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S01.E15: Josh Has No Idea Where I Am!

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Ahem, despite the song claiming that it would never be clear whether what Rebecca was seeing was a hallucination or actually magic, magic is the only explanation for how she could have correctly imagined all those people meeting at her apartment.  Shenanigans!


They tried to make Lil Rebecca's hair look more like Adult Rebecca's this time, which wasn't all that flattering on her, but Ava Acres is really good in the role.  The recurring presence of the younger version is one of the things about this show that reminds me of Jane the Virgin.


This week in the "the show doesn't really know what to do with Heather" chronicles, she's not even included in the group of people worried about Rebecca.

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So Rebecca is a theater geek at heart, who uses songs to process her life? Getting a little meta in here. But we`re keeping it vague. 


Rebecca is also about omniscient, because she was able to see events that she had no ability to see otherwise. So thats a thing. 


Just inching...inching...towards self understand...

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This week in the "the show doesn't really know what to do with Heather" chronicles, she's not even included in the group of people worried about Rebecca.


Why would Heather be worried about Rebecca? She just found out in the previous two episodes that Greg's in love with Rebecca and not totally in with being with her, during their relationship.


Just inching...inching...towards self understand...

I hope so, because it seems like Rebecca becomes obsessed with men, who end up rejecting her. I still do not think that Josh will love her, in the way that she loves him. She really feels that if Josh returns her love, that everything in her life will end up being okay, but I don't see that happening.

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This is the first episode I've seen within a day of it airing! I guess that means I'm a fan now. I find all the conversations about an intellect mismatch between Josh and Rebecca interesting, because I haven't thought Josh has come across as having a deficit. They simply have different areas of life that are each of their fortes, as Rebecca's recent financial problems have shown. 


The idea of this episode was great, and I loved the dream ghost song and hearing the therapist's awesome voice. But the omniscient viewpoint was a bit too much of a reach for me, and if Rebecca doesn't end up in therapy soon, I'm going to get annoyed with her. Self-dreamed therapy doesn't count. But then again, people actually getting themselves to get help can be a two steps forward, one step back nightmare, so it's probably realistic if she doesn't!


Love Paula, but she is her own set of issues! Is it wrong that I'm hoping Josh takes Rebecca to task after discovering the photos? I want a complete meltdown on his part for all the stalking at some point.

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This episode was fun, but more importantly showed some self-awareness from several of the characters. I was happy to see that from Rebecca, but it was also nice to see that from Paula, Darryl, and Greg. I loved the conversation that Paula, Darryl, and Greg had about being unhappy and their insights. Darryl stayed in his unhappy marriage because of his daughter. Paula is unhappy with many parts of her life. Greg advised her to change things in her life if she's unhappy but admitted that he doesn't.


Hee, I also cracked up when Paula told Darryl that if his friends don't know his passwords, they're not really his friends. I don't want to stereotype by gender, but I totally get that some girls totally share everything with each other (my BFF told me what to get rid of in her apartment if she dies so that her family doesn't see any of it) and I have known lots of guys who hang out all the time and have known each other for years but would never know each other's passwords or similar stuff. I know it's not true for all F/F or M/M friendships, but I saw the truth in that little tidbit.


While I think that Rebecca and Paula are a little too codependent, I understood how devastated Paula felt when she thought Rebecca had left without saying goodbye or even telling her that she was leaving. That would be really hurtful to have a friend disappear without a word.


On a nitpicky note, Rebecca had time to get a new job but she didn't take her laptop with her?

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The show is much better when it doesn't just fixate on Rebecca's Josh obsession, but instead emphasizes Rebecca's general emotional and psychological issues.


I agree. I'd much rather see Rebecca try to work out her life issues that don't involve Josh. As harsh as it was for Rebecca to hear that Josh doesn't have feelings for her, she really needed to hear it from him. That's not to say things can't change, but for now, Rebecca has more urgent problems than Joshua Felix Chan.

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I thought this was a great episode.  I actually liked it that Rebecca did her own therapy in her sleep.  Sleep can actually be about sorting through and resolving issues, usually not that many issues on such a deep level, but I have had a similar experience and know it can work.  I have had dreams where I talk to people in my life about stuff I would  never say in real life and resolve issues with them.  I suppose it's a way for me to attain perspective and resolve my feelings about situations in my life.  I know I have had that spooky, mysterious thing happen where I almost feel like someone and I had the same dream at the same time and resolved things between us subconsciously in the dream state.  I know I'm way out on a limb there but let me just say that sleep can be very therapeutic.  It just goes to show that what psychologists say is true - That the cure is in the patient.  One hopes that Rebecca will take the insights she's had in her "dream therapy" sessions to her REAL therapy sessions and make more progress.


Some things I loved about this episode were:


Darryl talking about the new "catfish channel" - I split my sides, especially because I watch "Sister Wives".


Teenage Rebecca telling her father that her wild hair was due to "hormonal changes" - Now I seriously doubt that real teenage Rebecca ever said that, but in the context of adult Rebecca having a dream about herself as a teenager, she would be likely to make her teenage self say that.


Rebecca's therapist and her watching her have sex with that guy - LOVED THAT, especially when her therapist said, "Ooh, I haven't done THAT in a long time" LOL


I have to admit I was close to tears during the scene where she realizes her mother really loved her and protected her from a hurtful truth about her father.  I don't have a problem with "omniscient" Rebecca  in that case because it may just be something she put together after all these years without needing hear it from anyone.  I've figured out some really amazing stuff while asleep.  I know of one occasion that this happened to my mother - She woke up one day having had a dream that her deceased uncle was really gay and no one ever knew it.  She called me and asked me if I thought it could have been true and I split my sides and said yes - I had never even really thought about it but at that moment realized everything about him lead up to that one thing being true.  Mind you, he came out of an age when men, especially religious men, would never admit to being gay and would live their entire lives fully closeted from even their closest relatives, who themselves would never even consciously imagine such a thing being true.  When I asked her how she figured it out, she told me it came to her in a dream.  Like I say, dreams can be amazing sometimes.


One last note - I think the actor that plays Darryl should win an Emmy.  He is just amazing!

Edited by Snarklepuss
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I, too, missed White Josh, but given the Total Rebecca Focus of the episode it would have been awkward to shoehorn him in. In his stead, though: Dreamgirls! Now starring Brianna Barksdale, Worst Mother EVER! I had to laugh.

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Greg is right...nobody knows her all that well.

Nobody except Greg, who correctly ascertained that Rebecca had taken off on her own as part of a longstanding pattern of unpredictable and impulsive behaviour, and that she would safely return on her own. He still freaked out, of course (thus the barrage of telephone calls and emails to local hospitals and morgues), but he was 100% right.


Poor Paula. Even with her marriage in better shape, she still wishes she could "unsubscribe" from parts of her life. Greg's admonition to her was hilariously in character, though: simultaneously concerned, patronizing, and self-deprecating. So Greg: "If you really feel that way, you should change your life. People do that. Not me, but..."

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Darryl watching "The Catfish Channel" was the greatest thing ever. I love Darryl. His ability to not be attracted to Greg but to offer his "objective assessment" was hilarious. He's already an expert!


I loved the Bechdel Test discussion between Rebecca and her inner Dream Ghost.


You can't just text a hospital or morgue and find out if someone's there, can you? I don't mind that they had Greg do it, but... it's not real, right? Maybe times have changed, but I actually did call a morgue about a missing friend about 15 years ago and they told me they were not supposed to talk to the public.


Paula really is more nuts than Rebecca is. I wonder what will break her down and rein her in. Rebecca actually tries at times to be sane, and Paula always tries to stop her.

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Its becoming more and more clear that Paula is even more messed up then Rebecca. Rebecca might be obsessive, but Paula is obsessive about someone elses obsession, which is even weirder. At least Rebecca is coming closer to some kind of self actualization. Paula is just pushing her farther and farther off that cliff into stalker town, because Paula is fulfilling her own fantasies. That being said, I feel bad for her. Her life is clearly making her miserable, and she does not seem to see any way to find a better way to live. I hope that eventually Paula can work on her own life a bit more, instead of obsessing with Rebecca's. 


Darrel is so great. I wish the actor could get some Emmy love, but I doubt that will happen. The Globes acknowledges quirky little shows, not the Emmys. 


I am also glad that they seem to be going more towards a "Josh is just a symptom of a much bigger problem" direction with Rebecca. Being with Josh will not fix her problems, because she has a lot more problems, with her lack of friends (until lately), her parent issues, and her sadness at leaving theater. Josh is just a face she puts to all of the things she is missing in her life. 

Edited by tennisgurl
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Considering this was another bottle episode, it was a solid episode.




???  The plane, Rebecca's father's house, the college stage, the college sexytimz room, Rebecca's apartment . . . this was certainly no bottle episode.


Not to mention the tag scene at the play on the first planet with intelligent life--the best part of the episode!

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Nobody except Greg, who correctly ascertained that Rebecca had taken off on her own as part of a longstanding pattern of unpredictable and impulsive behaviour, and that she would safely return on her own. He still freaked out, of course (thus the barrage of telephone calls and emails to local hospitals and morgues), but he was 100% right.

I also thought of Greg when dream therapist asked whether or not people saw through her lies and Rebecca denied it because she was convincing when she was lying to herself.  Yet Greg has been able to see through her lies quite a bit.  And Valencia somewhat.

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Teenage Rebecca telling her father that her wild hair was due to "hormonal changes"

My hair is like Young Rebecca's (except mine is dark brown) and it did change texture around puberty. I can easily imagine nerdy young Rebecca figuring that out herself, or her mom explaining it to her in those words. She seemed a little young in the flashbacks, but it didn't seem that surprising to me to hear her give that explanation.

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As harsh as it was for Rebecca to hear that Josh doesn't have feelings for her


Yeah but that's not true, he does have feelings for her, which he confessed to Bro Priest. She didn't hear it from Josh, she heard him tell Valencia something to make her feel better. The last we saw him WITH her he was macking on her not exactly evidence of a lack of feeling, at the very least he's attracted, but I think there's evidence he cares for her above and beyond that. 

Edited by blixie
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Awesome episode. The only drawback was too few songs, but otherwise, stellar. It fills me with so much joy that Rebecca's starting to realize that Josh isn't the end-all be-all of her quest for happiness.


I think I'm ready for some exploration of Paula and the dark undertones of her character, but it could probably happen a bit later.


That flashback with Rebecca's father was really heartbreaking. I wanted to punch him so much.

Edited by FurryFury
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Not to mention the tag scene at the play on the first planet with intelligent life--the best part of the episode!


LOL at Rebecca and her therapist surrounded by aliens in the audience.


I think there's evidence he cares for her above and beyond that.


I don't know if Josh quite knows how he feels. At the very least, he has friendly feelings toward Rebecca, no argument there. (And that's never been disputed.) Josh was fine with Valencia until other people started pointing out why they didn't like her, but I'm not sure his feelings for Rebecca go into romantic territory. He enjoys her attention, and of course that's flattering. But he's also gotten a taste of her really crazy side, and I don't think he's ready to deal with all of that. 

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Josh is just a face she puts to all of the things she is missing in her life.

This is profound. So often crushes are really just expressions of longings for a certain kind of life or an opportunity we wish we had. That's not to say we don't like/love/admire/desire the person, but a lot of times I hear my friends say (when they've gotten some distance from the throes of the crush) it was really about wanting more X in their lives, or wanting a break from something else. One friend almost cheated on her boyfriend, then realized she just wanted to spend more time hiking!


I think this is the brilliant insight under the wackiness and music of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend--and I love the wackiness and music, too!

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he has friendly feelings toward Rebecca,


Kissing someone isn't "romantic"? And that wasn't just "a" kiss it was an extended make out. Josh admitted he's sexually attracted to her, and he cares for her beyond sexually, his feelings for Rebecca exist and they are not purely platonic. That doesn't mean he wants to dump Valencia and get with Rebecca, but it he means he cares for her above and beyond the physical, he's invested in his "friendship" with Rebecca, he's invested enough to show up when she doesn't text him back and angst about her leaving for hours with Paula and Darryl. It means, by any stretch, his denial of any feelings for Rebecca to Valencia is bullshit, and Valencia should recognize it as such. I don't agree that Josh doesn't know how he feels, only that he doesn't know how to DEAL with how he feels. 


Regardless, I think the point of this episode was that Rebecca should stop obsessing about Josh, for her own mental health, despite what Josh does or does not feel for her.

Edited by blixie
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WRegardless, I think the point of this episode was that Rebecca should stop obsessing about Josh, for her own mental health, despite what Josh does or does not feel for her.


I can wholeheartedly agree with you on this point. Here's hoping the show continues down this road.

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Yeah but that's not true, he does have feelings for her, which he confessed to Bro Priest. She didn't hear it from Josh, she heard him tell Valencia something to make her feel better. The last we saw him WITH her he was macking on her not exactly evidence of a lack of feeling, at the very least he's attracted, but I think there's evidence he cares for her above and beyond that. 


ITA with this - I think Josh is full of it or at least slipping back into his denial about his feelings for Rebecca in saying that, plus it was for Valencia's sake, because he cares about her too and doesn't want to hurt her.  Him saying "no" is actually a very realistic reaction because people often slip in and out of denial about certain things that are hard to face or fess up to.  One minute they are having a moment of lucidity and honesty where they admit everything, and the next moment, as soon as things or people become threatening and hard to face again, they deny everything.

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Valencia asked Josh if he LOVES Rebecca-- not if he has feelings for her. Josh may or may not love her and be lying or in denial about it, but either way I think that's a very different question than whether or not he "has feelings" for or is attracted to her or values her friendship.


I think it's significant that Josh can lucidly state the reasons Rebecca is important to him-- he has said more than once that she is the first person to ever make him believe in himself, and that her loving West Covina more than NYC is important to him because so many others act like the town is terrible and a place to escape from. But he never tells Valencia any of this. She can be hard to talk to, but her reaction to the kiss revelation was actually pretty reasonable, and maybe if Josh tried to connect with her more honestly, their relationship would improve. Maybe it wouldn't, but it really can't be known unless he tries. For a while, Valencia actually did enjoy having Rebecca as a friend, so we've seen that she has more than just the bitchy side to her personality, and at least some of her chronic bad mood these days is actually because she knows there's BS afoot and everyone is basically lying to her. (That doesn't explain her bad attitude about the table gift, but what I'm saying is that she isn't 100% unreasonable, and she's shown herself to be more sane and open to realness than some of the other characters at times).


Either way, I agree that Rebecca dealing with her issues instead of fixating on Josh is of course necessary for her mental health, and if she doesn't, it wouldn't even matter if Josh wanted to be with her because Josh is not going to solve her fundamental problems or mitigate her craziness, whether he's available or not. I love that this show knows that. I wonder what it will take for Paula to have a breakthrough, too.

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This is profound. So often crushes are really just expressions of longings for a certain kind of life or an opportunity we wish we had. That's not to say we don't like/love/admire/desire the person, but a lot of times I hear my friends say (when they've gotten some distance from the throes of the crush) it was really about wanting more X in their lives, or wanting a break from something else. One friend almost cheated on her boyfriend, then realized she just wanted to spend more time hiking!

Well said. I have a crush of my own of this type right now, and I'm not acting on that because I realize this (and the guy's not even my type at all). Still, it's pretty annoying at times.

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Valencia asked Josh if he LOVES Rebecca


I guess? I was responding to the posters assertion that Rebecca needed to hear that Josh had no feelings for her, which I agree never happened, but also think is  untrue. I don't think Rebecca  has ever labored under the delusion that Josh was IN LOVE with her currently, she is simply pursuing him in the hopes that he will, and  making out with her, and confiding in her on the regular certainly did nothing to quash those hopes.



Maybe it wouldn't, but it really can't be known unless he tries. For a while, Valencia actually did enjoy having Rebecca as a friend, so we've seen that she has more than just the bitchy side to her personality, and at least some of her chronic bad mood these days is actually because she knows there's BS afoot and everyone is basically lying to her.


It takes two of course, but  honestly I find Valencia's treatment of Josh, and their dynamic overall fairly problematic, she's controlling, dismissive, shallow, and selfish. Even if she has other dimensions, she's by far the bigger asshole in the relationship as shown to us so far. His friends have watched her treat him like shit for years, and have argued he needs to leave her, and certainly speaking up and communicating about those issues would be the mature healthy adult thing to do, but that he doesn't do it, out of fear it will end the relationship entirely, or result in fresh round of her telling him what he REALLY thinks and should do, says a lot about what bad match they are.

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I just loved this episode. Good in so many ways. And I agree with all who said that Paula is as troubled, if not more so, than Rebecca. 


They did such a great job making Tovah Feldshuh look younger! 

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Greg is such a little bitch. Wish Heather would bitch slap his ass or something.

I still think the camp episode is the best of the series so far. I don't know, I'm just a fan of summer camps. Whether it be horror movies or comedies.

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I thought it was a very subtle touch that Greg didn't try to call/text Rebecca, he decided to check with hospitals and morgues so that she wouldn't know that he was looking for her (if ghost-her didn't see the phone first).


Overall, I think it's really interesting what they did to his character. The one that loves Rebecca, hates that he loves Rebecca so much that he in essence became one of the antagonists of the show, yet, there's something still underlying there that keeps them both connected to each other.


Josh is Josh. I wonder why he's not getting a musical number about being torn between two women or something like that lol Too early?


I was very tired of Paula this episode, it was like a new writer took on her character and turned it up to 11. Some of the stuff she was saying seemed out of character, even for her. "OH IF YOU ONLY KNEW WHAT I KNEW JOSH, ACTUALLY HERE'S WHAT I KNOW. SHE WENT TO UH, NOT HAWAII. HERE'S THE COUCH I BOUGHT BACK FOR REBECCA (even though I said I was broke in another episode). REBECCA AND I ARE SUCH BEST FRIIIEEEEENDS." I thought they were maybe going to reveal that she had a drink or two before all of the events happened haha.


Good episode.

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I was very tired of Paula this episode, it was like a new writer took on her character and turned it up to 11. Some of the stuff she was saying seemed out of character, even for her. "OH IF YOU ONLY KNEW WHAT I KNEW JOSH, ACTUALLY HERE'S WHAT I KNOW. SHE WENT TO UH, NOT HAWAII. HERE'S THE COUCH I BOUGHT BACK FOR REBECCA (even though I said I was broke in another episode). REBECCA AND I ARE SUCH BEST FRIIIEEEEENDS." I thought they were maybe going to reveal that she had a drink or two before all of the events happened haha.

No, you're right; Paula was drinking. When she saunters downstairs in her bathrobe, before she starts rifling through Rebecca's mail she is sipping wine.


It takes two of course, but  honestly I find Valencia's treatment of Josh, and their dynamic overall fairly problematic, she's controlling, dismissive, shallow, and selfish.

So what? Josh knows all of this about Valencia and dates her anyway. Josh has been dating Valencia for several years, and there's never been any hint that she has ever behaved any differently towards him. Whatever her shortcomings are as a girlfriend and as a human being, that Josh has stayed with her notwithstanding those shortcomings suggests that those aren't dealbreakers for him, at least not compared to hot sex (Thanksgiving episode) and a gorgeous girlfriend. Short of any suggestion that Valencia and Josh's relationship is abusive, the fact that Josh knows all of this and continues to stay with Valencia and plan a future with her--despite the strong disapproval of his friends and his beloved family, I might add--is on him.


Josh has chosen over and over and over again over a period of several years to date and sleep with a beautiful jerk instead of seeking a more compatible and kinder partner. Now, that's a choice people make all the time (witness Rebecca choosing cute asshole director), but make no mistake: it's a choice. Valencia might be the bigger asshole in terms of personality, but, well, Josh is the guy who freely chooses to continue dating a mean, selfish girl his family and friends hate, no matter how dismissively she treats him, just so he can be with a beautiful girl, and that kind of makes him an asshole, too.


Besides, Valencia might be shallow, but Josh is also a fairly shallow person, or else he wouldn't have dated Valencia for such a long time; a less shallow person would have dumped Valencia years ago. In that respect, really, they're a perfect match.


certainly speaking up and communicating about those issues would be the mature healthy adult thing to do, but that he doesn't do it, out of fear it will end the relationship entirely, or result in fresh round of her telling him what he REALLY thinks and should do, says a lot about what bad match they are.

Sure, they're not compatible, but again, Josh has known what Valencia's about for years and has continued to date her. He could have voted with his feet at any time--it's been made clear in the show that Josh has no shortage of female admirers and is accustomed to women throwing themselves at him--but hasn't. If Josh were an unattractive, unpopular type terrified that no one else would have him if he left Valencia, it would be one thing, but he's hot shit and he knows it. His failure to leave Valencia or to even attempt an honest conversation with Valencia about her behaviour, and there's no suggestion that there's anything new about the way Valencia is acting towards him, is on him. 

Edited by Eyes High
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On a nitpicky note, Rebecca had time to get a new job but she didn't take her laptop with her?


I travel without my laptop all the time now in the age of the tablet. If I don't have serious work to do I don't bother. It was a short trip and she took an ambien on the plane, what did she need it for? :)

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, the fact that Josh knows all of this and continues to stay with Valencia and plan a future with her--despite the strong disapproval of his friends and his beloved family, I might add--is on him.

Never said it wasn't on him, in fact what I said is it is on him for not communicating his feelings, like a healthy mature adult,  about her treating him like a puppy instead of an equal partner. My point was that regardless of her being "three dimensional" Valencia is still treating her boyfriend badly and him accepting that for his reasons doesn't absolve her of treating him badly.


I think the STORY being told, is that Josh is coming to recognize the problems they have mutually together, and that he communicate his desire for the dynamic to change, or they need to break up. I also hope he gives Rebecca  hell for all her lies/stalking, and that whatever real feelings he has/had, she dumped all over them,and it will take time to rebuild their friendship much less anything else. But I also have seen enough television (and real life) to know he'll make the same mistakes with Rebecca that he made with Valencia, ignoring the red flags and problem signs, because he likes/loves Rebecca enough to still want to be with her..

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I think the STORY being told, is that Josh is coming to recognize the problems they have mutually together, and that he communicate his desire for the dynamic to change, or they need to break up. I also hope he gives Rebecca  hell for all her lies/stalking, and that whatever real feelings he has/had, she dumped all over them,and it will take time to rebuild their friendship much less anything else. But I also have seen enough television (and real life) to know he'll make the same mistakes with Rebecca that he made with Valencia, ignoring the red flags and problem signs, because he likes/loves Rebecca enough to still want to be with her..


It's a very good point that Josh's willingness to overlook red flags in favour of keeping the peace and his inability to communicate with a romantic partner honestly and openly about concerns will lead to huge problems if and when he dates Rebecca. Switching one partner for another won't make that go away.

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I loveeeeeed this episode, I've seen it since 3 or 4 times. 

I wished it would've had one more song, but that's the only thing, though at first I didn't understand how she could see things that happened while she wasn't present but with the Christmas Carol explanation I understood. 

I loved that the episode was giving a strong Grebecca feeling, so I can't wait for that to happen. And how cute was he calling all the hospitals and morgues from the area? I don't think Josh would have done that in a 100000 years. 


Darryl was also very cute, trying to hold his tears when he saw Rebecca was back. We got to see Ms. Hernandez again, that's always nice. 

And when Dr. Akopian was telling her "Is not about the guys!" that was great, not everything has to do with men, sometimes is about family and passions, though I was screaming for Greg. Showing him when the Dr. said that Rebecca needs to see what else is in her life and they showed Greg, I was melting. 

Also, I was crying with the father scene. 

And the "I wish Greg was a search term in Porno" was hillarious, Paula said it first in the fifth episode. Greg is yummy, and not only for middle aged women, I'm in my twenties and feel the same way. And Josh asking if Greg was hot? Funny, I can see soon a fight between those two about Rebecca. 

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Only because he's too dumb to think of it.

Haha, that reminds me of one of my biggest laughs in the episode (outside Greg's people DO change their lives when their unhappy, not me, but...) Darryl's response to Josh's distress: OMG, the cheerful man is worried?! Is Rebecca missing?!

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On a nitpicky note, Rebecca had time to get a new job but she didn't take her laptop with her?


I think she left it on porpoise for Paula to find it, so she would know that Rebecca was moving to NY. I think at the end of the episode she said something like she imagined that Paula would check the computer. 

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Fabulous episode, for all the reasons stated above, and such a great musical number.  Imdb says that Ricki Lake and Amber Riley were the backup ghosts.  I knew they looked vaguely familiar, however, I don't think I would have placed them on my own.  I can't find the actress' name who played Dr. Akopian, which is a shame.  She had such a good voice and stage presence!


Usually I am slightly resentful throughout the musical numbers if one of Paula, Greg, or Rebecca is not involved, but I was fine with this one.  I also liked the dream therapy, a lot.  And the twist that Rebecca had gotten on a flight to NYC instead of Hawaii.


No one has commented on her hug to Greg at the end.  I loved his reaction.  I'm a middle aged lady - guilty, as charged.  Yes, Josh, Greg is hot.  (and angry - LOL at Darryl.)

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 I can't find the actress' name who played Dr. Akopian, which is a shame.  She had such a good voice and stage presence!




No one has commented on her hug to Greg at the end.  I loved his reaction.  I'm a middle aged lady - guilty, as charged.  Yes, Josh, Greg is hot.  (and angry - LOL at Darryl.)

Dr. Akopian's name is Michael Hyatt, she was in The Wire. 


Yes, I loved the hug, his face = priceless. I really like the actor, I think he's really good. Have you seen him in Submissions Only? His facial expressions are perfection.

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