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The Storybrooke Daily Mirror: OUaT in the Media, Cons and Other Real Life Encounters

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EW Spoiler Room: Scoop on OITNB, Once Upon a Time, Flash and more

No spoilers for Once, despite the title. Not particiularly interesting, but I'm in the middle of spoiler withdrawal.


Or will Regina end up hating Zelena for being the mother to Robin’s baby?

There's been zero indication of that since 5x19.


Are they going to stand side-by-side in a sisterhood or is Regina going to grow resentful overtime?

I'm not sure if Regina even has the ability to be "resentful" at the moment, what with her darkness walking around by itself. 


 Will she end up growing resentful that she can’t have children, but yet her sister has her boyfriend’s baby?

Is Henry just furniture now between finales?

Edited by KingOfHearts
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32 minutes ago, KingOfHearts said:

Will she end up growing resentful that she can’t have children, but yet her sister has her boyfriend’s baby?

Is Henry just furniture now between finales?

Yeah, that's particularly "ugh" given that they supposedly magically repaired Regina's relationship with Henry because of pressure from the adoption community. Now are they implying that Henry doesn't count as a "real" child? (This is the EW writers' speculation, right? So it's on them. Tacky, tacky, tacky.)

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2 hours ago, Shanna Marie said:

Yeah, that's particularly "ugh" given that they supposedly magically repaired Regina's relationship with Henry because of pressure from the adoption community. Now are they implying that Henry doesn't count as a "real" child? (This is the EW writers' speculation, right? So it's on them. Tacky, tacky, tacky.)

This is Lana's speculation. 

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Will she end up growing resentful that she can’t have children, but yet her sister has her boyfriend’s baby? I feel like that’s a story to be told.

What can they do with that story exactly?  She learns to feel happy for Zelena?  And unless Regina gets into a new relationship quickly, she's not going to be thinking about having a baby of her own.  

Why would Regina hate Zelena being the mother of Robin's baby?  Wasn't it all forgive and forget?  It's not like Regina has had time to bond with the newborn.  

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Why would Regina hate Zelena being the mother of Robin's baby?  Wasn't it all forgive and forget?  It's not like Regina has had time to bond with the newborn.  

We've never even been shown she cares about it, either. When she tried to protect it in S5, it was only because of Robin.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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2 hours ago, KingOfHearts said:

This is Lana's speculation. 

Yikes! Then she was the one who campaigned to fix Henry and Regina's relationship to ignore the abuse, because of sensitivity to adoptive parents. So now is she speculating that Regina will be mad because Zelena had a baby and she can't have a child, ignoring the fact that she has a child, with whom she supposedly has a perfect relationship because adoption is just as good as having a biological kid?

Though I've also had issues with Regina's "my life is ruined" when she lost her boyfriend, in spite of having a kid, whom she kicked out of her house because she was sad about losing her boyfriend.

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3 hours ago, Shanna Marie said:

Yikes! Then she was the one who campaigned to fix Henry and Regina's relationship to ignore the abuse, because of sensitivity to adoptive parents. So now is she speculating that Regina will be mad because Zelena had a baby and she can't have a child, ignoring the fact that she has a child, with whom she supposedly has a perfect relationship because adoption is just as good as having a biological kid?

And also ignoring the fact that the only reason that Regina can't have a biological child is that she deliberately cursed herself with barrenness because she thought that Cora only wanted her to become Queen and produce an heir so that Cora could eventually seize the throne for herself.  In other words, Regina cut off her nose to spite her face, Lana, which is something that Cora herself pointed out after Regina did it.

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CS as best lip lock may be the only "award" (I know those are not real awards) the show deserves, exactly because it's all to do with the actors and zero to do with the writing. Although they should have won for 305, there's no topping that kiss IMHO.

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Treat yourself to all 23 riveting episodes of Season 5. Plus, indulge your senses with never-before-seen bonus features as you share the romance, relive the magic and unlock the secrets of Once Upon a Time.

MERIDA IN STORYBROOKE – In Pixar’s Brave, Merida proves her strength and independence to the world and she makes no exceptions when she comes to life in “Once Upon A Time.” We’ll explore Merida’s journey further by going behind the scenes and meeting Amy Manson, the Scottish actress who perfectly personifies an independent spirit. Amy will take us through her process for stepping into the role and share with us the similarities between her character and herself as a young girl growing up in Scotland. We will explore the explosive mash?up of Merida, Mulan and Ruby and find out why they are perfectly suited to helping each other through some tough times. Learn why Merida is the perfect feisty fit for the Fairy Tale world as well as why they chose to match her with these particularly strong women.

DVD featurette on Merida?  What a great selling point.

Edited by Camera One
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7 hours ago, retrograde said:

Filming starts in two weeks, so I'd hope he already has most of that episode done.

I'm assuming he does. I saw a tweet from Grant Gustin yesterday about the title for the first episode of The Flash, and how he already has the script in hand, and read it, and how excited he was. This is I think 2 weeks ahead of those actors going back to work as well. It got me wondering when A&E send the scripts to their actors, and if they already have that in hand 2 weeks before filming, or if it's more like a few days before they start a new episode.

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Cool. She's a great host.

I don't get the Dopey thing. So he's saying that, even if they asked him back, he would say no, or that they've told him they won't ask him back?

Edited by Serena
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He says "I've left the show" so I would take it that his agent let ABC know that he would not renew a contract or wouldn't be available for the upcoming season and no one informed Adam. He probably wasn't on the level where he would "inform" Adam personally.  I guess it could also be that ABC is negotiating the pay for his level and due to budget cuts it is less then he and his agent deem acceptable and thus he is "leaving" the show.

Edited by tri4335
Adding one more point
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It's so weird. He's such an unknown that there's not even a picture of him on his IMDB page, and he's randomly decided to turn down paying jobs? Well, I guess maybe his rich greataunt died and left everything to him...

But honestly this just looks like a grab for attention.

Edited by Serena
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I mean, can he even really call it leaving? He's on like three episodes a season. I just assumed it was a freelance gig and they hired him here or there when they needed to.

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But if they're (and I'm not saying they are at all) underpaying what is considered the standard rate for that job then I can see someone turning it down. We all want to be paid a reasonable salary.  Many times companies will try and undervalue staff and offer some bullshit reasoning and think it is acceptable because they have all the power.  If he is not desperate for the job or has faith that he will get another then he doesn't need to "settle" for substandard pay. And again I have no insight that this is the case with him, just speculating on a possible reason he would "leave" the job.

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He has been an occasional "guest starring" background actor, not a regular cast member so I don't see how he can leave the show, as he says, when he's not under contract. Maybe he got a full-time job that pays better than scale.

The show is a union shop they can't pay less than scale. The SAG-AFTRA rates are binding. A studio can pay more than scale but not less.

Edited by orza
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He didn't inform any big bosses at ABC. It's not like he called Channing Dungey to tell her he was leaving. His agent probably talking to the Once casting director and the casting director didn't think it was a big enough issue to pass off immediately or something. Sorry, the actor was fun in the scenes he had, but announcing this on Twitter makes it sound like he thinks he's bigger than he really is. 

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2 minutes ago, Curio said:

This is legitimately the first news that has me excited for Season 6. Now if only I had faith in the writers to not screw it up...

I know, right? Plus these are legitimately two characters I was very much hoping for.

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Too bad they're making it seem like most of the action is staying in Storybrooke. Why can't we explore Agrabah and some cool desert scenery? Sinbad just doesn't seem nearly as cool if he's stuck on a tugboat in cloudy Maine.

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2 minutes ago, Curio said:

Too bad they're making it seem like most of the action is staying in Storybrooke. Why can't we explore Agrabah and some cool desert scenery? Sinbad just doesn't seem nearly as cool if he's stuck on a tugboat in cloudy Maine.

I kind of get what you're saying, but at the same time, this show is really fond of flashbacks, so while the main action is in Storybrooke, there's probably going to be tons of flashbacks of other lands that aren't the Enchanted Forest. 

ETA - I also don't know which thread this should be discussed in. 

Edited by YaddaYadda
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I'm so over the flashbacks at this point, though. I understand that they're obsessed with the formula and they'll probably never go away, but it would be a lot more entertaining to see our main characters interact in Agrabah in the present timeline instead of only seeing it through side-character-centric flashbacks. I know exactly how this is going to play out: Sinbad's centric episode will feature a parallel story comparing his flashback on the Seven Seas to his current story in Storybrooke. The flashback will focus 90% on his untold story, and maybe he'll run into one of our main characters for a few minutes by coincidence. Then in Storybrooke, he'll learn his lesson that he wasn't able to learn in his flashback. Lather, rinse, repeat for all the untold character stories in Season 6.

Why do that when you can mix up the formula and have Emma running through a crowded Agrabian market chasing down Scheherazade? Imagine the awesome costumes Eduardo Castro could create for the main characters. Merlin's flashback technically showed us a brief desert landscape, but it's not as memorable because he's not a main character.


ETA - I also don't know which thread this should be discussed in. 

Maybe we should relocate to the Speculation Thread?

Edited by Curio
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2 minutes ago, KingOfHearts said:

Why do I get the feeling Sinbad will just be another namesake pirate Hook met in the past?

Or the writers could go the "surprise" route like Merida and have Sinbad the Sailor not interact at all with the other sailor in the cast. (How in the world did Merida, Robin, and Snow never interact?) "We got really excited about what would happen if Sinbad met the Evil Queen! Oh, you wanted him to have a flashback with a pirate? That's so predictable."

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Just as a reminder - casting news IS considered news, so posting that here is appropriate, and then heading to the Speculation topic to discuss further is fine.

We will be re-opening the Spoiler Discussion topic in the next week or two, but if you do come across an actual spoiler in the meantime, remember the Spoilers Only topic has remained open, and it should be posted there.


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Once Upon a Time bosses on double Evil Queen trouble

Maybe I totally missed something in the finale, but what is this "war" they speak of? Hyde bringing a bunch of Untold Characters to Storybrooke doesn't really seem like a war to me. If that's what they're referring to, they didn't do a good job telling the audience what this "war" is about.


“It’s not like this Evil Queen arc will be all done by December,” Horowitz says. “It might be done by week 2, or by week 22.”

Translation: We're getting the Evil Queen until week 22. Great...


“As always with this show,” Kitsis adds, “once the audience gets onto what we’re doing, we have to change it.”

Where was this plan two seasons ago? Besides, switching up the formula isn't going to change much about the REC, the fact that the characters will never truly have human reactions to events, repeated plots about memory loss, Regina whining and Snow and Emma kissing up to her, Charming being background noise, Rumple lying to Belle, useless villain flashbacks, and the numerous Offscreenville moments that should actually be shown on screen. It's all predictable at this point.

Edited by Curio
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Once again, I offer my graphic design services to ABC for free. This makes me want to cry.

Edit: With the show getting rid of their split season format, are we stuck with this piece of shit for the entirety of Season 6??

Edited by Curio
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The new poster is essentially one giant metaphor for the show. "We're running out of ideas, let's just recycle the same Evil Queen iconography for Season 6 and try to convince the audience it's fresh and original."

All they did was take this...


And added a lightning bolt and some weird Photoshop effects. It's lazy design, plain and simple.

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I like it. The apple has been the symbol of the show since the pilot. I'm glad they are not dropping it. The season 5 posters featured Emma and Hook because we had an entire season that was all about them. This season is about Regina so she is on the poster. Makes sense.

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There are ways to make a visually appealing Evil Queen poster without rehashing an old poster that has already been used for promotional marketing materials for years now. I'm upset about the design, not the character on the cover. But I find most of this show's design work to be amateurish, so I guess it's par for the course.

Edited by Curio
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Meh, the apple is recognizable and, apparently, people at the network like it or it wouldn't still be used. The graphics for this show are no worse than many other shows.

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