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Wishlist: Hoping for a Cure (Or Not)

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I would've liked to see Carly and AJ have hate sex a few more dozen times and begrudgingly become frenemies. Since Ron was so eager for RoHo and LW to be paired together he could've brought RoHo on as a good/light grey Quartermaine. Carly in a love triangle with the bad Quartermaine and a good-ish Quartermaine and having to deal with the rest of the family and what she did to AJ could've been interesting I think. As well as her slowly coming around to the idea of AJ and Michael building a relationship. That would've fit my agenda of keeping Carly away from Sonny and Serial Killer wouldn't be here right now. 

Edited by LeftPhalange
  • Love 7

It's not so much that I want the show cancelled, as that it really DESERVES to be cancelled. The cast and crew don't deserve that - but that's never been the criteria in show business. Currently, GH is a nonsensical mess.

And it's honestly offensive. This isn't just the fun soap opera sex and scandal and blackmailing and the occasional murder mystery. It's near constant kidnapping, murder or murder attempts, with torturers and mobsters and lunatics overrunning the place. The bad guys always come out ahead. Seriously, who is this show even written FOR at this point?

Unless abc takes a good hard look at that ... new writers won't fix a thing.

In the meantime, I just hope abc doesn't decide to get aggressive about taking down past episodes from the web. 'Cause 80s GH was good stuff ...

  • Love 6

I woke up at 3 AM and I am really bored, so here is how I would wrap up some of the current mob snafu:


  • According to spumors, the figure behind the current attacks on Sonny's organization is

    Paul Hornsby, Tracy's ex-husband and a corporate raider with previous albeit reluctant ties to terrorism and Cesar Faison.

    I'm not thrilled about this angle but if true it is almost certainly already taped and about to air and the actors are great, so let's go with it. Ava allies with said bad guy to regain her mob power base, and is accorded her freedom as her new collaborator has obtained the audio recording of her confession re: Connie's murder. Disgusted by Julian's weakness, Ava and


    continue to use him as a stalking horse, framing him as the figurehead behind their schemes. They make plans to take Sonny out. Ava also knows her new partner is too much of a middle management type to be the head honcho, and in true Ron Carlivati fashion accurately traces his underworld roots back to the ancient terror network involving Jerry Jacks, Faison and the Cassadines. Disliking the leverage her partner has over her with the recording, she arranges a clandestine meeting with Faison and promises to do the network's bidding and move their weapons, etc. through town provided they cut


    out when she's ready. She also discovers that they have Robin Scorpio. Faison (or Helena, who cares) pressures Ava and


    to take out Sonny, even if his family is close by, or they'll both be dead before the year is out. Ava has little to no problem with this and hires a menacing outside contractor - maybe even Manny Ruiz, since I'm not convinced that guy ever died for good.

  • Sonny has a confrontation with Ava shortly after she is set free on the Connie charge due to lack of evidence. They trade threats, and Ava hedges on being back in the business but tells him they both know they will never really leave the mob until they're dead, they both love it too much. She invokes Brenda and taunts him, saying she knows he's only with Carly because he can't have the woman he really wants, and the only thing he's in love with more than Brenda is power. Ava casually threatens Brenda and Alec, insinuating that she has new 'friends' with global influence who can reach anyone anywhere. She says that even if her family is out of the mob Avery will grow up to be just like her, and eventually will kill him and take his throne if Ava doesn't do it first. Sonny vows to kill Ava before the year is out.
  • Carly, meanwhile, has a sitdown with her mother (who has taken back the brownstone and is re-populating it with people because why not). Carly confesses to Bobbie that she did a terrible thing (again) - she switched Avery's paternity results. Morgan is Avery's father after all. The baby's first birthday is coming up, and when she had the test results Carly made a judgment call. She knew Morgan wasn't ready to be a father, that he'd made a terrible mistake and that Ava Jerome would never let him go. She wanted to shield her son, and she was willing to take on parenting the little girl until such time as Morgan was older and stronger and was ready to be a parent. Now he's being treated for bipolar disorder and she doesn't know when he'll be ready, but she's feeling the weight of her guilt. Bobbie is fairly understanding given her history, but tells Carly she has to deal in the truth with her son or she runs the risk of losing him forever. And she has to tell Sonny. Carly vows that she'll tell Sonny and Morgan everything by Christmas.
  • Concerned about escalating skirmishes with Ava and her mystery partner, Sonny decides to take steps. He warns Julian to end things now or risk losing everything - Julian is a doofus and has no idea what he's talking about, and prepares to confront Ava. Sonny also decides to send Carly and Avery to The Island with Max and Milo in tow. By this time, Ava and co.'s new hitman has bugged Greystone and knows Sonny's family is preparing to leave town. Ava is familiar with Sonny's Island routine and orders her hitman and his team to take out Sonny before he reaches the airport. When asked if that includes any collateral damage, Ava dismissively says she doesn't care about Carly. Avery is never explicitly mentioned.
  • Sonny has a man wire Julian's penthouse to explode. He orders his people to wait for the apartment to be vacant of Alexis and the rest of the family residents, then blow it when Julian returns home. Instead, Kiki arrives unexpectedly, looking for her mother, trying to mend fences. Sonny's clueless people destroy the penthouse; Kiki is killed instantly.
  • Ava's hitman team attacks Sonny's limo and escorts on the road to the airport; they shoot and kill both Milo the escort and Max, the driver. The limo veers off the road and crashes in a fiery blaze. Carly pulls herself from the wreckage, but she and Avery were the only occupants. And Avery is dead. Sonny and Ava have both destroyed each other's families and lost their own, and Carly still has her now-terrible secret.
Edited by jsbt
  • Love 8
Sonny's clueless people destroy the penthouse; Kiki is killed instantly.


I c u sneakin' that in there. And I want it, damn it.


Ava's hitman team attacks Sonny's limo and escorts on the road to the airport; they shoot and kill both Milo the escort and Max, the driver.


Milo can live as long as he gets face surgery.[/mean]

  • Love 4
Manny Ruiz, since I'm not convinced that guy ever died for good.


If we're going to bring back henchman, I vote for Carrrrlos. (Sorry, jsbt!)


Sonny's clueless people destroy the penthouse; Kiki is killed instantly.


This is my favorite part.


If they're going to continue to do mob crap, they have to escalate the stakes. No more vague talk of shipments and teary-eyed hitmen


I know. Getting rid of Max and Milo has the added benefit of reducing the ranks of recurring characters, and their deaths would have more resonance than the random day players that usually die in this sort of thing.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 2

I know. Getting rid of Max and Milo has the added benefit of reducing the ranks of recurring characters, and their deaths would have more resonance than the random day players that usually die in this sort of thing.


Let's not forget the dead baby (and Kiki)! That baby got no reason to live. And it's what would happen to her, honestly. It's the honest result of Sonny continuing to live this life - plus, Sonny doesn't need more children and Morgan doesn't need a baby. I'm not often a fan of dead babies on soaps, we've had way too many lately, but this is prime dead baby territory!

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 9

If Leslie Charleston is retiring, I want it revealed that Monica was the that orchestrated Sonny getting shot.I also want it discovered that she has the recording of Ava confessing to murdering Connie.  I want to say her good byes to Jakeson and Michael, and give the house to Michael to live in and hop a plane to a country where she can't be extradited. She can have video recording played at the hospital, apologizing to Jordan and TJ about getting kidnapped, as she hoped it would be someone like Milo or Max. She can then play part of the recording, mainly of AJ begging for his life and rattle Ava, and inform Ava that she can have sent to prison whenever she wants, but seeing as Sonny survived, Ava hanging around Port Charles makes Sonny suffer or would prompt Sonny to kill Ava, thereby potentially sending him to jail again. She then can mock the intelligence of Morgan, saying how the apple doesn't fall far the tree, or in Morgan's case, trees. 

  • Love 3

AJ as the "big bad" who had Sonny shot - not because he wants to take over the dumb territory but because he wants the mob gone

I'd also have him plan to frame Sonny for murdering Franco, kicking off a murder mystery with actual suspects people care about with the actual killer turning out to be Nina in the midst of (another!) psychotic break. Finally jumps off the pier in despair after having lost all of her friiiiends

  • Love 1

What the show needs to do is a big shake up of some kind.  The status quo isn't going to lure back lapsed viewers (or lure in new ones).  


Since the show's point of view is that Sonny cannot really go to prison for any time, then have him lose in another way.  Let the government bust him for something like tax fraud.  The government seizes all of his assets, and Sonny is basically out of the business with nothing to his name.  Maybe he ends up having to work at Kelly's or as a janitor in the hospital (imagine that, hospital scenes!).  Bonus points if his getting busted is because Michael's been faking being back in the fold all this time to get his hands on the incriminating information that he forwards to the government.  Even more bonus points if he's been hiding a secretly still alive AJ all this time and working with him to bring down Sonny.  


The Sonny/Mo fans might be pissed at first, but it also gives Mo something entirely new to play, a chance to interact with characters he doesn't regularly interact with, etc.  


And, it forces Jason (when he finally remembers who he is) into a change of career with Sonny's business dead in the water.  No more Holy Hitman.  


While this is going on, beef up the rest of the cast with some returns people want to see and by actually utilizing the veterans they have on hand instead of trotting them out once every other month or so to say "look, we have characters you've loved for decades still on the show!"   Anna should be one of the leads - FH can out-act most of the cast, she still looks great, and her character is full of story line potential (not to mention she has chemistry with everyone).  Monica should be the show matriarch and hospital chief of staff.  Valerie should be working at the hospital instead of the PCPD.  Bring on people like Christina, Serena, and Tommy Jr, to be medical or nursing students.  


Like I said, they need to do something big to shake things up.  They need to publicize the shake up, and they need to capitalize on whatever renewed interest they get from lapsed viewers by making sure that, in addition to Sonny finally "losing," there are interesting things going on with characters they have an actual interest in seeing on their screens.  Because you can't just do a ratings stunt without using that spike in viewership to get people interested in regularly watching the show again.  

  • Love 9

I want Monica to be feeding AJ the info needed, which is why Michael is still allowed to live in Q Palace. Tracy will eventually get in on it too. AJ has kinda given up hope on Michael and realizes that his son will have to see Sonny for who he truly is himself. Tracy isn't so likely to give up, as she's learned the Qs need to stick together. AJ tells her that while he's been recovering, he and Monica learned that Keesha and AJ had a son together. He's in PC.

Shawn gets killed in prison, leaving behind a collection of letters renouncing his time working for Sonny. He begs TJ as a final request to not ever work for Sonny and to not trust him. TJ moves back in with his mother. Jordan is shot during a mob shootout. TJ decides that Sonny really is a bad person. Tracy overhears TJ call an "Aunt Keesha" and offers TJ an internship at ELQ. She pays for Jordan's medical bills as well.

And there. Fixed some loose ends.

  • Love 2

THeres so much potential for this show besies the stupid mob which is the only thing they care about.


In the ELQ stuff they could have had Jimmy Lee Holt scheming to take over the company because he was pissed he was left out of EDwards will.THey could recast Jeff webbe.Have him take over as COS at GH.THey need to build up the younger legacy characters like Tommy Hardy jr and the hospital up.

Edited by Harmony233
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What is really a shame is, the mobs have taken over GH again. All the ideas up thread are great. Which means they will never happen. TIIC of this show don't want the show to succed.   They want to be able to cancel it. No ones watching, the ratings are in the toilet ,so  goodbye. Is not our fault. You people stopped watching. If anyone should get the house, it should be Tracy. At least we would never have to watch the mob live there.  TIIC have just put the last nail in the coffin with the ,Poor Sonny got shot. Five minutes before that he shot and killed the Russian in cold blood in front of witnesses no less. Live by the sword  ,  die bye the sword pig. 

  • Love 7

Here's how to resolve Nik/Liz/Jason/Robin and the others :

When Lucky went to explore life, he found Robin. They both were like "Guess who's not dead?!" Lucky knew the answer to both. But Robin had two more surprises. Emily and AJ are alive. Emily escaped Helena, but lost her memory, much like Jason did. Ric didn't meet her online. He found her in an airport. Robin said she's been trying to tell someone, but they keep talking about Patrick or Sabrina. Or Sonny. Robin goes to Port Charles. Lucky embarks on a musical career, channeling his pain into country music, while saving money for his kids. Robin arrives in Port Charles. Jake is standing by the pier, trying to piece together clues about his identity. The fog lifts, and he sees Robin. Despite the new face, they recognize each other and he knows he was Jason Quartermaine. He can't come to terms that he is the Jason Morgan. Overwhelmed, he has a seizure.

Robin immediately calls Sam, Michael, and Monica, and Tracy. Jake is Jason, she says. Patrick is angry, confused, and heartbroken. Liz has a breakdown and wears her dress for days. Robin angerly confronts Nik, revealing where she's been. He is arrested, putting ELQ in Michael's hands. Not so fast, says Monica. There's actually other living Qs and Michael has been calling himself Corinthos. ELQ can't handle anymore mob scandals. Hayden walks into Jason's room, congratulating him on getting his life back. He opens his eyes and calls her Emily.

 "“For all the devoted fans and new ones alike, it’s the perfect time to jump in to GH with compelling, engrossing storylines and just the right mix of nostalgia,” (Frank) Valentini from a 10/30 interview.


FV's definition of 'compelling' and 'engrossing' and 'just the right mix' come from a different universe than the reality that most human beings live in. 

  • Love 2

This is a way to make Darby Collette interesting, and get rid of that stupid name. Have it turn out that she is actually the daughter of Javier Ruiz, (in one of the few scenes he had, he was speaking to one of his children) the brother of Manny Ruiz, seeking revenge. It would explain why she would seek out freshman Molly and get into a relationship with dullard Morgan, as Molly is Sam's sister (who Manny was fixated on) and Sonny was the reason Javier was killed by Jason. It can turn out she is the one that ordered the TJ being taken to set up Sonny to be killed.  

  • Love 2

I want Robert!tucking!Scorpio to call Patrick a "phony bastard"  then throw hot cheese fondue on his face.  


Alternatively, I need them to explain Patrick's shitty and wildly out-of-character behavior with a mask, cybernetic implant, hallucenogenic drugs, Helena curse, Helena love-eraser, whatever just explain it, restore Patrick's real personality, reunite Scrubs  and let them leave town happy.  


ETA: Oh dont worry, I know that instead Robin will leave town forever and never speak to her daughter again because of "the darkness", while Patrick will be sent to prison when its revealed it's his fault Sonny is paralyzed.  

Edited by Tiger
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If Patrick purposely botched Sonny's surgery a'la Not Rafe, then shouldn't he get a medal? It's not like he shot him, had the nerve to be biological father to one of his boy children, or hid the towels.

I think that Piph/Sonny make a weirdly good team. A wimnen who doesn't apologize nor put up with his shit? I can see Sonny falling for that.

  • Love 1

In light of the resurgence of Crimson, and some lines that seem to mirror what is happening with GH now, I want Crimson storyline to be one long satire against the TIIC, both on the show and the various levels above, with Julian standing in for the TIIC, demanding higher ratings while cutting the budget, Nina being the helpless executive that believes her own hype and Maxie as the one remaining dialogue writer from the older, more successful regime trying to keep it all together. Then we can find to that Kate did leave Crimson to Maxie and Maxie takes it upon herself to sue Julian for hiring editors in chief without her approval and suing Jax in Kate's stead (sorry)  for selling his share of Crimson without offering the other owner (who was Kate) first buying rights. 

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2016 Wishlist

1. New writers: I'm glad RC is gone but the new writers aren't much of an improvement. I've been watching the Prometheus Disk and I'd really like a return to old fashioned soap storytelling. The writers at PP seemed to be doing something like that and they were doing an excellent job. I want that for GH.

2. Lucky recast: My preference is Jeff Branson but honestly I'd take any good actor that was a good fit for the part. Which brings me to 2b. FV stays the hell out of casting decisions, he's rubbish at it.

3. Liz: She's isolated and Crazy. I think it's too bad RB is being wasted on that mess of a character when she'd be a fantastic Sarah recast but Liz needs family and friends and Cam needs to be SORASed.

Family & Friends: Maybe we could pare down some of the crappy triangle/quad airtime and really develop some non-sexual relationships.

  • Love 5

I am reluctantly willing to consider a Lucky recast at this point, though I'm still not all that into the idea. I could go for Josh Kelly.


I think bringing back Sarah and playing up a family conflict would be very interesting, but Rebecca Budig is already filling a similar role when she should've been Sarah and I just don't know where to look for everything. If this show wasn't such an utter shambles with many of the wrong people I'd do what the British soaps boldly do, which is bring on an entire family for Sarah - husband, small children - and have all that highlight what Liz doesn't have, then begin to deconstruct Sarah's perfect life. Either way, Liz has to get wrecked to be fixed AFAIC.


Dante and Lulu, I have no idea where to begin so I'd just say throw them in a disaster and let them work things out and then do something else.

  • Love 2

I can definitely see the need for a Lucky recast at this point, but I'd be so annoyed if it was Jeff Branson.  Aside from the knee jerk negative reaction I have to just thinking about his character on AMC, I really don't think he's as good of an actor as advertised. I'd still vastly prefer Mark Lawson.  (I love Josh Kelly, but he doesn't feel like Lucky to me.)  

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Unbeknownst to everyone, Carlos and Tracy have been in cahoots to take down Ava and Paul.  I want this for reasons. Maybe it's because I want to see if JVP can do comedy, and I think a Tracy/Carlos pairing would be a HOOT.

To fix the show itself:

When people screw other characters over/shoot them/kill them, etc, there are actual consequences.Whether that character is a fan fave or not.

My preference for Branson has more to do with his work on Y&R than AMC but I'm also reluctant to see another OLTL actor on GH despite my abiding love for the pocket cop. But I'd take ML any day over GV.

Admittedly, I'm also petty enough to appreciate the prospect of Lucky being taller than Jasus.

I liked JK initially but I didn't love him on OLTL-PP

  • Love 1

Unbeknownst to everyone, Carlos and Tracy have been in cahoots to take down Ava and Paul.  I want this for reasons. Maybe it's because I want to see if JVP can do comedy, and I think a Tracy/Carlos pairing would be a HOOT.

To fix the show itself:

When people screw other characters over/shoot them/kill them, etc, there are actual consequences.Whether that character is a fan fave or not.

Its amazing that the company behind all those classic fairytales and now The Avengers and Star Wars, has a tv show in which people continue to do horrible things and not only face zero consequences but are actually rewarded for it.

Its amazing that the company behind all those classic fairytales and now The Avengers and Star Wars, has a tv show in which people continue to do horrible things and not only face zero consequences but are actually rewarded for it.



What amazes me even more than that, is that the audience is so selective. Anna kills a man-for all intents and purposes, up until recently, that is-and most people are "meh".

Liz tells a few lies and keeps a murdering hitman from knowing the truth about himself in the hopes that he might be a better man(yes I know, she had selfish motives too) and people keep wondering when she's gonna pay.

Don't get me wrong-Liz deserves a few hard punches in the face, as does Nikolas and Laura, too. But I don't think who should have to answer for actions should ever be selective. It should be all or none-no sacred cows.

But you make a great point. This show needs a hero(ine) badly.

Edited by IWantCandy71

Interesting story should always take precedence. Who wants to see virtuous people never making mistakes? No one I know.

The idea of no heroes you can depend on to make a situation better, is depressing to me, though. Heroes have never been my faves, but they are needed.

Otherwise, it's just a bunch of morally bankrupt people getting away with their crimes, and that's just as boring as so called "good" people never doing anything wrong. But it's also too dark, and for me, there's enough darkness in the world. When I turn on a fictional TV show I watch voluntarily, I want to be able to root for *someone*. Since it's fiction, I want good, in the end, to prevail, because there are enough sad, depressing stories out there IRL.

  • Love 5

I would say Nathan is an example of a "hero". He might be boring, and he might not be able to act, but he's a cop who hasn't killed anyone or cheated on his girlfriend as of yet.


I pers

onally don't need heroes. I just need interesting story, which I'm not getting.

if they'd have cast Nathan with a better actor, he'd have been much more compelling. On paper he's quite interesting. However, trees aren't meant to act.
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I like that idea! Michael has been the golden child for way too long. The only thing about it that doesn't delight me is AJ having another child that he never got to know


They could just say that AJ was spending time with this son during his time away from PC. Sure, it doesn't make sense, but who cares! Nothing else does either and at least this would be an actual good story. Well, potentially. I'm sure these writers would find a way to ruin it.

  • Love 3

If Michael gets a rival, I'd rather it come from outside the family. I don't want to see Jason vs. AJ: The Next Generation. Bring in Frank Smith's grandson or something like that. Someone who can really threaten Michael and not get the "he's family" excuse.

I don't want another mobster who will automatically be the bad guy/designated loser. I want a Q who gives a damn about the family business and tells Michael he's trash for crawling back up Sonny's ass after knowing Scummy murdered their father

  • Love 3

I think there are ways to introduce a secret kid for A.J., but my concern about that idea is that it's a stand-by with Jean Passanante and a lot of her hack crew from ATWT - when in doubt they'd just introduce another young hot kid for someone from out of nowhere, and they'd all just pile up and eventually become anonymous and interchangeable. It would have to be done right and be a real character.


Same thing with Greenlee/Budig may be happening - is she supposed to be another kid by Larry and Tracy, or Larry's kid or whatever? That's just nonsense.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 3

I don't mind her being Larry's child, I guess. He seems like he might have littered the world with illegitimate spawn and I could see him seeking her out if she was successful/wealthy.

But I am firmly against her being Tracy's daughter. Tracy's made a lot of mistakes with men but deciding she's in love with a man that tried to murder her? No. And she doesn't deserve a daughter that would

Edited by Oracle42
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