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Not sure if you were watching when Patrick first came to the show, but Robin did regret pushing Jason toward Sonny, or not pulling/keeping him away. There was a scene and conversation where Robin told Patrick about her relationship with Jason. So Robin doesn't need to see any error on he part.

I was watching but I missed that part or have gotten so old I forgot: Good for Robin. 

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Robin didn't punch Sonny in the face when she saw him upon her return. She should just mace him. He shot her. In. Her. House. I mean, damn, I'm all for second chances, but no.

This goes back to the idea of Anti-hero and the writing on this show under both Guza and Ron (and returns us to topic, thank me later mods :)  )  Sonny (and Borg-Jason) never pay for the damage they have done. There is never a redemption arch. The Ice Princess may have been high camp, what with freezing the planet and all, but during the year it took, along with the "summer on the run" from the six month's previously we saw an attempt at a redemption arch for Luke. He went from Thug and Rapist to world saver.


Later he would have to look the rapist in the mirror though the eyes of his son. Whatever else TG has done to tank Luke since there was an arch.


Sonny and Jason never got that arch. Strangely Carly has had a better chance at redemption then the men. While she is still a self center-bed hopping-merciless-bitch, we have seen glimpses of a Carly that reaches beyond her awfulness: especially when she was with Jax. Carly has had some small growth that is visible, from gold-digger to hotel owner (and all jokes aside about the Metro Court, she does seem to know what she is doing)


With Sonny and Jason we get told they are "good men" but they never take steps to become good. Ron, strangely has a better grip on this with Sonny then Guza did, Morgan has stayed mad at Sonny longer than any of his other kids did and some people are now calling Sonny on his crap, he has regressed Carly, but he did kick Jason into the bay, even if only for a brief time.


I always wondered what TPTB were thinking with making Sonny central? Did they think he was Tony Soprano (though Sonny pre-dates Tony) but even then Tony was always suppose to be reprehensible, we were not suppose to like him, sympathize sometimes but never like. Why do they keep wanting us to like Sonny. I always felt that if Sonny were written as a competent mobster, one who always narrowly misses arrest and who truly terrifies the town he may have worked. But as is he is just a joke and a bad one

The Vickerman premiere is pretty much the story of everything that is wrong and right with Ron.  That premiere kicked ass on so many levels, not just the Todd reveal (which was the best part), but the OldManNate porn reveal, the movie itself, etc.  But, then things went nowhere. Ron writes a great big splashy moment, but he then loses interest once he gets to the big flashy moment he's been planning, and the stories involved just kind of fizzle out, because he's looking forward to his next big splashy moment in another story.  Or he just gets distracted by something shiny.  It's like he knows the main big story line points he wants to happen, but he never gets into how you get from big moment to big moment, so the stuff in between falls flat. 


What he doesn't seem to understand is that you then run the risk of people only tuning in for those big moments and then tuning right back out until the next one.  For example, when/if we get a big major reveal to the whole canvas that Sonny killed AJ (and Ava killed Connie), a lot of people who aren't watching on a daily basis might tune in to see the immediate fall out.  But, once that big reveal happens, and we get to see the immediate reactions, and then Ron completely tanks that momentum, they'll tune right back out.  And, pretty soon, more and more viewers are going to join that group, because it's really easy to watch that way in this day and age.  You follow along on message boards, Facebook pages, or Twitter feeds, and you know exactly when those big moments are happening, and you know whether anything that might interest you is going on in between those big moments.  And you can watch clips of the few things that interest you instead of watching a whole hour live or on your DVR.  


I don't doubt that Ron knows that there are people out there who tune in when they see that a big moment is happening, but I don't think he gets that those same people aren't sticking around much once it's over, and that it's probably mostly the same "new" viewers who are tuning in for each of those moments, and not whole new groups of viewers each time. 


Thats exactly how I watch, after being a fan for years. Waiting for robins return, not looking forward to it just waiting.also  to see Sonny get a medal after all he killed an alcoholic .that deserves a medal right ?

Fourteen years (at least) after they broke up and she's dissing him? That must have been some nasty split. I think both of them are kind of douchey, tbh.


Yeah, I kinda agree.  FPJ shooting his mouth off, super randomly, about Kiefer Sutherland was certainly dumb and didn't do him any favors, but she didn't really need to wade in.

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Oh, heavens.  What is KMc thinking?  I mean, he probably is a giant douche, and she probably has her reasons for still hating him.   But if she wants her directing career to take off ... maybe best to just stay out of this silliness?  


I mean, definitely get a tub of popcorn and sit back and enjoy while your ex make an ass of himself.  But maybe do it a little more privately ...

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Oh, heavens.  What is KMc thinking?  I mean, he probably is a giant douche, and she probably has her reasons for still hating him.   But if she wants her directing career to take off ... maybe best to just stay out of this silliness?  


I mean, definitely get a tub of popcorn and sit back and enjoy while your ex make an ass of himself.  But maybe do it a little more privately ...


I mean, to be fair to her, no one was really talking about until Daytime Confidental decided to report it as "news". Her twitter's still pretty public but DC is the one going HEY EVERYBODY LOOK AT KIM'S TWITTER SHE CALLED FREDDIE A DOUCHE (a day after she posted it, to boot).

I don't think this will do much damage to her career.  I'm getting the impression that the bulk of the industry is on Kiefer's side and thinks Freddie was being an asshole.  So I doubt anyone is going to start shunning her for tweeting about it.  I highly doubt she was the only famous person to throw in their two cents on the issue.  


I've seen a lot of celebrities posting stuff about wanting to high five Orlando Bloom for taking a swing at Justin Bieber,  When someone famous acts like a douche, other famous people comment on it on Twitter.  I don't think it's a big deal, and certainly not a career killer. 


I have zero problem with what Kimberly posted.  I saw it and laughed, because it struck me as a very natural, unfiltered reaction.  

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This is the age of social media where everyone has an opinion - and can and will say it to the masses. And, in KMc's case, I saw it as a woman - not an actress - quipping about an ex, which many before and after her have done on social media.


Is it right? That depends on each person.


But I don't see KMc's career being adversely affected for making an off the cuff remark about someone. If that happened, NO ONE in Hollywood - or anywhere else - would likely be employed.

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I mean, to be fair to her, no one was really talking about until Daytime Confidental decided to report it as "news".


She must have known that was a real possibility, though.


This is the age of social media - but who gets burned by what they put out there isn't always predictable or fair.  Very probably (and hopefully) will have absolutely no effect on her.  I just saw that and was like "ooh, why does she even want to get into this?!" 

FPJ was being a douche and was rightfully called out. I'm sure Kim wasn't the only one to say it. As far as I'm concerned, it can't be said enough. I'm just sorry that SMG didn't have the sense to dump his ass like KMc did. Buffy has terrible taste in husbands.


And if anyone's career is going to be threatened, it's Freddie's not Kim's. Kiefer might not be the most professional person in the biz, but he's been there for a long time as well as his father. Is anyone going to remember FPJ for anything other than IKWYDLS?

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My first reaction was definitely to laugh and say OH SNAP when I saw Kim's tweet (and I saw it before the article came out). He DEFINITELY came out as looking very bad in that interview (although I will say that I have always had sympathy for FPJ over his father's suicide, given that he was only 10 months old and never got to know him. The fact that I've read that Freddie Sr. was supposedly loved by all who knew him in Hollywood makes it even more tragic).


Like SlovakPrincess above, I did wonder later, after my initial reaction, if it was the smartest thing for her to do, but then again I'm very shy and aware of other people's feelings and I've become very cautious on social media lately, and even here--I probably am too nice and/or sensitive for the Internet sometimes! :P


Sooo...yeah, I thought it was funny, although it's probably not something I would do. 


That said, from what I understand, her relationship with FPJ kept her estranged from her mom for awhile, IIRC. Didn't he show up at the house they lived in one day and discover that she and all her stuff were gone? 

Edited by UYI

Not sure that I'm getting event write-ups done anytime soon this year, but here are my pics from the GHFCW kick-off reception. I'll post the links to pics from other events as I cover them.

Thanks for posting these TheGourmez. VA/Jordan looked good as always & the actress that plays Rosalie was gorgeous. This show doesn't do her justice at all.

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Regarding this show trying to accommodate TG and Luke at this point:

I wish the guy a speedy recovery, but WHY do they even try to make him the center of a story at this point? Even without his current health problems, Characters like Luke, Sonny and Carly are beyond overplayed at this point. They need to give these folks a break and put them in the background for a good long while ... or really think hard about how to make them fresh again.

Sonny is stuck on a hamster wheel of vendettas and bed hopping. Carly hasn't really had anything new and interesting and fun to do since the beginnings of her flirtation with Jax. Luke is either in "dark" and brooding mode or in the middle of some "zany" adventure (which he's kind of too old for at this point). A lot of the characters are stuck in similar ruts.

Not to be age-ist, and you need balance between vets and newbies, but this show was at its best when they carefully introduced new, engaging people as the stories unfolded.

Unfortunately, the show doesn't do a great job introducing new and/or young characters. In fact most of the younguns kinda suck. Or, like the extended Obrecht family and the Nina, newbies come on already loaded down with a bunch of clunky backstory and plot contrivance (and they just plain suck, IMO). Not sure why this show is obsessed with making everyone related, either!

Also, the small children and excess of babies - enough already! Nobody in the history of soap watching has ever said "this show could use more kiddies running around and being cloying!"

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Sonny is the dumb Corlone brother. What was his name again?

Really, on any show after the Karen thing, he would have been killed by Jagger and the end. So why is Jagger gone, Karen died twice, and Sonny lives?

They even took apart the most prominent family then to prop Sonny. And have destroyed every legacy family after. Just to prop this mob bs.

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Regarding this show trying to accommodate TG and Luke at this point:

I wish the guy a speedy recovery, but WHY do they even try to make him the center of a story at this point?


I do think this story is actually pretty different for Luke and is/was supposed to be his swan song maybe, whether "swan song" means Geary actually leaving or his last major story. And I guess they just overall had the bad luck that Geary needed a longer recovery than expected.


I agree with your overall post though. And both Luke and Sonny are majorly, majorly played out. At least, anything "mob" is in regards to Sonny. They need to take Sonny out of that to make him even remotely interesting. 

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I was gonna say Frodo, but I'm certain that's a LoTR character.

GH has messed up my mind.

But I do think if a certain Emmy winner is cast as Jason Q, and I mean Jason Q, it could have potential. Let him be disgusted. I want him to play dumb but scheme with Monica to get the recording so they can put Sonny behind bars. I think without going off topic, a proper fallout and guilt over what he did as Jason M, plus rebuilding his life to make it up to his brother, would save a lot with this show.

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Can someone please rip those stupid things out of JD's ears?!?


I can't get past his hair. Good lord, it's TERRIBLE.


Well, hi there, Julie Marie Berman! Long time no see! Is it awkward to be there with your successor?


Kirsten looks younger than she does on the show, and she doesn't look particularly old in the first place on the show, heh. So does VA, actually.


It shows how terrible the lighting is on the show.

Well, hi there, Julie Marie Berman! Long time no see! Is it awkward to be there with your successor?



lol. I don't think so honestly . . . she knew Emme Rylan was gonna be there. Plus, Frank Valentini already forced them to take a photo with him at the 2013 Emmys. Now THAT must have awkward. (Although not as awkward as everything about the 2014 Emmys!)

I think it's time to put Tony Geary on recurring status and use Luke for specific, short-term stories only. TG is basically recurring anyway, with his long breaks, so make it official and spare everyone the terrible way Luke is written out every time TG takes off. And with recurring status, hopefully Luke can be used in a more thoughtful way and will actually enhance the story.


What a pipe dream, I know.

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I think it's time to put Tony Geary on recurring status and use Luke for specific, short-term stories only. TG is basically recurring anyway, with his long breaks, so make it official and spare everyone the terrible way Luke is written out every time TG takes off. And with recurring status, hopefully Luke can be used in a more thoughtful way and will actually enhance the story.



I get what you're thinking, but I don't think it's his contract status that prevents the show from writing good exits when he goes on breaks.  They know when he is and isn't available.  Actually, they probably have more control now with him under contract and specific times of year he's out than if he was on recurring.  There is nothing preventing them from handling his exits better, they just choose not to. 

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