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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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Also, let's not forget that these attacks in Brussels were predicated by the capture of the mastermind of the Paris attacks, who also planned these recent attacks as well.  Obama got none of the credit for that capture, because nothing is a process, you see.  Nothing is connected.  If something good happens, it's in spite of Obama. 

The only thing that matters is immediate fear and immediate anger and the need for an overly simplistic scapegoat.  All the foiled plots and arrests and successes don't count.  The pressure on ISIS on the ground in Syria and Iraq doesn't count.  The ONLY thing that matters is that Obama was trying to introduce a new era in Cuba while a very bad thing happened somewhere else on earth.  Ergo, he's to blame.  Because... he just is, ok.

Oh, fwiw, let's have nobody talk about the unrest in Syria as the catalyst and backdrop for all of this, and let's have no one identify Putin's fingerprints on Syria or Hassad's fingerprints on genocide causing the refugee crisis.  No, please, nobody pay attention to the root cause of all of this.  Let's instead attack stereotypes, religions, the innocent, the victims, and the uninvolved, because we're lazy children.


Also, what's remarkable to me is Trump's lack of response, and lack of participation in observing the terrorist event in Brussels.  Cruz and Kasich blamed Obama nearly immediately because baseball, and Cruz had one in the chamber to immediately rewrite the Constitution and policing laws as he blamed Muslims because all non-white non-Christians make ideal scapegoats.  Trump has kept a low profile.  I guess he's too busy being offended his wife posed nude and in return promising to "spill the beans" on "Lying Ted's" wife. 

This is all really happening folks.  We're living through the most remarkable US political cycle in... ever?  I presume in the 1800s when there were duels and drunken fights and insanely yellow journalism and rampant corruption, that elections were wilder, but not since then.  Not in 120+ years.


Oh, also, Obama is to blame for the current climate in politics that gave birth to Trump.  Trump isn't responsible for Trump, Obama is.  Drooling yokels in the fly-over states aren't responsible for their lives and beliefs, Obama is.  He's at once the most powerful figure in the history of our planet, while simultaneously being the most feckless figure in the history of our planet. 

Edited by Landsnark
  • Love 16

Now, Landsnark, there you go, making sense again!


Frankly, I get whiplash trying to make heads or tails of GOP talking points.  One minute President Obama is a Muslim (or at least a Muslim sympathizer) and not a real Christian.  Yet, in the next breath, he's being condemned because Rev. Jeremiah Wright was his pastor for several years and that Black Liberation Theology thing is dangerous and somehow un-American.  One minute he's an uppity and "elitist" Black man who speaks down to a certain segment of the population for "cling[ing] to their guns and religion."  Yet, they do just that!  The lawmakers they elected have been feverishly trying to pass legislation and filing Supreme Court briefs to codify their religious beliefs into law.  Heck, the most dangerous presidential candidate of all, Raphael Cruz, wants the Bible to supersede the Constitution--as did Pastor Mike Hucksterbee.  Don't even get me started on how they act as if the Constitution begins and ends with the Second Amendment.  


One minute Obama is a dictator and "just like HItler," but he's supposedly weak while Vladimir Putin's foreign policy is "muscular."   Their man-crush on Putin would be comical if it wasn't so pathetic.  Oh, and according to the wind-up Ken Doll, Little Marco Rubio, Obama is feckless and incompetent.  Yet, if you pull Rubio's string two more times, he will repeatedly declare that "President Obama knows EXACTLY what he's doing!"  Apparently, that was Rubio's patent response to every question.  I won't even touch on how they give aid and comfort to the enemy whenever their hate causes them to forget that politics should stop at the water's edge.  Yet, anyone who dared to criticize President Bush was accused of being unpatriotic, a traitor and giving aid and comfort to the enemy the moment they fixed their mouths to criticize him.  Some unlucky and brave souls even had their careers ruined for daring to speak the truth about the March of the Fools Brigade into Iraq.  


I believe the mark of a real leader is how he--or she--responds to crises such as terrorism attacks.  Right away, the GOP presidential candidates and their surrogates began to parlay this tragedy into campaign rhetoric to show how "tough" they are.  That includes the supposedly mild-mannered Governor Kasich; Trump (a/k/a Captain Bone Spur) advocating torture; and Cruz wanting Muslim neighborhoods patrolled to prevent radicalization.  That last point is too hilarious given Cruz' own radicalization and his father's apparent belief that his son is "ordained" to lead this country to bring about the End Times.  I will miss President Obama's measured responses.  I remember the last time a leader talked a lot of shit, exhorting the enemy to "Bring 'em on!"  And, we're still in Iraq.


I'll be checking out Joe's demeanor in the coming months, particularly if the math doesn't favor Trump winning the general election.  Nothing delighted my cold-blooded heart more in 2012 (except Rove's Election Night meltdown) than seeing Joe grudgingly admit days before the election that Governor Romney's chances of winning were getting slimmer and slimmer.  This, after months of shouting down anyone who dared to suggest otherwise, including Nate Silver.


  • Love 12


Oh, and according to the wind-up Ken Doll, Little Marco Rubio, Obama is feckless and incompetent.  Yet, if you pull Rubio's string two more times, he will repeatedly declare that "President Obama knows EXACTLY what he's doing!"

Bwaah, so funny.



I remember his mad reflexes. I was impressed.

Hehe, me too, he was quick.

Edited by represent
  • Love 1

What the heck is going on with Mika today?  She is channeling Joe. She is combative and talking over people, challenging them and not giving them a chance to talk.


I too will miss President Obama's measured response to events. He visits many people in this country who have experienced tragedy with more than a cursory visit.  Each time, I wonder if all presidents visited that many victims in the past. Maybe we have more of these incidents but I can't remember other Presidents doing this much.  If he doesn't do it, Michele will often visit. What could he really have achieved by stopping his trip to Cuba and Argentina?  As someone said, especially in today's world, he can be in immediate contact with the people he needs to consult with back in the states.


The more Cruz talks the more I think of his upbringing and what was done in Cuba that caused his father to leave.  I keep comparing what he says to what Castro was doing at that time. It is scary.

  • Love 7

After Mika's lame feigning over Frau Trump's nude photo, I turned off the crapfest.

Did anyone ask Halperin about John Heilemann's interview with Trump the military genius yesterday?

He told Heilemann he would consider dropping nuclear bombs on ISIS, because nothing's off the table.

And he hasn't even started on Hillary yet, he says.

  • Love 2

What the heck is going on with Mika today?  She is channeling Joe. She is combative and talking over people, challenging them and not giving them a chance to talk.

Isn't that how she always is when Joe's gone? I thought I'd enjoy it without Joe, especially when I saw she had six guests who each could have contributed something of interest. In twenty minutes, most of them got to say a sentence or two while Mika took up most of the time going nuts over how awful Cruz is--how can Republicans possibly support him?--while seeming to be just fine with Trump.


I don't like Cruz either, but I get the idea why people would rather lose with him than with Trump.  Her agitation about it while essentially pushing for Trump being okay was just so weird.

  • Love 3

I haven't watched this show in ages. Instead, I tune into CNN, especially when I want to beat a story to death or I watch the CBS Morning Show, with Norah, Charlie, and Gayle, who do a pretty good job of covering all the news, plus human interest pieces. That being said, I watched a few minutes this morning, especially when I realized Joe wasn't there and I was taken aback at how shrill and unprofessional Mika was. (I forgot.) Also, it was the same old dog and pony show, with the same people. Having not seen it for a while and having recent comparisons fresh in my mind, it struck me how much of "Morning Joe" is just pure "entertainment," with no real attempt to be newsworthy.

  • Love 8
"Morning Joe" is just pure "entertainment," with no real attempt to be newsworthy.



Man you have a weird idea of what entertainment is.  JK  I know what you mean.   


After Wednesday, when they had Rudy 9/11 Guiliani blaming the attacks in Brussels on POTUS,  I am out.  I'd rather watch Hulk Hogan's sex tape on a loop than this clusterfuck of stupidity. 

  • Love 13

Those knuckleheads were unwatchably awkward as they sort of eulogized Garry Shandling.  Clearly none of them were fans, which is fine.  None of them really knew Shandling's work, which is fine.  They don't HAVE to be truly moved by his passing and they don't HAVE to be able to summarize his value as an entertainer.  But, if they are going to attempt to do it, then for fuck's sake make it at least seem genuine.

Barnicle was the worst.  He just repeated what everybody else said, and then leaned back in his chair and really settled in for a long nonsensical rant repeating what Willie had just read off the teleprompter.  When he leans back and interlaces his fingers on his belly, you know you're in for some eye-roll-worthy bullshit.

  • Love 3

Monday Morning Recap: Mika & Joe are back together. Joe is wearing a navy blue fleece with green lettering. Mika is wearing a navy blue tennis outfit. Ron Fournier, Sam Stein , Kasie & Al Hunt & Halperin.


The panel was excited about Bernie's 3 landslide victories over Hillary. 70% in 3 states. Halperin said Bernie could do well in Wisonsin & battle Hillary in NY. The Gap among elected delegates was 1237- 978. Hillary has the support of the super delegates 440-25. Joe said the FBI investigation is entering a new phase. Hillary's aides will be interviewed.


Joe said there are 150 investigators working on the file.


Mika said the media underestimates Sanders. Hillary can't draw crowds. Joe said Hillary had a reckless disregard for classified information.


Joe mocked Ted Cruz's presentation skills.


Mika & Joe defended their questions about Trump.


Mika was mad at people who want Sanders to concede to Hillary . I think she was referring to Chuck Tod.


Trump wants other countries to pay more for US defense like Germany, Saudi Arabia & Japan.


They showed clips of Andrea Mitchell getting flustered by Trump's policies. Joe said many Amerians support Trump's position.


Joe said no one would believe how popular Trump is with his friends.


Joe said Hillary's unfavourable were in the high 50's & Trump was in the high 60's. Joe said Trump can turn it around quickly whereas people have hated Hillary for 30 years.


On fundraising Bernie is raising more money than Hillary. Mika mocked the George Clooney fundraiser for Hillary. It will cost 360K to sit at Hillary's table. Mika says that buys access.


Joe said the democratic party rigged the process against Bernie with the debates & the superdelegates.


Sam Stein defended Hillary over the email because Colin Powell used email.


It was nice of Mika & Joe to focus on Sanders instead of Trump for a change. I also like that they showed the difference between the super delegates & the elected delegates.

  • Love 5

So much defensiveness from Douche & Cougar this morning about their Trump coverage! They went on and on about how "hard" it is to get him to answer questions and showed a clip of Bob Woodward getting the Trump runaround last week to prove their point and somehow make it seem like it's okay to keep inviting him on even though he continually evades and filibusters. Joe actually said, "He's the front-runner! We HAVE to have him on!"


No, actually, you don't, Joe.


They seem to be laboring under the misapprehension that their job is simply to lob out question after question rather than to pursue actual ANSWERS to those questions. And then when Trump evades, they just shrug and they're all, "Well, we TRIED..."


Joe and Mika, here's how this is SUPPOSED to work:


1. Ask Trump a question (e.g., "How are you going to get Mexico to pay for the wall?")

2. When he evades or filibusters, keep asking...and then if he still doesn't answer then end the conversation.

3. Pursue answers from other sources. For example, get a building expert to estimate the cost of a wall. Then get an economist to analyze the trade agreements we have with Mexico that we are supposedly going to leverage to get them to pay for it. Then get someone from the Mexican government to respond to the challenge.

4. Invite Trump back onto the show, present him with the FACTS, and ask for a response. When he evades and filibusters, end the conversation (AGAIN) and let him know that you are going to be running with the story with the facts as you have collected them and note that you will also include his non-response.

5. Lather, rinse, repeat for EVERY outlandish promise/assertion.


That is called JOURNALISM, Joe and Mika. J O U R N A L I S M. Look it up. Try it.

Edited by Eliot
  • Love 13

Meeka was all breathy breaking news again this morning about the LATimes article regarding the interviews with Clinton's staff on the email server situation.  Um, didn't the immunity granted Bryan Pagliano signal that we were already in the interview stage?  This doesn't substantively change anything - Comey said he's hoped to end the whole thing early May.  Looks like we are on track to me.

  • Love 4

ITA that the defensiveness on yesterday's show was way over the top and I can hardly wait for today's "presentation." Tonight on Lawrence O'Donnell's show, one of the guests was Lawrence Kristov of the New York Times who discussed his latest (withering) op-ed which ends with this:

Despite some outstanding coverage of Trump, on the whole we in the media empowered a demagogue and failed the country. We were lap dogs, not watchdogs.



Kristov's piece is assisting the WaPo interview transcripts in gaining some traction. The gist of that discussion (actually, the entire show) was that Trump's deficiencies are finally coming to light in venues that are willing to step up and that this could be "when" his candidacy begins to be exposed for what it was intended to be: a protest candidacy. Or so says a former staffer who resigned from his Make America Great foundation/PAC/group, whatever. The plan was to come in second and poll with double digits, I guess just to show that it could be done.


For dessert, O'Donnell covered the Charlie Sykes interview.


Joe will dig in tooth and nail to further defend his history with Trump because of how O'Donnell and Kristov and all of the other guests slammed the practices of "journalists" who have allowed Trump to slither and weasel instead of insisting on getting answers from him. Which can be done and was done by Kristov and the WaPo. So shove every bit of that up your tailpipe, MoJo.


Side note: why does he wear fleece every day in the studio while sporting a jacket and tie when broadcasting from the secret bunker?

  • Love 9


Joe will dig in tooth and nail to further defend his history with Trump because of how O'Donnell and Kristov and all of the other guests slammed the practices of "journalists" who have allowed Trump to slither and weasel instead of insisting on getting answers from him.


Maybe after these journalists are finished with Trump they'll pay some attention to Bernie who is just as bad at not answering any questions because, like Trump, he really doesn't have any policies to talk about either and the few 'solutions' he does have for all the ills he constantly carps about is to raise taxes which would scare an awful lot of voters if they heard about them. Bernie's been getting a free ride for as long as Trump has but for people like Joe, they're just happy someone is challenging Hillary.

  • Love 5

I could not believe this morning when Joe brings up, in his ill informed opinion, the President staying on his trip to Cuba and Argentina after Brussels.  Joe, you do realize that the President cancelling activities and coming back to the US gives the terrorists just what they want, don't you?  Or are you too hungover to even put a coherent thought together?  Besides the fact this was a week ago, but we're still going to beat this drum.  Did they even bring up the terrorist attack in Pakistan on Easter Sunday? 


And then Mika blurts out "Maybe he should have gone to Brussels?" 


I yelled at the tv "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?" and I'm sure the rest of the panel was thinking the same thing. The look on all their faces was priceless, as in "you seriously can not be this stupid". 

Edited by teddysmom
  • Love 11

Meeka repeating the GOP talking points has become a feature of this show.  "Liberal" my ass.  I did appreciate the push-back today that both Joe and Meeka got about Obama's decision to stay on plan last week.  Overreacting to Brussels and doing any of the things in the list of GOP talking points would be feeding into Daesh and would be racist - since he doesn't react very often to terrorist actions against brown people.  Not only did we have the bombing of Christians in Pakistan on Easter Sunday, there was also a nasty earthquake there last week.

  • Love 8
So much defensiveness from Douche & Cougar this morning about their Trump coverage! They went on and on about how "hard" it is to get him to answer questions and showed a clip of Bob Woodward getting the Trump runaround last week to prove their point and somehow make it seem like it's okay to keep inviting him on even though he continually evades and filibusters. Joe actually said, "He's the front-runner! We HAVE to have him on!"

No, actually, you don't, Joe.

They seem to be laboring under the misapprehension that their job is simply to lob out question after question rather than to pursue actual ANSWERS to those questions. And then when Trump evades, they just shrug and they're all, "Well, we TRIED..."

Joe and Mika, here's how this is SUPPOSED to work:

1. Ask Trump a question (e.g., "How are you going to get Mexico to pay for the wall?")

2. When he evades or filibusters, keep asking...and then if he still doesn't answer then end the conversation.

3. Pursue answers from other sources. For example, get a building expert to estimate the cost of a wall. Then get an economist to analyze the trade agreements we have with Mexico that we are supposedly going to leverage to get them to pay for it. Then get someone from the Mexican government to respond to the challenge.

4. Invite Trump back onto the show, present him with the FACTS, and ask for a response. When he evades and filibusters, end the conversation (AGAIN) and let him know that you are going to be running with the story with the facts as you have collected them and note that you will also include his non-response.

5. Lather, rinse, repeat for EVERY outlandish promise/assertion.

That is called JOURNALISM, Joe and Mika. J O U R N A L I S M. Look it up. Try it.


All they have to do is watch Lawrence O'D's show from Monday night.  WaPo and NYT showed how you can't let him off the hook answering questions.  Let him ramble and then ask the question again until he "answers" it. And by answer I mean shows he has no clue what he's talking about. 

  • Love 6
They showed clips of Andrea Mitchell getting flustered by Trump's policies. Joe said many Amerians support Trump's position.



I can't stand Andrea Mitchell (or her husband), but in this instance, her shock and anger are more than justified.  She not only covers foreign affairs, but she is also in a position to know what our allies are thinking and I can imagine that they are quite appalled by Trump's incoherent babbling and political ADHD.  For someone who attended college, does business in a cosmopolitan city and on an international level, his lack of awareness is frightening.  It harkens back to the horror many of us felt when we realized what a woefully ignorant empty vessel Governor Half-Term Palin is.  And, just like Palin, Trump is amazingly thin-skinned, lacking in self-awareness and doesn't think twice about tweeting sophomoric and moronic tweets in the middle of the night.  Can you imagine the international incidents he would incite because of some perceived insult to the majesty that is Trump?  Shudders!


Joe said no one would believe how popular Trump is with his friends.


Actually, Joe, we would ALL believe how popular Trump is with your "friends."  Um, don't you mean, you and Meeka?  Even Stevie Wonder could see the way you and Meeka twist yourselves into pretzels trying not to show how much you really support Trump.  How else to explain the carte blanche he has to call in to the show on a nearly daily basis?  How else to explain your and Meeka's failure and refusal to hold his corn-encrusted feet to the fire when he weasels out of answering questions?  And, how else to explain your defensiveness whenever your lack of journalistic integrity is consistently highlighted?


And, for the sake of argument, I'll go along with the claim that Trump is popular with Joe's friends (he actually has friends?!).  Is that something to really brag about?  Especially since several of Trump's supporters live in an alternate universe where facts don't matter, and where the more crude and obnoxious Trump is, the more they support him.  After all, he "tells it like it is."  Perhaps they need to watch the Chappelle Show sketches, "When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong," to see how that really works in the real world.  


And, for all of Joe's bleating about "the optics!" of President Obama attending a baseball game in Cuba and dancing the Tango in Argentina against the backdrop of a terrorist attack in Brussels, he simply doesn't get how his carping highlights his (and Meeka's) own hypocrisy.  These two nimrods will defend Trump to the death and only became concerned about him due to "the optics!" of his refusing to denounce the KKK and claiming ignorance about David Duke.  All that pearl clutching and now these two lemmings are back to praising and worshiping Trump while acting hypersensitive to any criticism they rightly receive about their intellectual dishonesty.


  • Love 13
Joe said no one would believe how popular Trump is with his friends.



Joe has friends?  


You know you can't count Mika and Willie, right?  People you pay to hang out with you and tell you you're amazing aren't friends, they're prostitutes. 


These two nimrods will defend Trump to the death and only became concerned about him due to "the optics!" of his refusing to denounce the KKK and claiming ignorance about David Duke.  All that pearl clutching and now these two lemmings are back to praising and worshiping Trump while acting hypersensitive to any criticism they rightly receive about their intellectual dishonesty.


If these two are appalled by President Obama staying in Cuba after Brussels, I can't wait to see their reaction when "President Trump" tries to sue ISIS.  Or North Korea. Or Congress.  

Edited by teddysmom
  • Love 7


For someone who attended college, does business in a cosmopolitan city and on an international level, his lack of awareness is frightening.

And not just any college, we're talking Ivy League University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business.



But as far as I'm concerned, his father could have bought that degree from Wharton, and I'm very serious when I say this.  There's absolutely NO reason why I should believe that every privileged white boy is truly of Ivy League caliber. No, they're not. He didn't build the business from the ground up and it seems like in between all the bankruptcies from Trump steaks to water he just throws shit at the wall and sees if it will stick, tacky.

  • Love 6

Twenty five minutes of discussing Trump's campaign manager's bouncer behavior and legal charges to start the show.  These people are indefensible in their rallying around a immature bully they think is a hero to the everyday person because no one stands up for the little guy.

I watched CNN's town hall last night and it's utterly amazing that people sit in an audience and listen to a kook talk about letting Japan and South Korea have nukes to defend themselves and that NATO is obsolete, yet this scary, crazy talk gets no coverage on MoJo. 

And then there's a retired general Flynn on that says the country's looking for strong leadership and Trump can provide that.

How far did you have to dig to find this guy?

Edited by stormy
  • Love 9

How far did you have to dig to find this guy?


I wondered if he was wearing his own fleece or if it was on loan from The Bloviator.


Snowing here, no TV yesterday morning, still sketchy today, catching parts of the show when I have sound. I feared that Dad would stroke out a little earlier. Holy shit, his face was Red and the veins in his throat were Bulging. I think Dad fears that his White House dreams are slipping away.

LOVED how Michael Steele asked the nice little lady from Bloomberg about journalism in today's "assymetrical" political world where a Trump simply ignores rules, mores, etiquette and politesse and the media can be viewed as culpable or complicit in his rise in popularity by opting for ratings vs being his opponent so the people can uncover truth.  I thought he was turning to his right to ask The Bloviator, who was 2 seats to Steele's right.  I was stunned that Steele was doing this, as it was an oblique jab at Joe personally and Joe's show.  There was a wide establishing shot with the entire cast as Steele unfurled his question, and Joe had his head cocked with his full attention dialed in on Steele and you could see his gears spinning.  I was sort of let down when the nice lady answered, but her answer was good... if vanilla.  And it's this uncritical vanilla, impotent observance that "the media" has of itself regarding Trump that is so frustrating to me. 


I hate that young kid who covers Hollywood for MJ.  He's awful.  He's so immediately dislikable. 

Edited by Landsnark
  • Love 3

I seldom tune in to the show but have it on in the background this morning and wowzers, the constant trashing of Hillary Clinton is really over the top! Is it this bad every day? I knew both Mika and Joe weren't Hillary fans (to say the least!) but the constant maligning and nastiness about her is really ugly. They even had Clinton surrogate NY mayor Bill DeBlasio on and wouldn't let him speak a word about her. Needless to say, I found some other background noise to listen to pretty quickly.

  • Love 2

Lots of hemming and hawing and backtracking from panel & guests today around Trump's abortion gaffe. Everyone is falling all over themselves to explain why it's okay for antiabortion activists to stand outside clinics and scream at women that they are murderers and babykillers...except, not really, because they shouldn't be penalized for all that murderin' and babykillin' they're doing.


I am as pro choice as they come, and I never cease to be absolutely staggered by the rank hypocrisy I see on this show.


Once again, Trump simply espouses the logical conclusion of all the right-wing rhetoric and everyone gets all upset because they cannot stand to look at themselves in the mirror he holds up.

  • Love 9
Once again, Trump simply espouses the logical conclusion of all the right-wing rhetoric and everyone gets all upset because they cannot stand to look at themselves in the mirror he holds up.



Trump is basically "telling it like it is".  The problem with this is that the GOP has tapped dance so long to hide their racist, misogynist behavior under the guise of morals and "looking out for the little guy and now Trump is basically just blurting out all the shit they hide in code words.

  • Love 11

Lots of hemming and hawing and backtracking from panel & guests today around Trump's abortion gaffe. Everyone is falling all over themselves to explain why it's okay for antiabortion activists to stand outside clinics and scream at women that they are murderers and babykillers...except, not really, because they shouldn't be penalized for all that murderin' and babykillin' they're doing.


I am as pro choice as they come, and I never cease to be absolutely staggered by the rank hypocrisy I see on this show.


Once again, Trump simply espouses the logical conclusion of all the right-wing rhetoric and everyone gets all upset because they cannot stand to look at themselves in the mirror he holds up.


They just don't quit, these vile hypocrites.  The last time I checked, abortions were legal in this country--unlike stalking and murdering the doctors who perform these procedures.  For a bunch of people who want less government, they sure don't have a problem inserting themselves (no pun intended) into people's bedrooms.  What's next? 


I sure would like to know what Joe has to say about Alabama's Governor Bentley--a GOP hypocrite who ran on a family values platform in 2010 and who is now embroiled in a sex scandal.  While the alleged affair is one between consenting adults, even more interesting is that the governor paid this senior adviser $450,000 - $500,000 a year from either tax dollars or donations.  Supposedly, it was a sham job.  A sleazy bit of business that the FBI and the state are now looking into.  Of course, he refuses to resign--for now.  The aid's husband also works for the governor and is paid substantially less.  Thankfully, Rachel Maddow broke this story on her show the other night, complete with a press conference of the governor claiming he did nothing wrong despite audio recordings indicating that he had.  As an aside, his wife of 50 years filed for divorce last year.  The New York Times has picked up on the story, and the audio recordings have gone viral.


I'm very curious if Joe and Meeka's sensibilities were so offended that they actually mentioned this mess, or did they simply choose to reserve their histrionics for Hillary Clinton?  I'm calling it now.  If Joe happens to mention it, he will defend Governor Bentley just like he defended SC's former governor, Mark Sanford, and Virginia's former governor, Bob McDonnell.  Oh, and Meeka will figure out that she had better go along with Joe or else.

  • Love 6
I'm very curious if Joe and Meeka's sensibilities were so offended that they actually mentioned this mess, or did they simply choose to reserve their histrionics for Hillary Clinton?  I'm calling it now.  If Joe happens to mention it, he will defend Governor Bentley just like he defended SC's former governor, Mark Sanford, and Virginia's former governor, Bob McDonnell.


If the affair was not conducted over a private email server it doesn't count.

  • Love 8

Hehe, I wonder if Joe and Meeka are going to defend their network tomorrow, since it seems like their buddy Drumpf went on Fox and accused MSNBC of editing his interview with their colleague Chris Matthews to make him look um....like the incompetent ass that he is?


No editing is EVER  necessary to accomplish that where Drumpf is concerned. 

  • Love 5

No, Joe, a fact is not always a fact, especially when it's taken out of context and misconstrued. Yes Hillary has received donations from people who work in the oil and gas industry. So has Bernie Sanders! Just because he doesn't get as much as she does doesn't mean her money is somehow tainted while his is somehow saintly clean.


Guess what. Hillary has gotten about three times as many contributions from people who work in the clean energy sector. Does that mean she is beholden to all the environmentalists?


And Bernie is such a nice sweet old guy who never says anything negative about Hillary. Give me a break! Every single stump speech he says "Hillary Clinton gave speeches to Wall St.", pause, wait for round of boos and jeers from audience. Then he bellows "Wall St is evil". Gee, I wonder what point Bernie is trying to make there. Enough with his sly insinuations. Sanders is running one of the nastiest campaigns ever and is getting such a pass from Joe and the rest of the media. I don't blame her for finally losing her cool and ripping on someone.

  • Love 12

Of course they didn't defend their network! As Mika meekly read the network's statement refuting that blowhard, Joe was talking over her about some Wisconsin poll that has him within one point of Cruz. These morons!!! And someone tell me please: why does the blond one hate Hillary? Her glee at distorting stories about her is palpable.

Edited by jalady
  • Love 1

No, Joe, a fact is not always a fact, especially when it's taken out of context and misconstrued. Yes Hillary has received donations from people who work in the oil and gas industry. So has Bernie Sanders! Just because he doesn't get as much as she does doesn't mean her money is somehow tainted while his is somehow saintly clean.


Guess what. Hillary has gotten about three times as many contributions from people who work in the clean energy sector. Does that mean she is beholden to all the environmentalists?


Sanders, has been hit twice now by the FEC - 4th Qtr 2015 and for January for having contributions over $2700 from multiple individuals.  Also, his contributions because they are so small are 52% non-coded.  He has no idea where his money is coming from.

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This just in:  Mika and Bloviatin' Joe HATE Hillary Clinton.


I've never seen anything like it.  They hate her more than they apologize for Trump. 


It's terribly unprofessional, isn't it? I mean, I can understand disagreeing with someone's policies and opinions but their contempt for her as a person and a candidate just drips from their voices and removes any vestige of objectivity they should have for reporting news. That is their job, isn't it?????


BTW, there might be some shit hitting some fans today. There is talk over on another forum that the Hillary campaign is finally going to take off the gloves and let a cantankerous old man have it. No idea over what, whether it's his taxes or some other dirt they might have but apparently they're done calling him her 'esteemed opponent'. MJ might be a can't miss tomorrow morning. :)



There is talk over on another forum that the Hillary campaign is finally going to take off the gloves and let a cantankerous old man have it.

She needs to, the way she told that protester on the ropes that she's sick of people lying about her, I loved it. Loved her tone. 



If you lose the election then so be it Hillary, but no way do I want to see her grovel for votes from people on the left who however subtle, I know damn well they are try to paint her as being equally as awful as Trump. That little old man isn't fooling this voter. 


Voters on the left who go as so far as to call her a cunt and Hitlery should not even be addressed by her and she shouldn't want their vote because there are enough of them in the Bernie camp.



And to the Bernie surrogates, no I hope she will not give his supporters anything that she hasn't promised to her supporters. I like Hillary's platform, I don't care for Bernie's, I don't care for him all that much, he just doesn't do it for me. But I'd vote for him holding my nose.  Don't get it twisted, I like the moderate streak that runs through my candidate, that is precisely why I like her and I don't want to see it change.

Edited by represent
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Sanders, has been hit twice now by the FEC - 4th Qtr 2015 and for January for having contributions over $2700 from multiple individuals.  Also, his contributions because they are so small are 52% non-coded.  He has no idea where his money is coming from.


No, Joe, a fact is not always a fact, especially when it's taken out of context and misconstrued. Yes Hillary has received donations from people who work in the oil and gas industry. So has Bernie Sanders! Just because he doesn't get as much as she does doesn't mean her money is somehow tainted while his is somehow saintly clean.

Guess what. Hillary has gotten about three times as many contributions from people who work in the clean energy sector. Does that mean she is beholden to all the environmentalists?




See all this shit is exactly what Chris Haye's who by the way is the only reporter to set the record straight about the lies and exaggerated "truths" that have been said about Hillary for over 20 plus years. 


I guess they neglected to retract that 147 FBI investigators "fact" that are supposed to be on the Hillary's email case? Cause that shit was a YUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE lie.


Yeah, I had to watch a real journalist, an Emmy winning one, who this network doesn't deserve, to get the facts on this lie that this show pedaled. 


This network really needs to do something about there news facts, because you have the hacks that are Meeka and Joe calling your real journalist's liars, albeit indirectly. But if you have news shows on the same network spouting different "facts" on the same subject something's not right. It's a news show, it's supposed to be about facts, you can't have the idiots who run this show say that there are 147 investigators on Clinton's case as fact, then have the Emmy award winning journalist who comes on in the evening cut that number down to 12, LOL.

Edited by represent

It's terribly unprofessional, isn't it? I mean, I can understand disagreeing with someone's policies and opinions but their contempt for her as a person and a candidate just drips from their voices and removes any vestige of objectivity they should have for reporting news. That is their job, isn't it?????


Admittedly, I have my own issues with Hillary, but it' s my concern over certain policy positions she espouses.  But, guess what?  I could live with them especially when I consider the alternative on the other side of the aisle.  Not to mention that the Supreme Court is at stake and I believe that she will have coattails long enough to help Democratic or Progressive candidates win in the down races.  When that woman testified for 11 straight hours during the latest witch hunt on the Hill, I could only smile in admiration.  Obviously, she is a formidable opponent and can clearly hold her own against the mysogynists and whatever female hench woman they enlisted.


The level of vitriol directed at Hillary for 20+ years has been astounding.  Ever since that 60 Minutes interview when President Clinton was running for his first term amidst the Jennifer Flowers allegations and Hillary made it quite clear she wasn't some little Tammy Wynette standing by her man, the rabid right has been on a witch hunt.  When she announced that she and Bill were a "co-presidency," that really pushed them over the edge.  Why couldn't she just plant flowers or serve tea, some of her detractors angrily demanded.  How dare this woman take on universal health care!  I remember when people laughed and gave Hillary the side eye when she mentioned the vast right wing conspiracy launched against her and Bill.  


But, was she really that far off the mark?  Millions of taxpayer dollars spent to catch the Clintons at something.  Anything.  It didn't matter what it was, from the "mysterious" death of Vince Foster to Hillary's law firm billing records, to an expensive haircut.  Never mind the money Nancy Reagan spent on china and dresses.  Friends of the Clintons were jailed because they refused to be intimidated by Ken Starr.  I can't even remember what Whitewater was supposed to be about.  All that to catch them at something only to come up with Bill Clinton getting "Little Willie" manipulated and lying about it.  All that, only to have Bill Clinton leave office more popular than before.  All that, only to have Hillary be cited in several polls as one of the most admired women.  All that, only to witness Hillary's successful second and third acts as the junior Senator from New York and then Secretary of State.  And, several of the detractors who tried to destroy them went down in flames themselves when their own hypocrisy and loose zippers were exposed.  Now, Is Hillary perfect?  Hell no!  Admittedly, I was upset by the tone of her 2008 campaign and sometimes she exhibits poor judgment.  But, I also realize that the Clintons love politics and have no problem getting down and dirty with it.  As for the email server mess--it's a non-issue as far as I'm concerned especially since the two Secretaries of State who preceded Hillary did the same thing.  Yet, nary a peep was said about Secretary Powell or Secretary Rice's email usage.  Gee, I wonder why?


Now, we have these two trolls who have enthusiastically supported the likes of Jersey Bully Christie and now Herr Trump.  They get defensive about how hard it is to get Herr Trump to answer questions.  Yet, they hold themselves out as journalists.  Any journalist with a modicum of integrity wouldn't agree to only ask a candidate softball questions.  Again, I have to ask what is it about Hillary that has Bloviating Joe and Miss Galore so upset? 

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Friday's mini recap. Bernie 's rally in Central Park drew 18,000. Joe said Hillary couldn't get 200 people to show up for her rally. Heilemann said that Bernie has a chance to win NY because he has time to campaign there. Joe said Hillary has an unfavourable rating of 55% which is devastating. Joe gave specific instructions on how Trump can turn around his campaign. Joe said Trump should stop doing debates & his vaudeville act speeches. He needs a teleprompter & has to take advice from serious advisors ( like Joe!)


Mika was hilarious today. She told the story of how her smart key on her new Range Rover was malfunctioning & she couldn't get her car out of the parking garage in Baltimore. Mika wants to trade in her car for a Toyota Highlander with regular keys. Mika was gleefully looking forward to getting a truck from Barnicle if Trump wins the nomination.


The RNC in South Carolina may take votes away from Trump by making his delegates unbounded. Joe said this would cause a civil war.

The new correspondent " Mini-Joe" , Jacob Sorboff went to interview students about unbounded delegates. He has Joe's hairstyle & glasses. He wants to get fleece shirts like Joe. Mika said Joe's fleece has food on it. Mika hates gloves with open fingers. She nearly fell off her chair. 


Mika & Joe were furious with the DNC for rigged the process against Bernie. Mika said they rigged the debates against Bernie & the Super Delegates are hostage to Hillary. They could change their mind though. Joe said they rigged the votes in Iowa. Bernie wants the Super Delegates to consider switching to him if he wins the states pledged delegates.


Mini Joe said he will be interviewing the Democratic Super Delegates. Do they wear capes? I agree with Joe about having so many super delegates against Bernie is unfair.


Would the DNC consider changing the rules to make Super Delegates respect voters wishes in their states?


Joe said Hillary could be indicted over the email scandal.


The panel discussed Hillary's aggressive tone with Bernie's supporters. Doesn't Hillary need Bernie's supporters to win the General Election? Hillary shouted at Bernie's supporters that she has more votes than Trump or Bernie.


The problem with that number is that the caucus states don't record as many votes as primary states. Bernie could win a caucus state with a few thousand votes. It would make more sense if every state had a primary.


Joe said Hillary isn't transparent on her speeches. Mika blasted Hillary for her speeches. Why did she take so much money from them.

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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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