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Sleepy Hollow in the Media

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Huh?  What do you mean "Twitter?"


I can't speak for MissAlmond, but if I understand the response, there was and is a lot of anger on Twitter over the show. Things like forcing KW on us, Orlando being let go, the writers room chaos, the mess of season 2, NB being pushed to the side, the cringe-worthy storylines.


But I suspect - again based on Twitter - the question most verboten is one of two:


"What the hell happened in Season 2"

"When will Ichabbie happen??"

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I can't see the second one being a problem, unless either Mison or Beharie is ridiculously sensitive (or, granted, the asker was particularly offensive). Actors and show runners face that question all the time.

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If they don't want to do them is it because they are over the show? I just figure if you love your job and the show is not doing well you might want to promote it to get more viewers.

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I read that question on tvline and I don't think it had anything to do with sleepy hollow.  I think any lack of promotion from the show and its leads has more to do with the network than anything else.  They've already shunted the show off to Friday nights, why would they invest more money into by actually promoting it? Seems to be Fox's mo.

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I can't see the second one being a problem, unless either Mison or Beharie is ridiculously sensitive (or, granted, the asker was particularly offensive). Actors and show runners face that question all the time.


Most intelligent actors who want to excel in their craft, I think, would rather have a variety of questions thrown at them, especially thought-provoking questions. They want stuff like "What's the hardest part of your craft?", "What challenges have you faced in the role?", "Who inspires you?", "What is the impetus of your character deciding to do X, or Y or Z.". Even political questions (though they have to tread carefully) or questions of a philosophical nature.


To take a current Oscar winner who wants to be taken seriously. It's the same as someone like Leo DiCaprio, who has starred in a variety of roles, some complex, some dramatic, some action-ish, and at every promotional event he attends, all media can ever ask is "OMG, Like Titanic was the best!! What was it like to kiss Kate Winslet??" It becomes incredibly tedious for the actors.

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Oh sure, there's stuff I hate about my job too. I'm just saying that even if you're groaning inwardly at every inane repetitive question, it still doesn't seem serious enough to make someone throw up their hands and go "THAT'S IT, NO MORE PROMOTION!"

Quite honestly, it sounds like self-entitled diva behavior and neither Mison nor Beharie sounds like a diva. So I'm inclined to agree with blugirlami21above.

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Oh sure, there's stuff I hate about my job too. I'm just saying that even if you're groaning inwardly at every inane repetitive question, it still doesn't seem serious enough to make someone throw up their hands and go "THAT'S IT, NO MORE PROMOTION!"

Quite honestly, it sounds like self-entitled diva behavior and neither Mison nor Beharie sounds like a diva. So I'm inclined to agree with blugirlami21above.


Agreed about Mison and Beharie not being divas. But there is a reason why they are not out there. Does FOX not want to spend the money on them/SH? Most likely. Money is important, and let's face it, corporations will do what they can to squeeze that last cent. So why haven't they sent NB/TM on the road for promo? It could be that the big talk shows don't want them (not big enough of a name). It could be that FOX has already (long) decided that the show will be cancelled so why bother. It could be that the actors do hold some clout, and are able to say "Nah, not interested".


Basically, NB/TM or the PTB at FOX decided to nix having excessive promos for SH. It's a business decision - what can you do?

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I don't believe NB or TM have any say so on being used to promote SH.  They don't have that kind of power.  They are actors under contract.  If Fox wants to send them out to promote SH, then Fox would do just that.  Not sending the leads out to promote the show, IMO, tells the fans Fox does't want to draw too much attention to them.  Meaning, the chemistry is undeniable onscreen and off.  Neither actor has the clout to turn down promoting SH.  Fox's show.  Fox's decision on who will grace the interviews.  Right now, it isn't NB and TM.

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That blind item sounds like Castle too.


That makes more sense.  Both leads have gotten less screen time, and significantly  less screen time together over the past season or two,.  Forcing either to do promos would just cause more resentment.

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Interesting Twitter posts from Nicole:

Nikki Beharie -- @NikkiBeharie

fascinating!until it's harmful.Don't wonder or worry.Don't drink the poison or let the hate fly.Keep moving.toward light



Schera Young ‏ -- @ScheraYoung7

        @NikkiBeharie Is it hard to not be able to speak as freely as you'd like because of the position you're in or, have you gotten used to it?



Nikki Beharie -- @NikkiBeharie

@ScheraYoung7 I'm selective. But not mute.





Also -- great catch:

MattMilner -- @MichiganCubsFan

Look what I found! #Ichabbie's symbol over Crane's grave in #SleepyHollow's pilot! @sleepywriters took us back to S1


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Did you see her tweet back and forth with the Official Sleepy Hollow Twitter? That was interesting.


Where she asked why they weren't "following" her?  Yeah, their answer seemed kind of fishy: "Sometimes Twitter drops followers.".  Twitter had an "unfollow" bug in 2012 -- I don't know if it's been fixed.  Otherwise, none of the reasons for auto-unfollow apply...

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Man, if they actually chose the shape of that symbol based on some lighting choices back in the pilot, I am giving the writers *major* kudos on trying to do their homework and tie things together.

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Man, if they actually chose the shape of that symbol based on some lighting choices back in the pilot, I am giving the writers *major* kudos on trying to do their homework and tie things together.

Wow that made me gasp loudly - what a great catch! WOW! Omgoodness... that's super deep.

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Man, if they actually chose the shape of that symbol based on some lighting choices back in the pilot, I am giving the writers *major* kudos on trying to do their homework and tie things together.


So being the nerd I am, I just checked the Pilot episode (I have season 1 DVD's) to see if it really is the symbol on his grave...


Holy crap - yup, it IS!! I always thought it was an X marked on the grave, but it's not. It's the rune. Whoa. Good job writers. Nice call back.

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Man, if they actually chose the shape of that symbol based on some lighting choices back in the pilot, I am giving the writers *major* kudos on trying to do their homework and tie things together.


What's more amazing is that they didn't hit us over the head with "Lookie here! Aren't we clever?!" (At least not yet...)

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Man, if they actually chose the shape of that symbol based on some lighting choices back in the pilot, I am giving the writers *major* kudos on trying to do their homework and tie things together.

I don't think it was so much a lighting choice as it appears to be chalk type markings that maybe Katrina made to ward off all evil and to denote Ichabod as a Witness in the event that someone stumbled onto the grave. I also now really wonder just what kind of "witch" powers that Abbie may in fact have. She was able to concoct that salve they used on the wilderness guide. She was also chanting or saying something when she and Sophie separated in the woods to go after the WormMonster. I was trying to figure it out but couldn't. 


I think it was brilliant to tie in the symbol from the pilot to the symbol of the Catacombs to the symbol that had Abbie so enthralled. Great work by the writers.

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. She was also chanting or saying something when she and Sophie separated in the woods to go after the WormMonster. I was trying to figure it out but couldn't.

Responding in the episode thread.

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I'm assuming many folks have seen the recent MCM interview with Tom? If not, check it out. As I know we're starved for any kind of promotion, especially from our leads. It's already on YouTube and many fan Tumblr sites.

The link is posted in Spoilers.

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I'd love to know what critics you're reading, Dizzychickstar. Most of the ones I can find are all-negative, all the time. The Vulture reviewer is generally positive, I think... but stay away from A.V. Club and IO9, reviews and comments alike. Very little positivity to be found, and a lot of negativity from posters who haven't even bothered to watch Season 3.

I don't read the other sites nor comments after they got rather unpleasant (IMO) during S2.  Is it still the anti-Crane and Abbie coupling stance that is out there?


I've been wondering if they have kept Crane and Abbie's shared screen time at a minimum in an effort to appease those who were very vocal against the pairing, but are continuing to build to that end anyway?

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Of the stuff I've seen, I would say the rabid anti-shipping has really quieted down. That being said, comments in general have also lessened as the show has lost viewers. I think the attitude among diehard fans that are still posting in various places are more pro Ichabbie then against.

That's just my perception though and we all can look at the same things and arrive at different opinions. Like, I don't agree that most of the critics have been hating on Sleepy Hollow. Sure, they're not glowing and effusive in praise, but I would say that most of the stuff I've read this season has been more positive than negative. Many of the reviews I've seen acknowledge that while the show is not the nutty fun of the first season and still has some issues, the quality has improved from the second season and the show is competently run and enjoyable. Even AV Club, which supposedly hates on everything, has rated most of season 3 episodes B+. Sure, if you don't want to hear anything negative about the show for whatever reason, then stay away from the critics, but I personally think that there are fair critiques out there.

The io9 one was pretty bad though. (Though I do think there were some valid points even in that one, like the one about season 3 having boring, toothless villains.)

Edited by cynic
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 Like, I don't agree that most of the critics have been hating on Sleepy Hollow. Sure, they're not glowing and effusive in praise, but I would say that most of the stuff I've read this season has been more positive than negative. Many of the reviews I've seen acknowledge that while the show is not the nutty fun of the first season and still has some issues, the quality has improved from the second season and the show is competently run and enjoyable. Even AV Club, which supposedly hates on everything, has rated most of season 3 episodes B+. Sure, if you don't want to hear anything negative about the show for whatever reason, then stay away from the critics, but I personally think that there are fair critiques out there.

The io9 one was pretty bad though. (Though I do think there were some valid points even in that one, like the one about season 3 having boring, toothless villains.)



I have to agree with this.  For the most part I think the critics can be summed up as "Not the show we fell in love with in S1, but solid episodes that deliver some entertainment."  Praise for Mison and Beharie remain universally high, even amongst  the most critical critics.


I will always have a super soft spot for the i09 reviews especially those from S1.  They are hands down some of the best and funniest reviews of the show I have ever read.  But my feeling is that reviewer falls into the "this is not the show I fell in love with" group.  And i get the sense that people in that group will never like anything but a return to S1 storytelling, no matter how interesting (in a different way) the show may have become.  I agree that S3 is a much quieter less dazzling season than S1 and I kinda hate the MOW format, but the overall arc is interesting, there have been stellar stand out episodes and the individual performances have been great.


On a different note, I just have to say I love how totally thirsty the Ichabbie fandom is.  Pix from the final ep of the season have been released (nothing too spoilery) and this particular one is giving everyone palpitations.  I can't lie, I am totally up there with the "What does this even mean?" group.  LOL


eta: link  http://www.screenspy.com/articles/tv/sleepy-hollow-3x18-ragnarok-photos/nggallery/image/sh-s3_318-sc23-tr_0692_hires1/#gallery

Edited by DearEvette
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On a different note, I just have to say I love how totally thirsty the Ichabbie fandom is.  Pix from the final ep of the season have been released (nothing too spoilery) and this particular one is giving everyone palpitations.  I can't lie, I am totally up there with the "What does this even mean?" group.  LOL



I want to go to there. TM--Tina Fey


ETA: Hmmm. I can't see the picture. Do you have a link to the photos?

Edited by topanga
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On a different note, I just have to say I love how totally thirsty the Ichabbie fandom is.  Pix from the final ep of the season have been released (nothing too spoilery) and this particular one is giving everyone palpitations.  I can't lie, I am totally up there with the "What does this even mean?" group.  LOL


eta: link  http://www.screenspy.com/articles/tv/sleepy-hollow-3x18-ragnarok-photos/nggallery/image/sh-s3_318-sc23-tr_0692_hires1/#gallery

Responding in the spoiler thread.

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Ahhh that picture is my everything. Well not every thing, but it's headed in the right direction. It's a really intimate move from Abbie, and it captures everything lovely and swoony and hot about Ichabbie. GIVE IT TO ME NOW.

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Ahhh that picture is my everything. Well not every thing, but it's headed in the right direction. It's a really intimate move from Abbie, and it captures everything lovely and swoony and hot about Ichabbie. GIVE IT TO ME NOW.



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My mind cuts off anything following "Give it to me" and mentally replaces it with Baby. I have no idea why Rick James has taken up permanent residence in my head.

Because he's Rick James, bitches!*

*No offense meant, I just couldn't resist lol!

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I'm not going to read too much into it just yet...she could just be wiping crumbs off his shirt. He looks like he's engaged in some kind of engrossing speech so I'm not even sure it's registering with him.

Which would be kind of old-married-couple cute, so still shippy I suppose.

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Yeah, that is what I mean though.  It could be completely innocent and mean absolutely nothing.  But what if it isn't?!?!?  So of course you have to blow it up and examine it under a microscope with an Encyclopedia Brown like thoroughness.  Why is she touching him? Where are his hands? What does the expression on her face mean?  What does the expression on his face mean?  What does this all even mean? LOL.  The thirst is real y'all.


The funny thing is I was just a half ass Ichabbie shipper.  Loved their actorly chemistry, wouldn't mind if they got together eventually but wasn't pushing for it really.  Until this season and then somehow I climbed on board and brought my cooler, snacks, deck chair and life preserver with me.

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Yeah, that is what I mean though.  It could be completely innocent and mean absolutely nothing.  But what if it isn't?!?!?  So of course you have to blow it up and examine it under a microscope with an Encyclopedia Brown like thoroughness.  Why is she touching him? Where are his hands? What does the expression on her face mean?  What does the expression on his face mean?  What does this all even mean? LOL.  The thirst is real y'all.


The funny thing is I was just a half ass Ichabbie shipper.  Loved their actorly chemistry, wouldn't mind if they got together eventually but wasn't pushing for it really.  Until this season and then somehow I climbed on board and brought my cooler, snacks, deck chair and life preserver with me.

Loved your entire post, but the part in bold made my day. LOL

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I will always have a super soft spot for the i09 reviews especially those from S1.  They are hands down some of the best and funniest reviews of the show I have ever read.  But my feeling is that reviewer falls into the "this is not the show I fell in love with" group.


There's a difference between "this is not the show I fell in love with" and "Season 2 was better than Season 3", which -- no way, no how.  That there is just crappy writing.

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There's a difference between "this is not the show I fell in love with" and "Season 2 was better than Season 3", which -- no way, no how.  That there is just crappy writing.


Ah, ok.  I stopped reading the i09 reviews about...maybe the 4th ep of S3.  Had none of the sense of fun of before and it was clear she was no longer enjoying the show.  So the reviews no longer became must read for me.

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Just to clarify, the normal io9 recapper for Sleepy Hollow was Genevieve Valentine. Those recaps stopped at the fall finale. The site stopped doing a lot of recaps when it merged with Gizmodo, so it wasn't necessarily because of anything to do with the ahow itself. This latest io9 review was a one-off written by someone else.

Edited by cynic
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Yeah, he's really hard on Gotham as well. Which - look, Gotham has its problems just as Sleepy Hollow does. Neither one will go down in the annals of history as an objectively superior example of early 21st century television. But that does not mean they are not enjoyable or good or undeserving of praise. That guy Rob strikes me as someone who thinks television series are either near-perfect or garbage not worth his time, no in-between...and I'm sorry, that's just too narrow a mindset for me.

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The funny thing is I was just a half ass Ichabbie shipper.  Loved their actorly chemistry, wouldn't mind if they got together eventually but wasn't pushing for it really.  Until this season and then somehow I climbed on board and brought my cooler, snacks, deck chair and life preserver with me.



Are you me? lol. That's how I was. Now I'm all worried about it. I don't mind a good slow burn like Mulder/Scully but with this show I'm just worried we won't have time for that.

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Yeah, he's really hard on Gotham as well. Which - look, Gotham has its problems just as Sleepy Hollow does. Neither one will go down in the annals of history as an objectively superior example of early 21st century television. But that does not mean they are not enjoyable or good or undeserving of praise. That guy Rob strikes me as someone who thinks television series are either near-perfect or garbage not worth his time, no in-between...and I'm sorry, that's just too narrow a mindset for me.

I agree! I have no patience for negativity like that. I loved Genevieve's reviews, and was actually pretty sad when she stopped writing them. Maybe someone should ask her what she thinks of the back half of the season.

I like the fan community on Project Fox's site. The Sleepy Hollow thread has over 1,000 comments on it, while most of the other Fox shows have 300 or less. One of the Project Fox mods is pretty active in the thread, which is cool. I don't know what it means for renewal, but I guess it's nice that someone is listening.

Edited by LeeLeePanda
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What powers that be? When did they say it? What venue? Link?


OTHO they've said versions of that line since mid season one, so it's not news, and jerking around the fanbase is, in the opinion of tv show runners, entirely their prerogative. SH is lucky it wasn't messing with the Lesbians, just ask Jason Rothman @ The 100.

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So I heard, that tptb stated POINT BLANK that Ichabbie was never meant to be a couple.


It was a mistake, actually.


In an interview with Metzner at the WonderCon, he was asked something, and responded basically that they wanted Ichabbie to be best friends first, develop the relationship, but his answer was him trying to be diplomatic as he could.


The mistake was that a tweet was sent out by the Con, that stated that Ichabbie are ONLY to be friends. In fact, Orlando Jones tweeted in defense of Metzner. Many attendees who were there tweeted out that Metzner never said what that tweet claimed he said.


Honestly - it's a pure misunderstanding, and I vehemently ship Ichabbie. I actually feel bad for Metzner. I get history, but in this case, he shouldn't be attacked for this.


Original (incorrect) Tweet:


PromaxBDA ‏@PromaxBDA Mar 26

The main characters were made to be non-romantic right out of the gate, we wanted them to be best friends - @mraven257 #SleepyHollow


Orlando (which Metzner retweeted):


Orlando Jones ‏@TheOrlandoJones Mar 27

.@PromaxBDA A. This isn't exactly what @mraven257 said + it's not true B. Best friends do become romantic IRL C. NB/TM chemistry is palpable




a-dot-ham ‏@Midst0Fnothing Mar 27

@TheOrlandoJones THANK YOU! I was there and I'm like... this tweet is not accurate... @mraven257


MattMilner ‏@MichiganCubsFan Mar 27

@Bezi12 @TheOrlandoJones @PromaxBDA @mraven257 Benign. At least he said they aren't just best friend b/c of bond. Keep watching.Goods coming.

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What powers that be? When did they say it? What venue? Link?


OTHO they've said versions of that line since mid season one, so it's not news, and jerking around the fanbase is, in the opinion of tv show runners, entirely their prerogative. SH is lucky it wasn't messing with the Lesbians, just ask Jason Rothman @ The 100.


OT but. The Sleepy Hollow creators were terrible in season 2 and everything, but what Rothenberg did with The 100 this season is just beyond the pale. He destroyed everything the show stood for: character assassination of a fan favorite, an actual assassination of a fan favorite, Dead Lesbian Trope played straight, all POC characters are horrible xenophobes for no reason... Pretty sure he's gonna kill Bellamy off in the end, like a reflection of the murder/suicide trash party this season had became. The Katrina mess is really tame in comparison to this nonsense.

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The rest of this interview with ZA is interesting as well...


Sleepy Hollow's Zach Appelman on that 'brutal' twist
BY KELLY CONNOLLY • Posted April 1 2016 — 9:00 PM EDT

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Is this it for Joe, or is there any chance that one of the supernatural elements on the show could help bring him back?
: It’s Sleepy Hollow, so there’s always a chance. There’s always a chance of flashbacks, and there’s always a chance of ghosts and spirits. Whether or not that’s in the works, I have no idea. But as of right now, from what I know: He dead. It’s sad, but you know, if there is a season 4, it’ll certainly be interesting to see how that affects Jenny’s arc. This whole season has been about her finally being willing to open up to somebody and being really scared about getting hurt, so this is her worst nightmare coming to life.

This was something that our showrunner Clifton Campbell had said to me when he was letting me know about Joe getting killed: A big purpose of bringing Joe in this season was for Jenny’s storyline. I felt that too, very much: that the role Joe was bringing to this group of people was actually to allow Jenny’s character to grow. She’s had such a tough life, and she’s been so closed off and hurt. We got to see a lot of different colors to her this season, and a lot of different colors of Lyndie as an actress. Lyndie actually has so much warmth and humor and lightness to her that I think we haven’t gotten to see in previous seasons with Jenny. I’m really glad that I was the catalyst to let that happen. It’ll be very interesting to see what happens next for Jenny and whether or not this sends her down a dark spiral.
*  *  *
Do you have any thoughts on how you want to see Abbie and Crane’s relationship play out?
I think it’s tricky! I think they have so much chemistry, and there’s definitely a part of you that looks at them and goes, “Oh my gosh, you guys would be great together.” And I think, for me, whether or not I would want to see that happen would depend on how it was written and how it played out. But look: I think I was on the fence about it, and then for the last few episodes in the back end of the season, I’ve been watching the work that Tom is doing in those scenes, and I keep being like, “Oh my god, that guy’s in love.” Like that scene when he’s making her dinner, the Italian dinner with the candles. And then there was a scene a couple of episodes ago where they’re having a heart to heart. I see it less from Abbie to Crane, but I see it very much from Crane to Abbie. I don’t even know if he’s aware of it, but I think the guy’s head over heels. And I think Joe sees that, too … I know there was a lot of conversation about how Joe and Jenny got together so quickly and Abbie and Crane didn’t, and it’s like, well, they’re different people. Joe and Jenny are younger. I think they’re a lot more impulsive. And I also don’t think they’re mutually exclusive. I think the more love on the show, the better.

Edited by tv echo
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I really like ZA's insight into the show and the characters. He seems like a very grounded, thoughtful guy. Too bad to lose him. If he is in fact really dead.

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