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My Diet Is Better Than Yours - General Discussion

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Yeah I've been doing Hip Hop Abs and Cize lately, and I'm having a hard time reconciling this Shaun T with the one on my TV screen.  Still love him though.


BUH BYE Clean EAting Bitch.  I hope to never see you on my TV again.



Errr... come again? 

Short for saying "I hate myself."

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While I think the Clean Mama trainer is a nut, I'm quite certain her contestant was cheating and not following the plan. If three weeks in she was planning on ordering fried green tomatoes and two salmon croquettes to start at lunch, clearly she understands nothing about dieting. At her starting weight, she needed to be doing next to nothing to lose 1 pound. I believe she truly wants to lose the weight, but doesn't want to do the work (or doesn't understand how to do the work). I didn't find her gracious when she switched trainers- I found her eerily calm and robotic. Still, hoping she does better with her new diet. Only the clean diet and superfoods swap contestants seem to have a healthy additude about this being a long term process.

I think Cleammomma could/should have just wished her well with her new trainer. The whole restaurant scene was so staged.

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CLeanmomma burned those bridges DOWN! What a loon.


I'm happy Taj found a better fit for her.  I never lose anything unless I'm working out regularly, either.


The Wild Diet guy has this stitched up, no?  Low carb + big dude = easy victory.


How long is this show?  No one's going to reach their goal weight unless it is on for a veeeeerrrrry long time.

Edited by Swedish Chef
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Didn't get the feeling that cLean Mama had explained a diet plan to her client, at all. Tomatoes and salmon sounds healthy if you know very little about dieting. And Reporter lady (not remembering names) even said that it was good to know about food choices. That salad though, probably kept her full for about 10 minutes.


The martial arts program and Superfoods will do well, the diets sound very close to the Paleo (Wild) diet and should result in decent weight loss. Well, except for cake. Seems like that would trip her up but she doesn't seem to be doing it anymore. 


I like both of the remaining female trainers a lot, and Abel seems quite calm and sane. One of the tenets of the paleo diet is not doing chronic cardio, so will be interesting to see how the half marathon is handled. Now that clean Mama is gone, I only have to fast forward through the looney No Diet guy.

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My least favorite part is that they're planning a half marathon. I know it's for drama and inspiration but I think long distance running is bad for people, especially the obese and out of shape. I'm sure they're training but still.

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I gave it another go, this time with DVR so that I could fast-forward through the theatrics, and the show is growing on me a bit. My thoughts, in no particular order:

- What is it with marathons/half-marathons on weight loss shows? TBL did it several times, Extreme Makeover did it at least once (I only watched a few episodes), and now this show. My understanding is that those endurance events aren't the best form of exercise for weight loss, and that without proper training, there's a high risk of injury. It would be so much more informative to see the contestants sampling different forms of exercise and figuring out what works and doesn't work for them. There are so many more fun exercise options than running.

- On a related note, the "challenge" last night was a complete joke. TPTB, you have two super-successful and inventive trainers like Shaun T and Anna Kaiser, and all you can come up with are some jumps and crunches, 5 minutes of spinning, and holding a medicine ball overhead? What a wasted opportunity.

- I'm so glad the "clean mama" woman is gone. I couldn't stand her. That said, Latasha has to acknowledge her own responsibility in her lack of progress. She probably picked the plan because it sounded easy and she wanted dramatic results without putting in a lot of work. Well, it doesn't work that way. It seems like the plan relies heavily on self-motivation, of which Latasha has very little. She seems like the type of person who needs to get herself to a gym three times a week and work out with a trainer there, because she'll never work as hard by herself.

- The guy on the Paleo diet is doing so well, I wish I could make it work for me, but I just can't stand meat, and at best will eat fish once a week in the form of sushi, so I have to get my protein from foods that are also high in carbs, like quinoa and legumes. Every now and then I attempt Paleo in the effort to lose my 15 excess pounds, and I last two days at most.

- If I had to pick one of the experts for myself it would be either Dawn or Taj's new trainer (Jennifer?). I love that Dawn's approach isn't rigid and that she involves her client's entire family, and Jennifer's martial arts training looks like a lot of fun, and her diet is close to the way I already eat. The names "superfood swap" and "strong, safe & sexy" are stupid though.

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I think that calling people out for not meeting their target heart rate is bullshit, too. Those Fitbit Surges they're wearing suck as heart rate monitors. I've tested them, and so have labs, and it's been in the press.

I do get the impression Latasha has no intention of ever actually doing a real workout, though, and I believe Carolyn that she cheated on her diet. I lost more weight last month than she did and I'm just casually dieting and only have 15 lbs. to lose.

The heavy makeup, the jewelry, the pipe curls oh-so-loosely gathered back... for a workout! It's bizarre how she matches her eye shadow to her outfit color. This ep alone we saw her in forest green, lemon yellow, hot pink, purple and blue eye shadow. I want to see her get into that wedding dress just to see what color eye shadow she thinks goes with it.

Thank you, new trainer, for ridding my tv of those awful claws. Taj probably lost a pound right there.

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My knees are screaming about these big people pounding the pavement.  Do they think they're not going to need their knee cartilage in a couple of decades?!  Everybody back to the trampoline park!  (Which looked like a blast, and more of a cardio workout than I remember from high school.  Heh.)

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I also didn't understand someone not getting into their target heart rate, what was it, 400 bpm??? Climbing steps is one of the most difficult things I do, and I'm relatively fit! I agree with hating the marathon idea, not everyone is meant to run. Running is a great calorie killer but it can be sooooo bad for your knees! Be kind to your knees, everyone! If they have Shaun T there for chrissakes, why can't we have him lead a Cize class, unless Beachbody owns every move he does (fun, fun workout, by the way).


Glad to see cLean Momma gone, agree with everyone here that Latasha couldn't possibly be that into the workouts if she has to match her eyeshadow and have perfectly curled hair.

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I thought Clean Mama was beyond nuts & I believe Latasha when she said she didn't know what to eat. It didn't seem like a well laid out plan, & I think Latasha would be happier with a more traditional "this is what you eat" plan. When questioned Crazy Lady got defensive & said that she hadn't laid out the whole plan yet (what?), & threw her client under the bus when she fired her (wasn't she expecting that, & Crazy Lady kept insisting the scale didn't matter- uh, it is a weight loss contest).

I think Paleo diet will win. In my experience low carb brings about the biggest loss, but it is hard to sustain.

If I had to chose a plan is chose the superfood swap.

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I thought Clean Mama was beyond nuts & I believe Latasha when she said she didn't know what to eat. It didn't seem like a well laid out plan, & I think Latasha would be happier with a more traditional "this is what you eat" plan. When questioned Crazy Lady got defensive & said that she hadn't laid out the whole plan yet (what?), & threw her client under the bus when she fired her (wasn't she expecting that, & Crazy Lady kept insisting the scale didn't matter- uh, it is a weight loss contest).

I think Paleo diet will win. In my experience low carb brings about the biggest loss, but it is hard to sustain.

If I had to chose a plan is chose the superfood swap.

I don't think she ever did give her a diet.  When she had her order the chicken salad in the restaurant, Latasha seemed grateful to finally get some food advice.  Also, when she blamed her for cheating, she said she hadn't completed all of her "taskercize circuits."

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I don't think she ever did give her a diet.  When she had her order the chicken salad in the restaurant, Latasha seemed grateful to finally get some food advice.  Also, when she blamed her for cheating, she said she hadn't completed all of her "taskercize circuits."

I also don't think she gave a diet.  She said that she doesn't restrict food and you can eat anything in moderation.  In the previous episode, she said that Latasha followed her program to the T.  When she was getting kicked out, she got defensive and said that Latasha cheated.  She didn't want her program to look bad but in the end, she made it worse.  I wouldn't want to follow her program anyway.  I don't want to be doing exercises in public including a restaurant.

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Found this show on Demand yesterday and watched all the shows today on my day off.   What a cool concept of kicking off the trainer.   It will be interesting to see how well or not so well some people will do.

   No Diet guy is kind kooky but I can't help but kind of like him.  He is positive and there is just to much negativity in this world.  His contestant (Jeff??) is going to have a difficult time I think.  They are the most interesting pair to me because they just should not work together but they kind of are.

    Clean Momma was a little nutty.  Was surprised the lady stayed with her as long as she did.  That was a terrible fit.

Super swap lady and Wild Diet are my picks for the win.  Both of those contestants seem eager to learn and follow their programs.

   Have not checked out other threads yet so if this is posted elsewhere my apologizes.   Shaun T. has a blog in people magazine and there are a few small articles about the trainers (momma being one :) ). 

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Since I watched all shows on Demand wanted to ask a few questions.   Is this show 1 hour or 2 ?   Believe it airs tonight.  Does anyone know when it will be put on demand?  

What is the prize at the end and does the contestant and trainer win a prize?

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Boy, Latasha stayed with Clean Mama longer than I would have. I can't believe she gave her virtually no advice regarding diet! I hope Latasha gets someone decent next, because she seems like she'd be willing to put the work in.

I like Dawn and her philosophy a lot. Her contestant may not win the prize, but she's getting advice that can help her in the long-term. I like her contestant too. I actually like all the contestants except bald guy, and even he's not awful.

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Since I watched all shows on Demand wanted to ask a few questions.   Is this show 1 hour or 2 ?   Believe it airs tonight.  Does anyone know when it will be put on demand?  

What is the prize at the end and does the contestant and trainer win a prize?

I just checked the program guide.  Two hours tonight (Thursday, 1/21/16) and next week. . .The Season Finale!   Rapido, no?


I guess we didn't accumulate a big fan base for this show, but Gallavant and Ellen's Design Challenge both came back for an astonishing second season, so you never know. 

: )

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Jeff is really strange. Punching the photo of himself when he lost the challenge, saying he was going to lose 100 lbs & win the marathon. Like Swap lady said "he's delusional".

Glad to see Latasha finally start to take it seriously. She's getting results now, so shows how disorganized & wacky cLean momma diet was.

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Tasha is killing me with that makeup.


And how about the string of pearls she wore to the 5K? It was just so bizarre - from the neck down she was in workout clothes and sneakers, from the neck up she had the pearls, the clown makeup, and the laboriously curled hair.


I'm glad Carolyn is gone, but I'm not sure I like the new guy, Rob. I guess it's a great achievement to be on "Arnold Schwarzenegger's board of advisors", but if his approach is to get people ripped and bulky, that may not be what's right for an obese working mom who's looking for a sustainable way to get to a healthy weight, and presumably wants to look small and feminine. But she did get much better results with him, so he's doing something right. And I did feel bad for her when she learned she only had one week left with him.


I still don't *get* Jeff. Supposedly he's not an idiot, but then he says idiotic things like he's going to lose 100 pounds in 7-8 weeks. I don't think that's been done even on TBL, and since he didn't lose nearly as much in the first 7 weeks, it stands to reason that he'll lose less than that going forward. And speaking of cheating, his feet were way too far apart in the plank challenge. And he was still one of the first ones to drop.


Taj's attitude during the 5K really bugged me. To have Shaun T - one of the most motivating trainers in the industry - walk alongside her and encourage her, and she just quit!?! The 5K was actually a great opportunity to focus on getting to the finish line and *not* think about her divorce for a little while. 


Kurt had a dessert party one week, then barbecue, donut holes, and beer the next, and he still loses a combined 12 pounds in two weeks? How is that possible? Does he do cardio for 8+ hours every day?


Jasmine's hubby is so cute the way he supports her and cooks healthy food for her. I hope the healthy changes stick for their whole family and she'll never need to buy "fat girl" clothes again.

Edited by chocolatine
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Something is way off with Tasha. Yes, she lost weight, but that's probably because she's finally restricting calories. It really creeps me out the way she just stares blankly and repeats whatever is said to her. I'm sure she'll lose weight with her new trainer, but she will not maintain it. She needs a lifestyle change like Dawn or Abel's plan, not a super-intense, eat at these exact times and take a billion supplements plan.

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So many delightful snarkworthy moments tonight!


I replayed the woman telling off Shaun T when she quit the 5K:   "Okay, you just took this to a whole nother level." [stomp stomp stomp].  LOL!  He only asked her if she really wanted to be there.  Fightin' words!


Loved it when the new trainer was "certified" in Ab Development or whatever.  And Mr. Buff standing next to the treadmill, going "Seriously, the other shoe??"--hilarious.


There was once a cartoon character named Baby Huey--a gigantic bald baby, wearing only a diaper, who went toddling around causing mayhem.  Hello, Jeff. 



The woman and her helpful husband were both very sweet when they got their wedding rings back on.  I don't think needing to replace your XL jeans is really a significant factor in weight re-gain (although boxing them up and getting them out of the closet is smart.)  Maybe after no one else seemed likely to boot his trainer, they were desperate for client-trainer conflict.


It's weird they're jumping ahead six weeks to the finale.  If part of the concept was showing the contestants' ability to maintain the various plans without on-site coaching, they didn't do much to play up that angle.


Oh!  One more thing.  Why do the three women clients have to go around in sports bras and bicycle shorts, showing off their midriff flab, while the men get T's and big comfy OP shorts??????


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So many delightful snarkworthy moments tonight!

I replayed the woman telling off Shaun T when she quit the 5K: "Okay, you just took this to a whole nother level." [stomp stomp stomp]. LOL! He only asked her if she really wanted to be there. Fightin' words!

Loved it when the new trainer was "certified" in Ab Development or whatever. And Mr. Buff standing next to the treadmill, going "Seriously, the other shoe??"--hilarious.

There was once a cartoon character named Baby Huey--a gigantic bald baby, wearing only a diaper, who went toddling around causing mayhem. Hello, Jeff.


The woman and her helpful husband were both very sweet when they got their wedding rings back on. I don't think needing to replace your XL jeans is really a significant factor in weight re-gain (although boxing them up and getting them out of the closet is smart.) Maybe after no one else seemed likely to boot his trainer, they were desperate for client-trainer conflict.

It's weird they're jumping ahead six weeks to the finale. If part of the concept was showing the contestants' ability to maintain the various plans without on-site coaching, they didn't do much to play up that angle.

Oh! One more thing. Why do the three women clients have to go around in sports bras and bicycle shorts, showing off their midriff flab, while the men get T's and big comfy OP shorts??????

Yes to all of that snark! Though the real Baby Huey is far more endearing than Jeff.

Edited by rlc
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Someone should tell Latasha she could drop an extra pound at the weigh-ins if she'd wash her face and take off the earrings and pearls.


The one thing that would make this show about whose Diet is Better ... is more time spent on the diet. Duh!! These diets don't come with trainers, people. They don't even come with exercise. So the end result isn't really going to show which diet works but how much you work out does. It may as well be called My Trainer is Better Than Yours. Because for the life of me, I couldn't tell you what kinds of food and meals I would make to be in compliance under any of these plans. Maybe instead of these stupid "challenges" you could spend some time showing yummy, beautiful, healthy and delicious foods under whatever program it is. Swap out favorite meals each week with the Super Swap. Show us a weekly impossible Wild Diet meal that somehow works. Set the clock and show us the four meals and what time you eat them, and how they should/could be handled in a regular busy day. You know. The DIETS. Bah!!



Oh!  One more thing.  Why do the three women clients have to go around in sports bras and bicycle shorts, showing off their midriff flab, while the men get T's and big comfy OP shorts??????


That's what I wonder every week. Especially since the female trainers are wearing tank tops.


And how about the string of pearls she wore to the 5K? It was just so bizarre - from the neck down she was in workout clothes and sneakers, from the neck up she had the pearls, the clown makeup, and the laboriously curled hair.


I'm glad Carolyn is gone, but I'm not sure I like the new guy, Rob. I guess it's a great achievement to be on "Arnold Schwarzenegger's board of advisors", but if his approach is to get people ripped and bulky, that may not be what's right for an obese working mom who's looking for a sustainable way to get to a healthy weight, and presumably wants to look small and feminine. But she did get much better results with him, so he's doing something right. And I did feel bad for her when she learned she only had one week left with him.


I still don't *get* Jeff. Supposedly he's not an idiot, but then he says idiotic things like he's going to lose 100 pounds in 7-8 weeks. I don't think that's been done even on TBL, and since he didn't lose nearly as much in the first 7 weeks, it stands to reason that he'll lose less than that going forward. And speaking of cheating, his feet were way too far apart in the plank challenge. And he was still one of the first ones to drop.


Taj's attitude during the 5K really bugged me. To have Shaun T - one of the most motivating trainers in the industry - walk alongside her and encourage her, and she just quit!?! The 5K was actually a great opportunity to focus on getting to the finish line and *not* think about her divorce for a little while. 


I was like, what the what?! when she ran around that track with a string of pearls on her neck. There is something so off about Latasha. I swear, there's like an empty spot where there should be a light in her head. She just looks at you so blankly. And insists on wearing that clown makeup and junk jewelry every moment. You can tell she's not working that hard because that shit would be sliding right off her face right now, and she'd be yanking a pearl choker off because it would rub against the sweat and constrict your air. You don't look good for the cameras, sweetie, you look a right idjiot.


Taj and Jeff are just working my nerves. They're both two big bundles of negativity who don't deserve this opportunity. Every week Taj has some excuse why she's checked out. And she was beyond rude to her trainer. Either tell someone at the start it's a bad day and you can't do it (or lie like Jeff and claim "stomach problems" if you don't want to tell) ... or show up, and do the damned thing and leave your problems at the door. Don't not do it AND refuse to say why. She's more childish than her students, and I'm so lost by the juxtaposition between being an educator, and not knowing if tunafish in a can is fish. What in the Jessica Simpson are you trying to pull? Jig is up, you're not the unworldly dingbat you inexplicably tried to come off as early on. I lurve that Shaun T tried to talk to her but didn't baby her. And when she stomped off he was like, deuces! "She just don't want it," and kept it moving, counting his Cize residuals in his head.

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Oh!  One more thing.  Why do the three women clients have to go around in sports bras and bicycle shorts, showing off their midriff flab, while the men get T's and big comfy OP shorts??????

Funny you mention this, I was just reading an article by one of The Biggest Loser's first contestants, Kai, and she noted that the women are forced to wear sports bras and bike shorts while the men get to wear normal workout gear, until the women lose enough weight and as a "reward" they're allowed to wear tanks. It's part of what she called the humiliation phase. I can understand it for weigh-ins, because you want to wear as little as possible, but for the fitness portions? Makes no sense. When Dawn and her contestant were running alone, she was wearing a tank, she clearly feels more comfortable in one.

I don't know what's wrong with me, but I like Latasha and her makeup! I don't know much about makeup, but I think she pulls it off. And the segment with her coming up with excuses to not run on the treadmill felt producer driven to me. Either way, she's losing weight with Rob, so he must be helping her on the diet side of things more than Clean Mama was.

It's really disappointing that they're pushing these people to run a half marathon in 14 weeks, when they're still morbidly obese. Couch to 5k takes 9 weeks just to get people up and running a 5k. Like all of you, I'm more interested in seeing the diet side of things anyway. All these weight loss shows ignore that weight loss is 80 percent food, I guess they think we just love seeing obese people work out until they want to pass out? I really don't.

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I predict they will "run" the half marathon the same way they "ran" the 5k--a tiny bit of running and mostly fast-ish walking. Only Jas seemed to be actually running some of it, so their knees should be okay at the end.

For some reason I think Tasha is a TV news reporter so she maybe isn't ever comfortable wihout lots of makeup.

Yellow shirt is so obnoxious. Sure he can lose 100 lbs in the next what, no more than ten weeks? when he hasn't lost anywhere near an average of ten pounds a week at this point.

Taj's problems go beyond weight. People must have to walk on eggshells around her with that moodiness out of nowhere. I think her trainer added "no gluten" to her plan's name when she was talking about it.

I so heart Jas's trainer Dawn. She could easily have her own show. I like that she doesn't seem to need to show off--she is more in the background than the other trainers are. The fat clothes segment was very revealing--the only reason to keep those jeans she could pull on fully zipped is because she expects to need them again, amd good of Dawn to make her say that herself.

I think Red shirt has a very supportive family and a great attitude so imo the competition is his to lose. But he and Jas both have an advantage imo in that both their trainers' plans seem more structured and tested; the other three are more loosely goosey and those three contestants seem have much less motivation than Jas and Red shirt.

I am actually liking this show a lot. I love that the contestants are pretty different and really illustrate how they come up with excuses not to follow something that they signed up for and that would help them, which is really helpful for someone like me, who is fluent in excuse-making, to see. I like the different programs too, and that the contestants are in their own home environments so they really have to get on board themselves for their plans to work. I like the rate of weight loss vs the classic Biggest Loser massive amounts. So good going, Show!

Edited by MakeMeLaugh
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Funny you mention this, I was just reading an article by one of The Biggest Loser's first contestants, Kai, and she noted that the women are forced to wear sports bras and bike shorts while the men get to wear normal workout gear, until the women lose enough weight and as a "reward" they're allowed to wear tanks. It's part of what she called the humiliation phase.


That is majorly fucked up.  Really, really disturbing.


This week's Frontline on PBS was about the dietary supplement industry, and how it's completely unregulated.  Health claims have no oversight whatsoever.  And even if the product could work, there aren't any compliance standards for what's actually in the bottle.  People have done independent testing, comparing what the label says is in the bottle and what's actually in the bottle, and the results are scary. 


On the heels of that, I see this new trainer having Latasha spend god knows how much money on these things at the grocery store.  At the same time as he complains about cheese because it's "processed" and they take out the good bacteria at the same time they remove the bad bacteria  But ingesting things from a bottle that you have no idea what they are--that's okay, and in fact the secret to weight loss.  Bleh.


It's a shame because I like him as a motivator.  Actually, I think they're all good motivators, and I suspect that's a huge part of these dieters' success; it will be interesting to see how they do on their own.  Although they'll still have their trainers in the back of their minds, pushing them.  That's got to help.


But I don't want to watch them run.  Really, any distance, much less many miles.  Why can't they have them swim?  Or use a kickboard if going long distances?  It's vastly easier on the joints.  I mean, that's IF they have to have this ultimate challenge thing, which I think is stupid anyway.

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I still don't *get* Jeff. Supposedly he's not an idiot, but then he says idiotic things like he's going to lose 100 pounds in 7-8 weeks. I don't think that's been done even on TBL, and since he didn't lose nearly as much in the first 7 weeks, it stands to reason that he'll lose less than that going forward. And speaking of cheating, his feet were way too far apart in the plank challenge. And he was still one of the first ones to drop.


Kurt had a dessert party one week, then barbecue, donut holes, and beer the next, and he still loses a combined 12 pounds in two weeks? How is that possible? Does he do cardio for 8+ hours every day?

Jeff comes off as looney (or bipolar-y). But, there have been guys on TBL that lost 100 lbs in 6-7 weeks. I just don't see Jeff being that disciplined or focused.

Actually, it's pretty easy to do on Paleo/Primal. If Kurt adhered to the plan at least 80% of the time, a little carb cycling (a day or two of higher than normal carb intake followed by days of low carb) results in consistent to larger weight loss. You don't have to workout for crazy long hours either. Primal suggests some strength sessions and one sprint session with an active lifestyle. For me that was getting 10K steps a day, a treadmill sprint workout and a few days of weight lifting during a week.

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As to Kurt losing during his "cheat week", wouldn't work for me! But Abel's book is actually called the "Fat Burning Man". This version of the paleo diet (there are many) is designed to convert your body from carb burning to fat burning by lowering the carbs and increasing the good fat and protein in the diet. It actually works, and it does seem that Kurt has made the conversion and is losing weight even with what were probably minor cheats. I love that he confessed them all. Also, Abel may have shared a few cheat tips. For instance, if you have some fermented or vinegary veggies when eating a simple carb like donut holes, it helps keep your blood sugar from spiking. To an extent.


Had to laugh though, new converts to Paleo eating are always trying to share the plan. An old joke redone: how can you tell if someone is a crossfitter/ Paleo dieter? No problem, they'll tell you! Was very surprised at the talk about pastured and grass fed meat though, didn't think they were going to allow that. How nice to have a barbecue place like that nearby.


Will confess I teared up a bit when Jasmin and her husband did the wedding ring thing. And his willingness to cook for her diet is very sweet, glad that he's on board. And losing weight too! She really should succeed with that level of support. 

Edited by DancingD
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For instance, if you have some fermented or vinegary veggies when eating a simple carb like donut holes, it helps keep your blood sugar from spiking. To an extent.

That's a really cool tip even for people who aren't paleo. I also appreciated Abel's tip about boiling sweet potatoes versus baking them. I had no idea it lowered the GI.

And yes, it's no surprise to me that Kurt is losing consistently, even if he is in and out of ketosis. Now it's also no surprise that Jeff is going to claim they're cheating, he just has a bad attitude.

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I read that tip about sweet potatoes when I was looking for ways to keep my blood sugar from spiking after meals.  I love sweet potatoes because they are full of other things that are good for you.  I read about boiling them v baking them -- the GI is about half with boiling.  I peel and boil them like regular potatoes, mash them with a little butter, cinnamon and a sprinkle of sweetener.   Really good, and with a normal portion, keeps blood sugar from going up.  And, you also get a healthy dose of fiber.  Sorry if this is a little OT. 


Edited by Lightning
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Omg, yes, Jeff was cheating on the plank & no one called him out on it! Probably too scared he would have a temper tantrum.

Lol about Baby Huey. I thought the same thing.

I kind of sympathized with the woman that wanted to save her fat clothes ( Can't ever remember her name). I lost weight & donated all of my fat clothes, then gained it back & went up 2 more sizes. So I was rebuying all new clothes. I get her hesitation.

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It looks like this is done in Atlanta.

Taj and the 5k quit was the worst. She annoys. Sorry about the divorce and all, but you've got someone who wants to help you and you act like a puts.

Jeff = Baby Huey Yes! And the KyloRen!FreakOut? I'd avoid like the plague.

Edited by WAnglais1
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I have serious doubts that a barbecue restaurant in the south called Wally's BBQ (or whatever it was) serves ALL grass-fed meat (or any).   Grass fed beef is expensive and kind of hard to find.  I've never even heard of grass fed pork.  If they were really serving all grass fed meat, I would think it'd be right in their name-- something catering to the foodie/health food crowd.  Because they'd have to charge more for that BBQ than other places that are just cooking up the usual ribs and briskets.


I have a feeling Taj pulled that divorce story out of her ass.  


Those sports bras they force the women to wear are not only ugly, they're unsupportive.  I thought Latasha was going to get a black eye in her sprint.  


Clearly Kurt or Jasmin wins.  The rest are all fairly dislikable.  

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My friends and I always talk about how there are no fat clothes for us at the consignment.  I have a lot of sizes in my closet so I can't judge the Superswap lady's contestant.  I get it.   Good for her coach helping her see that holding on to them was a bad thing. 

     I read here before seeing the show.  Missed Jeff accusing someone of cheating.  Was that in preview?  Or was it in this last episode.

    Jeff and Tia are both no ready to lose weight.  Not in the right frame mind. Unfortunately  I have been there also :)  I was thinking Jeff and is coach's style don't fit together but I don't know if anyone would fit him right now. 

  Abel and Superswap's personalities with coach and contestant fit best JMHO>


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What Jeff needs is a good hard smack upside the head. He comes across as a big man-baby.


Well, he signed up for the "No-Diet Diet" plan, so maybe he wasn't expecting jumping jacks and jogging.  Maybe he was thinking . . . magic wand?


The guy's already lost, what, ~35 pounds in six weeks just by making his bed and switching to blue plates.  Why so grumpy?  Sheesh, men!  So unfair.  They skip the beer nuts for a week or two and the weight just falls away.

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I get the impression Jeff is acting like a hothead, on producer prompts.  He's not that good at it.  Jasmin's scared faces when he does it are a little better but I feel like if Jeff was that frustrated he'd switch plans.  

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  I like this show much more than BL.   I gave up on BL a while back.  Felt they were to mean to contestants and it was enjoyable.   Maybe I will give it another shot since there was a time I did enjoy that show.

    Found this show by accident when looking for something else on demand.  Have not seen commercials or heard anything about this show.  One friend in RL is watching it and that's about it.

   It was a cool concept and the host is cute & likable.  Hopefully it will get another shot.

 Off topic a little

on dietbet CleanMomma has a game up so far zero players have signed up for her game.

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