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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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This guy was a huge asshole, probably the biggest asshole I've ever seen on MJ, a show that regularly features Dan Senor, Peggy Noonan, Pat Buchanan, Harold Ford, Nicolle Wallace, Willie, Mika and of course, Joe.

Roland, pointed out  double standard  with DV.

Edited by fgoldberg
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I do agree that Hope Solo should not be playing but thank goodness for Katy Kay when she challenged the guy to say that's ONE example of a woman involved in perpetrating domestic violence compared to thousands of cases of men assaulting women.


Why is the playing? Because banning people accused of DV only just ocured within the past couple of weeks. There were crickets for the past DECADES for past DV cases.  We're really only starting to pay attention because of the proliferation of security and cell phone cameras.  Before, it could be explained with a "it wasn't THAT" bad. Just ignore the bruises that were on Rihanna's face. If we had the video, the outcome could have been different.

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I was in the car listening to MJ (yes I'm a masochist) and heard Mika's mom rip Mika's academic record at her museum event. It got big laughs but it was brutal. I never feel sorry for Mika but I did feel bad. You know there are other forms of abuse and I imagine both Mika and her brother were grilled every night in ways I can't even imagine.


I haven't even seen this show yet but I had to comment on this.  I am only a casual viewer of Morning Joe and yet this has got to be at least the third time I've heard about Mika's mom making fun of her 40-something-year-old daughter's grades.  Seriously?!  First of all, it's not appropriate OR funny, and second...since Mika hasn't been in post-secondary school for like TWENTY-FIVE YEARS, who even cares anymore?!  Why at her own art show too...is any occasion fair game to humiliate her daughter?  Ugh.  I can see why Mika has a complex.


Also, chainsaw art?  Maybe I've watched too many horror movies in my youth, but that does NOT sound good.


And dear Stafford: you can tailgate me or flip me the bird anytime...I'll call it justifiable road rage ;)

Edited by jenkait
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Ah Jenkit, I save my road rage for idiots passing me on the right side when traffic is slowed to a crawl (my pet peeve).

I would agree that Mrs. ZB was unbelievably cruel in her jokes (you could hear Joe laughing in the background). I've come to the conclusion that the whole family doesn't have a sense of humor. I worked with a woman whose Mother was a world renown child psychologist teaching in the Ivy Leagues. Her earlier text books used her daughter as a lab rat (with pictures to boot). I swear they had the most fucked up relationship. It mimics Leonard's relationship with his mother on the Big Bang Theory so much that this woman should get royalties.

It's no excuse but I can see why Mika can't form an opinion for fear she'd be humiliated by her parents. It explains why she is so willing to let Joe degrade her.

Edited by stafford
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Stafford, I'm guessing you live in the DC suburbs?  Even Stafford?  (Where I'm from)  Traffic in that region is... I don't know how to describe it with the proper hyperbole.  Crazy?  Inhuman?  Thoroughly sad?  Perhaps you're a yogi and you can handle traffic with a deep, still aplomb?  I moved to escape it.


I watched Mika's mom insult her.  It affects Mika.  I wonder if Roger Goodell should suspend Mika's mom?  Since he's the new Sheriff Of America and all moral and ethical matters are his new responsibility.

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To return Mika's shoes? Arrrgh is right. According to Cackles she owes the opportunity to be on The View entirely to MJ.

I hate to say it but her role (I'm pretty sure) is not to "love" Rosie it's to give the conservative VIEW that we need another Bush in the White House.

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Mini Recap. Cackles is back & thanksed Morning Joe.


Cackles thought the white house intruder was known to the secret sevice so that's why the didn't shoot him.


There appears to be a new set & furniture for the show. Willie gets to sit with Mika @ the newspaper table.

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I am baffled by Cackles being picked to be on the View.


Is it just me or is the show having trouble attracting better quality guests. ?


I would have thought that the show could try some new guests to liven up the conversation. It's becoming stale & boring to watch & recap. 

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Cackles thought the white house intruder was known to the secret sevice so that's why the didn't shoot him.


Wha...?!  I turned the channel at about 6:02 when I realized she was back.  So how did she parse this brilliance?  Was the guy dressed like someone who worked at the WH?  And even then wha...?! Did she really present the guy who clearly was running pell mell from the fence across the yard and up to the front of the White House as being dismissed as "hey who is that..oh its Steve, never mind"?  She truly is the intellectual replacement for Sherri Shepherd.

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Wha...?!  I turned the channel at about 6:02 when I realized she was back.  So how did she parse this brilliance?  Was the guy dressed like someone who worked at the WH?  And even then wha...?! Did she really present the guy who clearly was running pell mell from the fence across the yard and up to the front of the White House as being dismissed as "hey who is that..oh its Steve, never mind"?  She truly is the intellectual replacement for Sherri Shepherd.


I wouldn't insult Sherri Shepherd that way!  Cackles is actually the intellectual equivalent of the mental midget she tried to convince the country was qualified to be a heartbeat away from the presidency.

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Mika had a sore throat today. Joe defended Obama's speech. Heileman said Obama is more Bush like than he left or right will admit.


Willie's family works for ESPN so he couldn't say too much about Simmons being suspended for claiming that NFL Commish Goodell is a liar.


Joe wanted MSNBC to suspend him with pay for 31/2 years . He wished he could say something nasty like Ventura did for msnbc & get paid to quit.


Joe did several segments impersonating Jesse Ventura. MSNBC fired him after a show but paid him 2 million.


It was nice to see Heileman again.

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Joe started rambling about watching star wars movies with his 6 year old son Jack. Jack likes ewoks. Joe was happy that his son likes star wars movies . Mika was confused by star wars & refuses to watch them so she started looking at her laptop to see what was happening with an espn blog. She was sipping from her coffee cup with a straw while doing this. It's unprofessional. Joe & Heileman started impersonating Yoda. Joe asked Samantha powers about her favourite star wars line of dialogue.


It's absurd that Joe gets paid 100K a week to do bad star wars impersonations.

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Heileman said Obama is more Bush like than he left or right will admit.


That's horseshit. Shrub and Darth Vader were determined to invade Iraq and were looking for any excuse to do so. Obama looks for any excuse not to. It's in all their respective DNAs. Bush and Cheney are neo-con warmongers and Obama is a peacenik. Guess which two of the three have small dicks.

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Joe' morning rant was dedicated to the guy in Oklahoma who beheaded a former coworker . He was trying to convert coworkers to islam  & was fired.  


Joe blamed the FBI for calling it workplace violence. Joe was mad at the secret service for the attacks on the white house.


Joe was mad at the yankee fan who were at fenway yesterday. Joe is a season ticket holder.


Ira moyadin supports a marshall plan for gaza. Kim Ghattas from BBC supports other arab countries boots on the ground.


Willie cut himself with a kitchen knife.

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Richard Engel is surprised that  the us intelligence service for missing the rise of the extremists. Engel said everyone knew what was happening in Syria.


It took 4 days for the secret service to realize that bullets had hit the white house. The supervisor thought it was construction related.

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Joe' morning rant was dedicated to the guy in Oklahoma who beheaded a former coworker . He was trying to convert coworkers to islam  & was fired.  


Is That what Joe said? The guy wasn't trying to convert workers to Islam, he was trying to convert them to Al Qaida or ISIL type terrorism. Islam is a religion of peace. The murderer also had the words 'jesus christ' tattooed across his chest. Was he proselytizing Christianity too? The guy was deranged and seriously mentally ill.

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The reports I read did not mention anything about ISIS.


No they probably didn't but that's because the media doesn't ususally know what it's talking about. The guy wasn't trying to convert the workers to Islam because Islam is a peaceful religion and virtually all Islam believers are horrified at what Al Qaida and ISIL are doing too. They should be called terrorists, not Muslims. There are plenty of Christians who also do horrific things but the media doesn't call them Christians, they call them deranged or crazy or something like that. The prejudice that the media is stirring up against Muslims is terribly unfair.

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I've been trying to take a break from MJ but I turned it on briefly only to regret my actions. What the hell was Mika trying to say about the woman heading up the Secret Service? She hemmed and hawed and said something totally inane (no surprise) about it not being illegal to say (more hemming and hawing) but was this woman being treated differently because she was a WOMAN? She said her background and education didn't maybe fit. Thomas jumped in to say she was more than qualified and proceeded to list her years of experience in the Secret Service. Mika said yeah but wasn't she brought in to fix the cultural problems? It seemed to me that Mika was trying to be controversial by questioning if this WOMAN was right for the job and by speaking out about this woman she was showing how unbiased she is. Lord love a duck she is the worst.

I don't think anyone would disagree that the Secret Service is a mess and this woman was terrible at the hearings and doesn't have control of the agents but only Mika relates it to possibly being an unqualified woman's issue. It's an argument that makes no sense. Gender has nothing to do with it. Bad management is bad management. Clearly there is something rotten at the Secret Service. And while I'm at it how the hell does the SS let a "security guard" on the same elevator as the President? I'm not a conspiracy theorist but do the agents want the President to be killed?

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IWhat the hell was Mika trying to say about the woman heading up the Secret Service? She hemmed and hawed and said something totally inane (no surprise) about it not being illegal to say (more hemming and hawing) but was this woman being treated differently because she was a WOMAN? She said her background and education didn't maybe fit. Thomas jumped in to say she was more than qualified and proceeded to list her years of experience in the Secret Service. Mika said yeah but wasn't she brought in to fix the cultural problems? It seemed to me that Mika was trying to be controversial by questioning if this WOMAN was right for the job and by speaking out about this woman she was showing how unbiased she is. Lord love a duck she is the worst.

I don't think anyone would disagree that the Secret Service is a mess and this woman was terrible at the hearings and doesn't have control of the agents but only Mika relates it to possibly being an unqualified woman's issue. It's an argument that makes no sense. Gender has nothing to do with it. Bad management is bad management. Clearly there is something rotten at the Secret Service.


Seriously. The woman may not be good at her job, but she was brought in to replace someone who ALSO wasn't good at his job. No one questioned whether her predecessor was bad at his job because he was a man.

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The director of the secret service resigned, Mika has been vindicated. Mika thought she was being controversial for questioning the competence of an alleged  "token" hire. Donny Deutsche said competence was a priority when you select a director of the secret service. It seems to me that there were too many incidents reported since she took over. Also, it looks like they didn't release correct information about Gonzalez. They didn't report that he was running wild inside the White House. The cover up is very damaging & she should have never approved that press release . 


It was hilarious watching Mika getting outraged while looking at the director's resume online as if she had discovered something scandalous when in fact there was nothing out of line.


Did anyone catch the new glamour shot of Mika & Joe lying  together in a convertible. ? It's bizarre. Mika was wearing her new leopard spotted pants.  

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^^^ I caught a quick glimpse of one, don't know if it's what you saw. She reclines on the hood of a classic Mustang, all legs and fuck-me heels IIRC, while he leans back against it with hands in pockets. Our BMOC and his Homecoming Queen/Head Cheerleader.

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"I want to know how an ex-felon becomes a security guard."


The same way a former addict becomes an AODA counselor or a convicted computer hacker becomes a cyber-crime expert for the government. I'm kidding, I think... It's a crazy, mixed up world.


I swear I just heard Mika say this about the hiring options prior to Pierson being named head of Secret Service: "There were three options: an African American, a man, and a woman."

Edited by Jessie Q
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Jessie Q, the only way to respond to Mika's inane comments about hiring choices is that it was "stunningly superficial". I am glad the SS Head resigned. Something's rotten at 1600 Pennsylvania and with that Agency. I love Ron Fortenay (sp?). He brought up that after 9/11 Congress created this mega department that includes the SS that is not effective. Nice to see some of the blame spread around. The worst part is when this terrible situation is used for political purposes. Mika's teaser was "Does this situation mean there is a lack of leadership?" I don't believe for one minute that most of the Republicans give a shit about this President.

PS. I also love Ron because he's a Tigers fan. It breaks my heart that Thomas Roberts is *sigh* a Baltimore fan. I guess we will have to agree to disagree.

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Little Lord Luke made a cameo tonight on ESPN's "Pardon the Interruption."  He apparently was an intern there previously.

There is something disagreeable about him. 


This.  The nepotism with this guy is so frustrating, he's terrible!


Jessie Q, the only way to respond to Mika's inane comments about hiring choices is that it was "stunningly superficial". I am glad the SS Head resigned. Something's rotten at 1600 Pennsylvania and with that Agency. I love Ron Fortenay (sp?). He brought up that after 9/11 Congress created this mega department that includes the SS that is not effective. Nice to see some of the blame spread around. The worst part is when this terrible situation is used for political purposes. Mika's teaser was "Does this situation mean there is a lack of leadership?" I don't believe for one minute that most of the Republicans give a shit about this President.

PS. I also love Ron because he's a Tigers fan. It breaks my heart that Thomas Roberts is *sigh* a Baltimore fan. I guess we will have to agree to disagree.


It's incredibly frustrating to actually see Mika's shite from yesterday vindicated regarding Pierson's pick to lead the agency.  I do not like it when that women is actually prescient. Time and time again, Homeland Security seems to not work, there was stove piping before but now there is complete and utter mismanagement - and seems like stove piping still occurs.


P.S. I thought we were back to three full hours with this show?  What happened to that?  Not enough news?

Edited by NextIteration
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I swear I just heard Mika say this about the hiring options prior to Pierson being named head of Secret Service: "There were three options: an African American, a man, and a woman."



Mike missed her true calling, forget journalism, this woman should have went into comedy!

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Heilemann and Halperin are getting their own show on Bloomberg starting in October

I saw a commercial for that tonight and came here to post what stormy said. If this kicks them both off of MJ I will miss them at the table.

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Willie made an absolutely priceless WTF face when Mika started hemming and hawing about the sex of the SS director. Again with her questions that aren't questions - always followed by an "am I alone/is it just me", and the unbelievably stupid, "Is it illegal to ask the question?"!! So Ms. power to all women shoots down one of her own with sexist questions.

Of course one mention of the Orioles this morning made her say, "I was just in Baltimore! Johns Hopkins!". Yeah, cause that's the same thing. Sending your child to an expensive school and watching a ball game.

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Can someone explain this Mika arc where she's chosen to be pitted against the former head of the Secret Service?  Is Mika claiming they hired a woman merely because she's a woman?  Does Mika know this as a fact?  Was the former chief unqualified?  She appeared to be incompetent, but given what is being revealed about Homeland Security, efficiency or effectiveness may not be possible.

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Willie made an absolutely priceless WTF face when Mika started hemming and hawing about the sex of the SS director. Again with her questions that aren't questions - always followed by an "am I alone/is it just me", and the unbelievably stupid, "Is it illegal to ask the question?"!! So Ms. power to all women shoots down one of her own with sexist questions.

Of course one mention of the Orioles this morning made her say, "I was just in Baltimore! Johns Hopkins!". Yeah, cause that's the same thing. Sending your child to an expensive school and watching a ball game.


I wonder how Mika feels about women who get employment and television gigs because of who their daddies are.  Not saying that such women aren't competent or qualified for those jobs, but I have to ask--is it just me/am I alone?!


And, is it illegal for me to ask that question, particularly when it comes to a wannabe Bond villainess who "knows her worth" and supports other women?

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I expect to see angry Joe tomorrow. He was mocked by David Axelrod on Meet the Press. David called him Dr. Scarborough after Joe insulted the medical experts who were discussing the Ebola crisis. Joe said his friends in the Liberian government told him it was going to be a bad epidemic a year ago.

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