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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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This is shallow but what was with the blouse and sweater.  Sleeves rolled up...that means Meeka was in Serious News mode.  😁  And yes, let us focus on Obama's birthday party!  Who on earth cares about that - other than Washington Insiders and celebrity worshippers.  Plumbago B...I was thinking about Brian Williams, too. 

  • Love 5

When Mika said Joe was traveling, I immediately thought, "Is he flying back from attending another baseball game in Boston?"  I honestly think they have not been together in the studio for at least a month.  Something's going on.  If Joe was as good as Rachel Maddow at his job, I wouldn't begrudge him the time off.  But he's not.  Far from it and to take this much time off is ridiculous!  What does he have written into his contract - "I can take as much time off as I like with no restrictions, despite the fact that I'm only on air 3 hours a day (even less then that most of the time).  Really, how and why does he get away with this? 

  • Love 7
9 hours ago, Eliot said:

And here we go. Ridiculous cheap shot at Obama’s birthday party come up with Meeks and company bemoaning the “optics” as Mika stammers and stumbles her way through yet another vitriolic Maureen Dowd essay filled with snark, spite, and false equivalencies.  This is so dumb. Is everyone vaccinated? Yes? Were they tested before attending the party? Yes? Then maybe how about we use this as an example of how to enjoy life safely during COVID? Save your ire for those who are prolonging this pandemic. 

Plus, it was all held outdoors. It was done right. Why weren’t they equally outraged about the Lollapalooza Fest a week ago? All they do is mimic the mainstream media and then bring on neo cons to reiterate right wing talking points. Mika’s manic meltdown this morning about Afghanistan was ridiculous and unprofessional. The yelling and near hysterical discourse was awful. She needs to be told to tone it down about ten notches…jeez Louise!!!

3 hours ago, Linda956 said:

When Mika said Joe was traveling, I immediately thought, "Is he flying back from attending another baseball game in Boston?"  I honestly think they have not been together in the studio for at least a month.  Something's going on.  If Joe was as good as Rachel Maddow at his job, I wouldn't begrudge him the time off.  But he's not.  Far from it and to take this much time off is ridiculous!  What does he have written into his contract - "I can take as much time off as I like with no restrictions, despite the fact that I'm only on air 3 hours a day (even less then that most of the time).  Really, how and why does he get away with this? 

Something’s going on between these two. The photo of them in a boat could have been taken last year…who knows. But they haven’t even broadcast together since just after their July fourth vacation I believe. 

  • Love 7

Traveling. Traveling???? Today, of all days, they use that excuse??? When the entire story is about the evacuation of personnel from the airport in Kabul? When people were so desperate to "travel" out of there that they clung to planes? The only way a travel excuse would be acceptable would be if Joe was an actual war correspondent in Kabul covering the air lift. A 3 hour drive up from Fenway doesn't count. And don't get me started on that KYV bullshit. A whole country's female population is now at risk and she thinks talking about her gal pals all living the good life is appropriate? Not a good look, MSNBC.

  • Love 9

I wouldn't have an issue with folks calling out Obama's party if they weren't the same folks who fly from one nice home to another nice home for a week or two or have no issue repeatedly taking a plane to watch a couple of ball games during a pandemic.

5 hours ago, jacourt said:

The level of anxiety that Mika spews forth is overwhelming. It’s like everyone, run for your lives!!!! She could cause panic in a graveyard. Then there’s the I know people who know people who know people that are at the airport line. 

I do not understand why MSNBC feels comfortable letting that shrill delivery be the anchor of the show. I have my Joe issues but at least I don't feel like I'm overhearing a tantrum at a customer service counter when he speaks.

I had to turn off MJ this morning. Plenty of other anchors were horrified like Mika but they didn't let it stop them from asking their guests thoughtful, informing questions.

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, chick binewski said:

I wouldn't have an issue with folks calling out Obama's party if they weren't the same folks who fly from one nice home to another nice home for a week or two or have no issue repeatedly taking a plane to watch a couple of ball games during a pandemic.

I do not understand why MSNBC feels comfortable letting that shrill delivery be the anchor of the show. I have my Joe issues but at least I don't feel like I'm overhearing a tantrum at a customer service counter when he speaks.

I had to turn off MJ this morning. Plenty of other anchors were horrified like Mika but they didn't let it stop them from asking their guests thoughtful, informing questions.

Exactly...I had to turn it off also. Mika seems like she's close to having a nervous breakdown. The projection of her own personal life onto the news is quite apparent. She and Joe need to come clean to their audience about what the hell is going on. Are we going to see another week with Mika and Joe not working together? Something's amiss and there's some "splaining" to do.

  • Love 5

Tuned in at 7 so didn’t see any opening remarks or chat.  I am visiting family and am watching a tv with way more “hi-def” than mine at home. Maybe it is the lighting, maybe it is the tv being huge and seemingly 3-feet from my bed, but Meeka’s makeup this morning borders on Kabuki.  So I am going to say something not bad about her.  This last year-and-a-half has taken a toll on everyone…no exceptions. Maybe I am looking at a woman who is past burnout, has a high-profile job (not joking), is miserable and it is playing out in front of us every morning.  It shows mainly in her voice…either thin and reedy or over-the-top hysterical.

  • Love 3

Kemper, that was very nice of you to be empathetic to whatever Mika may be experiencing and causing her problems. If you add to it that Joe might be withdrawing affection or attention it would certainly add to her anxiety.

This morning she made a statement about someone else and I couldn't help but think that maybe she had received the feedback herself after yesterday's performance since they didn't seem like her own words. (Sorry I don't have the exact quote but it was along the lines of the necessity for being able to modulate one's emotions.)

  • Useful 3
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Tuesday Mini recap.

Joe agreed to return to the show today. He was dressed in a dark suit. Mika was wearing a black top . MSNBC viewers know that there is a serious problem in Afghanistan when Joe is wearing a suit.

There was a clip of Biden explaining why he abandoned the people of the country.

Willie said most Biden supporters approve of the USA leaving Afghanistan but not in a chaotic way.

Mika looked like she would start crying.

Joe & the foreign policy elites did not support leaving Kabul.

Joe blamed Trump for leaving Syria.

Joe said the USA still has troops in Europe & Japan so why leave Afghanistan

Joe said the 2500 troops could keep the peace in Afghanistan.

Joe said it is a disaster. Joe blamed Trump for abandoning the Kurds.

A new guest , George Packer is disgusted with the USA abandoning translators who helped the USA. There was no planning by Biden.

Joe want round of the clock planes to evacuate the refugees.




Edited by oakville
  • Love 2

First off, Joe Scarborough is not a foreign policy expert. His false equivalency between Afghanistan and troops remaing in Japan and Germany is just riduculously wrong and stupid. Troops in Japan and Germany have  international support and were put in place after WORLD WAR 2! Initially, the troops were there to keep an eye on the countries (Japan and Germany) that created WW2...they remain to keep a presence and an eye on Russia (troops in Germany),China and North Korea (troops in Japan). All of these countries are super powers that possess nuclear weapons. Afghanistan is not a super power and does not have nuclear weapons...so Joe's inept and sloppy argument is not only wrong but stupid. 

Also, I'm getting sick of these two bringing in the neo cons and think tank people to give their bloated opinions. Let's dissect this...Trump brokered a "deal" last year with the Taliban...he wanted their leader, who he ordered released from jail, to come to Camp David on 9/11 to sign the deal. That went over like a lead balloon so he panned that idea and just went ahead with a formal deal that Pompeo handled. After the election Trump sent Pompeo back to Afghanistan to solidify the deal making it harder for Biden to break without creating a bloodbath that would then mean a huge build up of American troops and then we're back in a war. It's almost as if Trump planned this out so Biden would be blamed...fortunately, we have the videotape of Trump bragging about his deal with the Taliban, praising the Taliban, calling their leaders "tough and smart", bragging to a rally about his great deal with the Taliban and how HE was the one bringing the troops home because 21 years was enough. Why doesn't Joe show this stuff and have a fair discussion about this with reporters and foreign policy experts that have no vested interest in any political party? And don't think for a minute that Russia had nothing to do with this...

Mika was a little more chill today but not by much. I didn't notice any chemistry between her and Joe...very businesslike...none of the gentle chiding of one other or teasing. I wonder if they are in the same state? 

  • Love 8
58 minutes ago, BrownBear2012 said:

First off, Joe Scarborough is not a foreign policy expert. His false equivalency between Afghanistan and troops remaing in Japan and Germany is just riduculously wrong and stupid. Troops in Japan and Germany have  international support and were put in place after WORLD WAR 2! Initially, the troops were there to keep an eye on the countries (Japan and Germany) that created WW2...they remain to keep a presence and an eye on Russia (troops in Germany),China and North Korea (troops in Japan). All of these countries are super powers that possess nuclear weapons. Afghanistan is not a super power and does not have nuclear weapons...so Joe's inept and sloppy argument is not only wrong but stupid. 

Also, I'm getting sick of these two bringing in the neo cons and think tank people to give their bloated opinions. Let's dissect this...Trump brokered a "deal" last year with the Taliban...he wanted their leader, who he ordered released from jail, to come to Camp David on 9/11 to sign the deal. That went over like a lead balloon so he panned that idea and just went ahead with a formal deal that Pompeo handled. After the election Trump sent Pompeo back to Afghanistan to solidify the deal making it harder for Biden to break without creating a bloodbath that would then mean a huge build up of American troops and then we're back in a war. It's almost as if Trump planned this out so Biden would be blamed...fortunately, we have the videotape of Trump bragging about his deal with the Taliban, praising the Taliban, calling their leaders "tough and smart", bragging to a rally about his great deal with the Taliban and how HE was the one bringing the troops home because 21 years was enough. Why doesn't Joe show this stuff and have a fair discussion about this with reporters and foreign policy experts that have no vested interest in any political party? And don't think for a minute that Russia had nothing to do with this...

Mika was a little more chill today but not by much. I didn't notice any chemistry between her and Joe...very businesslike...none of the gentle chiding of one other or teasing. I wonder if they are in the same state? 

Joe does consider himself to be a foreign policy expert & claims to talk to world leaders on a regular basis.

Joe did criticize Trump last year when he was negotiating with the Taliban.

Joe forgot to tell viewers many of the points that you made in your post.

He also neglected to mention that its unlikely that the ceasefire with the Taliban would have lasted if the USA didn't  leave.



Edited by oakville
  • Love 5

I thought I was the only one who was “mystified” (pissed off) at the guest list (many armchair soldiers) that have been put on display these last two mornings. Sick of it. Sick of The Twins, their personal agendas and their grip on the network; and the wondering of what is going on between the two of them. It has gone beyond fun speculation into uncomfortable personal drama. Joe never fails to slip up and put his neo con, chicken hawk roots on display; in a strange way, he is relishing all of this.

  • Love 7

I had to take a break from my happy clappy summer break because of the foreign policy shitshow gaaaaaaah and actually tune in. 

The show is all still very awful, the aesthetics are still terrible and mostly based around trolling the internetz rather than making life better and brighter and more creative for the 800 000 other humans who aren't on forums and whose lives are worth brightening and cheering up right now *cough* priorities *cough* .....but but but god help me I am agreeing with joe right now. This Afghanistan thing is the most predictable shitshow in the history of predictable shitshows and it is fucking heartbreaking and almost insulting that people are pretending no one knew this would happen when literally everyone did.

If there's a false equivalency with Japan and Germany it's that engagement happened much later there so the responsiblity was actually lesser...  imo the earlier you break things, the earlier you incur an actual responsibility to fix it. So theres actually a greater responsibilty here, and the political blindness to that reality is frankly astounding and depressing AF

Aghh i hope now when there's breaking news we'll at least get a real show soon? idk i've never been but isnt maine kinda an easy flight to NYC, like I just don't get why they cant do real shows when it actually matters and we actually need them to be there. It's so weird to me they dont have that in their blood anymore to be there and fight and be bright and present and alert when it matters... then it's like the entire spark of the profession is no longer there, idk? so what's the point? whats their motivation at this point?

Anywhoo, literally everyone knew that exactly this would happened so this entire "the Taliban? so fast? Omigosh who knew!?" thing is profoundly disingenuous and shitty and just makes me wanna bang my head on my desk. Stop treating us like we're idiots ugh

damnit I thought we were gonna have a calm summer

  • Love 3
21 minutes ago, oakville said:

Joe does consider himself to be a foreign policy expert & claims to talk to world leaders on a regular basis.

Joe did criticize Trump last year when he was negotiating with the Taliban.

Joe forgot to tell viewers many of the points that you made in your post.

He also neglected to mention that its unlikely that the ceasefire with the Taliban would have lasted if the USA didn't  leave.



Joe talks about how he talks to all kinds of people about all kinds of hot topics. He’s so full of crap.

  • Love 5
9 hours ago, Kemper said:

Maybe I am looking at a woman who is past burnout, has a high-profile job (not joking), is miserable and it is playing out in front of us every morning.  It shows mainly in her voice…either thin and reedy or over-the-top hysterical.

Yes, we're all looking at this and that is the problem. The ones who should be looking at this and actually doing something are the executives at the network. How can they condone this behavior? Even if their contracts are still in play, can't they be taken off the air and get paid just to go away? They are ruining whatever legitimacy that concept of easy breezy political banter and fresh takes on world affairs the show once had. It now seems like drudgery for the hosts and lackluster guests. It's job they all seem to hate. And I show we hate to watch.

  • Love 7
46 minutes ago, plumbago blues said:

Yes, we're all looking at this and that is the problem. The ones who should be looking at this and actually doing something are the executives at the network. How can they condone this behavior? Even if their contracts are still in play, can't they be taken off the air and get paid just to go away? They are ruining whatever legitimacy that concept of easy breezy political banter and fresh takes on world affairs the show once had. It now seems like drudgery for the hosts and lackluster guests. It's job they all seem to hate. And I show we hate to watch.

You bring up an excellent point. What is going on at this network? They promoted a top notch exec to take over after Phil Griffin retired and all we’ve seen is more problems with this show, defections to other networks (Kasie Hunt and other “contributors”to CNN) and now a possible departure of Rachel Maddow!!! Morning Joe takes up three hours of television everyday…it sets the tone for the daytime line up…and the tone they are setting up is old, tired has beens who only get worse everyday. It’s time to revamp this mess and get two younger co hosts, fresh contributors who aren’t Joe’s drinking buddies or a part of Mika’s KYV girl group. CNN has done its homework and is actively promoting and aggressively recruiting younger, fresher talent.

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, BrownBear2012 said:

First off, Joe Scarborough is not a foreign policy expert. His false equivalency between Afghanistan and troops remaing in Japan and Germany is just riduculously wrong and stupid. Troops in Japan and Germany have  international support and were put in place after WORLD WAR 2! Initially, the troops were there to keep an eye on the countries (Japan and Germany) that created WW2...they remain to keep a presence and an eye on Russia (troops in Germany),China and North Korea (troops in Japan). All of these countries are super powers that possess nuclear weapons. Afghanistan is not a super power and does not have nuclear weapons...so Joe's inept and sloppy argument is not only wrong but stupid. 

Also, I'm getting sick of these two bringing in the neo cons and think tank people to give their bloated opinions. Let's dissect this...Trump brokered a "deal" last year with the Taliban...he wanted their leader, who he ordered released from jail, to come to Camp David on 9/11 to sign the deal. That went over like a lead balloon so he panned that idea and just went ahead with a formal deal that Pompeo handled. After the election Trump sent Pompeo back to Afghanistan to solidify the deal making it harder for Biden to break without creating a bloodbath that would then mean a huge build up of American troops and then we're back in a war. It's almost as if Trump planned this out so Biden would be blamed...fortunately, we have the videotape of Trump bragging about his deal with the Taliban, praising the Taliban, calling their leaders "tough and smart", bragging to a rally about his great deal with the Taliban and how HE was the one bringing the troops home because 21 years was enough. Why doesn't Joe show this stuff and have a fair discussion about this with reporters and foreign policy experts that have no vested interest in any political party? And don't think for a minute that Russia had nothing to do with this...

Mika was a little more chill today but not by much. I didn't notice any chemistry between her and Joe...very businesslike...none of the gentle chiding of one other or teasing. I wonder if they are in the same state? 

Yeah that WWII comparison that Joe felt bore repeating didn't cut it for me either. I don't want to go too hard on MJ bc many networks seem to be taking a slightly similar approach but I will bc Mika's fake crying and Joe's scruffy malaise...I'm having some trouble understanding the shocked! delivery of disapproving anchors. I think there is a way to cover the unimaginable circumstances of innocent civilians while also shining a light on how tenuous the Afghan army support was or the thousands of men running to planes without a woman or child in sight or diving deeper into why there are such small numbers of Afghan allies being pulled.

I hate every aspect of this story and the real horror people across the world are living thorough but it feels like they're promoting disgust at the new guy bc the miss the clicks they got from the old guy and that doesn't sit well. 

And yeah, the Joe & Mika vibe is...odd. 


  • Love 11
2 hours ago, chick binewski said:

Yeah that WWII comparison that Joe felt bore repeating didn't cut it for me either. I don't want to go too hard on MJ bc many networks seem to be taking a slightly similar approach but I will bc Mika's fake crying and Joe's scruffy malaise...I'm having some trouble understanding the shocked! delivery of disapproving anchors. I think there is a way to cover the unimaginable circumstances of innocent civilians while also shining a light on how tenuous the Afghan army support was or the thousands of men running to planes without a woman or child in sight or diving deeper into why there are such small numbers of Afghan allies being pulled.

I hate every aspect of this story and the real horror people across the world are living thorough but it feels like they're promoting disgust at the new guy bc the miss the clicks they got from the old guy and that doesn't sit well. 

And yeah, the Joe & Mika vibe is...odd. 


I would like to see MJ and other anchors on this network and elsewhere start badgering the UN to start doing their job and get involved in this humanitarian effort to get Afghans out and to also deploy people to make sure human rights are not being violated. I haven’t heard anyone say a damn thing about the UN’s silence on what’s going on in Afghanistan yet the minute there’s conflict between Israel and the Palestinians the UN suddenly becomes concerned about human rights. Same with China and the UN…they have been silent on Uyghurs being persecuted in China and do nothing to help or investigate. Why not hold them accountable and demand that they do their job? 

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, BrownBear2012 said:

I would like to see MJ and other anchors on this network and elsewhere start badgering the UN to start doing their job and get involved in this humanitarian effort to get Afghans out and to also deploy people to make sure human rights are not being violated.

yeah! You know what would be great for the humanitarian effort? a security council resolution!

not like any of the countries on the security council would block it or anything. no, that would never happen. and no country in particular would block it, because of reasons.

and of course human rights monitors and independent experts are on the ground reporting, and they have been for years, risking their lives, but they can't do shit without backup. 

ETA: and getting the Afghans out with nowhere to actually send them is maybe a lil hard, just saying. there is a massive abnegation of responsibility here and its *not* the UN

Edited by neona
1 hour ago, neona said:

yeah! You know what would be great for the humanitarian effort? a security council resolution!

not like any of the countries on the security council would block it or anything. no, that would never happen. and no country in particular would block it, because of reasons.

and of course human rights monitors and independent experts are on the ground reporting, and they have been for years, risking their lives, but they can't do shit without backup. 

ETA: and getting the Afghans out with nowhere to actually send them is maybe a lil hard, just saying. there is a massive abnegation of responsibility here and its *not* the UN

I disagree…the UN should be doing something right now. At least convene an emergency meeting to figure out what course of action they can take to help. Of course it’s not helping that certain Fox News personalities are stoking the fear of more “immigrants” coming here…and by “immigrants” we all know they mean “Muslims”. 


  • Love 1

Uh Joe you can’t even convince people close to you to get vaccinated. Having a football coach do a psa won’t matter. We know all this. Good God please let’s talk about something else. We get it. Let’s talk about something else. What’s going on in Haiti, the  infrastructure bill, wildfires, something good going on. So lazy. 

  • Love 6

There was an excellent interview with a young man who has written a book called “Woke, Inc.”…Willie was doing his usual good job with questions.  Too bad he didn’t do the entire interview. Jonathan Lemire and Joe jumped in, of course. They were not terrible! Yes, I know. But it ate into the alloted time. Why did it take three people..it broke the flow of the whole thing, considering there was not much time for the segment to begin with. Best thing about it? It is one of the few books pushed on these shows that I might actually read. 

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, BrownBear2012 said:

Joe and Mika seem esgtranged...When Mika said it's good to see everyone together today, Joe gave an emotionless agreement with his head down. Poor Willie...he's like the son who is stuck in the middle of mommy and daddy having a fight.

I think Mika is still upset that MSNBC has not aired a compilation of her many award winning interviews for KYV on prime time. Why not pre empt Rachel Maddow for Mika ?

Mika has been unable to earn extra money during the pandemic from the seminars that she used to give prior to Covid -19. Mika enjoyed providing advice to women who listened to her every word.

Joe has kept Mika cooped up in their  small Florida kitchen with her chainsaw wielding mother for most of the pandemic.

Mika deserves better than having to listen to Joe work on several new albums.


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I turned it on just as sad Joe told us about a vaxxed family member (I guess) getting Covid from an unvaxxed person and being hospitalized...I wasn't keeping up with the story because I was fixated on Mika's reaction. She may have even shed a tear...there was a shiny spot on her right cheek as his story progressed. So maudlin; it's understandable that they would be sad, yet relieved, but it just seemed a little too heavy. I have a problem when their personal lives take over the show. This is another example of having a married couple host show...it becomes all about them.

I did note, though, that Mika got over her funk in a hurry. It seemed like just minutes after the show she washed off her make-up and went for a run. (Instagram) I guess there isn't much post-show analysis with the hosts and producing/exec staff. They are truly on their own. What a shame that pesky show holds them up from their summer fun.

  • Love 5

This three-hour show is worse than Gilligan's Island.  That three-hour tour at least included 'rescue plans' and schemes that never worked, cute outfits, a happy cast, and even occasional guest stars.  This three hour gab fest has the same tired, worn-out guests.  We KNOW what they're going to say.  Especially Mike "Let me ask you this question" Barnicle.  Just ask the damn question already, and David "I never met a comb I used" Ignatius . . . I could go on.  At least Halperin and Ford are gone.  But Heidi P. and Kasey Hunt I miss.  Elise Jordan is okay, and gets in some saucy zingers.  Please book someone who might have a fresh perspective.  And, as someone upstream opined, how about discussing the infrastructure bill, how we can help Haiti and Afghanistan - not just whose fault it was - as well as wildfires and climate change, and how about bringing back Willie's News You Can't Use.  Something cheery.  Jeebus, Joe and Mika.  It's freakin' August.  Black, black, black outfits and fleece every day.  The world is depressing enough.  Someone get the hook and put us viewers out of our misery!

Edited by KayVeeTeeVee
  • Love 10
1 hour ago, KayVeeTeeVee said:

This three-hour show is worse than Gilligan's Island.  That three-hour tour at least included 'rescue plans' and schemes that never worked, cute outfits, a happy cast, and even occasional guest stars.

I'd start watching the show again if I knew there were even the tiniest possibility that the Globe Trotters would make a surprise visit to the Florida bunker.

The heyday of the show was when Joe and Mika would invite their friends to the studio to essentially engage in DC/NY cocktail party chatter (hence the fixation on Obama's b'day party) with some superficial political horse race and both side-ism discussions. And they were engaging. I watched.

Over the last couple years we have been subjected to an unrelenting torrent of once in a generation (or more) news stories that can't be chit chatted about and need to be discussed in depth as substantial ongoing news stories. Trump, covid, BLM etc.

These two don't do news very well. Their whole schtick got blown up. And they haven't been able to find a way to reengage viewers. Bloviating monologs and cry-reading from an undisclosed location ain't going to do it.

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I just read the hair-on-fire main story (with pictures) on Mediaite - starring Joe and David Ignatious. Apparently everyone in this country who matters, all leaders in Europe…actually the entire world thinks Biden, along with his administration, are criminal, murderous, ignorant, cruel morons.  Enough. It is time the show and network purged themselves of these pompous, past their sell-dates analysts.  I see a lot of the reporters I liked are popping up on CNN. 

  • Love 7
6 hours ago, Kemper said:

I just read the hair-on-fire main story (with pictures) on Mediaite - starring Joe and David Ignatious. Apparently everyone in this country who matters, all leaders in Europe…actually the entire world thinks Biden, along with his administration, are criminal, murderous, ignorant, cruel morons.  Enough. It is time the show and network purged themselves of these pompous, past their sell-dates analysts.  I see a lot of the reporters I liked are popping up on CNN. 

This show along with the rest of mainstream media and cable news has fallen victim to wanting the Biden administration to fail. It makes for more interesting news and continous cycles of some sort of scandal to report. Biden's successes were not cutting it for their ratings...they need a negtive new cycle to lift their ratings. Four years of continual scandals, destructive tweets and blunders spoiled them...Trump made them money...Biden isn't. So now they are hanging on to this as a Biden blunder when in fact, Bush started this and Trump cut a bad deal and left the Afghan government out of the negotiations. For the media to make it a big deal that Biden went to Camp David for the weekend was absurd. Every President has gone to Camp David for a day or two of clearing their heads and getting some fresh air...they have all the connections, hook ups and communication they need to conduct offical business. It's not like he went to his private golf club or something. But they are going to make this a scandal...Mika and Joe of course have their usual crew of aging Washington insiders whose opinions only matter to other aging Washington insiders. 

  • Love 6

thank God for Katty Kay... I thought we'd lost her to some other thingy but but she's still there! And literally carried the show today. 

Art sleuthing the internetz tells me David Ignatius is sitting in front of a painting by Peter Ignatius, presumably some relation?? --> a decent artists with a confusing website https://www.peterignatius.com/ Dude, before you debut on teh tee-vee you gotta upload and enable high resolution images so we can actually click on them and seeeeeee properly, and also, the "paintings" tab comes up empty unless you make an effort to click one of the lil sub tab thingies, which no one will, even tho they should bc again, it's not actually bad, but fix iiit so people don't leave before they see your stuff #freeadvice.

Barnicle looks cute

When is everyone coming back in studio?? I've been back to normal life for like weeks it's so weird all these people are still in bunkers, it all seems exactly the same as when i went on break because it was all too covid-y and depressing. Is it ever gonna be back for real? I get the remote thingy for those with young kids who are still worried but the rest come ooooooon. Is this the new tee-vee, is all news basically just gonna be like watching people record a podcast? I love podcasts but I mean then what even is the point of tee-vee anymore. I'm a visual person and I miss my morning friends and the movement and energy of that goddamn table so much *cries*

Joe is in Florida, that's definitely his Florida backdrop. I still agree with him about Afghanistan. tho he's still an asshole. an asshole i agree with right now. i feel uncomfortable about this and might need a cocktail.

  • Love 4
22 minutes ago, neona said:

When is everyone coming back in studio?? I've been back to normal life for like weeks it's so weird all these people are still in bunkers, it all seems exactly the same as when i went on break because it was all too covid-y and depressing. Is it ever gonna be back for real?

The Florida bunker was started before the pandemic. In a strange coincidence it happened about the same time the Trump tax cuts put more of a burden on wealthy homeowners in CA and the Northeast. So even if everyone is vaccinated and covid cases are at zero, I don't think they are coming back.

I had hopes that new management at MSNBC and its parent NBC News would spur change, but that appears to not be the case.

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On 8/18/2021 at 7:46 AM, BrownBear2012 said:

I disagree…the UN should be doing something right now. At least convene an emergency meeting to figure out what course of action they can take to help. Of course it’s not helping that certain Fox News personalities are stoking the fear of more “immigrants” coming here…and by “immigrants” we all know they mean “Muslims”. 


yeah, I apologize Brownbear I didn't mean to snark on you above, those are totally valid points. And I absolutely agree with you about Fox News personalities, ugh

it's just that I sometimes feel people don't really understand what the UN is or how it works. It's not really a unified thing that could convene a meeting, it's a collection of various bodies with different functions. The UN High Commission for Refugees are deeply involved in the refugee crisis in Afghanistan and Pakistan and are on the ground and sending out urgent appeals for financial assistance etc etc but ultimately their ability to resettle refugees is dependent on what quotas member states agree to take in...which again is politically contingent, and like you pointed out, there's obviously an element of racism

The UN High Commission for Human Rights leads the human rights effort, but is again limited to gathering evidence and reporting - that's an important function but there is no power to compel change

The actual power to take action, impose sanctions etc lies with the Security Council, where states including the US, China and Russia can basically veto resolutions that could actually have a meaningful impact. 

And militarily speaking, there's also NATO, and well, NATO allies have already made their feelings clear on what's happening right now.

I am so grateful to Biden for ending the horrific DJT era etc etc but I still find this decision so unforgivably poorly conceived, frightening, callous, inexplicable, that I really can't wrap my head around it right now. And that is *not* to say I don't fully recognize the two former dudes were infinitely worse gaaah

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But.  Aren't the CNN hosts (at least the 6-9 show) back in the studio?  MJ would not be so bad (I kid!) if Joe and Meeka would sit side-by-side on air with the same backdrop.  At least it would give the image of being professionals and the show would seem to flow better.  😆  This, and the 8:00 rerun are, to me, just about the most egregious crimes against viewers.  And it shows the power Joe seems to hold at the network. 

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50 minutes ago, xaxat said:

The Florida bunker was started before the pandemic. In a strange coincidence it happened about the same time the Trump tax cuts put more of a burden on wealthy homeowners in CA and the Northeast. So even if everyone is vaccinated and covid cases are at zero, I don't think they are coming back.

I had hopes that new management at MSNBC and its parent NBC News would spur change, but that appears to not be the case.

Mika & Joe live about 20 minutes from the WPTV NBC affiliate studios. It would be easy for the station to allow them to broadcast from there so they could have guests in the studio with them.

I am sure they could convince the network to pay to fly in guests from NY & Washington.

It would be a nice perk for guests in the winter.

  • LOL 1
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On 8/18/2021 at 6:25 PM, KayVeeTeeVee said:

 Especially Mike "Let me ask you this question" Barnicle.  Just ask the damn question already, and David "I never met a comb I used" Ignatius . . . I could go on.  

Now this made me laugh.  It is perfect!  One day he was standing somewhere outside while giving his opinion.  The wind was blowing his hair - it was hypnotizing - bobbing rhythmically along with the breeze.

  • LOL 3
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23 hours ago, Kemper said:

I just read the hair-on-fire main story (with pictures) on Mediaite - starring Joe and David Ignatious. Apparently everyone in this country who matters, all leaders in Europe…actually the entire world thinks Biden, along with his administration, are criminal, murderous, ignorant, cruel morons.  Enough. It is time the show and network purged themselves of these pompous, past their sell-dates analysts.  I see a lot of the reporters I liked are popping up on CNN. 

Lawrence O'Donnell had a terrific explanation last night about why hair-on-fire is not appropriate in this situation.  Clear, concise, and compelling.  Maybe Joe and Mike could watch it for some hints on how to present a story.  But that would require homework.

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6 hours ago, KayVeeTeeVee said:

Lawrence O'Donnell had a terrific explanation last night about why hair-on-fire is not appropriate in this situation.  Clear, concise, and compelling.  Maybe Joe and Mike could watch it for some hints on how to present a story.  But that would require homework.

I always try to watch Lawrence O'Donnell. He's a professional and does his homework. 

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5 hours ago, Kemper said:

Honestly, I don’t know what the network would do without Brian W and Rachel when there is serious, possibly life/world changing breaking news; Nicole Wallace meshes nicely with Brian.  But that is about it. 

Joe and Meeka could possibly do very well on Peacock. Frothy.

My only beef with Brian Williams is that he keeps A.B.Stoddard on his panel discussions. I get that you want a fair and balanced panel but she's knee deep in the Washington right wing spin zone. She's been doing a good Fox News level spin all week...honestly, if I didn't know better I would have thought that Biden brokered this bad deal with the Taliban and had done nothing to get people out of there.

19 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

Joe thinks he looks sexy; I think he looks like he's thinking "I'm going to kill her."

He looks like a creepy Dad eyeballing the babysitter.

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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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