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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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I still want to know what sort of weird shit went on there. We know Josh Duhamel filmed more than was used. I think there was a shot of Leo shown hanging out at ConFusion. I assumed they might have cut a possible HEA for Leo and Greenlee because at the time, AMC still thought it was going direct to online. (OLTL also hastily rewrote or cut out a lot of shit once the original PP deal fell through.)


Yes, that was what happened.  They had a Greenlee/Leo HEA all filmed for the last days of the show.  When the PP deal was made, all we ended up getting was, if I recall correctly, Greenlee seeing Leo in a dream.  I so wish someone who had access to the unused footage JD shot would have put it online.  


I'm a sucker, I wrote back. I would have felt bad if they popped up with boils or their faces peeling off. I mean, it would have been hilarious, but . . . 


Probably, but it's possible they're so dumb they don't know! Whatever, my conscience is clear now lol.


This probably doesn't make me a very nice person, but I won't feel remotely bad for them if they end up with boils and shit all over their skin, especially since they have lured fans into buying this crap (and some into selling it under them).  

  • Love 1

This probably doesn't make me a very nice person, but I won't feel remotely bad for them if they end up with boils and shit all over their skin, especially since they have lured fans into buying this crap (and some into selling it under them).  


I don't feel bad now that I have warned them, and will probably die of laughter if Morgan pops up on screen in 3 months time covered in foundation to cover up a bunch of rashes. But I truly think they may have been dumb enough to think that just because nothing is popping up on their face after a week, it means it's safe.


hmmm, maybe I should tweet something about purple velvet for your car is a better investment than nerawhatever cream, hehe.

  • Love 6
I also don't think that just revealing Jake as Jason is a panacea to anything.  If there's one thing this show does worse than the reveals, it's the fall out. What fall out?  There never is any! Every few weeks we're "treated" with an event that changes Port Charles forever -- except it never does.  No matter what happens, no matter who dies, who is tortured, or who comes back from the dead, everyone just shrugs their shoulders while Franco cracks wise and Nina repeats her lines.


Francie, you have no idea how the lack of fall out has been driving me crazy (actually, you probably know the exact feeling). I am extremely bitter that since Sonny has been released there hasn't been anything from Monica. Sonny has ruined her family for decades: he turned her vulnerable, brain damaged son into a killer for hire, he slept with her adopted daughter and the worst thing is he terrorized for years and killed  AJ to keep his only child to himself. We got one scene after Sonny was arrested, but since RC decided that the storyline belonged to her worthless grandson, she never got to confront him. Monica not being able to slap the shit out of Sonny (and the governor and his daughter) after he was released after being pardoned mere months after going to prison for murdering her son is worse in my opinion. At least with Sonny going to prison, there was a measure of justice and that has been completely negated. Though I fear with RC writing she would thank the louse for Saving!NotSaving Michael from the bomb that all Michael had to do was chuck like a football by the time Sonny had gotten to him. 


It is things like that, not having a longtime veteran character confront another veteran character is one of the many reason as the era of Ron C was just as bad as the era of Guza.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 7

I honestly blame Ron for the lack of a fallout in recent years. I always said that he liked everything that LED UP to a "reveal," but never touched on or cared about the consequences or what would happen after it. Hopefully the new writers realize that what's more intriguing to a lot of viewers is the character reaction to a huge story or secret.

Edited by HeatLifer
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What I hated about RC is that he wanted to do all these big things with these characters, but then undos them because the fall out has them going to jail. If he was getting good feed back on Ava, why the fuck make her Kate's killer? I can't believe that it was always the story, considering how stupid the reason for killing ended up being. To the more successful showrunners/writers, they seemed to know where the edge is before the character ends of being completely ridiculous. People like RC and Guza  go over that  line, sometimes purposely sometimes not, and think they are being innovative and edgy, when in reality they have written the show into a corner. There was a way to write Ava as a grey hat without turning her into a killer.

  • Love 1

I guess there will be no more articles about erotic Morgan from Daytime Confidential. From the latest podcast:


Jamey: I feel like we helped create a monster with [bryan Craig].


oh, also, apparently, Vicki Drummer is the one responsible for the Kiki recast because she thought that they needed a young woman in that age group.


Which, they do. Just not friggin Kiki.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 7

What I hated about RC is that he wanted to do all these big things with these characters, but then undos them because the fall out has them going to jail. If he was getting good feed back on Ava, why the fuck make her Kate's killer? I can't believe that it was always the story


Oh, I think it was. "AJ" was always meant to be "Ava Jerome".

  • Love 2

Francie, you have no idea how the lack of fall out has been driving me crazy (actually, you probably know the exact feeling). I am extremely bitter that since Sonny has been released there hasn't been anything from Monica. Sonny has ruined her family for decades: he turned her vulnerable, brain damaged son into a killer for hire, he slept with her adopted daughter and the worst thing is he terrorized for years and killed  AJ to keep his only child to himself. We got one scene after Sonny was arrested, but since RC decided that the storyline belonged to her worthless grandson, she never got to confront him. Monica not being able to slap the shit out of Sonny (and the governor and his daughter) after he was released after being pardoned mere months after going to prison for murdering her son is worse in my opinion. At least with Sonny going to prison, there was a measure of justice and that has been completely negated. Though I fear with RC writing she would thank the louse for Saving!NotSaving Michael from the bomb that all Michael had to do was chuck like a football by the time Sonny had gotten to him. 


It is things like that, not having a longtime veteran character confront another veteran character is one of the many reason as the era of Ron C was just as bad as the era of Guza.

You captured exactly how I feel, too! So, so true!!

What I hated about RC is that he wanted to do all these big things with these characters, but then undos them because the fall out has them going to jail. If he was getting good feed back on Ava, why the fuck make her Kate's killer? I can't believe that it was always the story, considering how stupid the reason for killing ended up being. To the more successful showrunners/writers, they seemed to know where the edge is before the character ends of being completely ridiculous. People like RC and Guza  go over that  line, sometimes purposely sometimes not, and think they are being innovative and edgy, when in reality they have written the show into a corner. There was a way to write Ava as a grey hat without turning her into a killer.

I've said it before. I can write any one out of any corner at any time.




P.S. I meant, as long as they don't take my pen away.

Oh, I think it was. "AJ" was always meant to be "Ava Jerome".



Ava killing Connie was quintessentially Ava, IMO. She is a snake.


I have no problem with Ava committing murder. She was never like Johnny, a reluctant mobster who tried to be a decent person (until Ron trashed him). Ava is a snake, as you say, and she enjoyed it. I do have a problem with why she chose to kill Konnie, though. I think most mobsters would realize murder is messy and risky and would try to avoid it as much as possible. Konnie could have easily been threatened into keeping her mouth shut about Julian. Or maybe she could have called Julian and he would have told her that he didn't care if anyone found out his identity. There was no reason to shoot her and let her bleed to death on the floor. That was just stupid. And why the fuck did she leave the initials "AJ" behind? I get she was trying to frame AJ but why would he be stupid enough to leave his initials at the crime scene?  


I don't understand why Ron even felt that Ava needed to be redeemed. She's a lying, scheming, manipulating, disloyal, murdering mobster. That's who she is. I doubt many viewers s stopped liking her because she committed a murder. And if he really wanted to redeem her why have her fuck Sonny in the Quartermaine crypt and get knocked up.

Edited by LeftPhalange
  • Love 2

I don't understand why Ron even felt that Ava needed to be redeemed. She's a lying, scheming, manipulating, disloyal, murdering mobster. That's who she is. I doubt many viewers s stopped liking her because she committed a murder. And if he really wanted to redeem her why have her fuck Sonny in the Quartermaine crypt and get knocked up.


Because Ron C, wanted to go THERE, cross that line that to purposely piss off the audience. When you read what he wrote about that scene, you can particular hear the glee in his voice and Frank allowed it to go down.  He wanted to be controversial, to have  his scenes that the audience would reference for years to come, like Clink/Boom or Tracy withholding heart medication. 

Edited by Ambrosefolly

oh, also, apparently, Vicki Drummer is the one responsible for the Kiki recast because she thought that they needed a young woman in that age group.


Which, they do. Just not friggin Kiki.


Damn, that was our window of opportunity to get Lucy's daughters on canvas.  How could you, Vicki!


And (GASP!) why can't there be two female characters in that age group? 

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 1

Damn, that was our window of opportunity to get Lucy's daughters on canvas.  How could you, Vicki!


And (GASP!) why can't there be two female characters in that age group? 

Honestly not sure what theyhave aganist serena I'm of two thoughts either there afraid she'll be more popular than Kiki or they'll afraid serena will upstage franco as scottys kid.

Connie was still alive when Sonny found her. She wrote the letters while Sonny was trying to call 911 to find the towels or something.

He actually, seriously, took over 38 minutes to dial 9-1-1 as racoon-eyes bled out. And I laughed the entire time. Almost as much as I laughed *at* KSu as Kannie and Ian relieved her rape.

Yeah, I'll show myself to the third ring of hell now . . .

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 3

Brydog tweet:

This skin cream is so damn good , even @duelly87 uses it


Will they still feature Michael in the Magic Milo act next year if his face is covered in pustules? 


Jonathan Morssali ‏
What is up with you and this skin care bro?

Bryan Craig ‏
it's great man , that's all


That's all! No oozing boils here!

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 4

I like the "before and after" photos he and Kelly posted, where they both are clearly wearing tinted moisturizer in the "after" pics, and they both labelled it something like "this stuff really works!" 


when I was reading the reviews, a lot of them said, "why are all the before and after pictures clearly taken with different lighting"

when I was reading the reviews, a lot of them said, "why are all the before and after pictures clearly taken with different lighting"


They were both asked why their skin looks so much darker in the after shots, and Bryan said "probably the lighting."  You can totally tell they're wearing something tinted, though.  


And I was horrified to see some fan asked him for information on it for her daughter "she has sensitive skin."  That won't go well. 

  • Love 1
And (GASP!) why can't there be two female characters in that age group?


ICAM!  I love the vets as much as the next person, but where are the young women on this show?


Back in 1993/4, there was Karen and Brenda. Both so beautiful.  Both with a distinct personality.


In 1996, there was Robin and Carly.


In 1998, we had Sarah (okay, a bit of miscue there), Elizabeth, and Emily.


In the 2000s, there was Maxie, Lulu, and Georgia.


Back in the late 70s and early 80s, they had Bobbi and Laura.


And in GH's heyday, so many of the leading women were in their 20s -- Felicia, Anna, Holly, even Demi Moore's Jackie.  This show was carried by women in their 20s (emphasis on women, as they acted like adults and not perpetual teen agers).


Now, we have just Kiki. KIKI!!!!  Kiki, who has the charisma, personality, and presence of wallpaper.

  • Love 6

The sheep farmer than Jerry Jax blackmailed into kidnapping Robin, that St. Jasus murdered, and that Olivia hallucinated as Satan.


Yeah, that's Ewen. I saw the name Ian and thought, "Ian Thornhart was on Port Charles. I don't think he ever crossed over."



Yeah, that was Ewen. How dare u mess up his name sir


Haha, I know, it doesn't really matter, it just stood out to me. :)

  • Love 1
The sheep farmer than Jerry Jax blackmailed into kidnapping Robin, that St. Jasus murdered, and that Olivia hallucinated as Satan.


Ewen's backstory always cracked me up. Only on a soap would the kid of a sheep farmer become a shrink to get revenge on the family who ruined his father's livelihood.


Ewen as Satan was Olivia's greatest hallucination. Stupendously awesome!

  • Love 2

The sheep farmer than Jerry Jax blackmailed into kidnapping Robin, that St. Jasus murdered, and that Olivia hallucinated as Satan.

OMG, that's when I first turned on Ron.  We had a 30-35 year old psychiatrist -- PSYCHIATRIST -- bemoaning that his life was ruined -- RUINED -- because his dad lost his sheep farm.  Did I mention he was a handsome 30-35 year old psychiatrist!  Yes, life's been rough for you, my boy. 


Oh, and he was supposedly interning -- as a doctor! -- 10 years prior to all that.


Oy, the stupid. It hurt then like it hurts now.

Edited by Francie
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I don't know if anything could save GH now. I'm kind of annoyed because in hindsight the execs will probably pin the death of GH on Tony Geary's leaving, when it was everything else was so messed up it didn't matter whether Tony was on it or not. Not to mention Tony helped it get that way with that horrible Fluke story and his demanding no Luke and Laura.

  • Love 4

Um, the viewers will be back with more Sonny, Sabrina, Kiki, and Samtrick......


What, this picture labeled "great stuff coming" by Laura Wright doesn't make you want to watch?




Look at Carly's bright smile! Ha-ha! They killed someone last year but now they're finally happy after they got over the hurdles of law enforcement trying to separate them by trying to convict them for the unjustifiable murder and cover up they committed. Ha-ha!

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 4
What, this picture labeled "great stuff coming" by Laura Wright doesn't make you want to watch?




Look at Carly's bright smile! Ha-ha! They killed someone last year but now they're finally happy after they got over the hurdles of law enforcement trying to separate them by trying to convict them for the unjustifiable murder and cover up they committed. Ha-ha!

Ooh!!! I know!!! I'm SO excited a murderer and his accomplice are SOHAPPY!!!

  • Love 3

It's kind of refreshing to see a cast member cheerleading GH. I don't care about Carly and Sonny, but it must be very unsettling on set, not knowing if the new HWs will improve things or be the final death knell.


I would feel this way if was someone else besides Laura Wright. Nothing wrong with her doing it, but she always does it so it doesn't really mean much coming from her. And I'm feeling a little grudging cause I'm thinking of her "Laura married Luke" comment when people complained that Carly being with Franco was out of character. I get where she was coming from, but it was like, come on. If you can't acknowledge that that pairing was fucked up, fine, but then don't say anything.

  • Love 9

Well, GH has had a great run, if we're closing in on the end. I won't laugh or cheer, because I don't think it's funny.  But in the end, I'm good with it, if it is coming to a close. My only regret is that this genre doesn't do "repeats", so unless you search out clips on YT or have DVD edits, when the final credits roll, those characters are done forever. I suppose GH could get new life online or even Netflix, but if we think the budget is cheap now.....hah.


Anyway, I want good closing stories for my Qs and those they care about, and everyone else can take a walk, IDC. IF this is the end.

If this isn't the end-look, if anyone at ABC lurks here-and I think you do-people want to see characters they recognize, in stories that are entertaining and full of heart.

We don't care how cheap the Brytni's of this world are. We don't want to see them five days a week.We want Anna, Tracy, Laura, Alexis(that was so hard to admit) and their loved ones/families, etc. We don't want to see Mob crap five days a week, either.

Write old school soap. Write heart and depth. Make the audience laugh and cry and give them a REASON to tune in tomorrow. Make us CARE.

That's all.

  • Love 9

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand why this show sucks.  Absolutely everything is bad, and the only thing that could make Nina, Franco, and Dr. O solving a murder even worse than it already is would be if Spencer joined in to help. 


It also doesn't take much to figure out that more Sonny and Carly isn't the way to get this show's ratings out of the toilet, as those two (along with Jason) are the reason the ratings were so low three years ago.  Or that the ratings were already in a free fall when Tony Geary FINALLY got off the stage.  Or that ratings go up when there are stories featuring the Scorpios.


What the fuck is wrong with the people responsible for this show?

Edited by Kitty Redstone
  • Love 8


Aw. I give you kudos for saying that, IWantCandy :) And in turn, I hope Tracy gets a good closing story as well, whenever that may be. But I'd still want that anyway even if you didn't cause I like Tracy too.


It was so hard to type out. I got hand cramps. :(

I'm gonna hope the show has a few years left in it. Never hurts to be positive, but at this point, a mercy killing may be more in order.

I have no idea, other than a house full of Qs, what I'd want for my family as their ending. Sonny dead and Tracy running his territory? AJ being alive again? I try not to think about  the show ending, honestly. I think with good writers, it still has a chance. It'll be like running uphill in mud, but it has a chance.

  • Love 2

It was so hard to type out. I got hand cramps. :(

I'm gonna hope the show has a few years left in it. Never hurts to be positive, but at this point, a mercy killing may be more in order.

I have no idea, other than a house full of Qs, what I'd want for my family as their ending. Sonny dead and Tracy running his territory? AJ being alive again? I try not to think about  the show ending, honestly. I think with good writers, it still has a chance. It'll be like running uphill in mud, but it has a chance.

I want Tracy, Alan, Monica, AJ, Jason, Emily, Ned, Dillon, Brooklynn, Skye, Justus, Maya, Alice, Lila Rae, Danny, Michael, and Alice all gathered in the living room waiting for their Thanksgiving pizza to be delivered, watching tv. A news brief breaks in about convicted felon Sonny Corinthos being denied early release by the State Parole Board and that Sonny was serving a life sentence.

Somehow it'd be communicated that everything since Jason hit his head on that rock was a coma nightmare. Michael, etc were incorporated into this nightmare but twisted as people sat by Jason's bedside and told him what was going on.

The very last scene would be the doorbell bringing and Robin, Patrick, Emma, Anna, Robert, Mac, Felicia, Georgie, and Maxie arriving for dinner.

  • Love 4



I don't know if anything could save GH now. I'm kind of annoyed because in hindsight the execs will probably pin the death of GH on Tony Geary's leaving, when it was everything else was so messed up it didn't matter whether Tony was on it or not. Not to mention Tony helped it get that way with that horrible Fluke story and his demanding no Luke and Laura.

I'm pretty sure I said this 17 weeks ago --


NOW can we get rid of Franco and Nina?!


At what point does it take?!!!

I want Tracy, Alan, Monica, AJ, Jason, Emily, Ned, Dillon, Brooklynn, Skye, Justus, Maya, Alice, Lila Rae, Danny, Michael, and Alice all gathered in the living room waiting for their Thanksgiving pizza to be delivered, watching tv. A news brief breaks in about convicted felon Sonny Corinthos being denied early release by the State Parole Board and that Sonny was serving a life sentence.

Somehow it'd be communicated that everything since Jason hit his head on that rock was a coma nightmare. Michael, etc were incorporated into this nightmare but twisted as people sat by Jason's bedside and told him what was going on.

The very last scene would be the doorbell bringing and Robin, Patrick, Emma, Anna, Robert, Mac, Felicia, Georgie, and Maxie arriving for dinner.

I want this so much!


Look, if all the viewers who've recently stopped watching just pitched in, like a buck, I think we could fund it!

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