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S06.E15: Do Not Disturb

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In order to prove Sara Harvey is behind the threats, Team Sparia reunites to find evidence of Sara's involvement before they go to the cops. Caleb puts together a plan with Hanna to fight back against the new stalker by using the security footage tapes. Meanwhile, Aria gets unexpected news from her family, and Ali comforts Emily in her time of need.



"We're looking for a golf club, specifically a nine iron which is about 4 feet long."  "Okay, let me search the top drawers of this dresser that couldn't possibly hold something that big just so I can see the creepy gloves and find this secret map because the plot requires it".


Of course Emily gets screwed out of the money for donating her eggs, and of course EmojA egg-naps them.  I'm surprised the recipients of the eggs can back out of their contract at a moments notice without having to pay at least partially.


Ezra and Toby no where in sight, which is a good thing.  Loved Caleb's booby trap.


Shower's scene with Ali was just weird.  I really hoped when Alison picked up that book she would have just slammed it on Shower's robot hands.

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Ok so I kept pausing the show to read stuff on Facebook, so I ended up taking two hours to watch the show.  I think that demonstrates how much interest I have left in this show.  As for things that jumped out at me this episode:



  • Team Sparia! If only the writers would send Spencer and Aria off by themselves more often.
  • I liked Hanna telling off her boss.  It was nice to highlight how much more confident Hanna is now compare to when the show started.
  • Emily on hormones.  It made me smirk.



  • A stole Emily's eggs.  If this show had not already jumped the shark, it just did.
  • What is going on with Emily and Alison?  The show just dropped their relationship back in season five and now Alison is taking care of Emily after surgery. This is the first episode that Emily and Alison have really interacted alone since the time jump, not to mention that Alison is dating Dr. Rollin and is going to marry him.  I want the show to develop Alison and Emily's relationship post time jump, particularly because I am assuming Emily is mature enough to not fall head over heels for her freshman year crush, but it feels like the show is trying to set them up romantically, which just does not work.
  • Lastly I continue to roll my eyes every time Sara is on the screen.  When she was talking with Alison, why was Alison mad that Sara threw Charlotte under the bus?  Either Sara was working with Charlotte willing, in which case she is a psychopath so off course she tried to save herself, or Charlotte did kidnap and brain wash her, in which case, there is nothing that could have been said at Charlotte's trial that would have been unfair.
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Of course Emily gets screwed out of the money for donating her eggs, and of course EmojA egg-naps them.  I'm surprised the recipients of the eggs can back out of their contract at a moments notice without having to pay at least partially.


I would think IRL there would have to be some compensation. Emily was in surgery. Once an egg is extracted, I think you can't really take it back. But I'm also surprised there wouldn't be a waiting list of other people who might want to also buy eggs from Emily.


I loved that when Hannah was searching her mom's house she checked all the food, including the lasagna.  

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They really like to play up Byron's creep factor. Why was he sitting alone in the dark staring at the door waiting for Aria just to talk about him getting back with Ella? Who does that? 


Also, what the hell was that nightgown/bra thing Spencer was wearing? 


That thing was so weird looking. Where do these girls shop for their lingerie? 


Shower's scene with Ali was just weird.  I really hoped when Alison picked up that book she would have just slammed it on Shower's robot hands.


I did love Ali's response to Sara's sob story about her hands though. She couldn't care less. This is one area where the other girls could actually stand to be more like Ali because at least she's not falling for Sara's guilt trip about electrocuting herself on the bomb she helped set to kill them.  


New A's egg note to Emily at the end of the episode was so uncreative. “Give me the killer or I’ll use your eggs.” It was too direct. No egg pun? No fun little rhyme or puzzle? I mean putting the note in an actual egg carton was a good start, but Charlotte used finger bones and firecrackers and left notes in teeth, so Evil Emoji A needs to step it up. 


Poor Em though... now A's going to have her genetically blessed children. 


Glad Mona was back, and for that matter Alison too since she was missing for the last couple of episodes. I liked her scenes with Emily. They were actually kind of sweet and I was glad Ali was there for Emily. Part of me is still wishing they would at least address the fact that once upon a time they slept together because that's usually the type of thing best friends talk about if it happens. 


Oh and Sparia snooping around together was great. I don't understand why Sara's gloves were on like hand shaped display mannequins, or whatever you'd call those. Was it just to look extra creepy? Why not just leave the gloves flat in her drawer? 

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I was quite happy to see team Sparia. They snoop quite well together. 


Emily really deserves some compensation. She went through a lot of medial stuff, after all. Its not like she was loaning them a few hair samples. I knew the second Emily said she was giving her eggs away, A would steal them. Its the kind of batshit that all As thrive on. 


This is probably the most the writers have gotten a good handle on Ali in awhile. 

I just can't believe how stupid they were this week. Usually I'm able to suspend disbelief but every single one of them did something stupider than they would have done in high school.

Aria--Let's climb over the balcony of RADLEY and sneak into Sara Harvey's room. Who cares if she worked with A for x amount of years and is probably 9 steps ahead of me? Toss me like a frisbee so that I can meet Toby's mom on the pavement!

Spencer--Let me "borrow" the phone of my ex-boyfriend's fiancée/the daughter of my mother's campaign competition and snoop through it.

Caleb--Let me make a clone of the phone holding all of the competition's campaign secrets.

Veronica Hastings is going to lose her mind if she catches wind of this/loses the campaign because of this ridiculousness.

I guess the five year fast forward means that now they can show the girls lounging around in their lingerie.


After all these years, Spencer's plan is to find the mystery golf club/murder weapon and then she thinks that it will be safe for them to go to the police? "Hello, Rosewood PD. I know you have investigated my friends several times over the years, but I now think you are competent and principled so I am now going to hand you this potential murder weapon. I didn't use it to kill Charlotte, but I have it in my possession and I want to give it to you so that you can figure out who killed her. Why do I have it? Because I thought it was the murder weapon so I hunted for it. But I swear I had nothing to do with killing Charlotte. You believe me, right?"


Allison was acting shady as fuck in Emily's hospital room. I haven't found Allison very interesting this season but if she's going to keep acting like this, then she can stay. I also loved that her reaction to Sara's visit - cold and uninterested. Now if only her reason were Sara being a crazy biatch instead of "you hurt Charlotte's chances of being released."


Aria and Spencer decided to break into Sara's hotel room but once again DID NOT WEAR GLOVES?!


I love that Shower's new nickname is Evil Emoji.


As a kid who grew up calling my friends' parents Mrs. ______ and Mr. _______, I was totally with Emily when she asked Hanna why she was suddenly referring to all the parents by their first names.


I found it hilarious that Spencer said the last time she broke into some place, it was her dorm room because it cost $100 to replace the key. First of all, most dorms let RAs give you access to your room for a much smaller fee so if you just locked your keys in your room, you don't actually have to pay for a replacement key (and if Spencer lost the actual key, she would have to break into her room every day for the rest of the year and then she would still end up paying the $100 key replacement fee at the end of the school year when she had to turn in the key to her room). And when you consider how expensive her clothes are, was she really stressing over $100?


And OF COURSE A stole Emily's eggs, just as I predicted as soon as we learned that Emily was donating her eggs.


Totally cracked up over Hanna and Aria ransacking Ashley's house (including a shot of the lasagna box) and then Hanna wondering if Sara had just tricked her into trashing her mom's house. I want to know if they put all the food back after touching it. The germaphobe in me was like nope, you guys need to go to the grocery store and buy replacement food!


I wouldn't be surprised if Mona planted some ridiculous stuff in the private secure oppo folder just so Caleb/Spencer could find it. That is so basic that even pre-A Mona would have thought of that back in eighth grade.


I wanted to high five Hanna when she told Claudia to go fuck herself. It may not have been the smartest thing to do for her career, but it was the best thing I have seen Hanna do in 6B. I totally get that in certain industries, you are expected to start at the bottom and essentially be someone's gopher before you are given a real job and I respect that Hanna was willing to do that (especially in light of some of the entitled kids these days who expect to be hired as VPs without any experience when they're, like 20), but it was nice to see Hanna have some good healthy self esteem.

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The one thing that annoyed me was the Emily story. Of course Emily gets screwed out of the money last minute after she already has the surgery. I get the couple she was donating to backing out but wouldn't they have known a little bit earlier and wouldn't there have been items written into the contract for this sort of thing? I know this show is contrived anyway but this just seems stupid or maybe just plain old mean contrived.

Oh and also...of course Arias super secret is that mommy and daddy love each other. Of course it is.

Team Sparia!!!!!

See Hanna being stalked by a psychopath does have some benefits. Scary boss dragon ladies are nothing.

Edited by Chaos Theory
I totally get that in certain industries, you are expected to start at the bottom and essentially be someone's gopher before you are given a real job and I respect that Hanna was willing to do that


Her boss was so over the top that it was ridiculous.  "Get me all Asian models.  I love Asians, they're so elegant."  Nice bit of casual racism there.  Hopefully her next assistant gives her some of that joke-store gum that turns her teeth blue.  If that's the kind of people she has to deal with (or possibly turn into), Hanna is better off finding a different career.


I think Jordan's semi-shirtless scene was supposed to make us like him more (not gonna lie, he's got a nice bod), but I really wish they'd subtitle his dialog because I couldn't understand half of what he said.  He actually suggested that Hanna take a few days off, maybe go back to Rosewood to relax.  Relax in Rosewood?  I thought she'd told him about her past experiences there -- might as well suggest that she take a vacation to Mosul.

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Emily not getting the money would have to be fictional BS. In the real world a contract would be in place and the receiving couple would pay regardless if they used the eggs or not. Plus, if this was done through some kind of fertility organization I would think there would be other couples on a waiting list to receive the eggs. 


If the girls really wanted to search/snoop Sarah's room, wouldn't it have been easier to steal the room key and set off a fire alarm?  Then there'd actually be grounds for emergency personal to go in and find the stuff as well.  4 years of college has not helped these girls much. 


On a positive note, another week w/out Ezra. 

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if this was done through some kind of fertility organization I would think there would be other couples on a waiting list to receive the eggs.

The way some egg donation places work (like the one Emily used) is the egg donors go through an extensive screening and then their information is put into a database. The parents go through the different applicants and choose a specific donor and then the donor undergoes all the shots and surgery. So while there are doubtless many childless couples who would probably love to have Emily's eggs, this is the only couple who selected Emily as a donor. I'm sure she could find someone else to donate her eggs to, but it would probably have to be through another fertility clinic since the clients at her current place didn't pick her. But yes, she would have had a contract stipulating payment and I'm sure that she would receive most of the money since the other people chose not to use her eggs after all.


So Aria saw this huge hole in the closet and decided to just go down the rabbit hole (in those shoes, no less) without saying anything to Spencer? Great idea!

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo

On a positive note, another week w/out Ezra. 


And as a result, Aria was totally tolerable this episode. Maybe even borderline enjoyable to watch. I did question her decision to disappear into the hotel closet hole without at least calling out to Spencer first. You'd think after all she's been through she'd be a little smarter and a bit more hesitant about diving into dark scary places alone. Because I'm pretty sure it's not Narnia she's going to find on the other side.  



I think Jordan's semi-shirtless scene was supposed to make us like him more (not gonna lie, he's got a nice bod), but I really wish they'd subtitle his dialog because I couldn't understand half of what he said.  


Not only if he difficult to understand but he's so boring.  Even Hanna looks bored when he's talking and she's marrying the dude. 

Edited by SadieT
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And as a result, Aria was totally tolerable this episode. Maybe even borderline enjoyable to watch. I did question her decision to disappear into the hotel closet hole without at least calling out to Spencer first. You'd think after all she's been through she'd be a little smarter and a bit more hesitant about diving into dark scary places alone. Because I'm pretty sure it's not Narnia she's going to find on the other side.

Hey it's Aria we're talking about. She probably did land in Narnia and by next week they will have made her their queen.

Everyone else gets there eggs stolen and their lives threatened..,Aria gets her parents back together. #Thatssoaria.

Oh and seriously Sara getting kidnapped by Charllotte and made her doll/hostage for months/whatever and only friend does not make you and Alison sisters.

Edited by Chaos Theory
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Was Sara always insanely rich (limo driver, lives in a hotel, five thousand fake hands with exquisite gloves attached) or did she get some sort of cash prize out of her role in the kidnapping? Did the liars get any money?

Maybe she got paid for her appearance on a daytime talk show to discuss her time as one of the Mole Women.
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I don't believe Charlotte is dead. She had Mona, Mr. D and Jason all in suspended animation where everyone thought they were dead but they weren't. She has enough cash to buy accomplices to help her fake death and fake the autopsy report (if they really did one). I won't be surprised if Mona is B and Charlotte is coming back... I'd really really love it if Ezra was in this from the beginning and the writers were just biding their time. At least I'd feel justified for watching all these years....

Why does Ashley not only tolerate the girl who helped torture her daughter staying in her hotel, but she also caves to breaking policy about the room cleaning???

Ashley doesn't own the hotel. She is just the manager so she can't kick someone out due to her personal feelings. And you can't kick someone out of a hotel for eating fried chicken while wearing gloves!

I'm still waiting to find out who really bought Radley and turned it into The Radley. Maybe it was Charlotte's fake company from 6A. The Carassimi Group? Heh and maybe she wrote in her will that Sara could live there indefinitely for free which is why Ashley can't kick her out!

I forgot that the show's explanation for A's unlimited funds was that Charlotte was a financial wizard. Maybe Charlotte left all her money to Shower Emoji and that's how she can afford bureaus full of gloves.

If Sara can't use her hands, who sledge hammered through the closet wall for her? And how does she climb down that ladder without using her hands? Does she have her man servant strap her to his back like Fezzik and Vizzini on the Cliffs of Insanity?

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Maybe she got paid for her appearance on a daytime talk show to discuss her time as one of the Mole Women.

I think I just discovered how to tolerate Shower Emoji's presence. Now whenever I see her blank stare and hear her monotone voice, I am going to tell myself she is an amazing actress who is just fooling the girls into thinking she is always flat and lifeless. Outside of Rosewood, she dresses in brightly colored clothing that looks adult sized versions of toddler clothing, carries her Charlotte inheritance money and Mole money around in a pink backpack, and skips around singing show tunes with Sebastian the crab (true story: real life Titus was in the Broadway version of The Little Mermaid!), which is what I will be imagining every time I am forced to watch her stare at one of the PLLs from now on.

I hope Charlotte left Ali a lifetime supply of Dress Barn outfits and denim teacher garb.

But she already inherited all of Jessica's realtor blazers from the 80s. How will she fit all of her Dress Barn and denim shirts in her closet too? Related note: now that she's the only one living in the Di Laurentis house, is she still in her pink childhood bedroom? Edited by ElectricBoogaloo

Ashley doesn't own the hotel. She is just the manager so she can't kick someone out due to her personal feelings. And you can't kick someone out of a hotel for eating fried chicken while wearing gloves!


But if the policy is that the rooms must be cleaned within a certain time frame and Sara is refusing to let housekeeping into her room (which was the disagreement they had in the hall), as the manager Ashley can kick her out or simply send in the maids if she refuses to comply. Certainly Ashley should be beyond suspicious given what she already knows about the girl. 

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They used that exact same plot with Byron and Ella in season 1. Only it actually had funny lines like "My parents are having an affair with each other". Who thought they needed to rehash that plot line of all things?


When Spencer said to Caleb and Hanna "Actually, it's good that both of you are here", who else thought for a second she would add 'because I propose we have a threesome"? Probably because the dialogue between Spencer and Caleb these days is like taken from a porno movie or a bad fanfic.



I guess the five year fast forward means that now they can show the girls lounging around in their lingerie.


That's literally the only improvement compared to pre-time jump.


If you take out the dialogue between Hanna and her grotesque boss and show it to someone who has never watched PLL, I bet he will tell this must be a parody clip.


Charlotte has buried treasure now? I hope someone gets to sing Yo-ho-ho and a Bottle of Rum next episode. Seriously, why the heck did Shower wait five years to go looking for it and how come nobody heard the noise of the hotel walls being destroyed?


Spencer is so listless. Where is the spark? After five A-less years, she should be frantic now or alternatively, come up with smart plans while keeping calm or both. She is just going through the motions. That's not the Spencer I loved in the early seasons.


Don't the writers freaking realise that the "I was kidnapped" card is the only shot Sara has for winning at least some of the audience over? Are they trying to make literally everyone by implying she helped Charlotte quite willingly indeed? At least Charlotte had the messed up childhood excuse, what's Shower's excuse?


Last time we saw Alison she was "Charlotte, Charlotte, Charlotte, what to do, what to do, who to accuse", now she is all cool, calm and collected and doesn't seem interested in the investigation at all? PLL characterization, ladies and gentlemen.


EmojiA is about as boring the protagonists and about as scary as a fluffy bunny. Why am I watching this show again? Ah, yes, to enjoy people snarking on it, mostly.

Edited by Jack Shaftoe
  • Love 3

Emily should still get paid for her eggs if the show is supposed to make sense. She did her part of the deal, whether her clients would use the eggs is not her problem anymore.


Anyway, another really boring episode. I couldn't care less about Shower's drama, Byron and Ella getting back together for the 18th time or so, and how much of a bitch Hanna's boss is. Also, the new A seems just as dumb as the girls (Charlotte would never fall for Caleb's obvious trick), so they may have a chance now.

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This is all about keeping the girls in town so they don't have options. At least Hanna's storyline was plausible. Most of us have had shitty bosses. We have all wanted to say "Take this job..." I can buy her having enough of her shrew of a boss and quitting.

Emily's story is ripe with implausibly. Even someone who knows jack about the process thinks something smells rotten. There had to be contracts and if then else's. There is no way the couple could back out literally after the fact and have no repercussions unless Emoly went in blind and stupid and gullible.

Spencer is being kept in town by family obligations but that can only last for so long eventually her life will call her unless something happens which it will. Spencet will do something Spencery and it will destroy her potential prospects.

Aria my guess is she will get busted ghost writing the book. But it is Aria so that could go either way.

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If Sara can't use her hands, who sledge hammered through the closet wall for her? And how does she climb down that ladder without using her hands? Does she have her man servant strap her to his back like Fezzik and Vizzini on the Cliffs of Insanity?


Robot hands, calling it now.  She's just like the bionic woman except dull and uninteresting. 


How the hell did she get the extension ladder into her room?  And into that tight space behind that wall? 

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Charlotte has buried treasure now? I hope someone gets to sing Yo-ho-ho and a Bottle of Rum next episode. Seriously, why the heck did Shower wait five years to go looking for it and how come nobody heard the noise of the hotel walls being destroyed?



That's why she had Jeopardy playing in her room when Aria walked past -- to drown out the noise of jackhammering through the wall with the soothing tones of Alex Trebek. . . 


Yeah, I got nothing. I also want to know why, if there's something inside the walls, did they not discover it during the extensive renovations required to turn a ratty ass insane asylum into a boutique hotel?

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This is all about keeping the girls in town so they don't have options. At least Hanna's storyline was plausible.


Not all that plausible, though - if her boss is such a tyrant, why did she allow Hanna to stay in Rosewood for so long in the first place? Surely a PA can't do everything over the phone and the internet. On a related note, Hanna's excuse that she needed a landline to do her job was rather hilarious. What's next, she will need the fax machine Ashley used to have in that beautiful kitchen of hers for no reason? Ezra's typewriter too?


And speaking of obvious lies - exactly what possessed Aria to think her "Ezra needs a quiet place to write" excuse would be believed?

"Either that or she's learned how to make hospital corners with her teeth."  That cracked me up.


I'm really not seeing a big difference with the 5 year time jump. They still do the stupidest shit and never learn anything.


Those text messages onscreen are annoying as hell.

Edited by Writing Wrongs
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The time jump was clearly done to just get rid of the high-school aspect of this show. Probably for the reason of our actress's-aside from Sasha- are way beyond the years of high-school aged. But I don't know.. I think being in high-school is what saved this show at times. It made sense that they acted stupid and irrational at times because they were teens, but now? They should be a lot of smarter but they are not. I also think the show likes that they are now of drinking age and can be shown drinking, I swear we've gotten so many scenes of them drinking as of late. Because they can. 

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They definitely stepped up the lingerie this season. Hanna spends more time in kimonos and negligees than anything else. Emily had some cute floral PJ thing and Spencer...that was unprecedented. I do know that weird backless cutout lingerie teddies aren't the kind of thing I pack when I'm staying at my parents' place...unless of course, I'm guaranteed to get laid.

Is Hannah aware of how big that hard drive was ?  Because she was searching through really small portions of cereal to find it.  Which just seemed stupid.


No, that's not suspicious at all -- Emily doesn't answer Alison's text messages so Alison's therapist just shows up "on his own".  That's bullshit.


Emily's sleeveless skull shirt .... was pretty bad.  What is with this show and skull imagery on fashions ?


And Emily basically points Dr. Rollins to look at her egg procedure document that was somehow conveniently jutting out of her purse.  Wow, that is stupid -- even for Emily.


This whole "daughter of the candidate thing, it's so new to me" -- new to you and the rest of the planet, because that never happens in real life.


New A's codename from Caleb is Evil Emoji -- that's no worse than New A, I guess.


Really Alison -- no explanation for your sudden departure touring horse farms of Eastern Pennsylvania, or whatever the hell she was supposed to be doing for the past several episodes ?


How is Sarah Harvey getting inside the high school dressed like a thug -- if she has conditions on her release that she couldn't testify at Charles/Charlotte's hearing you would think that staying 500 yards away from high schools might be part of it as well ?

Does anyone really believe that Shower Harvey was contacted by a teacher to give a talk about her disability ?  WTF ?  She just admitted she would say whatever it took to protect herself.  I wouldn't believe a word she said.


Even more scenes of Hannah having "the feels" over Caleb and Spencer -- you are engaged, just let it go already.


So Alison goes to visit Emily, doesn't knock and then pretends she was just going to leave when Emily conveniently opens the door ?  So, is Emily staying in Lucas' apartment too ? Wouldn't Emily be staying with her Mom since she lives out of town full time ?

Emily continues to prove that she is the dumbest of the PLLs -- when she confessed to Alison about harvesting her eggs when there was no reason to do it.  Emily: "I'm such a jerk."  No, you are an idiot !


Mona looked amazing, she was so put together the whole look worked.  Hannah's red shirt/black bra combo worked to a lesser extent.


Emily's mom knows about her egg donation, why wasn't she there instead of Allison ?  Allison ... who they are all pretty sure that they can't really trust.  At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if Alison steals Emily's eggs.


FFS !! Why would Mama Marin and Shower Harvey be having a loud conversation in the hallway right outside Aria's door, followed by Shower Harvey glaring back through the peep hole.  No that's not suspicious behavior at all.  What -- did Aria have her peep hole reversed like Kramer did on Seinfeld ?


Do you really need to undergo surgery to harvest your eggs ?  I think they need to hire a new medical consultant for this show, because I'm pretty sure that's not how it works.


How would a hospital in Rosewood,PA have real-time updates from the intended recipients of Emily's eggs ?  That also seems like bullshit.  And of course, New A is going to adopt Emily's eggs.


Hannah's excuse is that she couldn't get a cab at Penn Station -- they have Uber in the PLL-verse, why wouldn't she use that ?  Or maybe the subway ?  But then the fiancé picks her up in a car service, this makes no sense.


I was so hoping that the grocery bag Emily discovered at the door was going to be a flaming bag of poop -- just to watch her try to stomp it out.

So, is Emily staying in Lucas' apartment too ? Wouldn't Emily be staying with her Mom since she lives out of town full time ?

Emily's mom knows about her egg donation, why wasn't she there instead of Allison ?

Do you really need to undergo surgery to harvest your eggs ? I think they need to hire a new medical consultant for this show, because I'm pretty sure that's not how it works.

Emily was staying with her mom but Pam doesn't know that Emily is donating her eggs (Emily has kept that a secret from Pam, lying about where she was going when she had to go to the doctor to have her appointments, and she specifically asked Allison not to tell her mom in this episode) so she was going to stay at Lucas's place to recover after surgery. The excuse she gave her mom for being away was that they were shopping for bridesmaid dresses for Hanna's wedding. Yes, harvesting eggs still requires surgery.

Eggs are retrieved from the donor through transvaginal ultrasound aspiration, a surgical procedure performed under conscious sedation. Using a tube attached to an ultrasound probe, a physician guides a suctioning needle into each ovary and removes mature oocytes from the follicles. A medication such as oral promethazine may be used to prevent nausea during the procedure. Following egg retrieval, donors generally remain in the clinic for 1-2 hours and then return home for further recovery. An antibiotic such as oral doxycycline will be prescribed to prevent infection, and donors should undergo a follow-up exam and ultrasound one week after the retrieval.

Because egg retrieval involves surgery, donors may occasionally suffer structural damage to organs in close proximity to the ovaries. Major injury to the bladder, bowel, uterus, blood vessels or other pelvic structures occurs in approximately 1 in 500 to 1000 surgeries. Though the procedure is performed under sedation or mild anesthesia, egg retrieval can cause mild to moderate discomfort. Surgical risks include acute ovarian trauma, infection, infertility, vaginal bleeding, and lacerations. Additionally, anesthetic complications may occur, although they are rare in healthy women. In one study of 674 women who underwent egg retrieval, 1.5 percent required hospitalization due to complications occuring during or after surgery.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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I mean, are we being really real here? Caleb and Spencer are never going to last, obviously. If they do, I will be genuinely surprised, but I don't think Hanna likes her husband to be, whose name I've heard like a million times but have yet to bother remembering because I know his days are numbered and same with Toby's new girl. They won't last. Spoby and Haleb are going to be back together in a little bit. 

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Emily was staying with her mom but Pam doesn't know that Emily is donating her eggs (Emily has kept that a secret from Pam, lying about where she was going when she had to go to the doctor to have her appointments, and she specifically asked Allison not to tell her mom in this episode) so she was going to stay at Lucas's place to recover after surgery. The excuse she gave her mom for being away was that they were shopping for bridesmaid dresses for Hanna's wedding. Yes, harvesting eggs still requires surgery.



I just figured the whole surgery was something the writer's invited to were play up the drama for the whole "being attacked by Shower Harvey" scene as she came to.  Learn something new every day.


If Sara can't use her hands, who sledge hammered through the closet wall for her? And how does she climb down that ladder without using her hands? Does she have her man servant strap her to his back like Fezzik and Vizzini on the Cliffs of Insanity?


Haha!  I rarely post in the PLL threads but I was perusing the episode thread to see if anyone mentioned this very thing.  Is Sara faking the hand problem?  Perhaps her hands weren't really that damaged?  How else could she possibly climb down that later? Unless she doesn't climb down but her accomplice climbs up the ladder to Sara's room to plan their dastardly deeds. 


Also, perhaps I missed seeing anyone else mention it, but why would Byron and Ella have to sneak around and hide their relationship? Lots of couples get divorced and then a few years later end up back together.  Mike is away at college (and the "he never seems to be in his dorm room" seemed like an odd thing to mention), and Aria is supposedly home for a temporary amount of time, so why sneak around?

  • Love 2

Okay, there were a few things I found enjoyable in this episode - more so than the previous few.

I like Ella, especially when she's not overly empathetic, so this was a good one for me. She also makes Byron more tolerable.

Spencer's voice was a little crackly, and I very much enjoy that.

Hannah's makeup in the end scenes looked great.

The aftermath of going through Ashley's potential hiding places made me laugh. 

Caleb was righteous and awesome and also hot. 

... but my favorite was Mona absolutely chewing the scenery in the one small but important scene she got. I have to say, I've grown to kinda love her as a nefarious force. 


There were bad parts, too, of course. So many bad parts. The worst were the Harv, and Emily's freak-out after donation. 

Part of me loves that Caleb and Hanna teamed up to screw with the new A, but the other part of me knows that this just means new A is going to go after them even harder.


I'm pretty sure that Charlotte is dead due to the fact they went through all the proper channels after her body was found (police were called, autopsy was performed, the body some time in the morgue, and then they had the funeral which I think was open casket). Since her body wasn't decomposed (like Bethany Young's was when they finally found it), they should have been able to easily tell from looking at the face that it was Charlotte. I mean, I don't discount the insane possibility that Charlotte went to the trouble to find someone who looked similar to her, gave her plastic surgery to make her look like Charlotte, and then killed her (or hey, maybe she and Sara switched faces like Nicholas Cage and John Travolta in Face Off!) but for the time being I'm assuming that Charlotte is dead and this is a new A that the girls are dealing with.


So while I totally understand Caleb and Hanna's decision to push back at new A's request, I think part of their motivation was just being tired of having the original As (Mona and Charlotte) constantly push them around and demand things. Don't get me wrong - I am fine with what they did because it was hilarious (and hey, they are dealing with a blackmailer here so it's not like they are punishing an innocent person) but I feel like they feel like they are getting some payback for all the crap they went through back in high school even though it's most likely not Charlotte behind this most recent blackmail. Possibly Mona because, well, she's Mona.


Did Caleb and Hanna tell Spencer, Aria, and Emily about their plan before the hand off? I remember Hanna was on the phone with someone when she dropped the hard drive in the designated trash can, but I can't remember who it was. I wonder if Caleb also put some kind of tiny tracking device on the drive so they could find out where the new lair is. I'm guessing they didn't since they have all been assuming it's Shower Emoji.


Can we please check in with Magic Mike at college? Preferably shirtless and experimenting with his sexuality with his fraternity brothers?

They made sure to mention him this week which I'm sure means that he is up to something shady that we will find out about later. If it involves oil wrestling with his fraternity brothers, so be it.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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