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S06.E19: Goodbye, Dubai

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The tears when Kathryn's mother called seemed like alot of "should have, would have, could have guilt".   When my mother-in-law was in a nursing home for a very brief time, I would spend days there, reading to her, and found myself visiting with the other residents.  When my MIL died, I went back to continue those visits, to learn about them, to hear their stories (always great), and remember they were young once too.   Even if they have dementia issues, they usually can remember "way back when", and you see their faces light up.  This was 7 years ago, and I still go once a week.    On the other side is my relationship with my own mother.  Due to circumstances, I chose not to speak to her.  Haven't for over 10 years.  I don't feel guilt over this, it is what it is.    But when I see LisaR cry, Eileen cry, and Kathryn speak as if her mother's dementia is nothing, I feel bad for them.  They will be the ones who will feel guilt.

See Me

What do you see, nurses, what do you see?

Are you thinking, when you look at me –

A crabby old woman, not very wise,

Uncertain of habit, with far-away eyes,

Who dribbles her food and makes no reply,

When you say in a loud voice — “I do wish you’d try.”


Who seems not to notice the things that you do,

And forever is losing a stocking or shoe,

Who unresistant or not, lets you do as you will,

With bathing and feeding, the long day to fill.

Is that what you’re thinking, is that what you see?

Then open your eyes, nurse, you’re looking at ME…

I’ll tell you who I am, as I sit here so still;

As I rise at your bidding, as I eat at your will.


I’m a small child of ten with a father and mother,

Brothers and sisters, who love one another,

A young girl of sixteen with wings on her feet.

Dreaming that soon now a lover she’ll meet;

A bride soon at twenty — my heart gives a leap,

Remembering the vows that I promised to keep;

At twenty-five now I have young of my own,

Who need me to build a secure, happy home;

A woman of thirty, my young now grow fast,

Bound to each other with ties that should last;

At forty, my young sons have grown and are gone,

But my man’s beside me to see I don’t mourn;

At fifty once more babies play ’round my knee,

Again we know children, my loved one and me.


Dark days are upon me, my husband is dead,

I look at the future, I shudder with dread,

For my young are all rearing young of their own,

And I think of the years and the love that I’ve known;

I’m an old woman now and nature is cruel –

‘Tis her jest to make old age look like a fool.


The body is crumbled, grace and vigor depart,

There is now a stone where once I had a heart,

But inside this old carcass a young girl still dwells,

And now and again my battered heart swells.


I remember the joys, I remember the pain,

And I’m loving and living life over again,

I think of the years, all too few — gone too fast,

And accept the stark fact that nothing can last –

So I open your eyes, nurses, open and see,

Not a crabby old woman, look closer, nurses — see ME!


This poem was found among the possessions of an elderly lady who died in the geriatric ward of a hospital. No information is available concerning her — who she was or when she died.

  • Love 12

I think Yolanda's biggest gripe is that they have the nerve to be all involved and curious and have all these opinions about her her illness how she displays it on instagram whether her children are ill what Mohammed says about it and yet they've not bothered to ACTUALLY be invested like people this involved in her business should be. If they are on the sidelines then stay there and keep your mouth shut. If you want to be involved and  have questions then come to me about it. Did any of the women truly go talk to Yolanda about their concerns or opinions about what else they thought might be going on? Did anyone go and sit with her to offer up their own advice or theories? I mean for women to be this analytical over someones health at least go to her and have a friendly discussion about your concerns and ideas about her health. Shit, even over in the OC people were offering up Drs. and ideas for Brooks in the beginning when they heard. These women were just side eyeing shit without any real connection or true conversation about it all. The only conversations they started having with Yolanda aside from when Yolanda dropped the bomb about the kids were laced with animosity because those conversations were about Yolanda addressing them and them talking behind her back. By then any friendly concern is too little too late cause their "concern" was then used as an excuse and a defense. Which I honestly thought was a slap in the face.


I hate the idea that when someone just needs support and friendship that they are the ones demanding too much. When in all actuality it really takes two seconds to shoot out a "thinking of you text" every few days and with a follow up phone call once in awhile.  And when you want to really be lazy a card or flowers once in a blue. But what's most important is consistency. I love how people act like these small gestures are asking for too much cause ya know people have a life. You expect people to drop everything and cater to you? These gestures LITERALLY take a few seconds to a few minutes of your time EVERY SO OFTEN not all day every day. People just don't want to put forth the effort and look for excuses to justify that they just can't be bothered.

Given the editing, there are a lot of things we don't know. That said, I haven't seen Yolanda exactly go out of her way for any of the other women during any of the seasons. Her focus has always been on what others don't do for her.


Pertaining to the other women discussing her illness, why wouldn't they? She shoves it at everyone. She broadcasts it to the world. She also lies. Her "treatments" are weird, if not bizarre. She's on the RHOBH. Of course they are going to discuss it.

  • Love 22

Was that within a conversation that was initiated because of the hard feelings over Yolanda hearing about her being discussed? (I honestly don't remember) Any discussion Yolanda had with them after that wasn't going to be productive. Especially umpteen months later and with a camera crew.

.... so she may as well have said it considering she's reaping the wrath of Ms. Davidson.  I wish she had. Might as well.

Again, then, what are the others women supposed to do? If discussion isn't going to be productive and no understanding is allowed, then why should they bother? 

  • Love 2

Given the editing, there are a lot of things we don't know. That said, I haven't seen Yolanda exactly go out of her way for any of the other women during any of the seasons. Her focus has always been on what others don't do for her.


Pertaining to the other women discussing her illness, why wouldn't they? She shoves it at everyone. She broadcasts it to the world. She also lies. Her "treatments" are weird, if not bizarre. She's on the RHOBH. Of course they are going to discuss it.

And of course Yolanda will resent it. Same simple logic. I don't find it that confusing.

Edited by Yours Truly

I'm just not buying the idea that people don't care about others that are ill. There are always the best and worst instances of human behavior under any circumstance, but saying that sick people are routinely abandoned isn't something I've experienced, personally, and I just don't see it  in the world. What I see are people that do care and do help. 

And of course Yolanda will resent it. Same simple logic. I don't find it that confusing.

I'm not confused, I'm asking, what do you want them to do?

  • Love 14

Given the editing, there are a lot of things we don't know. That said, I haven't seen Yolanda exactly go out of her way for any of the other women during any of the seasons. Her focus has always been on what others don't do for her.


Pertaining to the other women discussing her illness, why wouldn't they? She shoves it at everyone. She broadcasts it to the world. She also lies. Her "treatments" are weird, if not bizarre. She's on the RHOBH. Of course they are going to discuss it.

I always get the impression Yolanda wants them to discuss her illness according to her script.  The others have all said they believe Yolanda to be ill and to be ill with Lyme Disease, the fact they also seem to discuss there is something else, perturbs Yolanda to no end, even though she makes a big deal over having implants and teeth removed.  Yolanda's expectations are these women will study voluminous amounts of material regarding her journey.  Me personally, I think that is a lot to ask of a friend Hollywood or otherwise.  This idea she wants them to come over one at a time and visit, seems to work best if they are apologizing or otherwise paying homage to her.   


Next week Yolanda does what she does best and that is single someone out and say what a true friend they are.  This week it was giving Brandi a pass on her insensitive behavior and insulting Kim with the leftover comment.  I guarantee you if Kyle would have showed up for a picnic Yolanda brought and had a Medic Alert bracelet on it saying she was allergic to tuna and grapefruit, Yolanda would have been going on and on about how ungrateful and what a bad friend she was not to risk anaphylactic shock, since she should be carrying an Epi-pen.  Next week is Erika is the only confidant because the other women aren't that close.  I so wish we could see the last two years of phone bills of Erika and Yolanda just to see how often they have been in touch.  My guess is never.  Earlier this season Kyle was a bad friend because she was friends with LVP again, I believe Yolanda said, "how convenient."  Since Yolanda spent two seasons loathing Kyle and even lied about when she told Kyle about Bella's DUI, Yolanda might want to be reminded why the others don't feel so close to her.  I guess Yolanda forgets that Kyle gave up two nights and three days to go to NYC for Yolanda's dreary, vanity award.  Three days away from her family, businesses and friends.

  • Love 14

No it isn't new which is why I don't get why people are so confused about why Yolanda feels the way she does. Just because it should be expected doesn't mean it still isn't painful and you know what doesn't make right. Also, did the friends that faded away continue to have in depth analytical discussions about your illness? I think it boils down to this. If you want to shift away and not give a damn about me anymore then don't. Fade away and keep my situation out of your mouth cause it adds insult to injury that you're not invested in me but still use me as conversation fodder. That's just downright wrong. Reality show or not.

The thing is. I don't think Yolanda's friends walked away from her. Some did, but not all. 

 I didn't personally find it terribly painful when people walked away from me. Some people just aren't good around sick people and I accept that. But I absolutely agree that it should have been talked about off camera. I wasn't terribly hurt by people who couldn't deal. But the ones who talked about me behind my back, that did hurt. I was in the Marines, and while most people said nothing to my face,  but word actually spread from Camp Pendleton to Kuwait(1st Gulf war). People were actually  talking about me there. For me, there are 2 issues,the backing away, and the gossip.  But to be fair, these women can't simply fade away as they are coworkers. 

And I'm sorry but I have little time for Yolanda, someone who lets herself be defined by her disease. It's like she revels in being sick. reminds me of my mother. I had sympathy for her early on, but not anymore.

In the interest of full disclosure, I've not liked Yolanda from the beginning, so I am biased.

  • Love 16

Yep. I don't know about David Foster, but I get the impression that LVP and Ken have  been friends with Mo for a LONG time, perhaps predating Yo. 


Is it true that Yo took back the Hadid name? I wonder how the current Mrs. Hadid feels about that. Or is there a current Mrs. Hadid? Mo seems to be a flavor of the month kind of guy. Although I'm guessing Yo did it so she could have the same last name as Gigi and the non-Gigis. Nothing like using your kids to  famewhore.

I'm thinking "Hadid" must mean "Kardashian" in Arabic...

  • Love 14

I don't mean this in a cruel way but I was thrown by just how sedated, medicated, messed up Kim looked under all that slap and those lashes.  I wonder if she's on Antabuse and a high dose of a prescribed anti-anxiety medicine, maybe?  I do find my compassion coming in though I really dislike Kim so much.  She just shouldn't be on TV now and I am so sad she dragged her daughter into the spotlight on an even-worse show. 


Brandi seems to have hit that point where she won't ever look natural again even if she completely steps away from fillers and Botox.  Seeing her throw her arms and hands around and try to sound cute-girl using Bethenny Frankel-old slang like 'sick' was sad.  I don't think she's that much worse than most of these clowns, and it saddens me that she wrecked the weird opportunities granted by this show to the degree that she did.


I don't know much but I thought Kathryn's reactions were sincere and I felt so sad for her.  I thought Kyle's tears seemed genuine and Rinna's reaction was a little troubling.  I'll just step away now.  It kills the soul to see your parents age and change. 

  • Love 7

But the idea of such extremes proves a point. Look we don't actually know just how present the other women were. And even if Yolanda wasn't "taking visitors" or whatever. A card, a text, a phone call once in awhile. That's my point and we don't know how often or how many genuine attempts there were from these women. Them saying they texted her could mean anything from everyday to once and done. I have no idea whether it was one or 3 in a 4 month period. Who knows. They throw around their "attempts" like we can truly gauge the effort by a few comments made by them. I have no idea whether or not these women were showering her with attention or not but I'm not inclined to act like there isn't some truth to what Yolanda is claiming because that's actually what happens more often than not. I find it easy to believe that the other women were on the surface in contact but not really and not really too invested. Which hey that's fine too.


I think Yolanda's biggest gripe is that they have the nerve to be all involved and curious and have all these opinions about her her illness how she displays it on instagram whether her children are ill what Mohammed says about it and yet they've not bothered to ACTUALLY be invested like people this involved in her business should be. If they are on the sidelines then stay there and keep your mouth shut. If you want to be involved and  have questions then come to me about it. Did any of the women truly go talk to Yolanda about their concerns or opinions about what else they thought might be going on? Did anyone go and sit with her to offer up their own advice or theories? I mean for women to be this analytical over someones health at least go to her and have a friendly discussion about your concerns and ideas about her health. Shit, even over in the OC people were offering up Drs. and ideas for Brooks in the beginning when they heard. These women were just side eyeing shit without any real connection or true conversation about it all. The only conversations they started having with Yolanda aside from when Yolanda dropped the bomb about the kids were laced with animosity because those conversations were about Yolanda addressing them and them talking behind her back. By then any friendly concern is too little too late cause their "concern" was then used as an excuse and a defense. Which I honestly thought was a slap in the face.


I hate the idea that when someone just needs support and friendship that they are the ones demanding too much. When in all actuality it really takes two seconds to shoot out a "thinking of you text" every few days and with a follow up phone call once in awhile.  And when you want to really be lazy a card or flowers once in a blue. But what's most important is consistency. I love how people act like these small gestures are asking for too much cause ya know people have a life. You expect people to drop everything and cater to you? These gestures LITERALLY take a few seconds to a few minutes of your time EVERY SO OFTEN not all day every day. People just don't want to put forth the effort and look for excuses to justify that they just can't be bothered.


I really think that Yolanda has made it pretty clear that texts, phone calls, and small gestures are not enough for her.  She is very demanding, very critical, and these people are co-workers, not even close friends.  Whatever they say, whatever they do is met with criticism.  LisaV has talked about texting Yolanda because she wanted to visit, and never got a reply.  Lisar showed up with a warm hug and a bottle of wine, and Yolanda made a snide remark about the wine.  She has always been judgmental and dismissive of the others, and she clearly expected to be placed on some kind of pedestal even before she was sick.  She has spoken incessantly since she started on this show about real friends and Hollywood friends, and she's constantly evaluating and rating how everyone is performing as her friend.  Rarely does anyone measure up because she completely lacks awareness that she is not on some elementary school playground.  Her arrogance is laughable to me at this point because she really thinks the world revolves around her.  This is how she's always been, and it's worse now.  Not to mention that we've never seen her reach out and be a good friend to any of them.  Because she's only interested in them as far as how they relate to her.  And, as you pointed out, we also have no idea what they actually have done.  Yolanda complaining about it means nothing, because there very well may have been some really grand gestures, but she of course would deem them insufficient.  I'm far more inclined to believe that they all did reach out to her in meaningful, supportive ways.  Probably not good enough in Yo's eyes, but then nothing ever would be.


I could understand if someone was truly in need of all of the attention and fawning that Yolanda requires, but she has Daisy there, and she's also not a homeless, friendless person who has no one in the world.  She has a family, children, and far more money than most people do.  Presumably, she has actual friends too, not just her HW co-workers.  And she is the one who chose to feature her illness on a reality show.  Certainly she knows that talking about each other and their situations is a huge part of that.  Did she expect that there wouldn't be questions in light of the many inconsistencies she herself has advertised to the public?  And did she think that LisaV in particular wouldn't be concerned and confused when she heard out of the blue that Bella and Anwar also have LD?   Of course they're going to talk about it.  They talk about everything.  That's the whole premise of this type of show.  And Yolanda herself has certainly never held back from talking about the others.


Let's not forget also that, no matter what she says, she is not bedridden and dying.  She's clearly capable of ditching the white robe, putting on makeup, and going out to do whatever she wants whenever she feels like doing it.  There is nothing these women can do that will satisfy her because the scenario she wants is poor, sick Yolanda, and everyone else should come and gather round, telling her how wonderful and brave she is.  For me, the combination of someone who has so consistently lied about her medical situation and exaggerated it to ridiculous extremes combined with her judgmental and superior attitude toward everyone else doesn't make me inclined to side with her on this issue.  At all.

Edited by DebbieM4
  • Love 20

Its funny how her dig turned into all this.


Lisa V was taking a nasty dig at Eileen. That's all there was too it. It was a good one too.


That's right.  It was just a dig at Eileen.  I didn't see reason to delve any further into it.  And it was totally justified too, IMO.  


Yes, Kyle did. And when Kyle offered up her own experience with depression, Yolanda dismissed it as her disease being more than "just depression" as though depression weren't a serious illness. 


I had forgotten about that when I wrote my most recent post.  Great example!  Kyle actually was very caring and concerned, and Yo dismissed what she was saying in much the same way that she gets upset and contradicts anyone who tells her that she looks good.  There's no pleasing her.


It came off initially as if Erika was suppose to be part of the hostess duties, but she seems to be the one who wants to be waited on.  She has zip in the way of personality.  All she did was complain about how bad the trip except when she had her glam quad catering to her.


I agree. She really has no personality.  I find both of her personas to be very uninteresting.  And it really annoyed me when Kathryn opened her birthday gift, and said how happy she was with it (a wallet, I think.)  And there was Erika, chiming in with, "Oh, I have that.  You're going to love it!".  She constantly does things like that - trying to remind everyone once again of just how fabulous she is.  It's not a terrible thing to say as a one-time comment, but she does it all the time, which I find obnoxious. Just let someone else have their moment!  The whole glam squad thing is pathetic, and smacks of trying too hard.   She's just really blah and dull IMO, the exact opposite of how I'm sure she sees herself.


I don't think Lisa feels this way about women who have an affair. What I think she is saying that had she asked Eileen something like that, she would have expected/deserved the outrage from Eileen that she got all season. The fact of the matter was that she did not ask that, or anything close to it but got the same reaction from Eileen All. Season. Long.


That's exactly what I thought she was saying too.  Eileen blew this up way out of proportion for a ridiculously long amount of time.  I totally get why Lisa was so exasperated and frustrated.  Eileen carried on as though Lisa had outed Eileen's affair and proclaimed her the town whore when that's not at all what happened.

  • Love 15

I really think that Yolanda has made it pretty clear that texts, phone calls, and small gestures are not enough for her.  She is very demanding, very critical, and these people are co-workers, not even close friends.  Whatever they say, whatever they do is met with criticism.  LisaV has talked about texting Yolanda because she wanted to visit, and never got a reply.  Lisar showed up with a warm hug and a bottle of wine, and Yolanda made a snide remark about the wine.  She has always been judgmental and dismissive of the others, and she clearly expected to be placed on some kind of pedestal even before she was sick.  She has spoken incessantly since she started on this show about real friends and Hollywood friends, and she's constantly evaluating and rating how everyone is performing as her friend.  Rarely does anyone measure up because she completely lacks awareness that she is not on some elementary school playground.  Her arrogance is laughable to me at this point because she really thinks the world revolves around her.  This is how she's always been, and it's worse now.  Not to mention that we've never seen her reach out and be a good friend to any of them.  Because she's only interested in them as far as how they relate to her.  We also have no idea what they actually have done.  Yolanda complaining about it means nothing, because there very well may have been some really grand gestures, but she of course would deem them insufficient.  I'm far more inclined to believe that they all did reach out to her in meaningful, supportive ways.  Probably not good enough in Yo's eyes, but then nothing ever would be.


I could understand if someone was truly in need of all of the attention and fawning that Yolanda requires, but she has Daisy there, and she's also not a homeless, friendless person who has no one in the world.  She has a family, children, and far more money than most people do.  Presumably, she has actual friends too, not just her HW co-workers.  And she is the one who chose to feature her illness on a reality show.  Certainly she knows that talking about each other and their situations is a huge part of that.  Did she expect that there wouldn't be questions in light of the many inconsistencies she herself has advertised to the public?  And did she think that LisaV in particular wouldn't be concerned and confused when she heard out of the blue that Bella and Anwar also have LD?   Of course they're going to talk about it.  They talk about everything.  That's the whole premise of this type of show.  And Yolanda herself has certainly never held back talking about the others.


Let's not forget also that, no matter what she says, she is not bedridden and dying.  She's clearly capable of ditching the white robe, putting on makeup, and going out to do whatever she wants whenever she feels like doing it.  There is nothing these women can do that will satisfy her because the scenario she wants is poor, sick Yolanda, and everyone else should come and gather round, telling her how wonderful and brave she is.  For me, the combination of someone who has so consistently lied about her medical situation and exaggerated it to ridiculous extremes combined with her judgmental and superior attitude toward everyone else doesn't make me inclined to side with her on this issue.  At all.

Great post.


I resurrected this clip of Yolanda with her "friends"  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-6/episode-12/videos/extended-lisa-and-yolandas-argument she basically tells them she has a very different idea of support and my personal favorite, "see my brain is not working".  When Yolanda gets called out for her balderdash she reverts to the victim status.  Her brain doesn't work because the others don't agree with her and she puts out misinformation.


As far as these women coming by to see her, if she is so sick, and in bed, why does she want company?  I don't think you can have it both ways.  As you stated she both a professional staff a husband and children and a mother she bring over to keep her company.

  • Love 15

I'm just not buying the idea that people don't care about others that are ill. There are always the best and worst instances of human behavior under any circumstance, but saying that sick people are routinely abandoned isn't something I've experienced, personally, and I just don't see it  in the world. What I see are people that do care and do help. 



I don't buy it either because that hasn't been my experience.  In fact, most of the time I've seen the exact opposite - people going above and beyond, and true, genuine caring.





Trying to edit.  For some reason, this posted twice.

Edited by DebbieM4
  • Love 6

Great post.


I resurrected this clip of Yolanda with her "friends"  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-6/episode-12/videos/extended-lisa-and-yolandas-argument she basically tells them she has a very different idea of support and my personal favorite, "see my brain is not working".  When Yolanda gets called out for her balderdash she reverts to the victim status.  Her brain doesn't work because the others don't agree with her and she puts out misinformation.


As far as these women coming by to see her, if she is so sick, and in bed, why does she want company?  I don't think you can have it both ways.  As you stated she both a professional staff a husband and children and a mother she bring over to keep her company.

She has been doing that since her first reunion. As soon as someone confronts her with her own contradictions/lies/misinformation, she claims "brain fog". "brain swelling", "her brain doesn't work", "LD brain"....and the list goes on and on. No one is ever as good as she is, she is THE better friend, she is THE better wife, she is THE sickest, she is THE....whatever and no matter how you slice it, that translates that the others are all lacking/not good enough in her opinion.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 14

I really think that Yolanda has made it pretty clear that texts, phone calls, and small gestures are not enough for her.  She is very demanding, very critical, and these people are co-workers, not even close friends.  Whatever they say, whatever they do is met with criticism.  LisaV has talked about texting Yolanda because she wanted to visit, and never got a reply.  Lisar showed up with a warm hug and a bottle of wine, and Yolanda made a snide remark about the wine.  She has always been judgmental and dismissive of the others, and she clearly expected to be placed on some kind of pedestal even before she was sick.  She has spoken incessantly since she started on this show about real friends and Hollywood friends, and she's constantly evaluating and rating how everyone is performing as her friend.  Rarely does anyone measure up because she completely lacks awareness that she is not on some elementary school playground.  Her arrogance is laughable to me at this point because she really thinks the world revolves around her.  This is how she's always been, and it's worse now.  Not to mention that we've never seen her reach out and be a good friend to any of them.  Because she's only interested in them as far as how they relate to her.  And, as you pointed out, we also have no idea what they actually have done.  Yolanda complaining about it means nothing, because there very well may have been some really grand gestures, but she of course would deem them insufficient.  I'm far more inclined to believe that they all did reach out to her in meaningful, supportive ways.  Probably not good enough in Yo's eyes, but then nothing ever would be.


I could understand if someone was truly in need of all of the attention and fawning that Yolanda requires, but she has Daisy there, and she's also not a homeless, friendless person who has no one in the world.  She has a family, children, and far more money than most people do.  Presumably, she has actual friends too, not just her HW co-workers.  And she is the one who chose to feature her illness on a reality show.  Certainly she knows that talking about each other and their situations is a huge part of that.  Did she expect that there wouldn't be questions in light of the many inconsistencies she herself has advertised to the public?  And did she think that LisaV in particular wouldn't be concerned and confused when she heard out of the blue that Bella and Anwar also have LD?   Of course they're going to talk about it.  They talk about everything.  That's the whole premise of this type of show.  And Yolanda herself has certainly never held back from talking about the others.


Let's not forget also that, no matter what she says, she is not bedridden and dying.  She's clearly capable of ditching the white robe, putting on makeup, and going out to do whatever she wants whenever she feels like doing it.  There is nothing these women can do that will satisfy her because the scenario she wants is poor, sick Yolanda, and everyone else should come and gather round, telling her how wonderful and brave she is.  For me, the combination of someone who has so consistently lied about her medical situation and exaggerated it to ridiculous extremes combined with her judgmental and superior attitude toward everyone else doesn't make me inclined to side with her on this issue.  At all.

Bravo.  Great post!

  • Love 8

Uh, if I had a hunky husband at home like Donnie Edwards, why would I want to spend my birthday with a bunch of crazy bitches? I don't care what exotic location I could be in. No. Thanks.


I'm on the side with Erika's bored indifference.

But heck, it's a paycheck and a trip to a place you've never been.  I don't care how hunky a husband is, but after twelve years of marriage I don't think it's that hard to tear yourself away for week birthday or not.  But that's just me. :)

  • Love 11

The explanation for the comparison was in the piece you quoted. Someone suggested that LVP didn't bring up Vince because he's not a HW and LVP's beef is with Eileen. I was pointing out that these details didn't stop LVP before when she had beef with Kyle. LVP gladly put Mauricio's name in l.

Actally it didn't explain anything. I was pointing out the reason LVP didn't have a problem brining Mauricio into a fight because she has known him for years and is FRIENDS WITH HIM,

  • Love 4

Actally it didn't explain anything. I was pointing out the reason LVP didn't have a problem brining Mauricio into a fight because she has known him for years and is FRIENDS WITH HIM,

Actually, it did.

Although, it doesn't make sense to me that LVP would "spare" dragging Vince through the same judgment because she doesn't know him while she has no problem judging Eileen whom she has known for the same length of time she's known Vince. But OK. As I said earlier, I'm through with this. I'm about to go enjoy my Saturday.

  • Love 1

Actually, it did.

Although, it doesn't make sense to me that LVP would "spare" dragging Vince through the same judgment because she doesn't know him while she has no problem judging Eileen whom she has known for the same length of time she's known Vince. But OK. As I said earlier, I'm through with this. I'm about to go enjoy my Saturday.

I will agree to disagree but LVP didn't "spare" bringing Vince into it, she doesnt knpe him. You compared it with her bringing Mo into her fight Kylem but she knows and is friends with Mauricio . Why would she ever reach out to Vince. Eileen hates her and Vince doesn't know her. Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 3

Actally it didn't explain anything. I was pointing out the reason LVP didn't have a problem brining Mauricio into a fight because she has known him for years and is FRIENDS WITH HIM,

Yikes! She was some friend to Mauricio that season. For Vince's sake, let's hope he never gets to the place where LVP considers him a friend. Often it doesn't end well.

Again, the initial point of the post was simply in response to someone saying that the only reason Vince wasn't thought of as a man-whore and judged as such, is that he is a not a HW. LVP wouldn't have a reason to express her opinions about him because of this. The commentator mentioned nothing about friendships.

  • Love 1

Again, the initial point of the post was simply in response to someone saying that the only reason Vince wasn't thought of as a man-whore and judged as such, is that he is a not a HW. LVP wouldn't have a reason to express her opinions about him because of this. The commentator mentioned nothing about friendships.

That isn't the post I was responding to. I was responding to someone wondering why LVP didn't bring Vince into her fight with Eileen when she had no problem being Mauricio into her fight with Kyle in the past.

Edited by biakbiak

Yikes! She was some friend to Mauricio that season. For Vince's sake, let's hope he never gets to the place where LVP considers him a friend. Often it doesn't end well.

Again, the initial point of the post was simply in response to someone saying that the only reason Vince wasn't thought of as a man-whore and judged as such, is that he is a not a HW. LVP wouldn't have a reason to express her opinions about him because of this. The commentator mentioned nothing about friendships.

I may be misremembering, but didn't Mauricio involve himself in the drama? I haven't seen Vince at any of the gatherings.

I think LVP's confusion came from Kyle and Mo's over the top defense of Adrienne while they said nothing to defend her against Adrienne's accusations. As it turned out, Kyle admitted she wasn't close friends with Adrienne.

Not saying she was right. But Lisa went at Mo because he was part of the show. Vince? Not so much.

  • Love 6

Actually, it did.

Although, it doesn't make sense to me that LVP would "spare" dragging Vince through the same judgment because she doesn't know him while she has no problem judging Eileen whom she has known for the same length of time she's known Vince. But OK. As I said earlier, I'm through with this. I'm about to go enjoy my Saturday.


Eileen was the one who was all up in LisaV's face, not Vince.  He's barely even on LisaV's radar.  She hasn't known Eileen very long and barely knows Vince, whereas she has known Kyle & Mauricio for a long time.  She knows Eileen pretty much as an individual, but she knows Kyle as a part of a couple, as a wife, mother, etc.  She & Kyle have socialized together, with their husbands, for years, and definitely have a closeness.  Eileen is simply a co-worker.  It's an entirely different dynamic.


I don't see it as "sparing" Vince at all.  She was focusing on Eileen, the one who was causing her grief.  And she was saying that she might as well have said what Eileen is accusing her of because she's now being blamed for that.  She took issue with the way Eileen misrepresented what actually happened.  That was her point.

  • Love 9

Who is LVP talking about in her blog when she mentions a c-list actress leaving the table in tears? Herself in PR a couple of years ago when the accusations hit too close to home? Is she referring to when Lisar left after getting emotional about her mother? LVP didn't seem to understand why the talk made her cry, and it had to be explained to her by Kyle. LVP does seem to lack some type of empathy. Kyle was just as mad at Lisar for different reasons, but she was clear about why Lisar would be emotional. LVP, not so much. God Bless Kyle, but it would be hard to be friends with LVP. Kyle seems to have just the right temperment for it.


I thought she was referencing Eileen's completely over the top dramatical soap opera style storming off from the boat dinner table.  If that wasn't some C-list action, I don't know what is.


Off topic-why does it take three people?  I would think she could find someone who could do hair and make-up.  What does the third guy do?  


Puts the lookbook together and picks out purses that aren't quite right for shopping at the souk?

  • Love 6

Hail to Yolanda, the healthiest sick person I've ever seen.  She can travel all over the world, just fine & and dandy.  Me?  I'm exhausted going back & forth on the shuttle from NYC to Boston.  Holy moly, I am soooo sick & tired of her crapola, I totally stopped watching a few eps ago.  Watched this one & remembered why I stopped watching.  This show just sucks now.  It really does.


And what exactly do you want these people to do, Yo?  Stand over you & shake their heads & say poor poor you?  Sheesh, you know what?  Fuck off, Yo.  Seriously, FUCK THE FUCKETY FUCK OFF!  I am just so sick of your shit now.  How dare you generalize & say people don't care about the sick.  It's not true.  Get the fuck out of your self-absorbed world & stop hanging with lunatics like Brandi & Kim Richards.  Your statements, Yo, were highly offensive to those of us who have cared for our sick relatives/friends/neighbors.  Not everyone is like Lisa Rinna, who pretty much threw away & ignored her elderly sick parents.  God, I really hate this show now.  I'm done for this season, thanks.


Btw, they've been in Dubai way, way, way too long.  I'm not that interested.  It's boring as hell by this point.  I can't even follow WTF they're fighting about anymore.  Get new scriptwriters, Satan Andy!   As much as I can't stand Bethenny & her fuckin' nastiness, I'll watch her stale/scripted jokes over this shit.

  • Love 7

Hail to Yolanda, the healthiest sick person I've ever seen.  She can travel all over the world, just fine & and dandy.  Me?  I'm exhausted going back & forth on the shuttle from NYC to Boston.  Holy moly, I am soooo sick & tired of her crapola, I totally stopped watching a few eps ago.  Watched this one & remembered why I stopped watching.  This show just sucks now.  It really does.


And what exactly do you want these people to do, Yo?  Stand over you & shake their heads & say poor poor you?  Sheesh, you know what?  Fuck off, Yo.  Seriously, FUCK THE FUCKETY FUCK OFF!  I am just so sick of your shit now.  How dare you generalize & say people don't care about the sick.  It's not true.  Get the fuck out of your self-absorbed world & stop hanging with lunatics like Brandi & Kim Richards.  Your statements, Yo, were highly offensive to those of us who have cared for our sick relatives/friends/neighbors.  Not everyone is like Lisa Rinna, who pretty much threw away & ignored her elderly sick parents.  God, I really hate this show now.  I'm done for this season, thanks.


Btw, they've been in Dubai way, way, way too long.  I'm not that interested.  It's boring as hell by this point.  I can't even follow WTF they're fighting about anymore.  Get new scriptwriters, Satan Andy!   As much as I can't stand Bethenny & her fuckin' nastiness, I'll watch her stale/scripted jokes over this shit.



Well said, LOL!  It is infuriating to watch her expect those around her to behave as she demands.  


Rinna's anger would be well placed if directed at Yo.  And why are you, LVP, so timid about addressing your issues with Yo's drama and self absorption?   This script should be flipped.  Yo is holding them all hostage.  LVP is protecting her reputation and businesses at all times.  Speaking out against someone who has a lot of viewer support for her "illness" is something she clearly will not do.  


Rinna, on the other hand, why don't you go after Yo and stop trying to pull others in?  You have valid points to make and nothing to lose!  You have already lost all credibility so just go for it!      

  • Love 7

Eileen does know she can't get an Emmy for this shit, right? Freak.


God Bless Kyle, but it would be hard to be friends with LVP.

Kyle is besties with TMCFR. Compared to cozying up to that viper, being friends with Lisa should be a relaxing walk in the park.

"With hindsight, after seeing so much nastiness where I have never retaliated, I would have asked her how she felt screwing some other woman’s husband. That actually, in retrospect, speaks volumes."




  • Love 11

Eileen does know she can't get an Emmy for this shit, right? Freak.


Kyle is besties with TMCFR. Compared to cozying up to that viper, being friends with Lisa should be a relaxing walk in the park.






Who is this person TMCFR?    LOL@  "Eileen does know she can't get an Emmy for this shit, right? Freak."

Edited by wings707

I think this show has revealed something very negative about the core of Lisar , she will throw anyone under the bus at the drop of a hat. She and Kyle go back a long way and yet she continued to discuss Kim ( who isn't even on the show!) despite knowing it was upsetting Kyle, the whole Harry and the dildo conversation which only served to reignite the Harry is gay rumour, and blamed her elderly dad for now being so outspoken ( my voice wasn't heard!). Lisa may be manipulative but her hands are tied in going after Yo because of her LOYALTY to Mohammad.

I agree with the poster ( sorry I can't find the post to give full credit) who said Lisa and Kyle had a laugh at Yo's pictures ( as did we all, they are fucking ridiculous) but Lisar came up with munchausens all on her own. I think Kyle's outrage at the Dubai dinner made that very clear. Lisa throws out her psychological buzz words to the point where they have lost all meaning. she doesn't seem to realize there is a vast difference between saying someone is ridiculous and inconsistent and suggesting they have a psychiatric diagnosis. One means you are an attention whore and the other is a full on mental illness. Rinna is comparing apples and oranges and hoping we don't notice. Or maybe she doesn't even notice herself.

  • Love 8

For some reason I got into a youtube frame of mind and began to watch motorcycle videos - motorycle stunts and crashes.


One thing about riding a motorcycle is that there are two kinds of riders, the ones that  haven' been run over and the ones waiting for their turn?


Same thing with friends - the ones that haven't thrown you under the bus and......you got it - the ones that will open the door and give you a helpful boot in the ass, so you land in the gutter in front of the rear wheels.


Personally? I'd like to be thrown under the bus before I even get on, there is nothing like jumping on the bus, getting off and having your ass run over far away from home?

What does the third guy do? 


Best guess: Erika’s tendency to fetishize gay men and treat them like the human equivalent of beloved

purse dogs has lured an undercover reporter, The Third Guy,  to join her squad -- so he can gather material for the new

Logo show,  “What Would Queer You (and Allies) Do?” – while glamming her into living Bratz doll status.

But don’t quote me! I’m not fabulous enough to quote!

Edited by film noire

I'm several days, episodes late and many dollars short, but holy and unholy hell, I've gone down a hole reading articles about Dubai and am genuinely, snark-free horrified and appalled by the showcasing of this place on my beloved shitshow of a TV show.  (I was sick, watched 'Syriana,' thumbs up, and then a RHOBH repeat, and then...)   Yes, I know one can't expect a bunch of materialistic, back-stabbing, bus-throwing-under Juvaderm and pink wine addicts to think about shit besides their own most selfish self-interest, and yes I 'knew' but didn't read much in terms of nitty-gritty detail and - this is a place fit only for the transactional Erika Jayne types.  YMMV but I'm tossing in some links, some older than others, for any interested night owls.  Grim reading.















  • Love 4

I don't buy it either because that hasn't been my experience.  In fact, most of the time I've seen the exact opposite - people going above and beyond, and true, genuine caring.



Trying to edit.  For some reason, this posted twice.

Sad but I've seen it plenty AND lived it. However some people are a bit more in tune with the undertones, the avoidance, and the routine. I think I notice it more often because I point out even the most well meaning of people. Even the one's that do put forth an effort a lot of the time do so sparingly and there is usually an expiration date.  Some have more endurance and can hang in longer and some are actually watching the clock until they've fulfilled what they feel is an adequately time frame of "concern" but more often than not the numbers fade. And that's okay too cause that's life but I don't think someone should be villanized because they have the audacity to express their opinions on the topic in general and with specific people in their lives. I just don't think that what Yolanda is putting out there this season is all that much of a stretch and I feel she has every right to feel this way. She's the one the is in their presence, can feel the energy, the undertones, the authenticity of their actions. Basically she is the one that is in a better position to experience a lot of their behavior in it's full context. From what I've just seen on my TV a lot of the behaviors and actions warrant her disappointment so I can only imagine just how much more powerful the body language and vibe was while actually being in their presence and interacting with them.


Watching it unfold depresses the hell out of me. The same way it depressed the hell out of me when Kim was the subject. I just don't see the point in them being so ugly towards one another. Cattiness, okay but when it's so ruthless and thoughtless and on and on and on.. For a reality show? Really? It just makes me so damn sad.


I'm not confused, I'm asking, what do you want them to do?

I explained in detail what I feel constitutes genuine effort. It sounds to me that they didn't really reach that level of authenticity. Now I can be wrong but I haven't seen anything to suggest that they did. At least not to the level where it reaches the level of dedicated friendship. I can easily believe that some of if was just them going through the motions of being "concerned" friends. Especially with this crowd.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 2

^ agreed. Dubai, not even once.

The entire place is a lie on a scale different than any other place I've ever read about.  Erica's hunties are very lucky - they and the Housewives must have been there around when Doughty Street and other lawyers prevented the extradition of a gay Briton accused of theft because there could be no assurance of his human rights while imprisoned awaiting 'trial.'  Also around the time, I think, of their trip, the ruler's son died of a 'heart attack' (many, many reports of steroids, coke etc., since it's not super common for 33 year olds with tremendous $$$$$ and a rep for being 'sportsmen' die of a coronary event) and there were 3 days of quasi-mandatory mourning.  What a disgusting fucking place for anyone besides the wealthiest emiratis and expats deliberately ignoring the reality for subcontinental workers, gays, the poor, women after being assaulted....I can't think of a place successfully courting movie stars to sell their (awesome-looking, I get that part) airlines and some of the wealthiest women in this country to ooh at their just-built-on-slave labor hotels.  And the country and particular emirate has a literal P.R. shill out to shut down voices, and make the voiceless labor class disappear.  That's a little Dubai rillness for Erika, who thought a roach on a caftan would be the 'reality' slapping the 'bitches.'  I get the sense she knew or knows a little more about the underbelly of Dubai than the rest for some reason, and doesn't care.  Who knows.  Ugh.

  • Love 7

Sad but I've seen it plenty AND lived it. However some people are a bit more in tune with the undertones, the avoidance, and the routine. I think I notice it more often because I point out even the most well meaning of people. Even the one's that do put forth an effort a lot of the time do so sparingly and there is usually an expiration date.  Some have more endurance and can hang in longer and some are actually watching the clock until they've fulfilled what they feel is an adequately time frame of "concern" but more often than not the numbers fade. And that's okay too cause that's life but I don't think someone should be villanized because they have the audacity to express their opinions on the topic in general and with specific people in their lives. I just don't think that what Yolanda is putting out there this season is all that much of a stretch and I feel she has every right to feel this way. She's the one the is in their presence, can feel the energy, the undertones, the authenticity of their actions. Basically she is the one that is in a better position to experience a lot of their behavior in it's full context. From what I've just seen on my TV a lot of the behaviors and actions warrant her disappointment so I can only imagine just how much more powerful the body language and vibe was while actually being in their presence and interacting with them.


Watching it unfold depresses the hell out of me. The same way it depressed the hell out of me when Kim was the subject. I just don't see the point in them being so ugly towards one another. Cattiness, okay but when it's so ruthless and thoughtless and on and on and on.. For a reality show? Really? It just makes me so damn sad.

Everything Yolanda has put out this season has been calculating, big time calculating. Starting with her announcing the separation the day of the first episode, to her filing for divorce midway through the season to

her finally revealing it during the final episode tomorrow night

. She has been very calculated with everything she has done, including accusing some of the other cast members of not being there for her. The reality is, they can't be there for her if she doesn't allow them to be and I do believe she has shut them out on purpose, she wants them all to look bad so that she looks better. Like her comment about LisaV not being supportive because she didn't go to NY for the LD Gala even though Yolanda was well aware that production scheduled her to go to London to get her passport renewed at the same time as the Gala, a producer went with Lisa, it was filmed.  

  • Love 8

Well said, LOL!  It is infuriating to watch her expect those around her to behave as she demands.  


I don't know but I see nothing wrong with people asserting themselves and demanding an environment that jives with their needs. We all should do it. Sick, healthy, old, young. Pick and choose who gets you and don't be shy to point out the one's that don't. Obviously Yolanda has people that it works for and some that it doesn't. I don't care that Kim and Brandi fit in and it works. Fine, they obviously annoy other people so I think when people find others they can jive with then so be it. Yolanda has been sharing her journey, speaking on it etc. etc. etc. but at the same time she isn't bombarding the others with it. THEY are receiving information from different sources including Yolanda. THEY are the one's making it something that affects THEM when in all honesty it really DOESN'T. Who are the true offenders here. A women who is managing her illness whatever crack pot way she wants and expressing it with others or the nosey, gossipy harpies who want to discuss it among themselves, barely with Yolanda and become enraged by it all? It's maddening to think that this really all started because people were being snarky and nasty behind the scenes about Yolanda, her illness and her fucking instagram!! INSTAGRAM and somehow it's turned into Yolanda is this horrible horrible person because she has no problem checking the childish behavior. Yes, she scolds them and puts them on notice but let's review where all of Yolanda's "vitrol" was in response to:


-Unnecessary and therefore IMO meanspirited chatter about her selfies. (Really are we teenagers? Selfies for crying out loud)

-Gossip about her children. Not gonna get into the whole no one said anything "bad" however it was still gossiping about her children. And that's enough for this mamabear to be ready a check a bitch. Period.

-Munchies. Enough said about that

-SHE was confronted about missing Erika's party so any response she had was well within her right to give cause she wasn't even going to bring it up.

-People being ENRAGED. <eye roll>

-Others not letting the issue between LisaR and Yo drop. (Um that's called instagating)


Look Yolanda may be whatever it is she is but for the most part she's been a target of the other ladies not the other way around. Her biggest offense was that she had just as many annoying qualities as any other average housewife, more or less, and it came out at times which is why she was freaking cast. Now she's dealing with a sickness and somehow this pushes her over into some other level of infamous? I amazed that Yolanda having standards for friendships is such a sore spot. I applaud her standard for measurement and I think the reason I'm not so outraged by this is because I do believe that she can and does offer the same in return for those she feels are genuine friends to her. I personally don't think her standards are too high.

Everything Yolanda has put out this season has been calculating, big time calculating. Starting with her announcing the separation the day of the first episode, to her filing for divorce midway through the season to

her finally revealing it during the final episode tomorrow night

. She has been very calculated with everything she has done, including accusing some of the other cast members of not being there for her. The reality is, they can't be there for her if she doesn't allow them to be and I do believe she has shut them out on purpose, she wants them all to look bad so that she looks better. Like her comment about LisaV not being supportive because she didn't go to NY for the LD Gala even though Yolanda was well aware that production scheduled her to go to London to get her passport renewed at the same time as the Gala, a producer went with Lisa, it was filmed.  

Not saying that she has ceased to be a reality show participant. I don't doubt the part of her that garnered a place on the show is alive and well. LOL.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 1

I don't know but I see nothing wrong with people asserting themselves and demanding an environment that jives with their needs. We all should do it. Sick, healthy, old, young. Pick and choose who gets you and don't be shy to point out the one's that don't. Obviously Yolanda has people that it works for and some that it doesn't. I don't care that Kim and Brandi fit in and it works. Fine, they obviously annoy other people so I think when people find others they can jive with then so be it. Yolanda has been sharing her journey, speaking on it etc. etc. etc. but at the same time she isn't bombarding the others with it. THEY are receiving information from different sources including Yolanda. THEY are the one's making it something that affects THEM when in all honesty it really DOESN'T. Who are the true offenders here. A women who is managing her illness whatever crack pot way she wants and expressing it with others or the nosey, gossipy harpies who want to discuss it among themselves, barely with Yolanda and become enraged by it all? It's maddening to think that this really all started because people were being snarky and nasty behind the scenes about Yolanda, her illness and her fucking instagram!! INSTAGRAM and somehow it's turned into Yolanda is this horrible horrible person because she has no problem checking the childish behavior. Yes, she scolds them and puts them on notice but let's review where all of Yolanda's "vitrol" was in response to:


-Unnecessary and therefore IMO meanspirited chatter about her selfies. (Really are we teenagers? Selfies for crying out loud)

-Gossip about her children. Not gonna get into the whole no one said anything "bad" however it was still gossiping about her children. And that's enough for this mamabear to be ready a check a bitch. Period.

-Munchies. Enough said about that

-SHE was confronted about missing Erika's party so any response she had was well within her right to give cause she wasn't even going to bring it up.

-People being ENRAGED. <eye roll>

-Others not letting the issue between LisaR and Yo drop. (Um that's called instagating)


Look Yolanda may be whatever it is she is but for the most part she's been a target of the other ladies not the other way around. Her biggest offense was that she had just as many annoying qualities as any other average housewife, more or less, and it came out at times which is why she was freaking cast. Now she's dealing with a sickness and somehow this pushes her over into some other level of infamous? I amazed that Yolanda having standards for friendships is such a sore spot. I applaud her standard for measurement and I think the reason I'm not so outraged by this is because I do believe that she can and does offer the same in return for those she feels are genuine friends to her. I personally don't think her standards are too high.

Not saying that she has ceased to be a reality show participant. I don't doubt the part of her that garnered a place on the show is alive and well. LOL.

But they aren't "friends", Yolanda is not friends with LisaV, Kyle, Rinna or Kathryn and never has been. They are co-workers and nothing more and for her to keep snipping at them about how she determines friendship is ridiculous and again, it is a calculated move especially since she is using her "illness" as the ruler to measure them by and beat them with it. 


None of the women "gossiped" about her kids, she made a startling announcement about 2 of them being seriously ill which took them all by surprise, especially LisaV who is close to them in real life. I see nothing wrong about Lisa talking to Mohammed, their father, her real friend about what Yolanda announced on the show and there was nothing nefarious in what Lisa said that he told her.

Her sicki selfies are laughable IMO. And that is because we all know she is lying about the extent of her illness and the claims she has made on her social media pages.

I also disagree that Yolanda has been a "target' and that she never targets the others. Yolanda has targeted LisaV several times this season alone and she gets on her high horse when anyone asks her any questions. She says they can ask her but them says a "real" friend wouldn't ask. She can't have it both ways.


And, NO, Yolanda doesn't get to dictate how the others should to be there for her, they all have lives, very busy lives that include their own families and some have  business they need to attend every. single. day., unlike Yolanda, who doesn't work outside of filming this show.

  • Love 15

I'm several days, episodes late and many dollars short, but holy and unholy hell, I've gone down a hole reading articles about Dubai and am genuinely, snark-free horrified and appalled by the showcasing of this place on my beloved shitshow of a TV show.  (I was sick, watched 'Syriana,' thumbs up, and then a RHOBH repeat, and then...)   Yes, I know one can't expect a bunch of materialistic, back-stabbing, bus-throwing-under Juvaderm and pink wine addicts to think about shit besides their own most selfish self-interest, and yes I 'knew' but didn't read much in terms of nitty-gritty detail and - this is a place fit only for the transactional Erika Jayne types.  YMMV but I'm tossing in some links, some older than others, for any interested night owls.  Grim reading.











Wow.  I know it is bad over there but these articles added more horror.   Clearly the filming took place totally in the hotel complex and property (jeep ride).   Why even bother to go there?  


ETA.  I know why.  Everything was paid for by their tourist department.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 8


I don't know but I see nothing wrong with people asserting themselves and demanding an environment that jives with their needs.


We create the environment that we desire and need.  That is our responsibility and that comes down to how we treat others.  It never works to demand anything from anyone.  Be the person who draws support to you.  What you put out comes back to you.  

  • Love 13

Wow.  I know it is bad over there but these articles added more horror.   Clearly the filming took place totally in the hotel complex and property (jeep ride).   Why even bother to go there?  


ETA.  I know why.  Everything was paid for by their tourist department.  

The Independent article is infamous, as the journalist was found to have plagiarized lots of other work.  However, the overall picture is beyond grim, and the HW's visit is part of that problem: there is very little preexisting what we'd call culture there, since it's like Disney for adults but with limited access to liquor.  The emirate is sustained on trying to get Western business and tourists to come, and the hotels and restaurants are built and run on people who are in practical terms so grossly underpaid that months if not years of work are unpaid, have their passports confiscated, and literally cannot escape.  So meals, rooms with giant fish tanks, mall excursions - most of what they did and like, since they are dull as fuck and want to swan around - are all part of the problem.  It's not like a place with a 'dark side.'  Everything they did, saw, enjoyed is part of the fundamental problem - not like going to parts of South East Asia to see temples and spend in hotels, bars and restaurants while worrying your tourist dollars support child sex traffickers when there is no direct connection, and where there you are seeing things, living in hotel rooms and eating meals built and prepped in real time by people who are being precluded from leaving by having their papers stolen from them, who cannot go to their consulates, and are trafficked to and from slave-level work in the areas beyond the falcons and ubermalls.  Staying in that regime is the regime's literal business plan.  There has been a massive, very well-funded effort to keep this from being a truly known thing.


It's so fucked that there needs to be another word for it, and 'there's bad things happening everywhere' is facile as hell and doesn't cut it IMO.  If any of the HW's looked into things, who knows if they did, read a bit and still enthusiastically went, that's a very telling thing.

Edited by Midnight Cheese
  • Love 7

I read that Yolanda and David's divorce was partly due to their families not getting along. I saw a clip of David, Yo, and her kids on a red carpet event where they were standing together for photos and David acted like he could not, would not allow his hand to touch Gigi. She was shrugging him off as well. Very, very awkward!

David is a tool, but he is in a difficult spot- he looks like the bad guy no matter how you spin it. Allegedly, he disliked all the drama Yolanda brought to their marriage, particularly regarding her illness.

Usually when one goes through a life changing illness, all the bullshit is stripped away when one realizes how truly short life is. That is why I reject the notion that Yo was that ill. I do think she had/has health and emotional problems, but not at the scale she claims.

  • Love 4

I read that Yolanda and David's divorce was partly due to their families not getting along. I saw a clip of David, Yo, and her kids on a red carpet event where they were standing together for photos and David acted like he could not, would not allow his hand to touch Gigi. She was shrugging him off as well. Very, very awkward!

David is a tool, but he is in a difficult spot- he looks like the bad guy no matter how you spin it. Allegedly, he disliked all the drama Yolanda brought to their marriage, particularly regarding her illness.

Usually when one goes through a life changing illness, all the bullshit is stripped away when one realizes how truly short life is. That is why I reject the notion that Yo was that ill. I do think she had/has health and emotional problems, but not at the scale she claims.

I am sure if a poll was conducted among David and Yolanda's friends David would come out on top.  Many people in the music and entertainment business really, really like him.  He has relatives in other forms of entertainment, his SIL is ranked professional tennis player, his daughter is a song writer and two of them have their own reality show.  He was at the Jenner boy's wedding, which shows me he manages to remain civil to the children he married into.  David visited Gigi and Bella in Paris and posed for photos.  I think he cares very much for his brood and extended brood.  He may be arrogant but I always feel like he didn't get the woman Yolanda portrayed herself to be.  The phony voice she uses when she sees people, like the folks in her suite at the Lyme Gala, she uses the same with her kids and Brandi and Kim.  "B"!!!!, what a great nickname for Brandi, how original.  She has never shown the others any such fawning.  I personally think David fell in love with the woman who worshipped him and found out very quickly she wasn't the person she pretended to be.   


Yolanda oversold David as the best husband, and they were the only ones with a romantic relationship, the composer and the model, the most successful. When Yolanda could not have made Joyce, Michael, Kyle and Mauricio any more uncomfortable, David was the one who asked Mauricio about his day, he asked Joyce to give a toast in her native tongue.  The fact that he did not address the other assholes at the table his wife, LVP, Ken and Brandi was very restrained on his part. David on the other hand seemed pretty open about his busted marriages.  He was always respectful to her on camera, until he made the tits joke.  I think at some point, when he moved out in early 2015, he was willing to put his life on hold so Yolanda could continue her perfect marriage storyline.  It is very strange we go from the two of them getting down to make lemonade two weeks ago, to Yolanda announcing the end of their marriage.   Just so phony.  I will say it is not the first time Foster ha phonied it up for Bravo cameras.  For some bizarre reason his third wife was invited to LVP's vow renewal and she faked the everything is lovely between the two of us.

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Yolanda was the first to make that joke, he just repeated it in fun and she knew that.  She said I am a titless, brainless, and toothless wonder.  

Oh I meant the one where he was talking to LVP on the phone and David said Ken's tits were better and bigger.  I agree she did bring up the various mutilations she was subjecting herself to, and apparently the concept of wearing a bra escapes her.

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