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S15.E03: 16 Chefs Compete

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Episode synopsis: The contestants are faced with a communications challenge; the winning team goes on a relaxing retreat while the losers prepare for dinner service, which involves gutting 100 pounds of sea bass.  VIP guests include astronaut Buzz Aldrin.
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Why was this moved to Wednesday?  It messed up my DVR settings.  I didn't find it very interesting.  There's still too many contestants to really like anyone.  It's not any better when they keep making the contestants look like over-confident braggarts.  I'm talking about the challenge round where they showed all the contestants thumping their own chest over how good their dish was. That one guy who went overboard making sliders and the red team's eggplant parm made me face palm.


I know it's reality tv, but why aren't any of the contestants a bit conflicted or shown to have any humility?  The only contestant whose name I remember is Meese because I want to call her moose or messy.  I admit I don't pay much attention to this show, but during the dinner service did they call for vegetarian wellington?  I'd like to see the recipe on that one.  GR's beef wellington on Masterchef seems overly complicated, can't imagine what the vegetarian one would entail.

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An 'aioli' made of mayonnaise. And pickle relish. Which is to say, a remoulade, if the mayonnaise was made of aioli. Or the special sauce on a big mac.

They aren't really trying any more, are they.

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Ugh, Frank can go at any time.  "She only got the point because I messed up!"


No, Frankie boy, you failed to get a point, because you messed up cooking your dish.


Ramsay is then under no obligation to "give a point" to the other side.  He can in fact award no points, or both.  In fact, I think he did both last night.

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Two weeks in and Fox has to get Hell's Kitchen to save a night because their new show sucks so bad (Second Chance).  I think that's a record.


Say what you want about Ramsay, but with 4 Masterchefs (1 adult, 2 kids and a celebrity version), 2 Hell's Kitchens, and a Hotel Hell, he damn near owns a broadcast network.  And don't think they're not talking to him regarding back up plans when Idol leaves this year, and the 'replacements' (besides Empire) don't work.

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Oh boy -- I eagerly look forward to Hell's Kitchen Jr.


My favorite part about last night was this throwaway moment where Vanessa was talking about cooking the lobster tails and was like "So, I use this pot, right?" and her teammate was like "Noooooo..." That was Vanessa in a nutshell.


Hassan is still my candidate for winner. He got the "helpful to others" edit in the kitchen tonight.

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Is it me or is the IQ of these folks approaching single digits as each season goes on?


That little pissant pipsqueak Frank actually said "She only won because I lost. That's not a winner!"  Um, yeah it is you dumb shit.  That's the very definition of "winning".  There is a competition of some sort where 2 or more people contend to be judged the best of the group.  Hence, that person "wins" and the others LOSE.


One of the dumb bunny brunettes thought Buzz Aldrin was from "Toy Story"???  Didn't Gordon even preface his introduction with "the famous astronaut"?  OK, she is a millennial & has been given a sub-standard, millennial level education (thanks, Common Core!), but shouldn't she at least know that Buzz Lightyear is not an astronaut?  He is a Space Ranger for chrissake!


I am shocked any of them could actually read the recipes on the jackets. 

Edited by BusyOctober
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Is it me or is the IQ of these folks approaching single digits as each season goes on?


That little pissant pipsqueak Frank actually said "She only won because I lost. That's not a winner!"  Um, yeah it is you dumb shit.  That's the very definition of "winning".  There is a competition of some sort where 2 or more people contend to be judged the best of the group.  Hence, that person "wins" and the others LOSE.


One of the dumb bunny brunettes thought Buzz Aldrin was from "Toy Story"???  Didn't Gordon even preface his introduction with "the famous astronaut"?  OK, she is a millennial & has been given a sub-standard, millennial level education (thanks, Common Core!), but shouldn't she at least know that Buzz Lightyear is not an astronaut?  He is a Space Ranger for chrissake!


I am shocked any of them could actually read the recipes on the jackets. 

Common Core hasn't really been around long enough to have had a long-term effect - thank the ridiculous standards that preceded it.

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Jackie seems to be doing her best to perpetuate the negative Jersey stereotype. Her eggplant parm looked awful on the screen and she crowed about it like it was a prize winning dish. She has just confirmed that she is filler to make the weeks go by, as Ramsay would never entrust one of his restaurants to her.

Frankie wins the Dolt of the Week award, for his stupidity regarding the challenge. Where in the world did he think the explicit instructions to communicate and follow the recipe meant to improvise and make your own creation?

Kristin is also doing her best to prove the dumb blonde stereotype is alive and well. I thought she was going to stomp on out of the kitchen when they wrote the ticket on her back.

Jared looks like he can be a good cook, but it is overshadowed by his level of being a jerk.

Hassan shows some potential, lets see what happens with him.

The rest, for the most part, are just generic clowns for the most part. I've seen better cooking skills at MickeyD's.

Edited by MajorWoody
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Is it me or is the IQ of these folks approaching single digits as each season goes on?


That little pissant pipsqueak Frank actually said "She only won because I lost. That's not a winner!"  Um, yeah it is you dumb shit.  That's the very definition of "winning".  There is a competition of some sort where 2 or more people contend to be judged the best of the group.  Hence, that person "wins" and the others LOSE.


One of the dumb bunny brunettes thought Buzz Aldrin was from "Toy Story"???  Didn't Gordon even preface his introduction with "the famous astronaut"?  OK, she is a millennial & has been given a sub-standard, millennial level education (thanks, Common Core!), but shouldn't she at least know that Buzz Lightyear is not an astronaut?  He is a Space Ranger for chrissake!


I am shocked any of them could actually read the recipes on the jackets. 


Thanks for reminding me.  I'd forgotten that I had queued up a mental response noting that we can blame "participation ribbon society" for Frank's rant about "losers" vs. "winners", lol.  Doesn't it seem like something some nitwitty teacher or parent imparted to him somewhere along the line?  


I have this feeling that someone did say that Buzz Lightyear is patterned after Buzz Aldrin...?  Maybe Meeses thought she was being funny.

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I have a feeling that even the ones kicked off Top Chef in the very early rounds could out chef anyone on this show.


I appreciate that the women all seem to have their hair contained. They even wore hairnets when they did the prep in his Vegas restaurant. I guess that is a Ramsey rule but I approve.

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So Gordon decides to speak French to a group of chefs and cooks who can barely navigate their way through English?

Also, I liked that Gordon said "seasoned beautifully." It's been a while.

Edited by Surrealist
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Active-duty Marines (even food service specialists, excuse me, I meant Marine CHEFS) don't get to take weeks/months of paid or unpaid leave to be on television.  I wouldn't be surprised if it's a casting stunt so Frank can play up his Marine Corps experience, challenge Gordon's authority and Gordon can show everyone how "tough" he is by not backing down from the Marine.

The last Marine Corps "Chef" they cast (Joseph who told Gordon to step outside and fight him) there was press saying it was all staged for the Marine to get in Ramsay's face.  Please stop, Gordon.  We get it, you're not afraid of anything, right, stop looking for Marines who will play a stereotype for a paycheck. 

  No Frank, she didn't get a point because you messed up.  And stop throwing corn cobs at people like a toddler.  I was waiting for him to ball his hands at his sides and stomp his feet until he got a cookie. 


I would like Meese better if Meese wasn't such a weird name. 

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Jackie seems to be doing her best to perpetuate the negative Jersey stereotype. Her eggplant parm looked awful on the screen and she crowed about it like it was a prize winning dish. She has just confirmed that she is filler to make the weks go by, as Ramsay would never entrust one lf his restaurants to her.


People from New Jersey can cook Italian food.  Have you never seen the Sopranos?


It's going to be a while before they get rid of the truly worthless, no "entertainment value" losers and get down to the ones with talent and those kept around just to stir the pot.


The right person went home even if her team didn't nominate her. I'm sure there will be some fireworks to start the next episode over Ariel going rogue on who was nominated.

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I have a feeling that even the ones kicked off Top Chef in the very early rounds could out chef anyone on this show.

The MasterChef Jr. kids could out cook these HK chefs.

I would like Meese better if Meese wasn't such a weird name. 

For real.....Drogo?

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I would like Meese better if Meese wasn't such a weird name.

For real.....Drogo?


*If it were here username on a website, it wouldn't be as weird. 


Meese sounds like an incorrect plural form of "mouse."

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How sad is it that a room full of so-called "Chefs" didn't contain any French speakers.  Oh wacky America and our low standards!

I still don't know who the hell most of this bunch of idiots are, but I did note Meese, because I said to myself "How long before someone says 'I hate that Meeses to Pieces". 


BTW: next episode?  Can we dare hope someone serves that lizard Kris Jenner something vile on purpose?  Ugh. This show is already disgusting enough without her getting involved.

Edited by Kromm
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I'm not sure I'd trust the majority of these cooks to make a bowl of Cap'n Crunch and milk correctly.

Jackie can go home any time now.

This show always has sub-humans, but usually they mostly unintentionally piss the others off, or make specific enemies.


Jackie is remarkable (in the worst way) in that she totally doesn't seem to understand this show has voting. Sure Ramsay can (and usually does) overrule the voting if someone doesn't deserve to go, but also being put up constantly sometimes leads to him just giving up on someone (or putting them on the other team, and then the other team doing away with the person). 

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BTW: next episode?  Can we dare hope someone serves that lizard Kris Jenner something vile on purpose?  Ugh. This show is already disgusting enough without her getting involved.


Have you seen this? I wonder if she'd even notice.


Of course, I don't actually picture her eating food, as such.

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Vanessa was the right one to go home. When you're the weak link in two of out three dinner services (and the best thing that can be said about the other one is that you didn't obviously screw up), it's time to leave.


Frank: There are times to improvise on a recipe and times to not improvise on a recipe. A challenge where the entire premise is how well you can follow the recipe as written is definitely the latter.

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Have you seen this? I wonder if she'd even notice.

Hugh Acheson is my spirit animal.

If one of the candidates were to say "I hate Meeses to pieces," he or she would be my new best friend. Not because I dislike Meese, but just because they would get that old cartoon reference.

I think the right phrasing is "I hate THOSE Meeses to pieces". I got it wrong upthread too, where I said "THAT Meeces".

Really even anything close would be funny. Especially since she does appear to be eminently hatable.

EDIT 2 - Nope. You were right in the first place.


Edited by Kromm
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Being hated and ridiculed online because of an unusual name.  Good thing my username is not my birth name.

I think it's a slightly different situation when someone has given us plenty of video evidence that they're a nutter/shit. The name mocking isn't some slam against an innocent then, but is really about expressing exasperation at an exasperating individual. It's not akin to the bully who used to mock you in a school hallway, because Meese appears to be more the bully figure in this (from her attitude and on-screen conduct) than a bunch of people reacting TO her. If we'e actually wrong and she's just some sweetheart being maligned by the show (and then by us on top of that) then sure... I'll feel bad mentioning "Meeses to Pieces".
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Poking fun at an unusual name is a leap from "hatred and ridicule."

This site is a safe haven for light-hearted snark on shows and contestants. It will never be a place for being rude to other posters, so let's be sure to not take it there.

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Overall I thought this episode was pretty boring. Meese is an idiot. Of course you are responsible for Kristen's failure on the challenge. You were supposed to read her the recipe you idiot! I was amazed (not really) at how many of them fucked up, considering all you have to do is read directions. How hard is that? Frank is an idiot too. Just follow the directions dumbass. "She only won because I lost." Well yeah that's generally how it works.

I think in general Vanessa deserved to go, even though she didn't screw up as badly as Amanda or Jackie. She was most certainly the weakest chef out of both teams, way out of her depth in a competition like this, and she was never going to win. But I think Amanda should have been put up, she had trouble cooking side dishes? And Jackie's failure on the fish was the breaking point. Speaking of which, I think production must have plucked her out of the local women's prison. I hope she's the next to go but Ramsay will probably keep her around awhile.

Kris Jenner, ew.

So far I'm not seeing any leaders emerging from the red team. Maybe only Danni. I think there's a few contenders for the guys (Chad? Hassan? Guy with glasses?) Basically any of the ones hiding in the background are probably the good ones.

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