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I've watched the first 2 episodes. I will probably watch the rest, but I can't say I love it. It's very uneven between the funny and serious. I love Danny Masterson so I'll stick with it, but I hope it improves.

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Yeah the laugh track actually made me jump the first time it kicked in, it was so out of left field - and I usually don't even notice them unless someone else points them out. It's not a bad show at all though apart from that, and I'll probably watch the whole season. 

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Debra DOES have nice legs, I agree, but if she knew that she'd run into Cole before his game then she could have put on a pair of shorts or something; I found it a bit creepy.


Ashton is so damn handsome.  


It was pleasant enough...

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Just got done watching the first episode, I figured I'd give it a try - other than having watched the trailer, I knew nothing about it, but the trailer hadn't impressed me much.

Anyway, I enjoyed the first episode, but as others have said, the laugh track didn't sit right. I kind of got used to it by the end, but I feel it would work better without the laugh track/pauses for reaction. The actual set up felt solid, to me. I liked the characters and the story (even though it's not exactly groundbreaking).

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I binge-watched yesterday.  I found it to have pretty clever comedic writing, but a fairly predictable story line.  I kept thinking there must be some really compelling reason to get all this great talent on board, other than your run of the mill sitcom.  Gratuitous use of the "F" word seemed a bit over the top.  Muscle Milk = product placement much?

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I'm on episode 9 now and the only thing I don't like about it is that godawful sound track, which the show does not need because it's not a network-formula sitcom.  (I don't know how to describe what I mean - you know how most sitcoms are "line, line, HAHAHA, line, line, pause, line, HOHOHO"?)  I think the dialogue is clever, the actors are good at delivering it without being all actor-y, and I love the set.  True that the storyline isn't groundbreaking so far (I say as someone who watched the entire series of McLeod's Daughters), but unlike some shows that do have "groundbreaking" storylines I don't feel like this is a draining chore to watch.  So I hope they get a second season.

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I binge-watched yesterday. I found it to have pretty clever comedic writing, but a fairly predictable story line. I kept thinking there must be some really compelling reason to get all this great talent on board, other than your run of the mill sitcom. Gratuitous use of the "F" word seemed a bit over the top.


I hardly even notice swear words these days, but my overall reaction was "...and?" I agree it seems like a waste of talent, and also about calling the laughs/comedy "uneven." I think I liked Masterson's character the most, which probably wasn't the intention.

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This is, objectively, not a good show. It's hackneyed, the swearing is gratuitous and somewhat jarring since it's, in every other way, a TV Land-caliber, incredibly traditional sitcom. It seems to be desperately trolling for Red State viewers, but aren't those the same folks who prefer their TV shows "clean"? Also, the cliffhanger endings in the finale are woefully unearned, in a complete lack of character development/taking itself way too seriously sort of way.


The weird thing is, despite all of the above, I watched the whole thing. Chalk this up to my mother's childhood reverence for Sam Elliot and Debra Winger perhaps?

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Liking this more than I thought I would. It's not a much watch a 2nd season for me, but it was an enjoyable way to pass a couple of evenings in a hotel room on a business trip. I adore Sam Elliott. I've enjoyed Ashton in everything he's been in (except for Punk'd) - I think his role could get a little deeper, but it's fun as it is. As far as Danny Masterson, I find his character funny, but he sure is a one note actor. It's just "Hyde on a ranch". 

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Gratuitous use of the "F" word seemed a bit over the top.

Yeah, especially in later episodes. I don't mind swearing and think it's somewhat realistic, but cussing and a laughtrack is oddly jarring.


It's just "Hyde on a ranch".

I can see this after having watched all the episodes. Maybe Stephen Hyde (who would be in his 50s now) can be Debra Winger's long-lost brother and they can do some weird stunt casting or something in Season 2. I'm stretching I know.


I grew to really like Heather and I like the actress playing her mom. I've had a crush on Brett Harrison since Grounded for Life, so I hope they develop the "world" more (assuming there is another season) and keep these other townies around.


I'm not a fan of Debra Winger - I just don't think she has much range, but she has good chemistry with all the cast. And Beau has been hit-or-miss for me (even though I like Sam Elliott) but the look on his face when he saw the trailer gone was so heart-breaking.

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Going into this series pretty cold with no idea what to expect, I have to admit, when I heard the laugh track for a pretty dumb joke, I thought it was a spoof on the traditional sitcom. I had to pause and look up the series to see what I had gotten myself into. I somehow managed to watch an entire season without feeling like I wasted my time, though, no matter how much the setup sounds like something I would normally avoid. I would watch a 2nd season.


I didn't so much mind the swearing, because I've got a definite potty mouth and feel like it's a little more true to life. It's the butts I found a little jarring (mostly/solely Ashton Kutcher's, right?). And the pushing down of pants/underwear prior to having sex. Apparently Colt doesn't use a condom? The heck!


Toward the end, I liked Heather and her family so much more than Colt, Rooster, or Colt's ex-girlfriend. In a perfect world, I think Heather and her family would be the main focus, with Colt, Rooster, and everyone except Sam Elliott as the loony characters peppered in to give the town a little more flavor.

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The show isn't terrible, but there's a lot of work that needs to be done. The laugh track needs to go, and the swearing needs to be more natural. I don't know how to describe it. There's just something jarring about the moments when the characters throw out an f bomb. Like someone else mentioned, it might be because of the traditional sitcom (with the fake sets) look the show has.


Sam Elliott's character definitely needs to be developed more, and I think it'll happen in the next season, going by the trailer scene. Now that I think of it, the development of each major character varies too much. Rooster and Sam never go anywhere, Maggie doesn't go anywhere either but she's warm and likeable the way she is, Colt and Abby grow up a little, and Heather changes quite a bit. I enjoy most of the characters. It's just that they're so predictable. Gotta change it up for the next season.

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I got through about 10 minutes of the first episode before turning it off. I want to like it though. So, I decided to come here and ask if the laugh track situation either gets better or if you just stop noticing it at some point. Because the laugh track had more lines than the 3 characters put together in that first scene and I just couldn't. 

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I just finished binge watching the first 10 episodes and I must say, after seeing the pilot I would not have imagined that Heather of all people would turn out to be the only character on the show you can root for, by virtue of being the only named character who isn't a complete asshole. 

ETA: And no, Kenny doesn't count because he hasn't had enough screen time to be more than just a prop.  

Edited by AzureOwl
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I started watching this show and hated the first ten minutes, but I was cleaning so I kept letting it play......and now I'm on episode seven and I'm hooked. What the heck? 

The bad - like everyone else here, I hate the laugh track. It's distracting and unnecessary, and it makes me feel like I'm watching a sitcom from the TGIF lineup. It reminds me of the first season of Sports Night, when the laugh track was so distracting. I also think the dialogue is uneven - there are moments that feel completely original and inspired.....but then they're followed by jokes that are hackneyed and too easy. And I agree that the F word is distracting most of the time - like they're just using it to prove they can. The only time it's felt right to me so far was in the duck blind episode....when the boys were walking home and Colt called Rooster a "fucking idiot" or something of that nature; it felt completely natural. There are places where the cursing sounds 'right'.....like when they talk about "shoveling shit" - that sounds like something every guy I know says - but then there are other places where it pulls me right out of the story.

The good - Ashton Kutcher is totally charming. And the best thing about him as a performer is that he seems to know how charming he is, and he's cool with it. I love the entire cast, and think they're all a good fit. Debra Winger is awesome, and I love the fact that her character is such a strong woman - Maggie really holds her own among her testosterone-filled family. Another thing I noticed was the wardrobe - it's perfect. I live in a small town, farming community, and the characters on this show dress exactly like the people I know. Also, great job by the set decorator - the Bennett house looks just like the inside of every farmhouse I've ever been in - I love that. And one final detail that I love....everyone calls him Rooster except his mom, who calls him Jameson - that's sweet.

So, I'm in. But for next season they need to lose the laughtrack and figure out the dialogue.

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I watched 1 1/2 eps on the treadmill this morning.  Good treadmill fare.  I love all the actors, and I'll stick with it, even though as someone says above it's like a TVLand sitcom.  I was a fan of Hot In Cleveland, though--again for the amazing cast.

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I think everybody covered the weird tonal issues, but the thing I found most jarring was Elisha Cuthbert's role.  She is one of the funniest actresses on the planet and the only thing they have her do is be the nagging ex-girlfriend. In a show with a lot of wasted talent, she has to be the most wasted.

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Finished season 1b.  Liked it for what it is... something easy going, cheesy, whatever you want to call it.  I enjoyed the addition of Wilmer Valderrama and wish that Mila Kunis would have done the weather girl role as a cameo just for kicks. 

My favourite by far is Sam Elliot.  

Will be watching season 2.

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Well, I guess I'm a dork.  I laughed out loud several times in Part 2 of season 1.  I enjoyed it, despite the bad reviews.  I love Sam Elliott & Danny Masterson the most.  The dialogue just cracks me up.  I love when the brothers imitate their Dad.  

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Binged it. Not a masterpiece, but better than the reviews suggest. 

The good: Sam Elliott and everything about him. I really hope they keep his new lady friend platonic. I love that she puts him in his place and he actually respects her opinion and sass. But since this is a pretty stereotypical sitcom, I'm sure it'll turn into a romance. I also loved Kenny getting the hot weather girl. He deserved something good to happen.

Not so good: Ashton Kutcher and Elisha Cuthbert have no chemistry. Their kiss in episode 1 was pretty much not hot. And it didn't improve from there. I liked Colt with Heather, so I'm pretty stoked by the cliffhanger. Also, not sure what role Debra Winger has now, other than to serve the boys free drinks  

The bad: you guys, I really don't like Danny Masterson. He has one character he plays. And it's getting old with the constant slacker/sarcastic/asshole persona. I watched a rerun of That 70s Show yesterday that was from 1998, and saw the same Hyde/Rooster behavior. I feel like I've seen this character now for 18 years. He had a pretty meaty storyline, and until the final scene he had with Sam Elliott, he displayed zero depth. 

The ugly: waiting for the next installment. Hopefully Netflix will stick to the 10 episode split for Season 2. It seems about right. 

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I don't remember the first ten episodes being so depressing but possibly I was in a better state of mind myself back then. This back half was hard to get through, and I'm really grateful I wasn't watching that sad Christmas episode during actual Christmas.

I agree that there wasn't much character development - or development of any kind, really. I didn't understand why they got a divorce if she was just going to stay in town and tend bar anyway. I didn't get why now all of a sudden Rooster decided to jump ship, it made no sense. Colt was using birth control in every other encounter wasn't he? Am I misremembering that? His new relationship is boring. (Can't think of her name - Elisha.) I'm already tired of what'shisname Valdermolt but I didn't like him on 70's Show either. Rooster is too much of a pig to be amusing. I was sorry they made Kenny kind of an asshole, not that he didn't have a good reason.

But I'll watch the next installment anyway, just because I can't stand the thought of it ending in this depressing way.

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I may be in the minority here, but I like this show  (except for the laugh track) just the way it is. I'm on episode 8 so I'm not exactly half way through.

 I'm a sucker for the silly/insulting type of character. The cursing is not an issue to me since I talk that way myself. It makes the characters more relatable to me. 

Sam Elliott. Need I say more?

I'm hooked!

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I really like this show. It has laugh out loud moments and the characters grew on me more with every episode.  I love the brother relationship between Ashton Kutcher and Danny Masterson.  Wish I could give some in depth insight but it's kind of just an entertaining reality break.

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I liked the first half, but I'm 10 minutes into the first episode of the second half and I'm done, only because of the laugh track.  Two sentences, uproarious laughter, three sentences, uproarious laughter, (serious scene) 4 sentences, uproarious laughter.  Yeah, no thanks.  Like the actors/characters/setting/plot, no to the annoying laugh track that takes me out of the show.

Edited by Splash
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Hate the laugh track.

The cursing seems stilted. Too much is too much. It seems like the actors think it's not quite in sync.

However, three things to love. Sam Elliot. Sam Elliot. Sam Elliot. He could just stand there and mumble and hold my attention.

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Started binge watching at 3am (east coast) and finished at 8am. What a wild ride!


 I'll start with my likes....


1. Colt stepping up to be supportive of Heather and the baby.

2. Rooster and Mary still dating.

3. Beau and Joanne 

4. Rooster and Beau burying the hatchet 

5. Maggie leaving....again (never liked Maggie)

6. Heather calling Abby out on her crap!




1. Umberto being deported

2. Abby's nasty attitude towards Heather

3. A hold being put on Beau and Joanne

4. Maggie acting like she's in some kind of prison by being there and owning her own business.

5. Beau and Rooster at odds for the majority of the 10 episodes 

6.The cliffhanger at the end



I enjoyed the guest stars such as Debra Jo Rupp, Conchatta Ferrell, and Lou Diamond Phillips. 

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Liked this season alot better than second half of last season.

Enjoyed Debra Jo Rupp appearance.  Wish Kurtwood Smith would have played the dad.  Glad to see Lou Diamond Phillips. He's still looking quite fine.

I thought Abby seemed a bit "dumb downed" this season.

Wish Maggie would have left Colt in charge of the bar since ranching isn't his thing. With Rooster staying at ranching.

Enjoyed the overall storyline except for the baby and Berto getting deported.  Hopefully they bring him back. The ending was predictable. Wish they would have Mila Kunis make a cameo. 

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On 6/17/2017 at 5:18 PM, greekmom said:

Liked this season alot better than second half of last season.

Enjoyed Debra Jo Rupp appearance.  Wish Kurtwood Smith would have played the dad.  Glad to see Lou Diamond Phillips. He's still looking quite fine.

I thought Abby seemed a bit "dumb downed" this season.

Wish Maggie would have left Colt in charge of the bar since ranching isn't his thing. With Rooster staying at ranching.

Enjoyed the overall storyline except for the baby and Berto getting deported.  Hopefully they bring him back. The ending was predictable. Wish they would have Mila Kunis make a cameo. 

I totally agree about Kurtwood Smith. We can still hope that he shows up :) I'm sure his famous catchphrase would come in handy. Maybe he can be brought in as Heather's father?

Now that you mentioned it, leaving the bar to Colt and keeping Rooster at the ranch would have made more sense. 

I'm kinda sad about the thought of the baby possibly being miscarried. After spending the entire part 3 focusing on the baby and how it has effected everyone's lives would be a total waste if the baby doesn't survive.

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17 hours ago, mj2000 said:

I totally agree about Kurtwood Smith. We can still hope that he shows up :) I'm sure his famous catchphrase would come in handy. Maybe he can be brought in as Heather's father?

Now that you mentioned it, leaving the bar to Colt and keeping Rooster at the ranch would have made more sense. 

I'm kinda sad about the thought of the baby possibly being miscarried. After spending the entire part 3 focusing on the baby and how it has effected everyone's lives would be a total waste if the baby doesn't survive.

Im hoping the baby makes it as well for a few reasons. One being that I like Heather alot more than I like Abby and if they were to go with the miscarriage route, I dont wanna see Heather written out of the show. 

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Regarding the "laugh track" everyone is talking about?  The show was filmed in front of a live audience.  I'm not sure I understand why everyone says it's a laugh track then?  Isn't it actually the audience laughing?  Maybe I can't tell the difference because I don't pay attention; it honestly doesn't bother me.  I noticed it at first and quickly tuned it out.


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According to this link it is filmed before an but how can the outside scenes be?  I can't believe those are on a stage - good grief, you can see their breath in the cold!

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"Masterson also emphasizes that the laughter we hear is entirely real. “There’s no laugh track,” he says. “There’s no button to push. It’s they laugh, and then we clean that from 10 seconds of laughter to two seconds of laughter. Otherwise, the show would be 45 minutes long.”"


As for the "outside" scenes - look in the background.  It's clearly a soundstage; they aren't outside.  Maybe their breath in the cold is added in later?  Or some other special effect, like smoke?  

Edit to add:  I just finished reading the article I linked to here, and they discuss how it's definitely indoors and they add the breath later.  Guess I should have finished reading before I posted! ;-) 

Edited by FnkyChkn34
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Regarding the "laugh track" everyone is talking about?  The show was filmed in front of a live audience.  I'm not sure I understand why everyone says it's a laugh track then?  Isn't it actually the audience laughing?  Maybe I can't tell the difference because I don't pay attention; it honestly doesn't bother me.  I noticed it at first and quickly tuned it out.

You beat me to the punch. I don't know why everyone assumes there's a laugh track because TV shows don't really do that anymore. They either film before a studio audience, or not. I think people are confused because they don't expect to see a traditional 3-camera sitcom with a studio audience on Netflix. But the very fact that the actors have to pause for the laughter indicates they hear it too - it's not canned laughter added in post production.

(The grumpy old man in me suspects kids today just don't know what a laugh track is.)

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Just got done with part 3, and pleased to see part 4 is right around the corner.  The cliffhanger last year was really depressing, and that's probably why I didn't rush back to watch this show as soon as new episodes were released   Colt is really stepping up, so much so that I'm finding myself annoyed by the characters' constant put-downs of him.  Not sure why he isn't offered the bar.  Maggie's angst is just annoying.  You were invited to drink at a bar a town over, and had the time of your life?  BFD.  Seriously, she could have done that weekly for the previous 40 years without an invitation.  Not to mention sleeping with a guy who just robbed you a few days prior.  Maybe that's life in a very small town--take what you can get?  I can't even imagine.

The rhythm of this show has always been slow.  Started out sort of stilted, but I think they're finally getting in their groove.

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