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Season 9 Discussion

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I think he looks good with the ponytail itself now that its grown long enough to really be all pulled back.  Don't like it when its loose and flowy.  Kris is such a controlling bitch, but when the tables are turned and she is told she's out of line or looks ridiculous (tits out.. vagina out), she gets in a funk and storms off.. with Kimmy running after her to kiss ass.


Kylie mouthing off in the rock climbing place? She needed her ass kicked. But Kris instigated it and then played dumb with Bruce. 

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Kris really went off on Kylie, I was shocked myself and when Kris said she installed a camera in her closet and threatened Kylie if she takes something again was shocking.  My mouth dropped open, then Kylie started crying and I was like, I would cry too - that woman is a BITCH!  I'm glad at the end that Kylie came to see her Dad and was interested in hanging out with him more.  I'm sure she wants nothing to do with mom Kris anymore.  I would never talk nasty like that to my kids!  Kylie was hurt by her mother's words, that woman is NOT right.


I'm sorry, but that was not the right time for Kris to bring this up with Kylie.  And then when Kylie leaves, Bruce asks why and she was like "oh, you know how 16 year olds are, they are so emotional". I was thinking, BITCH YOU DROVE HER OUT OF THERE!

I don't think Kris was wrong to chastise Kylie for taking the dress, it was just the wrong time to do it. Actually the girls should never have access to her closet anyway. They don't need to be wearing expensive designer clothing at 16.  They have entirely too much "stuff" any way, therefore they appreciate none of it.


Kris's comment that Bruce was living like a hermit in Malibu when she met him was odd. He has always said he was quite the playboy and single man about town.


Why would she think Bruce would enjoy yoga? The guy has two badly arthritic knees, even Kylie wasn't that into it.


What has Kim done to her hairline? It looks like she lasered it off along the front hairline and also in the back on the nape of her neck. It looks totally un-natural.

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Bruce eats healthier than any of them. He's always eating fruit. They eat take out salad and frozen yogurt.


I like literally wanted  to jump thru my TV and punch Kris in the face when she was telling Bruce his hair was a hot mess.


Except......  His hair was/is a "hot mess".  When the stylist finished cutting, coloring, and blowing out his hair he resembled a woman.  It was beyond freaky.

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Kylie mouthing off in the rock climbing place? She needed her ass kicked. But Kris instigated it and then played dumb with Bruce.


A few things on Kylie: One, she seems like a brat.

I thought she was a major little snot ass in this episode, when Kris said she found her dress in Kylie's closet & Kylie said something like "Oh really? I'm so happy for you", I wanted to punch her in the face. Yes, it was the wrong time for Kris to bring it up, but WTF, it's Kris dress & she shouldn't have to worry about people stealing her clothes, & why is a 16 years old girl wearing her mother's clothes to begin with? And then Kylie got all upset & left. Poor, poor little Kylie, what a spoiled brat.

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Except......  His hair was/is a "hot mess".  When the stylist finished cutting, coloring, and blowing out his hair he resembled a woman.  It was beyond freaky.


I'm not saying it wasn't a hot mess, just that it's not any of Kris's business if it is or isn't. She wasn't supposed to be there but shows up for some "highlights" And even her colorist was right there ready to cut his hair on her orders! WTF! It was like he didn't even have the right to an opinion. She doesn't want to be told what to wear or how to dress, what's appropriate behavior for a woman of her age, and anytime someone does say something to her.. she busts out in tears.  He isn't into the lifestyle she craves. She moved him out to Malibu to make things convenient for herself. I think she just thought he'd come back home like a good dog when she told him to. But surprise, surprise, surprise! Bruce got himself a tiny backbone while out on the beach and is no longer under her thumb. She should concentrate her time and effort on the two younger daughters cause I see trouble ahead, especially with Kylie. Or maybe stick her nose in Rob's business for a while. Bruce doesn't want her interference.'

Except......  His hair was/is a "hot mess".  When the stylist finished cutting, coloring, and blowing out his hair he resembled a woman.  It was beyond freaky.

I'm not saying it wasn't a hot mess, just that it's not any of Kris's business if it is or isn't. She wasn't supposed to be there but shows up for some "highlights" And even her colorist was right there ready to cut his hair on her orders! WTF! It was like he didn't even have the right to an opinion. She doesn't want to be told what to wear or how to dress, what's appropriate behavior for a woman of her age, and anytime someone does say something to her.. she busts out in tears.  He isn't into the lifestyle she craves. She moved him out to Malibu to make things convenient for herself. I think she just thought he'd come back home like a good dog when she told him to. But surprise, surprise, surprise! Bruce got himself a tiny backbone while out on the beach and is no longer under her thumb. She should concentrate her time and effort on the two younger daughters cause I see trouble ahead, especially with Kylie. Or maybe stick her nose in Rob's business for a while. Bruce doesn't want her interference.'

I thought she was a major little snot ass in this episode, when Kris said she found her dress in Kylie's closet & Kylie said something like "Oh really? I'm so happy for you", I wanted to punch her in the face. Yes, it was the wrong time for Kris to bring it up, but WTF, it's Kris dress & she shouldn't have to worry about people stealing her clothes, & why is a 16 years old girl wearing her mother's clothes to begin with? And then Kylie got all upset & left. Poor, poor little Kylie, what a spoiled brat.

I think Kylie and Kendall are over doing the show. Especially Kylie. Kris and Kim are still into it, Kourtney does it for the easy money and the ability to be with her kids most of the time. I'm thinking Khloe and Kourtney would both like a return to the first season or two, not so much drama and lots of goofy fun. Bruce is finished and I doubt Rob will return.

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I don't think Kris was wrong to chastise Kylie for taking the dress, it was just the wrong time to do it. Actually the girls should never have access to her closet anyway. They don't need to be wearing expensive designer clothing at 16.  They have entirely too much "stuff" any way, therefore they appreciate none of it.

Is this Kris' way of saying 'look, my 16 year old and I can wear the same size clothes?  (Sorry if I have the grammar wrong)

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Next thing you know Kris will be wearing the dress Kendall wore at the Music Maker Awards and going commando.. cause you know "you can be sexy at any age"

Is this Kris' way of saying 'look, my 16 year old and I can wear the same size clothes?  (Sorry if I have the grammar wrong)



Or like Kim stuffing her fat ass and hooters in Kyle's bikini?

Edited by iwasish
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I kind of feel sorry for that brat Kylie. She's sort of a misfit in that family just like Rob. She's not as pretty as Kendall, she will never be a model. She really is not a girlie girl like Kim, either. Nor does she care to be. At 16 she's probably trying to find her own place in this screwed up family. She should move out of Kris' house and live with Bruce. I can see her totally going her own way once she turns 18.

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She's not waiting til 18. She comes and goes as she pleases. It seems half the time Kris doesn't even know where she is.


I saw Kendall arguing with someone over her dog. In all honesty it was a stupid gift from Rob. The girl is working and traveling, who did he think would watch it? And all her big talk about moving and having a place with a big yard for a dog and she turns around and buys a condo. Great place for a Great Dane. I haven't seen Khloe's dog either for a while.

Kourtney and Scott have a cat now. I noticed its a Bengal  kitten. I'm surprised Kourtney got them a pet, she didn't want to have them deal with the eventual death of a pet, at least that is what she told Bruce.  

I don't know California at all, but I know Malibu is on the beach, and people go to the beach, so it's not in the middle of nowhere.   I know if I had the wherewithal, the beach is where I would live.   I'm sure Kris is more concerned about Bruce getting his independence and meeting people who do things he likes.   


Yikes, though.   This is only the third time I've watched this, and the first time I have seen Bruce.  I thought he was an Aunt who used to be a W.A.C. or something.   It's not the surgery and the bad hair, but the frail way he carries himself.    I think this family drained his energy like the psychic vampires they are.   

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I kind of feel sorry for that brat Kylie. She's sort of a misfit in that family just like Rob. She's not as pretty as Kendall, she will never be a model.



I did not see the whole episode, all I saw was a segment where Kylie, Bruce & Kloe were out to lunch; the "Kylie" sitting at the table and the "Kylie" in the talking heads looked like two different people - the Talking Heads must have been filmed after her "Not" plastic surgery.


I do not think too much of Kylie. I totally agree that she has no business going through Kris' closet taking her clothing.  IIRC, this has been brought up before & Kris had some sign out sheet or something.  Wonder what happened with that.  I am sure she has unlimited use to credit cards to go buy whatever she wants whenever she wants. so why go take other peoples stuff.

Kris is scared she'll lose control over Bruce, and then over the girls as they see they can make their own life choices. She nearly shit a brick when Kendall started hanging with Brody and Brandon. Kim is the only one firmly lodged in Kris's ass. And yet she manages to let Kris know that she can easily step away whenever she chooses, therefore Kris knows when to back off. It wouldn't shock me to find out that Kim and Kris have done what they can to keep that distance with Brody, hoping they will be able to have a greater influence over Kendall. Kylie seems to be a bit more independent thinking, she doesn't kiss Kim's ass.

I agree that Bruce does seem frail and worn out. There's a big change in him physically from the first season and even his demeanor is more somber, less lighthearted. I don't think he is happy with the changes his family has gone thru since the show began. IMO he has given up trying to stop any of the racier aspects of the younger girls career. He's worn out.

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How does she manage to haul both that ass and the baby around? You'd think he'd lift a finger to help. But noo, too busy scowling and waiting for a chance to beat up a paparazzi.

Kris has so much to say about Bruce's wardrobe choices, why so silent about this mess that escorts Kim ? Kris had and still has plenty to say about Scott, who I dare say is a much more hands on father, and his less than sterling choices. I wonder if Kanye would ride around on a scooter so Kris can have memories? If Scott dared to spend 2/3 of Kourtney's pregnancies out of the country, Kris would have crucified him. But Kanye gets a free pass, cause Scott's a nobody and Kanye is a "name"

So was Lamar... And look how that ended.

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LOL at would Kanye ride around on a scooter so Kris can have memories! And yes, he dresses like shit. Excellent points, and accurate! I mostly lurked on TWOP and probably posted less than 10 times ever there (mostly on KUWTK thread), and I loved your posts there, too, iwasish (I was ElizabethR over there, not that I expect you to remember me since I rarely posted). Your way with words never disappoints!

I just wanted to add something from last week's episode. Rather than going to the other thread, I'll just say it here. After Kris' semi-nude not-for-hire photo shoot, Kim says, "She actually does teach me that true fabulousness comes from within." Yeah, I didn't get that from the all about the way you look speech, but whatever. They're two peas in a pod anyway.

So much WORD on Scott being a better father. This side of a few years ago, I would have never thought that, but he and Kourtney and their family are so much more interesting to me than everyone else.

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That first picture of the Kimyes looks so disconnected. As though a lady with a baby is walking on a sidewalk with a random guy walking slightly behind her. They rarely give off a family vibe.

That skirt is doing Kim no favors. Unless she wants to look like a lumpy sausage in a casing. Let me echo the amusement regarding Kanye's style. His "style" looks like any college kid rolling out of bed to hit class. Grab some jeans & whatever t-shirt is nearby. Although I imagine a college kid probably has a more interesting collection of t-shirts.

ETA: I wonder if as Bruce gains more freedom & space he will begin to look happier again? I agree he seems beaten down & worn out. Like he's lost the will to fight the crap anymore & just wants to be left alone. I wish he could convince the little K's to stay away from Kris for a bit & everyone breathe pimp free air.

Edited by ramble
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... If Scott dared to spend 2/3 of Kourtney's pregnancies out of the country, Kris would have crucified him. But Kanye gets a free pass, cause Scott's a nobody and Kanye is a "name"...


I don't see why Kanye had to be in Paris recording his album while Kim was pregnant, but at least he was working.  What does Scott do?

That first picture of the Kimyes looks so disconnected. As though a lady with a baby is walking on a sidewalk with a random guy walking slightly behind her. They rarely give off a family vibe.


Kanye doesn't like the paparazzi.  When he's away from them, he smiles and plays with his daughter:




Kanye already explained that even though Kim gets a lot of paparazzi attention, he loves her and that was not going to stop him from being with her.  He doesn't have to like the paps and he doesn't have to smile or look enthused for them.

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Thanks for the pics! Uugh those shoes on Kim. And her ass looks like it is going to bust through the skirt.

Little North looks cute here.

And the shoes, she can't even lace them all the way up her fat calves. If she were to take a fall the way she holds North.... well, at least Kim's face would be protected.


Scott's never made any bones about the fact that he doesn't like to work. He does appearances and makes money. Not my ideal of a boyfriend/partner but they aren't starving so I guess it works for him. I do think he has made big strides in maturity in regard to fatherhood, but he has a way to go as a person and a man.


I don't care if Kanye never smiles, he can pretend all he wants that he hates the paps but  I call bullshit on it. IMO he's trading on the Kardashian name to get himself in the papers, while protesting that he hates that whole scene. Like the lady, I think he doeth protest too much.


I'll have to take your word that he laughs and plays with his kid when they are in private, cause in public he shows as much interest in her as  he would a sack of potatoes. And Kim doesn't seen real enthused to be hauling her around either. I see their little outings as photo ops, and bet North gets dumped on the nanny as soon as they get home, so Kimmy can get herself re-glammed up for an evening of selfie taking and on line shopping.  

Edited by iwasish
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I don't care if Kanye never smiles, he can pretend all he wants that he hates the paps but  I call bullshit on it. IMO he's trading on the Kardashian name to get himself in the papers, while protesting that he hates that whole scene. Like the lady, I think he doeth protest too much.


Everyone's perceptions are different, but Kanye doesn't need Kim for anything.  Kanye was already a superstar.  People knew his name from his music, from speaking against Bush at the Katrina telethon and for grabbing the mic from Taylor Swift.  Kanye has 21 Grammys and ranks 8th out of the most awarded.  When Kanye and Kim first went public, there was lots of commentary about how he was damaging his brand by getting with her.  Kim was fresh off the bad press after the Kris Humphries divorce.  The way things were trending, I think Kim was going the way of Paris Hilton.  All of Kim's press was negative.  The Kanye relationship injected new life into her fame/infamy.  Now, they have merged as one.  The one benefiting is Kim.  She would never have been in Versailles, the MET Gala, Valentino's estate, Vogue, Anna Wintour's home, etc., if it weren't for Kanye.


I also want to point out that there is a difference between legitimate press (appearing on talk shows, press invited to album releases, red carpet appearances, etc.) and paparazzi -- the people who violate privacy, stalk and harass people to get photographs.  That's who Kanye hates.  To my knowledge, he doesn't complain about fame.  He gave an example of a pap referring to him and Scott as the "mothers brothers" to try to get a rise out of them when they were together because they both lost their mothers.  Kanye had acclaim, fame, magazine covers and millions sold while Kim was still in Paris Hilton's shadow.

Edited by Talented Tenth
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So much WORD on Scott being a better father. This side of a few years ago, I would have never thought that, but he and Kourtney and their family are so much more interesting to me than everyone else.

Scott has all the time in the world to be a better father. He has nothing going on in his life except making babies, living off of Kourtney's money and what ever he earns from being on this show. He has no ambition, no goals. However, he freely admits it ,he owns who he is and that is what I like about him. 

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I like that he is honest about the fact that while he likes Kourt's family, he feels overwhelmed by them at times. 



When Khloe was talking to Bruce about Kris being controlling, she remarked that she herself was also controlling. I flashed back to Lamar's father's comments about her and her family and their controlling ways and wondered if she even realized how controlling she was with Lamar.


Kourtney being so excited over the possible masterpiece and the financial windfall.. that painting belongs to Scott. They aren't married, I wonder just how much if any of Scott's parent's estate she would be entitled to.  

Edited by iwasish

Best part of the episode is Penelope and Mason, they're adorable. As well as their interaction with Scott and Kourtney. They act like normal kids, like Penelope seeing Kourtney and reaching her arms out to her to get her to pick her up instead of being with Khloe. Or Penelope laying with Scott on the sofa. I can't imagine that type of normal baby interaction with North with Kim/Kanye. I picture North reaching for the nanny not her parents.


Kylie was a brat throwing a tantrum and walking out of the rock climbing over Kris telling her that Kylie had her dress she had been looking for, for 4 days.



I wonder just how much if any of Scott's parent's estate she would be entitled to.

None unless they registered a domestic partnership or file joint taxes like a married couple despite not being married. There's no common law in California.

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Still MIA: Kendall and Rob. Although Kendall was mentioned this week and shown in the previews for next week. Rob was not.


In the convo with Bruce,Khloe and Kylie they mentioned the Marc Jacobs show/Vogue shoot so she was in New York(and she was there for a month working ,then went to London for a week for LFW) and then went to London .If they show her back and fighting about the dog and then the London sightseeing we saw in a later episode they are showing stuff out of order again.There were filming stills of her and Khloe out walking the dog after she got back from London.


Kendall will be missing a lot i guess as she didn't have cameras with her for the majority of Fashion Week (which was about



saw Kendall arguing with someone over her dog. In all honesty it was a stupid gift from Rob. The girl is working and traveling, who did he think would watch it? And all her big talk about moving and having a place with a big yard for a dog and she turns around and buys a condo. Great place for a Great Dane.


Well to be fair to both of them he gave her it before she signed for her new modeling agencies and started spending a whole chunk of time in New York (and all points European) .


And dog or no dog it's a lot safer for her to be in a condo with security than living on her own out in the boondocks especially with her being gone so much.

And the condo is just about half way between Calabasas and Mallibu


She was modeling and traveling long before 18. In addition she was talking about moving out of Kris's house ASAP. The dog was a stupid gift. Just size wise alone it was dumb. I love Great Danes.. but for Kendall, it was a poor choice. Yes they can pay for help to watch it, but being gone weeks at a time is unfair to an animal, especially one of that size. I don't see the  Kardashians as animal lovers. I think Kendall wanted a Great Dane...much like she wants a new pair of shoes or boots or sunglasses or pick up truck. Once they pets become inconvenient, like Mercy, they get foisted off on the help. Bruce seems to be the only one who actually played with the black dog they have. 


The choice of a condo was a good idea for her, since she does travel so much it makes sense. Rob's choice of gift for her, like his other choices lately.. not so good.,

Edited by iwasish
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When Khloe was talking to Bruce about Kris being controlling, she remarked that she herself was also controlling.



This was an interesting insight and possibly something that Khloe has been thinking about since she filed for divorce from Lamar. Her constant managing of his career and catering to his needs and schedule was not unlike the way that Kris handles Kim and Bruce. While Khloe's motives may have been more altruistic (marriage/love instead of a 10% cut), the behaviors are the same. It's clear that Khloe thought her marriage would be successful as she was in control of everything, and perhaps it became overwhelming to Lamar? Just speculating.


Kendall is a huge animal lover she espeically loves horses and dogs. I think she is the animal lover in the family. So that is not an act.  Kendall's modeling career is really taking off this year. So she is working and traveling more than she ever has in her career. I agree that Rob giving her a birthday gift of a Great Dane was very inconvenient but at that  time Kendall was not working or traveling nearly as much as she is now. At the moment Kendall is very busy juggling her solo modeling career and the joint projects she does with Kylie. Kendall made a very smart move of purchasing a condo in an afluential area where she has lots of security and a full set of amenities at her disposal. She is far too young and busy to take care of a home or it's up keep. I don't know how this "storyline" will play out onscreen. But in real life I believe that Kendall has put Blu in a pet facility where they are taking care of her while Kendall is away traveling for work, etc. So the dog is being very well taken care of.



Khloe is very controlling and smothering with everyone in her life espeically in her romantic relationships. She seems to believe that she has to micro manage her man's entire life which is one main reason why her relationships fail.

Edited by Nioclas
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I know it was wrong of Kris to comment on Bruce's hair, but I totally agree with her.  His hair did not look any better when they were finished. The stylist was right, it did look like a blunt bob, but it really did not look any different...or better... when he was finished.  I know Bruce thinks that by growing his hair out long is making him look younger but in my opinion, all it is doing is making him look feminine and foolish.  Speaking of looking feminine, there was one segment, I think at the Malibu house when Kris showed up with 'groceries' because she thinks Bruce is not taking care of himself, where the camera focused on Bruce's hands, it looks as if his nails are long too.


Back to Kim's butt! That thing is huge!  I just do not understand why these people think they look good with their inflated lips and inflated butts...my guess is because so many of these magazines and E! Channel inflate their egos.


Well, good for Kloe to admit she was controlling.  She had so much control over Lamar, she even had to approve his friends.

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I know it was wrong of Kris to comment on Bruce's hair, but I totally agree with her.



This is a classic example of why Kris should really learn to pick her battles. Bruce's hair looks absolutely terrible but she's been bugging him for so many years about so many other things (like his clothes) that he just tunes out the criticism. I feel bad harping on his looks because he's not in the same "business" as the Kardashians but..I have to agree with others that his appearance is really starting to concern me.

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Kris is only bugged about Bruce's hair because of the media buzz about a "sex change". and that she thinks that reflects on her somehow.


The family was all up in arms over what Lamar's father said about the Kardashian women.. but it is true, they are controlling, from Kris right down to Khloe. Not sure yet about the Jenner girls but chances are they inherited it from mom also. 


I think Kris J is a detestable woman, but I will say that if I ever called my mother a whore, repeatedly, to her face, on camera, or in the privacy of our home, my teeth would have been knocked down my throat. And they way they throw that word around at each other is equally disgusting. 

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I just remembered Kourtney's funny line to Scott. He came in with a small/medium size ice tea and Kourt said " I've started buying those in the large size and it's life changing" She really can be the funniest of the girls, I can see what Scott sees in her.

I feel like Kourtney keeps her true personality mostly off the show. I think she does the show for the money (I would too) and plays along when she has to but keeps the lines separate between TV and real life. As a fellow oldest child, I understand her personality and why she is a bit more guarded.

I agree the show is strictly business for Kourtney. Despite all the crap her family gave her about Scott, she's the only K-sibling that has managed to maintain a stable relationship for a significant length of time.

I think Kourtney is snarky-funny whereas Khloe tries to be outlandish and brash, and Kim is just dull as day-old dishwater.

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Most of KUWTK is scripted, so situations are amped up for ratings. I don't think we see most of the families real or true personalities as they are working from a script in most episodes. We see some of their personality but that is it especially these days. In the earlier seasons I think they showed more of their personalities on camera but that stopped a long time ago.

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