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S06.E06: Hamptons, 90210

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It is the nature of her illness when it's not under control, which is why it doesn't seem to me that it would be possible to just let Kim drink as much as she wants and ignore it.  She's not drinking and taking drugs because her family is pressuring her to stop.  She is doing it because she is not in control of her illness and if it were ignored by her family and she didn't have to hide her addictions and just be as addicted as she wants, she'd end up the same place poor, unfamous people end up - she'd either have to get it under control, end up broke and homeless (because where is the money coming from that is going out on drugs and alcohol), or die.

Kim has not been sober on the show, ever IMO.

What I meant by the nature of her illness is that addicts/ alcoholics are selfish, entitled, manipulative people but they can't help themselves.

In other word, it is the disease acting up not the person.

It is hard for her family/friends not to enable her but her horrendeous behaviors do not give them a license to treat her like dirt by exposing her problems/mocking her, IMO.

What is their excuse?

  • Love 3

Kim is a fifty-something adult. I think the argument that "it's the alcoholism" is as reductive and simplistic as "it's the alcohol." Addicts can be despicable assholes apart from their substance(s) of choice like everyone else. Kyle's efforts to prevent Kim from leaving the season one finale will always be problematic to me but I think she and the cast have an "excuse" every bit as valid as the "Kim can't help herself" premise: the collective and consistent abuse, embarrassment, disruption, and inconvenience to which they've all been subjected courtesy of Kim consistently showing up to filming high, aggressive, and/or drunk. And it's not as if Kim has retreated from making a spectacle of herself during these struggles when she's maligning Lisa in the press.

  • Love 17

Kim has not been sober on the show, ever IMO.

What I meant by the nature of her illness is that addicts/ alcoholics are selfish, entitled, manipulative people but they can't help themselves.

In other word, it is the disease acting up not the person.

It is hard for her family/friends not to enable her but her horrendeous behaviors do not give them a license to treat her like dirt by exposing her problems/mocking her, IMO.

What is their excuse?

No it is the person acting up who has a disease.  Alcoholism is legally recognized by a disease.  It does not mean one can drink without consequences. In the state we live in there are no special accommodations required by an employer for a practicing alcoholic.  Alcoholic or not, you get drunk at work, an employer may fire you and you lose your unemployment benefits. Not to be simplistic but the number one way for alcoholism to be in remission is for the patient to stop drinking.  Even our court system does not recognize diminished capacity as a defense. (Anyone remember the "Twinkie Defense".   It is not to say there are not employers who by policy have adopted substance abuse programs and encourage treatment.


The First Amendment has been around a long time, her family and co workers do not owe Kim some special duty because she has a disease to not speak of her despicable behavior.  Why should their voices be silenced to protect Kim?  Kim doesn't care enough about herself to seek treatment.  All one has to do is watch the little nutjob go after her sister in Palm Springs once again talk about the "goddamn house".  Kim brings it up as if it is some major reality.  "You sold mom's house to buy this house," she bellowed.  No Kim they sold a house and bought another for five times the amount of the house they bought you out of and at a lost money on the deal. Kim is yelling "liar" and when caught with her pants down with something like the facts, wants sympathy for her family having to address her fuckedupidness? 


There are no simple answers in dealing with an alcoholic but what is true is someone having to deal with one should not have their voice silenced.  The others feelings are just as valid as Kim's. 

  • Love 23

And it's fixed by women gossiping about it on a show she is no longer on? Sending bad vibes her way? Engaging in her issues, life, antics? I just don't get the prolonged obsession over someone's definite journey to the grave. Seems pretty icky to me. Even if she did insult me at work. <Shrug>  That reality paycheck must have diamond studs framing it or something.

Of course, as we have seen how ignoring Kim's addictions have worked SOOOOoooo well for her! THAT in it self has been a BIG part of the ONGOING nature of Kim's addictions. Ignoring it, acting like nothing is going on with her and covering up her horrid behavior high/drunk or sober has only helped Kim in being an addict for 30+ years. Also, IMO, NONE of these women are "obsessed" with Kim and they are NOT talking about her all that much even though she has maligned some of them in the press time and time again.  

  • Love 16

Having spent several years working in the substance abuse field, I can say with great certainly, based on personal experience and observations, that  a person who abuses substance is not a nasty, arrogant, lying POS BECAUSE of the addiction....they are a nasty, arrogant lying POS who also happens to BE an addict...I have known people who fit that description perfectly, AND other addicts whose lies are primarily related to their efforts to cover up their addiction and the shame they feel for having succumbed to that path...

  • Love 23

Kim has not been sober on the show, ever IMO.

What I meant by the nature of her illness is that addicts/ alcoholics are selfish, entitled, manipulative people but they can't help themselves.

In other word, it is the disease acting up not the person.

It is hard for her family/friends not to enable her but her horrendeous behaviors do not give them a license to treat her like dirt by exposing her problems/mocking her, IMO.

What is their excuse?



It's the mocking that bothers me the most actually. Don't mean to make excuses for Kim's behavior but its the mocking that gets my panties in a bunch.

Of course, as we have seen how ignoring Kim's addictions have worked SOOOOoooo well for her! THAT in it self has been a BIG part of the ONGOING nature of Kim's addictions. Ignoring it, acting like nothing is going on with her and covering up her horrid behavior high/drunk or sober has only helped Kim in being an addict for 30+ years. Also, IMO, NONE of these women are "obsessed" with Kim and they are NOT talking about her all that much even though she has maligned some of them in the press time and time again.  

Whether it did or didn't gossiping and wanting to dish about her situation time and time again just doesn't gel well with me. Icky, icky, stinky, stinky.

It's the mocking that bothers me the most actually. Don't mean to make excuses for Kim's behavior but its the mocking that gets my panties in a bunch.

Whether it did or didn't gossiping and wanting to dish about her situation time and time again just doesn't gel well with me. Icky, icky, stinky, stinky.



How is she being mocked?

  • Love 7

It's the mocking that bothers me the most actually. Don't mean to make excuses for Kim's behavior but its the mocking that gets my panties in a bunch.

Whether it did or didn't gossiping and wanting to dish about her situation time and time again just doesn't gel well with me. Icky, icky, stinky, stinky.


When was someone mocking Kim, or gossiping and dishing time and again? The other women have mentioned Kim twice this season and both times it was after something major had happened with Kim publicly and both times it was shut down and went no further. Kyle herself brought up Kim in the Hamptons and then quickly shut down any questions. If anything, I would say that these women have a lot more control when it comes to discussing Kim and her issues than any of us in this forum or even the average viewer of the show. 

  • Love 12

It's the mocking that bothers me the most actually. Don't mean to make excuses for Kim's behavior but its the mocking that gets my panties in a bunch.

Whether it did or didn't gossiping and wanting to dish about her situation time and time again just doesn't gel well with me. Icky, icky, stinky, stinky.

IMO, NO ONE "mocked" Kim nor were they "gossiping" about her. They asked Kyle how she was and tried to find a way to understand what she did and why, nothing more.

  • Love 15

Per Yolanda, ASPERSIONS most certainly HAVE been cast upon her character--just not by The Cast.

Kim is a hard Bitch who wants everyone to dote on her yet, behave in any type of viperish way without repercussions. She's not doped up 24-7. She's cunning and proud of her low crass behavior. She was certainly aware and LAUGHING as her good friend insulted her sister and brother-in-law DESPITE them helping to take of her for years and years.

*Kim and Yolanda manipulate, insult, and deliberately drain others with their 'problems', but woe to the person who addresses it.


Edited by BookElitist
  • Love 16

One may feel sympathy for Kim, yet realize that her poor character and nasty personality exist, also. BOTH of these may be acknowledged.

I totally realize that she acts out but I believe that it is the hurting person/ addict in her.

Kim has had opportunities in life most people only dream of.  She just can't get out of her own way to enjoy her life.  That is why I have little sympathy for her plight.

That is so true but she is still a mess.

  • Love 1

I am somewhat mystified by the cultural prevalence, at least in America, of the idea that addiction issues somehow dichotomize the addict's personality or character and consequently account for and absolve the addict of any culpability for their misbehavior. It's a relatively pervasive notion in the contemporary West but the logical extension of it is that no one is responsible for their behavior or conduct because, if an addict's malice is always the addiction, why is not a narcissist's transgressions the narcissism? Or a borderline personality's offenses the "borderline"? Kyle herself has been pretty heinous at times on this program (her hazing of Brandi was puerile and largely unprovoked) - why not just accredit those instances to PTSD from having an alcoholic mother and sibling if Kim's substance abuse warrants a pass?

  • Love 10

Not only did Kim attack the other women, for the most part, at the reunion, but for the entire time she's been on the show she's held up events for hours with her tardiness, or just cancelled or not shown. I think she and Yolanda had plans for just the two of them and she cancelled (might not have been Yo, I can't remember). So years of being affected by her behavior, whatever the cause. Sure, they signed up for long days, lots of waiting around, loss of privacy. But from what we know, Kim was always hours late or just flaked. Someone from production talked about how first season Kim would slam huge amounts of alcohol behind the scenes, but no one could talk about it. We saw some of her flakiness, but not the full extent of how much waiting around everyone else has to do for her. This gives these women reason to dislike her, and to want to talk about what a sh*tshow she is. That is disliking her for her behavior, not giving a reason for the behavior, whether addiction, anxiety, arrogance or something else. And I'd don't blame them. They might feel some compassion for her also, but she's been so nasty and so public with her denial or any problem, coupled with her public problems. I don't blame anyone associated with the show for trying to talk about Kim. Now that she's mostly off the show, they might have more of a chance to talk about her. And these women all talk about each other. Addiction and mental illness don't make her exempt.

  • Love 15

Kim came on the show in season 1 as a bit off. I thought Kyle was so mean to her and I still think that Kyle and Taylor tag teamed to embarrass and isolate Kim and I always thought it was awful that Kyle went along with Taylor. In fact, when Taylor and Kim would fight, Kyle would always get mad at Kim and not Taylor which I thought was BS. Just based on Season 1, I can understand why Kim doesn't talk to Kyle, she was always exasperated with Kim and completely unable to deal with her. Kim on the other hand, seemed to always be trying to please Kyle or at the very most was pleasant and somewhat submissive. In later seasons Kyle changed her attitude and wasn't as rude to her on camera, but who knows what she says to her privately. In any case, if Kim as had issues her whole life, she didn't have an arrest record, which now, after RHOBH she does. So I feel that the show made her issues worse and put too much stress and pressure on her. I think you need to be a very strong person to get through reality TV without becoming broken and Kim doesn't have that. Plus, she never really seemed like she wanted to be on the show in the first place, or maybe after she signed up she realized she wanted more privacy and alone time than she anticipated, which stressed out Kyle as well. She wasn't cancelling things and being late for drama, it was the fact that they had an addict on the show that "playing" a woman that was "normal." I think Kyle REALLY wanted the show to force Kim to be "normal" and it just made everything worse. 


In any case, Kim being friends with Brandi I don't think is remotely helpful, and I think Brandi ONLY is friends with Kim to piss off Kyle. But I think Kim has grown up with such special treatment and lived such an interesting life, that now it's hard for her to have nothing, and I don't think getting sober is going to help her deal with the fact she really fucked up her life in a big way. 

Edited by bravofan27
  • Love 10

⬆Yes, she is a mess. But, being  'a mess'  does not give Kim license to subject others to her gross, mean behaviors, yet expect those others to overlook the disgusting actions because of her addictions. I mean, based on that logic, Kim could continuously and merrily wreak endless havoc and suffering while not having to face and deal with the ill effects of HER MISbehaviours. Kim's deliberately hurtful remarks and gleefulness at being hurtful illustrates that she IS aware of that abominable behavior and that she enjoys it--a lot.

  • Love 16

I am somewhat mystified by the cultural prevalence, at least in America, of the idea that addiction issues somehow dichotomize the addict's personality or character and consequently account for and absolve the addict of any culpability for their misbehavior. It's a relatively pervasive notion in the contemporary West but the logical extension of it is that no one is responsible for their behavior or conduct because, if an addict's malice is always the addiction, why is not a narcissist's transgressions the narcissism? Or a borderline personality's offenses the "borderline"? Kyle herself has been pretty heinous at times on this program (her hazing of Brandi was puerile and largely unprovoked) - why not just accredit those instances to PTSD from having an alcoholic mother and sibling if Kim's substance abuse warrants a pass?

When Brandi came on she was Cedric's friend, sworn enemy of Lisa's.  Of course it was all BS but I think the initial meeting the other women were sizing her up and her ridiculous get up.   I think much of that was out of loyalty to LVP.  By the time the party came around Brandi was dishing it-"I am going to fucking kill you," and calling Kim out for doing crystal meth in the bathroom.  Kyle certainly misbehaved but she was not unprovoked.  Once again it was Kim in the middle of things and the cause for most of the trouble.  Kim and only Kim is the one who hid the crutches. 


I do agree for every bad behavior there can be an excuse be it too much alcohol. a husband who ran off with a country singer or parents-that is pretty much a catch all.   What I am liking about the show so far this year (except anything to do with Yolanda) is it pretty much comes down to whether or not you like a particular RH.  There is not an abundance of just plain inexcusable behavior.

  • Love 6
Vicky8675309, on 11 Jan 2016 - 2:09 PM, said:

How is she being mocked?



Yours Truly, on 11 Jan 2016 - 2:19 PM, said:

With a clown nose and a horn.



I'm still in the dark about who is mocking her, and how.


I saw people who were shocked about a lurid arrest, much as many here in the forums were, expressing bewilderment and concern about how someone could shoplift $600 worth of kid's junk at Target.


Kim is a nasty POS, which I think is separate from her addiction.  I know plenty of addicts and alcoholics who aren't horrible people.

  • Love 18


I'm still in the dark about who is mocking her, and how.


I saw people who were shocked about a lurid arrest, much as many here in the forums were, expressing bewilderment and concern about how someone could shoplift $600 worth of kid's junk at Target.


Kim is a nasty POS, which I think is separate from her addiction.  I know plenty of addicts and alcoholics who aren't horrible people.



The only mocking I have seen is Yours Truly mocking my genuine question!

  • Love 5


I'm still in the dark about who is mocking her, and how.


I saw people who were shocked about a lurid arrest, much as many here in the forums were, expressing bewilderment and concern about how someone could shoplift $600 worth of kid's junk at Target.


Kim is a nasty POS, which I think is separate from her addiction.  I know plenty of addicts and alcoholics who aren't horrible people.


Yeah.  Alcoholism can bring out the asshole more maybe.  But they coexist as well.  One can be both and not have one rooted in the other.  Is Kim an alcoholic?  Yes.  Is she an asshole. Yes.  I can remove one and that doesn't mean I remove both.

  • Love 4

Oh, we can 'give her up'. I don't think that the intense recent discussion of Kim is excessive or inappropriate. Perhaps, once KIM ceases all show appearances, ceases all show related activities, and ceases chiding and castigating her castmates, she will be put to the wayside. She plays her role in this saga, too, now.


Edited by BookElitist
  • Love 13

All the women were subjected, in one way or another, to Kim's nastiness last season.  The entire season revolved around her.  This year they are catching up with all the news - the Bev. Hill Hotel, Target, her daughter's wedding, etc.   These women don't seem to spend any time together except when filming, so it's no wonder they all want to know what the real scoop is, and Kyle is the only one who knows.  I don't think Kim is being in any way disrespected, or vilified, she has made herself a topic of conversation.  Kim, despite her various addictions, is one nasty woman, who feels she is entitled to what her sisters have.  She feels they owe her, and it isn't beneath her to pit them against each other to prove who has her back.  


Kyle seems to have broken off all communications, as seems sensitive to any comments.  BUT, she brings it up.  She speaks to LisaV and others, so isn't it kind of natural for them to ask questions.  

  • Love 9

Kim came on the show in season 1 as a bit off. I thought Kyle was so mean to her and I still think that Kyle and Taylor tag teamed to embarrass and isolate Kim and I always thought it was awful that Kyle went along with Taylor. In fact, when Taylor and Kim would fight, Kyle would always get mad at Kim and not Taylor which I thought was BS. Just based on Season 1, I can understand why Kim doesn't talk to Kyle, she was always exasperated with Kim and completely unable to deal with her. Kim on the other hand, seemed to always be trying to please Kyle or at the very most was pleasant and somewhat submissive. In later seasons Kyle changed her attitude and wasn't as rude to her on camera, but who knows what she says to her privately. In any case, if Kim as had issues her whole life, she didn't have an arrest record, which now, after RHOBH she does. So I feel that the show made her issues worse and put too much stress and pressure on her. I think you need to be a very strong person to get through reality TV without becoming broken and Kim doesn't have that. Plus, she never really seemed like she wanted to be on the show in the first place, or maybe after she signed up she realized she wanted more privacy and alone time than she anticipated, which stressed out Kyle as well. She wasn't cancelling things and being late for drama, it was the fact that they had an addict on the show that "playing" a woman that was "normal." I think Kyle REALLY wanted the show to force Kim to be "normal" and it just made everything worse. 


In any case, Kim being friends with Brandi I don't think is remotely helpful, and I think Brandi ONLY is friends with Kim to piss off Kyle. But I think Kim has grown up with such special treatment and lived such an interesting life, that now it's hard for her to have nothing, and I don't think getting sober is going to help her deal with the fact she really fucked up her life in a big way. 

IMO, Kim was more than a bit than a bit off.  She was drinking and the special Bravo aired pretty much proved that.  I never got the impression that Kim was trying to please Kyle.  To me, it was a case of Kim trying to hide that she had a drinking problem. 


Kim is an adult.  It was her choice to be a part of the show.  Did she expect her addiction to come out?  No.  Because she's been placated most of her adult life and expected that everyone around her on the show would continue to do so.  Kyle and Maurico have put up with Kim's drinking for years.  Mauricio took care of her finances.  And probably contributed to her support.  Kim lived in a protected shell.  There's only so much a person can take and Kim pushed the boundaries a little too far and got what she deserved when she made the 'You stole my house' declaration.  She crossed a line.  That house belonged to all three sisters.  Kathy signed the papers.  If Kim was getting a raw deal, why didn't Kathy speak up?  She (or her lawyers) saw the deal.  Nothing was inappropriate.  She pushed Kyle too far, a person who has been dealing with Kim's addiction for decades.


Bottom line - Kyle isn't to blame for Kim's behavior.  Kim is responsible.  Being on the show was Kim's choice.  Kim being an addict doesn't absolve her of blame.  She's not insane.  She's an addict.  She knows the difference between right and wrong. 

  • Love 18

IIRC Kim has been mentioned three times on the show so far.  Once at the Hamptons white party, once at LisaV's house with LisaR, Kyle and eventually Eileen where LisaV stated that Kim had "trashed" her on Entertainment Tonight or some such show, and once in LisaV's boudoir where she was discussing Kim's shoplifting arrest with Ken and Giggy and she ended up calling Kyle.  And of course the accompanying talking head comments by LisaV and Kyle.  After last season, the reunion show and intervening star turn on TMZ by Kim over the summer, how could the show not talk about her?  Can you imagine if LisaV, LisaR, Kyle or Yolanda's mug shot showed up on TMZ after one of them got arrested?  Yikes.  So Kim will show up at some point this season, claiming to be sober and acting like nothing unusual has occurred and everyone will have to go along with her little charade.  Gotta say, not looking forward to it. 

  • Love 5

Interesting everyone's takes on the Kim and Kyle situation. One thing that always puzzled me-- Kyle would often seem like she didn't realize Kim was drunk/high/stoned (whatever it was) when it was clear to me as the viewer that something was really off. Like when Brandi first had the "Your doing crystal meth!" accusation, Kyle acted like she didn't know why Kim was going to the bathroom constantly and was laughing and having fun with her, almost like she enjoyed having Kim high/drunk. Is Kyle naive? In denial? I never understood that. 

  • Love 4

Interesting everyone's takes on the Kim and Kyle situation. One thing that always puzzled me-- Kyle would often seem like she didn't realize Kim was drunk/high/stoned (whatever it was) when it was clear to me as the viewer that something was really off. Like when Brandi first had the "Your doing crystal meth!" accusation, Kyle acted like she didn't know why Kim was going to the bathroom constantly and was laughing and having fun with her, almost like she enjoyed having Kim high/drunk. Is Kyle naive? In denial? I never understood that.

She did not want her sister to lose her job, IMO.

Plus, for some reason, the narrative has always been that Kim is an alcoholic and somehow using drugs was somehow not ok/ worse.

Edited by LIMOM
  • Love 5

Why they talking about Kim as it pertains to the episode???

I have major Kim fatigue, maybe that's what it is for me, but the Kim stuff was barely in this episode and, for me, the discussion has gone beyond the episode. I'm not a mod, people can do what they'd like, of course. Just a request. Like I said, severe Kim fatigue could be clouding my judgment.

  • Love 6

Talking about Kim is pertinent throughout the season as a major storyline so far is Kyle's family's displeasure with Kim and or any family member's name being uttered by anyone on the show. There were three scenes featuring the trials and tribulations of Kim.  The rest were Yolanda getting surgery. LVP being left at the party resort and Erika showing her house and dreary costumes.  Kim getting arrested was a big deal and the circumstances of her arrest were certain to spark conversation by her co-workers.

  • Love 8

Kim can hop over a barrier, disappear into the bushes or hide behind a garbage bin to pray herself away to the cornfield.   I just want her to go.  


She's so 2015.



Alas, ryebread, Kim-so-dim is mentioned in tonight's ep, courtesy of Bony Girl:



All the women were subjected, in one way or another, to Kim's nastiness last season.  The entire season revolved around her.  This year they are catching up with all the news - the Bev. Hill Hotel, Target, her daughter's wedding, etc.   These women don't seem to spend any time together except when filming, so it's no wonder they all want to know what the real scoop is, and Kyle is the only one who knows.  I don't think Kim is being in any way disrespected, or vilified, she has made herself a topic of conversation.  Kim, despite her various addictions, is one nasty woman, who feels she is entitled to what her sisters have.  She feels they owe her, and it isn't beneath her to pit them against each other to prove who has her back.  


Kyle seems to have broken off all communications, as seems sensitive to any comments.  BUT, she brings it up.  She speaks to LisaV and others, so isn't it kind of natural for them to ask questions.  

I agree with all that say it is natual for the others to want to talk about Kim to a certain extent. The thing that is interesting to me is that they talk about Kim a lot, yet hardly at all about Brandi.  She might not have been getting herself arrested, but there was more than enough Brandi stuff to snark about if they wanted to. Certainly if you look at someone like Lisa (who is for whatever reason being the most vocal about Kim, a person she has/had zero relationship with - ever), it is extremely strange. There is zero chance that Lisa V actually cares about Kim, and she certainly has no reason to care about her. In the world of "someone fucked me over", whatever Kim did to Lisa is fairly small.  Brandi on the other hand truly did fuck her over, and talked about her in the press during the entire hiatus; accusing her of all measure of things. Yet she talks about Kim, knowing full well that this bothers Kyle.


Lisar said in her blog that the one thing all the ladies know well is that Kyle doesn't like to get into specifics about Kim. According to her this is very well known. Does this mean that the others cannot dig for information? Just because Kyle doesn't like it? Of course not. They can do whatever they want. The point is that they know she doesn't like it, so if they do it, of course it is going to irritate her. If they are her friends and they do it, she would have to ask herself why a friend would do that? Kind of like why would a "friend" address the "elephant in the room" by talking about tabloid rumors of an affair on camera? With friends like these indeed. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 4

I think the problem with Kim is that she never really has acknowledged that she has a problem. And she's always full of excuses. Getting well would require admitting (really admitting, not just half-heartedly) that she needs help, and then being committed to getting that help and doing whatever is needed to accomplish her goal of getting well. She has never seemed anywhere near admitting that she really has a problem, and I honestly don't think her goal is getting well. She seems to be very stuck on proving to people that they can't tell her what to do. I don't know what has to happen before she finally realizes how serious her situation is, but apparently nothing that has gone on so far has been enough to serve as the wake-up call she so desperately needs. And that's a truly awful thing, because she's not just a danger to herself but also to others. We're never going to see anything change unless she herself decides that she has a problem. And I hope I'm wrong, but I just don't see that happening.

I agree wholeheartedly. I guess she still drives, and that is certainly a

scary thought.

  • Love 4

Both depression and alcoholism runs in my family which is why I wrote that I was projecting.

And yes, I had bout of depression from time to time.

Thank you for your response....depression in particular runs on my father's side. My father liked to blame my problem on his grandfather who was an alcoholic which I always thought was a bit of a stretch..

  • Love 4

Kim has not been sober on the show, ever IMO.

What I meant by the nature of her illness is that addicts/ alcoholics are selfish, entitled, manipulative people but they can't help themselves.

In other word, it is the disease acting up not the person.

It is hard for her family/friends not to enable her but her horrendeous behaviors do not give them a license to treat her like dirt by exposing her problems/mocking her, IMO.

What is their excuse?

I really don't see where anyone has treated Kim like dirt....Kim has brought the disgust with which she is viewed on herself with her own behavior. Imo, she has underlying psychiatric problems that need to be treated before she can really stop her substance abuse. Imo, alcoholics quite often have personality disorders which existed before the abuse began.

  • Love 6

Thank you for your response....depression in particular runs on my father's side. My father liked to blame my problem on his grandfather who was an alcoholic which I always thought was a bit of a stretch..

My maternal grandfather was an alcolholic, my mother was diagnosed with depression and drank, I have been diagnosed with depression but so far I have no problem with alcohol.

Can't say what starts what but I am happy to share because in my family, secrets and shame did a number on all of us.

  • Love 3

My maternal grandfather was an alcolholic, my mother was diagnosed with depression and drank, I have been diagnosed with depression but so far I have no problem with alcohol.

Can't say what starts what but I am happy to share because in my family, secrets and shame did a number on all of us.

I am so glad you're having no problems with alcohol. I think it only exacerbates the depression and delays recovery. Hang in there, kiddo!

  • Love 4

Because I see the show as a whole and I consider all of the seasons when I make certain observations or share certain opinions within a post. Not interested in explaining each and every word I chose to post and why it was chosen.


There is really no need to be condescending. I'm sure many here who question the mocking, myself included, consider the show as a whole and all the seasons (the gestalt). Please don't feel compelled to explain why your "panties in a twist" about her being "mocked". You brought it up so I didn't think it was a sensitive topic. Sorry for questioning you about the sensitive topic of mocking vs discussing a reality show actress who happens to be an alcoholic and probable drug addict. You may want to avoid SNL but I guess she isn't famous enough for them to do skits about her.

  • Love 4

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