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Kardashians in the Media

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I got more grief from my sons about this show than from anyone else, but they hate reality tv of any kind. The funniest story about watching the show in secret was I had my brother living with me during a long illness. He would casually stroll into the tv room right as the show was starting and act like he had to watch it with me. Keep in mind he had his own tv in the basement. So, there's my big old biker-type brother wrapped in an afghan, dishing with me about what "those crazy bitches" were up to this week! Kourtney was his favorite, Kim his least favorite and he thought Bruce was a closeted gay. (Close but no cigar, bro).

Anyway, sorry for the novel, but wanted to show you ALL types watch this trainwreck and following his death, some of my best memories are of me and my rugged hetero brother drinking tea and bitching away in disbelief at their antics on Sunday nights.

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I also read that she doesn't smile because of the papazzi being rude to her when she was pregant with North, so she doesn't want to give them the "million dollar smile" she also said that smiling cause wrinkles as well. ( don't know if she is joking about that or not)

I am sure she was not joking.  I remember her telling Kourtney that getting a stretch mark was "literally her worst nightmare."  So, yeah.

I am so glad to know that I am not the only one out there!  I used to change the channel very quickly when my husband came into the room.  The worst is when I am watching it on onDemand - you can't click off so quick!


It is really funny that you say this - last night, I was watching (and hating myself) and he came into the room (I thought he was asleep!) and I left it on.  It felt so weird!  He was like, "WHY?? WHY ARE YOU WATCHING THESE PEOPLE?"  I said, "who cares, it was the only thing on..."  He actually said, "not on MY TV you don't!"  That made me laugh.  

Ironically, it was my husband who got me hooked on this show in the first place.  He would watch old episodes on Sundays and I used to tease him mercilessly for it.  Before last year, the only K sister I could name was Kim - I always got the other four mixed up.  But when the news of Bruce transitioning became public, I was hooked and fascinated.  Then I fell down the rabbit hole of watching older shows.  Thank goodness for this forum.  A girl's gotta have someone to snark with or it's just not as fun.

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  Re Tyga's refusing to let Sir Paul McCartney in to his Grammys after party, I would ask WTF was he thinking, but obviously, he wasn't. Looks like Kanye's not the only Kardashian-adjaecent rapper making bad decisions this week. Paul McCartney has been making music since before Tyga's parents have been alive, let alone Tyga. Paul McCartney is music royalty in every sense of the word and Tyga's rejecting him twice says much worse about Tyga than it does about Paul. If I were that club owner, not only would I make sure that whomever kept McCartney out got fired, if he wanted to throw a party in my club, not only would his every wish be my command, I would make damn sure that Tyga couldn't get in.

Edited by DollEyes
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Supposedly it wasn't Tyga who stopped him, it was some security guard who wouldn't let them in & Tyga didn't know anything about it. Normally my bullshit meter would be way up, but since Kanye recorded a song with Sir Paul & Rihanna fairly recently, I think Tyga would know who he is & want him in the party.

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Re Tyga's refusing to let Sir Paul McCartney in to his Grammys after party, I would ask WTF was he thinking, but obviously, he wasn't. Looks like Kanye's not the only Kardashian-adjaecent rapper making bad decisions this week.

If we're being totally honest most (not all, most) successful rappers are assholes. It's an artform that often--not always but often--is built on the expression of ego.
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I read that Sir Paul was trying to get into the wrong party. He thought it was so Record Exec party?


That HAD to be it.  I was wondering why he would want to go to Tyga's party.  Tyga is a has-been-never-was.


Oh, please. I think it's amusing Paul McCartney couldn't get in. He's OLD! I'm not quite as old, but I've never cared for him OR the Beatles. It's ridiculous. 


Paul is as VIP as you can get.  He's a Beatle, and they may not be your taste (or mine) but they are the original "big deal."  He is what Kanye thinks he is, but will never be - INFLUENTIAL, rich and beloved.

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Tyga's refusing to let Sir Paul McCartney in to his Grammys after party, I would ask WTF was he thinking, but obviously, he wasn't. Looks like Kanye's not the only Kardashian-adjaecent rapper making bad decisions this week. Paul McCartney has been making music since before Tyga's parents have been alive, let alone Tyga. Paul McCartney is music royalty in every sense of the word and Tyga's rejecting him twice says much worse about Tyga than it does about Paul. If I were that club owner, not only would I make sure that whomever kept McCartney out got fired, if he wanted to throw a party in my club, not only would his every wish be my command, I would make damn sure that Tyga couldn't get in.

You said it, my mother loved the Beatles. I'm grateful she exposed me to their music. I saw the clip and my mouth was hanging open. Yeah, all I could think was, this seems about right, the garbage that passes for musical talent these days being put in a position to deny Sir Paul McCartney entrance. 


Yep, not surprising.


Silly Love Songs is my favorite McCartney song when he was with Wings, that music is so beautiful, the instruments.

Edited by represent
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Whether you like the Beatles or not there is no denying Paul is a legend, and really now being old is a negative especially for something like a Grammy party? Half of these kids today should be so lucky to have the kind of career for as many years as Pauls as spanned. Oh and btw for someone so old you should see him in concert. He can also outperform some 20 year olds and play for 2-3 hours straight without even taking a break. 

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He is what Kanye thinks he is, but will never be - INFLUENTIAL, rich and beloved.

And at the top of this list of adjectives is that he's a gentleman which is pretty much why the Kanye's of the world are very unattractive to me.

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If we're being totally honest most (not all, most) successful rappers are assholes. It's an artform that often--not always but often--is built on the expression of ego.

Oh god yes. So not a fan.

This was Shared on FB the other day. "Music is like candy throw away the rappers". Heh

Edited by Dahlia
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I'm more of a Stones fan than a Beatles fan, but you'd think the security guy would at least know who Paul was and maybe want to run it by Tyga? "Man, Paul McCartney wants in on your party...yes, that Paul McCartney...should we let him in?"

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And at the top of this list of adjectives is that he's a gentleman which is pretty much why the Kanye's of the world are very unattractive to me.

Can you imagine if it were Kanye being denied admittance to Sir Paul's party? The ranting, the raving, the overwrought emotion? But Sir Paul and his buddies just laughed it off and went to the next party. A class act!

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  I'm disgusted but not surprised that Lamar chose to go to Yeezy's fashion show instead of seeing his kids. As he's proven this week alone, Kanye's the biggest baby in the Big Apple.



Age has nothing to do with musical talent, and Paul is a genius. Kanye, a joke. Tyga, no one.


  Bingo. Paul McCartney's so brilliant that even his response to Tyga's rejection ("How VIP do we gotta get?") is much better than anything/everything Tyga's ever done.

Edited by DollEyes
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Ah but didnt you read about why Lamar went? Yeezus' music saved his life lol So he's forever indebted to him and wasnt letting anything stop him from getting on that plane to NYC. I dont blame his kids for feeling hurt. If anything a good compromise would have been getting them into the show to sit with Khloe and Lamar.

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I agree, they could have at least invited the kids to the show. There were certainly plenty of seats. I know there's two sides to every story, but come on, Lamar, you can do better. His children will always be there. The Kardashians already dumped him like yesterday's trash once, and they'll surely do it again.

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Can you imagine if it were Kanye being denied admittance to Sir Paul's party? The ranting, the raving, the overwrought emotion? But Sir Paul and his buddies just laughed it off and went to the next party. A class act!

I detest even seeing their names mentioned in the same sentence.

Ah but didnt you read about why Lamar went? Yeezus' music saved his life lol So he's forever indebted to him and wasnt letting anything stop him from getting on that plane to NYC. I dont blame his kids for feeling hurt. If anything a good compromise would have been getting them into the show to sit with Khloe and Lamar.

I wonder which of Kanye's lyrics "spoke" to him?

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 Tyga's getting evicted again after his refusal to let Sir Paul McCartney in his Grammy party is karmic justice at its best. Only Taylor Swift's & Stephen Colbert's putting Kanye on blast for his latest rants was better. At least Sir Paul can pay his own bills. 

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And yet these fucking idiot landlords keep renting multi-million dollar homes to him. I'm pretty sure if I'd been evicted TWICE for non-payment of rent I wouldn't find it so easy to find someone willing to rent a one room shack to me, let alone a McMansion in Calabasas...

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 Tyga's getting evicted again after his refusal to let Sir Paul McCartney in his Grammy party is karmic justice at its best. Only Taylor Swift's & Stephen Colbert's putting Kanye on blast for his latest rants was better. At least Sir Paul can pay his own bills. 

Really?! Why should Sir Paul be granted automatic entry to any party? Also, I've read that it wasn't Tyga's doing. Can't stand McCartney or Tyga, but all the butt-hurtedness over the party on his behalf is just too much.

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I dunno, I've never bought into that whole "Rock Royalty can go wherever they want and do whatever they want! Because they are ROCK ROYALTY!" mentality.


However, with that said...the way he dealt with it was awesome (joking "How VIP do we have to be to get in here?"), and you can bet other musicians who shall remain nameless wouldn't have dealt with that situation with as much class. If with any at all.

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Really?! Why should Sir Paul be granted automatic entry to any party? Also, I've read that it wasn't Tyga's doing. Can't stand Mc Cartney or Tyga, but all the butt-hurtedness over the party on his behalf is just too much.


  I respectfully disagree. For one thing, I never said that McCartney should automatically be allowed anywhere. As for it supposedly not being Tyga's idea to kick him out, the way I see it, if it's his party, then it's his responsibility. My point is that it's about respect. As far as I'm concerned, anyone who has done as much for music as Sir Paul has for over 50 years and still manages to be relevant today as Sir Paul is deserves all the props they get.

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  I respectfully disagree. For one thing, I never said that McCartney should automatically be allowed anywhere. As for it supposedly not being Tyga's idea to kick him out, the way I see it, if it's his party, then it's his responsibility. My point is that it's about respect. As far as I'm concerned, anyone who has done as much for music as Sir Paul has for over 50 years and still manages to be relevant today as Sir Paul is deserves all the props they get.


I feel I'm venturing into troll territory now, but I still don't get how being a "legend" means you can pop into any party you want. I'm thinking this is why "YMMV" was coined. I'm glad that McCartney was a good sport about it. I think there'd be quite a few celebs who would throw a "do-you-know-who-I-am" tantrum. 

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I feel I'm venturing into troll territory now, but I still don't get how being a "legend" means you can pop into any party you want. I'm thinking this is why "YMMV" was coined. I'm glad that McCartney was a good sport about it. I think there'd be quite a few celebs who would throw a "do-you-know-who-I-am" tantrum. 

It wasn't just him, Beck, last year's Grammy winner for album of the year was with him, also Taylor Hawkins, the drummer of the Foo Fighters. All three of them are Grammy award winners (unlike Tyga) & this was a Grammy party. Having them at Tyga's party gives Tyga prestige, not the other way around. Tyga said that he wasn't responsible for not letting them in, he didn't even know they were there & would have if he had known.

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I feel like I'm venturing into troll territory now, but I still don't get how being a "legend" means you can pop into any party you want. I'm thinking this is why "YMMV" was coined. I'm glad McCartney was a good sport about it. I think there'd be quite a few celebs who would throw a "do-you-know-who-I-am-" tantrum.


  I don't believe that someone even of McCartney's stature can go to every party they want, but if there's one that they do want to attend, then I do believe that the who's throwing the party should at least try to make it happen. I do agree that McCartney's being a good sport about it speaks volumes about his character.


  Moving on, seeing Kris Jenner getting booed at the "I Heart the 80s" concert was hilarious. I don't know what was funnier: he booing itself, that Kris just kept talking anyway or that the boos became cheers when Culture Club, whom she was introducing, hit the stage.

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Is it common for people to celebrate the birthdays of deceased family members ( and dead ex husbands) by giving elaborate birthday dinners?

I know we will mention/talk about late loved ones on their birthday, anniversary of death or specific holidays. But serving all the favorite foods etc? And if the Kardashians want to, shouldn't it be his children,instead of his first wife , who cheated on him, was divorced from and remarried to someone else for 20 + years?

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By the end of Robert Sr's life they were all close, as a blended family. He was even around during Kendall and Kylie's childhood. Brody even praised him as the best father ever or something like that. Caitlyn  has Robert Sr's bedroom furniture in her house.    I don't think it matters whose house they do it at it's just a location where they all are getting together.

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Paul is actually a huge Kanye fan. Not only did they work on 3 songs together but Paul has said his concert with JayZ he attended turned out to be his favorite concert. And this one hurts my heart, he even compared him to Lennon *shudder*

I think senility is setting in. I refuse to believe that about my beloved Paul.

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Is it common for people to celebrate the birthdays of deceased family members ( and dead ex husbands) by giving elaborate birthday dinners?

I know we will mention/talk about late loved ones on their birthday, anniversary of death or specific holidays. But serving all the favorite foods etc? And if the Kardashians want to, shouldn't it be his children,instead of his first wife , who cheated on him, was divorced from and remarried to someone else for 20 + years?

No - it's not common at all!

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