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S15.E08: Hollywood Round #2

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What are you talking about bluepiano?  Here's a present for you guys, Happy Weekend.



Ms. Blue Jay, I take it back. If Aretha Franklin heard singing like that, she'd be too intimidated to ever perform in public again.

Edited by bluepiano
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He looked vaguely decent. I was glad he wasn't wearing that stupid logo on all his clothes.


Pee Wee girl with flat-ironed bangs and waaaay to much energy looks like Lea Michelle with flat-ironed bangs and waaaay to much energy.


Girl with boondocks cowboy clothes.  Hmmmm funny how every single one of her family members has normal clothes and hair.  Trying to stand out from the crowd,are we? I wonder where she got her braces when she is acting like she has to drive 2 hours in a buggy to get a roll of toilet paper.

I saw her mom and dad holding hands and they were both dressed like her, then her mom hugged her at the end and they both had cowboy hats that they knocked off and other family members held on to for them.

I think under that silly outfit she has a good voice and might even be talented. I like her.

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I actually thought it was really unfair that mono boy got to perform by himself. Don't they all do 1,000x better performing solo? He got to skip all the drama, all the teamwork.

A part of me even thinks he made up that he wasn't allowed to perform with a team. The day before he said he wasn't contagious unless he kissed people. I don't buy it, and I think he should have been disqualified!

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I did some youtube digging on Jessica Paige. She was a two time Hollywood contestant from S8 and S9 (at minimum) who was rejected at the final judges decision one of Simon Cowell's last season's on the panel. Here was her audition from that Season:



Here's the landscape of auditioners that are left (I'm sure it's not totally comprehensive but it's close I think). Asterisks mean I don't have positive confirmation, but I also don't have positive confirmation they're gone either.




Jeneve Rose Mitchell

Malie Delgado (I hope her voice survives the next round)

Michelle Marie (Why Dammit Why?)

Laurel Wright (Who needs to remember the words to Stayin Alive anyway?)

Mary Williams

Shelbie Z (Ugh, what a bleepin caricature of a sassy country voice)

Tristan McIntosh

**John Wayne Schulz

**Isaac Cole

**Emily Brooke (Rockin some intense Grease style hair for a Fox tie-in ;-)


Indy/Folk/Soul/Blues Mismash


Thomas Stringfellow (Stop trying to make him happen, show)

Kayla Mickelsen (The pale MPDG remains)

Dalton Rappatoni

Manny Torres

Jenn Blosil (Weirdo Group Leadership Skills on point)

Kayce Haynes

Mackenzie Bourg (Amazing martial arts style moves during the group round)


Joshua Wicker

Jenna Renae

Korey Wheeler

**Amber Lynn

**James the VIII

**Adam Lasher

**Zach Person




Amelia Eisenhauer

Gianna Isabella (Methinks Brenda K. Starr paid some people off)

Lee Jean

Sarah Sturm (Stealth finalist maybe?)

Ameet Kahlon

Andrew Nazerbeckian (Dogwhistle? Check)

Sonika Vaid

Avalon Young (Group round standout)

Jessica Cabral

Joy Dove

La'Porscha Renae (Yawn, I get it. I get it)

Trent Harmon (Mono Boy!!!!)

Lindita (Eff you and your modulated yelling)

Joshua Sasser (Celine fanboy is still here?)

Stephany Negrete

Ginger Lush

**Rhea Raj (no visual evidence she was in the group round)

**Chynna Sherod (She couldn't of gotten canned for that group performance)

**Terrian Bass (same group as Chynna, so yeah)

**Olivia Rox (they couldn't have cut her, right?)

**Bianca Espinal (No idea)

**Tywan Jackson (same)

**Jessica Price (same)

**Shevonne Philidor (she made it to groups, no idea after that)


New People introduced in Hollywood


Christian Eason

Lynnzee Fray

The other three members of the Uptown Funk group (Marcio, Kylle, and the white teen w/ Red pants)

Jessica Paige (ne Furney)

Bri Ray

The other two girls in La'Porscha's Group

The 3rd girl in Jeneve and Mary's country female trio

Jess Kellner (Voice Alum)

The 4th girl with Korey, Jenna and Jordan in the first group

Anatalia Villaranda and her creepy stage mom

The other girl in Gianna and Eliz's trainwreck group

Marshall Cunningham (survived forgetting Stayin Alive lyrics along with Laurel Wright)

Thomas Muglia (got through with Thomas Stringfellow in that group)

Ashley Lusk (snuck through in Michelle Marie and Shelbie Z's group)

Annalynne McCord look alike who got through in Amelia, Tristan and Lee's group

Edited by PhD-Purgatory15
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Group with Jordan Sasser, Kory, Jenna Renae - Solid performance. They were incredibly smart about making sure to get to bed early and rest. The #1 (or at least one of the very most) important things for a singer is sleep. Your vocal cords need rest in order to repair the muscles. If you don't sleep and never give them a rest, your voice will not function. That's why they sounded so good. Because they rested.


Jenn Blosil and Sarah Sturm - Jenn sounded the best of her group. Not the best but not a complete train wreck either.


Amelia, Lee Jean, and Tristan - I thought they all sounded horrible, to be honest. Don't get the hype around any of these kids. Tristan sounded awful, her voice was shrill and squeaky. The other 2 were eh.


Avalon and Collette - Love Collette although it didn't seem like they showed much of her. And I wasn't keen on Avalon in her audition but she sounded fantastic on this song. I could really hear her voice on the radio today. But was she wearing the same outfit as her audition? LOL


Country girl trio with Jeneve - Wow, these girls did outstanding! Although frankly I think Jeneve got by because the other girls were covering up her vocals a lot. But beautiful harmonies at the end by all 3, wow. One of the best of the night!


Chynna and Terrian - I loved Chynna, wow she is good.


Trent - A huge WTF with this one. Why wasn't he disqualified? I like him a lot and he's one of my faves, but this seemed unfair to let him be his own group. How is it fair that the 2 girls who lost a group member or Dalton's group that lost Poh were at risk of being disqualified if they didn't find a third member, but one contestant is allowed to not have a group at all? That doesn't seem very fair to me at all. On the other hand, the dude was seriously ill and I guess it would be even more unfair to disqualify a contestant due to illness and doctor's orders. Still, couldn't they have just had him perform on another area of the stage or something? Regardless, I thought he sounded fantastic. Mono is no joke. I could see him being in a Broadway musical or something, he kind of had this theatrical thing going on with it. Kudos to him for pulling out a better performance with mono than half these people with full health. I'll be surprised if this guy doesn't make Top 10.


Michelle Marie, Shelbie Z - Honestly didn't think any of them really sounded that good. None of these girls are Carrie. Shelbie growled her way to those high notes, which is a sign of not being able to really hit them. And seriously, ok that blonde girl was being a bit of a controlling bitch, but the way her group hugged and screamed without her was so rude, although maybe they felt justified in doing that after the crappy way she acted towards them. The people who try to be "leaders" and "bosses" in the group rounds never survive. Ha. Even though I find Michelle annoying as hell, she was absolutely correct about the way they were going about choosing songs. 5 hours spent on just choosing a song? Ridic. I'd have been pissed too, although the young lady took it in stride. As much as I find her annoying, she seems like a sweet, good natured kid, so I can't hate her too much. It sounded like she said something like "If we wait too long there won't be any songs left." Da fuq? Is there like a limit on how many groups can choose the same song? To ensure variety?


Elvie, Ashley, Cameron - Glad they're gone. Ashley seemed like she fell apart, Cameron should have never made it this far in the first place, and Elvie sounded rough.


Dalton, Kassy - Another WTF moment with this one. Da fuq is wrong with these Scott sisters? At least Shi never quit in the middle of the show like Poh. You know, if she really thought she wasn't ready or wouldn't be able to handle it, that's perfectly fine, but TELL YOUR GROUP MEMBERS YOU ARE LEAVING DUMBASS. I wonder if it was a mild producer setup, like maybe they thought a production person would let her group know she quit. In fact, I'm going so far as saying I think Poh was a production plant all this time. They got a bit of a story out of having her be the sister of a past contestant and then some drama out of having her quit in the middle of the show. We've seen people quit due to illness or other things like that, but never just because "I can't do it." She knew this was a part of the process, why did she try out in the first place? I smell something fishy with that one. Anyway, they did a good job. Although, even though the judges kind of asked about it, I wish that they hadn’t explained everything that went on the night before. It looks like you’re bitching and being unprofessional. Shit happens. Yeah it was a shitty situation and very unprofessional of Poh, and the other girl that joined them understandably felt rejected by her group, however leave it all off the stage. The only thing anyone should care about when those contestants are onstage is the music and the performance. Rehashing everything that happened and throwing people under the bus looks extremely unprofessional and whiny. Just get on with the show. On the plus side, I thought it was really smart of them to all wear similar outfits. It really helped them look more like a group, without of course wearing the exact same outfit (that would have been ultra cheesy). One thing I didn’t understand is why Dalton and green hair girl didn’t group together since they know each other already…. Wouldn’t that have made sense? Dalton <3


Sonika, Adam, Stephany – Wow they got the bitch edit, didn’t they? I never expected they would give Sonika a bad edit. Frankly that stage mom was being pushy and some posters asked why they allow parents to interfere- that’s why. Drama. Remember that mom a couple seasons ago that drove Jessica Muese crazy? Or Brielle von Hugel’s mom from S11? Drama, drama, drama. This group chose a terrible song though, not because of the song itself (love me some Ariana Grande) but it is not a good choice unless you have the pipes for it, which none of these guys do. They could have at least taken it down a key or something. Adam sounded awful on those high notes, WTF were the judges talking about? Did not like this group at all. However, they were right in that if 3 of the 4 of them liked the song choice it was unfair to expect them to “compromise” aka change the whole song because 1 person did not like it or couldn’t find a way to make it fit her voice.


Jaci, Josiah – The montage of bad dancing was ultra stupid. I’ve never understood why they want people to dance on this show. The large majority of the contestants who appear on this show can’t dance and last year’s Qassim who could was a terrible singer. There’s never been anyone on this show who could do both really well. None of the winners or finalists could ever dance and they’ve never done it in their post-Idol careers. I don’t see the point of it, other than basically forcing the contestants outside their comfort zone and making them look stupid and silly. It’s cheesy entertainment, I guess. I liked Keith’s attitude, “I would refuse and have my group members dance around me like background dancers.” That was some seriously bad dancing in that montage though, lol. Adam Lasher. Bah! What irked me most about this segment was that those who got eliminated were never shown singing, just dancing badly. I hope that they did not get eliminated just on the basis of that. Come on, how stupid. This is not So You Think You Can Dance. I’d have been so pissed at getting eliminated just because I can’t dance.


4 Guys Who Did Uptown Funk – We never saw 3 of the 4 of them before but these guys were quite good. Very solid performance.


Joy Dove, Daniel Farmer, Lindita – Harry sounded like a complete asshole berating Joy because she let one of her team members have a moment. The judges’ comments contradicted themselves, one moment they’re saying to be out for yourself, the next they are telling them to play nice. And JLo was so arrogant “People like working with me.” LOL I’m sure there’s some testimonies out there that say otherwise. Ugh, sometimes I just can’t with these “judges.” Keith is the only one I ever really like. Anyway, I do agree they let Lindita go on a bit too long at the end, which was probably more what Harry’s point was. Each one of them should have an individual moment, but that was like an individual minute.


Gianna Isabella – Oh boy with this one. “Hit ‘Em Up Style” needs to be retired from the Idol songbook FOREVER. Luckily after this season it will be. Why the fuck do contestants still pick this song? It is the worst song ever for group round and the kiss of death. I’ve never seen any group perform this song successfully. Case in point. That Eliz girl got served. “They can be my background singers… at the end there’s only going to be one person left… ME!!!!!” Ugh. Isn’t it funny that the first and only time we’ve ever seen her was in an unflattering bitch edit? Heh. Oh man and then at the end when she was all “Well, I’m a singer, an actor, and a model and being on Idol would be an insult to my other talents.” Get the fuck outta here. Sometimes I just love the editors. They really know how to make the cocky ones look like real assholes when they want to.


Team Good Vibes – Ironically this team did not have good vibes. The girl that got through I guess was deserving enough.


Team with CJ Johnson – Well I like CJ so glad he got through.


Thomas Stringfellow – I couldn’t help thinking this group should have named themselves the Geek Squad. That’s what they looked like onstage.


Manny, Malie – One of the best of the night. I really liked how Malie’s voice stood out from the guys and created a really nice harmony.

Laurel, John Arthur Greene – Welp needless to say this was a disaster. I don’t understand how groups failed to remember lyrics to this song when it repeats the same thing over and over again?


La’Porsha – La’Porsha is one of my faves but the pimpage was obvious here as they basically let them sing their entire song, while they did not show as much from other groups, especially considering the girl that forgot the words. Oy. Well they all sounded really great anyway. I think La’Porsha was better off in the end going with this group and Team Rebirth sounded just fine without her. It worked out for the best probably for everyone in the end.




I was quite surprised at how many good performances they showed and not as many trainwrecks as I was expecting. I kind of missed the trainwrecks, honestly.


JLo’s chocolate montage was so stupid and a waste of screentime. How much do you want to bet she only ate the chocolate for the purpose of the segment? I doubt she eats chocolate ever in real life.


Ditto the “I’m so emotional over Idol ending” segment. I’m sure she/the judges are genuinely sad to see it go and all that, but come on, this was so put on and shoehorned in somewhere/scripted to remind us of how Idol is ending, just in case we forgot, and to make us get all nostalgic.


John Wayne Shulz <3 Dalton <3 McKenzie <3 They’re all so cute

Edited by BogoGog24
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Why are TPTB trying to make Jordan Sasser a thing??  He's one of the handful who is featured on AI's Youtube page.  He does absolutely nothing for me vocally, and given his musical tastes, I can't even root for him artistically either.  Whatevs.

Edited by cubbie5150
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I was Googling J.Lo's reputation too.  Couldn't help it.  Found this 1998 article.  I was kind of blown away.  All the memories of hating her back in the Bennifer days came flooding back.  For the record, I like her now, but I forgot about this.




LOL, she ain’t modest, but, you know, I guess she’s not wrong… Madonna said much the same thing (paraphrasing her) – “so many friends of mine, talented artists, gave up their dreams along the way, because they believed the negative things people said about them.  I never did that.”  It takes a lot of grit, ego, and possibly necessary vanity, not to secretly think that it’s the favorable reviews of your conduct which were instead written by morons.


That said, I often think of how fun interviews like that must be for the journalist in question, who gets to basically sit back and let the celebrity steer the interview into hubristic carnage.  Hell, sometimes they write 'em without any authorial injections at all.


It seemed to be JLo Appreciation Night, with most of the appreciation coming from JLo herself. But Harry also had to chime in with what a great performer she is. One of the things I will not miss about this show is being constantly head over the head with what a talented, beautiful, amazing, yet humble person Jennifer Lopez is. Last week I had to laugh when she told one contestant how much better she sings when she connects with the lyrics. On a list of JLo's talents, singing is definitely way down at the bottom.


As to this charge, I distinctly remember a blind item about guests in a Boston hotel who were being disrupted by wild off-key singing of JLo’s songs in the wee hours.


Well, when a hotel employee was dispatched to track down the pitchy caroler, guess who was “singing JLo’s songs off key” other than… JLo.


After the Letterman video, I no longer even remotely doubt that story.

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I didn't see if Emily (?) went thought- long blonde hair who was close to final 20 last time.  She was shown in the audience many times but not performing.


How about Olivia Rox?  Don't like her, but I was surprised she wasn't shown (and pimped.)  I saw Colette in Avalon's group but surprised they didn't feature her- she got through, right?  


Who I think will be tops:  Trent, Dalton, Avalon, Porsha, Gianna, Sonika, Thomas Stringfellow, Stephany (tho I don't really care for her), Chynna, J-Blo, Colette (I hope), Olivia, Tristan, Sara Sturm (love her voice).  


I want to reminisce about my favourite one of all time.  It's called Heejun Han versus Cowboy.  I was so in love with Heejun and Phillip Phillips this season.  Poor PP had kidney stones.  



That was awesome.  Just awesome, loved it.  Thanks!  Never would have picked PP as the winner from that clip, that's what  I love about this show!  He seemed so nondescript!  


  I'm so sick of the Jason Mraz,"sing like you're taking a constipated dump" type male singer this show loves. 


Yes, thank you.  I always want a better descriptor for singers like this, and you captured it perfectly!  The other guy who auditioned with his female friend was the personification of this.  They look as if they're in pain and squeezing out every single word as if it's killing them.  Not attractive to watch, IMO.  But this show loves it.  



Thomas Stringfellow – I couldn’t help thinking this group should have named themselves the Geek Squad. That’s what they looked like onstage.


So funny.  My 9 yr old walked into the room when this group was on, and said, "They're all nerds!"


Why are TPTB trying to make Jordan Sasser a thing??  He's one of the handful who is featured on AI's Youtube page.  He does absolutely nothing for me vocally, and given his musical tastes, I can't even root for him artistically either.  Whatevs.


Cannot stand him.  His eyes are too close together, and his hair is literally like Caroline Ingalls.  I dare you, put his head of hair on any Little House on the Prairie character and it will look perfect.  It's ManBun gone wrong.  

Edited by awaken
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You're welcome awaken.


Heejun was an absolute sweetheart the entire show, actually.  But when he ran into Cowboy, as is evident, he was emotionally demolished.  He lists what I feel are very rational reasons for why he simply could not get along with Cowboy, who was clearly trying to steamroll the other three.   Phillip Phillips (the season's winner) and Heejun (9th place) were friends thoughout the whole competition and the Cowboy was nowhere to be seen/remembered after that, so I think that speaks for itself.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Colette (Ginger Lush) got through in Avalon's group along with Ameet Kahlon who wasn't identified.


We didn't get confirmation one way or the other about Emily Brook and Olivia Rox (along with Adam Lasher), but they were both shown in non singing groups (because the show was for some reason focusing on weak dancing/lack of rhythm) when Josiah Siska, Jaci Butler and the big jokey guy (Brian Dale Brown) all were eliminated. I have to believe if they would've cut one or both of those early favorites then we as the audience would've found out then. I was particularly ticked off about Josiah. He had such a distinct low voice, it seems suspiciously convenient for the show to not show him singing and to axe him based on questionable dancing instead.

Edited by PhD-Purgatory15
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JLo later said, "I've been around because people like working with me." 


Because you like the casting couch, or so George Clooney said.


I wondered about that too, and looked it up--mono can be spread through a sneeze or cough, but is not as contagious as the common cold.  Don't really see why Trent couldn't have stood off to the side a ways and still sung with a group.  By just making sure he had a handkerchief at all times, he wouldn't have been that much of a danger to anyone.  He could as easily spread the disease simply by touching something that might then be touched by someone else.  The whole thing struck me as more of a drama thing--not on his part, but on the show's part. 



I actually thought it was really unfair that mono boy got to perform by himself. Don't they all do 1,000x better performing solo? He got to skip all the drama, all the teamwork.

A part of me even thinks he made up that he wasn't allowed to perform with a team. The day before he said he wasn't contagious unless he kissed people. I don't buy it, and I think he should have been disqualified!


Trent missed the perfect group name:  Mano a Mono


I didn't get why he couldn't put a paper mask on and rehearse with a group.  Or why a group of one was allowed but two would go home if they didn't find a third.  And I also wondered if AI got some proof from his doctor or just took his word for it.  


That was awesome.  Just awesome, loved it.  Thanks!  Never would have picked PP as the winner from that clip, that's what  I love about this show!  He seemed so nondescript!  


Cannot stand him.  His eyes are too close together, and his hair is literally like Caroline Ingalls.  I dare you, put his head of hair on any Little House on the Prairie character and it will look perfect.  It's ManBun gone wrong.  


I loved Heejun and Philip.  Philip's audition is one of the few I remember-- He did a rework of Thriller.  I thought then he was the winner.  


Ha, I laughed aloud at your description of the eyes-too-close worship leader hubby.  He reminds me of Odo on Star Trek TNG.  Creepy.  


I thought the The Sistas' Staying Alive was one of the worst auditions ever and the judges loved it.  Hm.  


Here's the best Staying Alive rendition.


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I think Trent was allowed to perform solo because 1) the producers did not want to take the risk of other contestants being infected with mono because they put Trent in a group, 2) the producers knew he is good, so didn't want him to be qualified. Perhaps unfair to the other contestants but I'm glad they kept him because he is really talented. He sounded breathless (probably because he is sick), but still very good. And I like the he was very matter-of-fact about the whole thing.

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I'm not sure how infectious mono is other than "very", but I've had it, and wouldn't have wanted to use the microphone after Trent, just in case. . He did sound good, but I think if someone is ill in such a close environment, he should go home. I'm surprised the show wasn't worried about liability either about his health or others'.


So far there are enough singers I like to feel the season has potential  -- maybe, with luck (if they don't eliminate all my favorites), the best in the past few years.

Edited by Padma
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Before Poh left left one of her group members said she had been disappearing randomly all night, which made me wonder if some illicit substance was involved.

Not that it's not still possible, but remember that her whole family was there (she was a minor).
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What are you talking about bluepiano?  Here's a present for you guys, Happy Weekend.


I'm trying to determine the level of sarcasm going on here.

That said, that's actually far from the worst live performance I've seen--it's more mediocre than nightmarish--but given that she's not even dancing in it, she's got much less of an excuse. Plus it's not a very dynamic song--it's all mid-tempo and in a very narrow range. And yes, she's out of tune even within that narrow range, but she's tamping down any ambitious notes SO much, and her mike is so low (on purpose) vs. the background singers and the band, that her being off-pitch is less being shoved under the rug in that way too. It's more sad/pathetic than scary bad.


Really it just shows she's a superstar because of her... assets. Not her voice. And being in the right time and place to have made Selena (where her singing was better, but... probably sweetened up a lot since whatever we heard was edited even if the stuff seemed candid in the movie). 


To give her a small bit of credit... she does at least appear to often be singing live (even if in a mediocre fashion) rather than lip sync every single time. I mean watch this--she's dancing but you can also tell she's singing live (because as is the trend with her it's off-key--but at least she's got slightly more of an excuse because she's dancing):



So really in a strange way, her shitty singing is the guarantee with her that it's not just a puppet show.


And really if you go over her back catalog of songs you'll notice there ARE songs in it she consistently sounds better (Lets Get Loud, for example, but there are others). Know what they all have in common?  A very limited range being necessary. The more she can sing a song with no dynamic range and just communicate 'tude in a song, the more in tune/consistent her performance is. Mediocre in terms of the ambition of the song rather than her singing, I mean. 


I mean this isn't bad. It's just a party song with no teeth or great skill (well other than that dancing) needed. This video of her in 1999 is probably her at her apex... 



EDIT - Whoops. She IS lipsyncing in this. Proof is at 1:23 where she pulls the mike away from her face but we distinctly hear her "laugh" as part of the song (and the laugh is way too loud to be ambient noise): Click here to forward to it: https://youtu.be/gWtzLsvYiTc?t=1m23s


I suppose her switching to actually singing live (and thus noticably off-key) must be because there was a general backlash against lipsyncing a few years after this.

Edited by Kromm
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Heejun was one of my faves in season 11 and that group round is one of the most hilarious of all time. I wish that they had shown some group rounds of seasons past just like they scattered some past auditions and other moments of the show in the auditions episodes. There were some truly memorable groups like Heejun vs Cowboy, the Brittenum twins, scary stage moms... Where was the nostalgia? Missed opportunity there.

That Office clip is one of my all time faves.

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Glad Poh is gone. Didn't like her from the start and cannot stand that Shi sister. She could have told her group though. Sheesh.

Imo, "J. Blo" is an unfortunate nickname for the quirky Jenn Blosil chick.... for reasons that are apparent. :)

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I'm very glad Poh left and that there wasn't a long drawn out goodbye. This is the first season I've watched since Carrie Underwood, so I have no idea who Shi is, or why she's such a big freakin' deal. Did Shi go far in the competition? Does she have a big record deal now?  I noticed AI didn't go into a "look what she's accomplished" montage about Shi, so I suspect that Shi's legendary reputation lives only within the family unit. Without any context, their relationship seems really...off. The amount of sister-fawning from Poh seemed way out of proportion. If Shi had a huge career, or if Poh was mute until Shi donated a vocal cord, maybe I'd understand. But "my sister was in this competition too and she got to be on tv, but then got the boot" doesn't seem to warrant such an over the top "Everything I do, I do it for you" response. Over and over.


In any case, I'm glad Poh is gone, because I found that whole thing a little disturbing.

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I'm very glad Poh left and that there wasn't a long drawn out goodbye. This is the first season I've watched since Carrie Underwood, so I have no idea who Shi is, or why she's such a big freakin' deal. Did Shi go far in the competition? Does she have a big record deal now?  I noticed AI didn't go into a "look what she's accomplished" montage about Shi, so I suspect that Shi's legendary reputation lives only within the family unit. Without any context, their relationship seems really...off. The amount of sister-fawning from Poh seemed way out of proportion. If Shi had a huge career, or if Poh was mute until Shi donated a vocal cord, maybe I'd understand. But "my sister was in this competition too and she got to be on tv, but then got the boot" doesn't seem to warrant such an over the top "Everything I do, I do it for you" response. Over and over.


In any case, I'm glad Poh is gone, because I found that whole thing a little disturbing.

Shi was a top 24 contestant last season but never made it any further than that. She doesn't have a record deal that I know of. There is really nothing remarkable about their relationship, just the fact that Poh is the sister of a top 24 contestant from last year, which I guess producers thought was interesting enough.

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Have any siblings gone far?  I was remembering David Cook's mom when asked if she'd encourage his brother to try out again, saying "hell no".  I figured Poh was in it for the ticket to Hollywood and to get Shi 30 more seconds of air time and then never intended on playing the game any further, based on what she knew of the show from Shi.  

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Speaking of sisters, Marlena Johnson, the third singer in "The Sistas," who forgot the lyrics, is the younger sister of Stephanie Johnson, who was Top 10 on America's Got Talent last year, and got some heavy producer pimping. There was a whole back story about how their mother left the family, so Stephanie had to be like a mother to five younger siblings. But then, years later, the mother returned and she was in the audience cheering for Stephanie at the live shows.


Funny how when a contestant doesn't featured, you don't get to know anything about them. I suspect Marlena may not be long for the show, but to me it sounded like she had the best voice of that trio, better than the heavily pimped LaPorsha.


This season the producers are really pushing the 15-16 year old girls, and I suspect (fear) we're going to be stuck with several of them for the long haul. TPTB seem clueless that the overemphasis on young, artistically immature contestants over the last few years is probably one of the things that killed this show.


I'd earlier posted how Stephany Negrete would be an interesting final winner, but should she or Sonika get to the voting rounds, they're probably toast. The young female voting demographic just doesn't like the pretty girls. They vote for their fantasy boyfriend, or non-threatening girl next door types. And having been given a "mean girl" edit this week (completely unfounded, I believe) isn't going to help.

Edited by bluepiano
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Also Jessica Paige (the only one from her low energy group to make it through) looked eerily familiar from somewhere too. Maybe a previous season of Idol or AGT?

Good memory! She used to go by Jessica Furney and was on Season 8 of AI (made it to the first round of Hollywood) and also Season 9 of AI, where she made it to the chairs episode before being booted. She repeatedly said "you have no idea what I can do," and left on a sour note. I'm surprised she returned after all of these years!

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Have any siblings gone far?  I was remembering David Cook's mom when asked if she'd encourage his brother to try out again, saying "hell no".  I figured Poh was in it for the ticket to Hollywood and to get Shi 30 more seconds of air time and then never intended on playing the game any further, based on what she knew of the show from Shi.  


Not that I know of. I remember Sanjaya and his sister got split up eventually. The Brittenum twins basically got to the same point. Jason Castro's brother tried out and made it at least to the TV round, not sure if he made it any further than that. Colton Dixon's sister tried out a couple of times and never got to the Top 24. I think TPTB enjoy keeping siblings apart, as it creates some drama and a rivalry thing. That, and usually the sibling isn't as good as the one who ended up making it far. 





Funny how when a contestant doesn't featured, you don't get to know anything about them. I suspect Marlena may not be long for the show, but to me it sounded like she had the best voice of that trio, better than the heavily pimped LaPorsha.



Generally the way it works is those who are featured a lot probably made it quite far in the show. There wouldn't be much reason to show the ones who don't go far, unless it's some kind of "shocking" elimination like Melanie Tierce or Elvie. So it's quite safe to say the ones we've seen a lot of so far (Dalton, La'Porsha, Tristan, Thomas Stringfellow, etc.) probably all went quite far. 


I do think TPTB are pimping La'Porsha quite hard but I also think they are pimping Tristan a lot especially. They wouldn't have pulled out that surprise of her mom visiting at her audition for just any old contestant. I think Tristan is TPTB's Chosen One this year. Meh. 

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BogoGog24 who could forget the Roman brothers from that horrible, horrible quarterfinal round that was so bad it allowed Matt Rogers and Camile Velasco to both make the Top 12 that one season. Talk about trainwreck x 2.


I'm with those above who feels like Tristan is (marginally) the Chosen one at this stage. By a slight margin over La'Porsha. I think the show also knows that they don't really have to play favorites with a Blonde country singer which is why they've probably gone light on Emily Brooke in Hollywood week so far.


Sonika is interesting to think about as a potential contender (as would be Jessica Cabral), their most recent AI comparison would be a contestant like Angie Miller who had to hustle and do originals just to claw her way to a 3rd or 4th place finish. I originally thought Avalon's comp Idol might be Brooke White, but after hearing her in the group round I'll say she's more versatile than that.


With all that said, watch Thomas, Dalton, Joshua Wicker (Family man Idol) or Lee Jean storm their way to a farewell victory lol

Edited by PhD-Purgatory15
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Read this, this is ridiculous: http://www.mjsbigblog.com/american-idol-2016-semifinal-schedule.htmMake sure to read the "update" part. It appears like the judges will be choosing most of the top 10 this year and the audience gets to vote on a few wildcards. RIDICULOUS. They are so obviously trying to ensure they get their female Kelly Clarkson bookend winner. Ugh. Clearly they learned nothing from season 12. I do not want the last season of Idol to be so manipulated like this. It defeats the entire purpose of the show. Part of the appeal of the show has always been that the audience decides, it's a terrible "tribute" to the final season of the show by manipulating it like this. Why do they even care so much who wins after this anyway? The moment the lights go out and the show is done forever, no one (meaning TPTB, not the audience) is going to care what happens to the winner or the show. Let the cards fall where they may. No matter who wins they are probably not gonna be that successful, so why does it matter? Let the audience choose who they want. I hope that at least if a female HAS to win this year they're deserving and semi-marketable. I don't want a mediocre female winning just for the sake of having a female win. There are many guys I like this year that to be honest I'd rather see win than a girl. My top pick for a girl is Emily because I think she's a really strong singer but also very marketable. I wouldn't mind seeing Sonika probably win either. But I also think Trent or Dalton could win.

Edited by BogoGog24
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I don't think they care who wins at all now.  Their credibility after this season is a non-issue.  But I've never thought they cared what gender won.  Maybe they use the "girl's year" stuff just for something to talk about.  What else is their to speculate on?  


Right now they're at what-- 9 male, 5 female winners?  Who would care if it ended up 9:6 versus 10:5?  

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I think that Stephany is being favored. She didn't look nearly as bad as Sonika in the drama. They showed the clip of her with the winners trophy and Ryan. I think she is going very far. Stephany and Tristan and Avalon are going to get more votes than La Porsha

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Hi. First time posting on this board. I haven't watched Idol in years but thought I'd give the final season a try.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that Michelle(?) reminds me of Yeardley Smith. I don't think she looks like her, but both are short with kind of squashed facial features and quirky personalities. I do think Michelle had some good points during her group rehearsal.

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I think 15/16 year old girls might support Avalon or Tristan or even Cowboy girl.

My girl that age has never voted, wouldn't be caught dead watching the show but occasionally has to because I am and she's in the room, and she would I suspect like Avalon this year, if anyone.  Because Avalon has that IDGAF style.   She looked like she rolled out of bed and showed up to the group round in her pajamas but sang like a rock star.  But oddly she wore the same exact outfit to the audition.  Tennies, ripped boyfriend jeans, and the oversize striped t.  


I had to google Stephanie Johnson from the Voice.  I kind of liked her.  She was the cruise ship singer.  I don't think she'd fill an arena but I'd definitely hang out in the bar of the ship she was in.  

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When I was 15/16 watching the show I think I liked Brooke White, Carly Smithson, and Michael Johns from season 7 and Kris Allen from season 8. So I guess I liked the cute guys and the edgy soulful songwriter gals. Of course tastes vary among everyone, but I would imagine most teen girls today would probably predictably like the cute WGWGs like Dalton and Mackenzie and if any girls, probably ones like Avalon, don't see them liking Michelle, Olivia, Stephany, or La'Porsha, maybe they would like Tristan and Emily too. But I kind of want to think teens today don't watch this show nor care about it. 

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I had to google Stephanie Johnson from the Voice.  I kind of liked her.  She was the cruise ship singer.  I don't think she'd fill an arena but I'd definitely hang out in the bar of the ship she was in.


Sorry, my bad. The Stephanie Johnson who's Marlena's older sister was on America's Got Talent, not The Voice. Sometimes all these shows run together in my mind. I think Stephanie is largely remembered from AGT for a polarizing, very melodramatic version of "California Dreaming." Some people loved it, some hated it.


I googled Stephanie Johnson from The Voice, and the "trilingual cruise ship singer" is an entirely different person, often listed as "Stephanie Anne Johnson." My apologies.


This whole "bookend to Kelly Clarkson" thing is really kind of stupid. And they might want to rethink it as a marketing strategy, because it sounds like they're saying, 'we found Kelly Clarkson in Season One but haven't done much of anything since."

Edited by bluepiano
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I agree. Theres never going to be a match for Kelly. Even if you found someone with a great voice like her, she still has the charming personality, looks, plus marketability. Even if you managed to find somebody with all of those qualities, I don't feel they're ever going to match her. Kelly is Kelly and whoever wins is who they are.

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I hope they don't push the girls thing too hard. In the past seasons that may be true but I don't see it this season. Who do we have here? La Porsha...not my cup of tea. Olivia...mediocre at best. Tristan...not a great singer. I guess the most interesting are Jenn Blo, Colette and Avalon. Everyone raves about Emily but I still see her as not ready even this season. She always just belts out songs without really "singing" them.

Edited by waving feather
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I agree. Theres never going to be a match for Kelly. Even if you found someone with a great voice like her, she still has the charming personality, looks, plus marketability. Even if you managed to find somebody with all of those qualities, I don't feel they're ever going to match her. Kelly is Kelly and whoever wins is who they are.

And if they get a mega-star or another flop, American Idol's claim to fame is still the same as it is now-- a ratings juggernaut that helped define the genre and also produced a few really successful artists.  

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Just a few random thoughts ...


It wouldn't be group night if there wasn't a meddling stage mom of a teenage singer creating drama.


I had an immediate and inexplicable dislike/distaste for Trent from his first audition -- there's something about his looks that flat out creep me out and I don't like his voice -- but it was clear from the get-go that he's being pimped (since there is such a deficit of guys) and by using his mono as an excuse to give him a solo, they both gave him the sympathy edit AND were able to avoid the chance that he might just suck in a group setting.


Is Sarah Sturm egg girl? If so, she's actually my daughter's early stealth favorite ... she LOVES her voice (and has never cared one way or the other about personality, etc. ... she goes strictly on voice). 


Between Jordan Sasser and Phillip from Top Chef, it is the reality season of the detestable ManBun wearers.


My favorites at this point are Ginger Lush, Tristan and La'Porsha ... There was something about Tristan I found inexplicably mesmerizing in her first audition, I love the tone of her voice, and think she is one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen. The fact they flew in mom is proof they want her to go at least to Top 24. But I am not sure she has the staying power vocally to make it through the rigors this takes ... whereas I have a feeling both Ginger Lush and La'Porsha have the pipes to go the distance.


I think Emily Brooke may win the whole thing but she just doesn't do it for me ... I do think she is good and pretty and likable and talented etc. Just not my cup of tea.


One last unpopular opinion -- I am fine with the judges picking the Top 10 and letting the fans pick the wild cards (I've read 12 or 14 finalists so not sure which is correct because I have been avoiding spoilers with specific names). I think they've seen more of the contestants than we have, and it's unfair to let fans make the early decisions when they have only seen who the producers want them to see ... I think with judges picking we have a better shot of a few late-surging contenders we can grow to love (or hate). And then the fans can pick their handful of favorites from those who didn't get locked in.


Did they do this two-week/four-night showcase to pick the Top 12/14 before? Or is this longer than it's been in the past? I have a weird work schedule the week of the final two showcases/Top 12/14 (working realtime European hours for eight days in a row from Monday before through Monday after so generally going to sleep around 9 p.m.) so I may end up having to tape both nights and watch in the afternoons and stay totally unspoiled ... I may just wait until Friday afternoon when I can watch both of them together ... 

Edited by PamelaMaeSnap
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Guys, this is our last Hollywood Week Group Rounds.


I want to reminisce about my favourite one of all time.  It's called Heejun Han versus Cowboy.  I was so in love with Heejun and Phillip Phillips this season.  Poor PP had kidney stones.  



OMG ... and also the group round of I Only Have Eyes For You was amazing



Ditto the crushes...PP does it for me in a big way.

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Ah, so cute.  Remind me... who are Peggy and Mary?  

Super fans may have to refresh my memory, but I think they are two moms who helped put the song together for the group.  Something like that???? Take with a grain of salt but that is a fuzzy recollection I have.

Edited by Jextella
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Super fans may have to refresh my memory, but I think they are two moms who helped put the song together for the group.  Something like that???? Take with a grain of salt but that is a fuzzy recollection I have.

I don't know who Mary is, but I think Peggy was a vocal coach who, for a couple of season in AI, was the scary yet hilariously entertaining (at least in my mind) vocal coach. I remember her giving Thia Megia and Melinda Ademi in Season 10 a hard time for not connecting or letting it all out.

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Y'all remember when Joe Cocker was thrown off the stage at Woodstock because he was arrhythmic/spastic in his presentation?  That was a moment, wasn't it?!  And that Mindy Doo (Melinda Doolittle) - didja know she was the inspiration to Nigel for SYTYCD?  Girl could really move!


What rot.  I wanted to slap JLo when she came up with, "It's all about collaboration."  Harry reamed out one of the girls for allowing another to have the finishing notes!  Reamed!


What it's really about is an easy peasy excuse to cull country artists.  C ya, Josiah.


I hated Shelbie most of all.  she left her group without notice and then she started taking over her new group.  She is not at all attractive.  Her voice is nothing special - well she might could win local karaoke.  I hope she had/has an especially brutal cut.

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Y'all remember when Joe Cocker was thrown off the stage at Woodstock because he was arrhythmic/spastic in his presentation?  That was a moment, wasn't it?!  And that Mindy Doo (Melinda Doolittle) - didja know she was the inspiration to Nigel for SYTYCD?  Girl could really move!


What rot.  I wanted to slap JLo when she came up with, "It's all about collaboration."  Harry reamed out one of the girls for allowing another to have the finishing notes!  Reamed!


What it's really about is an easy peasy excuse to cull country artists.  C ya, Josiah.


Well, sure they have to chuck out country males.  This is the "Season of Kelly Bookend", after all.  Country females might survive.


The judges always talk out of both sides of their mouths though, since the Randy-Simon-Paula days.  "You're in a rut and need to get out of your comfort zone, learning to sing all types of music!" .... "Yo, that was terrible.  Get back in your artsy/folky/whatever box!" 


The last person to be seriously cross-genre good and not blamed for "not having a distinct style/voice" as a part of it, was Carrie.  Maybe they mean they secretly want a new Carrie.

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