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19 hours ago, LakeGal said:

I finished the season.  I enjoyed it.  There is a twist.  It finally answered a couple questions I had.  

I finished too. The twist still left me with questions. I wonder if the relationship between Judith and her kid was always fucked up or if it's just because her mind got twisted because of him being taken away. 

Noah's fate was awful. He was a creepy little sleaze ball but I still felt sorry for him. 

I was surprised by how quickly a couple of characters were taken out. When I watched the first episode I was sure that people like


would be in it for the long haul.

Talvinder didn't deserve to have what happened to her but I can see why the other characters couldn't stand her. It would have been better for them to freeze her out and ignore her as opposed to the original plan of putting her "on trial".

Rene was disturbing. I thought the scene where the impostor dude broke down her relationship with her husband was very compelling. 

All in all I enjoyed it even if it was flawed. 

I appreciate that the story didn't have Keira

save Kevin (?) from hanging at the last minute

. I feel like that's what would have happened if this were a network show. 

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They really seemed to be going for a bit of the Agatha Christie And Then There Were None type storyline.  

It was driving me crazy for several episodes why none of the camp kids would recognize that one person that they had been at camp with.  It had only been 5 years and not one of them mentioned that he even looked familiar.  Of course then it was explained why.  But that was really bothering me.  

There was a couple loose ends that were not tied up at the end.  Did the survivors know for sure who the killer was?

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I'm up to episode 3.  Much better than last season (which I didn't hate but was super cheesy; I'm easy on genre shows). They are chewing through plot (and bodies) like crazy, though.  This episode feels like it should be leading up to the finale instead of still having five more to go.


I really like how the flashbacks keep changing my perspective on various characters without feeling like they are contradicting themselves, particularly with the camp counselor murderers group.  At first Dawn seemed like the aggro ringleader and then you realize she was the last one on board the everyone hates Talvinder train.  It's kind of neat. 

Edited by millahnna
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On 10/20/2017 at 7:56 PM, Avaleigh said:

I finished too. The twist still left me with questions. I wonder if the relationship between Judith and her kid was always fucked up or if it's just because her mind got twisted because of him being taken away.

My thoughts exactly! 


When the twist showed Wren was a split personality, I thought that made perfect sense.  But then they showed Owen was her son, and the implications made my stomach turn.  Didn't the other cultists say she tried to kill herself after losing the love of her life?


The murders were extreme this season.  I can't remember if the first season had so much gore. 

The camp counselors pissed me off so much, they refused to be accountable for their actions.  The first episode surprised me as well with the person being killed.

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I'm up to episode 3.  Much better than last season (which I didn't hate but was super cheesy; I'm easy on genre shows). They are chewing through plot (and bodies) like crazy, though.  This episode feels like it should be leading up to the finale instead of still having five more to go.

I finished. Didn't like this season as much as the first. I think it was because I hated all the camp counselors. Didn't think the reveal was that interesting, felt like everyone was damn near dead anyway.


On 10/20/2017 at 8:56 PM, Avaleigh said:

Noah's fate was awful. He was a creepy little sleaze ball but I still felt sorry for him.

Noah, the one who tried to rape Talvinder because, as Peter put it, she hurt his feelings and embarrassed him? No, I did not feel sorry for him.

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In hindsight, Susan and Peter are the most interesting dichotomy in that they had the least proverbial blood on their hands in regards to Tal specifically (both knew and covered it up and one was there to watch of course) but came off like total opposites.  Susan was just an awful person but she was spot on about Tal.  Peter was trying to own his mistakes on some level from the beginning.  Yet both could arguably be said to be slightly less guilty of Tal's murder in some ways than the other three.  Andy and Noah, who seemed the most sympathetic at the start of the season, turned out to be the worst (major mileage variance on Andy for many folks, I would suspect, but she started the actual murder). Noah's only redeeming moment was when he tried to get Peter to blame it all on him (Noah, effing confusing pronouns up in here, yo). And at first I thought Dawn was just a grade a bitch but how she snapped in the moment makes a lot more sense after all of the flashbacks.  Not giving her a pass or anything but she came off as a slightly better person than every one of the counselors except Peter, even given her horrid actions. 


Noah is, of course, the worst.  And yet still didn't deserve what happened to him.  Clever of the showrunners to set it up the way they did though.  We didn't find out how truly vile he was until we'd seen what happened to him.  So there was minimal chance of any vindictive "you deserve this" sentiments in the moment.  I wonder if that's part of what made him have the "blame me" change of heart as he was dying...experiencing something akin to what he tried to do to Tal might have brought him up short in his vile little brain.

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I've really enjoyed both seasons of this show.  They don't pull any punches when it comes to the yuck/gross factor, and the systematic plots held my interest.

I also like the fact that the settings are Canadian - not fictionalized Anytown, USA locations shot in Ontario or BC with fake state license plates on the cars.

This may cause a lightning bolt to strike me dead on the spot, but Mr. Tori Spelling has been pretty good in both roles over the two seasons.

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On 10/20/2017 at 5:56 PM, Avaleigh said:

The twist still left me with questions. I wonder if the relationship between Judith and her kid was always fucked up or if it's just because her mind got twisted because of him being taken away. 

Same here.  I'm still confused as to why she was imagining making out and sexing up her son.....but, she's crazy so oh well.

I for sure thought that the black dude (Peter?) was the killer, since he was the one who was against the entire "put her on trial and make her pay" thing.  

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Just binged both seasons. Liked seeing the married leaders of the community and Dean McDermott back from season 1, AHS style. (At least I think that was the same woman walking with her wife when their dog discovers the dead body in the field).


The only thing that tipped me off that Judith could be the killer is that Leslie Hope is the biggest name in the cast and her name is first in the credits.

I was really scratching my head about why they hated Talvinder enough to kill her until the last couple of episodes when its fleshed out more, how she comes to die that is. But still it was a bit much. They probably could've gotten away with a few years time and probation had they stopped.

Re Susan and Talvinder: That really went nowhere. I thought she hated her because they had a thang goin' on lol. And furthermore if I was Susan, I would've sang like a canary and ratted 'em all out.

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I didn't get past the first episode of the first season. Killing a pregnant woman was just a no-go for me.  Jumped ahead to season two and just finished it. Liked the premise; don't think I really "liked" any of the characters but then that's usually the point of a slasher flick--you're not heartbroken when they die and you might even root for a few to get offed.  For example, both hubs and I had no sympathy for Talvinder. What an insecure, self-centered, manipulative tool she was.  I wish Susan would have lasted longer. Yes, she came off cold but she was the most insightful of them all from the flashbacks. I liked how she had Talvinder's number from the start.  I felt the most sorry for her demise because she had a husband and child at home who loved her.  Andy's boyfriend back home caught a break w/her death. Clearly she wasn't into him since she slept with her cheating ex so soon after they arrived. Peter clearly had issues with keeping it in his pants.

Eye rolled quite a number of circumstances where they foolishly put themselves in harm's way. But again, I guess that's the nature of the genre.

I felt like the last episode needed a little more....resolution perhaps


(like how did Judith get away?)

and maybe even flashbacks of


her arrival at the commune.

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I'm a huge slasher-fanatic (mostly 80's, but there's some great ones after that era), and I love Harper's Island. I was so excited for Slasher last year, but I ended up hating it.

However, this second season was improvement. I'm still not gonna say it's anything above average, but it was certainly better.

I was sure from the beginning, that


Wren is the killer. He didn't seem to have a purpose or effect in anything that's happening, which made him look suspicious. As if the writers were really desperate for a shocking reveal. "Oh no, it's the guy who was so nice and boring!" I also got the feeling that he's Owen's big brother and the whole thing wasn't about Talvinder at all.

Of course that wasn't the whole truth. I noticed clues for the twist when the season went along, but maybe I just didn't think they would go with such a cliche.


Wren just popped in and out through the episodes. He was mysteriously absent a lot of times.

That letter thing was weird, he signed it with "Your Wren" and not "Yours, Wren.

But what made me realize it's not just about lazy/bad writing and that he might not be a real person, were the flashbacks of Glenn/Benny and Mark arriving to the community. Everyone were welcoming them, except Wren. And in the seventh episode, Mark was worried about Judith not being in her room. Wren was also supposed to be in the room, but nobody mentioned him. That verified my predictions, so the twist didn't come as a shock.

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I just finished the first season and, man, they really didn't give the killer's reveal that much thought, did they? Cameron couldn't have possibly tampered with Justin's cocaine and arranged for Robin's flowers to be delivered at the right time, nevermind the only way for him to know his victim's sins would mean Alan Henry kept several crimes from the police for decades yet didn't mind getting all gossipy with his son. No real motive, either. Guess we are to assume Sarah's return triggered Cam's latent sociopathy and he decided to adopt Tom's killer persona just because!

That said, I thought the finale was glorious. I was tempted to ditch the show after the first episodes (the writing was so-so and everything felt too derivative and on the nose - do you still hear the lambs, Clarice?), but Katie McGrath and the guy playing Tom somehow developed a rapport towards the end (too bad it lasted all of two episodes) and we finally got some stakes. (Where was that chemistry before? I feel robbed!)

I almost couldn't believe they found the cojones to go there with Sarah but oh boy the let's-torture-the-shit-out-of-Cam scene was so dark and well done IDGAF however implausible it was for the cops to buy the self-defense shit when Cameron had more stab wounds than she and Dylan combined. Heck, I doubt the cops particularly cared, either. Sarah got sick of running and they made damn sure to show us how deliberate her decision to regain control of her own life by taking revenge on her own hands was by having her ditch the police call/run routine not once, but twice. Going through what Sarah went through should change you and I am glad the writers allowed this Final Girl to be rougher around the edges. There was some nice deconstruction going, between that and her just standing there allowing Tom to give his life for her. Sarah is one heck of a survivor, but she's not a heroine. And that's ok.

I thought they had Cameron and Sarah having sex (no "making love") to further drive home (to us viewers and Sarah) how emotionally detached he was. The directing of this episode was top notch. The focus on Sarah when Cameron is dressing up, Cam laying next to her completely oblivious in his own mania as she bleeds out and then Dylan holding Cameron for her... Very powerful imagery all around. Also, I hated Dylan's guts all season but that single scene when he tries to remind her she's not killer but helps her anyway because he realizes it's what Sarah needs totally sold me the couple. What can I say, the family that slays together stays together.

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I just finished season 1. I enjoyed it until the last episode. I would have preferred Cam get away over becoming suddenly stupid for plot convenience. He has a bloody room that he never cleaned up? Sarah stabs him...so he stabs Robin? The killer we saw all season seemed much smarter and more in control than that.

Also, Cam being judge, jury, and (slow and painful) executioner is wrong, but it’s okay if Sarah does it? Why?

Cam seemed to figure out his next victims as he went, despite the list. After all, the secrets came out right before each died. That was rather convenient for him. If he already knew, then he let Ariel and her son suffer longer for no good reason...unless he figured out only part of the truth, but thought she had been killed after. 

I did like Sarah and Dylan getting back together, that he messed up big time, but his love for her won out. I’m also glad he didn’t do the killing for her to “save her” from doing it herself.

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Why do folk in horror stories never closed the curtains? There's a maniac outside in the snow killing people in horrible ways and you're inside with all the lights on and the curtains wide open!!  

This happens in almost all horror, along with people doing stupid things to advance the plot.  So annoying.

I haven't seen season 1 but did binge season 2.  The story could've been told in 6 episodes as it dragged a little at times.  But it did keep me guessing right up until the end and I liked the flashbacks scenario.  We learned a little bit each time we saw a flashback and it changed our perception of events. 

Mostly good acting.  But shut those damn curtains when it's dark outside!!! So annoying.

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Finished season 2. I enjoyed that much better than season 1, at least in how everything was resolved. It dragged a bit too long though.

Kind of funny that Peter sleeps around like Captain Kirk, yet still comes off as more sympathetic than most anyone else, including the girlfriend he cheated on. One of his best moments was basically the “I’m supposed to hate you, but even I don’t know why I’m not the one on trial” speech.

Renée got violent fast. She went from likable to unlikable as soon as she attacked the hiker. 

Did I miss something with Benny? In the middle of a paranoid fest with a killer on the loose, he decides to kidnap and rape Noah. That was just a profoundly stupid thing to do. Sure, Noah “betrayed” him, but Benny was smart enough to predict that. No one believed Noah. He just couldn’t keep the violence at bay anymore, I guess. It seemed more like he suddenly got stupid for plot’s sake.

Mark just sort of failed on all counts. He couldn’t identify the killer despite his claim of being good at reading people. He actually goes to investigate a strange noise while he’s supposed to be guarding, and then he promptly forgets he has a gun. Then he decides he knows who the killer is because he apparently never heard of planted evidence (I think it was planted?), and decides to play judge, jury, and executioner. How the whole group didn’t turn on him is beyond me.

Give the identity of the killer, 


the first death is kind of funny. Judith is all, “I don’t like these people here. I need hugs.” Gene (I think that was his name) basically responds with, “Okay. That’s nice. Sauna?” I guess Judith didn’t take his reaction well. Should have stayed with the group hug, Gene.

Edited by Meushell
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I want to like this show because the set-up is right up my alley, but I only made it a few episodes into the previous 2 seasons. I did watch all of season 3, but that was due more to inertia rather than enjoyment. Most of the characters are awful, the acting across the board is not great, and there are a lot of eye roll-worthy developments. That's not unusual in the horror genre, though, and I was curious enough about the ending to keep going so that's something.

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I finished this season last night.  I am not sure what I thought of it.  It would have helped if I liked the characters.  But I didn't really care when they were killed off.  I certainly wouldn't live in that apartment building.  I kept wondering why nobody was leaving.  Then I had to remind myself that it was all happening in one day.  No time to get scared enough to make plans to leave.  

Early on they seemed to be hitting us over the head with who the killer was.  Then we would realize it wasn't that person.  I was over halfway thru the season when I started to suspect who was doing it.  But even that was a bit different than I thought.

I was getting sick of the back in time.  At least 5 or 6 times every episode we would get the 1 year earlier or 20 years or 10.  They spent so much time jumping back and forth when it really didn't need to be shown any longer.   

At least when they do this show Dean McDermott gets work.   I believe he has been in every season.  

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I've watched the entire series.   The one thing that gives me a chuckle is how the 'killer' can conveniently attack people w/o noone noticing save the first victim Kit who had fucking Dean McDermott's character watch the killer and not intervene.    And of course others not helping Kit throughout.  Which I guess was the point of Season 3...how not helping your fellow man can have detrimental effects down the line.   

By the 5th episode I guessed who the killer was though I didn't realize there was another till the reveal.   I suppose that would explain how the killer seemed to be everywhere.    It would've been nice to have a last minute reveal of who killed which characters.

Overall I was entertained.   Hopefully they bring it back for a 4th season.

Edited by Meedis
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My question is - did the Killers from the current day’s storyline also kill Kit the year before? Based on timeline, why would they have wanted to since the main reason they turned to killing happened later? 

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54 minutes ago, yourdreamer said:

My question is - did the Killers from the current day’s storyline also kill Kit the year before?


Kit was killed by the guy arrested by the cops. He was the ex-boyfriend of the woman with Kit at the solstice party. He killed Kit out of jealousy. He also killed his ex at the remembrance service for Kit marking the 1 year anniversary of his murder (she was the victim hung upside down in the tree).

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7 hours ago, krankydoodle said:
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Kit was killed by the guy arrested by the cops. He was the ex-boyfriend of the woman with Kit at the solstice party. He killed Kit out of jealousy. He also killed his ex at the remembrance service for Kit marking the 1 year anniversary of his murder (she was the victim hung upside down in the tree).

Thanks. I missed that part - got where they said who killed the ex but missed the Kit part of his story. 

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On 5/25/2019 at 5:02 AM, Meedis said:

It would've been nice to have a last minute reveal of who killed which characters.


Based on who was with Saadia and who wasn't, combined with style (Connor seems more brutal, Jenn more calculated)...

Kit - killed by Wyatt (1 year earlier)
Noelle - killed by Wyatt
Frank - killed by Connor (Jenn is with Saadia / at school)
Cassidy - killed by Jenn (Connor is not at school)
Xander - killed by Connor (Jenn is at school)
Kaili - killed by Jenn (Connor is at the apartments, Jenn can dissect)
Amy - killed by Connor (Jenn is with Saadia)
Joe - killed by Connor (Connor uses this knife, Jenn's is smaller)
Violet - killed by Connor (same)
Charlie - killed by Jenn (Jenn is with the weapon later, Connor is with Saadia during... maybe only one I'm not certain)
Pujit - killed by Jenn (we're shown Connor/Saadia together, but then damn Jenn is strong)
Roberta - killed by Connor (shown)
Amber - killed by Jenn (shown)

Edited by Azgard12
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I'm only halfway through, but I was kinda bored, so I wanted to see if my guess of who the killer is was correct.  Glad to see I was half right.  

I am really not feeling the flashbacks; it was handled much better in the previous seasons.  It just seems real clunky this year.  

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Watched the whole season yesterday. I thought it was clearly better than the previous two. First one is awful, second was slightly better, but this one I actually liked to some degree.

It does have the same problems than before; awful characters, not-so-subtle and underscoring themes, nonsensical writing and bad acting. But I liked the season taking place during one day and the flashbacks actually managed to develop characters, which hasn't really worked previously.


Did anyone else realize that the reveal/motive was pretty much combination of the previous seasons?

First season had Cam killing people he thought had done bad things, Connor and Jen does this too. Also, second season started with a flashback murder that actually turned out to be unrelated to the current killing spree. Just like Kit.

Sure, Kits death started the cycle, but it wasn't until the mother (whose name I have hard time recalling) killed herself, that set the things in motion.

I was watching episode 5 or 6, when I texted my friend who had already finished it. I told her 


that I was 90 % sure the killers were Jen and Connor, maybe even Amber, but I deemed her too obvious with all the craziness.

Connor was so pointless during the first half and then all of a sudden they start to hit us in the head with their mother burning herself and how it affected Connor. So it became clear that they were setting up the motive.

When the cops were wondering why there's such a difference in the killings, women were killed more calculated ways, when men were just mercilessly hacked to death, I realized there must be two killers. And who else would it be, other than the loving, loyal best friend Jen.

I just have no idea why 


Dan and Angel were just locked in the basement. Connor gassed them for a minute, but why? So that they would glue together? How did that even happen, what kind of gas does that? And why didn't he even try to actually kill them? Was it just lazy writing, a way to have at least one survivor other than Saadia?

I was glad to see such a genre star like Bill Moseley show up in the second episode, but man wasn't he wasted.

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Re: Dan and Angel


Dan and Angel were just locked in the basement. Connor gassed them for a minute, but why? So that they would glue together? How did that even happen, what kind of gas does that? And why didn't he even try to actually kill them? Was it just lazy writing, a way to have at least one survivor other than Saadia?

The show is already fading from my memory, but I thought Connor glued them together while they were unconscious with the expectation that they would kill one another or at least fight.

Edited by krankydoodle
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On 6/6/2019 at 8:19 AM, krankydoodle said:

Re: Dan and Angel

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The show is already fading from my memory, but I thought Connor glued them together while they were unconscious with the expectation that they would kill one another or at least fight.

I think you are right or that was the impression that I got from it.

I was just watching season two (I had forgotten that I had watched it when it first came out and so I spent the entire time saying to myself, "This looks familiar, did I see this?") and the one thing that really bugged me was the damn gun.  How many bullets did that gun have?  

You never see it being reloaded but it must have been fired like thirty times throughout the show.  

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I was enjoying season 3 until the "Reaper Lady" reveal.


I couldn't believe people felt sympathy for a grown man who carelessly received oral sex in front of an underage child. I rolled my eyes even harder when it seemed like neither the Reaper Lady, nor her family, told people why she called him out in the first place.

I only finished the rest of the season because I wanted to see how the story ended.


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I've watched series 1 and 3, and I was just wondering if anyone knew precisely how many episodes in each series that Erin Karpluk actually appears? In series 3, Solstice, for instance, I saw her name in the credits and I don't think she was even in the episode. What, did they credit her for episodes she didn't have to appear in? Was that part of her contract?  Anyway, for what it's worth, I thought that "The Executioner" was far more interesting and held together better than "Solstice," which honestly was way too promiscuous and even gregarious with the murders. At times, I felt like they were trying to outdo proper slasher films AND American Horror Story, which manages to get a better job done with way less murder-porn.


But I've yet to see the second series, so perhaps I'll be pleasantly surprised. Anyway: my question-- precisely which episodes, in series 1 and 3, does Erin Karpluk appear in? (I've got a bit of a crush)...

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she was the teacher. in season 3
so episode 1, so amused herself in her flat whilst couple next door had sex

season 1 she was the mum of a missing girl, in quite a few episodes.

I have just binged all 3 seasons over 3 weeks, really enjoyed and don't think i guessed who did it each time until THE VERY END when really no one was left anyway!

hoping their is a season 4!



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David Cronenberg to star in new season of Shudder's Slasher anthology

Has any show hopped around as much as this one has, at least in such a short period of time? It started on Chiller on 2016, moved to Netflix in 2017, and is now going to be on Shudder. I know it's an anthology show so it's really just the name, the killer-on-the-loose premise, and presumably some of the same people behind the scenes, but still.

I tried the previous seasons and didn't like them much, but I'm cautiously optimistic about the new one because of Cronenberg and the plot setup ("a wealthy but dysfunctional family gathering for a reunion on a secluded island. Their old wounds and competitive rivalries flare up when the family realizes a masked killer is on the island, intent on cruelly picking them off one by one"), which reminds me of Harper's Island. 

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I I just watched season 3, and wow, that got pretty silly in the end. The constant addition of traumatic events to the characters’ backgrounds got to be pretty silly after a while. Particularly…


…the car crash for the virtual reality lady when she was a kid, and that she hit Kit with her car because she was having a texting argument with her husband/boyfriend(?). It didn’t add anything to the plot and felt like complete filler.

Now on to the killer


s. It felt like they were really smart about it, then suddenly got stupid for plot’s sake. Also, what was with their moms? Okay, I get that one was driven to suicide, but setting herself on fire in front of her family? Then the second immediately blames the son? Then the kids keep her around and drugged when she was expendable? I was so hoping that all three were in on the kills and the insanity was just an act.

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Slasher: Ripper was one of the best things I have seen in a long time. It was a million times better than American Horror Story. I can't believe this was season 5 and I'd never heard of it before.

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17 hours ago, Lily H said:

Slasher: Ripper was one of the best things I have seen in a long time. It was a million times better than American Horror Story. I can't believe this was season 5 and I'd never heard of it before.

I only liked seasons 1 and 2 of Slasher (didn't even finish 4) so I'm curious how you'd rank Ripper in comparison to the other Slasher seasons. I still love AHS even with the occasional shitty season. (Looking at you, Double Feature.)

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On 5/13/2023 at 9:38 PM, Avaleigh said:

I'm curious how you'd rank Ripper in comparison to the other Slasher seasons.

I've never seen the other Slasher seasons. Had never heard of the show at all until I came across it by accident looking for something to watch and luckily found the premiere episode about to begin. I was originally intrigued by it being set in Toronto in the 19th century, plus I like Eric McCormack. I just found the gory parts less over-the-top distasteful than AHS and it kept me guessing the whole time. And the ending was so satisfying!

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I watched all 8 episodes on streaming. I too thought it was like a good season of AHS. That show seems to always start out with a bang and become so muddled by the end you don't care. 

Slasher/ Ripper had a god plot. I don't go near horror without a plot. The color-blind casting worked too. 

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