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S05.E03: A Little Bit Country, A Little Bit Rock N Roll

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Kini made sure that Alexander heard him imply that Sam called Daniel and Mitchell "the Leftovers". Sam didn't use that phrase. Kini made it up and publically attributed it to Sam. Then when Alexander called Sam on it, Sam just gave a sly smile. That was some next level shady-voodoo on Kini's part, and I don't blame him a bit. I don't blame Kini for being annoyed with Sam in general. I also don't blame him for not outing Sam to the judges. There's no real upside to that argument and Kini will have lots of opportunity to show Sam up by just being competent in future challenges.

As much as I hated Daniel's look and Daniel's attitude ... I probably would have sent Stella home. Her dress in that wretched vinyl with the fuzzy lining - ugh - plus it was just as revealing as Daniel's, but unintentionally, which is way worse. And for all the pearl-clutching, I know Daniel's dress would have been fine for the VMA's.

Mitchell's dress was awful but it was at least something you can wear out in public without causing a traffic jam.

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Oh Daniel, we hardly knew............um, actually, we knew ye way to well.  Daniel seems like a nice, mellow mannered, even tempered guy, so I was quite surprised when he threatened America with "this is not the last you will see of Daniel Franco." 



I was rooting for a runway first. Since it was a couples challenge I was so hoping Sam would be eliminated for being a lying liar who lies and Kina would have been the winner because he made 2 looks!! The only thing the judges didn't seem to like was Sams fabric. That's the only thing Kina didn't have a hand in! Sam showed his immaturity and lack of class by not saying "Hey-This is what I made and after this point Kina really helped or I wouldn't have anything to show you" That would have been CLASS. Grow up Sam. Taking credit for stuff you didn't do is beyond tacky and makes you a liar.


Your post got me thinking - I am surprised that PR never had a partner challenge where one partner will be in top looks, and the other will be in bottom looks. Think of the drama it would create if a designer's only guarantee of staying until next week would be to make an outfit better than your partner makes.  "Oh, I think that shade of fluorescent green will look fabulous on your model" - "The orange faux fur would make a wonderful skirt!" - "Sure, I can help you finish your hem...oops! the machine tore a hole right in the bodice of your dress!"  (note: I am not saying I would like to see a challenge like that - I much prefer shows where everyone gets along and it is about the craftsmanship).

  • Love 3

Oh Daniel, we hardly knew............um, actually, we knew ye way to well.  Daniel seems like a nice, mellow mannered, even tempered guy, so I was quite surprised when he threatened America with "this is not the last you will see of Daniel Franco." 


Maybe he got confused and thought he was talking about James Franco, who I'm sure we will never see the last of!


I must be looking at something the wrong way because I thought Sam's look was atrocious!  That freaking huge bow at the neck looked like something a woman would wear to the office in a 1970's sitcom - ugly, ugly, ugly!  Also, Stella's dress was awful - she might want to try to move past her goth sensibility.  No, never mind, she is 110% invested in that look which - to me - ALSO looks like something out of the 70's or 80's, something a groupie would wear to a Motley Crew concert.  Kini needs to stop being so self-effacing and Sam needs to. . . go home and grow up.

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DAniel's always circling the drain but I'm thoroughly disgusted w/ the panel for acting like the most respected top designers don't regularly send looks that are entirely sheer or entirely nude down the runway! Only Georgina, the only one who actually dresses celebrities (albeit because of who she married) wasn't harping all over it the way Extinct Mizrahi and the pedestrian country women were.


I know -- somebody run and get Mizrahi his smelling salts -- he's about to faint from body policing theoretical women not even in the room. I'm not a fan of (to me) tacky, but lots of celebs love it and the judges acting like Franco had committed a crime worthy of an Olivia Benson hand-holding is bullshit. Franco's work looks like Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge von Trapp levels of modesty compared to this line-up:



Edited by film noire
  • Love 4

Maybe he got confused and thought he was talking about James Franco, who I'm sure we will never see the last of!


I must be looking at something the wrong way because I thought Sam's look was atrocious!  That freaking huge bow at the neck looked like something a woman would wear to the office in a 1970's sitcom - ugly, ugly, ugly!  Also, Stella's dress was awful - she might want to try to move past her goth sensibility.  No, never mind, she is 110% invested in that look which - to me - ALSO looks like something out of the 70's or 80's, something a groupie would wear to a Motley Crew concert.  Kini needs to stop being so self-effacing and Sam needs to. . . go home and grow up.


Oh, you're not the only one.  I hated Sam's look, too.  I think it was only in the top because the producers were hoping for some Kini/Sam drama.  But Kini was smart enough to not give it to them.

  • Love 3

Maybe he got confused and thought he was talking about James Franco, who I'm sure we will never see the last of!


I must be looking at something the wrong way because I thought Sam's look was atrocious!  That freaking huge bow at the neck looked like something a woman would wear to the office in a 1970's sitcom - ugly, ugly, ugly!  Also, Stella's dress was awful - she might want to try to move past her goth sensibility.  No, never mind, she is 110% invested in that look which - to me - ALSO looks like something out of the 70's or 80's, something a groupie would wear to a Motley Crew concert.  Kini needs to stop being so self-effacing and Sam needs to. . . go home and grow up.


I believe, at least in Stella's case, that "Goth sensibility" is an oxymoron.  

  • Love 3

Well, one down of the two who should have gone home the first week.  Bringing Daniel back AGAIN was not a good decision, ditto for Mitchell.  I'm afraid PR has lost so much of its cachet that most reputable designers no longer want anything to do with it unless they can see a real chance it will help them in some way.  Dmitri only becomes more lovable (to me) each time he's on, especially now helping with judging, as an example.  But for most designers, as has been pointed out before, the potential downsides associated with ridiculous challenges, extremely short times allotted, and possibly having to interact with certifiable nut jobs can't be overlooked.  


These past few months have shown me that the PR Juniors is the only branch of the family tree that isn't rotted and ready to be pruned away.  Bring on those terrific kids, Tim Gunn as we used to know and revere him, and Christian Siriano as a really helpful judge.  I missed Thursday's show, and it seems doubtful that I'll make any effort to watch the rest of this train wreck unless my love for Kini kicks back in.  This forum is really all I need!

  • Love 4

I did not care for Sam's made by Kini design either. I hate those humongous neck bows on anything. Sam really is a little weasel, hope he doesn't last long. Actually most of these designers are not likeable people. And can they have a three strikes and you're out with Daniel?

I thought the winning looks were ok. I could picture the blonde singer in the white dress and the brunette singer in the long gown.


And can they have a three strikes and you're out with Daniel?

This is a guy that should have had a one strike and you're out.  Unfortunately I suspect we may see him again since I can guaranfuckingtee he is not doing anything that would prevent him from dropping everything and doing this show.

  • Love 5

RIGHT?! I mean, OK, she's a bit unpleasant here and there but the style of her unpleasantness is just too good. Plus, I've always liked a bit of gruffness and rough edges in my TV/movie characters anyway. Also, she makes me want to start poring through old CBGB photos to see if she's in the crowd, haha!

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 4

 Your post got me thinking - I am surprised that PR never had a partner challenge where one partner will be in top looks, and the other will be in bottom looks. Think of the drama it would create if a designer's only guarantee of staying until next week would be to make an outfit better than your partner makes.  "Oh, I think that shade of fluorescent green will look fabulous on your model" - "The orange faux fur would make a wonderful skirt!" - "Sure, I can help you finish your hem...oops! the machine tore a hole right in the bodice of your dress!"  (note: I am not saying I would like to see a challenge like that - I much prefer shows where everyone gets along and it is about the craftsmanship).

I think they have had a head-to-head challenge, but not recently. And there was one instance of one person in the pair winning, and they sent the other guy home because he hadn't done anything.

  • Love 2

This was a pretty good idea for a challenge, but rather a fail on the actual results, which I think is how a lot of this season is going to go. I'm not going to go into detail, others have done that for me already, but the thing I have to say is this...when your idea for an All Star is the first person to be eliminated in the HISTORY OF THE SHOW, maybe it is time to give the AS stuff a rest until the stable can be built back up. And I still don't like most these people. That is all.

  • Love 7

I'm no fan of Sam, but I cannot fault him for nabbing Kini. And I can't fault Kini for not telling the judges that he did so much of the work on the team. There was no way Kini could have come out of the drama unscathed. I'm sure he was thinking that this gets him to the next challenge, and that was what mattered.


I also don't fault Sam for pairing Daniel and Mitchell. Putting them together pretty much guaranteed that they would be the bottom team and one of them would be going home. I was actually glad that Daniel got called out for his look-at-my-panties gown. It's one thing to make a see-through dress in a hypothetical sense. But the challenge was making a dress for a specific woman who isn't a model--she's a singer who is planning to wear the thing on the red carpet. I thought it was presumptuous and disrespectful to design something like that without knowing for sure that she would be comfortable with it. 


I hated Stella's dress, but I kind of dig her gruffness!

  • Love 3


I'm sure Sam is going to blame editing for the entire thing and claim up one side and down the other that he created the entire thing himself.  He would do that even if Kini spoke up because thats who Sam is.

I don't know whether anyone on this board watches/listens to the PR AfterBuzz TV after show but Sam was a call in guest for the week that he won.  He was quite full of himself in the interview and actually made the comment that Kini gave stealth bitch talking head interviews.  At the time I was mildly amused thinking that there must be something coming up.  Sure enough, this episode he's taking credit for Kini's workmanship.  The host of the show (a former PR model that I can never remember the name of) just thinks Sam is the most adorable thing ever was buying into the whole thing.  Even Michele Uberest (who was on the much maligned "Under The Gun") was pretty neutral on the story.  On the most recent show, model host woman kept quizing Michele on how much designers in the real world don't really have to sew, etc.  All I could think while listening was that she was still fangirling over Sam and his bitchiness.

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Project Runway: They Answered The Phone! Seriously, all of these could apply to TC return of Grayson. Just sayin'.

OOOOOO. Or Project Runway: People Were Bored.

LMAO...Project Runway: These are the ones that having a working phone


I'm still flummoxed by the return of Grayson.  Maybe Tom C's illegitimate daughter?

  • Love 1
Sam's only talent is generating attention for himself at the expense of other people, whether he's savaging designers on his blog or  leeching off them in the workroom.   People like Sam get away with this shit because they count on their victims being too shy, polite or gracious to stand up for themselves.    Just like Kini



I think he also gets away with a lot because he is good looking and gives the appearance of innocence.  He looks like the nicest sweetest kid in the world (I know he is a grown man) and this allows him to skate by with a lot of things.  I bet you no one can stay mad at him for very long,


I mean Mitchell was angry at Sam, but was talking to him like they were friends in this challenge. 


I think Kini is the exact opposite.  He is not someone who can coast on good looks and sweet charm (though he seems quite nice most of the time).  He probably has to back everything up with solid hard work.


I guess they really are opposites.

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I think he also gets away with a lot because he is good looking and gives the appearance of innocence.  He looks like the nicest sweetest kid in the world (I know he is a grown man) and this allows him to skate by with a lot of things.  I bet you no one can stay mad at him for very long,


I imagine that works on Tim and Isaac, since I've seen them in the bag for designers who remind them of a young Tim and Isaac before, but bluntly I think Sam is getting away with it here because he has a folllowing online and the producers are hoping some of them will watch.

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I liked Daniel Franco, who seemed sincere, in spite of his smarminess.  He owns a pop-up Wedding Chapel in Mid-Wilshire and it's as tacky as you would imagine.  That said, I think he worked under an LA concept of what the Country Music Awards are.  He made something that would have been great for the MTV Awards or even the AMAs or Grammys but not the CMAs.  He seemed to be trying to mimic arguably the most famous design by a PR alumnus, the Beyonce Grammy dress by Michael Costello.  The significant difference is that Costello's dress gave the impression of showing lots of skin, while Franco's dress actually did show the skin. 

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I don't understand why Stella and Valerie got into such a flap because they're such opposite designers.  It's an opposites challenge, where's your problem?  You'd think it would be an ideal match.


It's because Stella absolutely cannot adapt to anything.  She is the definition of mentally immature.  Anyone who is not exactly like her deserves vocal disdain.  


I just think that Daniel would be really really hot with a better personality.  He's so damn spacey it feels almost gross to be attracted to him.


I love Kini, but I'm glad Zanna called his design 90's.  Every fucking celebrity in the world has worn the mermaid skirt like 1000 times to award shows.  It is the most done, of it's been done.  It's enough.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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I was curious to see what the winning dresses looked like on the runway at the Country Music Awards last week, so . . . Those shiny red boots are hideous with the white lace dress, but I think the black/blue gown looked really pretty.



I was curious to see what the winning dresses looked like on the runway at the Country Music Awards last week, so . . . Those shiny red boots are hideous with the white lace dress, but I think the black/blue gown looked really pretty.



Alyssa Milano's stylist strikes again with those awful red boots!

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