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Season 9 Discussion

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When is California going to break down and give Kim's ass its own zip code? That thing is huge and she wears clothing that only accentuates it. Ugh.


I only watch this show sporadically.  Does she ever do anything with North? 


Bruce really looks awful.  Maybe it's the strain of the separation or years of dealing with Kris and her spawn but I would hope that being apart from her on a daily basis would improve him.

I wonder if that is really shit that Kris is cleaning up? I suspect it's "stunt" shit.. A recreation for the camera. No way Kim would be so casual about it.. "MY BABY IS HERE! GAG GAG GAG.... THAT IS SOOOOOO DISGUSTING! Would be her normal reaction.

And again we see celebrities who don't get their pets house broken.

I suspect poor Blu will meet the same fate as Mercy, farmed out to an assistant, hopefully he'll live though. Dumping him in a kennel every time she travels isn't a life for a dog.

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I felt bad for the dog - but then it was probably a dog hired for the show and belongs to hopefully someone else.


I think that Kris is going for viewer sympathy this season - first how concerned she is about poor Bruce eating, now how she has to clean up dog poop for her ungrateful spawn.  And Kim of course, the "good daughter" wants the rest to treat poor Moms better.  Good luck with that - Kris is so unlikeable and she doesn't do herself any favors by acting like someone half her age - she looks, as Kimmie would say "ridic"


Looks like Kendall is going to turn into Kim II. Totally Self absorbed.   

I call total bullshit on the dog shit. Not that I doubt it shits in the house, but that Kim would leave her house in clothes that smell like dogshit. Plus have Kanye and North living there.

If Kris is going to bed early, then Kim should let the dog out for a run. And chronic diarrhea in a puppy isn't a good thing.

Kris crying all night because she isn't appreciated? Come on lady. You should have taught them responsibility instead of doing everything for them, or hiring assistants to do everything. I'm sure she had an assistant register the dog. If her kids take advantage.. It's her fault.

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My first thought was the dog must hate Kim and Kris as much as I do. 



I call total bullshit on the dog shit. Not that I doubt it shits in the house, but that Kim would leave her house in clothes that smell like dogshit. Plus have Kanye and North living there.

 I agree. Also, it sounded like Kim was telling her friends at dinner that they keep the dog in the laundry room/hall at night and Kris puts it in there early because she goes to bed early, so someone must have let it out, while all that shit was sitting on the floor. I would assume that whomever let the dog out would have saw all the dog crap or at least smelled it. 


I kind of loved Kendall when she was bitchy at both Kris and Kim. Calling them the same person and everything cracked me up, because they are. If Kim had a dog and Kris was taking care of it, it would be all sunshine and rainbows.


At the time this was filmed was Kendall still living at Kris'? I would hope she would ask Kris either way, but If she wasn't living there, I would think that she would ask Kris to watch her dog. Than some of that responsibility would be on Kris for saying yes.


It is obvious that KUWTK is running on empty when it comes to creating storylines in it's 9th season. Does anyone really believe that Kris and Kendall did not know about keeping the dog in a pet facility while she traveled for work? Does anyone really believe that super clean freaks like Kris and Kim who have extreme OCD would allow a dog to continuously crap all over the house without taking matters into their own hands(sending the dog to a kennel or pet facility until Kendall returned)? The Kardashians and even Kendall have lots of money where they could easily hire dog caretakers to properly take care of all of their pets so that no one would be left babysitting nor cleaning up a pet's excrement(fecal matter).



They can easily afford pet facilities.  Also are we supposed to feel sorry for Kris because Khloe is a bad influence on how  Kendall treats her? I felt zero sympathy because Kris is not some innocent babe in the woods(nor is she mother of the year). She created all of this chaos.  So that whole storyline rang very hollow  and looked way too scripted. In fact ever since Kris became executive producer she has made KUWTK center around her which is  one reason for this show's decline in the ratings. It also looks like Kim's only purpose is to pop up in cameo appearances in episodes to instigate drama in the family. Now next week we have to see the Vienna "racist"  incident.



People have to keep in mind that KUWTK is  fake. The show is scripted with episodes written and  wrapped up  like any other television sitcom. All reality shows are fake. But the problem with KUWTK is that it does not even try to hide the fact that it is fake these days which is contributing to the decline in it's ratings. This episode also made it clear once again that Kris is the best actress in her family. Only Kris can act out these scripted episodes in a convincing manner. KUWTK is running on fumes. They have one more season that they are contracted for. And then hopefully E will cancel the show because 10 seasons is way more than enough. KUWTK is at least 2-3 seasons past it's expiry date.

Edited by Nioclas
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At the time this was filmed was Kendall still living at Kris'? I would hope she would ask Kris either way, but If she wasn't living there, I would think that she would ask Kris to watch her dog. Than some of that responsibility would be on Kris for saying yes.


Yes she was still living at her mothers.This episode,last weeks and the next 2 episodes have incidents that are being shown out of order (we get Kim's debacle in Vienna before Kendall's London footage which happened 2 weeks previous because if you remember Kendall was walking for Givenchy and Chanel and hanging out backstage with Rhianna at the same time that Kim/Kris were being humiliated in Vienna.)


Which goes to the argument about Kendall herself being in a position to arrange for the kennelling of the dogs.Kendall originally went out to NY for a week or so to work on her portfolio for her new agencies(3 of them) .That one week turned into 3 weeks as they had her hang around working and schmoozing  and then NY Fashion Week happened and she got held for Marc Jaocobs and the Vogue Online shoot and then she went straight off to London (which we saw clips of in the promo last week) for another week .So what was supposed to be a few days in NY had then turned into 5-6 weeks on the road.Khloe/Kendall up in the hills was filmed in between London and Paris Fashion Weeks.

Most of the episodes are shown out of order. A lot of Khloe's storyline(filing for divorce, being robbed, partying, and the focus on her dating life) is being shown out of order. The production company sets up and films different scenes only to then edit(and weave) those scenes into certain episodes which are shown out of order. This is being done much more these days than they did in the earlier seasons which is why KUWTK has become a total sitcom.

Kris was up at 1a.m crying all night because .. what? She sticks her nose in everyone's business, didn't teach her two youngest daughters any sense of responsibility, isn't appreciated by all of her kids?


1. Before Rob gave Kendall the dog., he should have discussed it with Kris. Kendall was still living at home and Kris had a say in whether or not another pet was welcome.

2. The first time Kendall went out of town, there should have been a discussion as to who is going to take care of the dog. Kris loves being the martyr. She gets no sympathy from me..

3. Diarrhea is not a normal type of bowel movement. The dog needs a trip to the vet if it continues day after day.

4. If you lock the dog up at 7pm, you might need to get out of bed at midnight to let it have one more bathroom break.  

5. Kim is a pot stirrer.

6. Is Scott the only one who has any real sense of humor? Out of all of them he is the only one I'd like to spend an afternoon with.. in his mobile office, surfing the WWW. and chasing down food trucks. Plus I love his squeaky voice.

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I guess this is where we're talking about last night's episode...


I laugh at Kim every time she says something like, "sorry I had to call you back.  I was putting North to sleep."  Bah hahahaha!  Suuuuure you were putting your kid to sleep.  I would believe it coming from Kourtney, even Khloe if she had kids, or were babysitting, but nope, not Kim. 


LOL at Kim in full face makeup at spin class.  I noticed Kris and Khloe had makeup on too but Kim was in but not as heavy as Kim's.  And not one of the broke a sweat in what was probably at least a 30 min class. 


I was loving Scott in the work van.  Why eat at  a restaurant when you can eat in the work van indeed.  I also thought it was hilarious that he had a driver for the work van.  Scott and Khloe need their own show.  "Scott and Khloe Take the Work Van to..." and make it a road trip.


The deal with Blu...well, LOL at Kris for wanting Kim to help her clean up the poop.  I would bet Kim doesn't even clean up her own daughter's poop.  I get that Kris wants to help Kendall out by taking care of the dog when Kendall is out of town.  But yeah, the dog shitting all over the house?  As a few have noted, a dog with that much diarrhea needs to go to the vet. But if Kendall is going to live a model life, which is where it looks like her life is going (no hate, good for her), then she should not have a dog, or not own any other animal that she can't take jet setting with her.

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Kendall is just as big a nasty brat as all the other sisters. I would feel sorry for Kris, but since she was supposedly partially responsible for raising them, if they all turn out to be assholes, she has to take a lot of the blame. You reap what you sow.

Thank you, instead of being up crying all night because her kids are mean to her, she should have knocked Khloe's teeth out the first time she called her a whore. I saw a few older episodes and Khloe was cursing like a sailor in front of a much Kendall and Kylie, Bruce was there and yelled at her to knock it off. She shut her trap pretty quick. I find it hard to believe he would just overlook the girls calling their mom a whore. Kris doesn't know how to draw the line between mother/manager and friend with the girls. Added to her need for attention and confirmation of her attractiveness as a woman and living vicariously thru her daughters, she might need a bit of therapy. Hell, they all need lots of therapy.


LOL at Kim in full face makeup at spin class


Did you notice her giving her very best "check out my titties"  and "fuck me" face to the instructor? And of course they all had to discuss their "vaginas". Do they even know the female anatomy? 

Edited by iwasish

Scott and Khloe need their own show.  "Scott and Khloe Take the Work Van to..." and make it a road trip.



I would sooooo watch this.  I'm not a regular view of this show.  I have seen some of the older episodes and thought Scott was a complete fuckwad but I actually like him now.  Compared to the rest of these dolts, he's intelligent and normal.


Kendall is just as big a nasty brat as all the other sisters.



AMEN.  Talk about spoiled and entitled.  I could never imagine treating my mother the way she and the others treat Kris.  Of course I couldn't imagine my mother pimping me or my sibs out either but these girls are vicious little brats. 


Personally I think a very newly turned 18 year old buying a house is a bit ridiculous.  Even if you are mature enough to move away from home (and most 18 year olds aren't, whether or not their last name is Kardashian/Jenner) why not move into an apartment to share with a roomie?  At 18, I would have been bored (and even scared) to have lived by myself. 


I laugh at Kim every time she says something like, "sorry I had to call you back.  I was putting North to sleep."  Bah hahahaha!



I'm glad I'm not the only one giving the side eye to these comments.  She sure seems to go out a lot without her daughter and/or her daughter seems to sleep a lot.  Of course if I had been born to Kim, I'd probably want to sleep all the time also.  And wake up hoping it was all a nasty, undeserved dream.


Where do Kim and Kanye live?  It seems like Kim is ALWAYS at Chez Jenner.


Personally I think a very newly turned 18 year old buying a house is a bit ridiculous.  Even if you are mature enough to move away from home (and most 18 year olds aren't, whether or not their last name is Kardashian/Jenner) why not move into an apartment to share with a roomie?  At 18, I would have been bored (and even scared) to have lived by myself.


Most 18 year old kids leave home for college, the armed forces, or to just  move into their own apartment in order to become more responsible(and self reliant). So that is very normal. I think it is good that Kendall moved out as she needs to learn how to be more self reliant  especially since her modeling career is taking off. Kendall did not buy a house. She purchased a very nice condo(apartment) in a  wealthy section of LA. The building has loads of amenities, great security, etc. So Kendall made a very smart move in this area. Plus she still spends a lot of time with her family in Calabasas since they still work together on the show and have numerous family gatherings. Kris is still one of Kendall's managers. We all know that Kris will go to war before she lets Kendall (or any of her daughters)  truly escape from her firm clutches.






Where do Kim and Kanye live?  It seems like Kim is ALWAYS at Chez Jenner.


Kanye lives in his own  home somewhere in  Hollywood. Kim and North live at the Jenner home in Calabasas with Kris and Kylie. Kim and Kanye's house is still under construction and nowhere near being finished. I think Kim and Kanye would have been better off buying some land. And then building a house from the ground up. It would have been cheaper and a quicker process. At this rate it looks like their house won't be finished until maybe next year. It looks odd that Kim still lives with her mother even after being married when she(and her husband) have the money to live in their own home.

Edited by Nioclas

For all his talk about privacy and security and this huge house they bought, the house is right on top of the houses next to it. There's literally like, a row of tall bushes between the two homes. For that kind of money... I want space.

What happened in Vienna?

We'll get the Kardashian spin on it. Nothing was their fault, poor Kimmy was victimized by racists who hate her because of her inter racial relationship ( apparently the only inter racial relationship in existence ).

  • Love 1
We'll get the Kardashian spin on it. Nothing was their fault, poor Kimmy was victimized by racists who hate her because of her inter racial relationship ( apparently the only inter racial relationship in existence ).
I think an obnoxious comedian was at the center of this supposed racist incident. This same comedian has clowned many celebs. They will focus on this incident instead of focusing on the fact that Kim never should have taken money to be this old dude's guest at the Vienna ball in the first place. Edited by Nioclas
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They will focus on this incident instead of focusing on the fact that Kim never should have taken money to be this old dude's guest at the Vienna ball in the first place.

In the previews for next week, you can hear Kim say something about her & her mother being invited to the ball, so it sounds like they're going to pretend it was a regular old social event that they were invited to, & not a paying job.

In the previews for next week, you can hear Kim say something about her & her mother being invited to the ball, so it sounds like they're going to pretend it was a regular old social event that they were invited to, & not a paying job.

Absolutely. She presented it as some social event that she and her mother were invited to. She did NOT present it as a pimped out paid job. She spoke about it as it they were important enough to be included in some gazillionaire's circle. When really, she was paid to show up, look pretty, look bored, and be leered at.

Most 18 year old kids leave home for college, the armed forces, or to just move into their own apartment in order to become more responsible(and self reliant). So that is very normal. I think it is good that Kendall moved out as she needs to learn how to be more self reliant especially since her modeling career is taking off. Kendall did not buy a house. She purchased a very nice condo(apartment) in a wealthy section of LA. The building has loads of amenities, great security, etc. So Kendall made a very smart move in this area. Plus she still spends a lot of time with her family in Calabasas since they still work together on the show and have numerous family gatherings. Kris is still one of Kendall's managers. We all know that Kris will go to war before she lets Kendall (or any of her daughters) truly escape from her firm clutches.

Kanye lives in his own home somewhere in Hollywood. Kim and North live at the Jenner home in Calabasas with Kris and Kylie. Kim and Kanye's house is still under construction and nowhere near being finished. I think Kim and Kanye would have been better off buying some land. And then building a house from the ground up. It would have been cheaper and a quicker process. At this rate it looks like their house won't be finished until maybe next year. It looks odd that Kim still lives with her mother even after being married when she(and her husband) have the money to live in their own home.

Why doesn't Kim and the baby live with Kanye. I doubt he's living in a 4th floor walk up with one bathroom.
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She wants to film the show, its probably easier to do it living at Mom's

This is possible. However Kim use to easily film KUWTK in year's past when she had her own house. And in past seasons she was featured way more in the episodes than she is now. So I'm not sure she is just living with her mom to film the show. I think she lives with her mother to save money because they are spending too much on their new house which is becoming more expensive as they go along. I think Kim possibly is living with her mother to save money because they are spending way too much on building their new house which is becoming more expensive as they go along. I don't know why she did not just buy a home in Calabasas like her sisters. It would have been much cheaper and easier. Plus she would still be living close to the rest of her family. The whole situation comes off very odd. I wonder why Kim won't let North be filmed on KUWTK? It looks weird that Kim is never seen with her daughter onscreen even in a quick shot. The world has already seen numerous pics of the baby. I guess E' did not offer Kim and Kanye enough money to feature the baby.


I felt bad for the dog - but then it was probably a dog hired for the show and belongs to hopefully someone else.


I think that Kris is going for viewer sympathy this season - first how concerned she is about poor Bruce eating, now how she has to clean up dog poop for her ungrateful spawn.  And Kim of course, the "good daughter" wants the rest to treat poor Moms better.  Good luck with that - Kris is so unlikeable and she doesn't do herself any favors by acting like someone half her age - she looks, as Kimmie would say "ridic"


Looks like Kendall is going to turn into Kim II. Totally Self absorbed.   

Kimmy comes across as the biggest whiny bitch of them all, IMHO. Everyone else, including Kris, seems almost likable next to her. So I guess they really need to keep her on the show.

Kanye lives in his own  home somewhere in  Hollywood. Kim and North live at the Jenner home in Calabasas with Kris and Kylie. Kim and Kanye's house is still under construction and nowhere near being finished. I think Kim and Kanye would have been better off buying some land. And then building a house from the ground up. It would have been cheaper and a quicker process. At this rate it looks like their house won't be finished until maybe next year. It looks odd that Kim still lives with her mother even after being married when she(and her husband) have the money to live in their own home.

I read an article in the Daily Fail yesterday, and they had pictures of Kanye returning to his own home in the Hollywood Hills. Clearly not the Jenner house. So he still has his home there and lives there when in California. Kimmy probably still does live with her mommy and has servants do most of the work with North. I doubt either Kim or Kanye has even changed many of their own daughter's diapers.


No way in hell would Kimmy EVER have left the house in clothing smelling like poop. I'm sure most of her clothes are dry cleaned and stored in her own closet anyway. FAKE!

Edited by DangerousMinds
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The bed Kim was sitting on when talking on the phone was a full size bed. No way the princess sleeps in a full size bed with Kanye. Only Queen/King would do.

And no way she is walking around in a house with piles of dog shit in the hallway everyday. She would be screaming about North being damaged by it.

IMO, all the the family with the exception of Kris and Kim are over doing the show. I think Kourt and Khloe did the Hamptons soley for the free vacation.

Loved how the Kris spin on the Vienna debacle is that they were "invited to be guests to the entrepreneur" Conveniently forgetting the exchange of a huge fee. And Kim's feigned horror at the "Niggers in Vienna" remark was laughable. She's at all of Kanye's concerts and hears that word plenty.

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IMO, all the the family with the exception of Kris and Kim are over doing the show. I think Kourt and Khloe did the Hamptons soley for the free vacation.

No doubt for the free vacation, especially when given the chance to live in an all-expenses paid multi-million dollar house. And I just read that Kimmy is looking for (probably) unpaid interns via Twitter for their NYC store. Really, unpaid interns? And using Twitter? What kind of people do they expect to find that way? So unprofessional and CHEAP.

I cannot stand Kris. And a big reason I cannot stand her is that she allows Khloe to call her names with no repercussions. She cleans up after Kendall's dog, with no repercussions, she allows Kim to take over her home, redecorate, repair and criticize it, with no repercussions. She lets Kylie sass her and stomp off, with no repercussions. They she acts the martyr and cries. WTF. The first time Khloe disrespected her, she should have lost a few teeth.  Kendall's dog should have been taken to a kennel for the duration of her absence, and Kylie should have  her car keys and credit cards confiscated. KIm/Kanye and North's  bags should have been packed and reservations at Motel 6 made in their name.


Khloe is wrong.. all of them are. But the blame lies at Kris's feet.

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I think Brandon and Leah are total bores. TMZ just put out a story that says Rob is addicted to drugs. The article heavily implied that the Kardashians were the ones to leak the story in hopes of it forcing or shaming Rob into going into a rehab facility since he is steadfastly refusing to go. The Kardashians needs to realize that they can't force Rob to get treatment and if they do it will not work. He will just get out of rehab and go back to his partying ways. Rob needs to realize he needs help and then go to rehab. He has to do it himself.


I think Brandon and Leah are total bores. TMZ just put out a story that says Rob is addicted to drugs. The article heavily implied that the Kardashians were the ones to leak the story in hopes of it forcing or shaming Rob into going into a rehab facility since he is steadfastly refusing to go. The Kardashians needs to realize that they can't force Rob to get treatment and if they do it will not work. He will just get out of rehab and go back to his partying ways. Rob needs to realize he needs help and then go to rehab. He has to do it himself.

Don't people who are addicted to drugs usually lose weight, not gain it? Unless he's "addicted" to marijuana & eating brownies & cheetos all the time. 

Edited by GaT
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I thought it was funny when Khloe was pretending to have a serious talk with Kendall about how they treat Kris, and Kendall, completely befuddled, said, "But..that's just how we are." Also, I don't think Kris does anything for her family that she doesn't get paid for. If it's something domestic she just has her assistants do it.


Was Scott's storyline supposed to be an ad for that mobile office company or something?

If I had spoken to my mother the way these people speak to Kris, my mother would have backhanded me into next week so hard, you people still wouldn't be caught up with me. 


Does Kendall seriously,like, not know that you actually, like, have to pay for ambulances and rescue helicopters? 


God help me but I like Scott.  Although I do wonder exactly what "work" he's doing that requires an office of any kind.

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I doubt Scott is doing much actual "work," but I think that as an only child himself, he just really needs some alone time without people constantly coming and going from room to room. I am the same. I don't think Kourtney understands this at ALL. And she seems to be the one controlling the size of their family. I doubt Scott wants four kids, but if Kourtney wants that she will have it, with no consideration for his wishes.

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