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S03.E07: Intimacy Part 1

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Ashley doesn't want to do what she doesn't want to do and production has had to remind her that she has obligations to the show and "Sorry, honey,  you have to show up and you have to participate!"


I'll bet in Ashley's mind this isn't a "real" marriage  (even though it is) since David is a "stranger".  The show pays for the divorce and there are prenups, so it is probably done fairly quick.


They might have to decide who gets the fish, since the fish were acquired during the "marriage".


In the future if Ashley is asked "have you been married?" she'll just say "well, I did this marriage for a TV show but I never felt married  and barely talked to the guy"

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I have a question for those who watched all three seasons.  I just started watching the show seriously this season and missed a lot of episodes.  


Did the six couples in the earlier two seasons all consummate their marriages?  I'm wondering if this season is the first where the couples will be 1 out of 3 in this area (because if Neil and Sam or David and Ashley get that far I'd be really shocked).


As far as only during the six-week experiment, in season 1 two couples did (Jason/Courtney and Vaughn/Monet). Season 2, two couples did (Jaclyn/Ryan and Jessica/Ryan). 

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As far as only during the six-week experiment, in season 1 two couples did (Jason/Courtney and Vaughn/Monet). Season 2, two couples did (Jaclyn/Ryan and Jessica/Ryan).

Outside of Jamie/Doug and Sean/Davina, didn't the rest of the couples have sex by now? Sam and Ashley won't even hold hands.

Even Jamie was faking affection at this point and Sean said he and Davina almost (whatever that means) had sex on their wedding night.

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I think David goofed on the ferris wheel.... He was actually TOUCHING HER! and then he had to overdo it by trying to kiss her.  Baby steps dude.... 

She seemed a little more open when they were shooting their own video on the ferris wheel. 


However I didn't like it when he said he kept on the 'scared' act only because he could tell she thought it was funny. That's corny - however it did get her to sit by him.

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If David and Ashley went on a first date in real life, there would never have been a second date and the only way there would have been a first date is by some sort of dating website. She would never have agreed to go out with him if they would have met by chance.  I'm sure David would have determined she was cold as ice and have moved on.  But, since he was all in for this experiment from the beginning, that is why he is trying so hard.  Ashley is delusional if she thinks she is too good for him.  It's pretty obvious why dating has not worked for her so far.  Even if she doesn't like him, he definitely deserves more respect than she is giving him.  And, why not at least be friends if she already knows she will say no to marriage after 6 weeks to make the time less miserable.  No one is going to want to date you after this! 

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No one is going to want to date you after this!

I would say that Ashley has been dating someone else this whole time. Even if I'm wrong, she'll still just play a victim - "They edited it to make me look bad" - and some thirsty guy will give her a shot...despite her looks and frigidity.

When it becomes a problem, she'll blame the frigidity on the stress of her "unfair" demonization on TV and some poor sap will patiently wait thinking that either the payoff will be worth it or that he'll look bad for leaving a fragile woman over a lack of sex. Either way, he'll find himself stuck in a sexless, affectionless relationship that lasts to the limit of his patience. Given the lack of self-respect a lot of men have, that might be a loooong time.

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Ashley hasn't told David she's not attracted to him, correct?


As nasty as Sam was for telling Neil that straight up; I kind of feel it's better than the passive aggressive manipulative bullshit Ashley's pulling.  The problem isn't David, the problem is that Ashley is the one who's not attracted to David or invested in this show.  I wonder if there's any way the producers can sue her because she is NOT playing along.  


And I'll say it again, I don't believe Ashley is an introvert at all; she's in it for the cash and has a boyfriend on the side.

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Ashley hasn't told David she's not attracted to him, correct?


As nasty as Sam was for telling Neil that straight up; I kind of feel it's better than the passive aggressive manipulative bullshit Ashley's pulling.  The problem isn't David, the problem is that Ashley is the one who's not attracted to David or invested in this show.  I wonder if there's any way the producers can sue her because she is NOT playing along.  


And I'll say it again, I don't believe Ashley is an introvert at all; she's in it for the cash and has a boyfriend on the side.

I so agree with you but for Sam telling Neil straight up. If that was it and she was in some way also kind to him and not being such a prick teaser she'd be better but I think her behavior is just as bad as Ashley's. Why don't these couples just make a behind the scene pact to be pleasant to each other if one or both aren't interested is what I can't understand. I guess being a bitch is easier.
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Jamie did start to like and appreciate Doug as a person during the honeymoon and did start to be attracted to him.  I don't think she was faking it.  They did have a very affectionate relationship after awhile,  and consummated after the final question was answered.


I don't believe attraction can be forced.  You either feel it or you don't.   For me, holding hands, hugging, trying out a kiss or being with a man who has won the sexual Olympics (not a true event --calm down!)  is not going to change anything when I am simply not sexually attracted.   So I don't blame any of the women for not wanting to go to the physical.if they don't feel it.  (this is almost the same as asking a gay person to keep trying physical touch with the opposite sex , suggesting they might change their mind if  "they just try".  No!)


Obviously it can develop over time, but it doesn't mean it will.  What bothers me is the level of attitude that Sam and Ashley got when their expectations weren't met.   Did they seriously not consider this possibility???  


 I will say one thing for Ashley.  She may be cold and empty to David, but I don't hear her belittling him or blaming him for her lack of attraction. She does get annoyed with him, but usually it's because he pushes her to participate in the process and she does not .

want to do it.


Sam on the other hand has blamed her entire repulsive schtick on Neil.   I refer to it as "schtick" because her whole demeanor comes off as cocky and fake.  Even her talking heads and conversations with the experts is just a little 'too sincere'  or a little too 'this is what you want to hear' , or a little too cocky.  She's now making a joke of the whole process.  (just like the little 'I see you" back and forth with the fingers to Neil when he was sharing his 'needs')   I think sh'e's generally a person who is full of shit but uses her blunt and rude 'honesty" as a front for being 'real'..


Unfortunately she has 'gotten over' on the process by having them install Neil into her former single life.  He'll probably get less attention than a potted plant, now that she has her pets and roommate to pal around with.  I think the Sam/Neil story is going to get even more weird,  and if it's a nightmare for production I have no sympathy.  They should have put in a 'no roommate" clause. .  .  

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All I can say is this season is so boring. Each episode gets more boring that the one before.


Now the show could be stringing us all along but there is nothing keeping my interest expect this message board!

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Yeah, if I were Sam's roommate I'd find someplace to stay for the time Neil was there. If they decided to stay married and live in Sam's place, I'd move out. I'm sure Neil will be respectful of her but they're strangers. And adding in the fact that they come with a camera crew ... no, that would be untenable for me, and I would be pissed about it. Sam's the one who signed up for the show, not the roommate. It makes way more sense for them to move into Neil's place.


What bugs me about both Sam and Ashley is that just because their husbands aren't what they expected or perhaps wanted doesn't give them the right to be mean to them. The situations are awkward, I will grant them, but they're awkward by definition - there's no way it wasn't going to be awkward at some point. Six weeks is really not a long time - they can't be cordial to someone for six weeks (particularly since I'm sure they're not actually spending the night in these places)? Is this how they act at work when they have coworkers they don't care for?

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And adding in the fact that they come with a camera crew ... no, that would be untenable for me, and I would be pissed about it. Sam's the one who signed up for the show, not the roommate. It makes way more sense for them to move into Neil's place.

The roommate has been using every opportunity to get on camera, even crying at the wedding. She's not mad, she's ecstatic that she's on camera! Laughing away while Sam tries to emasculate Neil.

BTW - crying at the wedding is what first made me think she and Sam had something going on, she was crying like her puppy died.

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BTW - crying at the wedding is what first made me think she and Sam had something going on, she was crying like her puppy died.


I 'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks that Sam and her best friend/roomate are messing around, or at the very least that the best friend has a crush on Sam. The crying at the wedding was indeed very odd. 

Edited by moonxyz
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The roommate has been using every opportunity to get on camera, even crying at the wedding. She's not mad, she's ecstatic that she's on camera! Laughing away while Sam tries to emasculate Neil.



Hope she does not get more pay-day exposure than David's mother.

Edited by Liberty
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Plus I doubt that Neil is actually 'living' at Sam's house in any real sense. It just means they shoot the pretending to live together scenes there.

Maybe the producers cooked it up to provide another point of contention between Sam and Neil to try to gin up some drama.

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Plus I doubt that Neil is actually 'living' at Sam's house in any real sense. It just means they shoot the pretending to live together scenes there.

I have a feeling that was the only way they could get Sam to cooperate in order to get footage for the show. Based on her lack of makeup, bedraggled hair and clothing, she probably tried to deter filming by being "not camera ready".

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I'll bet in Ashley's mind this isn't a "real" marriage  (even though it is) since David is a "stranger".  The show pays for the divorce and there are prenups, so it is probably done fairly quick.


They might have to decide who gets the fish, since the fish were acquired during the "marriage".


In the future if Ashley is asked "have you been married?" she'll just say "well, I did this marriage for a TV show but I never felt married  and barely talked to the guy"

If she even admits to being married.

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Ashley and Sam are both doing the same thing to production as they are to their husbands, not participating. Not showing up, not being presentable, not communicating, not present. They are acting like 13 year old girls not getting their way. Even though last season was a bust, I can not imagine Jacquelin, Davina, or Jessica looking or acting like this. Total lack of class or self respect. It's really too bad to that they take so much away from Vanessa And Trees, who may or may not make it but at least they are trying.

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Ashley and Sam are both doing the same thing to production as they are to their husbands, not participating. Not showing up, not being presentable, not communicating, not present. They are acting like 13 year old girls not getting their way. Even though last season was a bust, I can not imagine Jacquelin, Davina, or Jessica looking or acting like this. Total lack of class or self respect. It's really too bad to that they take so much away from Vanessa And Trees, who may or may not make it but at least they are trying.

Makes it easy to understand why they're single, huh?

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If the marriage isn't consummated can they get an annulment? I'm sure this has been discussed but maybe if so, Sam and Ashley want to make sure everyone knows nothing happened so that they can get an annulment instead of a divorce. (I'm not really buying that last part, I just wanted to ask the question.)

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If the marriage isn't consummated can they get an annulment? I'm sure this has been discussed but maybe if so, Sam and Ashley want to make sure everyone knows nothing happened so that they can get an annulment instead of a divorce. (I'm not really buying that last part, I just wanted to ask the question.)

It's not impossible to annul a marriage in GA but you'd have to claim fraud of some kind. Not consummating the marriage isn't automatic grounds for an annulment unless you can relate that to fraud. Courts would be pretty skeptical and it would be a lot faster to just get a divorce.

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Ashley hasn't told David she's not attracted to him, correct?


As nasty as Sam was for telling Neil that straight up; I kind of feel it's better than the passive aggressive manipulative bullshit Ashley's pulling.  The problem isn't David, the problem is that Ashley is the one who's not attracted to David or invested in this show.  I wonder if there's any way the producers can sue her because she is NOT playing along.

Early on this season, Ashley said something like "If you don't have anything good to say don't say anything at all". Oh, so we're supposed to think her unwillingness to be honest and open with David is her attempt to be considerate with him? What total bull crap that is! She's just using that as a cover for not wanting to fulfill her obligation to the show and to him. A person who truly cared about his feelings would have leveled with him by now, not leave him hanging on hoping that things might some day change. That is just selfish, immature behavior to the max! She really couldn't give one crap about him, that's for sure. Not even as a human being, much less a husband. I have zero respect for her at this point. She even seems to be getting off on it. It's like she thinks he's pathetic and doesn't deserve any effort or respect at all. It's starting to look rude and dismissive. You'd think the guy was a total jerk or dweeb the way she acts. And he's NOT. He's no Rhett Butler but he's no Steve Martin in "The Jerk" either! And BTW, Ash-hole, you can hurt someone with silence too, so you're not off the hook for your bad behavior!

Somehow I suspect that Ashley has probably only had one sexual partner in her entire life, and that relationship fizzled out slowly in the romance department (like over 9 years!). So she really has had very little experience with how sexual attraction can develop in relationships. But even lack of experience is no excuse, because she could have learned that without experience too. She seems to be willfully shutting herself down to any possibility of romance developing with David - probably because she is not ready for marriage for any number of reasons (i.e. has a guy on the side, is just immature, whatever) and so she's creating roadblocks to ensure the failure of the relationship. She's probably convinced herself that David's a total loser and just not her type and now she's digging her heels in and nothing will convince her otherwise. People have to let themselves be open to the possibility of falling for someone even if they initially don't like them. I have said before that if I didn't on some level keep myself open to that possibility with my husband I never would have ended up with him because I didn't fall for him at first sight or even 51st sight!

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Ashley really seems like she's either hung up on 9 year guy and she's trying to be faithful (whether he cares or not) or she's gay and can't handle her real feelings and decided a shotgun wedding would do the trick.

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Ashley really seems like she's either hung up on 9 year guy and she's trying to be faithful (whether he cares or not) or she's gay and can't handle her real feelings and decided a shotgun wedding would do the trick.

It is possible Ashley just doesn't like him.

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It is possible Ashley just doesn't like him.

he's just not her type and like me she's not good at faking it or see the need to. She's not even nasty or rude to him but I guess her lack of trying is really rubbing folks the wrong way.

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Sure, it's possible that Ashley doesn't like David and she has trouble warming up to people. If that's the case, Ashley might be certifiably insane for going on a show where you are forced to marry and live with a guy sight unseen. What part of that has she indicated she would like?

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The issue with Ashley is that she's not treating David like a human being. If she trueley isn't attracted to him, the decent thing would be to tell him off camera and at least pretend to be his friend during the remainder of the experience . But as things stands, it's like she enjoys rejecting him in front of the cameras. It probably boosts her self-esteem.

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The issue with Ashley is that she's not treating David like a human being. If she trueley isn't attracted to him, the decent thing would be to tell him off camera and at least pretend to be his friend during the remainder of the experience . But as things stands, it's like she enjoys rejecting him in front of the cameras. It probably boosts her self-esteem.

Maybe she did let him know she wasn't into him off camera. The thing is people would still be outrage if she did tell him that on camera(cue Sam). David isn't stupid I'm sure he's a hundred percent sure that Ashley is not into him at all. He's not blind. It's more that obvious.

I agree that Ashley isn't open-minded enough for this type of experiment. I'm sure she thought that she would be matched up with someone that she was attracted to. she was never into him from day 1, maybe she thought that her feelings would somehow grow within those six weeks. Can't really force what's not there.

Ashley is clearly not into David he doesn't need to see her interviews to know this. The most concerning part is him saying that he's falling in love with her and that seriously made me go hmmmmmmm

something is off with him.

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Maybe she did let him know she wasn't into him off camera. The thing is people would still be outrage if she did tell him that on camera(cue Sam). David isn't stupid I'm sure he's a hundred percent sure that Ashley is not into him at all. He's not blind. It's more that obvious.

I doubt that Ashley's leveled with David off camera. Her mealy-mouthed excuses are the whole reason he's floundering around confused and still putting in such a monumental effort to win her over. If she had really cut him off at the pass I doubt that even he would be doing all that plus acting like he's falling for her. He'd be "friend zoned" and keeping his distance. I think she's giving him just enough hope (and rope) to hang himself.

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@ kam I agree with some of this. Something is a bit off with David. When they were on the ferris wheel, he said "this is my forever moment". Dude, who the fuck says that? Did he get that from Love actually or something?

At this point, I suspect him of maybe doing and saying stuff just for the sake of appearing as the good guy. From the video diaries, I understand that Ashley told David she didn't want to answer the fishbowl questions in front of the camera but David didn't have her back on this matter.

Nevertheless, I still think Ashley is the shittiest. She signed up to a show whose premise is marriage to a stranger. There was a 50/5 chance that this person would not be her physical type. She still went ahead with it. I doubt she would still be acting like a bitch if David looked like Antonio Banderas or Ben Affleck. She's a prissy princess way too concerned about her image. I sensed that from the moment she acted that offended by male strippers were in the same room as her and when she pretended to do her homework on the wedding day. She is so full of shit.

In some way, I'm glad this relationship is crumbling because Ashley is definitely the type of wife to withhold sex and make you buy jewellery if you want to get any.

Edited by moonxyz
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@ kam I agree with some of this. Something is a bit off with David. When they were on the ferris wheel, he said "this is my forever moment". Dude, who the fuck says that? Did he get that from Love actually or something?

At this point, I suspect him of maybe doing and saying stuff just for the sake of appearing as the good guy. From the video diaries, I understand that Ashley told David she didn't want to answer the fishbowl questions in front of the camera but David didn't have her back on this matter.

Nevertheless, I still think Ashley is the shittiest. She signed up to a show whose premise is marriage to a stranger. There was a 50/5 chance that this person would not be her physical type. She still went ahead with it. I doubt she would still be acting like a bitch if David looked like Antonio Banderas or Ben Affleck. She's a prissy princess way too concerned about her image. I sensed that from the moment she acted that offended by male strippers were in the same room as her and when she pretended to do her homework on the wedding day. She is so full of shit.

In some way, I'm glad this relationship is crumbling because Ashley is definitely the type of wife to withhold sex and make you buy jewellery if you want to get any.

I agree with everything you said. Every bit of it lol

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From the video diaries, I understand that Ashley told David she didn't want to answer the fishbowl questions in front of the camera but David didn't have her back on this matter.

For sure, I think David is proceeding to plan with or without her consent, mainly because he is damned if he is going to let her make him fudge on his responsibility to his contract with the show, and I don't blame him. I suspect that the producers made them do the fishbowl exercise in front of the camera and so he had to do it whether he or she liked it or not. Plus the "experts" and producers are probably telling him not to give up and to find new ways to bring Ashley out of her shell and fulfill his obligation to the contract, etc., like the "romantic date" and ferris wheel episode. So I don't chalk that stuff up to things being "off" with David but "off" with the show itself and the experts. JMHO. The only thing I'll agree about is him saying he's falling for her. But the experts etc. may be making him think he has false hopes with her. I can see them doing that.

Edited by Snarklepuss
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How did they find six people who have never seen this show? Six people of the age that are into social media and seem well connected who actually believe this is an experimental process, SMH. If by chance Sam or Ashley had caught a peek of past seasons or maybe a friend clued them in, they would know that this particular reality show has never had drop dead gorgeous guys. They are just average kinda you know real life guys. The hot guys don' t really need to be on this show they are waiting to hear from " The Bachelor". Perhaps they are delusional and have an agenda, hoping to be famous? Again wrong show, on this one the only way to extend your fifteen minutes is to stay married. Anyway you look at it their motivation makes no sense. I just really feel bad for the guys. Under normal circumstances men have a hard time figuring us women out, these poor husbands just look like they are in shock!

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How did they find six people who have never seen this show? Six people of the age that are into social media and seem well connected who actually believe this is an experimental process, SMH. If by chance Sam or Ashley had caught a peek of past seasons or maybe a friend clued them in, they would know that this particular reality show has never had drop dead gorgeous guys. They are just average kinda you know real life guys. The hot guys don' t really need to be on this show they are waiting to hear from " The Bachelor". Perhaps they are delusional and have an agenda, hoping to be famous? Again wrong show, on this one the only way to extend your fifteen minutes is to stay married. Anyway you look at it their motivation makes no sense. I just really feel bad for the guys. Under normal circumstances men have a hard time figuring us women out, these poor husbands just look like they are in shock!

Wow. Would that ever be a perfect question for the reunion shows. Did you see it before you did it? Ashley the Ice Queen and Sam the Unfiltered Slob would have some 'splaining to do if they truly didn't want to come across as they have.

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I think they copy and pasted the falling in love statement from somewhere else. Even the forever moment comment, I think is as a result of editing.

How did they find six people who have never seen this show? Six people of the age that are into social media and seem well connected who actually believe this is an experimental process, SMH. If by chance Sam or Ashley had caught a peek of past seasons or maybe a friend clued them in, they would know that this particular reality show has never had drop dead gorgeous guys. They are just average kinda you know real life guys. The hot guys don' t really need to be on this show they are waiting to hear from " The Bachelor". Perhaps they are delusional and have an agenda, hoping to be famous? Again wrong show, on this one the only way to extend your fifteen minutes is to stay married. Anyway you look at it their motivation makes no sense. I just really feel bad for the guys. Under normal circumstances men have a hard time figuring us women out, these poor husbands just look like they are in shock!

Sam said on twitter that she had seen the past seasons. Sam said it's different living it than actually watching it.

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If the marriage isn't consummated can they get an annulment? I'm sure this has been discussed but maybe if so, Sam and Ashley want to make sure everyone knows nothing happened so that they can get an annulment instead of a divorce. (I'm not really buying that last part, I just wanted to ask the question.)


In the first episode they said the only way out is "divorce or death". 


At the end of the six weeks  they are asked "do you want to stay married or get a divorce"? They aren't asked do you want an annulment. Divorce must be in the contract to make it more dramatic. The show pays for the divorce.

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In the first episode they said the only way out is "divorce or death".

At the end of the six weeks they are asked "do you want to stay married or get a divorce"?

David and Neil, in unison: "We heard death was an option?"

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David and Neil, in unison: "We heard death was an option?"



Laughed out loud.  However, I would not be surprised if both these guys want to stay married at the end of the six weeks.  David hangs his heart on any crumb of affection Ashley gives him and Neil has said that he thinks Sam is beautiful.


I think David did not betray Ashley in answering the questions on camera.  He thought they would not take it seriously and have fun with, therefor fulfilling their obligation, but not getting too personal.  However, that would require a sense of humor and quick wit...stuff Ashley has no clue exists.

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Laughed out loud. However, I would not be surprised if both these guys want to stay married at the end of the six weeks. David hangs his heart on any crumb of affection Ashley gives him and Neil has said that he thinks Sam is beautiful.

I think David did not betray Ashley in answering the questions on camera. He thought they would not take it seriously and have fun with, therefor fulfilling their obligation, but not getting too personal. However, that would require a sense of humor and quick wit...stuff Ashley has no clue exists.

I totally agree. How did he betray her? They need to fulfil their obligations. Just have fun instead of shutting down. She is just so wrong for this show.

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I hear you Japmo.   I agree that although Ashley was never a thrill ride, there definitely was a shift in her attitude.    But Ashley did say in the bathroom at the wedding that she was not attracted to David.  She has said it on camera several times that there is 'no romantic connection"  meaning..she doesn't want to be physical at all (and she ain't kiddin')  


She WAS a sourpuss at the wedding.tho.  She didn't pull a Jamie, but she hardly smiled at all, and the whole wedding party looked bored.  There was a shot of her dancing with the crowd of ladies (obviously pushed into doing it) half-limp arms in the air-- eyes about to roll..  No kissing--even on the cheek for pictures, and blank stares to David and the reception crowd.


However I did see some glimmers of hope.  She was playful up in the wedding night room about the champagne,  she laughed about David asking for her phone number.  She even laid on top of the bed with David.right away. Overall she was friendly and up- beat there.


On the honeymoon when they were at dinner with the shot of 'pea soup: there was some playfulness with Ashley saying "but what if I made it for you?"     But after that it seemed like a (mysterious as you say) total shut-down.


For SURE ,once she said   "I do"   they waved the contract in her face.  I think it started on the honeymoon when I think all she wanted to do is stay in her room and "study"  and production pushed her to do things.  They DO have a show to make..  I know when David got frustrated they made her go down to the pool area and talk to him. .I know it.  She wouldn't do that on her own.  


Ashley doesn't want to do what she doesn't want to do and production has had to remind her that she has obligations to the show and "Sorry, honey,  you have to show up and you have to participate!" .   I think Ashley has been coddled all her life and is not used to doing things that she doesn't want to do.  I believe that is where the better part of the attitude is.   Now she's pissed off and she's giving them as little as humanly possible. Granted she has no sense of humor, no personality to speak of , and she is not attracted to David, but I believe her dead stares are meant for production more than for David.  (And I pictured a 1-finger salute to them when she walked out the door after dinner last ep.)


Of course David is probably getting along famously with the production staff!.  (who else is there to talk to??)  So now i"m sure Ashley's feeling a little ganged up on.  Maybe David is being coached by producers as you suggest, but he may also feel more pressure to take up the slack too and keep pushing Ashley for their sake.  I hope he does. I hope Ashley gets tortured into therapy.  She needs it..

So, that's my read on this situation anyway . 

Interesting post. Did you ever watch UnReal, the Lifetime scripted series which focused on the producers of a Bachelor-type show? It showed all the stuff that the producers went through to induce the desired reactions out of their cast, and I can just imagine what it's like on MAFS! The MAFS producers would make for a truly interesting show on their own!

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And I'll say it again, I don't believe Ashley is an introvert at all; she's in it for the cash and has a boyfriend on the side.

On one of these threads, someone posted that they thought maybe Ashley's Mr. Nine-Year-Relationship-Guy found out she was on the show and called her, asking her not to go through with it - but it was too late, so now we're seeing the results.


She does behave just like a woman who's got something on the side and therefore has zero interest in her husband. She'll let Hubby pay the bills, though. Which Ashley has shown is the part she's okay with!

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I loved Tres and Vanessa discussing bathroom logistics. When my husband and I were first married, we had 1 bathroom. We've had two for years, but one is more for the use of offspring and guests. So, yes, we share a bathroom. Yes, we've both been in it at the same time doing different things. However, we didn't get married 5 minutes after meeting each other. It's going to take time for them to grow comfortable doing stuff (including daily dressing) in front of each other. However, the days of husbands and wives not acknowledging the bodily functions of the other one is long past.

I really get the feeling that only Tres and Vanessa actually live in the same house. I think the other two couples only show up on filming days -which seem to be once or twice weekly. They just seem so stilted still. Even college roommates gel together better after 2 weeks.

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On one of these threads, someone posted that they thought maybe Ashley's Mr. Nine-Year-Relationship-Guy found out she was on the show and called her, asking her not to go through with it - but it was too late, so now we're seeing the results.


I think this kind of speculation is fun, but wildly afield from what we actually know - that Ashley is freshly out of a nine-year relationship. She's more likely looking back at it with rose-colored glasses, and David just doesn't measure up to the comfort and familiarity of her previous relationship. And as for the theory that she must be a lesbian if she's not into David....well, call me Ellen if that's the case.


I understand David's frustration in part, because Ashley is just soooo not into him. (In which case, I think she's right to stay cold and not give him any ideas - as someone mentioned above, he'd just run with them.) If this is any indication of how he acted in previous relationships that weren't moving quickly enough for him, I can understand why he says in the credits voiceover that he's not good at "the dating thing". He assumes a lot simply based on the fact that they are technically together.


Note that he never said "Ashley and I agreed we'd have dinner at 7" or "Ashley is always home at 7 on Tuesdays and said she would be home at 7 tonight". He thought she'd be home then - despite the fact that she had a final - got all worked up making a fancy dinner and then getting to play the neglected husband when I bet she wasn't even aware of his elaborate plans. Was she supposed to text him back during her final?

Edited by girlplease
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I think this kind of speculation is fun, but wildly afield from what we actually know - that Ashley is freshly out of a nine-year relationship. She's more likely looking back at it with rose-colored glasses, and David just doesn't measure up to the comfort and familiarity of her previous relationship. And as for the theory that she must be a lesbian if she's not into David....well, call me Ellen if that's the case.

I understand David's frustration in part, because Ashley is just soooo not into him. (In which case, I think she's right to stay cold and not give him any ideas - as someone mentioned above, he'd just run with them.) If this is any indication of how he acted in previous relationships that weren't moving quickly enough for him, I can understand why he says in the credits voiceover that he's not good at "the dating thing". He assumes a lot simply based on the fact that they are technically together.

Note that he never said "Ashley and I agreed we'd have dinner at 7" or "Ashley is always home at 7 on Tuesdays and said she would be home at 7 tonight". He thought she'd be home then - despite the fact that she had a final - got all worked up making a fancy dinner and then getting to play the neglected husband when I bet she wasn't even aware of his elaborate plans. Was she supposed to text him back during her final?

Hmmmmm... it was suppose to be a surprise dinner to celebrate the end of finals. Since it was a surprise dinner, I don't think he should have told her. After the finals, didn't she check her phone to see if she had a missed call. Why didn't she respond before her drive home?

I read a gossip website (idiotic thing to do) saying that David is acting the victim so Ashey could look back. She is looking bad by herself, she doesn't need any help. Most of the stuff he says are from the video diary. He should be allowed to vent in his video diary and not have to worry about what everyone thinks.

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Sam said she looks pasts Neil's looks now because attraction grows for her and she's always been that way...my question is if she knew that about herself why would she hurt the dude's feeling and call him ugly to his face?

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I think this kind of speculation is fun, but wildly afield from what we actually know - that Ashley is freshly out of a nine-year relationship. She's more likely looking back at it with rose-colored glasses, and David just doesn't measure up to the comfort and familiarity of her previous relationship. And as for the theory that she must be a lesbian if she's not into David....well, call me Ellen if that's the case.


I understand David's frustration in part, because Ashley is just soooo not into him. (In which case, I think she's right to stay cold and not give him any ideas - as someone mentioned above, he'd just run with them.) If this is any indication of how he acted in previous relationships that weren't moving quickly enough for him, I can understand why he says in the credits voiceover that he's not good at "the dating thing". He assumes a lot simply based on the fact that they are technically together.


Note that he never said "Ashley and I agreed we'd have dinner at 7" or "Ashley is always home at 7 on Tuesdays and said she would be home at 7 tonight". He thought she'd be home then - despite the fact that she had a final - got all worked up making a fancy dinner and then getting to play the neglected husband when I bet she wasn't even aware of his elaborate plans. Was she supposed to text him back during her final?

Sam is not into Neil and she doesn't act like boys have cooties. Ashley didn't want strippers at her bachelorette party. If she thought they were gross, that was one thing, but she had some kind of excuse regarding her reputation. She doesn't do most of the other stuff and frequently blames being on TV. So why does she decide to be on TV? She reminds me of Faith from Unreal, trying to be a buddy to David (or not even that) rather than a wife.


David may be coming on strong. I blame that on the "experts" pulling that love takes time stuff. If they matched him with a 35 year old woman who is obsessed with her biological clock, they'd be a match made in heaven.

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For sure, I think David is proceeding to plan with or without her consent, mainly because he is damned if he is going to let her make him fudge on his responsibility to his contract with the show, and I don't blame him. I suspect that the producers made them do the fishbowl exercise in front of the camera and so he had to do it whether he or she liked it or not. Plus the "experts" and producers are probably telling him not to give up and to find new ways to bring Ashley out of her shell and fulfill his obligation to the contract, etc., like the "romantic date" and ferris wheel episode.


Oh absolutely. The producers probably check in with them a few times a week and then pull out Script A or Script B depending on how they are getting along when it is time to film.


Ashley probably says he is stranger and she doesn't want to be around him and the producers go in to action. I still say this show is very scripted.

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