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Sleepy Hollow in the Media

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Ideally, Katrina would have been killed off in the season 1 finale as planned.

I've also heard she was supposed to be killed off in the pilot, but neither makes sense considering she is all over the opening credits. How early in the process was this planned? Where is it mentioned?

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I've also heard she was supposed to be killed off in the pilot, but neither makes sense considering she is all over the opening credits. How early in the process was this planned? Where is it mentioned?


In the first draft of the pilot, she was simply a ghost, communicating info to Ichabod. Then after rewrites they made the (wrong) decision to extend it to the end of the season and then made the (even wronger) decision to continue on with her. *grumble*


Will the end of season 2 finally be it (pretty please....)

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I'm sceptical of the idea that on a show titled Sleepy Hollow that they would have killed off a character named Katrina Van Tassel  at any point in the first season unless it was a mortal death leading to an eternal pestering spectral presence and as they started her off in purgatory, they already went there and back-tracked.  I think planned and considered are two different concepts. I strongly suspect that killing her off meant establishing her permanently in the afterlife, not eliminating the character. Too bad, living or dead, they wrote a character who sucks (strictly IMO) and glued her to Ichabod's ass by making her his wife and then compounded their mistakes by bringing her into the world of the living. It would have been far better if they'd instead not resolved the triangle with Abraham in Ichabod's favor and left her in the afterlife.


ETA HalcyonDays explanation makes some sense to me.

Edited by yuggapukka
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*sigh*. Can't they just EXPAND Jenny and Irving's stories, and get rid of Katrina. Why ANOTHER hiring of some character who'll be here today and gone tomorrow. Though Navy SEAL /phototog sounds cool. At least can they show Abbie spending time with this guy on an actual date, walking along that boardwalk, being intimate, something please...?


As much as I want a love interest for Abbie, Hawley, Orion and now this guy's writeups ALL stated the same thing - potential love interest. Just the show screwing with us again. And of course someone/think who puts more of a wedge between Ichabbie, because you know the whole "Ichabod is jealous" nonsense will be mentioned soon.




ETA: Episode 2.11 - The Akeda - Mid Season Finale Movie Trailer.


Well, it's nice someone is noticing that something is going on in Sleepy Hollow because it's pretty clear the townspeople don't.  The unwillingness to develop the actual people who live in Sleepy Hollow is a failure and it seems like no one exists in this town except for about 8 characters.  Sleepy Hollow comes across as a Hunger Games arena with a bunch of strange creatures in it.

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I'm sceptical of the idea that on a show titled Sleepy Hollow that they would have killed off a character named Katrina Van Tassel



By having Katrina and Ichabod married they already went off canon so they literally could do anything.  The funny thing is, even in the original story, Katrina is a cipher of a character.  She has no real identity and no agency there either.  She is only important as an object. The overwhelming picture painted of her in the original story, is that she was a spoiled flirt who deliberately played her suitors off against each other.  As a matter fact, Ichabod suspected she only paid attention to him to make Brom Bones jealous.  In the end she barely gave Ichabod a second thought and marries Brom.


So really anything they do to the character is fair game at this point.

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She has no real identity and no agency there either.  She is only important as an object. The overwhelming picture painted of her in the original story, is that she was a spoiled flirt who deliberately played her suitors off against each other.  As a matter fact, Ichabod suspected she only paid attention to him to make Brom Bones jealous.


So then, the show DID stay true to Washington Irving's source material. *grin*


She has no agency or real identity (or personality).

She is only important as an object (Abe calls her a treasure, to Ichabod, she is Wife with a captial W).

Spoiled ("Only my opinion matters")

Flirt (we saw her flirt with Ichabod multiple times, and with Abe this season to manipulate them)

Played off her suitors (well, they are fighting against each other over her)

Making Ichabod jealous (that Quince tea comment, chatting with Abe.)


Good one, DearEvette!!

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By having Katrina and Ichabod married they already went off canon so they literally could do anything.



Indeed. Too bad that after breaking with the established relationships and personas of the original tale they used their freedom to make such crappy decisions about Katrina's place in the world, however I do think she would have had a place, but it should have been a very small place given that they only write her as a walking plot-point/MacGuffin. 

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I think part of the problem with Katrina is they want her to be powerful (she saved Ichabod) yet if she's too powerful she overshadows the Witnesses. That's why she can't vanquish Moloch, because that is Ichabbie's job. I think they have a purpose for her, but the storyline hasn't gotten to it yet.

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That article gave a most terrible thought... what if Goffman is doing this on purpose with Katrina so fans would complain about her being a DiD and then he used that as "evidence" to expand her role even further, usurping Abbie on the show?

I know I sound paranoid - but I cannot help it.

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Interview with Nicole Beharie. I don't like the style of the transcription because the writer puts too many interjections of his opinions between questions but I like to hear more of her take on things.




For Beharie’s part regarding this issue, in a recent, interview she she noted that she was surprised at the outpouring of support and had this to say, “Well, I’m highly aware of that just because I’m an actress and I’m African-American, so I’m aware of that kind of thing, those stereotypes.”  She further added, “I think it’s just- we have amazing fans, they’re so passionate, and I think they want to see the females characters on the show be developed totally in the way that some shows haven’t done, in the way that everyone has expected from a show like this. One part of me is like “why does it have to be political or weird about who’s doing what?” But I just think it’s people caring about each character so much, and that’s definitely a testament to the other actors work and the writers and the whole upheaval, it’s really entertaining from this end.  It’s almost like you guys are entertaining us after we attempt to give you your jollies.”

Is it possible to be too much of a class act? She's really being generous with her cast members AND the writers. Some people could learn the same grace.

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I think part of the problem with Katrina is they want her to be powerful (she saved Ichabod) yet if she's too powerful she overshadows the Witnesses. That's why she can't vanquish Moloch, because that is Ichabbie's job. I think they have a purpose for her, but the storyline hasn't gotten to it yet.

The problem is all their interviews are telling me how much they like to play with their Katrina doll and use her for storyline purposes. I want to be given a reason to give a shit whether she lives or dies. At this moment, I don't care and even Crane being upset would not move me because I don't have an emotional connection to him. I like him, I love his scenes when he's being sassy but I don't want to know his most inner thoughts. He's that friend I go on a weekend trip with, have a ball, laugh my head off at his shenanigans and only see in another 6 months.


Also, not every witch in entertainment has to be "powerful". Why couldn't she have been part of a coven and still an apprentice who was part of the war effort against evil? That's why I have a problem with the whole episode ancestor thing, it tells me about her lineage but again, Katrina Crane remains an avatar and a stand in for -insert plot point of the week-. Sigh...I hope they prove me wrong, I really do. 

Edited by fantique
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Even if the producers & writers didn’t intend for Katrina to come across as a damsel in distress, that’s what they ended up doing anyway because a lot of people picked up on that characterization last season & haven’t changed their minds about the way she’s been portrayed since then. It’s up to the writers to show she isn’t one instead of only telling us she isn’t. I think this type of sexist writing for female characters is so second nature for many writers (even female ones) that they don’t even notice there is a problem when they are doing it & when it is pointed out to them by media & fans instead of listening to the valid criticism & maybe doing some self reflection, they instead choose to get offended as if their work is perfection & should be without any type of criticism attached to it.


I read a post on Tumblr a couple of days ago that listed some of the negative tropes that have already been assigned to Katrina in only 1.5 seasons, which I already noticed before but seeing it listed just reinforced some of the problems with this character. If TPTB never intended on a conscious level for their version of a powerful witch & skilled operative to be seen as a damsel in distress, well on a subconscious level that’s what they wrote, so now after 1.5 seasons of complaints, they should be fully aware of it. It would be in their best interest to do something about it if they intend to continue to make this character so integral to the storyline before they keep bleeding the show of the viewers that they still have.


That article gave a most terrible thought... what if Goffman is doing this on purpose with Katrina so fans would complain about her being a DiD and then he used that as "evidence" to expand her role even further, usurping Abbie on the show?


I know I sound paranoid - but I cannot help it.



In the first season the characterization assigned to Katrina included exposition fairy, plot device, damsel in distress, shady, powerful witch, spy, nurse, Quaker, abolitionist, high society woman, ex-fiancée, wife, & mother. In less than one season the show managed to make her everything yet nothing at all. She was a Jack of all trades, master of none. The media & fans complained about it & suggested to TPTB that they should either make her useful or kill her off. The producers & writers ignored that advice & decided that season two Katrina was the way to go. Since this character was introduced, the producers & writers have spent most of their time on & off screen doing more telling than showing regarding how amazing she is, so maybe they should try something new like actually showing it on a consistent basis on screen & if they can’t do that then should again follow the free advice that they got from the media & fans during the first season. Either make her interesting & useful or kill her off instead of having a character that is not well written, play a huge role in the overall story while continuing to drag the entire show down with her.

Edited by Moonsky
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The worst is that in the EW interview he was saying he was in the process of writing the season 2 finale. I don't know how much self editing has been included for the second half of the season but it makes me pessimistic.

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Let's try and keep the conversation in here on Sleepy Hollow in the Media, please - articles, links, pictures, interviews and the like. If you want to discuss your opinions and thoughts on storylines, characters, spoilers, etc, we've got a number of places to do so, including The Relationships topic, along with many others!


Thanks for posting!

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Neil Jackson who plays Abraham has posted a little gag video. It's the type of thing I would've loved before I lost faith in the show. I can't help but note that even here Katrina is a waste of space.


Edited by marceline
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You know the King of the Tweet and Prince of Sleepy Hollow Media - Orlando Jones of course - hasn't tweeted at all about tonight's mid-season finale, and hasn't tweeted about SH in about a week....you know what that means....*le sigh*


Clip from The Akeda - Crane and Abbie on a bike. Wish we could see his hands/arms..*le sigh again* :')

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OJ wants reaction posts from tonight's episode according to his Tumblr http://theorlandojones.tumblr.com/post/104096534958/from-the-desk-of-trollando-jones-the-shadiest

Sorry not sure how to do proper links from a phone.


I was just coming in here to place this - yup, looks like Orlando is going to do a little of his special brand of media...good man! My previous post stands corrected!


And your link works perfectly fine!

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Enraged about the video at the bottom with Ichabod and Katrina on it as though they're the stars.

Plus - Goffman is STILL pushing his Katrina agenda - he literally wants Ichatrina to dive deep into their issues.

Um - I don't! Egads the man is just DENSE.

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YOu know it's totally stupid for them to kill off Orlando who was arguably the biggest cheerleader for the show.  You know maybe now, I'll finally get my SuperSleepy but instead it will just be Orlando being awesome with Misha.  

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LOL. @MoRyan is seriously dragging for Katrina on twitter. It's hilarious. Suck it, Goffman.

I don't know how to post the snapshot of it.

Oh Lord, did Mo seriously quote/GIF Sisko from Deep Space Nine?...Dear god, I don't know if I can handle that - see, Sisko = GOD....And now I know FOR SURE her taste is impeccable!


ETA: Do you know how MAD I was that this useless witch could not stem the bleeding from Frank or do SOMETHING do delay the inevitable?? Seriously? God, I hate her right now....

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Sleepy Hollow' Fall Finale Secrets Revealed: Head Honcho On The BIg Shocker And What's Next.

The writer makes some excellent Katrina points but Goffman just seems to swat them away like annoying flies around his Katrina poop pie.

I swear Goffman has used the same exact stock answer for all Abbe questions. He can give you different specifics about upcoming Katrina story but only looks forward to telling more about Abbie.

Why can't he tell us specifics about Abbie's story?

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Oh Lord, did Mo seriously quote/GIF Sisko from Deep Space Nine?...Dear god, I don't know if I can handle that - see, Sisko = GOD....And now I know FOR SURE her taste is impeccable!


ETA: Do you know how MAD I was that this useless witch could not stem the bleeding from Frank or do SOMETHING do delay the inevitable?? Seriously? God, I hate her right now....


The trouble with those tweets? They can be interpreted as asking for more Katrina. And it seems like this showrunner guy has a major hardon for the character (or the actress, who knows?), so will probably interpret that as being reason to feature her more.


I didn't think it would happen, but I may just have given up watching Sleepy Hollow completely. Add that to the several other shows I've liked but abandoned when it became clear the producers were useless.

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I swear Goffman has used the same exact stock answer for all Abbe questions. He can give you different specifics about upcoming Katrina story but only looks forward to telling more about Abbie.

Why can't he tell us specifics about Abbie's story?


The sad part is Goffman saying that he thought the storyline they had for Irving's character was "great."

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In these interviews, Goffman keeps talking about a game-changing season finale. That he's heard the complaints of a passionate fandom, etc. I assume that means this show is going to continue on this loser trajectory until the season finale? Then it might change but only grudgingly since it's obvious where his heart lies. So is it worth it to stick around? I'm honestly not sure.

The Variety interview with Len Wiseman,

"How does the second half of the season differ from the first 11 episodes, now that Moloch is gone?

What really takes a different turn is between Katrina and Crane, as well. There’s a lot of curiosity about why Katrina is struggling with her powers and her place in this war, and I’ve heard people say is her character underutilized — I would say there’s a difference between underutilized and not realized. When she discovers her full potential, things really get out of control."

This quote might be the end of my watching this show because it's not just Goffman that can't get enough of Katrina, apparently Wiseman thinks her character is "underutilized" not overexposed but underutilized!! The Crane marriage was the first thing he mentioned when discussing the second half of the season. So depressing...

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What really takes a different turn is between Katrina and Crane, as well. There’s a lot of curiosity about why Katrina is struggling with her powers and her place in this war, and I’ve heard people say is her character underutilized — I would say there’s a difference between underutilized and not realized. When she discovers her full potential, things really get out of control."


No one fucking cares about Katrina, you have destroyed your show arguing this point with an audience repeatedly telling you how much they don't give a shit, and if you've spent two seasons Intentionally portraying an "unrealized" character you deserve to be fired/cancelled. Katrina was the hill you chose to die on. RME.

Edited by stacey
Inappropriate nickname
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In these interviews, Goffman keeps talking about a game-changing season finale. That he's heard the complaints of a passionate fandom, etc. I assume that means this show is going to continue on this loser trajectory until the season finale? Then it might change but only grudgingly since it's obvious where his heart lies. So is it worth it to stick around? I'm honestly not sure.

The Variety interview with Len Wiseman,

"How does the second half of the season differ from the first 11 episodes, now that Moloch is gone?

What really takes a different turn is between Katrina and Crane, as well. There’s a lot of curiosity about why Katrina is struggling with her powers and her place in this war, and I’ve heard people say is her character underutilized — I would say there’s a difference between underutilized and not realized. When she discovers her full potential, things really get out of control."

This quote might be the end of my watching this show because it's not just Goffman that can't get enough of Katrina, apparently Wiseman thinks her character is "underutilized" not overexposed but underutilized!! The Crane marriage was the first thing he mentioned when discussing the second half of the season. So depressing...

I'm done. I know at least 2 of the back episodes are Katrina centric. Also, based on the various interviews Katrina will be featured even more in the back episodes. They will look at her past, her powers, her relationship with Ichabod, Henry and Abraham and how she deals living in present times. Neither Goffman, the writers or the asshats in charge have issued on freaking specific storyline detail about Abbie for the back half. I'm through this is not the show I signed up for.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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Like a rare unicorn, behold: an interview with Goffman where Katrina is NOT mentioned!

I had to verify this for myself (I was all prepared to yell LIAR! a la Carol Kane in the Princess Bride).


Dumbass'  answers contradict each other:

Moloch he (Henry) saw as his true father. And that moment when he realizes that Moloch has just used him for his own ends, and really doesn’t share that reciprocal love that only a father and a son have, that sort of unconditional love—when he realizes that, that’s what really guided his decision


and in a question or two later:

To me, just because he killed Moloch in that moment doesn’t make him good. We don’t know why he did it. It could have been purey because he felt betrayed by Moloch. It could be because he just couldn’t summon the strength to kill his mother. It could be because he found good within him. It could be something wholly unexpected, and he has his own plan. We don’t know yet, and that’s something that we’ll find out over time.


So Henry realizes that unconditional love (or lack thereof) guided his decision but we don't know why he did it.  Translation:  I haven't figured out how to make John Noble bow to Katrina yet and praise her endlessly.  He really has some fire power behind him.   I've got PIs looking into his entire family history to find dirt that I can hold him hostage with.  Haven't found anything concrete yet, but there are rumors his great great grand step uncle twice removed on his wife's side once had a questionable relationship with a known duck.


ETA:  And of course once you realize you don't have reciprocal unconditional love (and what has Moloch ever done to make Henry think he did?  Hmmm?), Henry kills Moloch.  So much for Henry's unconditional love of Daddy Moloch.

Edited by DeLurker
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Huffington Post Review


This is what to expect...actually it's a good article but this:


Goffman: And I think what’s exciting to me is that I think we’re gonna see new shades of Katrina and Crane and their relationship in January.


Of course...could those shades please be from the trees casting shadows on her grave?? No? *lesigh*

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Yep, I'm pretty reading postings only. Fuck that guy for ruining a great show because he liked Katia Winters's rack. And no, Sleepy Hollow did not earn 4 good seasons of loyalty from me like Mad Men did before it became Everybody Love Megan.


My guess- the show will get a 13-episode third season and then go off the air. My best wishes to Nicole Beharie and Tom Mison, who I bet will both be fine.


The irony to this is that Katia Winters will probably never get another chance as a featured character on a big show again because the constant featuring of her exposed her weaknesses as an actress.

Edited by methodwriter85
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The ability to have this episode universally panned by fans, critics and recappers is actually pretty impressive. Usually there's some disparity between critics and fans and how storylines are going. I didn't find one positive review.  At the same time, I'm disheartened that their answer to the criticism is to add more Katrina and more Crane relationship ups and downs. Not at all the show I signed up for.

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The ability to have this episode universally panned by fans, critics and recappers is actually pretty impressive. Usually there's some disparity between critics and fans and how storylines are going. I didn't find one positive review.  At the same time, I'm disheartened that their answer to the criticism is to add more Katrina and more Crane relationship ups and downs. Not at all the show I signed up for.

I agree that the episode should be panned (and the whole season thus far), but I continue to hope that the response by Goffman (and perhaps others I'm not aware of ) is to buy time to right the ship.


If I was the CEO at FOX I might be a little pissed off if the show-runner was honest and said, "Sorry, we completely f*cked up. This Katrina character we thought would be awesome? Yes, she sucks big time! The rest of the episodes we've completed? She's in all those and, yes, (sigh…) she sucks in those as well. I'm trying to hold on to my job here, so if you could just turn your TV on to Sleepy Hollow when it's on that would really help. (ingratiating smile…)  Trust me, we recognize our errors but it's too late to change things for this season. Pretend to watch and enjoy the show (even if you don't) and we'll get things back on track next season!


Via con Dios!

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Heh, yeah, I get that. I wouldn't expect him to completely fall on his sword in the interviews. However, if he was truly taking the criticism to heart and wanted to let us know he was being responsive, I think he would actually emphasize the parts of the upcoming episodes that we're actually interested in. He would talk specifics about Abbie's journey or how the bond between the witnesses will grow or change. And then he can also tell us how they're trying to make Katrina interesting. Instead, anytime he's asked about the complaints, he waxes on about what's in store for Katrina and how he's so excited about delving into her complicated marriage and how powerful she is going to become. And then he's like, oh yeah, stuff is going to happen to Abbie too. But Katrina! Omg, her story is going to be fabulous etc...

It doesn't make me optimistic that he's really interested in changing.

Edited by cynic
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I agree that the episode should be panned (and the whole season thus far), but I continue to hope that the response by Goffman (and perhaps others I'm not aware of ) is to buy time to right the ship.


If I was the CEO at FOX I might be a little pissed off if the show-runner was honest and said, "Sorry, we completely f*cked up. This Katrina character we thought would be awesome? Yes, she sucks big time! The rest of the episodes we've completed? She's in all those and, yes, (sigh…) she sucks in those as well. I'm trying to hold on to my job here, so if you could just turn your TV on to Sleepy Hollow when it's on that would really help. (ingratiating smile…)  Trust me, we recognize our errors but it's too late to change things for this season. Pretend to watch and enjoy the show (even if you don't) and we'll get things back on track next season!


Via con Dios!

Yeah - but he could essentially do this by simply talking in his interviews about ABBIE. And then Ichabbie - but he's still SELLING Katrina! I'm so sick of it - he doesn't get it at ALL and he has literally DESTROYED this show.

They need to do rewrites. Now. Just rewrite at least the back 4 episodes. The fact that there are TWO Katrina centered episodes in the back half and we've only seen ONE Abbie-centric episode makes me so angry I could spit.

What a bait and switch.

I feel so betrayed. And hurt, actually.

It's like, as a WoC I should have expected this to happen, but I trusted again. Stupid.

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 Instead, anytime he's asked about the complaints, he waxes on about what's in store for Katrina and how he's so excited about delving into her complicated marriage and how powerful she is going to become. And then he's like, oh yeah, stuff is going to happen to Abbie too. But Katrina! Omg, her story is going to be fabulous etc...

It doesn't make me optimistic that he's really interested in changing.


As horrible as all this is, the bolded made me laugh, so thank you.  Yeah, he's not going to stop forcing Katrina as the "bestest thing eva" into the narrative any time soon.  Just not going to happen unless outside forces make it happen, but I fear it's really to late for this season even then.


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Heh, yeah, I get that. I wouldn't expect him to completely fall on his sword in the interviews. However, if he was truly taking the criticism to heart and wanted to let us know he was being responsive, I think he would actually emphasize the parts of the upcoming episodes that we're actually interested in. He would talk specifics about Abbie's journey or how the bond between the witnesses will grow or change. And then he can also tell us how they're trying to make Katrina interesting. Instead, anytime he's asked about the complaints, he waxes on about what's in store for Katrina and how he's so excited about delving into her complicated marriage and how powerful she is going to become. And then he's like, oh yeah, stuff is going to happen to Abbie too. But Katrina! Omg, her story is going to be fabulous etc...

It doesn't make me optimistic that he's really interested in changing.


Strange, isn't it. I mean, that Huffington Post interview by Maureen Ryan - she was asking tough questions. He deflected in his answers, but then a question about Katrina pops up, and his response is LONG. He just rambles on.


Rereading that interview, this question is made of win (its not the long rambling one either):


I have to say, it’s really hard for me to care about Ichabod and Katrina. It’s basically impossible for me to care about Katrina as a character, or Hawley and Abbie. You seem to have dialed Abbie and Hawley back. But you have Ichabod and Abbie, who have such great chemistry -- and I wonder if you see that chemistry as both a blessing and a curse. Was the part of the point of Season 2 to kind of separate them a little bit and have other people in their orbits?

It always a blessing to have any characters who have real chemistry like they do. Tom and Nicole are just phenomenal. We really wanted to expand the world this season. We were excited about the prospect of having Katrina in our world, but we also didn’t want the show to just be about magic and witches. There are plenty of shows like that. So we wanted the magic to be hard and rare and we wanted to make Katrina an interesting character in her own right.


I feel like the show has done really well with strong women, and has characters that were very strong female characters, and we wanted Katrina to have that same kind of presence. She is Ichabod’s wife, and I think it’s a really dynamic storyline when you have a woman who’s a witch and a spy and has very strong opinions who is also the mother of the Horseman of War. I don’t think of her as an obstacle. I think of her as a character who, you know, has her own opinions and agendas and goals for herself and the way she wants the world to be. And that’s something that we played out in the first half of the season.


What do you notice about the response? It starts with the typical praising of Tom and Nicole, or course, then rambles on ALL about Katrina. The question was about Abbie and Ichabod, and it's all Katrina and her character and how amazing she is....


Goffman is totally enamoured with either the actress or the character, but he is destroying the show simply because he wants to fulfill his fantasies....

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