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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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1 hour ago, Lowcountry snark said:

Was Peggy Noonan on?  She and Bill Maher agree about progressives being too something or other?
I intensely dislike Bill Maher's bullshit schtick.  It's a comfort to know that Noonan agrees with Maher.

Peggy has not been on the show in many years.

Joe was on the Bill Maher show without Mika a few weeks ago.

Mini recap of part of Thursday's show.

Joe complained about gerrymandering districts in Florida. He said there were a few districts that were set to have large African American populations in the district, but it allows the GOP to take 5 seats.

Meecham said that the Confederate Troops never breached the Capitol but they did in 2021.

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Joe belittled Mika because of her views on how to rebuild the Republican party.

Joe likes high speed rail.

Joe agreed with AOC that you have to knock on doors. Democrats lost seats in the 2020 election. Its amusing because Joe usually complains about the Republicans being doomed.

AOC likes town halls . Joe swooned.

AOC said oil companies oppose electrified trains.

Joe doesn't like Amtrack.

Joe complained about LA Highways.



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shenanigans! update!

Joe and Mika both back in studio in DC Rivendell!! what even is that place, it's so beautiful

Katty Kay in DC with them, being her baddass self

Barnicle in NYC

Michael Steele likes babies

Willie still trapped in the hellscape

eta: mom and dad definitely still fighting lmao! they look all tense and rigid. i hope she just slaps him at some point lol

eta 2: this filibuster discussion is amazing...nobody's holding back and it's awesome

Edited by neona
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I wish Joe would set some time aside during each show to tell us about his time in Congress.

1 hour ago, neona said:

eta: mom and dad definitely still fighting lmao! they look all tense and rigid. i hope she just slaps him at some point lol

Srsly. I think Joe might leave her for that Republican from Indiana. Also, let's get a Mr. Brzezinski story in where he sided against his daughter.

I cannot make out a word anyone is saying with all the crosstalk.


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ymmv but I actually like the cross-talk. the split screen shit is so boring, it's like watching third-graders recite poetry, at the beginning of each performance, you know how it's gonna end

at least when there's yelling across a table you get some actual honesty once in a while lol

mika was clutching her coffee mug like it was a voodoo doll of Joe and she wanted to suffocate it....that's a fair response to being married to that dumbass buuuuut also it was making me lil anxious lol

Yamiche was there today omg!! i love her. at the table, in person!! it's been such a hellish year I kinda find these normalcy milestones almost moving. 

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1 hour ago, chick binewski said:

I wish Joe would set some time aside during each show to tell us about his time in Congress

LOL! But then that that means we wouldn’t get entire segments dedicated to the Boston Red Sox and Jonathan Lemire bullying.

@oakville I appreciate the recaps. I’m not able to watch television in the morning so I listen through streaming radio, which is why the background noises are so distracting for me.

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44 minutes ago, Kemper said:

I do think that Meeks knows she is married to a testosterone-loaded fathead at times.

And you just know MIchael Steele and the other panelists are thinking "testosterone-loaded fathead" when they're sitting at the table looking at Joe.   

It's probably in the panelists' contracts that they:  1) must not interrupt The Bloviator, 2) must say at least once per show that they agree with him and, 3) must not laugh when Mika screws up a pronunciation.  

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shenanigans! update! 

Joe and Mika in studio in DC Rivendell!! with Ignatius, Bumiller, Eugene Daniels, Jonathan Swan

all less stressed today, thank god

some news, Willie has escaped from the hellscape!!! he's in NYC. no visible bruising or personality changes. hair parted on the normal side, I think he's unscathed

Barnicle looks cute. how is he basically a Dickens character come to life?? 

guys guys Sean Patrick Moloney is gonna be on today. I hope there's a fight!!

eta: Kornackiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!

Edited by neona
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I love a Paramus Park reference. 

FFS Mika do you understand what you're reading?

18 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

And you just know MIchael Steele and the other panelists are thinking "testosterone-loaded fathead" when they're sitting at the table looking at Joe.   

Michael Steele seemed to have less trouble appearing like he was enjoying himself when he wasn't in studio. He's looked positively strained at times when he's in the room with Joe!

And now, Ed Litton will be interviewing Joe about his faith and congressional career. 

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update! there was no fight. damnit

i know i complain a lot about Joe, but he is actually good with people, when he's not being an ass

also yesterday I thought Mika was mad at him but i think she was just cold?? air conditioning is like a special form of fascism designed to keep men comfortable and women freeze their asses off

David Ignatius was interesting tho i wish they'd talk to some Afghan women about the conditions of Afghan women!! yeah, i know, Ukraine, Iran, Russia, Afghanistan ---> i will point this out each time until we've covered all teh countries of the world!! it just seems so obvious, but I guess not

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Is anyone else tuning out lately? Honestly, the news from Washington everyday is just so depressing that I can't watch it being talked about in the evening hours on the network.  And then hearing the same thing being rehashed at 6:00 a.m.  By Joe and his besties pontificating and spinning.  But I continue to tune in sporadically, maybe hoping for someone on-air to implode.  On camera, right in front of us.   Actually, Joe implodes everyday; maybe one day he will turn into Howard Beal (was that the name?) from the movie "Network" ... and he will shriek "I am mad as hell and I am not going to take it anymore" .... and we will all feel his pain.  Now THAT would be winning.


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4 minutes ago, Kemper said:

Is anyone else tuning out lately?

Yup. Not worth my time to even check in anymore. It's nice that they are back at the table with others but the old vibe is gone. I dislike the set they're using; looks almost like a church or library meeting room and I dislike the hosts, guests, and topics. So, what's the point anymore? I feel snarked out. I checked CNN this morning and was shocked that Berman and his female co-host, forget her name, were replaced by Stanley Tucci's Italy show. WTH? I guess all the morning shows suck to a degree now. I've noticed Mark Halperin is a pretty regular guest on Newsmax's am show. He's settled in and isn't as nervous as he was at first. Kind of like his old self. (Well, without the icky stuff, I hope.)

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Very late mini  recap of today's show.

The show opened up with a clip of Saturday Night Live from the 2016 transition making fun of Trump wanting to replace Obama Care with the ACA.

Morning Joe is clearly stuck with trying to go back in time when they could spend the entire show attacking Trump.

I think this is pretty hypocritical  since Mika & Joe were excited about Trump during the transition & MSNBC ran ads portraying Joe as a Trump insider.

Mika made fun of Trump who complained about be teased on SNL.

I recall Mika not being amused when SNL made fun of her & Joe's relationship.

Mika & Joe complained at the time that it wasn't fair for SNL to make fun of them because they had children .

Mika is still dressed in black. Joe is wearing a suit.

The Washington studio is also used for MTP.

Joe complained about the ranked ballots in the NYC primary.

Joe complained about the 2020 NY state primary. It took too long to vote.

Joe laughed at how long it will take to get the full results of the ranked ballots.

Barnicle said he was in the upper west side & not many people voted.

Ignatius complained about the Taliban taking over Afghanistan. He said it was wrong for Biden to announce that USA troops are leaving.

Women are on the run.

Mika could use this discussion to explain her dad's policies to support the mujahaddin while Carter was President.

Ignatius said China,Russia & Iran don't want the Taliban to take over.

The USA could pay military contractors to keep the Taliban way from Kabul.

The Taliban uses social media to broadcast hangins & women can't leave home.

Joe said the USA is still in Germany so there is no rush to leave Afghanistan.



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Barnicle said that 2500 US troops would be outnumbered by the Taliban.

This is a good discussion around the table.

Joe said Biden threw a napkin at Karzai in 2009. Biden doesn't like Afghanistan.

Joe blamed Obama for not caring about Syria's civil war.

Joe blamed the Syria crisis for refugees.




Eugene Daniels dad fought in Iraq & Afghanistan.

Biden doesn't want to focus on the Middle Eat.

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10 hours ago, oakville said:

Morning Joe is clearly stuck with trying to go back in time when they could spend the entire show attacking Trump.

Agree 100%. Clicking by this morning on my way to CNBC and the glimpse I got was Joe uttering "Trump" and I kept clicking. Sticking with my favorite Joe (Kernan) and my new friends at Bloomberg Surveillance. Mika might want to channel surf, too, to see what real Women of Value in Media can bring to the table. Aware, spontaneous, witty, concise...and, for those of us in the shallow end, well dressed! Their natural ability to flit from finance, to popular culture, to politics is so refreshing.

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1 hour ago, neona said:

Lemire was talking reaaaaallly fast like he was on Adderall or sth lmao.

speaking of, do we know whatever happened to High-lemann?? Feels like it's been a long time? i miss his beautiful bald head and subtle shade

I have been wondering about the absence of Heilemann, too.  Is he maybe taping The Circus?  Bizarre…this is the MJ thread and we are down to discussing the guests.

Just added: I “Googled” Heilemann’s wife because I seem to remember a year or two ago hearing Nicole W ask him about her. She is or has been ill but since my “Flash Player” is outdated I couldn’t get any other info. Sorry…this should probably go to Small Talk but I don’t know how to move things or if we even can.  Mods…I am truly sorry I opened up the Heilemann talk here. The show always brightens up when he is on.  He is one that can snark on Joe to his face and Joe doesn’t seem to mind.

Edited by Kemper
Added last paragraph
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15 minutes ago, Kemper said:

Just added: I “Googled” Heilemann’s wife because I seem to remember a year or two ago hearing Nicole W ask him about her. She is or has been ill but since my “Flash Player” is outdated I couldn’t get any other info.

I wasn't able to find anything, either, but damn if she doesn't look like John with hair.


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i think in the episodes thread we're probably allowed to talk about which regulars are in the episodes and not, buuut also i always get these things wrong lol 🥴

His wife is beautiful, i love their cute matchy-matchy glasses. 

i was listening to his podcasts when traveling and he's so hilarious and curious and a good listener

If he's going thru some stuff, which it seems is maybe the case, sending prayers his way. 

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36 minutes ago, freddi said:

Prize question from Mika to a physician:  “Is this a risk that we are risking to risk?  And what is the risk?” 

Is this a show that we are willing to watch?  And how much will must we need to will ourselves to watch.

Meeka is shrill-hysterical-cry voicing during her interview with Jeh Johnson.  I also think she said "a lot late" .... about Mike Pence's latest proclamation on the January riot.  

Edited by Kemper
Added the last paragraph.
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Was I just under-caffeinated or did I really click by to see Mika discussing Britney Spears? WTH? I'm sure she drew from her deep knowledge of late 90's pop culture. (I imagine Willie was off?)

Weird irony (about an incredibly tragic event) that the duo has been lolling about in south FL for over a year, and, when an actual news incident occurs there, they are...where, actually? Not that they are breaking news anchors but local insight could be useful...and Joe could sound like a know it all re: all things Florida.

2 hours ago, Kemper said:

And how much will must we need to will ourselves to watch.

Not enough, in my case.

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5 hours ago, Kemper said:

Meeka is shrill-hysterical-cry voicing during her interview with Jeh Johnson.  I also think she said "a lot late" .... about Mike Pence's latest proclamation on the January riot.  

She was set to Shrill all morning. I think Isaacson (?) just stopped engaging when she cut him off.

3 hours ago, plumbago blues said:

Was I just under-caffeinated or did I really click by to see Mika discussing Britney Spears? WTH? I'm sure she drew from her deep knowledge of late 90's pop culture. (I imagine Willie was off?)

I mean, Brit's not even 50! I know it's in the news but it seemed like an odd story to cover. Willie was around, at least during the start of the show. Even when Joe was there yesterday he pulled one of his Irish goodbyes really early.

I did appreciate Sanders coverage in Miami; I flipped to CNN later on and the anchor was bordering on maudlin.

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Mika was happy that Giuilani's law license was suspended.

David Henderson said it is bad for his career to be suspended.

At 613 am, Mika said President Clinton's license was suspended for false statements about  sexual misconduct . Mika botched the word "misconduct' when referring to Clinton. She called it "Miscondint" which is not a word.





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missed Friday's show and just now got around to checking the DVR, so for anyone wondering about locations etc on Friday (probably not, but just in case lol) Joe was AWOL, Willie was Little Erica again, not in NYC but trapped back in the Hellscape (whyyy? GET OUTTA THERE bb, save yourself) and Mika was in the mystery location, but to be fair, the mystery location is now actually muchly improved and a lot less weird and obvious, so good for them.

I'll never forget back in November when we were all exhausted, and then breaking! news! Joe! announced Biden's election victory ....aaand inexplicably made it sound like a dull-ass weepy EULOGY except the guy hadn't died but was actually now more alive than ever and had just saved all our collective world asses???....and the whole of the internet was like, dude, why, what even, in this historic moment, is this guy morosely rambling, and where are all the *happy* people...?! 

All of which is a long-winded way to say, there was a lot of Surfside stuff on Friday, and I'm kinda glad it was just Mika and Willie bc Mika and Willie are both much much better and more emotionally fluent than Joe is at the breaking news stuff, when it comes to judging the actual mood.

He's better at politico-style rambling, but they are actually more coherent when there's live shit happening (yes, yes, ymmv *ducks*).

Buuut, having said that, I can't vouch for the mispronunciations lol

....ooor the part of the live press conference where Mika and Willie were like, here is the Spanish part, specifically and deliberately included *live* for worried, confused and stranded channel-surfing families and friends, buuuut, also, we're gonna cut away from the Spanish translation and talk over it, because the majority of *our* viewers don't care....ok but never mind the people out there who are worried af and confused and channel surfing and can't understand, and are desperate for updates...maybe, MAYBE stfu for them for three public service minutes?? that's all I'm saying ugggh 

//yes i'm ok i just need a good night's sleep //sunday hangover //brb cooking some eggs 

ETA: just realized the Wille/Little Erica thing is maybe not a universal reference....so for teh curious uninitiated, welcome to the trauma gaaaah https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiC54FkzlHU


Edited by neona
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monday! shenanigans!

Joe and Mika both in the mystery location, Lemire! is at 30 Rock, I think he sleeps there in a hammock. Willie awol

music is really good today

watching while clutching a pillow, bc if there's footage from the former guy rally, I'll need something to scream into


Steve Scully: *puts up with crazy-ass ranting for 3 hrs a day*

Mika, 24 hrs a day: Hold.My.Beer.

Edited by neona
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Can I get confirmation the current PNW temperatures are not due to climate from an anchor who does NOT fly pell-mell to Boston to watch baseball games during a pandemic? FFS.

Is "I'm from Florida" the new "when I served in congress"? I mean, I'm in agreement with Joe how the landscape changed through the 80's - frankly I don't know how half the eastern south Florida coastline isn't rubble at this point.

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18 hours ago, neona said:

Mika and Willie are both much much better and more emotionally fluent than Joe is at the breaking news stuff, when it comes to judging the actual mood.

Emotionally fluent is a new one for me. Not a term I personally would ascribe to Mika but I guess her skills at cry reading and shrillness would make her thus. I kind of go for fluent thinking and fluent, confident speaking ability. Willie fits.

I saw that all of the panelists were back in their boxes again today. I think a sense of consistency would do wonders for this show...like they actually gave a #%*t. Random locations, especially now, seem so unorganized and haphazard. Like anyone who dials in gets on. And the actual hosts seem like they just grudgingly show up to their own jobs (from undisclosed locations). If they're not invested, why should we be?

I did tune in to see Mika with the engineer. Not a good fit. She asked some question about if the basic structure of the (FL condo) was flawed, would adding the epoxy filler stabilize it and he seemed somewhat, to me at least, taken aback, like "no you dummy, haven't you been listening?" Again with the fluent thinking thing.

Edited by plumbago blues
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Monday mini recap. Mika & Joe appear to be in the Florida bunker.

Joe agreed to return wearing a suit.

Mika is wearing a Lululemon black top. Her yoga session is scheduled for 9 a.m.

The condo collapse is the top story.

At 6: 02 am, Mika botched the introduction of correspondent, Antonia Hylton.

She called her a "corenpondent", which is not a word.

How can Mika struggle with the term correspondent, which she would use to introduce people several times a day during the show?

There was a report in 2018 about potential structural damage to the building.

Mika interviewed an engineer.

Joe said he grew up in Florida & remembered condos being built in Florida in the 1970's & 1980's with varying building codes.

The codes were tougher after 1992.

Joe said he recommended tougher building codes when he was elected to Congress after Hurricane Andrew.

Joe has grown up in so many states & regions of the country, so that he can offer his personal anecdotes about so many topics.

Mika has a pad of papers & ipad.

At 6:11 a.m, Mika struggled with the words "similar building" & called it "simila"

Coutney reported on the USA airstrikes in Syria & Iraq.



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3 hours ago, plumbago blues said:

Emotionally fluent is a new one for me. Not a term I personally would ascribe to Mika but I guess her skills at cry reading and shrillness would make her thus. I kind of go for fluent thinking and fluent, confident speaking ability. Willie fits.

I saw that all of the panelists were back in their boxes again today. I think a sense of consistency would do wonders for this show...like they actually gave a #%*t. Random locations, especially now, seem so unorganized and haphazard. Like anyone who dials in gets on. And the actual hosts seem like they just grudgingly show up to their own jobs (from undisclosed locations). If they're not invested, why should we be?

I did tune in to see Mika with the engineer. Not a good fit. She asked some question about if the basic structure of the (FL condo) was flawed, would adding the epoxy filler stabilize it and he seemed somewhat, to me at least, taken aback, like "no you dummy, haven't you been listening?" Again with the fluent thinking thing.

At this point I am over all the boxes, squares, different locations, etc.  And let's not forget the rerunning of the 6:00 hour at 8:00...that is probably the most egregious thing that they get by with.  The thing is, neither is good at real news as opposed to political news.  Joe was not all that bad about the condos and buildings going up willy-nilly in the 80s. Until he had to insert himself into the story; Meeka cannot do any real news - it is beyond her capability to even read the teleprompter.  

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2 hours ago, Kemper said:

At this point I am over all the boxes, squares, different locations, etc.  And let's not forget the rerunning of the 6:00 hour at 8:00...that is probably the most egregious thing that they get by with.  The thing is, neither is good at real news as opposed to political news.  Joe was not all that bad about the condos and buildings going up willy-nilly in the 80s. Until he had to insert himself into the story; Meeka cannot do any real news - it is beyond her capability to even read the teleprompter.  

Mika should ask MSNBC to give her coaching on how to read the TelePrompter & provide extra staff to help her ask questions to the guests that they have on the show.

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4 hours ago, oakville said:

Perhaps Mika & Joe are in Maine or Nantucket for the week?

Yeah. I thought this last week...check her Instagram. I thought they were together at Mika's family compound for a few days and then Joe may have gone to wherever his kids are (Boston? NY? FL?) for Father's day...I think that's why she was so pissy for those few days, and why she was so poorly lit...she was alone in ME and Joe was wherever...and took the ring lights with him. Don't know their current whereabouts but I think they like the Northeastern coast blue blood vibe; summering with the elites.


57 minutes ago, oakville said:

Mika should ask MSNBC to give her coaching

Sad, isn't it? Quite frankly MSNBC should be giving her the boot. IMO, she's worn through her second, third, fourth, etc. attempts at trying to do her job professionally. 

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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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