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S05.E17: Forgive & Forget


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Ryan was really good at the start of this episode. Anyways..

Yeah I think Cait is now just getting who she married. Tyler has never been a prize, maybe I thought so back when i first met these two but then I remember him and his issues when she let it slip about when she hooked up with a boyfriend YEARS ago when she lived in Florida and his "I want your phone bills!" bs.

Farrah is asking her six year old where she wants to live. As if Sophia knows what she is talking about.

Amber has no idea what she is talking about. Yes, next year Leah's birthday may be different but i don't think its in the way you are thinking.

  • Love 7

I'm only 3 minutes in and my blood pressure is already on the rise after hearing Farrah say she "let" her mom watch the demon child.

She really thinks its an honor to watch that creature doesn't she?

After reading the comments, I may do myself a favor and spend the next hour playing with my dogs instead of watching this shit.

  • Love 7

Cate can miss me with her anxiety attacks. Not fully doubting her but when I get mine I can't even move or acknowledge anyone when it's happening. Last time she said she was having one it just didn't check out to me. Again not doubting fully but still.

Matt is a dumb ass. So is Amber.

Maci makes me fall asleep.

Farrah, geez. If I was her parents I would either stand up to her ass or just leave. It seems like their afraid of her and it pisses me off. That's your daughter, grow a pair.

  • Love 4

Cate can miss me with her anxiety attacks. Not fully doubting her but when I get mine I can't even move or acknowledge anyone when it's happening. Last time she said she was having one it just didn't check out to me. Again not doubting fully but still.

Still not caught up but as for the anxiety attacks i totally agree. I've had someone call for an ambulance right before I blanked out and it was covered as a medical emergency.

  • Love 3

I don't doubt that Catelyns depressed and I don't know, we've seen her as a teenager for years and she never seemed.. happy? She told her therapist, "I was such a happy kid and teenager".. what?  I could be wrong but the years we saw her as a teen, she didn't seem happy and she used to talk about the past in a very terrible way, she used to say things about moving around a lot due to April and missing school and trying to do better now-of course for Carly, but alas- she mentioned how school was the last thing on her mind due to never really having a stable life. Nothing about her teen years seemed all that happy to me. It was just odd for her to say something like that. 

  • Love 13

I'm only 3 minutes in and my blood pressure is already on the rise after hearing Farrah say she "let" her mom watch the demon child.

She really thinks its an honor to watch that creature doesn't she?

After reading the comments, I may do myself a favor and spend the next hour playing with my dogs instead of watching this shit.

Do it. To be honest I only watched the last 10 minutes of it. It unexpectedly ended at 10:45 lol.

The port-o-potty in front of Farrah's house was my favorite part of the episode.

The dynamics in Farrah's family are so fucked up. When Farrah returned from her "business" trip, she got out of the car and hugged Sophia, but when Debra came over to get a hug, Farrah was so uncomfortable and said to Sophia: "go say hi to grandma!" Huh? Why? She just spent the whole month with her grandmother. It's obvious she disdains her parents, and can't be normal, let alone nice or affectionate with them. Ever.

So the dirt on Matt turned out to be true, and yet all Amber and Matt want to do is talk smack about Gary. And then Matt has the nerve to talk like he's such a loving and involved "step-parent" to Leah at the same time it's acknowledged that he's a deadbeat dad to 5,6,7 kids (interesting they kept the number vague). And I love how they chalk it all up to Matt's "bad past," and now forgiveness is in order. What about Matt withholding this info.? Isn't he guilty of lying to Amber in the here and now? He can't call that a drug-induced "mistake" like he does everything else. Conveniently, he's pretending the seven children claim is news to him. Sure, as if all seven baby mommas all waited until now for child support.

  • Love 10


It unexpectedly ended at 10:45 lol

That is because there were no commercials. That was mentioned prior to the episode. All we saw was the stupid guy who looked like a broke-ass Spider Man talking about his stupid movie.


The pop quiz for the previous episode showed that Cate is now designing children's clothing for her line. Oh sweet Jesus. Stop, just fucking stop you idiot people with your no-talent, shitty career choices. Get real. Cate has no education other than high school and now she is designing clothes for children. The same girl who looks like shit in her own clothes. Paisley blouses with her skin-tight Levi's and hooker shoes. Please!


Nope. Cate doesn't have anxiety. Not the kind of anxiety that some people have endured.



I don't doubt that Catelyns depressed and I don't know, we've seen her as a teenager for years and she never seemed.. happy? She told her therapist, "I was such a happy kid and teenager".. what?  I could be wrong but the years we saw her as a teen, she didn't seem happy and she used to talk about the past in a very terrible way, she used to say things about moving around a lot due to April and missing school and trying to do better now-of course for Carly, but alas- she mentioned how school was the last thing on her mind due to never really having a stable life. Nothing about her teen years seemed all that happy to me. It was just odd for her to say something like that.

I am not buying her depression either. 


I think Cate is sluggish due to her weight and not being healthy overall. That doesn't discount her own laziness. Eating the way Cate does on top of SMOKING, it is no wonder she is feeling blah. That is not the same as depression.  The girl needs to lose weight, eat better, stop with the pizzas, salt, and the consumption of human nails. She had gestational diabetes but didn't care to follow doctor's orders. I imagine her health is just as bad, if not worse, since having Nova now that she thinks she doesn't have to worry about diabetes.

  • Love 8

Can someone refresh my memory? How long was Farrah on Celebrity Big Brother? I thought she got kicked off early for fighting or something. Do they let them call home on the UK version of the show or were all those calls after she got kicked off?

I would assume she probably had to stay long in the UK for promo stuff for the show and things like that. But I don't have any actual info. 

Can someone refresh my memory? How long was Farrah on Celebrity Big Brother? I thought she got kicked off early for fighting or something. Do they let them call home on the UK version of the show or were all those calls after she got kicked off?

From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celebrity_Big_Brother_16#Farrah_Abraham


On Day 16 she was fake evicted along with Jenna and moved into Big Brother's Luxury Suite where they spied on the other Housemates until their return on Day 18. Unbeknownst to them, the other Housemates were in on the secret. She became the fifth Housemate to be evicted following an eviction showdown on Day 23.







Amber's Magic Set birthday gift for Leah --- I love how she remarks to Gary "You've gotta like help her with this... you know what I'm saying."  How about you play magic set with the kid?  Have you ever played with the kid?


Matt: "A hundred and fifty different tricks you can learn."  Oh, con artist Matt appreciates tricks.


Kristina looks like she could be Leah's biological mother.

Edited by CofCinci
  • Love 11

So let me get this straight:  The school has a rule that 6 year olds cannot wear makeup (tyranny, I know!!).  Sophia wore makeup to school.  Grandma was told not to send her to school with makeup.  What did Farrah say? something like, "do they know how we are", or "how we roll," meaning what? that mom does porn so the 6 year old can wear makeup to school?  what the hell??

I would love to be a fly on the wall during the parent/teacher conference with Farrah.  You couldn't pay me enough to teach that child and deal with that family.

  • Love 11

Caitlyn also needs to stop sitting on Tyler's lap (she does this is several episodes). I don't particularly like Tyler, but Cait...sweetie...you are just too big for that, K?

There was also a quick shot of them in the pool in Hawaii and Cate sort of jumped into Tyler's arms. It made me feel some sort of evil way. First she's showing how there's a dolphin cove outside of their room and the next Cate is doing tricks like a killer whale. Yikes!

My sense of humor is vicious enough without your help MTV.

Edited by Brooklynista
  • Love 9

Farrah was clearly trying to pick a fight with Debra when she called from the UK. I mean who calls internationally to talk about the water bill. And then to accuse the person who is caring for your child while you are away of excessive water use was just over the top. And what the hell was Debra wearing in the driveway. Eye bleach please!!

I think Cates problem is that she thought that 1) nova would replace Carly and she wouldn't feel bad about giving her up (which imo was a direct result of not getting proper counseling, I'm looking at you Dawn after she gave up Carly). Add to it figuring out that your lifelong love is a duche nozzle and being overwhelmed by parenthood because guess what you never had real role model and you have cate.

As for these bitches throwing out the word anxiety as an excuse I want to just throttle. Being nervous isn't anxiety.

  • Love 6

Debra's midriff - I'm very torn on this issue. I'm 37 and despite being fit (veteran) after I had my daughter my exposed belly days are over. If I was 60 and had a flat stomach like Debra, I think I'd want to show it off every now and then. Like Helen Mirren frolicking in a bikini. More power to you, ladies --- however, Debra is fucking nuts and the belly shirt is a cry for attention instead of a symbol of age acceptance and empowerment.

  • Love 7

Catelynn: "She can stay home if I leave her?" Passive-aggressive request to Tyler to watch their damn kid so she can go get her antidepressant refill.

That scene was very telling to me. It's obvious that whenever Nova is home Cate is expected to take the baby with her every time she leaves the house and she wanted to put Tyler on the spot in front of the cameras. I have no doubt that Tyler does absolutely nothing to help take care of his daughter. Edited by grumpypanda
  • Love 12

Good Lord, Sophia is already too obsessed with body image. She tells Deborah not to make her "look fat"?? She's wearing makeup to school and Deborah is there to make sure the school understands that this is acceptable, because they live a different lifestyle?? Give me a fucking break. Sophia is going to be an even bigger mess than Farrah, I'm sure of it. She is super entitled. I bet any little thing she gets in trouble about at school is excused and explained and fought to the death over."We have a rule against bringing knives to school" - "Sorry, that's just how we roll." I wonder how old she'll be when she gets her first plastic surgery? Twelve?


Debora and Michael are the biggest sycophants that ever walked the face of the earth. Farrah puts them through the ringer about watching her little demon child, but they're tripping all over themselves to welcome her home, complete with a giant, gaudy wreath. They are absolutely terrified to upset her or her Baby Goo. While Farrah was gone, she said that she was hoping her parents weren't driving Sophia too crazy. I love my kids, and they're pretty well behaved most of the time, but the few times I've left them with someone for an extended period of time (2 nights for my boys, my daughter hasn't been left overnight yet), I'm more worried about my kids driving their Nannie crazy!!! But Baby Goo can do no wrong. 


Also, what is with Farrah's obsession about the water bill????





I'm really not buying how nervous Cate was to leave Nova with her Mom for a week, this isn't much different than the current arrangement - well, except you'll be thousands of miles away. I think that's downright crazy. I'd leave the baby with Kim for a week, but not April. And I'd be damned if I let Butch alone in my house for that long. They'll come back and find another family living there and Butch on the run with the money. 


But I'm not doubting that the girl has some depression and anxiety going on. I think she seriously lacks motivation, is stuck in a rut, and would be greatly improved by working and going to school and having a life. I think she's afraid to not be with Tyler every minute of the day, and that might be partly why she hasn't done any of those things. Also, I think he is a big cause of anxiety. I think he makes her feel like her anxiety is a real burden to him, and just bringing it up causes her even MORE anxiety. I hated when he said, "We don't need any anxiety attacks in Hawaii". WE??? I hate that fucking condescending crap. If you truly want to be a "we", how about being supportive of her and asking what YOU could do to help her feel more relaxed while on vacation. 


Those two just have no communication skills with each other. It's just a series of passive aggressive bullshit. Catelynn may act like he's stepping up, but she's still scared to ask for help. And now Tyler is trying to pawn off his shirking the daddy role on the claim that he wants Cate to experience what she missed with Carly. Hahahahahaha. Nice try, but no. YOU missed all that with Carly too, so step in and change a diaper, asshole. 




Big shocker. Ryan missed Halloween. I'm with Maci - WHAT is he doing, that he always misses everything??? It's one thing when he's at home, we guess he's probably sleeping. But we know he was out and about. What the hell does he do with his day that he can't be better prepared for things?? Who goes to the Halloween store at the last minute on Halloween night? Ryan, that's who. Also, his face - they don't do your makeup at the Halloween store, do they? Somebody was painting him up, and I'd wager it was a girl he was too busy boning to realize that he was missing his son's trick-or-treating. Maybe Taylor is onto something and he really DOES have a second family. 


I just hated how he acted when he showed up at home - blaming Maci for "rushing" things, guilt tripping Bentley for not "waiting" for him. You're the fucking adult here, Ryan! This is no one's fault but yours. If you genuinely want to trick-or-treat with your son, get your shit together and be on time. Be the adult. When you're not throwing pumpkin guts at your kid, that is. 


I soooo loved Jenn and Bentley getting him back! Also, Bentley asking the camera guy to hold his lollipop - adorable. 




Matt and Amber can lose me with all their whining about this latest drama being on the show. "Matt didn't sign up for this". Oh, I'm pretty sure he did. Matt, honey, you've been stalking reality stars long enough to know how this works. Anything in your life is fair game, bubba. Also, I highly doubt he was "shocked" by all of those paternity filings. I don't believe he was just some drunk and/or junkie, sleeping around and not realizing that he's sowing his seed. I think he knew about each and every one of those kids and has been on the run, trying to evade his responsibilities. 


I thought it was REALLY nice of Kristina to text Amber after they left, and reassure her that Leah loved her present, and her. Very classy move. I also thought the limo surprise and magic show was really fun and sweet. Leah is a great kid and she deserved a nice birthday. 

Edited by ghoulina
  • Love 19
I think a lot of Catelyn's anxiety had to do with knowing she was going to an amazingly beautiful and tropical place as a 20something while looking like a 56yr old. Not even today's 56yr old, but the old school 56yr old who looked frumpy as hell. She looks like Tyler's great auntie. I'm not even talking about her size. I know a lot of big girls who can out dress any size two. I'm just talking about how damn middle aged she looks.


This is so true. I'm sure she would feel better if she lost weight, but it's not just that. One, she needs a bra with better support. She needs some better clothing options that work WITH her body, not against. And that hair. I just can't deal with her hair. It constantly looks greasy and has no life to it. She keeps it slicked back in a frumpy pony tail (pony tails CAN be cute, y'all!) with that long piece of side bangs.....I just can't. She seriously needs a new hair cut, something to hide her forehead, and something that will add volume and shape. 


I'm not trying to be overly critical. But it just seems like she's given up, and she's far too young for that. 

  • Love 13

Amber might be the stupidest woman who ever lived.


Matt did not ask for this?  Honey, the only reason he is with you is because you are on t.v. and making reality t.v. money.  He totally asked for this.  Also, he thinks pretending to be an addict is a get out of jail card for all bad behavior.  Yes, Matt Gary is a bad person for wanting to protect his daughter from the likes of you.


Matt also confirmed what many of us believed, he takes care of Leah, not Amber.


I noticed that Ryan spends time with Bentley when Maci is out of the picture.  Maci wants Ryan to spend time with Bently and her and Taylor and Jade.   She wants to force him to be a part of her life.  Maci is by far the best mother of the four girls.


I am glad Cate and Ty got the break from their busy lives...checking Facebook every five minutes is hard.


Debra was cracking up when Farrah called her about the water bill.  Totally fake.  I do think that family is fucked up,


The way Mike and Deb over indulge and spoil Baby goo is the exact recipe for a Farrah.   This gets you a bitter entitled monster.

Edited by qtpye
  • Love 6
Cate can miss me with her anxiety attacks. Not fully doubting her but when I get mine I can't even move or acknowledge anyone when it's happening. Last time she said she was having one it just didn't check out to me. Again not doubting fully but still.


No, I know what you're saying. I think people confuse anxiety with actual anxiety attacks. I have anxiety all the freaking time. It's hard to explain, but it's like this state of tension that I just can't seem to get out of. I feel completely on edge. But an actual "attack" is completely different. I've never actually had one, but I've seen one before and it's very very scary. The person legitimately couldn't breathe. Cate may feel anxious a lot, but I don't know that she's actually having "attacks". 


The girl needs to lose weight, eat better, stop with the pizzas, salt, and the consumption of human nails.


Thanks for making me choke on my Raisin Bran.


Matt: "A hundred and fifty different tricks you can learn."  Oh, con artist Matt appreciates tricks


Right??? I was wondering if any of them were - "How to successfully evade child support" or "How to woo girls half your age on Twitter". 

I noticed that Ryan spends time with Bentley when Maci is out of the picture.  Maci wants Ryan to spend time with Bently and her and Taylor and Jade.   She wants to force him to be a part of her life.


I don't really agree with this. I think Maci just wants to be able to co-parent with Ryan. There is only one Halloween, so instead of taking turns each year, or splitting the night, she probably thinks it would be easier if they could all go together. The same applies to birthdays. It's probably nice for the kid as well, to have his parents together sometimes. 


Also, we've seen Bentley plenty of times at Larry and Jenn's without Ryan around. I don't think it's Maci that is preventing him from spending time with his kid. I think it's him and his lazy, selfish, immature, uninterested attitude. 

  • Love 10

so, what is with Farrah's obsession about the water bill????

She's broke. Even though she is the most entrepreneurial of all the Teen Moms and brings in the most revenue -- she also hemorrhages money. Why does she hire a driver everywhere she goes? She's not moving to LA because of her career. She's moving to LA because she can't afford the house (which can't sell and has been reduced in price) and her lifestyle.

  • Love 5

I wanted to scream during the whole makeup conversation. "That's how we roll?" WHAT! There is absolutely no reason for that child to wear makeup. I feel for the school that has to deal with those loons.

When Amber was saying she wanted to go inside and give the present to Leah and Matt was like no, I thought to Amber should just go in. If he doesn't want to go, he can stay in the car. It's her child. But no, of course she has to beg him to come with her. I just can't with them. I thought the limo was a little over the top but the magic show was cute.

Bentley and Jenn throwing pumpkin guts on Ryan was awesome.

Also, can't wait to see Deadpool!

  • Love 5

Farrah, geez. If I was her parents I would either stand up to her ass or just leave. It seems like their afraid of her and it pisses me off. That's your daughter, grow a pair.

She's their meal ticket.


So let me get this straight:  The school has a rule that 6 year olds cannot wear makeup (tyranny, I know!!).  Sophia wore makeup to school.  Grandma was told not to send her to school with makeup.  What did Farrah say? something like, "do they know how we are", or "how we roll," meaning what? that mom does porn so the 6 year old can wear makeup to school?  what the hell??

I would love to be a fly on the wall during the parent/teacher conference with Farrah.  You couldn't pay me enough to teach that child and deal with that family.

That whole conversation had my eyes rolling right out of my head. Who sends a six year old to school with makeup? At that age you wear makeup to your dance recital. And Farrah! "And what did you say?" Debra, pleased as punch, like the best little girl in the world: "I talked to the principal! I told her that this is what we do in our family! If Sophia wants to wear makeup to school, that is what she will do! That is how we roll!". Farrah's got her well trained. How long until the teacher and principal are begging for death is my question. Can you imagine the fallout the day Princess Sophia is disciplined for hitting another kid or pushing in line or calling out without raising her hand or going to the bathroom without permission? Her teacher deserves hazard pay.

  • Love 9

I feel so badly for Nova, she gets no attention whatsoever (and they call her high-maintenance, probably cuz she's like "hey guys, I'm here, remember me?)


that scene when they were talking about whether it was okay to leave her, she was just rolling around on the floor with no one even looking at her.  (I think Tyler was playing with her for a moment, Cate can't be bothered)


I was glad that they gave her a "proper goodbye" in the rain,  I half expected them to wave at her & say "peace out!"

  • Love 6

From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celebrity_Big_Brother_16#Farrah_Abraham


On Day 16 she was fake evicted along with Jenna and moved into Big Brother's Luxury Suite where they spied on the other Housemates until their return on Day 18. Unbeknownst to them, the other Housemates were in on the secret. She became the fifth Housemate to be evicted following an eviction showdown on Day 23.


So ... clicking on that link led me down (too many) hours of YouTube rabbit hole, watching the Dr. Phil vs Farrah interview clips, then James Deen, then back to CBB. And after a night of curdling rage building in my chest after listening to this hosebeast with the foul mouth yell over everyone, I wanted nothing more than to catch her going into a public bathroom (no cameras in there), locking the door, taking her money and phone away then giving her a good swirly. She'd be stuck and I'd head straight out of town never to be prosecuted (yeah ... I thought about it way too much). But then, as YouTube will, it offered me some other videos. And rather than get my hands dirty, I'm just going to make a vision board so Farrah's next reality show puts her in a house with Tiffany Pollard. I'm mad now that she and Debra were kicked off the Family Therapy show, now that I know Tiffany and Mother Pollard are on it. I would love to see them go at it. If anyone can crack that little witch and beat her at her own "act psycho then laugh it off" game it's Ms. New York.


Good Lord, Sophia is already too obsessed with body image. She tells Deborah not to make her "look fat"?? She's wearing makeup to school and Deborah is there to make sure the school understands that this is acceptable, because they live a different lifestyle?? Give me a fucking break. Sophia is going to be an even bigger mess than Farrah, I'm sure of it. She is super entitled. I bet any little thing she gets in trouble about at school is excused and explained and fought to the death over."We have a rule against bringing knives to school" - "Sorry, that's just how we roll." I wonder how old she'll be when she gets her first plastic surgery? Twelve?


Debora and Michael are the biggest sycophants that ever walked the face of the earth. Farrah puts them through the ringer about watching her little demon child, but they're tripping all over themselves to welcome her home, complete with a giant, gaudy wreath. They are absolutely terrified to upset her or her Baby Goo.  


Big shocker. Ryan missed Halloween. I'm with Maci - WHAT is he doing, that he always misses everything??? It's one thing when he's at home, we guess he's probably sleeping. But we know he was out and about. What the hell does he do with his day that he can't be better prepared for things??

I just hated how he acted when he showed up at home - blaming Maci for "rushing" things, guilt tripping Bentley for not "waiting" for him. You're the fucking adult here, Ryan! This is no one's fault but yours. If you genuinely want to trick-or-treat with your son, get your shit together and be on time. Be the adult. When you're not throwing pumpkin guts at your kid, that is. 


I soooo loved Jenn and Bentley getting him back! Also, Bentley asking the camera guy to hold his lollipop - adorable. 


Matt and Amber can lose me with all their whining about this latest drama being on the show. "Matt didn't sign up for this". Oh, I'm pretty sure he did. Matt, honey, you've been stalking reality stars long enough to know how this works. Anything in your life is fair game, bubba. Also, I highly doubt he was "shocked" by all of those paternity filings. I don't believe he was just some drunk and/or junkie, sleeping around and not realizing that he's sowing his seed. I think he knew about each and every one of those kids and has been on the run, trying to evade his responsibilities.


I'm REALLY starting to believe that maybe Farrah CAN wish them into the cornfield. There's no other explanation for the fear and fawning. Money? Clearly they can make some and they still have some with those houses. Sophia? Won't nobody want that demon child for long, Farrah will come crawling back to them. Now fame ... THAT they can't have without that nightmare. And they seem willing to sell their souls to the devil (Farrah) to keep that.


That child is going to catch hell in a very short amount of time, going to school with that attitude and make-up. Peer pressure is going to kick in in just a couple of years, and they're going to fuck her whole world up if she keeps being Baby Farrah. 'Cause nobody is putting up with Baby Goo's shit outside that house.


Ryan creeped me the fuck out talking to Bentley with that face full of make-up. He also seemed high as fuck. There was so much unsaid in that scene, whenever Jen and Larry are with him what's not being said is almost palpable. I like that whenever he tried to put it on Maci, they diplomatically pulled it back because Bentley was sitting there. I have to say, he's probably the sweetest of all the Teen kids, at least on TV. And not at all bratty.


Funny how Matt didn't even seem very upset about it coming up, just used it to rile up Amber. He knows the drill - he was sitting there thinking "yeah! For sure I'll be back now, got me a storyline, I'll get some interviews out of it and I know Dr. Drew will want to talk to me about this! I won't even have to wait for Amber to run off stage to get some air time!"


She's broke. Even though she is the most entrepreneurial of all the Teen Moms and brings in the most revenue -- she also hemorrhages money. Why does she hire a driver everywhere she goes? She's not moving to LA because of her career. She's moving to LA because she can't afford the house (which can't sell and has been reduced in price) and her lifestyle.


If she can't afford that house and lifestyle she has in Texas, she sure as SHIT won't be able to afford a house and lifestyle in LA. Maybe a condo.

  • Love 9
I've never actually had one, but I've seen one before and it's very very scary. The person legitimately couldn't breathe. Cate may feel anxious a lot, but I don't know that she's actually having "attacks".


Word to this. Panic attacks and generalized anxiety disorder are a far cry from being anxious. I had a panic attack a few years ago and literally, you cannot control your breathing, heartbeat, it feels like you are going to pass out. A far cry from the nervousness you feel when you are facing an unpleasant task, like taking a test or making a speech. Totally different. 


Cate is nervous and depressed. I still think that despite being married, she fears that Tyler will leave her, disapprove of her. It's about low self esteem, not anxiety. She needs counseling, badly

  • Love 5

So ... clicking on that link led me down (too many) hours of YouTube rabbit hole, watching the Dr. Phil vs Farrah interview clips, then James Deen, then back to CBB. And after a night of curdling rage building in my chest after listening to this hosebeast with the foul mouth yell over everyone, I wanted nothing more than to catch her going into a public bathroom (no cameras in there), locking the door, taking her money and phone away then giving her a good swirly. She'd be stuck and I'd head straight out of town never to be prosecuted (yeah ... I thought about it way too much). But then, as YouTube will, it offered me some other videos. And rather than get my hands dirty, I'm just going to make a vision board so Farrah's next reality show puts her in a house with Tiffany Pollard. I'm mad now that she and Debra were kicked off the Family Therapy show, now that I know Tiffany and Mother Pollard are on it. I would love to see them go at it. If anyone can crack that little witch and beat her at her own "act psycho then laugh it off" game it's Ms. New York.



I'm REALLY starting to believe that maybe Farrah CAN wish them into the cornfield. There's no other explanation for the fear and fawning. Money? Clearly they can make some and they still have some with those houses. Sophia? Won't nobody want that demon child for long, Farrah will come crawling back to them. Now fame ... THAT they can't have without that nightmare. And they seem willing to sell their souls to the devil (Farrah) to keep that.


That child is going to catch hell in a very short amount of time, going to school with that attitude and make-up. Peer pressure is going to kick in in just a couple of years, and they're going to fuck her whole world up if she keeps being Baby Farrah. 'Cause nobody is putting up with Baby Goo's shit outside that house.


Ryan creeped me the fuck out talking to Bentley with that face full of make-up. He also seemed high as fuck. There was so much unsaid in that scene, whenever Jen and Larry are with him what's not being said is almost palpable. I like that whenever he tried to put it on Maci, they diplomatically pulled it back because Bentley was sitting there. I have to say, he's probably the sweetest of all the Teen kids, at least on TV. And not at all bratty.


Funny how Matt didn't even seem very upset about it coming up, just used it to rile up Amber. He knows the drill - he was sitting there thinking "yeah! For sure I'll be back now, got me a storyline, I'll get some interviews out of it and I know Dr. Drew will want to talk to me about this! I won't even have to wait for Amber to run off stage to get some air time!"



Take another look at the restaurant scene with Farrah. Debra just stands there like a servant until Sophia and Farrah choose their places, then Michael may sit. WTF?  I'm Debra's age, I would walk in like I was the queen bee grandma and sit my butt down first, then pull out a chair and tell my grandchild where to sit. 

This family is E TV's next Kardashian family.


Disgusting Matt is so pleased with himself.  How can you not remember having a child? This isn't the first time he's heard of these kids so why isn't he just saying they are or aren't his kids? What is the big mystery and why isn't Amber demanding answers?

Between him, the proposal next season storyline at Maci's house and Tyler how can they not carry on with another season?

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noticed that Ryan spends time with Bentley when Maci is out of the picture.  Maci wants Ryan to spend time with Bently and her and Taylor and Jade.   She wants to force him to be a part of her life.


I don't really agree with this. I think Maci just wants to be able to co-parent with Ryan. There is only one Halloween, so instead of taking turns each year, or splitting the night, she probably thinks it would be easier if they could all go together. The same applies to birthdays. It's probably nice for the kid as well, to have his parents together sometimes.


Also, we've seen Bentley plenty of times at Larry and Jenn's without Ryan around. I don't think it's Maci that is preventing him from spending time with his kid. I think it's him and his lazy, selfish, immature, uninterested attitude.



I think I am just tired of hearing her whining about it all the time.  Her only story line is that Ryan is a crappy dad who never spends time with Bentley. 


At this point, Jen and Larry are the ones who take care of Bentley, not Ryan.  They also seem to take care of Jade and are very nice to Maci.   However, if she has a problem with it, take it to the courts.  Ryan will never be the father Bentley needs, but he does have two people who love him very much in Larry and Jen.


Also, if Ryan really is on drugs, it is better not to leave Bentley alone with him.

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Maci: It’s not your fault that Ryan is a douche. He’s the one who is going to feel like an asshole because he’s never there for his son.  Ryan needs to put Bentley before himself. But I guess if he hasn’t yet, he never will.

Amber:  Matt needs to stay out of the battle between Amber and Gary regarding Leah.  He has nothing to do with it. If Amber wanted to have a birthday party for Leah so badly, why didn’t she just do it? She’s always blaming Gary for everything. It can’t always be his fault.


Farrah: Who in their right mind would let their second grader wear make up to school? Farrah always blames everyone else for her issues. I wonder what kind of work she was doing in the UK. Farrah is such a bitch. Where did Sophia learn about being fat? That proves the example that Farrah is setting.


Catelynn: You leave Nova for days at a time with no problem. Don’t act like going on your honeymoon is any different than real life. If you’re so concerned about her, why do you choose to document your lives on TV?  I bet MTV paid for that trip. I cannot believe that Catelynn and Tyler only got married because they had Carly. I bet being on MTV had something to do with it, too.

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I'm REALLY starting to believe that maybe Farrah CAN wish them into the cornfield. There's no other explanation for the fear and fawning. Money? Clearly they can make some and they still have some with those houses. Sophia? Won't nobody want that demon child for long, Farrah will come crawling back to them. Now fame ... THAT they can't have without that nightmare. And they seem willing to sell their souls to the devil (Farrah) to keep that.


I thought it was the money/support thing for quite awhile. And maybe that is part of it. Doesn't Michael live with Farrah? Or he did, for awhile. Anyhow, the fear with which they tiptoe around leads me to believe there's more. I think there is some deep dark secret in the Abraham-Danielson past. I think Farrah has threatened to out if it they ever really piss her off. And that's how she keeps them under her thumb. That, money, and fear of never seeing Baby Goo again (which I will never fully understand, because that child would make me run away, crying for my blanket). 

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I cant stand the way none of these girls challenge their men.  The guys are straight up telling them they are pieces of shit and none of the chicks demand anything.


Tyler is telling Cate he would not be with her if it wasn't for giving up Carly and she sits there and says nothing.  My first and only response would be "What the hell does that mean? then why are you here?"  How can a man tell you in so many words that taking care of the baby is your job and you say nothing?  Is she really that scared of losing him she can't cause any conflict at all?  She's just going to take whatever  shit he shovels her way.


Amber sits on her dumb ass talking about IF these kids belong to Matt.  Excuse me?? How about "Take your bitch ass outta my house until we are sure exactly how many children you have, and maybe you can come back in the house after that.  And maybe not even then because you only told me about two and no way you didn't know about these other 30."


But no.  She sits and says nothing.  And lets him get away with saying nothing.  How can he add nothing?  How can she let him turn in onto Gary?  Gary takes care of his daughters.  Matt isn't even sure how many daughters he has, but Gary is the bad person.  Oh. Ok.


Maci, just bought herself a fiancé so who cares.


Farrah is the only one who is ahead here, because she doesn't have a man in her life bullshitting her.  Granted its because she's wack a doo, but still.

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Catelynn: You leave Nova for days at a time with no problem. Don’t act like going on your honeymoon is any different than real life. If you’re so concerned about her, why do you choose to document your lives on TV? I bet MTV paid for that trip. I cannot believe that Catelynn and Tyler only got married because they had Carly. I bet being on MTV had something to do with it, too.

MTV most likely comp'd the honeymoon. C&T were there with their production crew. The hotel was featured and resort details, like the dolpins, were directly commented on in the episode. There was even a little resort montage -- that ends with Cate sexually assaulting a completely disinterested Tyler in the pool.

Her anxiety stems is rooted to Tyler. He's left her suddenly twice, right? One time he dropped out of school and ran off to New Orleans to be an actor -- with no discussion/notice. She probably keeps bells on the doors at night to be alerted if he tries to leave. Cate, he's not into you. Marriage and baby won't keep him. He's his father's son.

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Amber sits on her dumb ass talking about IF these kids belong to Matt. Excuse me?? How about "Take your bitch ass outta my house until we are sure exactly how many children you have, and maybe you can come back in the house after that. And maybe not even then because you only told me about two and no way you didn't know about these other 30."

But no. She sits and says nothing. And lets him get away with saying nothing. How can he add nothing? How can she let him turn in onto Gary? Gary takes care of his daughters. Matt isn't even sure how many daughters he has, but Gary is the bad person. Oh. Ok.

She'll say nothing to "Matthew". They're tied together with cement boots now that they're house flipping together. She'll put up with his shit until one of them relapses or runs off with someone else.

From her Twitter:

"Not only did he have a job but his x boss works on our houses we're flipping. I'm just shocked at these reactions honestly."

They have houses. Plural? -- so many that they've brought in Matt's ex-boss to come help. Yikes. She's got two con artists robbing her now. Check the receipts, girl!! Tiolets are only like $100 at Home Depot.
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