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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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34 minutes ago, Maire said:

About Joe looking concerned, I think he is realizing that there are even more crazies (Nunes) coming out of the wood work and that this ratchet Healthcare repeal may pass the house.

Joe told an interesting anecdote about these type of votes. The Democratic congressmen he ran against in 1994 voted for a tax increase that Clinton wanted. He bragged that he switched his vote because Clinton called him from Air Force one. Joe said he betrayed his constituents. Joe used that vote to win a seat.

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Joe uses this point to remind Democrats that he can be a moderate person who gets along with Pelosi & Chuck Shumer

Yeah, someone needs to tell Joe the famous Maya Angelou quote: when someone shows you who they are, believe them.

I thought that anecdote by Joe was odd. First, we haven't heard him tell it before. And according to Wikipedia, Joe won that seat when the Democratic congressman holding the seat RETIRED. It was open. Maybe Joe meant that that congressman decided to retire because his vote made him unelectable, but that was not what it sounded like.

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2 hours ago, Mumbles said:

Perhaps because even if they are overpaid, they're entitled to *some* privacy? And to vacation/personal days too. I have never heard an anchor's absence explained in other news shows. 

If we're not paying for the time off, I don't see how we have any say or right to judge why someone takes a day off. 


Good point. Other shows have fill in hosts all the time. And, Joe and Mika do a three hour show, unlike the one hour that most hosts do (not to mention having to get up at 4:00 am every day).

Also, Joe was working the last two days, even if he was at a remote location. Other than major holidays, I don't remember the last time that neither Joe nor Mika were on the show.

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I think my point was misconstrued.  There are two hosts of this show and I was asking if the absence of both of them had been addressed earlier in the show, before I was able to watch.  The 'contract dispute/lovers spat' comment was pure snark.  I, however, stand by my 'overpaid twits' opinion.

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1 hour ago, Ladyrain said:

I think my point was misconstrued.  There are two hosts of this show and I was asking if the absence of both of them had been addressed earlier in the show, before I was able to watch.  The 'contract dispute/lovers spat' comment was pure snark.  I, however, stand by my 'overpaid twits' opinion.

They mentioned that Mika had the morning off, but since Joe was there - albeit in a remote location - they didn't mention anything about him.

My guess is that Joe and Mika are vacationing together for a few days, and Joe is doing the show from wherever they are. If they ever go public as a couple, it will be interesting if they start taking time off together.

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Joe has been so hard to look at this week. It's his makeup or the lighting, or both. He has looked ghastly every day, gray like a corpse, and it's even worse when he's on a split screen with someone who looks alive. I thought it would be noticed and corrected after the first morning, but evidently not. Gah!

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Squinty McBloat looks terrible today! He has on so much foundation...and his hair is getting lighterr every week.  With that much foundation on though he needs a little color on his lips, his features are disappearing. 

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15 hours ago, cased said:

They mentioned that Mika had the morning off, but since Joe was there - albeit in a remote location - they didn't mention anything about him.

My guess is that Joe and Mika are vacationing together for a few days, and Joe is doing the show from wherever they are. If they ever go public as a couple, it will be interesting if they start taking time off together.


52 minutes ago, suomi said:

Joe has been so hard to look at this week. It's his makeup or the lighting, or both. He has looked ghastly every day, gray like a corpse, and it's even worse when he's on a split screen with someone who looks alive. I thought it would be noticed and corrected after the first morning, but evidently not. Gah!

Agreed. I suspect he may be in a backup Bunker. The regular Bunker has better lighting. He also has a better selection of ties & blazers in the main Bunker.

15 hours ago, cased said:

They mentioned that Mika had the morning off, but since Joe was there - albeit in a remote location - they didn't mention anything about him.

My guessth is that Joe and Mika are vacationing together for a few days, and Joe is doing the show from wherever they are. If they ever go public as a couple, it will be interesting if they start taking time off together.

Mika & Joe going public will be exciting. I wonder why they are still pretending that they aren't a couple?

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Friday Recap.

Joe is in an unidentified bunker with bad lighting.

Eddie Glau & Marcia Brady lookalike are back. Ratner has charts. The Ryan Plan hurts Trump voters & helps Clinton voters.

Joe thinks it would be better if the vote failed so Trump can move on to tax reform and regulatory reform.

Joe thinks the Freedom Caucus is overplaying its hand.

They want to remove all the Obamacare mandates.

Trump regrets listening to Paul Ryan.

The panel joked about Trump on a truck blowing his horn.

Joe said Trump has to learn that Morning Joe was right all along & do tax reform before health care.

Mika has the morning off.

Trump's approval is up to 39%.

Only 17% approve of the GOP Plan.

20% support repealing Obamacare.

Joe is mad at Nunes for blowing up the Intelligence Committee. He had evidence that helped Trump but , Joe said he should share it with the committee and not run to Trump.

Joe said Trump shouldn't trust Ryan because he doesn't know how to lead the GOP caucus.

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My head was spinning from Bob Woodward.  He's a republican hack.  Pointing the finger at the Obama White House.  Even Elise Jordan wanted an explanation on that, which he couldn't give.  I bet Carl Bernstein doesn't even talk to him anymore.

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Ratner has charts. 

...and is wearing a PINK tie. Ratner is stylin'.

Our Beloved Leader is dangling the Planned Parenthood carrot on a fishing  line over the Freedumb Caucus' heads. Their great deal would be making abortion harder to get for 1 year, vs. knocking 1/2 of their supporters out of healthcare.   Hmmmmmmmmm"

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I can't help but wonder if the Republicans are just pretending to fight and will pass the health care reform today just to mess with Joe's head.  "See-- you were wrong about the presidential election and you're wrong about congress-- fake news!"

ETA:  so happy to be wrong!

Edited by Qoass
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Joe said Trump has to learn that Morning Joe was right all along & do tax reform before health care.

I simultaneously laffed and threw up in my mouth a little when Joe said "if Trump would have been watching MJ every day, we would have told him not to do health care".

But I thought  ACA was collapsing on itself and imploding and exploding and a sinkhole and attacking the economy like the Death Star did to Jedha City in Rogue One!!  

He had to do healthcare!! 

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Ratners charts were very helpful. It hurts Trump supporters & helps the wealthy 1% with tax cuts. 

I have no clue why Paul Ryan thinks this is a great idea. 

Marcia Brady said the insurance companies are lobbying congress to cut coverage. They want to offer skinny packages which are cheap but don't cover much 

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More Glamor shots of Mika wearing a raincoat at a train station. The sign above her gave directions to an Oyster bar. Oysters are an aphrodisiac. Is Mika sending a signal to Joe?

Joe was egging on Woodward about Obama expanding surveillance of Trump during the transition. Joe said Woodward did this before Nunes.

Joe is happy that he was right about Trump's tweet about Obama personally wiretapping him at Trump Tower.

Joe is mad at the intelligence services unmasking US citizens.

Barnicle said that the GOP is incompetent at governing.

Joe said as a reresentative of Pensacola, he would have voted against theRyn plan. He wants to repeal Obamacare the right way.

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On 3/22/2017 at 10:30 AM, Mumbles said:

Yeah when I started this show years ago what I liked about it was because they had 3 hours and were on MSNBC they had the luxury to talk about policy and ideas. Now it's just this inside baseball crap. The almost daily presence of Halperin almost guaranteed this focus because that's all he can talk about.

Agreed. The show has so much potential. They could bring in experts to compare the various healthcare plans .

They could bring in experts from Canada & Europe to discuss various pros/cons of each country's systems.

I caught up with the Fmr Secretary Jeh Johnson interview on Wednesday. He was the Designated Survivor on Inauguration Day in case something happened to Trump & Pence.

He said that Trump has a potential to be a great President in the theme of "Nixon goes to China".

He shot down Posh Katty's assertion that the electronics ban from certain airports in Turkey, Dubai , Egypt , Saudi Arabia was based on potential threats from those airports. The security may not be as good there. It was similar to Sharm El Sheikh airport a few years ago. He didn't agree with Katty that this was a slap in the face to majority muslim countries.

He said Trump should stop tweeting insults.

Katty & Joe said the drop in the Dow this week was a sign that investors don't think Trump can get the rest of his agenda passed.

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oakville  thanks for the additional Friday update.  I turned it off just as they were introducing Jeh Johnson.  Being what he said about trump/Nixon, I'm glad I did.  Course we all know what happened to Nixon.

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Monday Recap. Mika is back & rusty. It's sweater day on the set. Elise Jordan with a navy sweater. Joe with a navy sweater& Mika is wearing a brown sweater. Joe is happy that Trump couldn't get the votes. Joe said the press wins. Joe said Washington wins. Joe said the freedom caucus & heritage foundation screwed up . Joe said Trump should do a deal with Democrats & screw the Conservatives. The panel was happy was Trump couldn't get the job done. They said they knew they were right. They bragged that Trump needed lollipopos and had no clue what to do. Joe blamed Bannon for threatening caucus members.

Mika was giddy when Joe went into a manic phase and pretended to do deals with Democrats. He asked a make believe Chuck Shumer, what do you need on tax reform. Pelosi, what do you know.

Mika excitedly read the Maureen Dowd column, who compared Trump to a balloon on Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade.

Peters doesn't think Democrat will work with Trump.

Ratner doesn't want tax cuts for the rich. He is happy using the carried interest deduction for himself & his friends in private equity.

Mika said that Trump was friendly on a personal basis. Mika hopes that Trump will be more friendly in future.

The panel was happy that Robert Costa got a call from Trump.

Joe still likes Jared.

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Mika is wearing my favorite sweater with jeans. The sweater has horizontal ribbing in the bodice and vertical ribbing at the waist; the construction is extremely flattering. Joe looks much better, he is a normal color again. Marcia Brady, it must be said, is definitely a sweater girl.

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21 minutes ago, suomi said:

Mika is wearing my favorite sweater with jeans. The sweater has horizontal ribbing in the bodice and vertical ribbing at the waist; the construction is extremely flattering. Joe looks much better, he is a normal color again. Marcia Brady, it must be said, is definitely a sweater girl.

I've noticed that Joe has been dressing better lately. I don't remember the last time he wore his fleece. I actually like the sweater look on Joe (when he doesn't have his shirt hanging down below his sweater). It strikes the right balance between casual, but still respectable. I don't like it when Joe wears a suit every day, it makes me nervous. 

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Who is the little grey headed man who wears smoking jackets and silk scarves and fancy belts?


51 minutes ago, suomi said:

Marcia Brady, it must be said, is definitely a sweater girl

This is true. 

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^^^ Mark McKinnon

OMG Joe stop talking thru your ass.

Your cure for this failure is that trump should be himself, go back to his roots, aka a Democrat and screw the republicans and work with Schumer and Pelosi?  Why, in God's name would they do that?  There's nothing in it for them.

Steve Ratner brought up a great point.  Having Jared remake and update the federal government sounds so gigantic but it's meaningless to the people that voted for trump.

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25 minutes ago, stormy said:

Your cure for this failure is that trump should be himself, go back to his roots, aka a Democrat and screw the republicans and work with Schumer and Pelosi?  Why, in God's name would they do that?  There's nothing in it for them.

There's nothing in it for anyone to work with Trump.  He and everyone in his campaign, transition team, and administration is being investigated by the FBI for treason.  Why would anyone work with him on anything, much less the Democrats?

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Why do Republicans think Ryan is so brilliant?  I about gagged when Joe said that.  He's brilliant but not a politician. Yeah he's neither one of those. 

What's briiliant about wanting to screw over millions of people by giving tax cuts to the uber wealthy? 

Evil, demented, disgusting, yes. Brilliant? Yeah how'd that work out? 

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Mika excitedly read the Maureen Dowd column, who compared Trump to a balloon on Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade.

Ugh. One of the most facile and superficial columnists out there. There is no pop culture reference immune to her abuse.


Why do Republicans think Ryan is so brilliant?  I about gagged when Joe said that.  He's brilliant but not a politician. Yeah he's neither one of those

Amen. Of all the untrue cliches out there, one of the most maddening to me is "Ryan is a brilliant policy wonk." No he's not. He still clings to the Ayn Rand b.s. that attracted a certain set of unpopular college nerds who convinced themselves nobody likes them because they're so smart. And look at his legislative record. Only three bills he ever sponsored passed and they were dumb ones like naming a post office.


Steve Ratner brought up a great point.  Having Jared remake and update the federal government sounds so gigantic but it's meaningless to the people that voted for trump.

Right and it's useless. Al Gore, a smarter guy and one far more familiar with how the government works, tried with "Reinventing Government", the little project the Clintons gave him to keep him out of their hair. It went nowhere. The purpose of this is for Jared to network with captains of industry for future projects. Plus Jared can't run anything on his own - the newspaper his dad bought him is flailing - why does anyone expect success with this?


Joe still likes Jared.

Ugh. What is there to like about him?

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Amen. Of all the untrue cliches out there, one of the most maddening to me is "Ryan is a brilliant policy wonk." No he's not. He still clings to the Ayn Rand b.s. that attracted a certain set of unpopular college nerds who convinced themselves nobody likes them because they're so smart.


I'll second that "Amen" and raise you a "Hallelujah." It's stunning to me how, once these myths are formed, they become just an assumed part of this show's narrative. If anything, his PowerPoint presentation about healthcare should have dispelled any illusion that he had even the vaguest idea of what he was talking about, but they all treated it like it was a serious policy presentation!

I continue to be frustrated that Joe seems to blame Bannon for all of Trump's failures. He clings to the absurd idea that Trump is somehow going to pull his shit together, reach out to Democrats, and start governing. TRUMP DOESN'T WANT TO GOVERN! All he wants to do is fly around and hold rallies full of his adoring, simpering fans. And even if he did ever want to enact any policy, he is too dumb and incompetent to even know where to start.

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49 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

Why do Republicans think Ryan is so brilliant?  I about gagged when Joe said that.  He's brilliant but not a politician. Yeah he's neither one of those. 

What's briiliant about wanting to screw over millions of people by giving tax cuts to the uber wealthy? 

Evil, demented, disgusting, yes. Brilliant? Yeah how'd that work out? 

He looks good in gym shorts working out.

His tax cut plan for the wealthy makes no sense. The money could be used to expand Medicaid or medicareMedicare

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Mika excitedly read the Maureen Dowd column, who compared Trump to a balloon on Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade.

Ugh. One of the most facile and superficial columnists out there. There is no pop culture reference immune to her abuse.


How is Dowd still a thing?  She hasn't been relevant in like, ever. 

Also Dowd stole that Macy's balloon comparison from Colbert or somebody on late night. I swear I've heard it before. 



Joe still likes Jared.

Ugh. What is there to like about him?


Well he has that dead behind the eyes, completely vapid look Joe is attracted to. 

Edited by teddysmom
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17 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

Well he [Jared] has that dead behind the eyes, completely vapid look Joe is attracted to. 

He always looks as if he is reminiscing about the first cat he killed and the first bunny he boiled alive.

Of course, Joe still likes him.  And, I've yet to see all this brilliance in Paul Ryan that Joe waxes poetic about.  "Ryan the Policy Wonk" is a role that Lyin' Ryan plays on TV; it ain't real, Joe.   In spite of Lyin' Ryan's dazzling PowerPoint presentations, his numbers never quite add up.  It's a sad day when being a soulless sociopath is equated with being brilliant.

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5 hours ago, suomi said:

Marcia Brady

I enjoyed Maureen's column and how they discussed it this morning *shrug*. Also, which one is Pink Marcia? I need a crib sheet to keep up with all y'all's snark :)

Edited by Abiding Dude
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It's stunning to me how, once these myths are formed, they become just an assumed part of this show's narrative.

I won't link it because it wasn't discussed directly on the show but for those interested in kicking the tires on Ryan there is an excellent article in the Atlantic about Ryan by Garance Franke Ruta deflating the Ryan myth. It's old but nothing has changed.

It will be funny if Trump of all people finally convinces the world of Ryan's phoniness. But I bet the GOP establishment tells him to tone it down. I think Priebus is tight with Ryan.

But yeah one of the terrible things about 24-hour news (and lazy reportage)  is it does perpetuate myths like this. When people hear a misstatement over and over again, they just begin to accept it. Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia, don't you know? And it's easier to accept myths when you hear them....The only debunking I've ever seen of Ryan has been in print media. 


Also, which one is Marcia? I need a crib sheet to keep up with all y'all's snark :)

Elise Jordan. Oakville thinks she looks like Marcia. I kinda like her.

Edited by Mumbles
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Joe still likes Jared.

Ugh. What is there to like about him?

Well he has that dead behind the eyes, completely vapid look Joe is attracted to. 


If I had to live my life without bacon and shellfish, I'd look like that too--and worse!

Two thirds of the show was Joe talking about Bannon's unbelievable cajones in telling elected Congressmen what they must do. Won't it be awesome when Trump fires Bannon?  Because it's gotta happen sometime in the next 4 years.

Got a chuckle this AM on the Judge Piro rant on Paul Ryan (which was intelligent) and how Ryan should step down because of his bungling of the ACA replacement after having 7 years to work on it. Anyway, apparently Trump is all "I don't blame Paul Ryan.  I don't blame Paul Ryan," and meanwhile he's tweeting to everyone to watch Judge Piro's rant.   One hand giveth and the other taketh away....

Edited by WhineandCheez
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22 minutes ago, WhineandCheez said:

If I had to live my life without bacon and shellfish, I'd look like that too--and worse!

Your friendly Jewish but non-Kosher mod says thanks, I just spit my lunch on my monitor!  (modding while at work can be hazardous to ones equipment.) 

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I saw Joe was the only one afforded a nice king-size cuppa Starbucks. I didn't realize caffeine also has a side effect of giving men a raging hard on for themselves. Careful, Joe, you're going to sprain your wrist "patting yourself on the back" like that. Your Republican perspective is as dated as a cassette and I can't listen to your self-promoting mix tape and I very much doubt anyone in the current Admin is going to listen to you, either, k?

On the other hand, I appreciate his smackdown of Bannon and I would like to hear more of his perspective on why he thinks Washington will keep winning in the hands of those that have said they want to destroy it. Was ACHA's defeat despite Bannon's best brownshirt/goodfella impersonation just the beginning of drawing a line in the sand and will it hold? 

Sometimes, I also discover new pundits/writers/journalists on this show. I liked Podhoretz. Particularly liked that he took down Bannon while Peters was on the panel. Peters, who said once, in a disturbingly dreamlike voice, "well, when people ask me what I think of Bannon, I always say that if you were to have dinner with him, he'd be one of the most interesting people you'd ever talk to." (s'cuse me, I gotta go throw up....)

So, sad to watch Peters defend Bannon "Well....what he said wasn't so different from what Paul Ryan's view...the fault is with the Republican leadership..." and then fun to watch Podhoretz cheerily and succinctly shoot that sh*t down. "Well, yes, the bill was a mess because of the Republicans, but that makes Bannon all the more idiotic for trying to force it through."  

I have been hoping for someone to say that Bannon is a nothing burger and not this fascinating, terrifying darth vader wannabe who apparently makes an otherwise erudite and reliably analytical reporter weak in the knees. Goddess bless Podhoretz. Get him a real Starbucks drink.

I watch the clips they post online because I'm not up early enough to watch this live (nor would I want to watch this live - I need Oakville's previews and the guest list before I decide whether to watch) and was annoyed that whatever clip that had Costa on it is apparently not posted. Grrrrrrr....I clicked through all of those clips for nothing. Sad! Fake guest list! 

Mika does need to stop her reading articles aloud. I'm not sitting on a carpet square with a windmill cookie. I can read a d*mn article myself. Tell me the gist and your take. Also, Mika, your daughter's calling you on the phone is not worth spending airtime on. That doesn't make you personable or approachable; it makes you look unprofessional and unfocused. Not fer cute. Fer stupid. 

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1 hour ago, Abiding Dude said:

I enjoyed Maureen's column and how they discussed it this morning *shrug*. Also, which one is Marcia? I need a crib sheet to keep up with all y'all's snark :)


1 hour ago, Mumbles said:

I won't link it because it wasn't discussed directly on the show but for those interested in kicking the tires on Ryan there is an excellent article in the Atlantic about Ryan by Garance Franke Ruta deflating the Ryan myth. It's old but nothing has changed.

It will be funny if Trump of all people finally convinces the world of Ryan's phoniness. But I bet the GOP establishment tells him to tone it down. I think Priebus is tight with Ryan.

But yeah one of the terrible things about 24-hour news (and lazy reportage)  is it does perpetuate myths like this. When people hear a misstatement over and over again, they just begin to accept it. Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia, don't you know? And it's easier to accept myths when you hear them....The only debunking I've ever seen of Ryan has been in print media. 

Elise Jordan. Oakville thinks she looks like Marcia. I kinda like her.

I like Elise Jordan as well. She is much better than Cackles Wallace.

She has piercing eyes!. The southern accent is lovely. Her pronouncements of words like "obstruction" make me laugh.

There are more Glamour shots of Mika & Joe that were just put up on Mika's Instagram account.

They are a bit racy. Mika's doing gymnastics in a short Indian dress over a fence in Nantucket. Joe is in front of her laughing

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Mika does need to stop her reading articles aloud. I'm not sitting on a carpet square with a windmill cookie. I can read a d*mn article myself.

HEE!!!  Kindergarten time!

I forgot to mention Joe's casual yet self-aggrandizing tidbit about how he and Trump were hashing things out over the phone.  Wants to remind all of us that he STILL is the go-to guy in orange pants.

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I got very annoyed at Jeremy Peters this morning when he peevishly asked someone (I forget who) what the Democrats were going to do to "reach out" on health care now that the Trump/Ryan plan has fallen apart. I wanted to scream at my TV, "They've BEEN reaching out for eight years! Why is it now THEIR problem? How about maybe the GOVERNING PARTY reaches out to them?"

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8 hours ago, Mumbles said:

Joe still likes Jared.

Ugh. What is there to like about him?

Mika said that Jared is very, very, very smart. Methinks there were a few too many "verys" there. Isn't he an academic and professional failure?

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Isn't he an academic and professional failure?

Yes. His admission to Harvard was preceded by a multimillion donation to the school the year before; his high schools teachers have told reporters he was not what they considered Harvard material. Tales of his mismanagement of the newspaper his father bought him are legendary and Google-able. He may be the first person to lose money buying property in Brooklyn when the lot he bought wasn't zoned for residential use. He's a rich shithead.

"Jared is really smart" is yet another thing this show says, like the Paul Ryan is an effective wonk nonsense we all debunked earlier today here, that has no basis in reality.

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Mika is wearing my favorite cardigan, the raspberry one, but her arms are not inside the sleeves, it's the "I threw it over my shoulders" thing. She is smug and self-conscious about it at the same time; there is much correcting of posture and checking of monitors.

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11 hours ago, jazzpno said:

Mika said that Jared is very, very, very smart. Methinks there were a few too many "verys" there. Isn't he an academic and professional failure?

I believe that Jared is a key source of information for Mika & Joe. so they compliment him. A Chinese company just bought their building for a few hundred million above expected value

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41 minutes ago, suomi said:

Mika is wearing my favorite cardigan, the raspberry one, but her arms are not inside the sleeves, it's the "I threw it over my shoulders" thing. She is smug and self-conscious about it at the same time; there is much correcting of posture and checking of monitors.

Mika looks fabulous today. It's a very low cut sleeveless dress. She used to wear these dresses before the "affair". Joe is wearing a suit & tie. They must have to do an event after the show.

Tuesday Recap: Barnicle, Ignatius,Eugene Robinson, Smirky Kristol, Nick Confessore & Eddie Glau.

First topic. Nunes got the classified info from the White House. It's a scandal!.

Joe bragged that he tweeted his theory at the time that Nunes is acting as a PR director for Trump. Mika congratulated Joe for being so prescient.

Mika was making impressions of Trump!. Joe was making funny impressions of Nunes lawyers.

Joe wants Trump to focus on infrascture to get his polls up.

The daily Gallup poll shows Trump with 36% support. Joe admitted that daily tracking polls dont prdict the election results in 2020.

Joe said Reagan & Obama were low in the polls & won re election.

Joe said Nunes should recuse himself from the investigation.

Joe likes Trump's new tweets. He blamed Freedom Caucus & Democrats. At least it isn't Nunes.

Kristol said Congressmen have to be let in to the White House.

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Joe said Trump should listen to him if he wants to get re elected.

The panel is upset that Trump won't apologize for his tweets about Obama.

Joe said the media was wrong to call Trump a genius because he won the election. He only had 36% support . The extra 10% came from people furious at Hillary for being corrupt & selling access for $200m during the past 8 years. Joe said the media should stop being shocked that Trump won the election. Joe said Carville wasn't that smart when he won the election in 1992. Joe said Trump's base is 35%.

Mika said that Trump won't learn from his mistakes. Joe wants Trump to watch his show.

There are more glamor shots of Mika & Joe laughing & smiling. Some are old because Joe is wearing his wedding ring.

Mika wished her dada, Dr Z happy 89Th birthday.

Joe said Spicer is not credible.

Joe is mad at the Las Vegas Raiders. Joe wants them to move back to Oakland.

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Mika said the top problem for Trump is Spicer.

The panel is going on & on about the failed Trump Presidency.

Joe's Florida panel of voters are not happy with Trump. They did not support Jeb or Marco

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