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S06.E07: Season 6, Episode 7

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Updated episode summary


The Crawleys watch Henry compete in a motor racing event, an occasion that leaves Mary reeling. Violet hatches a plan which surprises the family and delights Miss Denker, and learns more about Amelia's intentions in befriending Isobel. Molesley and Daisy rise to the challenges of examination day, Andy's secret is brought to light, Thomas feels isolated, and Mrs Patmore and Mrs Hughes teach Carson a lesson.

The dowager dissecting Amelia Cruikshank was on of the best scenes of the season. And I think she cleared the path for Isobel's wedding. And we got a new doggie thanks to her - I thinks MVP goes to Lady Grantham.


The downstairs drama was not very captivating except Mr Carson having to deal with all the kitchen chores. Thomas keeps getting the doormat treatment. Baxter keeps being a martyr, Moleseley gets finally some recognition. Maybe Moleseley's new career is the plot device to keep Thomas at Downton. Though you have to wonder why he should feel any incentive to stay in the place where he is (deservedly and undeservedly) loathed. His weak line about 'roots' wasn't very convincing. Oh and even without the promo we all know Mrs Patmore's B&B is off to a rocky start.


As someone interested in the history of motor racing I did appreciate the racing scenes. But I think Henry's existential crisis is not authentic. If he was such an experienced driver as he claims he should have lost friends before. Even back in the 70's F1 drivers accepted that one death each season was the norm and displayed the expected levels of machismo. But it was a short-cut to give the character some depth so there you go. Also: dear Tom you're not supposed to torpedo Brary at every step of the way!


Lady Edith snuggling up to Bertie on the sofa in the golden dress was the best thing ever! Neither Mary and Matthew nor Sybil and Tom ever made me this happy. (Impending doom notwithstanding).

Edited by MissLucas
  • Love 16

Am I supposed to feel sorry about Mary's breakup with Henry? Because I wasn't! I thought the whole episode what a complete idiot he is and how wrong he is for Mary!


And Tom again tried to keep them together. THAT was his significant scene. OMG, I could have slapped him. And that after the Dowager said he is the "most sensible of all of them". 


The Highlight of the episode was the puppy. 


There was no sign for Brary and the editor was flat, too. 


So there will be no storyline for Tom except for playing cupid for Mary? How very disappointing! Now wonder Allen Leech said he didn't like the ending for Tom Branson. 


Bertie and Edith are sweet, but I can't get very emotionally involved. I just don't care enough for Edith. I'm glad she will be happy but I don't need to see much of it.


Thomas' storyline was again very sad. Poor guy. 


For once I didn't want to slap Daisy in an episode. That must be good. 


I love Kevin Doyle. He is an actor that can touch me so much! The scene when he turned around to shed a few embarrassed tears over his success. He's amazing.

  • Love 5

I get what Thomas said about roots. He's been there since he was a teenager and gives every indication of being estranged from his family. When he was in the war, the only person who wrote to him was O'Reilly. It's no surprise he doesn't have anyone he can reach out to or go and stay with. He's spent the majority of his adult life at Downton.  

  • Love 5

I hope and hope for Brary and nothing happens. I realy thought she was about to hurl herself into Tom's arms. I-was-so-dissapointed.

The death on that racing was quite predictable. I'm just glad it wasn't Harry after Tom helped him with his car - I was afraid they were going to make some drama about if Tom is guilty or not, but happily it wasn't that car broke down.


Lady Grantham was just genius. I love her and I will miss the character very much.


Daisy finally wasn't annoying.


And I just don't like Edith. After all those seasons she annoys me somehow. I think she'll always feel like she's in Mary's shadow while Mary doesn't really care. But I have to admit it was a nice picture - her laying down in Bertie's arms. But that's it, a nice picture. I wonder how he'll react after he finds out about Marigold.

Edited by lorbeer
  • Love 5

There were some stand-out scenes in this episode and I mostly enjoyed it.


Matthew Goode did a great job. I'm starting to like Talbot as a character. I just don't know if he has any chemistry with Mary. Maybe it's the actors? It's so strange, watching them together is like watching a crossover from two different shows. Like they don't belong in the same story. But I see what they're trying to do with Henry and Goode pulled it off. Michelle did a great job too. It just didn't click somehow.


And I get what they're trying to do with Tom but they've overplayed it and it's annoying. He's already picked out Mary's dress and now that she's broken off with Henry he's going to have to cancel the flowers he ordered. I can understand him trying to get her to open up to a new relationship but he's way over the top about Henry. How does he know Henry's "the right man"? 


I liked the editor though. Maybe Mary can date her?


Violet, Molesley, Isis 2.0 all highlights. I can't help but feel for Thomas as we see him becoming more and more isolated.


I was surprised Edith didn't accept Bertie right away.

Edited by hafo
  • Love 7

You know I think the editor as love interest for Tom could have worked had she been introduced at the beginning of this season. Maybe Henry and Mary would have worked better too without Tom constantly being around - but if Fellows wanted Brary intact as a red herring he needed Tom not attached.


I know I'm repeating myself but the pacing is horribly off this season - why did we have to spend so much time on the hospital plot? I'm starting to think of the last (regular) episode as looking like a silent-movie sketch with everybody running around at frantic speed.

  • Love 4

I think the season could have benefited from a few more episodes, they could have done 12, one for each month, + the CS episode. it would have provided some extra time to properly develop Henry- Although I do like him. Goode shined today imo, i finally saw what everyone meant when they said he was a good actor. he just needs the right material to bite into.


Loved Violet saying how she finds Tom to be the most sensible one of them all.. who would have thought 5 seasons ago!!

the new puppy was cute, although the introduction was bit off.


I do hope Tom and Mary are not the end game, I don't see romantic feelings there, I think Tom is far too good for her, and lastly he was married to her sister - after Arrow I am all fed up with sister swapping story lines for the near future.


Oh Edith just say yes!! I get why she's hesitant, she's been burned before and now she has Marigold to consider too. I think she wants love but she's so afraid it will all end up being for nothing again, she's had too many disappointments when it comes to feeling loved: by her parents, by Mary, by Patrick and so on. She's building her self esteem and it's really easy to fall back into such old habits when you're still in the building process. I do think Bertie is what she needs, a man who is super supportive of her and loves her, and I have no doubt that once he learns the truth about Marigold it will all be just fine- it would probably be easier for him to understand why Edith wants to bring her along, although I do hope he'll figure it out himself!

  • Love 4

Lady Edith snuggling up to Bertie on the sofa in the golden dress was the best thing ever!

Didn't she look good, though? That was a beautiful scene for the proposal.


Carson's cooking lesson was very satisfying.


I love Kevin Doyle. He is an actor that can touch me so much! The scene when he turned around to shed a few embarrassed tears over his success. He's amazing.

Agreed. He's wonderful, and I'm delighted that Molesley's dream has come true.


Props to the poster who predicted that Henry's racing buddy would be involved in a car crash. So this seems like a pretty straight-forward narrative for Mary: She loses her nerve and breaks it off with Henry; next week or in the Xmas Spesh she'll recover her spine and choose to embrace love instead of fear; and Mary/Henry get their HEA.


Except I wasn't sufficiently invested in their relationship to care that much when she broke it off. They only had their first kiss last week! This Car Crash of Death drama is a very heavy load for an insubstantial relationship to bear. Mary/Talbot just hasn't been adequately developed to warrant or support it imo.


Am I the only one reading double meanings into Tom's lines? Like, when he said to Henry "I'm just as keen as you are", and then glanced at Mary before leaving them alone, I wondered if he was talking about cars? :D


He's already picked out Mary's dress and now that she's broken off with Henry he's going to have to cancel the flowers he ordered.


Lol, well said, that's it exactly. I'm still hoping that he'll plan the whole wedding for them and then have to step in as groom at the last minute. Like Cary Grant in The Philadelphia Story or something. And when he says "the right man", he doesn't mean Talbot.


The thing is, he's always *there*. Like, either JF doesn't give a crap about Tom except as a sounding board for Mary, which is why Tom is in almost every scene with her, even when she's at her most vulnerable like their scene tonight. He may as well be an imaginary friend, or a guardian angel; and those kinds of supporting characters don't get their own dramas or romances.


Or Tom is always there for Mary so that we can see they are a great match. And he's with her when she's at her most vulnerable to show us how intimate their relationship is, how much she trusts him, and how good he is for her... Yeah, it's a longshot.


Anna isn't convinced by Talbot and that's a good sign though./grasping at straws


I realy thought she was about to hurl herself into Tom's arms.

Right? Surely she needed to be comforted!


I enjoyed Violet's scene with Merton's daughter-in-law, but I thought Violet was an overbearing ass tbh. Seeing your father-in-law happily married and out of your hair is a good and sensible thing to do. And it's exactly what Violet herself would do in that position. She should be shaking that young woman's hand, not showing up in her home to insult her like Lady Catherine in Pride and Prejudice. Violet deserved to be given the bum's rush.

Edited by Kirsty
  • Love 3

Well, since Tom is such a keen match-maker maybe that's his future: wedding planner. This would also solve Downton's financial problems - open the place for weddings. Instead of bemoaning change embrace it and skip a couple of decades in the process!


I have a less benevolent view of Amelia Cruikshank and I think Violet was spot on. But then I have strong views about people who can't wait to get rid of their parents/in-laws just so that they can take over their home. Her father-in-law's happiness is certainly not Amelia's main concern but getting him out of the house ASAP. It's still his home as he is still Lord Merton and has every right to remain in his home as long as he wants to - it doesn't look particularly cramped. If his happiness was Amelia's main concern she would have made an effort to make Isobel feel welcome there as the new Lady Merton. Which is clearly not her intention. She's well deserving of Larry Grey I must say.

  • Love 13

I actually enjoyed most of this episode, mainly because it felt refreshing and different after so much repetition this series. No Bates drama, no bitchy Daisy (well, very little), no hospital bickering, very little Denker/Spratt nonsense, and no police officer showing up at the kitchen door. What a change! I was thrilled to see Carson put in his place, was happy for Molseley's good fortune, and loved Violet, Isobel, and Edith's storylines.


Regarding the kerfuffle with Violet and Merton's daughter-in-law, I agree with you Kirsty that it is a sensible plan to some extent, as it benefits everyone involved. But if I recall correctly, she also made it clear that she and Larry would boot Isobel out of the house as soon as Lord Merton dies, which was all I needed to hear to understand why Larry wants to marry her- she's just as selfish and arrogant as he is.


The Mary/Henry stuff still bores me, and the crash had very little emotional impact for me. I'd be fine if they ended up together, as they both seem like vapid snobs to me, so let them go off and live their smug lives together. Or they can stay broken up. I really don't care. Just please leave Tom out of it! I am very firmly against any Mary/Tom pairing, but I freely admit that some ambiguous groundwork has been laid that leaves that possibility open. I guess I won't know if it's a red herring, trolling, or setting us up for 'my true love was right in front of me this whole time!' until the Christmas special.


I am really looking forward to the Mary/Henry and Mary/Edith fights next week. They probably won't be as epic as I'm hoping, but I can dream.

  • Love 8

I don't understand why Thomas can't cast his job search net wider - to London, or even New York, so he can leave Downtown and everyone who treats him so shabbily far behind. Surely, if he wrote to Rose in New York she'd try to help him out, and if he asked Cora to ask around her London friends I'm sure she'd help too. I know homosexuality was still illegal in the UK in the 20s, but it would be possible for him to connect with other gay men in a big city, whereas in Yorkshire he's doomed to have a lonely life. I don't believe in the roots thing so much either; the only people who were fond of him are/were Sybil, O'Brien, and Baxter, and only one of the three is still around.


I can't get excited for Edith because she doesn't nearly have the chemistry with Bertie that she did with Michael. And if she has kids with him and is forced to treat Marigold as less-than - ugh!


The racing thing left me cold. I just can't with people who put their lives at risk for cheap thrills and then boo-hoo when the inevitable happens. Henry should have backed off when Mary told him about how Matthew died, not been all chauvinistic about how he wanted her there to cheer him on from the sidelines.


I thought there was a tiny spark between Tom and the editrix. Too bad there's not enough time to see a relationship develop properly - they'll either be together in the CS or that thread will be dropped entirely.


I was really happy for Molesley and hope he's going to thrive as a teacher. I always felt he was out of place in service. I hope Daisy moves on to bigger and better things as well now that she has her leaving certificate.


Finally, I loved Violet's smackdown of Miss What's-Her-Face and the surprise puppy for Robert. Glad she doesn't hold any grudges because of the hospital business because that kind of pettiness is beneath her.

Edited by chocolatine
  • Love 5

As usual, I have a love/hate relationship with JF. Loving the Moseley story line. Really liked the scene with Bertie and Edith on the sofa. Keep liking Bertie. Loved the puppy at the end. And as usual, loved Violet and Isobel.

The car crash might have been effective if it had not been SO predictable. Mary breaking it off with Henry may have been more effective if we had more time to care about the ship. I thought MD was good but I am not just feeling their ship and I had high hopes for it.

Really not sure what Tom's storyline is (if any) other than to be Mary's BFF. I liked the new Editor but she had more screen time with Edith -- not Tom. JF could have done so many different things with Tom's storyline. I can understand why his fans are frustrated.

Looking forward to next week!

  • Love 3

Can't stand Carson and Mrs. Hughes! He's insufferable and they're boring! I liked them before they got married. Maybe they should've just ended the show with them getting married or they should've remained friends.


Tom could've given Mary an innocent hug. I really don't want them together but they've a nice relationship.


Also, was I the only who thought Henry killed his friend so he wouldn't win. Why? I don't know. I want someone to be evil. I thought he ran him off the road or some such nonsense.

Edited by kmm49
  • Love 1

Well, well, after everything that I've said about not feeling sorry for Thomas I'll be damned if this episode didn't tug at this heart of stone over here. He's just constantly rejected even when he's trying to be helpful it's like jeez, give the guy a break.  


Larry Gray certainly deserves to end up with Crookshank there. It was great to see Violet handle her. I still want Isobel with Lord Merton but only so that she can protect him from his horrible children. I can see a girl like that pushing her poor father in law down the stairs or something similarly terrible. 


If Violet is going away that makes me nervous. I always think about Julian Fellowes saying that Violet would just go away to the seaside rather than full on die.


Edith is still unnecessarily bitchy with Mary. "Would it annoy you if it were?" I don't understand how Mary's comment was offensive. Edith sees a slight around every corner. 


Baxter dithering over this imprisoned douchebag was tough to watch. 


Good for Molesley. That really warmed my heart. The guy left school when he was twelve and he didn't give up. 


I've officially accepted that Tom/Mary won't happen. As many opportunities as they've had *something* should have happened by now. Oh well, at least I like Matthew Goode even if I'm lukewarm on this racing storyline. 


I apologize if this has been asked before--did I miss a line about Anna and Bates not living in their cottage anymore? 

  • Love 3

In this episode i saw one of the most stupid actions of this season, when the accident happened Anna goes to there! the same characther who cried 2 episodes for not getting pregnant, the same that recibed the help of Mary and Tom to go the doctor in London, and in a idiotic way she rushes to go and "help" in a car accident. What can she do being pregnant????   I am sure that  Mary even noticed that she was there....

Edited by sark1624
  • Love 3

Sigh. I wish I cared more about Mary and Henry. I honestly only can tell he's the man for her because Tom keeps saying it. Otherwise I would think that Mary has very little interest in him. She did seem upset about the accident, but it could be chalked up to other things (a man died, Mathew etc...) It's not good that Tom has to tell the audience (at least me) how Mary feels. It should be obvious if he's the man she will end the series with.


I will miss this show very much though.

  • Love 5

I suppose after this episode you could make the argument that Mary/Henry is endgame, but I still think Mary/Tom is possible, if not probable.


Henry seems too pushy and too cold.  I'm hoping that Mary breaks it off with him permanently (probably in the CS), not because of his racing, but because she's just not that into him.  I don't see how he fits into her current life.  He doesn't seem like he would be interested in maintaining Downton or being a stepfather to George.  He's basically a dark-haired, aloof version of Tom, and why have him if you can have Tom?


This episode set it up so that Mary has to get over her fear of fast cars, not only because it's a roadblock to accepting Henry, but also because it's a roadblock to accepting Tom.  The numerous Sybil references can't be coincidental.  Including the very pointed: "I can't see Mary falling for a common driver!  Now Sybil on the other hand..."  It seems strange that Sybil and her marriage to Tom would be mentioned so often if Tom himself has so little role to play in the end.


They might try to pair him with the editor next episode, but it could be/is likely a red herring.  We likely won't know whether Mary/Tom will happen until the last scene of the Christmas Special.   

Edited by Brn2bwild
  • Love 2


Edith is still unnecessarily bitchy with Mary. "Would it annoy you if it were?" I don't understand how Mary's comment was offensive. Edith sees a slight around every corner. 



You would too if that was the only way that person ever treated you. Edith grew up with Mary treating her as if she doesn't exist, and when she does acknowledge her existence it's always to bring her down in some way. In a way she has been conditioned, by Mary herself- by accident and not true evil intentions i'm sure, to react the way she does, to immediately go on the defense in order to protect her heart and self-esteem whenever Mary talks to her - because 99.9% of the time Mary says something to make fun of Edith or just plain off bring her down. Mary still acts like the jealous older sibling who can't handle the fact that they are no longer the sole object of their parents because there's a new baby, which is odd since the sisters are a barely a year and half older from each other so there was no time for Mary to develop that sort of jealousy.

Edited by foreverevolving
  • Love 20

The dowager dissecting Amelia Cruikshank was on of the best scenes of the season. And I think she cleared the path for Isobel's wedding. And we got a new doggie thanks to her - I thinks MVP goes to Lady Grantham.



Violet does know how to deal with people, and has seen enough to know what Ms. Cruikshank was up to.  That girl was no match for the Dowager Countess.  And Violet sure knew what it would take to make Robert happy, a new puppy!


Lady Edith snuggling up to Bertie on the sofa in the golden dress was the best thing ever! 



That was indeed a beautiful scene, with Edith looking particularly gorgeous and happy.

  • Love 5

You would too if that was the only way that person ever treated you. Edith grew up with Mary treating her as if she doesn't exist, and when she does acknowledge her existence it's always to bring her down in some way. In a way she has been conditioned, by Mary herself- by accident and not true evil intentions i'm sure, to react the way she does, to immediately go on the defense in order to protect her heart and self-esteem whenever Mary talks to her - because 99.9% of the time Mary says something to make fun of Edith or just plain off bring her down. Mary still acts like the jealous older sibling who can't handle the fact that they are no longer the sole object of their parents because there's a new baby, which is odd since the sisters are a barely a year and half older from each other so there was no time for Mary to develop that sort of jealousy.

I agree that Edith has good reason to feel everything that Mary says to, and about, her is an insult, because she's experienced Mary's insults her whole life.  It's funny to see Mary react hurt when Edith responds to her negatively.  Maybe Mary will wake up and actually make a sincere attempt to be friends with Edith.  Edith is starting to overcome her inferiority complex.  Edith is a successful businesswoman, has a man who truly loves and admires her, and a child that she will hopefully be able to acknowledge as her own.  What she still needs to do is get out from under Mary's shadow.  I hope the two of them end up as friends at the end of the series.

Edited by mowgo
  • Love 4

It's clear Edith has come into her own and probably for the first time ever has some self confidence.  And it's throwing Mary way off kilter.  Normally she'd throw a barb and Edith would be wounded, and now she barbs and Edith barbs back, hard.  Not to mention the fact that everyone but her knew about Marigold and no one cares!  Edith can certainly be a mope but I think (and hope) her tribulations are over and perhaps she and Marigold will find happiness with Mr. Coffee. 


I did feel for Mary when she was breaking it off with Henry.  She had to have been having flashbacks to her husband's tragic demise and couldn't bear the thought of losing someone else the same way.  I hope she's not to be paired off with Branson, I like their brother/sister relationship, I would find a romance between them "icky". 

Edited by Lillith
  • Love 5

I really haven't seen any chemistry between Mary and Henry.  It seems like Tom is more interested in Henry, or rather Henry's car.  I don't know why everyone is acting like this is the man for Mary, when Mary and Henry have only spend a few brief periods of time together. 


I hope that Edith ends up happy with Bertie.  I really like Bertie, and think he'll fit in with the family well.  He's also the sort of guy who wouldn't be upset learning the truth about Marigold.

 (I wonder if Mary says anything to Bertie about Marigold, as Edith looked awfully mad at Mary in the preview for next week.  Or maybe it's something else, by my money is that it's somehow connected to Edith's relationship with Bertie.)


I hope that in the end Mary and Edith become friends.  They are both old enough to put aside their childish antagonism.  Mary will always be a snob, but she can be nicer, as she was when she was with Matthew.  Edith can get over her inferiority complex, and Bertie is the man to help her see her worth.  When she feels better about  herself she'll be in a better place to fix her situation with her sister.

The vicious way Robert told Rosamund to shut up suggests that sibling relationships are strained in every generation of Crawleys.


Yes, that was brutal and uncalled for.  Also, he was a guest in her home, and was incredibly rude to talk to his host that way.

  • Love 5

I agree with everyone that Violet giving the smackdown to a local snob to defend her family is what makes Violet an awesome character and why it's worth having Maggie Smith play her. She's wasted in bureaucratic garbage about hospitals we need see, or intervening in the petty squabbles of her horrible servants. 


Besides that, this episode was really just hitting the pause button, wasn't it? We all knew a car crash was coming and Mary would have second thoughts, now we just have to wait it out. All the downstairs plots have moved forward by tiny increments. And whatever's going on with Mrs. Patmore and her bed and breakfast already is way more interesting than "A Very Special Episode About Illiteracy And Tolerance For Gay People", and "Daisy? What The Hell Is Her Problem". 


So now what? Why is Edith stalling on the proposal? She has to tell him and get him over with. What does she think, she can keep this a secret? I hate how they're draaaaging out the drama. What should take 1 scene takes three episodes. It's been going on all season. 

  • Love 4
I have the sinking feeling that the Dowager Countess is not coming back from France. She's going there to die.



Me too! Noooo!!!!! I always imagined we'd get a dramatic bedside goodbye scene with her, but now maybe it will only be a telephone call or telegram. What really tipped me off was how gracious, kind, and protective she was being all episode. After nearly a whole season of her digging in her stubborn heels over the hospital story, and taking continual pot shots at both Isobel and Cora over it, she was now ready to gracefully remove herself from the scene to make the transition of Cora to the hospital board less awkward. And on her way out she did a great helpful service to Isobel and gave her son a thoughtful gift that would bring him great joy. Honestly, seeing him look like a little kid on Christmas morning when he saw the puppy was my favourite part of the episode!


Regarding Edith and Mary, I'm pretty sure I saw them standing very close together, maybe even clinging to each other, when they were standing at the crash site, which gave me a smidgen of hope that they may end up with a grudging respect for each other. For them to physically reach out to each other in such a raw moment was a nice thing to see.


Considering how 'meh' people seem to be about Henry, I really wish this storyline was more about Mary 'learning to love again' after Matthew, rather than about this specific relationship. As Tom pointed out, love is about getting close enough to someone that they are able to hurt you, so I would be fine if Mary ended the series realising that she is strong enough to allow herself to be that vulnerable, even if Henry isn't the man for her. For me, that would be a happier ending than simply having them end up engaged or married.

  • Love 8

And Tom again tried to keep them together. THAT was his significant scene. OMG, I could have slapped him. And that after the Dowager said he is the "most sensible of all of them". 



I ike them together, I don't think they'll be endgame and I'm not sure if I would want that but in that scene after she breaks up with Talbot. I honestly thought he would hug her and they would kiss.



I don't understand why Thomas can't cast his job search net wider - to London, or even New York, so he can leave Downtown and everyone who treats him so shabbily far behind. Surely, if he wrote to Rose in New York she'd try to help him out, and if he asked Cora to ask around her London friends I'm sure she'd help too. I know homosexuality was still illegal in the UK in the 20s, but it would be possible for him to connect with other gay men in a big city, whereas in Yorkshire he's doomed to have a lonely life. I don't believe in the roots thing so much either; the only people who were fond of him are/were Sybil, O'Brien, and Baxter, and only one of the three is still around.



I agree, I think being in the province and looking for love and acceptance there isn't the best plan. On the other hand he feels at home in Yorkshire. That seems more important for him.


When he was sitting in that kitchen, alone again, I really thought they would find him dead the next morning. I don't have much hope for him after everything I read beforehand, but he needs to survive. And it would be such a cliché to kill of the lonely gay guy.



I have the sinking feeling that the Dowager Countess is not coming back from France. She's going there to die.


me, too.


God, the stuff with the Carsons was sitcom-y and lame. Making dinner is so tough that he's huffing and puffing and falling asleep at the table? Good lord. At least he will now ease up on Mrs. Hughes and stop acting like Fred Flintstone.

Thomas - dude, just GO. People put down roots, but life often makes them pull them up and find a new place. Listen to Mrs Hughes - note she didn't say you'll find an exciting job elsewhere, she said you would find "someone special" and "a friend" in another place. What she was saying was that if you stay in Yorkshire, not only will you not find a job, but you will never get laid again. Broaden your horizons and look for a career outside of service like everyone else is. Go to a large city where it will be easier to find other dudes who are into dudes. Mary likes you - ask her to write Rose, who would be more than happy to line some stuff up for you in the US. I feel sorry for the guy, but it's hard to be too sympathetic when the writing is so clearly on the wall. Every other servant could leave that place and Carson would still ask you daily if you've found a new job yet.

I'm with those who thinks the DC is sailing off into the sunset. She tries to set things right with Isobel and the family of her would-be husband and sends Robert a puppy. Yeeeeaaaah. She ain't coming back. She probably found out she was ill and wants to go somewhere where they won't make a fuss over her. I hope Isobel tracks her down, though, and sees her out.

  • Love 7

I was distracted throughout by just how expensive this episode must have been to shoot; that entire race set-up with the vintage cars and hordes of extras? And all for something so dull and predictable. 



I have the sinking feeling that the Dowager Countess is not coming back from France. She's going there to die.


There's no way Violet's going out without a snappy exit line.

  • Love 11

Puuuuuuppppppppppyyyyyy! Seeing the new puppy lick Robert's face was easily the best moment of the entire episode.


I clapped my hands with joy when I realized the scheme that Mrs. Hughes and Mrs. Patmore came up with to get Carson to cool his damn jets about dinner. As cliche as it may be, sometimes all it takes is making the husband attempt the tasks he is demanding to get him to realize it's a lot more work than he thought it was when he expected the little woman to do it.


I'm glad Mrs. Patmore just flat out told Daisy not to be so selfish because love is not finite.


At this point, I keep expecting Barrow to hang himself. I find it hard to feel sorry for him though. This is definitely one of those cases of you made your bed so now you have to lie in it. No one likes you? That's the consequence of being a dick to your coworkers for over a decade. To be honest, they're a lot nicer than I would expect. Mrs. Hughes very nicely asked him what he was doing with his day off, and that was after she tried to have that kind talk with him about how he just hasn't found the right person yet. When he showed up at the picnic and then just plopped down and joined everyone, everyone accepted him instead of being rude and telling him to go away.


I like Matthew Goode, but I don't like Henry Talbot. He just isn't suited for Mary and that's fine. I loved when he told Mary that he wants to be part of her family and her response was, "Don't I have a say in the matter?" I know courtship then was different than it is now, but still. He's seen her a handful of times so pursuing her so aggressively didn't endear him to me.


In contrast, I liked Edith curled up on the couch with Bertie (although part of me thought oh my, isn't this scandalous?). Not the most opportune time to propose marriage, but I get why he did.


I liked that Mary asked Anna's thoughts on Henry. I know Mary still doesn't see her as an equal, but she does value her opinion.


I hope that in the end Mary and Edith become friends.  They are both old enough to put aside their childish antagonism.  Mary will always be a snob, but she can be nicer, as she was when she was with Matthew.  Edith can get over her inferiority complex, and Bertie is the man to help her see her worth.  When she feels better about  herself she'll be in a better place to fix her situation with her sister.

Mary is capable of being nicer, as we've seen recently with Anna. The problem is that she chooses not to be nice to Edith, like ever. The closest she's ever come was at Edith's wedding (or was it Sybil's funeral?) when she basically told Edith, "Yeah, I don't really like you but hopefully we can try to get along for one day."


There's no way Violet's going out without a snappy exit line.

Ha, maybe she will leave a note full of insults to be read at her funeral.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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I always imagined we'd get a dramatic bedside goodbye scene with her

In keeping with her character, people crying at her bedside is the last thing she'd want. There was a taste of it two? seasons ago when she was ill. She'd die of embarrassment before succumbing to her illness. She wants to keep her dignity and poetically she has to go to France for that. The puppy is a last gift for her son and probably the most meaningful gift she has ever given him. The note for Tom probably tells him to go after Mary.

  • Love 4

What on Earth could be wrong with Mrs Patmore's B&B? Was that a journalist spying on her? I want Mrs Patmore to be happy, damn it! Or is it a ploy so that she ends up with Mr Mason after the B&B's failure? Anyway, her little scheme with Mrs Hughes was funny, if a little sitcomy.


I agree with y'all. The Dowager is going to France to die away from the family, and it's very fitting for her. And as a French, I might add "welcome Violet".


I was very moved by Mosley's story, he almost made me cry. Did I miss the teacher grading Daisy's exams too or did he announce the results to Mosley's only?


Thomas has to go somewhere else for his own good, somewhere he can start over where he has no bad blood with anyone. It's too late for him at Downton, everyone's too wary of him, even when he's being nice. Although I'm wondering if Mosley's leaving to be a teacher means Thomas gets to stay? Not sure about the logistics.


A dog, yay!

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What on Earth could be wrong with Mrs Patmore's B&B? Was that a journalist spying on her?

Speculating but since I'm considering the promo too

it looks as if her B&B was used for extra-marital affairs, the photographer was probably hired by a spouse to get the proof necessary for divorce. Mrs Patmore could face charges for procuring. Not sure about the UK but in other Europeand countries you could get into trouble for offering rooms to non-wed couples.

  • Love 2

Speculating but since I'm considering the promo too

it looks as if her B&B was used for extra-marital affairs, the photographer was probably hired by a spouse to get the proof necessary for divorce. Mrs Patmore could face charges for procuring. Not sure about the UK but in other Europeand countries you could get into trouble for offering rooms to non-wed couples.


How does one verify a couples marital status. Did they have to go everywhere with their marriage license?

Edited by rudystx01
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I laughed when Violet exposed Amelia's reasons for befriending Isobel. Is it any wonder that Larry Grey found a woman as loathsome as he is?


Thomas is always such a conundrum. He wants to be close with people, yet he pushes them away with both hands. I get that he's conflicted about who he is and nervous about being himself in a society that condemns homosexuality, but he's also smart enough to know that if you treat people like dirt, they will do the same to you. 


Edith should have just flat out told Bertie about Marigold. It seems they've reached that point in their relationship.


I felt bad for Henry when Mary dumped him over the phone. He looked awful damn sexy, too ...  in the dark, with his drink. 


Molesley has finally found his calling! Perhaps that will boost his confidence enough to woo Miss Baxter a little more seriously. Just what she needs to take her mind off the lowlife criminal that she's so freaked out about. 


Tom and Mary? No. I like their sibling relationship and mutual respect, but I cannot see them together romantically. 


I have the sinking feeling that the Dowager Countess is not coming back from France. She's going there to die.

That was my first thought, too. Her decision was too sudden, and Miss Denker was too giddy about going. Classic soap opera MO. And while it would be a logical way to wrap up the show, it also would be incredibly sad, no matter how "chin up" those who loved her would be about the future. 


I'm curious to know what's in the letter Granny left for Tom -- moreso than I am about what is sparking Edith and Mary's latest bitchfest.

  • Love 7

My initial thoughts after watching the episode three times over:


Way to go Granny Violet! Put Miss.Cruikshank in her place. I don't think Granny will die abroad, not after saying how an Englishman would never die as a guest in another persons house in series one, and we know how Granny hates to be wrong. Although the irony would be hilarious.


I felt nothing other than friendliness between Tom and the editor. I actually thought the editor looked in awe of Henry Talbot.


Tom was so cute during the race.


the test storyline was boring, although I was very happy for Mosley


Carson and Mrs.Hughes sitting on the couches and then being found by Thomas was hilarious. Carson cooking dinner almost without complaint was endearing.


The only reason I found the B&B SL interesting is because of the paparazzo.


Talbot was getting too pushy in my opinion showing up to Rosamund's (uninvited?) and saying how he wanted to be a part of the family. As far as we know they haven't seen each other for a month but that doesn't mean that Mary forgot that he told her he's falling in love with her. If she wanted to take the relationship to the next step she would invite you to Downton and introduce you to her son, but she hasn't yet so back off.


Could see the crash coming a mile away and wasn't very surprised it was Rogers. Thought it was nice that Edith went with Mary, you can tell they love each other deep deep down in there. Hopefully when they air all the dirty laundry in their relationship next episode they both own up to their wrong doings.


This has been the best acting I have seen from MG all series.



IMO Mary likes Talbot as nothing more than a friend. I knew Mary was going to brake up with him as soon as I saw the look on her face after Tom insisted she talk to Talbot on the phone. The whole brake up scene gave me the vibe of when your going out with some one because their nice and you like them but then one day you realize that you would never work together, you don't want to hurt them but its inevitable as they have fallen in love with you, you may love them in a way but you are not in love with them.  


Tom, Tom, Tom. I thought Granny said you were the sensible one. Although you are probably blind where Mary is concerned. You are like a man clutching at straws with this whole Talbot thing, desperately trying to save whatever is left of your plan. Either you are vicariously courting Talbot through Mary or you are vicariously courting Mary through Talbot. You can't force someone to fall in love with someone else.  Thing is I really do think you are in love with Mary and think that she likes Talbot more than she really does. You should have said that you would support her even if you think her decision is wrong and then comforted her more than just holding her hands. I mean you are her BFF and Brother right? Then there is no problem with you hugging her, or were we Braries right and there is more going on then you are telling us. And stop putting forth arguments for Talbot that can be turned around and used for you.


This episode actually cemented my status on the HMS. Brary. You can call me crazy and laugh at me at the end of this series when Julian Fellowes IMO makes the worst writing decision and has a Mary/Henry endgame (because anything can happen at this point) but I really do believe that Brary is endgame. 


ETA: Notice how she only talked to Talbot after Tom insisted. And then how Tom said "you will be hurt again and so will I" like how does this conversation have anything to do with you Tom? I thought this was about Talbot and Mary, not Talbot, Mary, and you?

Edited by RedWolf
  • Love 8

Tom/Mary continue to amuse me, specifically the way no one on the cast/crew seems to notice that they're being written and acted as though they're an item. Honestly, if you had watched that scene by the telephone completely divorced of context, you'd assume they were lovers. 


And I've no idea why Tom is so invested in Mary's love-life. It's either two things: he's just really into the idea of the perks that come with a race-car driver as a new brother-in-law (in which case, he really needs to butt out) or he's in love with Mary himself without fully realizing it and is projecting himself all over the situation (in which case, it's a bit more understandable). But who am I kidding, this is going to end with Mary/Henry. And I'd say Tom/female editor as well, only I read the article about how Allen Leech wasn't 100% happy about where Tom ends up, so I really don't know what to think there.


I enjoyed Violet's scene with Merton's daughter-in-law, but I thought Violet was an overbearing ass tbh. Seeing your father-in-law happily married and out of your hair is a good and sensible thing to do. And it's exactly what Violet herself would do in that position. She should be shaking that young woman's hand, not showing up in her home to insult her like Lady Catherine in Pride and Prejudice. Violet deserved to be given the bum's rush.



I felt the same way. I get that Fellowes was trying to push her as a villain, but who can blame a young woman for not wanting to be a nurse to her father-in-law ESPECIALLY when there's a whole other subplot going on about how much of a demanding pain-in-the-ass Carson is to his new wife? 


Happy for Moseley, and laughed to see the look on Robert's face when he got the new puppy.

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