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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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8 hours ago, Mumbles said:

I remember that Morning Joe. It really epitomized the fair and frequent criticism of the Dinner - that it had devolved into an event where the "cool kids" (or "think they're cool kids") sat around and dropped names and regaled us outsiders with their insiderness.  I note that they haven't done an episode like that since.

Wow, reading the article that Oakville linked above is very interesting and shows how the show has changed in the six years since the article was published.  You don't see guests like Hendrik Hertzberg anymore, and it's been ages since I've seen Pat Buchanan.  Plus the rest of themorning shows have changed - no more Charlie Gibson and Diane Sawyer, and the CBS morning show has changed as well.  It's also fun to be reminded of Dr. Z totally dismissing Scarborough as facile.  (I haven't seen him in a while either.) 

But the article is great for reminding me why I started watching the show and why it annoys me now - in its early days it was the best place to hear serious people talk at length about actual issues - no dumb cooking segments, no interviews with fluffy starlets, etc.  Now it's a cliquey group of the same insiders snarking on each other.   And the serious, thoughtful niche is being filled by the CBS Morning Show, which I wish had more time and less commercials.

Thanks, Mumbles.!. The show has changed so much since 2010. I wish I could retrieve my posts from Television Without pity from that period. I realize now that Joe was wearing fleece in 2010. The quality of guests has deteriorated since 2010.


I liked the clip at the WHCD of Boehner & Obama watching a movie in the White House. Boehner offered Obama a cigarette & bragged about drinking beer at 11 AM & McDonald's all day breakfast. I think this will be a topic tomorrow on Morning Joe.


It's a big story in Canada , that Obama joked about our Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. last night.

22 hours ago, Mumbles said:

The Justin Trudeau joke was actually pretty funny. (The gist was along the lines, "All I hear is, 'Justin Trudeau is the future. Justin Trudeau is amazing.' And that's just from Justin Trudeau.") I assume it was in good fun because the Obamas seemed very warm toward the Trudeaus when they visited, and vice versa.

IIRC Trudeau hired some of Obama's advisors for the last election campaign. It worked out well for him. He went from 30 seats in Parliament to 184 seats out of 338. He can get more done with a majority government than Obama who has to deal with a GOP controlled Congress. He has challenged Obama & the Queen with another little video for the Invictus Games.

40 minutes ago, NextIteration said:

They were not at the MSNBC table.  I don't know if they were at the MSNBC after party where HuffPo Ryan Grimm tussled with Fox's Jesse Watters.

I didn't see them but they were supposed to be attending the event. Joe must be livid at being called out by Willmore.


It was Mika's birthday ! They sang Happy Birthday to her. I hope she got cake. I didn't see the rest of the show.

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Tuesday Recap. Joe is dressed in a suit. The panel is making fun of ted Cruz fighting with protesters. A kid told him he sucks & Cruz told the kid he needed a spanking. Joe bragged about all the Sports Coaches endorsements that Trump is getting. Joe is confused why the GOP establishment is not supporting John Kasich.

Joe said Trump's America First policies are popular with military families.& working class voters

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Joe is confused why the GOP establishment is not supporting John Kasich.

It's unnerving to me when I agree with Joe, but I also wonder why the establishment didn't get behind Kasich. After Bush flamed out (let's be honest, did JEB ever really generate a flame?) and Rubio left the race, I would have thought that Kasich would be the favored candidate...the golden child...the great right hope.

I'm a far-left liberal, so I'm assuming that if I could stomach Kasich, then he was just too moderate for the "real" republicans.

  • Love 4

Is Morning Joe , the new Mean Girls?


10 hours ago, NextIteration said:

Schuster makes his second appearance in two weeks, let in from the cold of Siberia I guess.  He's been on Al Jazeera, which unfortunately just wound down it's English/American television operation.

I am surprised Joe let him back on the show. He was very mean to him when he was on MSNBC. I remember when he trashed him at the GOP 2008 convention for being late for segments on Morning Joe. Shuster was fired for saying that Hillary was pimping out Chelsea in 2008.

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8 hours ago, jazzpno said:

It's unnerving to me when I agree with Joe, but I also wonder why the establishment didn't get behind Kasich. After Bush flamed out (let's be honest, did JEB ever really generate a flame?) and Rubio left the race, I would have thought that Kasich would be the favored candidate...the golden child...the great right hope.

I'm a far-left liberal, so I'm assuming that if I could stomach Kasich, then he was just too moderate for the "real" republicans.

I agree with Joe. The GOP establishment made a mistake in not supporting Kasich.

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8 minutes ago, oakville said:

Shuster was fired for saying that Hillary was pimping out Chelsea in 2008.

He was suspended for that, he was fired for secretly auditioning for CNN in 2010.

8 hours ago, jazzpno said:

I'm a far-left liberal, so I'm assuming that if I could stomach Kasich, then he was just too moderate for the "real" republicans.

Kasich is actually an arch-conservative that in almost any other race would look like a far-rightie.  He's obliterated abortion rights in Ohio and tried to eliminate public employee unions (like Scott Walker in WI).  Sure, he accepted the Medicaid expansion under the ACA but that is the only place that he has moderated.

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Mika was mean to Andrea Tantaros



Mika is happy that she will get a truck from Barnicle for predicting that Trump will win the nomination.

They showed clips of Hillary apologizing to coal miners for saying that she wants them to lose their jobs. Chuck said Hillary doesn't like to apologize to people. Really?

Brokaw wants to see Trump's tax returns.

Trump was a guest on the show. He phoned in.

Mika's family didn't like the Hamilton play. They said it was too slow.

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I flipped by the show this morning.  Cackles was defiant (in perhaps a short burst of righteousness) in her claim that Trump cannot unite the GOP and people will find reasons not to vote for him... as has already been documented.  Joe dismissed her. 

Willie said that just yesterday afternoon Trump claimed Ted Cruz' father was involved in the Kennedy Assassination, and a few hours later claimed Ted Cruz was a great competitor because Trump won.  Joe laughed.  It's funny to him.  Just imagine if Hillary Clinton made up an outrageous lie about Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump... imagine the neck-vein, red-faced rage from Joe Scarborough.

He must be feeling SO smug today.  Today his unabashed cheerleading is vindicated.  The insults about being up Trump's ass are now meaningless.  Joe's support of Trump paid off.  Those 4 or 5 months when he was on the show every single day DID have a material effect on shaping the landscape around how Trump was perceived early on, and caused all outlets to use Trump to drive ratings, which brought his message to all American voters, and it resonated with the stupidest.  Trump's tactics worked, and Joe was complicit, and today Joe is smug AF.  I hate that guy.

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...and drive the ratings they did. Mainstream Media has been Trump's Stairway to 'Hevun' .  Where were the investigations into Trump's pastor, his wife's  university thesis paper(s), his senior year high school activities, his parents' birthplaces, HIS birthplace, his community, civic, and business associates, his 'li'l chilruns'  lifestyle and fashion,...

Ooh, right, none of that ⬆  matters in THIS election, huh, Jabbering Joe and The Jammin' Gibberish Brigade.

  • Love 6

Every morning as I'm yelling at the TV, my husband asks me why I still watch this show. I always say that I am holding out hope someone comes on and calls Joe on his BS. Today I was rewarded! Thank you Rob Reiner! That whole discussion was a thing of beauty. Reiner doesn't need Morning Joe to further his career so he was able to say what we all have been shouting at the TV every morning. He also wasn't afraid to bring up the racist aspects of Trump's campaign. Joe and Mika's gasps of indignation were hilarious! I wish Reiner would have gone one step further and told Joe and MIka that if Trump won't answer serious questions, then they shouldn't keep having him on the show.

  • Love 9

Just coming to add my love of Rob Reiner. I turned it on right at the end when he was telling the panel that yes, indeed, in no uncertain terms, Trump is a racist.

Only took ten years but Joe finally met his match, as far as someone having the balls to stand up to that squinty eyed bully and shut him down.  As far as someone knowing the topics they're discussing,   I'm pretty sure even  my Pomeranian is better informed on just about anything than that  one term hack of a Congressman from Florida. 

  • Love 9

Thanks for posting that link, I'm so glad I saw it.  I love Rob Reiner and I loved watching Joe and Mika, those bastions of journalism, clutching their pearls at the mere thought they aren't doing their job.  I especially enjoyed the two baboons on the side, Halprin and Willie, mouths agape, shocked that this Hollywood liberal is calling Mommy and Daddy on the carpet!

Joe:  I'm joking, I'm joking
RR:  I know, I'm not.

Dr Z was right, stunningly superficial.

  • Love 11

I'm disappointed. I read all the commentary and watched the clip and I don't think Reiner went far enough. The next time Joe brags about the time he hung up on Trump, I want someone, anyone, to fire back with "Yeah, and he was back on the air right after the commercial break, STILL not answering the questions! And then the next day...and the next...and the next. You can't sit there and complain that he doesn't answer your questions when he knows he doesn't have to because you'll always ask him back!"

Edited by Eliot
  • Love 9

Meathead was on?  Damn.

Oh man, I watch CNN now, and boy what a difference in that they actually report on other shit that's going on in the world besides the election. They still give it coverage, but it seems a lot more even, they spread the wealth of coverage. None of them see to be up any one candidate's ass IMO. Maybe I just caught them on a good day, loved that they actually talked about Prince and the investigation into his death which tied into the opiate addiction problem in this country. 

But I'm sorry I missed "Meathead."

LOL, I just read the transcript, golden, just golden. 

  • Love 2
6 hours ago, BookElitist said:

However, admittedly, their coverage encompasses wider presentations, analyses, and discussions of News.                                                                 

Less than 30 seconds in, this morning, Mom begins the panel introductions with Donnie and says "What's going on with you?" Which is vague enough that he responds with "What?" She points out that he is not completely clean shaven, and appears to be going for "some kind of" look and that he "spends too much time in front of the mirror." Aaand the Morning Trump presentation, analysis and discussion of News is off to a professional start.

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It is FASCINATING to me that Mika said Trump's wife will help him with women voters.  I could really rant about this, but there's no point.  The myriad reasons to ridicule Mika on this point are well known to us all.  I am honestly astonished she gave voice to this nonsense, and thereby running counter to every women's issue she pretended to stand for.
But... yeah, Mrs Trump is pure Americana.  A true every-woman. 
This boggles the mind.  And, by the way, is an ideal example of "journalists" not only giving Trump a pass, but being the wind in his sails.

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I was relieved this morning to find the gang has not abandoned the USS Trump.

Mika assures us that by this time next week, Paul Ryan will have drank the kool-aid and will be purposing legislation to round up Mexicans, Muslims and anyone else Trump finds unacceptable and get them out of our country.

Joe quotes from Trump's book but reminds us he's never read it.

And Donny tries to look like Mr. Cool only he's not.

Halperin almost sounded reasonable.

But, poor Donald. Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.  What will he do?  He's built a campaign against everything Paul Ryan and republicans with any sense of decency want to preserve and now he's going to be told by them to tow their line?

Or Paul Ryan and the rest of you non-believers now will have to sacrifice your very core to get a free ticket on this train wreck?

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It was Winston Churchill who said along the lines that appeasement is throwing meat to a crocodile with the delusion that, when you run of meat, the crocodile won't turn on you.

This will go unmentioned, like Wilmore's jokes.

ETA: Gawker makes a good case that it's a stunt.


Edited by Mumbles
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3 hours ago, teddysmom said:

I read somewhere today that Trump is telling everyone now that Melania is a very successful entrepreneur and businesswoman as well as a model.

What businesses has she run?  Do we have that info or is this just more of his delusional bullshit? 

As much as I am disappointed with it not being delusional, yeah, she started selling "her" jewelry on QVC in 2009/21010. In the recent article that she disliked so much, a friend who knew her in high school said MT always wore items she designed.



Indeed, she is not one for self-reflection. Asked if a person ever gets used to living among such opulence, she replied, without irony or humor: “Yeah, you get used to it. Yeah.”



Edited by suomi

Holy shit. Up is down and down is up. I actually agree with something Jonah Goldberg said!



The Morning Joe crowd and others hide behind their transitory and evanescent criticisms of Trump as proof they are being objective, all the while insisting that such criticisms are irrelevant because Trump is the fleshy manifestation of an Idea Whose Time Has Come.

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Monday early recap.  Joe is wearing a navy blue sweater. Joe is mad at Trump for not getting along with Ryan. Mika thinks they will get along after the meeting. Joe was upset that Trump is not turning around voters opposed to him like Hispanics & Women. Joe did not mention Trump attacking him on twitter for supporting Jeb & Kasich. Joe didn't mention Trump mocking his fading  ratings. Joe is in  Anti Trump mode now. LOL!

They showed lips of Trump attacking Hillary for going after the women that Bill had affairs with. Mika said young women would connect with Trump over Hillary enabling Bill's affairs.

Andrea Mitchell didn't like Trump discussing Bill's personal conduct,

Halperin made fun of Hillary's response to Trump. He said they are changing the topic & don't want to discuss Bill's affairs.

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16 minutes ago, suomi said:

Forty minutes into the first hour Trump live-tweets that MoJo is pissy because he (Trump) let it be known that he will no longer watch the show because they  misrepresent his positions. Dad is Ticked!!! "Really? And when did he say that?" This is getting good and ugly.

Edited because of auto-correct

This is hilarious. Mika & Joe are being sarcastic about Trump attacking them this morning. Trump said he is going on CNN this morning for an interview. I do think Joe would be hurt if Trump refused to appear on his show.

Joe is now playing down his twitter fight with Trump. Weird.

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Mika opened the second hour solo because Dad was on the phone with "a secret contact" (but he soon returned to the panel). She said it was good to begin with a clean slate today because "last week was rough." During Harold's comments he said "I'm not here to advise Trump" and Dad chimed in with "Go ahead, we know he's watching." 

I was reading somewhere this weekend that a rift occurred because Trump revealed that he had no plans to tap Joe for any meaningful position. 

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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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