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S12.E12: My Next Life

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It's not the fact that April's not telling Jackson yet, which is understandable, but the fact that it was phrased in such a way that again, made it All About April and Her Feelings. I like them as a couple and I want them to get back together, but at some point they're going to need to show an April who's capable of considering another person as a human being (especially as she's about to become a parent). It was also a notable contrast to her first pregnancy scare back in S9, which was not exactly an uncomplicated situation either, but where she was able to put herself in the other person's shoes. For all her many faults, she has never been so lacking in empathy as she is currently.

  • Love 3
But whatever her reasons for wanting to wait, why can't this adult human use her words to say, "I love you and when I'm ready to be married, I will absolutely want that to be with you.  But I'm not ready yet to be married," ?  This "I don't want the ring; but I don't not want the ring" bullshit drives me fucking nuts. I think Shonda and co think it's cute when these highly educated adults can't formulate actual logical sentences about their feelings.... really normal, run of the mill reactions to adult relationship feelings.

Because Shonda will never let her characters express themselves in an honest straightforward manner if there's a more cutesy way she thinks it can be done! And it's SO ANNOYING. I know people who have been in a similar situation (not all the Alex/Jo drama, but wanting to get married down the road but not yet) and all you have to do is say just that: I love you and I want to be in a serious monogamous long term relationship with you that results in marriage, but I am not ready to get married right now. Instead we have Jo and Alex talking about the ring and the drawer and not not wanting the ring.

  • Love 1

Overall, I think I didn't really like this episode, but it did have some great lines and character interactions, which I think is what was reminiscent of those early episodes. It wasn't as good as those were, but it had flashes.


Re. Meredith's cancer patient, I really wish they'd given us a better explanation. If the patient could have been saved with an earlier surgery, they should not just so blithely slide over the fact that she basically just did to Nathan exactly what the other doctors did to Penny with Derek, and that woman's death is largely her fault (I would assign Nathan slightly more blame than I would Penny, because he's actually a grown-up doctor who has not shown any difficulty asserting himself, and there's no logical reason for letting Meredith steamroll over him if time really was of the essence.). On the other hand, it's just as possible that the issue was such that no surgery would have saved it, and she was already doomed by the time they even saw the problem. But if that's the case, we really need to be told that explicitly, because otherwise, it really looks like the former, and that's not OK for so many reasons.


Oh and to build on what I said before about Owen's sister.  Being lost and not having a body is soap speak for showing up with amnesia at just the most inopportune time.  I am so not interested in Owen/Riggs drama (even though I like Riggs) that the fact that their feud was over something this non dramatic didn't even bother me.  Its basically Owen being Owen.  He can leave at any time now.

Oh man, I didn't even think of the amnesia angle. I pretty much assumed, as soon as Nathan said, not that the helicopter was shot down or crashed or whatever, but simply never showed up, that she would be back. But I hadn't thought of amnesia until you mentioned it. And it would solve the issue someone else raised of the army failing to notify the family that she'd been found. If she got out of whatever situation she found herself in without the assistance of the army and didn't remember who she was in order to report to the army, they'd have no reason to believe she was alive or anything to notify the family.


So now I'm thinking she shows up because her new husband needs treatment for something. Probably still right after Nathan and Meredith have gotten together.


That's something I have a problem with too. It made total sense to me that she would be reluctant about dating again. Both with the hot slutty doctor she cheated Callie on (actually, I've always thought that someone being attracted to her knowing about her leg is what made her cheat in the first place, but I digress) and Leah things just happened by themselves without her having to reach out and really do anything. Meeting new people, getting to know them and they getting to know you is a different prospect and something where her vulnerability and insecurity would play a big part. They made such a big deal about her not being the same person as before the accident and now it's being completely glossed over.

Or quite simply, they've forgotten about the leg. 

Just wanted to agree with your assessment of why Arizona cheated. It's why I never hated her for it as much as some people did. From Arizona's perspective, she was bringing herself back to Callie missing something, and that has nothing to do with Callie's actual feelings about it and not remotely Callie's fault. But this other person had never known her with two full legs and still thought she was hot. I never had a problem understanding why that would be so appealing to Arizona.


But I'll also echo the general consensus about how frustrating it is for the writers (and maybe Capshaw, too? As an actor, I would probably question a direction telling me to skip down a bunch of stairs if I remembered that I was supposed to have a prosthetic leg) to have seemingly forgotten about the whole thing, except when it serves to make a good plot point.


I figure April will tell Jackson the moment he starts dating someone else. Either that or she'll blurt it out during the next big crisis.

Or she'll find herself needing some kind of treatment and either she'll have to say it or she'll be unconscious and someone else will have to tell him or he'll see it on her chart or whatever.


I have to say - the Alex/Jo thing is dumb. I always thought once someone brought up marriage - that's it. That's the bridge of no return. How can you be "I don't want the ring, but keep it until I figure it out?" yes you want to marry him (because it seems like Alex doesn't want a post-it marriage) - or no you don't, and you let Alex be with someone who DOES want to be married. 

I would have thought Alex would have learned not to dis the post-it marriage. He's done the whole big, "legitimate" wedding thing and it didn't work out for him, and he's seen how successful the MerDer post-it marriage was. If I were him, I'd be all over that. On the other hand, if she's not ready, it doesn't really matter if the option is a big fancy wedding or a piece of office stationery. But given how many people seem to have eons-long engagements, if you want to marry someone but not yet, why not accept the proposal and just hold off on setting a date until you are ready? I mean, I personally am not a big fan of long engagements, but it's not like they're unheard-of.

  • Love 1


"I don't won't the ring, but keep it in the drawer just in case" would be a TOTAL dealbreaker for me. The show apparently thinks it's cute and a display of true cosmic love. No.

I think it's nice to show a woman being indecisive about how much commitment she's ready for. It actually does happen.


After finding out the roots of the Owen-Riggs rift, I, too, shook my head. "That's it?" This is just as silly as everyone discussing their sex lives at work. But imagine how the actor playing Owen must've felt when he learned why his characters was so filled with hate for Riggs. That's gotta get under your skin on you as an actor, that you powered through these explosive scenes of anger about your dead sister, only to find out that this was the reason?


I'd love to hear what these actors honestly think about how their characters are being written. Maybe they're just happy for screen time, but certainly they must get a little protective of how their character is depicted.

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I think it's nice to show a woman being indecisive about how much commitment she's ready for. It actually does happen.

I with you on this. I'm not a big Alex and Jo fan (tho I do quite like them) but I like that Jo isn't falling over herself to marry Alex, she's go her boards and what type of doc she wants to be coming up, she does not need to be rushing into marriage right now.

  • Love 2

I think it's nice to show a woman being indecisive about how much commitment she's ready for. It actually does happen.



It absolutely does, but they should talk about it. They've been together for God knows how long now, they live together, Alex was apparently thinking about marriage for a while, Jo was the one who wanted to know where their relationship was going just recently... They should be able to have a proper, meaningful conversation about their future instead of this cutesy stuff that looks like it's been written out of a 15 year old's diary. 

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I also think the two stories are fundamentally different even though they might appear similar. But it also shows how ridiculous it was that Meredith sided with Owen even though she knew what happened. She should have been all like "You know, I could easily blame you for putting me on that plane like you blame Nathan, but I don't because it would be ridiculous".

Or like Meredith herself blamed Penny ... but  of course that wasn't ridiculous ... 

I think it's nice to show a woman being indecisive about how much commitment she's ready for. It actually does happen.


I with you on this. I'm not a big Alex and Jo fan (tho I do quite like them) but I like that Jo isn't falling over herself to marry Alex, she's go her boards and what type of doc she wants to be coming up, she does not need to be rushing into marriage right now.


I agree, but I am not sure that this is what is going on with them.  In season 10, Jo was not comfortable with marriage or "official" commitment. Then she bought the loft and wanted to live in it with Alex. Then in episode 3 of this season she freaked out because Alex had potential babies with Izzie and only wanted a dog with her. So he offered to start a family with her if that's what she wanted and she laughed at him.  Then she broke up with him, not because she was shy of marriage or commitment but because she didn't feel that she was a priority in his life.  Then he proposed and she didn't say yes or no, but kicked him out (maybe.)  Then Meredith relinquished Alex, so he moved back into the loft but they weren't speaking.  Then they made out and I guess were fully back together.  Then she found the ring, confronted him about it and then said she didn't want it, but didn't want him to return it.  


So it could be that she doesn't want to get married now, or it could be that she actually has 5 different personalities, each wanting a different thing from Alex, work and life in general.  They haven't done that yet, shockingly.  They can bring back Owen's sister with amnesia and Jo can be her own evil twin.  At least it would be a storyline, and one that actually makes as much sense as the one going on now.

Edited by Deanie87
  • Love 4

Overall, I think I didn't really like this episode, but it did have some great lines and character interactions, which I think is what was reminiscent of those early episodes. It wasn't as good as those were, but it had flashes.


Re. Meredith's cancer patient, I really wish they'd given us a better explanation. If the patient could have been saved with an earlier surgery, they should not just so blithely slide over the fact that she basically just did to Nathan exactly what the other doctors did to Penny with Derek, and that woman's death is largely her fault (I would assign Nathan slightly more blame than I would Penny, because he's actually a grown-up doctor who has not shown any difficulty asserting himself, and there's no logical reason for letting Meredith steamroll over him if time really was of the essence.). On the other hand, it's just as possible that the issue was such that no surgery would have saved it, and she was already doomed by the time they even saw the problem. But if that's the case, we really need to be told that explicitly, because otherwise, it really looks like the former, and that's not OK for so many reasons.


Oh man, I didn't even think of the amnesia angle. I pretty much assumed, as soon as Nathan said, not that the helicopter was shot down or crashed or whatever, but simply never showed up, that she would be back. But I hadn't thought of amnesia until you mentioned it. And it would solve the issue someone else raised of the army failing to notify the family that she'd been found. If she got out of whatever situation she found herself in without the assistance of the army and didn't remember who she was in order to report to the army, they'd have no reason to believe she was alive or anything to notify the family.


So now I'm thinking she shows up because her new husband needs treatment for something. Probably still right after Nathan and Meredith have gotten together.


Just wanted to agree with your assessment of why Arizona cheated. It's why I never hated her for it as much as some people did. From Arizona's perspective, she was bringing herself back to Callie missing something, and that has nothing to do with Callie's actual feelings about it and not remotely Callie's fault. But this other person had never known her with two full legs and still thought she was hot. I never had a problem understanding why that would be so appealing to Arizona.


But I'll also echo the general consensus about how frustrating it is for the writers (and maybe Capshaw, too? As an actor, I would probably question a direction telling me to skip down a bunch of stairs if I remembered that I was supposed to have a prosthetic leg) to have seemingly forgotten about the whole thing, except when it serves to make a good plot point.


Or she'll find herself needing some kind of treatment and either she'll have to say it or she'll be unconscious and someone else will have to tell him or he'll see it on her chart or whatever.


I would have thought Alex would have learned not to dis the post-it marriage. He's done the whole big, "legitimate" wedding thing and it didn't work out for him, and he's seen how successful the MerDer post-it marriage was. If I were him, I'd be all over that. On the other hand, if she's not ready, it doesn't really matter if the option is a big fancy wedding or a piece of office stationery. But given how many people seem to have eons-long engagements, if you want to marry someone but not yet, why not accept the proposal and just hold off on setting a date until you are ready? I mean, I personally am not a big fan of long engagements, but it's not like they're unheard-of.



Right?! that's what i mean - like... 

they're not even engaged (i didn't mean that Alex would be against it, I just always thought that the Post-It Marriage was aka common-law, but Alex doesn't want a common-law marriage, he wants the whole shebang). It just sounds like Jo doesn't have zero clue what she wants (or needs more time) but like I said.... it's one thing to need time to know when you want to get married - but you should know if you want to get married, and it really seems to me Jo doesn't want it. 


For those blaming Meredith, this should explain. From Grey's Medical Twitter @GreysMedical, the following tweets the night of airing this episode.

Grey's Medical@GreysMedical Mar 3
For those asking, Mer was not wrong to wait and hold pressure.

Grey's Medical@GreysMedical Mar 3
Daphne's port was infected for awhile, and she waited to come in.

Grey's Medical@GreysMedical Mar 3
She was so sick that she would not have survived the surgery no matter what. IT'S TOO SAD. WHY DO WE DO THIS??

I really love following Grey's Medical Twitter as they will answer any medical related questions.

Edited by autumnhermit
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For those blaming Meredith, this should explain. From Grey's Medical Twitter @GreysMedical, the following tweets the night of airing this episode.

Grey's Medical@GreysMedical Mar 3

For those asking, Mer was not wrong to wait and hold pressure.

Grey's Medical@GreysMedical Mar 3

Daphne's port was infected for awhile, and she waited to come in.

Grey's Medical@GreysMedical Mar 3

She was so sick that she would not have survived the surgery no matter what. IT'S TOO SAD. WHY DO WE DO THIS??

I really love following Grey's Medical Twitter as they will answer any medical related questions.


Thanks for that autumnhermit, I had no idea that such a twitter account existed.  While I felt like that was the story they were trying to tell about how surgery was very likely to fail (which is why Nathan didn't really push all that hard for it), I just think they could have made that a little bit clearer within the story to avoid contrary conclusions by the audience.

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Thanks for that autumnhermit, I had no idea that such a twitter account existed.  While I felt like that was the story they were trying to tell about how surgery was very likely to fail (which is why Nathan didn't really push all that hard for it), I just think they could have made that a little bit clearer within the story to avoid contrary conclusions by the audience.

I agree.  Writers should have clarified that.  Did like the dramatic of the blood trail down the hall and Meredith on the gurney.  Interesting they had a spotter for Meredith the whole time she was on the gurney.  Guess Bailey wants to make sure nothing further happens to Meredith.


Blood pool on the floor did not happen until she took pressure away to look to see if the bleeding had stopped.  


Nathan and Meredith both seemed to know she would not survive thus the insistence on making the phone call.


Not sure if the director wanted to make Nathan look like death at the morgue when Meredith looked at him, but that is the impression I got.  Otherwise the lighting was bad and I was reading too much into the symbolism of it.


Loved the Meredith and Katie passing in the hall.  I read Chandra Wilson spent a lot of time directing that scene.  Meredith looked defeated in that scene.


Also loved the Meredith and Amelia scene after the surgery.  Amelia was so happy to tell Meredith and then she saw her patient being wheeled out dead.  Catherine Scorsone and Ellen Pompeo were wonderful in that scene.

  • Love 1

Thanks for that clarification autumnhermit. Daphne´s case made me puzzled.


I still have doubts though that the early surgery which Nathan immediately suggested might have saved her life.


I love symbolism but Nathan as death in the morgue? I think the lighting was just bad.


I loved all the scenes between Meredith and Nathan, loved them.  I see two mature characters. Worth watching.

Very skilful directing by Chandra, especially the gurney scene. 


I loved Martin´s delivery of the line as Nathan said: "I don´t go asking about your dead husband,do I?"


Hunt was in the army,too but,boy is Nathan a different kind of man. Also acting-wise - Henderson is a really subtle actor,very very appealing to watch.

Edited by Meredithfan
  • Love 2

I think Nathan and Meredith have some good chemistry.  Looking forward to that developing.  The Army doc in the next episode surpasses Nathan in the looks department.  Would love to see if the writers go there with Meredith.


I am still wondering when Meredith and Owen became friends.  Owen seems to have no allegiance to Meredith. Owen does not show any type of warmth to Meredith.  I think maybe the writers may be trying to have Owen be closer to Meredith since she is the anchor of the show and it is her story they are telling.  Still puzzled by that.


Is Owen still living in Derek's trailer? 


What seems to be lacking this season is Meredith letting anyone in like she did Cristina and Derek.  Her other relationships lack any emotional involvement except for maybe Alex and that does not compare to Cristina's relationship with Meredith.  I would love to see Meredith's bond with Maggie and Amelia evolve to where it does not feel so flat emotionally.  Meredith just seems dead inside and I would love to see her come out of that.  


Amelia seems to really love and care about Meredith.  She hovered outside Meredith's room when she was hurt.  She values Meredith's opinion so much that when she does not get her approval, she gets depressed.

  • Love 1

Alex and Meredith's relationship doesn't strike me as a friendship. He's like an adult babysitter, there when she needs attention or looking after.

Its certainly a lopsided relationship, all about her. If you consider Alex's history where he cared for his mother, etc. and combine it with how selfish Meredith is I guess it makes some sense.  Its sad because prior to season 6 Meredith's relationship with Alex was the one thing I liked about Meredith. Cristina leaving highlighted how bad it became.

For someone who has lost a spouse you'd think she would have a bit more sensitivity than to go poking & prying in the way that she was.


That would require thinking about other people. She hates Nathan because Owen does and has been nothing but confrontational towards him from day one. Yet there she was butting in without even a "sorry to pry but I was curious".  Its her way, she always feels like she's entitled to the details of everyone's lives. Just like when she went and asked Owen's mother.

I went back and watched the episode again and agree that Chandra Wilson did a fantastic job directing.  I am not sure if it was a directorial decision but I noticed that since Meredith put on the light blue gown over her scrubs, she was wearing the same color as she was during the first Katie Bryce surgery as an intern when they juxtaposed the flashbacks, rather than wearing her usual navy scrubs.  I thought  it was neat and I assume intentional.  

  • Love 3

Alex and Meredith's relationship doesn't strike me as a friendship. He's like an adult babysitter, there when she needs attention or looking after.

Season 12 it was more Alex hovering over Meredith in episode 5.  Episodes 1-4 there was very little if any interaction with Alex.  Meredith has not asked for him to be around her since before Derek died.  It was Alex that seems clingy and kept constantly calling her when she left for that year.  Meredith did not even want to communicate with him.  


Episode 5 Meredith did not need or want him to be hovering and told him Jo was waiting for him.  Alex seems to be much more interested in Meredith that she is of him.  Kind of reminds me of George with his crush on Meredith and she was not even aware.


She finally told him to go back to Jo in episode 9.


So where is Meredith needing an adult babysitter?  

Edited by autumnhermit
  • Love 3

Season 12 it was more Alex hovering over Meredith in episode 5.  Episodes 1-4 there was very little if any interaction with Alex.  Meredith has not asked for him to be around her since before Derek died.  It was Alex that seems clingy and kept constantly calling her when she left for that year.  Meredith did not even want to communicate with him.  


Episode 5 Meredith did not need or want him to be hovering and told him Jo was waiting for him.  Alex seems to be much more interested in Meredith that she is of him.  Kind of reminds me of George with his crush on Meredith and she was not even aware.


She finally told him to go back to Jo in episode 9.


So where is Meredith needing an adult babysitter?  


Meredith may not need a babysitter (for herself at least, who knows about the kids), but the Meredith/Alex friendship hasn't been an equal mutually beneficial one in years, despite the fact that Mer "handed Alex back to Jo on a silver platter."   Just months earlier she responded to the fact that Jo was unhappy with him by asking if she was moving out so that she, her kids and Amelia could move in with him.  Alex may have been hovering, but that doesn't excuse her lack of respect for him or his relationship.  Alex is happy and settled now for the most part, but we'll see how equal the relationship is when he needs something.  She couldn't really be bothered when his dad died, when he needed to prepare for his board seat presentation, when he was worried about her being gone or when he got shot.  Maybe things will be different now that she doesn't have Derek or Cristina to rely on.

  • Love 1

Considering Owen was responsible for putting 6 people on a plane that resulted in the deaths of Mark and Lexie, the loss of Arizona's leg, and major psychological trauma for Meredith, Derek, and Cristina, I really can't understand his behaviour toward Riggs.

Exactly.  Accidents happen. And from what we've heard, his sister was aware of the risk she was taking.


This really is just a stupid explanation as to why there is tension between Owen and Nathan. It's as simple as that.


Exactly.  Accidents happen. And from what we've heard, his sister was aware of the risk she was taking.


This really is just a stupid explanation as to why there is tension between Owen and Nathan. It's as simple as that.

I'd be cool with tension.  Grief isn't rational and I could understand if Owen just never really forgave him for not being the one on that helicopter (which is shitty, but a think people sometimes feel that way) or even just for being the last person to see her and he resented it.  But usually there is at least some part of the person's mind which is aware he or she is being unfair which tends to temper the response. The vehemence of Owen's hostility and his volatility around Riggs is ludicrous.  

Edited by RachelKM
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I'd be cool with tension.  Grief isn't rational and I could understand if Owen just never really forgave him for not being the one on that helicopter (which is shitty, but a think people sometimes feel) or even just for being the last person to see her and he resented it.  But usually there is at least some part of the person's mind which is aware he or she is being unfair which tends to temper the response. The vehemence of Owen's hostility and his volatility around Riggs is ludicrous.

It doesn't add up. Owen's never come over as sexist or paternalistic about women. I know it may be different because it's his sister, but most men it bleeds over. But Owen's had female friends in combat, worked alongside women, has a female boss, he was married to a badass heart surgeon, he's sleeping with a badass neurosurgeon.

Either there's more to it or its really bad writing.

It doesn't add up. Owen's never come over as sexist or paternalistic about women. I know it may be different because it's his sister, but most men it bleeds over. But Owen's had female friends in combat, worked alongside women, has a female boss, he was married to a badass heart surgeon, he's sleeping with a badass neurosurgeon.

Either there's more to it or its really bad writing.


I'm not so sure about that.  I remember a couple of instances where he implied to Cristina that he knew better than her about what she wanted and what was right for her.  Once was about her wanting kids and once was about her being Chief Resident (he was right about that one, but still.)  Maybe it just comes out with women that he is really close to.  There may have been a bit of it with his mom about the young boyfriend as well, but I can't remember.

  • Love 2

It doesn't add up. Owen's never come over as sexist or paternalistic about women.



I'm not so sure about that.  I remember a couple of instances where he implied to Cristina that he knew better than her about what she wanted and what was right for her.  Once was about her wanting kids and once was about her being Chief Resident (he was right about that one, but still.)  Maybe it just comes out with women that he is really close to.  There may have been a bit of it with his mom about the young boyfriend as well, but I can't remember.

I agree with Deanie87.  I have never liked Owen and one of the reasons was he has always been sexist in my opinion.  The Cristina examples are great and he also told April to go home after she found out their was a problem with the baby (Jackson however was fine to work) and in that same episode or maybe right before or after he had also kicked Meredith out of the OR because Derek had just left.  

Edited by Greysaddict
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Exactly, writers have always proved the point he is sexist. 


He has always been like this. I say this as his fan of a couple of seasons that I used to be. I feel ashamed now of being his fan once.


All he wants is to control women, to own them, to make decisions for them. When women do not do what he wants, he punishes them.


Nathan was respectful of Megan´s wish like an individual, Hunt is a manipulative pig. 

Edited by Meredithfan
  • Love 2

I'm not so sure about that.  I remember a couple of instances where he implied to Cristina that he knew better than her about what she wanted and what was right for her.  Once was about her wanting kids and once was about her being Chief Resident (he was right about that one, but still.)  Maybe it just comes out with women that he is really close to.  There may have been a bit of it with his mom about the young boyfriend as well, but I can't remember.

I don't see it, not in those examples. It was Owen's job to choose who was the best Chief Resident, he knew it wouldn't be Christina, and I think the kids thing was trying to get his way, not that he knew better.

He freaked when he found out his mom was dating a younger man, but then Lexie freaked when she found out her dad was dating a younger woman. (Also ignoring that Mark and Derek were more Thatcher's age than Lexie or Meredith's.)

To me what we're being told and what we're shown with Owen doesn't add up.

The chief resident thing was maybe not the best example (which Deanie said) because he knew Cristina wouldn't want to be burdened with the administrative stuff that comes with Chief Resident.  But the kids thing was absolutely sexist on Owen's part.  He literally could not understand why Cristina wouldn't want to have children and told her she'd change her mind once the baby came.  That is the absolute wrong way to go about having a child.  It was extremely sexist because he assumed since she was a woman she would automatically want to have children.  One of the many reasons I was never a Crowen shipper.  


I think Nathan and Meredith have some good chemistry.  Looking forward to that developing.  The Army doc in the next episode surpasses Nathan in the looks department.  Would love to see if the writers go there with Meredith.     


You mean you would prefer that unknown army doc over Nathan as a possible love interest for Meredith?

Edited by Meredithfan

You mean you would prefer that unknown army doc over Nathan as a possible love interest for Meredith?

Too soon to tell about the Army doc.  Shonda has said in interviews that she likes to see what develops and if she likes what she sees, she goes with it.  Should be fun to see where they go with Meredith.  I love following her life.

  • Love 1

The vehemence of Owen's hostility and his volatility around Riggs is ludicrous.  


Okay, I'm probably going to get in trouble here, but....Owen is not a subtle person, everything he does is overwrought.  Hell, when he is in love, he essentially chews off his partner's face with overly aggressive kissing.  So it is not surprising to me in the least that when he gets upset with someone, he goes overboard with a punch, whereas others might just have a strongly worded confrontation!


I'm mostly playing here, but maybe I'm not.....

Edited by pennben

Okay, I'm probably going to get in trouble here, but....Owen is not a subtle person, everything he does is overwrought.  Hell, when he is in love, he essentially chews off his partner's face with aggressive over-kissing.  So it is not surprising to me in the least that when he gets upset with someone, he goes overboard with a punch, whereas others might just have a strongly worded confrontation!


I'm mostly playing here, but maybe I'm not.....

No, I kind of agree with you.

I don't know what's missing for me, just something feels off. I think it feels like such a trope, man suppose to protect woman, I'd believe it on every other show, but from Shonda? Don't get me wrong Shonda's fond of a good trope, but one that present a woman as someone who should've been saved by her man?

Nothing really stood out to me in this episode but there was one moment that made me smile.  That quick little flashback to Derek in the operating room.  I'm a sucker for nostalgia.  So, I smiled and thought happy thoughts and then I remembered he was inexplicably killed off.  

I loved that particular moment,too. For a second I thought he is still alive.

  • Love 2

I continue to hate it when the doctors get all excited for a person to have a possibly terminal illness. Goody, Goody hope it's a an aneurysm! What professional doctor talks like that? 

I can´t stand this behaviour of doctors which is portrayed on Greys. Especially Amelia and Stephanie. I find it repulsive.


I would like to FINALLY see one female doctor on this show I can look up to both professionally and personally. For me there is nobody. 

Edited by NathanRiggsfan
  • Love 1

I can´t stand this behaviour of doctors which is portrayed on Greys. Especially Amelia and Stephanie. I find it repulsive.


I would like to FINALLY see one female doctor on this show I can look up to both professionally and personally. For me there is nobody. 


It seems distasteful, but in my experience of working in hospitals it's somewhat accurate not just something the Grey's writers have come up with. 

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