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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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It's hilarious watching the panel discuss the trade deficit. Joe & Andrea are excited about the Germans building car plants in the South. A deficit does mean that the USA buys more from Germany than vice versa. Building car plants in the USA reduces the trade deficit, but parts are still imported from Germany which increases the deficit. Running a trade deficit for an extended period of time is not good for the economy because you have to borrow to buy the foreign goods.

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But I'll always remember when he called Joe "stunningly superficial." 

HA!!  But when you watch the clip, he also adds, "It's almost embarrassing to listen to you."  HAHAHHA.  By the way Mika's hair is sooooo much better with the honey blonde than the platinum.

The Dr Z Memorium was wonderful.  And they bagged Jimmy Carter!  Joe, THERE is a President you can consider worthwhile to have on your show.

  • Love 10

 By the way Mika's hair is sooooo much better with the honey blonde than the platinum.

I agree! So much more flattering. 


Mika likes having her hair platinum blonde so she play the role of Bond Villainess. Joe thinks he is James Bond or John Kennedy. Is Mika supposed to remind him of Marilyn Monroe

Actually, as a woman, I think I can comment on this perhaps more accurately.  When grey hair starts to show up, the lighter your hair is, the easier it is to hide the grey.  And it just keeps getting lighter and lighter.   Mika probably keeps it short for ease of styling, and damaged beyond belief with all the bleach she's put on it.  

I think you meant Bond girls, most of the female Bond villains have darker hair. 

7 minutes ago, stormy said:

God, I hope not, for a cabinet filled with Wall Street and corporate giants so all this should be running like a well tuned machine instead of the hot mess it is.

I noticed this weekend that Steve Mnuchin was EP on Sully and The Intern. And on the Uverse credits he's listed as Secretary of the Treasury Stephen Mnuchin.  He didn't hold that title when those films were made so I don't know why AT&T felt they had to add that.  Hopefully they'll remember that title when he tanks our economy with his idiot ideas. 


Edited by teddysmom
  • Love 4

what no one mentioning the funniest thing on TV today? the statement from the white house strategic communications director abut Trumps magnetic personality and a bunch of other stuff that might be in a love letter but it just funny coming out of the blue from the white house. Mika read it with a pretty straight face and they did not linger on it, but this was the first I heard of it, I had to go and google immediately.  Sadly a great news story not covered deeply enough. I know her father is a big story to her, but a little humor makes the morning go better when you are doing yet another tax form because everyone's state makes you fill out 3 forms at different times of the year, heh. 


Jimmy Carter is so positive, but I do realize it is his connection with knowing Mika as a child, 

Edited by holly4755
  • Love 1

what no one mentioning the funniest thing on TV today? the statement from the white house strategic communications director abut Trumps magnetic personality and a bunch of other stuff that might be in a love letter but it just funny coming out of the blue from the white house. Mika red it with a pretty straight face and they did not linger on it, but this was the first I heard of it, I had to go and google immediately.  Sadly a great news story not covered deeply.

I read it online a while ago and thought "Donald Trump is wonderful and fun and a great guy - and monkeys are going to fly out of my ass". 

It was a response, written by Hope Hicks, to the story that Trump has gained a bunch of weight and is surly.  So basically, Trump.    I can't believe Joe didn't go off on it. He called Trump a goon and a thug this morning. 


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28 minutes ago, captain1 said:

I thought Mika (and Joe) handled a very difficult show with grace.

I applaud Mika for her grace and professionalism this morning. I didn't really expect her to be on the air, yet she memorialized her father beautifully. I also appreciate that after the rather lengthy tribute was over, she went right back to the political issues at hand.

I appreciate Joe's ability to laugh at the "stunningly superficial" line now, but I can't imagine that he took it that well (off camera) when it was said.

I might as well weigh in on the hair too. Perhaps the platinum is exaggerated because of the stage lighting, but I think the honey blond was much more attractive, too. Also, she could lighten up on the tanning...just a bit.

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Her previous hair was very attractive.  I do like her platinum look, but, it's tired now.  She ought to change it up.  When she's in the South of France, she should transition to a new look. 
Nobody has commented on Joe unloading on Mika?  "No NO NOOOO, YOU'RE WRONG, MIKA.  THAT'S NOT WHAT HAPPENED!"  So cringeworthy.  Especially coming after someone praising her father.  Ugh. 

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1 hour ago, jazzpno said:

I appreciate Joe's ability to laugh at the "stunningly superficial" line now, but I can't imagine that he took it that well (off camera) when it was said.

By chance, did they start having the affair after that line?

Maybe the old man unwittingly made his daughter a target of Joe's revenge fantasies -- get back at the father by seducing his cherished daughter.

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I was surprised to see Mika on today's show. She looked totally dazed. Perhaps keeping her work routine helped her, as well as hearing all the tributes to her father.

This was the first time I've actually watched the show. Usually I'm strictly a podcast person. WOW, SNL did not exaggerate with the overt closeness and long, lingering gazes Mika and Joe give one another. They also sit about an inch apart. It almost made me uncomfortable.

As for Mika and Joe wearing, shall we say, more casual clothing than one might expect for people on a television show, all I can say is, nice work if you can get it.

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Wednesday mini- recap. The Top Story was a bad misspelled tweet by President Trump. The panel was shocked at Trump sending out a bad tweet. Joe called Trump erratic & a laughingstock. Joe is now mocking Trump when he sent emails about the Apprentice was the number 1 show when the ratings had fallen!. OMG! Trump is isolated angry & overeating!. Is Trump gaining weight?

Is this a show solely about Trump gossip now? Trump tweeted at 6 09 am to explain the mixed up word. Joe called Trump unstable & erratic.

I am glad that in the 10 years of watching this show, Joe has never bragged about how popular he was in Congress or never made a verbal mistake or had to delete a tweet.

Joe is wearing a suit & Mika has a new white top.

Mika said Trump is a mess. The press conference was a disaster.

I am glad that there are no issues to discuss in the USA because everything is fine other than the President's weight

Joe is mad that Trump wanted Germany to pay more for defense. Confessore said Germany pays for NATO. LOL!. They spend 1% of their GDP on defense. It's half of the NATO target.

Joe said Germany was at the vanguard of defending freedom in Europe between 1949-1989. LOL!. Where is Joe getting

his facts from? The US provided troops to Germany not the other way around.

Mika said it was sad.

It is becoming evident that Joe & Mika's personal feelings towards Trump are driving the show's narrative. Perhaps, they can gain ratings with Anti Trump viewers.

There was no discussion of the Kathy Griffin decapitation of Trump photo or Scott Pelley's firing at CBS. These are other trivial matters that the show can waste time on.

  • Love 4

Joe is starting to run.  Joe's phone is sending him running ads. Joe is upset about this.

Pierced eyes is mad at the GOP as well. She got the memo from Joe.

Confessore brought up the Kathy Griffin photo of a beheaded Bloody Trump. Mika said she wouldn't discuss it & it was gross.

The show is now mocking Trump on SNL.

3 minutes ago, Eliot said:

Joe sneered about Al Franken when he was first elected to the Senate. How the worm has turned.

Agreed. I wonder if Joe will apologize for trashing him in the past & calling him a clown

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When I heard Al Franken was going to be on to discuss his book, I panicked, thinking somehow time had gotten away from me, and it was now 8:55.  But apparently if you are a politician, and not a PhD, historian or scholar, you get more than 4-5 minutes to shill your book.  Franken got 2 lines out and then Joe took it over, talking 2 minutes about HIS stint as a rep before Franken could even do his part!!

Did they talk about Kathy Griffin or was that CNN I was listening to?  Because that was awful, what she did.

  • Love 1

Just to slow their roll on the Harvard thing.... poking around on Google, it's not a big deal. It just means they go up for a few days - sometimes a weekend - and talk to students, do a lunch or two, and maybe a live speech. Chris Matthews did it a few years ago. And just googling it now it looks like Kelly Ayotte did it last year. Hardly A-list. 

They'll probably do a show from there one morning and then go to Red Sox games with Barnicle the rest of the weekend.

  • Love 3
31 minutes ago, WhineandCheez said:

When I heard Al Franken was going to be on to discuss his book, I panicked, thinking somehow time had gotten away from me, and it was now 8:55.  But apparently if you are a politician, and not a PhD, historian or scholar, you get more than 4-5 minutes to shill your book.  Franken got 2 lines out and then Joe took it over, talking 2 minutes about HIS stint as a rep before Franken could even do his part!!

Did they talk about Kathy Griffin or was that CNN I was listening to?  Because that was awful, what she did.

Agreed. They used to do book reviews in the middle part of the show. Now it's done at the end of the show. Joe spends most of the first segment coming up with insults for the Predident.

Mika refused to discuss the Kathy Griffin decapitated Trump head.

Mika has convinced Joe to start running. Joe thinks his phone is being tapped because he gets emails about running shoes. The show is becoming unwatchable again.

its sad

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I was sad to hear about Mika's Dad, but I honestly enjoyed the show much more without her.  She just adds nothing, IMO.  I actually like Joe better when she isn't on the show.

I'm not sure what else they should be discussing on politics.....as I think Trump is the biggest story right now, just like Watergate was in the 70's.

I enjoyed Joe's story about running.  He didn't say Mika wanted him to start running, he said that his daughter runs and he wanted to do marathons and not be the slowest.  I agree with him about the ads.  He didn't have his phone with him, hadn't run in years, and ordered no running gear from the internet.  It was kinda scary.

2 hours ago, ButterQueen said:

I was sad to hear about Mika's Dad, but I honestly enjoyed the show much more without her.  She just adds nothing, IMO.  I actually like Joe better when she isn't on the show.

I'm not sure what else they should be discussing on politics.....as I think Trump is the biggest story right now, just like Watergate was in the 70's.

I enjoyed Joe's story about running.  He didn't say Mika wanted him to start running, he said that his daughter runs and he wanted to do marathons and not be the slowest.  I agree with him about the ads.  He didn't have his phone with him, hadn't run in years, and ordered no running gear from the internet.  It was kinda scary.

Mika gazed at Joe when he talked about running. I am sure she convinced him to get in shape for the wedding. Mika & her first husband bonded over running. 

I expected Joe to brag that he spoke with the CEO of Nike to discuss which running shoes to buy.

Why can't Morning Joe discuss the economy? Trade? Terrorism?  Climate? In more detail

Focusing on Trumps misspelling tweets is silly

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27 minutes ago, oakville said:

Focusing on Trumps misspelling tweets is silly

I saw only a few moments of the show today, but I did watch some other news-related shows, and I listened to part of Spicey's press conference, and it was discussed everywhere. Yes, it was silly and led to many humorous memes, but it was also very weird.  To paraphrase the old E.F. Hutton ad, "When 45 talks (or tweets), people listen." What if he'd said something ominous and then just nodded off?

And Spicey seemed to indicate that the whole thing was sort of an inside joke among Trump's compardres. Sheesh. They're using the "I MEANT TO DO THAT!" defense.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Jordan Baker said:

I saw only a few moments of the show today, but I did watch some other news-related shows, and I listened to part of Spicey's press conference, and it was discussed everywhere. Yes, it was silly and led to many humorous memes, but it was also very weird.  To paraphrase the old E.F. Hutton ad, "When 45 talks (or tweets), people listen." What if he'd said something ominous and then just nodded off?

And Spicey seemed to indicate that the whole thing was sort of an inside joke among Trump's compardres. Sheesh. They're using the "I MEANT TO DO THAT!" defense.

Morning Joe first became popular in 2007 when Mika set fire to her notes on Paris Hilton being  arrested. The show promised not to discuss trivial issues. In the last 2 months, Joe thinks he is John Stewart from the Daily Show. They play clips of Trump saying something or tweeting something dumb. Joe tries to come up with clever insults. It's tiresome because I try to recap this. I watch Morning Joe for the good quality guests & serious issues.

2 hours ago, ButterQueen said:

Maybe they can't discuss it, because basically everything is at a standstill.  And honestly, for me, the state of our President is very important.

Why not discuss the consequences of getting out of the Paris accord. They used to have bigger discussions on Healthcare.

Joe is being lazy by doing superficial analysis of Trumpcare. Does the mandate under Obamacare work? Why were premiums rising so quickly? Why were people willing to pay the penalty for not signing up for Obamacare?


I don't want a bunch of disgruntled co hosts who were partying with Trump on New Years & having a private Lunch with him in the White House in late January now telling me that he is evil erratic etc... It's absurd.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, oakville said:

I don't want a bunch of disgruntled co hosts who were partying with Trump on New Years & having a private Lunch with him in the White House in late January now telling me that he is evil erratic etc... It's absurd.

Then you might want to rethink continuing to watch the show.  I mean, seriously, because the situation is unlikely to change in the foreseeable future.  

  • Love 4
57 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

Then you might want to rethink continuing to watch the show.  I mean, seriously, because the situation is unlikely to change in the foreseeable future.  

This is an option. I am catching up with the part of the show I missed this morning. Mika is now on a rant about all the mistakes Jared made by recommending Flynn, Giuliani , the muslim ban etc. This is crazy. Joe was blaming Bannon & Miller for these moves during the transition & after the inauguration. Mika & Joe were on team Jared & Ivanka as the voices of reason. Joe blamed Bannon for all the crazy moves. Does Mika think viewers have amnesia? I do these recaps so I can track what Mika & Joe said during that period.


I have watched this show long enough that I predict that Joe & Mika will become more favourable to Trump if his poll numbers rise.

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I have watched this show long enough that I predict that Joe & Mika will become more favourable to Trump if his poll numbers rise.

Last August, this show spent the first hour every show for a month ranting about Trump...the terrible things he said about Judge Curiel, the Khans, etc.  It really got tiresome because even though they were right, it was one-note. Then fast forward the days after the election, when Mika was practically in tears for days. Fast forward yet again to New Years Eve when they're hanging out with him in Florida. And yes, the gushing about Ivanka and Jared was so obsequious, even Elise Jordan told them it was too much. And don't forget how the whole bunch of them were practically blowing Trump the day after he bombed Syria.

If this Russia thing peters out in a few months and Trump bombs some stuff, they will be back on their knees.

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Thursday recap. Joe is in a bunker. Mika is on set with her wardrobe from the June Cleaver collection. Joe  started making jokes about Trump being "John Miller"  bragging about his sexual prowess. . Joe was happy that Trump stil watches Morning Joe. Mika & Willie were talking about Hillary blasting the DNC for causing her to lose the election.

The topic is Trump giving back Russian compounds being returned to Russia . Obama seized the compounds in December.

Joe blasted Trump for being a democrat till 2011. He did a hostile takover of the GOP.

Joe is mad that the GOP liked the FBI leaks against Hillary but doesn't like the leaks against Trump.

Joe is outraged that Sessions met with Russians.

James Baker can go fuck himself.   He is a slimy piece of shit and for them to treat him with respect like he's not behind covering up Saudi involvement in September 11, getting the Bin Laden family out of the country, and all the other bullshit the Carlyle Group was behind is disgusting. 

Oh you were a chief of staff.  Big fucking deal. So was Dick Cheney. Why don't they have him on, too? 

When he said  Preibus had done a great job running the RNC I lol'ed. Give me a break. 

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I don't see the constant insulting and rehashing of Trump's, and his moronic, criminal thugs', antics as a bad thing.  It's necessary.  The only flaw is that Joe isn't disciplined in his reactions and commentary.  If Joe had a staffer like Rachel or had that sort of research/case-making bent to him, so much the better, but he doesn't.  He doesn't edit and organize to build a case, he reacts.  It's a little tantrum-y, but in general, he's in the right to do it. 
This is a bigger issue than Iran/Contra.  Bigger than Watergate.  It's important to view Trump as what he is, a clown and egomaniac careering out of control while in his role as President of the United States.  It's important to normalize Trump as a fool and his henchmen as complicit, knowing criminals working against America's best interests.  If it's boring, then one needs to understand this is not a reality show.  "I'm bored" is the reason he's President.  Too many people view political discourse as dull and repetitive and they wanted change for change's sake. 
The details of policy shouldn't be splashy and great TV.

  • Love 7
17 minutes ago, Landsnark said:

I don't see the constant insulting and rehashing of Trump's, and his moronic, criminal thugs', antics as a bad thing.  It's necessary.  The only flaw is that Joe isn't disciplined in his reactions and commentary.  If Joe had a staffer like Rachel or had that sort of research/case-making bent to him, so much the better, but he doesn't.  He doesn't edit and organize to build a case, he reacts.  It's a little tantrum-y, but in general, he's in the right to do it. 
This is a bigger issue than Iran/Contra.  Bigger than Watergate.  It's important to view Trump as what he is, a clown and egomaniac careering out of control while in his role as President of the United States.  It's important to normalize Trump as a fool and his henchmen as complicit, knowing criminals working against America's best interests.  If it's boring, then one needs to understand this is not a reality show.  "I'm bored" is the reason he's President.  Too many people view political discourse as dull and repetitive and they wanted change for change's sake. 
The details of policy shouldn't be splashy and great TV.

I respectfully disagree. Joe is trying to hard to be a mean girl with juvenile insults at Trump. I finally figured out what Joe was talking about with John Miller. The RNC put out a press release yesterday criticizing the show for its vapid gossipy coverage of the issues.

I reiterate that Mika & Joe look very jealous about not getting an exclusive interview with Trump.

They look silly blaming Jared for everything gone wrong since January 20. Jared & Ivanka were the heroes according to Mika & Joe in February. Now they are incompetent?

8 minutes ago, sugarbaker design said:

Because the penalty was way cheaper than Obamacare, in my case $65 per month penalty versus $325 per month healthcare.

Wow ! So Trumpcare eliminates the penalty?

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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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