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The Mother/Daughter Experiment: Celebrity Edition - General Discussion

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So, Natalie, a grown ass woman who must be pushing 30, is so upset at her mom because her mom wasn't there at her beck and call because she was taking care of her own sick and dying mother? What? And this poor woman has to confront these accusations that she somehow did something wrong by doing that right after her mom she was caring for died? Um, ouch.

I saw Courtney on Couples Therapy and she's so much more like an actual human on this show, I didn't think it possible. I also sorta like her, especially compared to most of these assholes, at least so far.

I think Courtney and Josie are more mature than their mothers. Kimberly obviously is. Cassi might be too. Shar is a weird one to me. Sometimes she seems cool and sometimes crazy.

Why has Darlene, Heidi's mom, been listed as Darlene PRATT? Surely that's some grievous error?

Edited by Rebecca
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I just noticed that this show is not showing any new episodes on my dvr. Anyone know what's going on?

I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it but I found an article that says that Courtney's mom sent Lifetime a cease and desist for the upcoming episode. http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2016/03/18/krista-keller-claims-reality-show-is-defamatory-did-not-use-daughter-to-lure/

Edited by amandabanana
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Just catching up on the episodes. Wow what a train wreck.

Kim and Kim same old same old. I'm guessing that Kim (mom) told daughter Kim that they should not discuss her addictions. She probably said to her that the show was about their relationship not Kim's addictions. Yeah right.

I don't know why the deal is with the girl from bad girls club other than she is obnoxious.

I never watched the hills but I have heard of Heidi and her surgeries. I cannot believe that the problem is just that her mom zdidnt support all her surgery. Sorry. I wouldn't support plastic surgery like that for my child either.

I think conseco family is here for media attention. Either mom is trying to revive her career or the kid is trying to get into modeling. But getting wasted on Xanax or alcohol or whatever is bad. Loved how mom was all like well it was Xanax so it's OK. Why is your kid taking Xanax? Mom needs a good slap.

Shar and her daughter don't really seem to have a problem other than moms outrageously low self esteem.

Courtney And her mom have the most twisted relationship. Both are famewhores. Courtney's clothing choices are perplexing as is her hair

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I just noticed that this show is not showing any new episodes on my dvr. Anyone know what's going on?

I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it but I found an article that says that Courtney's mom sent Lifetime a cease and desist for the upcoming episode. http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2016/03/18/krista-keller-claims-reality-show-is-defamatory-did-not-use-daughter-to-lure/

I thought that it moved to Fridays?

Thanks! I was also wondering what was up. As an aside, your username and avatar are the best!



The Natalie-centric episodes suck.  She seems insane and is completely obnoxious.  Her mother's mother just died and she's ranting at the woman and telling her that she doesn't care about her feelings.  What a jackass.


There is something very wrong/off with Courtney Stodden and Krista.   Neither one of them is a normal person.  Heidi was hilarious during her commentary there are the end.  "I don't know if I'm concerned or entertained.  I think I'm entertained and that's a problem. ...  I'm not going to bed until I get to the bottom of this mess."


I like Shar -- she's funny.


Farrah Abraham and her mother would have been a bigger trainwreck on this show than Courtney and Krista.  That would have been epic.  Damn it, MTV!  Next week, omg.

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Just caught up with all the episodes. Jeez, where to begin??

Of course, I agree that Courtney and Krista are a mess, and Natalie and Heidi want to make everything about themselves.

Controlling Shar seems fixable, but I really feel for Josie and Kimberly - they might be better off without their mothers. Found it interesting that Kimberly said her mother is all she has, when she was seen with her father as she moved to her college dorm on Housewives of BH. I would've guessed that her father is the reason she isn't batshit crazy like her mom.

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Every time Courtney's mom tries to make her husband the bad guy (and he also is), Krista seems to have forgotten she signed papers to basically sell her daughter to this guy for fame. She KNEW what he was, and worse, she didn't care for the safety of her daughter. I think Courtney still loves the guy just to spite her mother. I just can't.... Courtney needs to get away from all of these people, take out her implants, and go move somewhere that she can be cherished and have a real life.


I agree with above posters that Heidi seems to be prepping for Celebrity Rehab. Why get a real job.Her mom seems completely normal and loving, and Heidi is a hot mess who can't deal directly. And when she called herself a prayer warrior?? I was with Natalie's mom, "say WHAT?" Delusional alcoholic. She is practically schizo.


Shar and her daughter are sweet. Yes, I see areas to work on, but they love and respect one another and I am rooting for them. I think they realize they are too normal for this show.


Kim Richards is an unfit mom. An alcoholic who goes through treatment and makes amends is a person to be proud of, but this chick is obviously not sober, and she is punishing her daughter and stringing the girl out emotionally. Kimberly will never be in a safe place, being mom's number one fan. After that weird blow-up in the car after the funeral scene, the woman is a loose cannon.


I feel bad for Josie that she is acting her age once in awhile and acting out, but her mom is playing every side and acting like an overgrown child, and leaving her kid in a completely unstable place.


Most of them suck. The end.

I don´t believe anyone would say they enjoyed talking with Krista. Nothing she says sounds remotely true. She´s damaged her daughter, but Courtney is still a much classier and smarter human being than her mother.


Courtney will never be safe with this lady in her life. The therapist has heard enough to know this. Sometimes we just can't get what we want. Sometimes people are too broken or selfish to deliver. 


Natalie called out Courtney saying it's not just her mom that is evil, her husband is slimy, too. YES! But Natalie can't imagine being a girl pimped out by her mother from the age of 14 like Courtney was. Courtney is looking for somewhere safe. Poor girl needs way more than fake therapy on reality TV. And Krista's "acceptance speech" after therapy made me want to throw her out the window. She is a truly a diabolic amount of narcissistic disorders. And later those nitwits praised her further so she got to preen once more. Poor Kourtney is feasting on breadcrumbs.


That whole trading moms thing.... Ugh. Courtney getting stuck with Kim  - out of the fire pan and into the fire. Then there is Heidi with fellow party girl Josie's mom. Blech. What kind of therapist locks people in a room and supplies bottles of wine???

Edited by Chewy101
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Christa is a complete nut job, as in certifiable. She needs intensive real therapy, not tv therapy. It's obvious she is stunted emotionally and sexually. She is a narcissist. Maybe she was molested as a kid and seeks out inappropriate sexual attention. The whole revelation that she has been "emotionally attached" to her teenage daughter's boyfriend seals my arm chair narcissism diagnosis. All her TH's are about HER feelings, how men are flocking to flirt and proposition HER, how HER "business" and "career" (cough-cough) are affected. I think Courtney is damaged too, but the best thing she can do is distance herself from her scumbag husband and her deranged delusional mother. Run like the wind into the light!

Edited by BusyOctober
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Krista...OMG! She has severe psychiatric issues. I feel so bad for Courtney. 

However I would also totally watch a Stodden reality show and feel guilty at the same time.

Krista was starting to latch onto Natalie who correctly got creeped out.

Kimberly needs therapy and to cut her mother out of her life (or at least stop ENABLING her). Kim definitely needs therapy but I put her in the Krista category--I doubt therapy will be enough. I don't think they want to change themselves and want others to change. Even if they wanted to change and had intensive therapy, I would guess they would have a low probability of meaningful success.....I'm feeling cynical.

  • Love 5


Christa is a complete nut job, as in certifiable. She needs intensive real therapy, not tv therapy. It's obvious she is stunted emotionally and sexually. She is a narcissist. Maybe she was molested as a kid and seeks out inappropriate sexual attention.


I think Christa is total scum (and everything she says is a lie), but I did think for a moment that something horrible must have happened to her to make her this fucked up. It would be a start to explaining that thing, but not an excuse for the way she behaves at this age. Calling that freak a christian is a joke, an insult, etc. I feel really sorry for Courtney and I hope she´ll feel strong enough to cut ties with her "mother" and I hope she´ll have the full support of her husband. Hopefully he´s not half the scum Christa is (that´s giving him a fair bit of chance to still be quite scummy) and maybe Courtney has a chance to heal a bit from her screwed up (to say the least) childhood. I know it´s a far shot but I´ll be praying for her.


The other characters on this show are a mix of interesting, horrible, reasonable people.

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to the poster upthread who mentioned courtney seeming somewhat normal...she sure is now compared to previously, you should check her and her husband Doug out on the reality show couples therapy...oh man she was a TRAINWRECK in that show! She looks SO different now, i dont know what she did to her face but she looks so weird!!! shame as she was kind of pretty.


I wouldn't even have recognized her if it wasn't for her voice. I can't tell if it's just weight loss and different hair/make up or if she did something to her face.

  • Love 2

The episode with Krista, although she finally confessed to what she'd done, was nevertheless all messed up. Can't believe that woman.


This week, Natalie goes nuts because someone Googled her, so now no one is supposed to close their doors, go to bed unless she is done screaming at them, etc. And her mother sticks up for her lunatic behavior! No wonder she is out of control.


So many extremely messed up people that it is hard to tell who is the worst off.

  • Love 5

The episode with Krista, although she finally confessed to what she'd done, was nevertheless all messed up. Can't believe that woman.

This week, Natalie goes nuts because someone Googled her, so now no one is supposed to close their doors, go to bed unless she is done screaming at them, etc. And her mother sticks up for her lunatic behavior! No wonder she is out of control.

So many extremely messed up people that it is hard to tell who is the worst off.

Finally caught the latest episode. Damn you Natalie for acting SO TERRIBLY that I'm on Kim Richards side. Why was Shar co-signing her horrible behavior and giggling along with everything she was bellowing. while HER poor daughter was terrified and running to the Richards room (of all places!!) for some comfort? Up until that point, I really liked her too. I think with the exception of Natalie and sometimes Heidi, the daughters are a lot better off than the mothers.

  • Love 4

WHY for the love of God is that pervy, letchy, skeevy, no talent pedophile Doug the Human Slug going into the "Mother/Daughter" therapy house?!? My skin crawls when I see him. If I were any of the moms, I'd be outta there with my girl in tow. He is vile. Christa is just as sick- a known whack job who has somehow impressed on her daughter that she only has value as a sex object. Every move Courtney makes is as if she were starring in some live action 24 hour a day porno. The pouting baby voice, the skimpy clothes, the slithering out of chairs and her cartoon boobs...her mother and her weirdo AARP card carrying husband have helped make Courtney the pathetic creature she is.

I guess what we saw in this episode was Natalie's attempt at an Emmy reel? WTF is wrong with her? She spends all day telling everyone she's not a "bad girl" then rants all night like the bully she always shows herself to be. And what's with the clapping as she yells in people's faces? Is that some behavior control attempt? Or a dog training technique? If anyone ever clapped at me while drunkenly shrieking, it wouldn't make me come around to see the logic of theirargument.

Is she still married to that poor SOB she dragged on the Marriage Bootcamp show? If I remember right, when they were wrapping up that hot mess, she said she and what's his name were trying to get pregnant...she needs a lot mere deep therapy and a personality transplant before she should even consider taking on a goldfish, never mind a live human being.

  • Love 5

I was reasonably impressed with Kim in this ep, both her stepping in to deflect Natalie from going after the younger girls (hadn't realized she was that much older) and her talking Shar's daughter down from her panic attack. I had to do that once to somebody and it's surprising how upsetting it is to most onlookers who can make it worse. Kim made it better.

Phooey to Canseco mom and her sudden boundaries. No, you don't turn down a career-making cover/spread to do the final day of fake TV therapy. And when you're 19, your mom can't stop you!

  • Love 8

For once, Kim stepped up and took care of others.  Someone had to step up and confront Natalie since her own mother hid in her room.


I am so sick of Natalie.  She needs to shut her damn mouth.  I wouldn't be able to live in that house with her -- she is so obnoxious.  For her to be 30 (!?) and behaving like this is just crazy.  If she weren't on this show it would be so much better. 


Josie and her mother need to go, too.  I don't care about her modeling drama.  So boring.  My eyes were glazing over during all of that. 

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I've never seen Courtney and her particular group of crazies before, so I'm a little curious to see this Doug who is to her and her mom such a catch. I never know what to think about Krista's claims about him approaching her, but she is clearly loony and makes it a habit to go after her daughter's boyfriends. Any decent mom, even aside from her horrendous pursuit of her daughter's beaux, wouldn't have let her daughter marry someone so much older, especially while still a teen, and of course, that doesn't speak well of Doug, either. I feel very badly for Courtney. I think it's amazing she is as together as she is, given the situation. Her mother has serious issues and is acting more like a sibling than a parent, as well as putting her own desires and needs above those of her daughter.


I also thought everyone was nuts to think that Josie (?) the daughter should forgo her opportunity to model for Harper's Bazaar for this ridiculous fake nonsense. Get a real clue, people!


As for screaming Natalie, I first saw her on Bridezillas, although I don't remember anything about her segment, and next saw her on Marriage Boot Camp. Not sure if she is still married to that guy, but can't imagine anyone who could put up with her screaming, paranoid, demanding behavior. She doesn't even let people get any sleep; she's just constantly raucous. I would have been out of that crazy bin in a hot minute. I couldn't believe it when everyone said they'd been there six weeks! I Googled her about the street brawl after the show, so now I must go into hiding, LOL.


I have to say Kim did surprise me this episode, when she took control and helped Shar's poor daughter.

Edited by renatae
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I assume they are talking in "reality show weeks," which are 2-3 days. No way were they putting up these wenches anywhere for 6 wks.

I was thinking that. Or they only meet in the house one day a week. But that makes no sense, as the production would have to rent it the whole time and bring everyone in. Yes, I think they filmed the whole thing in 1-2 weeks. 


So WTF was up with Natalie screaming that no one was allowed to close their doors and she hadn't dismissed everyone? Was she drunk? Or just auditioning for a future Bad Girls? I was glad to see Kim confront the situation. She can be a very caring person when not soaked in booze and drugs. I was LOL when they did the stupid exercise about their worst/best qualities. KIm's worst quality is that she is a people pleaser? Um, no, hun, your worst quality is that you are an addict that is in denial. As far as Josie, I call BS.No way would that shoot interfere with the series. You don't get a call and jump on the plane the next day. It's all for drama. And just for laughs let's say its true. So you should say no to a huge break because you are filing a broke down reality series. And everyone supporting mom and saying it boundries. No just now. Esp when mom herself was a model, so she knows how you can't turn stuff down. 

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Natalie is just playing her role and drumming up drama until the real drama arrives (doug/courtney/krista). Also she gives anxiety girl her moment on the show (panic attack) and lets Kim be relevant/"good". I think this part is all scripted. The only interesting part is the horrible yet fascinating Doug/Courtney/Krista relationship

  • Love 3

Natalie is just playing her role and drumming up drama until the real drama arrives (doug/courtney/krista). Also she gives anxiety girl her moment on the show (panic attack) and lets Kim be relevant/"good". I think this part is all scripted. The only interesting part is the horrible yet fascinating Doug/Courtney/Krista relationship


I have to believe this as well.  This is "supposed to be" a therapy show. So, when someone makes a huge disturbance by DEMANDING that everyone keep their doors open so that Natalie can evesdrop on every conversation in case someone might say something to offend her, causing an innocent bystander to have a panic attact - WHERE IS THE THERAPIST????  I could see men in the background that could have been security personnel or producers, I don't know.  But someone in authority needed to put Natalie in a time out.  In the previews it looked like her mother was defending her behavior.  Nice try, mom.  It was probably more like her own mother was afraid of her and was trying to downplay it to avoid everyone else blaming her for not intervening. 


Again, WHERE IS THE THERAPIST when this stuff goes on???

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Natalie was so incredibly irritating that I ended up muting the sound for the last several minutes and reading the closed captioning. I am someone who normally avoids confrontations at all cost--and I also get stressed listening to others argue even if it doesn't involve me; however, if I had been in that house dealing with that level of obnoxiousness, I would probably have ended up getting in her face, too. I have absolutely no patience with bullies. Just try kicking my fucking door down.

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If someone had told me before this show that Courtney Stodden would turn out to be a sympathetic character, I would've laughed. But oh, that poor girl. With a mother like that, she had no chance. Everything about her screams how uncomfortable she is with herself. The boobs, the hair, the makeup, the lashes, the oufits. It's like some incredibly elaborate head-to-toe mask.I want to invite her to stay at my place for a a few months and experience a world where nobody cares what she looks like or wants to use her for publicity or have sex with her. Free Courtney! But seriously...what is up with her hair? Why is it white at the roots and why does she always have so many bobby pins jammed into it?


I can't figure out why Shar Jackson is there. What is her motivation for doing this on tv, as opposed to real therapy? Are she and her daughter trying to get careers going or something?


Natalie...ugh. Yet I'm sort of impressed that she's managed to stretch the bad girl thing into an 8 year career. She knows how to hustle, that's for sure. But at 30, she's no longer a bad "girl." She's just a loud obnoxious woman. And what can you do with that, once you've exhausted the reality tv options and nobody cares to hire you to host parties anymore? I mean, she's not the kind of talent that can segue into something else.


I don't know anything about Kim Richards, but she plays the fragile victim like a master.


I don't know anything about Heidi either. I googled her before and after photos. She certainly looks more synthetic now. She and stodden must have the same surgeon, stylist, and hair and make up artist. There should be a place where girls like them can get together for group therapy.



Edited by sleepyjean
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If someone had told me before this show that Courtney Stodden would turn out to be a sympathetic character, I would've laughed. But oh, that poor girl. With a mother like that, she had no chance. Everything about her screams how uncomfortable she is with herself. The boobs, the hair, the makeup, the lashes, the oufits. It's like some incredibly elaborate head-to-toe mask.I want to invite her to stay at my place for a a few months and experience a world where nobody cares what she looks like or wants to use her for publicity or have sex with her. Free Courtney! But seriously...what is up with her hair? Why is it white at the roots and why does she always have so many bobby pins jammed into it?



She's bleached the crap out of it and now her hair is breaking off so she has to wear bobby pins to hold the chunks down.  What I want to know is why she chose a hair piece (I'm sure her glamour bun is synthetic) that doesn't match her roots.  Why go through all of that effort (lip implants, fake eyelashes, big ol' fake boobs, fake voice) and drop the ball on the hair?


I'm sympathetic with Courtney up to a point.  Whenever she talks about her separation from Doug/seeing other guys there doesn't seem to be any remorse, it is as though she thinks that married couples just take time outs when they feel like sowing their wild oats.  Even a high-schooler knows that cheating is bad.  They must have a very strange marriage.  I did not believe her for one second when she said their sex life was good. 

Edited by TheVoicesToldMeTo

The episode with Krista, although she finally confessed to what she'd done, was nevertheless all messed up. Can't believe that woman.


This week, Natalie goes nuts because someone Googled her, so now no one is supposed to close their doors, go to bed unless she is done screaming at them, etc. And her mother sticks up for her lunatic behavior! No wonder she is out of control.


So many extremely messed up people that it is hard to tell who is the worst off.

I woke up to this on Lifetime in the middle of the night (won't admit to seeking it out and watching) and missed Krista (can't believe she didn't spell Courtney with a K) confessed to what? I'm assuming hitting on Court's husband. And speaking of the husband what's up with his tween behavior with the dog. So affected and odd, what is he twelve? Anyway I really want to know what Krista fessed up to. Thanks for any enlightenment.

WHY for the love of God is that pervy, letchy, skeevy, no talent pedophile Doug the Human Slug going into the "Mother/Daughter" therapy house?!? My skin crawls when I see him. If I were any of the moms, I'd be outta there with my girl in tow. He is vile. Christa is just as sick- a known whack job who has somehow impressed on her daughter that she only has value as a sex object. Every move Courtney makes is as if she were starring in some live action 24 hour a day porno. The pouting baby voice, the skimpy clothes, the slithering out of chairs and her cartoon boobs...her mother and her weirdo AARP card carrying husband have helped make Courtney the pathetic creature she is.

I guess what we saw in this episode was Natalie's attempt at an Emmy reel? WTF is wrong with her? She spends all day telling everyone she's not a "bad girl" then rants all night like the bully she always shows herself to be. And what's with the clapping as she yells in people's faces? Is that some behavior control attempt? Or a dog training technique? If anyone ever clapped at me while drunkenly shrieking, it wouldn't make me come around to see the logic of theirargument.

Is she still married to that poor SOB she dragged on the Marriage Bootcamp show? If I remember right, when they were wrapping up that hot mess, she said she and what's his name were trying to get pregnant...she needs a lot mere deep therapy and a personality transplant before she should even consider taking on a goldfish, never mind a live human being.

Everything you said is what I'm thinking. As for the clapping.......it is a sign of the times. I'm 50 this year when in HS we had debate class. We learned the art of debate, how to be logical. They must not teach debate anymore. Ha! I've noticed that people scream one sentence over and over, getting louder and louder. And then they throw in the clapping and maybe a few neck rolls. Whoever screams loudest wins the debate. It really is mind boggling and sad. Logic is dead.

I was reasonably impressed with Kim in this ep, both her stepping in to deflect Natalie from going after the younger girls (hadn't realized she was that much older) and her talking Shar's daughter down from her panic attack. I had to do that once to somebody and it's surprising how upsetting it is to most onlookers who can make it worse. Kim made it better.

Phooey to Canseco mom and her sudden boundaries. No, you don't turn down a career-making cover/spread to do the final day of fake TV therapy. And when you're 19, your mom can't stop you!

It wouldn't have even been a question. I'd leave that house of crazies, chase my dream, do that photoshoot. These girls that have to take on the role of parent/adult......some of them really are incredible and good people. I feel bad for Josie but somehow she is surviving.

Somebody needs to turn the hose on that rabid drunken hosebeast Natalie.


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Shar's daughter for the win, coming straight out and asking what the point of monitoring Courtney's social media was if not to intercept advances from 50 yr old men?

We didn't get an answer, but I'm afraid the answer is that by "monitoring" she meant "fielding offers."

Natalie's mom has mostly come off fine until now, but based on this episode (and other mom's comment that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree), I wonder if we have been seeing her as poor put upon mom so as to highlight Natalie's dysfunction.

When she got going, and Natalie laid into her, I suddenly got a glimpse of Natalie's childhood. I think that's probably how she spoke to Natalie as a child and the chickens have come home to roost. One day Natalie got big enough to physically intimidate her, but until that point I'm thinking she was the bully.

  • Love 3

So, Doug is gay, right? And the 16 year old child is his beard?


However, I liked seeing the girl use her voice in therapy and speak up. I don't know who is telling the truth, but I would gladly kidnap Courtney and transplant her to some other environment in a heartbeat. She is the victim- no matter which of them is the predator. She has no chance where she is now. I honestly think if Courtney doesn't flee her current environment, she will be victimized forever. 

I want to root for some connection and restoration.... But there is no fixing this here.

Edited by Chewy101
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I can't figure out why Shar Jackson is there. What is her motivation for doing this on tv, as opposed to real therapy? Are she and her daughter trying to get careers going or something?



She has a lot of kids and a deadbeat ex-husband. Gotta pay those bills. They are my favorite mother/daughter duo. They seem healthy and willing to work through their issues. They are my rainbow in this reality thunderstorm.


Honestly, most of these women would have normal issues to deal with in a calm manner if there wasn't booze in the house. Every outburst has been alcohol related. The ones who aren't drinking continue to have completely normal encounters in therapy. 


I cannot believe they are on week therapy. We have barely seen therapy in the series! All we see is after hours. Are they doing a session a week and just irritating one another in all their free time?


Regarding the before and after Heidi pics.... Heidi ruined herself. And she knows it. And that is why she is so sensitive about her looks.

Edited by Chewy101
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