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Sleepy Hollow in the Media

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Attention Writers:

If you get a renewal, please be aware that it is television and not tellevision.  If you claim someone is a powerful witch, you should show them doing powerful magic and not have others talk about it in the abstract to give credence to the claim.

Thank you


You should also not have said character faint at inappropriate times, shy away from rats and creatures of the like nor spend her days napping whilst your 'beloved' is off fighting the demons of hell. You should also NOT have a mere mortal or two (Abbie and Jenny) be capable of performing the exact same spells that you can perform, yet whom have no training, or experience nor any knowledge of the dark or magical arts.


You should also not have a 5'1" Abbie Mills be forced to physically assist a 5'10" Katrina Crane to simply walk.....

  • Love 7

You should also not have said character faint at inappropriate times, shy away from rats and creatures of the like nor spend her days napping whilst your 'beloved' is off fighting the demons of hell. You should also NOT have a mere mortal or two (Abbie and Jenny) be capable of performing the exact same spells that you can perform, yet whom have no training, or experience nor any knowledge of the dark or magical arts.

Maybe if she stopped voluntarily wearing corsets, she wouldn't constantly feel faint and need a nap.


Seriously, though, I don't think the writers have done Katrina -- or Katia Winter-- any favors. They took a poorly written character from Season 1 and pushed her to the forefront of Season 2. The problem is that Katrina remained a poorly-written character, but she was made a central character in almost every episode of Season 2. At the expense of Abbie (and Jenny), two characters who are well-written and interesting.


But, yeah. Don't call Katrina a powerful witch and make her afraid of imaginary rats. Don't call Katrina and Ichabod an epic love story when the two characters barely touch and barely make eye contact with one another.

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Entertainment Weekly Fandom Friday: Good Katrina or Evil Katrina on 'Sleepy Hollow'?


Comparison of the different "camps" who either prefer good Katrina, evil Katrina or no Katrina at all.


It's a very good article which some really good points for all sides. Poll at the bottom speaks truths. And it makes me HOWL with laughter.


7 things to Know about Episode 2.17 - Awakening.


Good Katrina literally has five votes, and that's probably Goffman, Katia, and a couple of their siblings. 

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TV Guide's interview with Katia Winter.


Well, she's definately salty...(is that the term for it?). I'm looking forward to everyone's responses to this one...(hoo boy...)

She really comes across badly. It's like she truly believes the show should revolve around her and she can't stand the fact that someone other than her deluded greatness is the preference of 90 odd % percent of viewers.

The more I hear from KW, the more I wonder if Lyndie, her supposed bestie is dealing in reality in her own right, becuase I see nothing likable about this entitled special snowflake.

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Folks are freaking out on the FB page, fearing the show has been canceled because it keeps saying, "Only 2 episodes left"...


I will be so angry if it gets canceled - I will hate KW and Goffman FOREVER. Mostly Goffman. But a little KW. I will forever blame them. A pox on all their houses.

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Finally read the TVG article with KW:  My observations


she finally finds a purpose and somebody that's completely and utterly on her side.



- She's always had a purpose -- she whispered cryptically.  Also, Ichabod has always, utterly been on her side.  So much so that he's betrayed Abbie because of it.


And she, for the first time, will take a stand in Episode 17.



- She's taken a stand before.  From the moment she realized Henry was her son, she's taken a stand.  She was all about saving him.  Her stand was what has sunk the previous 16 episodes.


maybe she doesn't belong here. Maybe she belongs somewhere else.



That's what we've been saying.


And what she's done so far in Season 2 hasn't really worked for her.



Hasn't worked for anyone, really.


She's frustrated because nobody seems to understand that she did all those things for the greater good, for the bigger picture.



Saving your mass murderer, demon possessed, warlock son to kill another day is not for the greater good.


Yeah, we've talked about that. ... It depends on what direction, what they want to do with her. I think that's a really important thing to discuss because it's been a tricky character to fit into this show now. I don't know. If we can agree on something that would be great, then yes. But if not, then it might be time to move on. Who knows? I don't know. It's too early to tell.




Wait...what?  On one hand she says she has no control over what she has been given but this line makes it sounds like she does has some say in how her character is developed? 


Man, I hope Katrina is the one that bites it.  I am tired of her now.

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You know what? YOU KNOW WHAT? I will no longer accept this selfish TWIT being locked in the past, redeemed, killed, or anything else. I want ABBIE to handle her. I'ma need Abbie to FINISH HER.


Great. I mean, I'd been pushing for Katrina to do more magic since Day 1 and finally, they've listened.



The tears, the anguish, the SACRIFICE. They listened to you SO HARD that the show is on the verge of cancellation, you twit. Instead of you just losing YOUR job, everyone will be unemployed. But yeah, everything is just great.


Good and evil, it's all a matter of perspective.



I'm quite certain Corbin being relieved of his head would disagree. I mean, he didn't need it anyway. 

My pressure is dangerously high right now ...


I think this will probably be the ultimate betrayal in Ichabod's eyes, but it's a betrayal on both sides.



What? How girl? HOW? If Ichabod has betrayed anyone it is ABBIE and the entire team witness crew! He let them ALL down precisely because he chose to follow YOU and your plan, to the detriment of his responsibilities to his JOB and his true purpose of being here! You get a free pass out of purgatory, your son saved, you get headless back, you get a cabin, a new wardrobe, and can lay around on your lazy, struggling ass all day napping and sighing and completely failing at all things Witch and Craft, while Abbie and Ichabod are trying to save the world with you interfering and negating their mission every step of the way!


Is this real life? I mean it's not, but I swear she is just Katrina now. Nasty and thirsty and entitled as hell. 


I'm all for Abbie in that sense.



Well, as long as they have your freaking approval ...


And also the fact that a lot of people don't like the idea of Ichabod being with someone else other than Abbie. That doesn't help.



The THIRST. She is practically dehydrated at this point.



  • Love 7

What upsets me is that it is taken for granted in that puff piece that if Katrina had become popular, she would have a rightful place as a main lead on the show. That if any fan did not want her to do so, it had to be down to shipping "Ichabbie."


I do not ship Ichabbie.


Frankly, I do not give a crap about Ichabod.


I still don't care about Katrina, and I resent being made to feel ashamed for that view. 


It's an insult. Not to me, but to Abbie, and to Nicole Beharie. She's a damn co-lead on the show. Yet it's a bad thing, it's an injustice, to not want this to change, even as Abbie was not only displaced from the main plot this season, but even from her own home.


Let's say this was Starsky and Hutch - they nearly brought in a new female detective, played by Roz Kelly, when Paul Michael Glaser was sick to death of the show and wanted out. Let's say the producers decided she was going to get more and more airtime so people would support her and want him gone.


If fans raised hell (and they would have, I'm sure), would there have been sympathetic interviews with Kelly, and endless talk from producers questioning why fans did not accept her?


Of course not.


Yet it's just seen as obvious that fans should have accepted Katrina and should have seen her as the ideal leading lady for the show. Only steadily declining ratings and social media roastings have changed their mind...and even now we don't know how much it's changed. 


It's a slap in the face to Nicole Beharie and to Abbie and to Abbie's fans.


And I can't believe that was literally half a page of whining about how Katrina can't control her powers and how skeered she was because if she did that would mean she was going to go bad.


There's only one witch I ever tolerated (years of) angst over, "I can't control my powers!" and "My powers will make me bad!"


Her name was Wanda Maximoff.


Sorry Katia/Katrina, you are no Wanda Maximoff. 

  • Love 3

Cinema Blend is just basically quoting the TV Guide interview, but I just have to post it because the title cracks me up. They're not pulling any punches, are they?

Sleepy Hollow's Katrina Kind Of Sucks, According To The Woman Who Plays Her


Edited by cynic
  • Love 2

Funniest tweet of the night from official account

“@SleepyHollowFOX: The unholy union which is about to unfold is one you should be most weary of. #sleepyhollow”

I assume they meant wary but Freudian slips will get you ('course the tweet seems to have been deleted now. Could my response have been one of the catalyst for deletion? )

pcta (@pcta)

2/16/15, 7:21 PM

@SleepyHollowFOX Is that wary or weary? Cause weary seems right

  • Love 17

Brilliant recap, TV J:


My comments re:  Page 1: Why is the fact that a coven of witches to be raised is a bad thing? Because Henry's the one wanting to raise them. Therefore --> Evil.

It's not like Katrina bothered to make a case to the Witnesses.


Page 2: Katrina travelling back to 18th century to allow Ichabod to officially "die." and not be "preserved". Dammit! Called it somewhere here or on the other board. Knew it!


Page 3: I've above posted my parallel of Abbie in the 18th century and Ichabod from the pilot.


You were right though - excellent episode!!

  • Love 1

Folks are freaking out on the FB page, fearing the show has been canceled because it keeps saying, "Only 2 episodes left"...https://www.facebook.com/SleepyHollow/photos/a.467368516675119.1073741828.467026763375961/804126182999349/?type=1&theaterI will be so angry if it gets canceled - I will hate KW and Goffman FOREVER. Mostly Goffman. But a little KW. I will forever blame them. A pox on all their houses.

The promo for next weeks episode said season finale instead of just finale. I'm not sure what to make of it since nothing official has been announced yet.

Sleepy Hollow got its ratings bump.  So very happy.   BTW - I'm not worried about what happens in the finale because I know who TPTB really are and they've stated repeatedly who they want left standing on this show. 


Edited by MissAlmond
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Some serious shade was being thrown at @TheOrlandoJones

  • "If we're dealing with a witch problem we have to call Katrina" #SaidNoOneEverHollow
  • #SleepyHollow Damn that witch can't stop crying even when she's kicking someone's ass #BiPolarHollow


Plus some serious funny:

  • #FunFact - Since the Rolling Stones were alive in the 18th Century they actually recorded that cover of Sympathy for the Devil themselves
  • #SleepyHollow that's what you get for eating at Roscoes demons and waffles Irving. #HighBloodPressureHollow
  • I think Frank probably had something else in mind when he heard Jenny was gonna give him head but that's cool #ThatsNotWhatIMeantHollow
  • Love 9

Thanks for this recap, I loved it. I thought it summed up a lot of what viewers be they mere fans like us or television critics have been seeing and feeling as we watched this once terrific show go off the rails. Do I think that I will be 100% satisfied with what I see in the finale, no. However, knowing that this is a last minute patch-job has made me feel more willing to come back for a Season Three if we get one. Aside from some utter fraggernackle bull like Abhie or Jenny being killed, Katrina being magically redeemed in the last five minutes and/or Ichabod and Katrina reuniting or being put back on that path, I am cautiously optimistic.

  • Love 1

Brilliant recap, TV J:


My comments re:  Page 1: Why is the fact that a coven of witches to be raised is a bad thing? Because Henry's the one wanting to raise them. Therefore --> Evil.

It's not like Katrina bothered to make a case to the Witnesses.


Page 2: Katrina travelling back to 18th century to allow Ichabod to officially "die." and not be "preserved". Dammit! Called it somewhere here or on the other board. Knew it!


Page 3: I've above posted my parallel of Abbie in the 18th century and Ichabod from the pilot.


You were right though - excellent episode!!

Thanks! I need to learn how to make gifs! I added a link to the tumblr gifs of the parallel scenes.


I get that if the witches agree to be lead by Henry that could be a bad thing. But, I suspect dealing with witches might be like trying to herd cats . . . I'd like to see a bunch of witches in Sleepy Hollow and I was disappointed they didn't have Abbie and Jenny temporarily activated by the bell. That would have been a good time for Abbie to say a few things to Ichabod that she might otherwise never say.

phoenics - great article. Well worth clicking the link everyone.

From the article

However, despite the gains, TV By the Numbers’ Cancellation Bear has bumped Sleepy Hollow down from “likely to be renewed” to a “toss up.”

The reasoning for this, states Bill Gorman, is last week’s 1.2 series low. However, it’s also possible (and I think, likely) for the show’s chances to get changed again after the returns from the last two episodes. So in short, it’s best to keep the momentum up if you’re a part of the online fan push. These last two episodes seem to be the big make-it-or-break-it moment for the show, so the higher the ratings, the better.

Also - this exchange between aaron baiers and a fan around campaigning to get a S3...


I hope this is more about the size and scope/shape of S3 - not whether we'll get one... I'm so upset at how thoroughly they tanked this show that we have to kill ourselves trying to save it. Ugh.

Any hints? Please? Pleeeeeeeeeeease?


    Oh, I'm sorry no insider stuff or anything. It's just I recongize the people with the real power is FOX.  We know this because the entire show jumped to their tune when FOX told them to change the music.  And FOX has made it clear, if SH gets a Season 3, Ichabod and Abbie aren't going anywhere.       

Edited by MissAlmond
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TV By the Numbers’ Cancellation Bear has bumped Sleepy Hollow down from “likely to be renewed” to a “toss up.”


I'm sorry I don't get this all season long while it progressively got shittier ratings (and at least three weeks of weird tweets from Goffman and abiers), that site had them as sure thing/likely, and the first week they bump up and course correct, it downgrades the show to the bubble? What the fuck ever, this is why I can't take "ratings" and those who interpret them seriously,  I just find it baffling that when it turns the corner you start to talk shit about it's chances. RME.

I'm sorry I don't get this all season long while it progressively got shittier ratings (and at least three weeks of weird tweets from Goffman and abiers), that site had them as sure thing/likely, and the first week they bump up and course correct, it downgrades the show to the bubble? What the fuck ever, this is why I can't take "ratings" and those who interpret them seriously,  I just find it baffling that when it turns the corner you start to talk shit about it's chances. RME.


The change to toss up reflected last weeks ratings of the 1.2. SpoilerTV updated their last week, factoring in the bad ratings from last week. Cancellation Bear did not factor in last weeks until today. However, Awakening is not factored in to the prediction. That's why it seems off.

This article (posted a bit earlier) talks about possible reasons for the cancellation bear change


The reasoning for this, states Bill Gorman, is last week’s 1.2 series low. However, it’s also possible (and I think, likely) for the show’s chances to get changed again after the returns from the last two episodes. So in short, it’s best to keep the momentum up if you’re a part of the online fan push. These last two episodes seem to be the big make-it-or-break-it moment for the show, so the higher the ratings, the better.

I'm sorry I don't get this all season long while it progressively got shittier ratings (and at least three weeks of weird tweets from Goffman and abiers), that site had them as sure thing/likely, and the first week they bump up and course correct, it downgrades the show to the bubble? What the fuck ever, this is why I can't take "ratings" and those who interpret them seriously,  I just find it baffling that when it turns the corner you start to talk shit about it's chances. RME.


Yeah, at the top of the article, it says it hasn't taken into account any ratings past 2/12. Based on how the Cancellation Bear works, it'll probably stay at a toss-up until after The Following premieres. The Bear doesn't typically make a change and then change it back the next week. 

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