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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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I thought (but could be wrong)  kmC said in a print interview that she asked FV if she could direct and was told no. She has been pretty clear that he's a huge supporter of hers, and in fact helped her get the job at Grey's. I just can't help but wonder why, if she's good enough to direct prime time, he doesn't want her at GH?


I think it's nearly impossible that she wouldn't be good enough. KMc has been studying acting and behind the scenes stuff since she left the first time when Robin "went to medical school". Plus she grew up on the show. Much like musicians like Bruno Mars whose father was a musician/producer etc, when you grow up in the industry you get a natural understanding of things. Actors like Michael Rosenbaum, Tom Welling, Alison Mack, Paul Wesley and Ian Somerhalder have all directed episodes of their shows, granted The CW is really good about that stuff. But you gotta figure with a budget as high as the CW if they can take the chance then GH surely should, plus wasn't Alison Sweeney just directing an episode? How can they have let her but won't let KMc, it seems ridiculous, especially since KMc has always seemed so confident and self-assured and a very giving actress which is a tell-tale sign of a good director.


ETA Sorry I read that wrong. I think it's likely FV is just being spiteful in support of RC who is a well known douchebag, I can see him being an ass about her directing. God forbid someone come along and make sense of some of the drivel he's written and force people like MB and LW to actually act instead of the time honoured Yelly McYellerson and snarling tradition that they've been exceedingly loyal to.

Edited by slayer2
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I think they've already started softening him for her, as they did on NYE when she poured her heart out about Faison (with great work by Finola) and he did listen and support her, up to a point. I just think the whole character is pointless and had a grotesque introduction with an incredibly bad actor. But I'm willing to let them use McCouch and try to fix it.

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I always liked Grayson McCouch. I thought he was so cool with the cropped gray hair & was in awesome shape. That said, in his later years he started to sound & act like Maurice Bernard acting like Michael Corelone from the Godfather. With a little of Eric Braden thrown in for (not) good measure. I'm kinda surprised he was been re-cast in the role because he is so much (in my mind & memory) like Maurice Bernard. He is totally different looking that the previous Sloan but the character was a minor one so maybe RC wanted to ramp up the role & let Finola Hughes have her boy toy like NLG & LL. Also, I also remember that GM always wanted to be paired with the black actresses. So, maybe Jordan will have a new man in her life, too. I'll be watching and judging McCouch. LOL!!

Also, I also remember that GM always wanted to be paired with the black actresses. So, maybe Jordan will have a new man in her life, too. I'll be watching and judging McCouch. LOL!!

I only watched ATWT when Sarah Brown was on and then about a year afterward. The only black actress I remember being on at that time at least was Tamara Tunie. Heck, I think she was the only person of color on the show during that time.

A new promo just aired on tv name dropping Scandal, Revenge, and How to Get Away with Murder.

A more effective, and truthful, ad would have been something along the line of:

If you like Peggy Carter, you'll love Anna Devane

if you like Annalise Keating, you'll love Alexis Davis

if you like Cameron Tucker, you'll love Carly Jacks

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Tiger, on ATWT there was Cassandra Creech who played Denise. That was the one actress that McCouch wanted to be paired with. Also, there was the real preetty actress who played Camille. Now, back on topic...when does McCouch start airing? The other actor was just let go so I would think in a month or two, right? At least, it's not 6 months like DOOL. LOL!!

I only know Grayson McCouch as Morgan Winthrop, Cass' little brother on AW, he interacted with one of my all time faves, the fantastic Alicia Coppola. Hmm, I forgot he was also in that bit part on 90210.


He still looks damn good, so I say bring him on! Anna deserves to have a young hottie. Wait, this doesn't mean I have to give up my Nathan/Anna/Dante threesome fantasies, does it?

Edited by tvgoddess
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He still looks damn good, so I say bring him on! Anna deserves to have a young hottie. Wait, this doesn't mean I have to give up my Nathan/Anna/Dante threesome fantasies, does it?


No, no of course it doesn't! 


I am completely unapologetic about whom (or about how many) I want to see Anna paired with.  Anna hasn't gotten anything close to decent since her return, I so feel like my wanting everything balances with her getting (virtually*) nothing. 


*Let's face it -- being tethered to duck-bill kissing Duke for two years doesn't even rate a "virtually."


As to what Ron has done -- and not done -- with Anna over the last two years, Ron even messed up the exes having to share a twin-sized cot set up with Robert.  It was right there.  He had created it accidently:  Anna and Robert were trapped in a small room with just that twin cot for weeks.  And instead of getting scenes of watching the sexual tension build from small flames to a crackling fire to a huge bonfire-like explosion, we got two weeks of them being off-screen and then a return only to watch them escape.  It's the written version of yadda, yadda, yadda-ing over the best part!


When Ron was watching this show growing up, did he leave the room for every love scene? For every romance?  He only seems to remember and draw on the campy over-the-top moments or the crazy plot devices  Like Heather and the LSD, or Anna's scar.  Yep, he doesn't remember Duke walking in on Robert and Anna wrestling in bed, but he does remember that Anna wore a fake scar for a time.  His version of a soap and mine? Don't match at all.

Edited by Francie
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I'm sure TeeVee knows this but I know some don't - RC had scripted one of Robert and Anna's last scenes last year, maybe their last one for all I can recall, to end with him kissing her. It was clearly supposed to be the beginning of some new triangle until TR flew the coop, as he'd barely been on for a month or two up to that point. When he decided to take another job that actually offered a contract they had to rewrite the scene quickly and RC took to whining on social media. They'd set the whole thing up rather unsubtly when he first returned by having Duke shamble around town grousing about his insecurities over Robert to all and sundry, particularly Olivia. (And thank God they didn't go down that road, BTW)


I have always preferred Robert and Anna so I welcome him back, but I am now torn between that and my fantasy pairing of Olivia and Scorpio, plus the pretty cute, perfectly decent-if-derivative Ned and Olivia. So in the interim they should throw every hunk they have at Finola Hughes, AFAIC - Grayson McCouch as well as Ryan Paevey, etc etc. She even has some chemistry with William deVry, not that Anna would ever touch Julian.

Edited by jsbt
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Yes, jsbt, what turned out to be Tristan's last scene with Finola was supposed to have been a scene where they kissed.


I have mixed feeling about that potential storyline.  In Ron's hands, I think it would have wound up as clunky, disjointed, and unsatisfactory as the Frisco/Felicia/Mac triangle of 2013.  Tristan would have been offered a 10-episode gig, and Ron would have spread those 10 episodes out over 3 months.  Instead of building a plot line, crescendo-style, he would have mapped out a plot point for each of the 10 appearances, and it all would have fallen flat.  And that's in spite of the fact that the actors involved would have tried to infuse as much life and meaning into those superficially plotted episodes as they could have. 


So I have to say that I'm grateful that my childhood and young adult memories of that coupling wasn't upset by Ron's poison pen.  Ron, much like Sonny, ruins everything.

Edited by Francie
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I dunno, I think Ron might have had Robert come out the victor.  As I've mentioned before, I think Ron's only interest in Duke when he was reintroduced was the FonDuke story with Faison.


I keep hearing that Finola is the only reason IB is still there, that she has pushed for them to keep him around. But that was some time ago and they have found other, even stupider uses for Duke.

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Even with Ron at the helm, I don't think ANYONE would have expected the trajectory that Duke has gone on since his resurrection. I wonder if the Twin Peaks reboot would have room for him? I've lost track of the updates on that show (and I still need the watch the original series on Netflix, anyway), but I imagine he would be a lot happier there.


And yes, I can totally see Fin doing what she can to keep him on the show. She and IB have one of the greatest off screen daytime BFF stories we'll ever see. 

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As deeply awkward and often cringeworthy as I find him on this show, I love Ian Buchanan to death and think with better writing and a better production schedule he would shine as he has on many soaps in the past. I had such hopes for his return. And I adored him on TP. I do hope they call him for that - they have called just about everyone else to come back, and Ian did star on David Lynch and Mark Frost's follow-up sitcom, On the Air.

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I realize I might get struck down by lightning for even bringing up an interview with her, but Alicia Leigh Willis (SWSNBN) just did an interview with Michael Fairman, and she talked a little about her time on GH:



Remember how Kelly Monaco is randomly, weirdly appearing on ABC Family's "Baby Daddy"?  Well now, we're getting two of their stars in the Valentine's Day episode.  Spoilers ahoy:




God, so the whole quad clusterfuck of Ned/Alexis/Julian/Olivia is going through Valentine's Day - at LEAST - not to mention the Samtrick stall? (Let's face it, Samtrick is a stall until Jakeson remembers who the hell he is, if/when Ron ever lets him.)


I wonder how low Ron can bring the ratings by then? Back to the 1 territory?

As deeply awkward and often cringeworthy as I find him on this show, I love Ian Buchanan to death and think with better writing and a better production schedule he would shine as he has on many soaps in the past. I had such hopes for his return. And I adored him on TP. I do hope they call him for that - they have called just about everyone else to come back, and Ian did star on David Lynch and Mark Frost's follow-up sitcom, On the Air.

I like IB a ton, too. The problem is that Duke as a character worked beautifully within his time frame but should never have come back from the dead.

He just plain doesn't work now. He's one of the few characters I would say died at the right time. What he's turned into now is awful.

And I see my hopes of Robert swooping into this mess and helping Anna find her brain and rescuing Robin have been dashed. Staying on the Barge forever at this rate ...

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As deeply awkward and often cringeworthy as I find him on this show, I love Ian Buchanan to death and think with better writing and a better production schedule he would shine as he has on many soaps in the past.


There was a really potentially interesting story to tell about a man who had been frozen in time basically adjusting to a whole new world.  Alas.


I'll say this, though.  If the show ever does decide to discard of Duke, they shouldn't kill him off...again.

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There was a really potentially interesting story to tell about a man who had been frozen in time basically adjusting to a whole new world.  Alas.


Ron tried to tell that story with Nina, but only in bits and pieces and only for laughs (e.g., Nina "goggling," which admittedly was kind of cute).


Now I kind of want Nina and Duke to form a support group for people who don't understand today's technology.

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Ron tried to tell that story with Nina, but only in bits and pieces and only for laughs (e.g., Nina "goggling," which admittedly was kind of cute).


Now I kind of want Nina and Duke to form a support group for people who don't understand today's technology.


She can teach him to always back up his important documents...by writing a list with crayon and stuffing it down your shirt for safekeeping. 

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