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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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<<Jane Elliot's TV Guide interview is up on the web site.  It's goooood:




I'm partway through it, but I had to take a rage break over Logan's crack about the "Heidi braids." I adored them as a kid, and thought they were so sophisticated -- anything but corny. He can go pound sand. 

Edited by Auntie Velvet
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<<I'm a little disappointed that JE falls into the "well if a man is respecting Tracy it MUST mean they will bore the audience." As if Tracy would ever be all rainbows and puppies over anything, even if she were with a man who didn't treat her like crap all the time. >>




If you read this in the sarcastic voice she does so well, it makes more sense. That's what I choose to do with it, anyway!  

Edited by Auntie Velvet
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Lynn Herring thanks the fans.  More importantly, Lynn Herring on a horse!




She's so awesome. I can't wait to see Lucy again, it's been too long. I've missed LH.


In the beginning, I didn't think BB and KSt were getting married for any reason other than her pregnancy. But as time went on, I forgot about that because they seemed to really genuinely be into each other. So it's not entirely shocking if you look at it from the start but maybe more recently not so much.


I wonder if Bryan and Kelly feel jinxed.

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You know, even with her being pregnant when they got married, I believed that they were truly in love. I think they had been together for about a year before that in secret (save for a few social media pics here and there, which raised questions--especially since KSt was originally pretty coy when asked about them).


And if the hopes for an onscreen JoMax pairing (however fleeting) weren't officially dead before, they certainly are now. 

Edited by UYI
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You know, even with her being pregnant when they got married, I believed that they were truly in love. I think they had been together for about a year before that in secret (save for a few social media pics here and there, which raised questions--especially since KSt was originally pretty coy when asked about them).


And if the hopes for an onscreen JoMax pairing (however fleeting) weren't officially dead before, they certainly are now. 


Not if KS takes after her onscreen parents. 

I don't know if that actually counts, though. They teased F&F in 2013, but they didn't actually get back together or even kiss. 


Aren't they actually working together on another show?  I was thinking more in terms of their being open to working together after their split, than any actual love scenes themselves.  They seem to genuinely get along and don't have any problems sharing scenes.  Plus, I think that, for someone who's been doing this as long as KSt has, if they're genuinely remaining close friends and still enjoy each other's company, I really don't think she'd have a problem doing Johnny/Maxie if it came up. (She might even find it preferable to do it now than when they were a real couple, as a lot of actors don't like to do romantic pairings with their real life partner.)  I think the real stumbling block is that BB is not up for a long term run.  He's content to visit, stir some things up, and exit to take on other roles. 

Jack and Kristina are on a Hallmark channel show together, where they play ... exes who still care about each other. I think playing a couple would likely be far harder for them. And it may have taken them a while to even get to this point (of being able to play ANY kind of emotional scenes together after divorcing in real life).

So I dunno if the Maxie / Johhny actors would be comfortable with their characters being paired at this point. If they haven't been a couple on the show already, forcing it now would be kind of mean to do to them.

The Jane Elliot interview was great.  I wish they'd hire her to replace Frank Valentini.


Agreed.  And we're doing it far, far less.  And commenting on it via Carly.  But this is a show in which the lead is a mobster.


So why have a mobster as GH's lead then?  These people are just completely lacking in imagination and commonsense.  The Corinthii are played out and need to go.  I watched for about ten minutes the other day and can't believe that Anna has been saddled with Sonny.  WTF?

  • Love 7

I don't mind a strip show. I love watching Chad Duell take off his clothes while praying for death. I mind Milo, and the fact that sometimes the strip show seemed to be Frank and Ron's primary concern for the NB other than making sure Obrecht and Spencer got center stage.


As for Frisco and Felicia, Kristina Wagner looked physically ill during 90% of their scenes together in '13. That was not acting and while Kristina is better than people give her credit for, she's never been that good. It was painful to watch her struggle with something that was clearly real. They may be in a better place since then or it may have just been a case of playing something too close to the bone even though they were already friendly again, I don't know.  I do think one of the main things that stopped that reunion, aside from Jack Wagner getting on the show's shitlist, was that KW did not look like she was remotely near okay with playing it. And I'm really glad they didn't because Frisco was beyond an ass in that story and it would've been completely ruinous of Felicia - who's come a long way. That's not to say I wouldn't be willing to see Frisco return again when he's not written like an imperious stalker or being portrayed as though he were an emotionless zombie, but that whole thing was a mess.

Edited by jsbt
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As for Frisco and Felicia, Kristina Wagner looked physically ill during 90% of their scenes together in '13. That was not acting and while Kristina is better than people give her credit for, she's never been that good. It was painful to watch her struggle with something that was clearly real. They may be in a better place since then or it may have just been a case of playing something too close to the bone even though they were already friendly again, I don't know. I do think one of the main things that stopped that reunion, aside from Jack Wagner getting on the show's shitlist, was that KW did not look like she was remotely near okay with playing it. And I'm really glad they didn't because Frisco was beyond an ass in that story and it would've been completely ruinous of Felicia - who's come a long way. That's not to say I wouldn't be willing to see Frisco return again when he's not written like an imperious stalker or being portrayed as though he were an emotionless zombie, but that whole thing was a mess.

In interviews, KW, has said the 2013 shows were actually the turning point in their relationship. It was difficult and she wasn't comfortable working with him. She and JW weren't in a good place at all. Conversations were had and issues were resolved. They have a much better relationship now and are friends. He thought of her for the Hallmark role.

She was on an Opeah, where are they now episode. IIRC, she also talked about this in am article.

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I have always suspected that the reason JW performed "All I Need" at the NB instead of "Lady of My Heart"--besides the former being a huge hit outside the show--was due to LOFH basically being Jack & Kristina's song just as much as F&F's. Even if they are friends now, I'm sure that song, among other things, might still serve as a trigger for rather bittersweet memories between the two of them. 

  • Love 2

From the Despair in the Afternoon post:


The powers that be seem convinced that Hayden and Nikolas are an “edgy” love for the ages. I have news for them: they are not. He acts like he barely even likes her half the time, they have lukewarm sexual chemistry, HE HAD HER SHOT IN THE HEAD AND DOESN’T EVEN FEEL BAD ABOUT IT, and she comes across like a limp dishrag every time she goes crawling back to him, begging to make their dysfunctional relationship another go. It’s boring and it’s gross and it mostly just makes me wish they’d use those bedside table knives to commit mutual homicide.



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In interviews, KW, has said the 2013 shows were actually the turning point in their relationship. It was difficult and she wasn't comfortable working with him. She and JW weren't in a good place at all. 

I remember this, fellow aunt! In fact, I think I read an interview prior to her even doing the scenes, and she was clearly nervous about it. But sweetly candid, which seems to be her wont.


I think she might have also been forcing herself to go through it so that, in related publicity for the NB episodes, she could discuss the documentary she and her brother made together, "Children of Internment." 

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No idea if this is legit, but I hope not for KW's sake. JW just doesn't seem like a guy who can stay faithful. And it took an awful toll on her before.


But, hey, not my life, right?


No idea if legit either just saying I've seen discussion. He's been sober since 2006 and I think he's been better in the faithfulness department since then but obviously can't be 100% sure of that either. :)

From the JE interview.  If you're going to have the mob stuff, why not use Jane her instead of wasting camera time on an an actor that can't even spit out his lines?


But, to my mind, there is a huge missed opportunity with Tracy’s mob connections from when she was on The City. If you want to put her in the thick of things, there’s certainly enough there to make that happen. But no writer has picked up on it.
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I don't think it's that the show is completely dedicated to the mob at all costs as much as they're dedicated to Sonny (and Carly, and Jason, and Sam) at all costs.  It just so happens that those characters were built as part of the mob for around a couple decades.  


I think the only reason I don't want to see Tracy in the mob stuff is that because she would, inevitably, have to either lose to Sonny or throw in with Sonny.  I don't want to see Tracy do either.  

  • Love 10

With Sonny getting older, there are ways to make the mob less of a thing, but the show doesn't seem to want to do that. Instead we'll get Carly wringing her hands over all the violence. Way too late, Show. Way too late.

The better way to do it would've been for Carly to side with Michael and not cover up Sonny killing AJ or at least be conflicted over it. Instead we get LW wasted on begging Sonny to not do this or Jason to tell Sonny what to do. It's a waste of LW and CD.

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