurely revealing they were carried by surrogates."  It doesn't make Yolanda feel any better that others may have been making fun of her and making fun is subjective.  No, this one is on Rinna her desire to be front and center shows little regard for Yolanda.  This is a woman who is told to STFU about Kim, to two people who don't even know her, because she wants to get it out there Kim hurt her feelings over telling her to eat a piece of bread.  And she wants to talk about addiction and others maladies without regard for how they and their illnesses are being treated in an effort to garner more screen time for Rinna.


In short Rinna bringing this up, watching Yolanda tear up, is on Rinna.  It is no longer about who called who at home or laughing at texts, it is about using some common sense and realizes Yolanda's feelings may be more important than her war with LVP.

  • Love 2



What need?  Desires or wants, perhaps, but not need.  And because it's a want or desire, expecting it from someone else is controlling.  Who gets to say what is genuine? I'm sure LVP thought her texts and flowers and follow up phone call after Yo's surgery were genuine.

BRAVO! Never in my life have heard people say anything related to an apology, not really being an apology! Till the Internet. Again who gets to say what is genuine? Why the need to think the worst of others?

  • Love 2

LVP says she wishes that Kyle believed her over Rinna . I am hoping she has talked Andy Cohen into showing "unaired footage" or audio of that now famous "conversation in the bridge". I do not believe that LVP wished for LisaR to bring Kyle into anything. Whatever she stated , that was not her intention. I

Kyle said she knew that was LVP's intention and has forgiven her for it based on what LVP said to Kyle.

Edited by Silo
  • Love 1

We create the environment that we desire and need.  That is our responsibility and that comes down to how we treat others.  It never works to demand anything from anyone.  Be the person who draws support to you.  What you put out comes back to you.  


Exactly.  And yes, certainly we can express our needs or our desires.  "I miss our chats - I would love if you could stop by."  But it's unreasonable to think that anyone has to give in to anyone else's demands, especially because in her eyes they never seem to do enough.  Maybe if she acted grateful once in awhile - or even realized in her own head that it's nice of them to bring flowers or take a few moments to call or send a text or visit - she would get more support.  But she criticizes and evaluates, decides they're not real friends, and berates them for it.  Off with their heads!!  


Yo absolutely does not draw support.  She pushes people away - with her words and with her judgmental attitude.  They can't say or do anything right.  Reading this thread reminded me of all that the others HAVE done for her.  LisaV sent flowers and called after Yo's implant surgery.  Kyle, in an effort to be a friend and to be helpful, shared her own experience.  LisaR visited Yo and brought a bottle of wine.  Eileen visited her.  They all inquired about her health every single time they saw her at a HW event, thanked her for coming, acknowledged that it was difficult, made all of the appropriate clucking, "Of course we understand - Get some rest" when she left event after event early.  LisaR and Eileen visited her together, Kyle flew to New York to see Yolanda get her award, there were always flowers, texts, phone calls, hugs, empathy.  I'm sure others here can come up with even more examples.  And yet Yo had a problem with nearly all of it.  If they told her she looked good, she didn't like it and she snipped at them.  She wants to be fawned over and told how brave & strong she is, and she's not interested in much else.  So whatever they did was wrong.  Not enough.  Ever.


As much as she likes to view herself as a helpless, desperately ill patient who needs others to surround her with care and attention at every moment, that's simply not the case.  And the other women are co-workers, not even really friends.  Certainly, in addition to her family & Daisy, she has actual friends.  If the HW's efforts are so disappointing to her, then she should concentrate on her actual friends and treat the HW's as the co-workers that they are.  That seems far preferable to me than constantly evaluating and berating them.  But I'm sure it's not preferable to Yolanda.  She is very, very comfortable up there on her high horse and always has been. 


I remember in her first season, very early on, after a night when they all had wine & some fun, and Yo had opted to go to bed early with her superior nose up in the air, she told Kyle the next morning that there was nothing less attractive than a drunk woman.  And then she went on to befriend Brandi and repeatedly excuse all of the vile things Brandi said and did while under the influence.  Different standards for different people, and Yolanda sees herself as the judge & jury who gets to decide exactly how people should behave.  As though it's all up to her.  So this is nothing new.


She should be grateful that people are thinking of her and reaching out to her.  She should put her scorecard down and get to know these women rather than constantly rating them and talking about herself.  She has never shown the slightest interest in them or their lives, yet she expects their worlds to revolve around her.   It says something about her that she feels she has to force people to toe the line and be the kind of friend that she thinks they should be.  That's not how friendships work.  It's much more natural than that, much more give & take, mutual respect, acceptance.  And certainly more caring and smiles than scowling and evaluating.


If she wants people to reach out to her all on their own, then she really, really needs to learn the art of saying a simple, "Thank you". 


While I'm not the most overtly compassionate person in the world (or in this forum for that matter), I just can't muster any for Yolanda.  She's haughty and lives in a world of absolutes and extremes.  Nothing ever seems to be good enough for her.  If she complains that people don't text her and keep in contact and they modify their behavior and text her, then texting is meaningless and they don't call.  If they start calling, that isn't enough and they're not coming over.  She moves the bar constantly on friendship requirements.  That would be exhausting.  I get that everyone has different needs and different views on what constitutes friendship, but you can't keep changing the goal posts and say the other person isn't holding up their end.  She's a joy sucker pretending to be a zen master and should spend less time analyzing her friends and do a little introspection.


I totally agree.  She is a joy sucker, and she doesn't care.  It's all about her all the time.  That's what she wants and that's what she expects.  And anyone who doesn't follow her rules and do exactly as she wants is deemed "not a real friend".   This goes way beyond a sick person wanting some attention.  This is someone with a need to control everyone around her.  We've seen that since her first season.


Yeah, I am not bothered by sick one day fine the  next. That's just how it goes with chronic illness. You may be fine in he morning and bad at night. feel OK one day and terrible the next. You may even have weeks or months of feeling good and then feeling bad. You can guess how you will feel, but you don't always know. and sometimes sick people just have to pick and choose. I was never puzzled by her healthy one day, IV instagram the next. It happens.


I understand that, and I agree.  But claiming to have been unable to get out of bed for x amount of months, or not having taken a walk in x amount of years, etc puts it all in another light, IMO.  She said she was in bed for many, many months just staring at the ceiling when there's documented proof that she was out at fancy galas with David during that exact same time.  Fully made up, btw, despite her claim that she hadn't worn makeup in 3 years.  She said she hadn't driven in years too, but we saw her driving on this show during that time period.  And her many hospital/clinic/doctor's office photos, clearly intended to document how ill she is, show a smiling Yolanda, very obviously feeling well enough to pose for photo after photo despite being "brain dead", too fatigued to move, and all the rest of it.  Not to mention the shot of her posing with her medication bottles (file that under "Who does that?!") and the despicable one of her lying in bed with a miserable-looking Bella and Bella's IV.  The contradictions (and inappropriateness) go on and on, and I'm sure it's been just as apparent to the other HW's as it has been to many of us here that Yo is picking and choosing when she feels well and when she doesn't.  She has a built-in excuse not to honor work commitments on this show, and I understand why it would bother the others and why they would be noticing and talking about it.


I said this months and months ago, but her habit of putting exact timelines on things (housebound for 18 months, no makeup for 3 years. etc) is what outed her as a liar and is what started making people skeptical of her whole story in the first place.  I completely agree with you re good days and bad days, good moments and bad moments.  I know that to be true.  But I think the criticisms go deeper than that.  She would have been better off being more vague because those timelines are what made lots of people dig deeper, and now it just looks like lie after lie.   I would completely believe the good day/bad day scenario if it were pretty much anyone else.  But I don't believe Yolanda because I don't find her to be credible at all. 

Edited by DebbieM4
  • Love 15

He does sell magic stickers to prevent EM fields escaping from phone batteries or some crap. And the body volt meter!

If Chronic Lyme isn't officially recognized, since there's no diagnostic criteria, can he diagnose it to whoever he wants?


There is no ICD 10 code for "chronic lyme disease". He might as well diagnose her with demonic possession!

  • Love 5

If the OC housewives went to Dubai, I have a feeling we would have seen them partake in the local attractions. They did so in Bali, Tajhti, whistler, etc. Maybe the BH women are wet blankets.

I think that the reason we saw so little of "fun things" going on is because women are basically forbidden there.  I'm serious.  It's possible that the reason they weren't driving the dune buggy themselves might be it's illegal there for women to drive, or be out in public without a burka and/or unaccompanied by male chaperones.  So we end up seeing places where the surroundings can be made private and they're a lot less likely to get hassled (or worse) by the authorities.


Seems to me like a crazy place to take a bunch of pampered American women, but Andy probably got the whole thing comped or something and so force that square peg in the round hole.

  • Love 1

I think that the reason we saw so little of "fun things" going on is because women are basically forbidden there. I'm serious. It's possible that the reason they weren't driving the dune buggy themselves might be it's illegal there for women to drive, or be out in public without a burka and/or unaccompanied by male chaperones. So we end up seeing places where the surroundings can be made private and they're a lot less likely to get hassled (or worse) by the authorities.

Seems to me like a crazy place to take a bunch of pampered American women, but Andy probably got the whole thing comped or something and so force that square peg in the round hole.

Women are allowed to drive in Dubai, and they wouldn't have needed to wear burkas in public. Dubai is not Saudi Arabia.

Here in Michigan we have a beautiful lakeshore national park called Sleeping Bear Dunes.  And an outfit called Mac Woods' that gives buggy rides on the dunes. 


I think the only reason the women weren't driving buggies themselves was because they were on a similar excursion - like Mac Woods. It's a fast, fun and thrilling experience. Like a rollercoaster ride.  It would explain them being issued scarves to keep their extensions from taking an eye out by the whipping winds.  We've seen how these women drive golf carts.  I don't think I'd trust them with a ten passenger dune buggy.  See how they're holding on?  It looks like it's the same ride as in Michigan.




Here's the Sleeping Bear Sand Dunes.  Any of my Michigan peeps done this?  Motorcitymom?  It's so much fun.


mac-woods-300x235.png drive.jpg

  • Love 4

That's beside the point. He is a licensed medical practitioner, he's a real doctor. In Washington since 1984, no recorded disciplinary action. He's full of shit, but he's still a real doctor.

That's beside the point. He is a licensed medical practitioner, he's a real doctor. In Washington since 1984, no recorded disciplinary action. He's full of shit, but he's still a real doctor.

I just have to set the record straight he has no disciplinary action in Washington state . He was disciplined in NM. the New Mexico Board of Medical Examiners charged Klinghardt with "aiding and abetting the unlicensed practice of medicine" and placed him on probation for three years .

I am confident that the Dubai government protects TV/movies filming there.  They want to attract tourists.

I read that less then 10 percent of their wealth comes from oil. Tourism makes up over 85 percent of the economy.
  • Love 4

I just have to set the record straight he has no disciplinary action in Washington state . He was disciplined in NM. the New Mexico Board of Medical Examiners charged Klinghardt with "aiding and abetting the unlicensed practice of medicine" and placed him on probation for three years .

I read that less then 10 percent of their wealth comes from oil. Tourism makes up over 85 percent of the economy.

Does each state have its own medical board?
  • Love 1

I'd like to thank the poster upthread that has forever changed my view of sausage.


Here is a simple recipe for avoiding anyone commenting about your illnesses, KYFMS....


I am from the position that you protect your health care/records/meds info like you protect your SSN, credit cards and PINs. If you think that sharing THAT part of your existence doesn't have ramifications, you might want to reassess that idea?

  • Love 3

I am confident that the Dubai government protects TV/movies filming there.  They want to attract tourists. 

I can't remember what I was watching today and a commercial for some Dubai medical/hospital campus.

(I just looked it up and the name is Dubai Heathcare City) I didn't listen to what they were saying, but I have to say that all that oil and tourist money sure buys some nice equipment and facilities.


The place looked very modern and I don't think they just take ANYONE in to be treated. They are probably angling to be considered an option for rich people who might be looking for an alternative treatment regime??

  • Love 3

Some other housewives show was in Dubai at the same time.  It probably saved Bravo a ton of money to be able to use the same crew for both.  The other wives road camels (I saw a photo.)


Whatever.  It was a waste of a location.  They could go shopping at Chanel in Beverly Hills.  The only interesting thing they filmed was at the market with the roach, and we didn't see much of that location either.

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