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S32: Aubry Bracco

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This totally endeared her to me:


SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: Love child of Sophie and Cochran. Hair of Shambo.



Or maybe it's just refreshing to have someone answer that question without trash-talk or self-aggrandizement.


And she killed that challenge!

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From her bio:


If You Could Have 3 Things on the Island What Would They Be and Why? 1. Crayons – (preferably a 64-pack with built-in sharpener) to hold an art therapy session to calm everyone down. Plus, they smell good.


I have a brand-new girl crush.  This is exactly what I asked my kids to get me for Christmas.  The built-in sharpener is a must.  And Crayolas smell divine.

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She bugs me.  She reminds me of Lena Dunham, who I don't find funny.  And her bio has so many head-scratcher comments--- her grandmother went to work the day after a car crash?  Living in Salem, MA for several Halloweens taught her to embrace her quirkiness?  "I'm on the prowl for the most fake person in the room so I know what I'm dealing with."  I just don't get it.  I'm afraid she's trying way too hard to be quirky and memorable, probably to help whatever her social media career is.  

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I have to say, I don't think Aubry made a good decision this episode, but I don't think she's, like, horrible and miserable.  I did think, according to the editing, she and Joe were sticking too much together, but I don't get any arrogant or sad-sack vibes from her.  Really this episode I felt like the Survivor Island Beauty Elves were working on her--like most people, I always feel the contestants look better on the island than at the reunion, but this is the first time I felt like I noticed the process the other way; the last time we really saw much of Aubry was the first episode (I think?) where she had her dehydration freakout, and this episode I thought, oh she looks better now than she did in the first ep!  Maybe I should go live in the woods for 39 days and see if the makeover works for me...

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It's not really the "living in the woods" part, it's the "lack of the typical North American diet" part that makes you look so good on the island. I haven't the heart to give up M&Ms, though.

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Wow, way to just totally screw your numbers advantage alliance Aubry!  So much for the ivy league education.  I'm looking at you too Cyndy. 


1) Debbie was right.  Take out the individual immunity challenge threats.  Aubry was the one being emotional not Debbie.

2) Go get Tai.  Why she didn't do this first thing upon losing Julia IDK.  I'm assuming they tried to get Julia back. 

3) work harder to reign Debbie in, change the plan after Julia was told - use it to your advantage that Brawn thinks it knows whats going on.


instead she just caved and screwed up their advantage totally. 


Such bad play. 

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I like Aubrey. I want her in the finals but I think she is way over thinking everything. She should have just stuck with Debbie and ignored her crazy talk. Right now, it's all about the numbers and you need all the help you can get. Of course, with the Super Idol it may not even matter but she (and, others) got rid of the wrong person.

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I feel like she's a much more emotional player than I expected her to be. She got so caught up in Julia deflecting before it was even necessary to worry about it. And then she made a bad decision based, it seems, on fear of blow back from the idol. I didn't expect her to make fear based or emotional decisions.


I still mostly like her though. But the way she talks about Julia in this video is a little unbecoming.

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i guess now that we can't continue to count Debbie's on-screen professions, we'll have to turn to Aubrey's similes.  She is the queen of them!  I don't have them memorized (maybe some of you do) remember something about being "like Cochran's girlfriend" or "bride of Cochran" or something; likening the water being poured on the fire by Scot to the steam when you get one of those dramatic dishes at a Chinese restaurant; and then she had a good one earlier in today's episode that went out of my head completely when she said that she was "spitting like a deranged llama."  Ha!  

Love her.  She's my favorite, though after tonight I'd be content with a win by anyone but Jason or Julia, though very puzzled by a win by Joe.

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Winner edit? I think she makes the Final 3 and either gets cut or wins. For the longest time I thought Michelle was getting a winners edit but now it looks like Aubrey. That said, I could be totally wrong and it's Julia who wins. I have watched Surfivor since Day 1 and have I've never been right about a winner or even a Final 2 or 3. I just don't have that gene in picking. LOL!!!!

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Finally I have someone to root for this season.  Excellent performance this episode, in every aspect of the game.  After some early hiccups, she's been the best player IMO, by far.

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Jobiska, on 20 Apr 2016 - 6:58 PM, said:

i guess now that we can't continue to count Debbie's on-screen professions, we'll have to turn to Aubrey's similes.  She is the queen of them!  I don't have them memorized (maybe some of you do) remember something about being "like Cochran's girlfriend" or "bride of Cochran" or something; likening the water being poured on the fire by Scot to the steam when you get one of those dramatic dishes at a Chinese restaurant; and then she had a good one earlier in today's episode that went out of my head completely when she said that she was "spitting like a deranged llama."  Ha!  

Love her.  She's my favorite, though after tonight I'd be content with a win by anyone but Jason or Julia, though very puzzled by a win by Joe.


"Tai and I have been like Missed Connections on Craigslist this whole game" was a great one.


Early struggle with the conditions in Episode 1 seems like a good sign for a winner's edit to me.  Overcoming challenges, all that.  I still think she made a terrible move last week, but she's in a good spot now. 

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Winner edit? I think she makes the Final 3 and either gets cut or wins. For the longest time I thought Michelle was getting a winners edit but now it looks like Aubrey. That said, I could be totally wrong and it's Julia who wins. I have watched Surfivor since Day 1 and have I've never been right about a winner or even a Final 2 or 3. I just don't have that gene in picking. LOL!!!!


Are you me?! I too have been really thinking Michele was getting the winner's edit (and at this point I have no idea why I thought that lol!), but looking back I definitely see Aubry with the most consistent winner's edit. But I too am bad at picking winners. I believe I only did one time: I called Sophie as the winner almost immediately.

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what was that llma thingie ? I don't see how I could have missed it, but I did :(

At tribal council, when Jeff was quizzing her about her immunity performance, she said after Jason spat, she spat too, and that it was "like a deranged llama."  

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At tribal council, when Jeff was quizzing her about her immunity performance, she said after Jason spat, she spat too, and that it was "like a deranged llama."  

Awesome. Thank you, Jobiska !  

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Aubry is love.

After misfiring on so many potential favorites who ended up sucking (Liz, Peter), going down early (Anna, Alecia) or fading into the woodwork (Michelle, Cydney) I finally have somebody to get excited for each week. It's been building since the Neal medevac/ridiculous Oregon Trail metaphor, and now it's full blown true lurve.

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Aubry is love.

After misfiring on so many potential favorites who ended up sucking (Liz, Peter), going down early (Anna, Alecia) or fading into the woodwork (Michelle, Cydney) I finally have somebody to get excited for each week. It's been building since the Neal medevac/ridiculous Oregon Trail metaphor, and now it's full blown true lurve.

Which is why we should stop rooting for any specific person and stay fluid in our opinions, just as the players who are really good do with their strategies ? :)

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Aubry is the total nerd girl, all gangly, gawky, clumsy, awkward, dorky.  Sat with the nerds at lunch all through school, had the Kick Me sign taped to her back, head of the science club.  But she is so smart and so self-aware, has a great heart, fights against the odds in challenges where you think she has no chance, plays to win.  So you have to love her.  She does overthink things sometimes, but I think she can make the right moves in the end.  Deranged llama for the win!

Edited by Dobian
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Aubry is the total nerd girl, all gangly, gawky, clumsy, awkward, dorky.  Sat with the nerds at lunch all through school, had the Kick Me sign taped to her back, head of the science club. 


Really?  I don't think she's such a stereotype.  She just seems like a regular girl to me, who is smart, witty, articulate and, based on her interactions on Survivor, probably had/has a strong gang of friends.

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Here's some good news that I thought of on my commute today.  If Aubry makes it to the end (and she is well-positioned to) I think she's gonna dominate that FTC.  She has a lot of the jury already.  Obviously she has Neal.  Scot and Cupcake made it sound pretty convincingly that they respected Aubry a lot and I think she gets them in the end--I think only Julia might get their vote over Aubry.  I would say Debbie, despite the blindside, is hers to lose.  She and Cydney have a close bond (which she might destroy if she blindsides Cydney but that really depends on how it all goes down.


I'd say girlfriend has this in the bag.  As long as she doesn't go around crossing people's names out and changing her vote willy-nilly anymore!

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I love Aubry so much that I was ready to quit the season when I thought she was going home, and I've never missed a single episode of Survivor. I had also started to think Tai was a complete hypocrite and all his Zen side was just an act. Even more props to Aubry for recognizing that Tai still had a flicker of that original sweet person left.

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Obviously she has Neal. 

Does she? He’s the guy who decided to go home with the idol in his pocket rather than give it to her when she was in extreme danger of going home. Afterwards, he didn't say he forgot or he didn't get a chance. He used an excuse about her saying she'd slit his throat. I don't know if they were so tight that he is a lock for her.

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At this point I'm not sure who's vote is a gimme. Granted, she's a long way to go but maybe she could get Joe's vote?!? At home, she's playing a good game & has grea confessionals. I'm not sure if that transcends to jury votes. If she's with Jason she might do well. He's with Julia or Michele they might think they were better. I would like her to win but I don't want to get my hopes up.

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Neal and Aubry seem pretty friendly now so there's that. Plus I think Neal will probably vote for whoever he thinks played the best game and based on what I know of him I would think he'd probably value and appreciate the game Aubry played. Combine that with the fact that they were on the same initial tribe together and developed some type of relationship there, be it just game play or personal too, and I think he's pretty close to a lock for Aubry at FTC.

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If Aubry gets to the final tribal council I see no reason how she won't win the game at this point.  I mean obviously things could change these last few episodes and she really pisses people off but I doubt it.  She probably even gets the votes of Scot and Jason if they are on the jury since we saw both of them comment last episode that they respected her as a competitor. Her and Neal are definitely still friends. I saw on twitter the other night that he was in Boston watching the episode with Aubry and Julia.

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If Aubry gets to the final tribal council I see no reason how she won't win the game at this point.

She never seems to win anything though! She is that lovable loser who always tries harder than everyone else but never quite gets things to go her way. Her success so far this season has come almost in spite of every effort she has made. Even when she flat out asked Tai what strategy was best for him, pleading with him to let her follow him and do everything she could to help him, he didn't let her. It just seems as if she has no power over others, for one reason or another, and she can't quite cross the finish line in challenges.


She may still win, though, due to a lack of likable opposition.

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She never seems to win anything though! She is that lovable loser who always tries harder than everyone else but never quite gets things to go her way. Her success so far this season has come almost in spite of every effort she has made. Even when she flat out asked Tai what strategy was best for him, pleading with him to let her follow him and do everything she could to help him, he didn't let her. It just seems as if she has no power over others, for one reason or another, and she can't quite cross the finish line in challenges.


She may still win, though, due to a lack of likable opposition.


I don't disagree with you, but your description of Aubry sounds a little like Richard Hatch.

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Despite Jason during the last TC and a couple of people here on the boards who say Tai is the one who constantly flips on his alliances, I would say that describes Aubry more than Tai (although it's not quite accurate about her either -- she's changed alliances more, but I wouldn't call her a flipper). Tai was allied with Caleb who was medevaced, then with Scot and Jason, whom he flipped on to join Aubry/Cydney/Joe. That's one flip (on two jerks who were probably going to cut him loose after they'd used his HII to their own benefit), so I don't get why he's getting tagged as disloyal.

Aubry, on the other hand, has never voted with the same group of people twice. The only person she's voted with consistently is Cydney since the merge, but the other players she's voted with change with each vote. Twice, she's voted with someone at one TC (Peter, Debbie) and then at the very next TC voted that person out. Jason claimed that her alliance with Joe is tighter than his was with Scot, but I doubt Joe would say that since twice now she's not voted with him, and one of those times -- when she voted for Peter instead of Julia -- was a complete surprise to him.

Aubry's in a great position now and I think she's playing a very good game, but I'm not getting a huge mastermind vibe from her. I think she's played the most emotionally of anyone there, what with changing her vote from Julia to Peter on a whim, and later targeting Debbie because Debbie didn't agree with her about Julia. She's never seemed to have any coherent plan or really, given all her changing sides, any constant alliance. She's been the most consistent with Cydney, but for all we know, she's now switched that loyalty from Cydney to Tai. How Joe fits in? No idea. If anything, I would say she's using the "voting bloc" method that the Season 31 returnees all seemed to think they invented, which is still an alliance albeit one that only holds together for one voting cycle.

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7 hours ago, fishcakes said:

Aubry's in a great position now and I think she's playing a very good game, but I'm not getting a huge mastermind vibe from her.

There's no mastermind this season and I am loving it. I'm kinda tired of the mastermind game tbh. I'd rather watch Aubry's emotional play or Julia playing hard while making a lot of mistakes or hell even Michele's quiet, flexible game.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I don't really care about loyalty in Survivor. Joe might be the most loyal player ever, and I find him utterly useless as a Survivor player. Maybe a perfectly lovely dude. Just not compelling as a player. I'm not big on people who are "characters"; I want players. As for Aubry, I think she's as loyal as she can be, considering the circumstances she finds herself in, but she's an actual player, too. I also don't find her terribly emotional. I don't think she changed the Peter/Julia vote on a whim. I think she was unsure at the time what was best for her to do, which is understandable. She's probably neither the first nor the last to find themselves in that position, but is just the first to make it obvious by crossing out her original choice. Her choice for Debbie? Perfectly logical, considering that they didn't need someone leaking all of their secrets to Julia, who would then leak them to the other side. This is the same reason neither Julia nor Michele was advised of the decision to get Scot out. Debbie had also alienated a lot of people by her bossy, aggressive way of making "alliances". I mean, numerous people were talking about this as soon as the tribes merged. She was an obvious choice to go rather than sacrificing a useful player to the idols.

I don't necessarily think Aubry is a "mastermind" in the sense of Kim, Cirie, Boston Rob, Brian, etc, but I think that the appearance of being a mastermind can rely as much on edit as play. It can also rely heavily on who you're playing with. Was it hard for Rob to be a "mastermind" when he was a 4-timer on a tribe of star struck newbies? I think she's done well to get off the bottom when she was facing certain doom. Shes' done a good job getting solid alliances, particularly with Cydney. I think she's done a hell of a job knowing how to play on Tai's need for someone to lead him. I won't give her props for keeping Joe in line, because I don't think that's difficult. He does what he agreed to do on day 1, from all appearances. That may be great in the real world, and it's great for Aubry, but it doesn't add much to the game.

I firmly agree that I would much rather watch players like Aubry, Julia, and Michele than a season dominated by one player. I'd add Cydney, Nick, Alecia, Scot, Peter, Neal, Kyle and Debbie to that, too, even if I don't like some of them as people. They are players. They weren't a good combination to play together for various reasons, but I never got the impression that their "stories" relied more on confessionals than game play. Well, Debbie is kind of in the middle on that one. She's both a "character" and tried to play the game, but I can deal with that.

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23 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

There's no mastermind this season

Oh, I'm not faulting Aubry for not being a mastermind; I was mostly just reacting to some of the posts that say she's now running the season and directing how others are playing, which is not what's happening. For the most part, I'd say she's played a defensive game -- and there's nothing wrong with that; Sandra won twice doing that -- but I definitely don't see her running things.

Also, I just get a kick out of Fishbach et al. going on and on about "we've invented a whole new way to play Survivor!" not knowing that Aubry had already played this kind of game immediately before them.

Edited by fishcakes
Audrey ≠ Aubry
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