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Netflix Revival: Spoilers and Speculation

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25 minutes ago, CheeseBurgh said:

Why would Logan be in London? Last we saw he was moving to San Francisco, was there a spoiler?

There was a video a few months back about the Clothing from the new episodes of Gilmore Girls with the Costume Designer and she talks about having to dress Logan and that he was living in London. If I remember correctly she also implies that Rory was living there at some point right? Or am I thinking of something else? 

Edited by SiobhanJW

My guess is that it's at least in part because Milo is a hot property right now with the huge buzz around This Is Us.

As for the "other two"... Dean makes by all accounts a very short appearance, so if his entire story is running into Rory and doing a catch-up, there's really nothing to show.

And maybe there just wasn't anything they could show with Logan that wasn't spoilery?  I'm guessing that again there's some kind of "bumping into each other" scene, but beyond that, if he keeps appearing it kind of has to be in relation to Rory, IMO.  In other words, Jess has a legitimate reason to be in SH because of his family, but if they show Logan there (or anywhere else, really) it has to be because of Rory.  Not that they're necessarily a couple, but friends, coworkers, something.  Even the stuff with the LDB and his dad, I'm assuming Rory is somehow involved.  I like Logan (and MC), but I don't see him or any of the other secondary characters getting their own major storylines that don't relate to E/L/R or Luke.

Or at least, that's what I'm telling myself!  I've vowed to stay open-minded to other possibilities, but I'm still #TeamLogan or #TeamHappySingleRory.

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3 minutes ago, deaja said:

I am, in this order:

1) #teamnewguy

2) #teamLogan

3) #teamsingleRory

4) #teamMeteoritedestroysStarsHollow

5) #teamJess








42) #teamDean  lol

I could be #teamNewGuy, if they sell it.  But I just honestly don't know if there's enough time to create a new love interest that I can really invest in.

  • Love 4

Jess and Rory are seen talking in the offices of the Stars Hollow Gazette, where Rory tells Jess that she doesn't have a job. Which means, Jess is running the town newspaper.

Makes sense practically, since Jess has experience in publishing, and makes sense in a dramatic irony way, as Jess, who hated SH, now spends his time covering it as a journalist.

This also may mean that Jess is endgame, if Rory decides to stay in SH. No way does Logan relocate to SH from his London job, whatever that might be.

39 minutes ago, photo fox said:

I could be #teamNewGuy, if they sell it.  But I just honestly don't know if there's enough time to create a new love interest that I can really invest in.

I don't know that they could sell a brand new guy in four episodes, with all they have to include, but I would be all for them introducing someone new and hinting at a growing relationship between Rory and the new guy. Who knows, if speculation is true, maybe Rory ends up teaching at Chilton and meets her own Max Medina and they leave us with the possibility they will grow closer and end up together. I wouldn't mind that at all.

Piggy-backing off the speculation that Jess is actually doing better careerwise then Rory (and possibly Logan), I noticed in his brief scene Dean was looking rather chicer and more urban then he did during his years in SH. I'm hoping that means he got the hell out of dodge and went back to Chicago and got his life together, maybe went back to school and got into car repair or construction. I'm going to LOL if dropout Jess and bumpkin Dean are doing better then Ivy Leaguers Rory and Logan.

Edited by HeySandyStrange
  • Love 9
24 minutes ago, clack said:

Jess and Rory are seen talking in the offices of the Stars Hollow Gazette, where Rory tells Jess that she doesn't have a job. Which means, Jess is running the town newspaper.

Makes sense practically, since Jess has experience in publishing, and makes sense in a dramatic irony way, as Jess, who hated SH, now spends his time covering it as a journalist.

This also may mean that Jess is endgame, if Rory decides to stay in SH. No way does Logan relocate to SH from his London job, whatever that might be.

Maybe Rory is interviewing Jess who is home for Doula's birthday party or something else like that?  Or maybe Jess is in town for a Luke/Lorelai wedding.

I hope they end the revival with Rory single but am pretty willing to roll with it as long as they don't do the patented GG trick:  Making the losing love interests into complete jackasses to justify the choice.  Dean was not a bad guy in season one, he was just sweet in a highly idealized for TV  way.  He got angry with Rory because she wouldn't return his "I love you" .  I mean that was their idea of a flaw in Dean in season one:  he built her a car, then wigged out that she really wasn't prepared for the I love You part of the evening....that apparently was just going to involve an exchange of "I love you" and a chaste snuggle between them.  

By the time they are escorting him out of the series, he's almost an embittered guy, mocking Luke for his belief that he's enough for Lorelai and who cheated on his wife with Rory.  

They never really knew how to pull off the "nice guy, but I just outgrew him" of early adulthood that happens to so many people.  

So as long as all of the guys are the best versions of their characters, I'm okay with whatever they do.  Since we all know Jared's successful as hell -- I mean, the man flew in on his own plane to shoot for the day -- we know he has essentially no other story than being a good person (Jared Palediki that is) who was willing to basically pay to be in the revival ('cause fueling up a jet for a day's work is not about making anything, it's about being gracious and saying, "thank you").  

But yeah, as long as they aren't thinking they are going to fully revive the series, they could do a couple of things to hint at a New Guy.  

I think ten minutes before the credits roll on the fourth episode, they should just have her bump into Vincent Kartheiser in a book store and just hit it off, exchange numbers, both do the classic, "look back at on another when leaving" to hint where it's going and drop it.  That would be one way to do it.  They wouldn't have to sell an entire relationship for people to say, "Awwww.....well that is sort of fitting, isn't it?"  

I think they used the clip of Jess because it easily sums up where Rory is right now in her life which the entire trailer was about conveying that Rory is rootless at present. 

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, deaja said:

Maybe Rory is interviewing Jess who is home for Doula's birthday party or something else like that?  Or maybe Jess is in town for a Luke/Lorelai wedding.

Well, I guess that there are several interpretations of Rory's "I don't have a job" -- one being that she is working for the SH Gazette but doesn't consider that to be a real job.

Mine is a more literal interpretation : she doesn't have a job period, part-time or not. In which case, it must be Jess who is working for --or more likely running -- the newspaper.

I just saw Jess and Rory reconnecting as friends? It's also not clear where they are and in what context this is all happening. That said, I can believe a scenario where Jess has himself together career-wise while Rory is floundering. He had a certain toughness and drive when he was motivated, while Rory went into a dying profession with a rather fragile, somewhat unsuitable personality structure. He's always been encouraging of her education/job pursuits, so I can see them discussing that without any kind of romantic undertones. And Jess also has a reason to be there beyond Rory: His ties to Luke. So if his part is a bit bigger, perhaps it's also in connection to that. Man, mostly I hope all her ex-boyfriends have moved on. Every guy on earth being hung up on a Gilmore girl for life once they meet them was such an annoying trope on this show. Enough with that.

  • Love 10

I think the only thing using photos/clips of Jess in promotion tells us is that the marketing guys and Netflix executives know that Jess/Milo is popular and think showing him will draw more people. I don't think it says anything about ASP's preference or her vision for the story. (I wouldn't even think she or her staff were the ones who put together the trailer? Wouldn't Netflix have done that and she just had a little input?) So I'm not going to get too hopeful about Jess or his chances with Rory. 

On that note I'm curious about how much influence Netflix had on the story. Did they push for certain things or were they totally hands off? Although there have been plenty of shows that meddling execs have damaged, part of me thinks ASP does need someone to counter balance her notoriously controlling tendencies and reluctance to take other people's ideas. They might steer her away from the stuff that was more unpopular in later seasons. 

I hope that Rory rather than Jess is working at the SH Gazette (and doesn't consider it a real job hence why "I have no job" or even that it's closing down because small town papers are struggling these days). I just can't see Jess being happy living in SH; he always seemed to be a big city guy and settling in small-town, judgemental Stars Hollow with people who practically got out their pitch forks when he first lived there seems out of character. And working at the SH Gazette would feel like a step down and less satisfying than his work at the publishing house and arts scene in Philly.

But it would be nice if he'd made peace with SH  and isn't at odds with the whole town. (I mean I'm sure Taylor still hates him but he could probably get on with some of them like Gypsy and Andrew). Jess being close to Luke and coming back to visit regularly while still writing/publishing/artsy-ing in a city (Philly, NY, Boston, wherever) would make sense. I can believe that Jess rather than Rory managed to survive in the struggling writing world, because he is much tougher and more independent than she is. Plus him succeeding would only add to her conflict and insecurity. 

Edited by TimetravellingBW
  • Love 8

Mine is a more literal interpretation : she doesn't have a job period, part-time or not. In which case, it must be Jess who is working for --or more likely running -- the newspaper.


That doesn't seem likely to me.  Jess has never had an interest in journalism and it makes more sense that Rory is doing something -- possibly just freelance work -- for the Stars Hollow Gazette than Jess deciding to go into a dying industry, to just dogpile on the slowing dying behemoth of print journalism.  


I hope that Rory rather than Jess is working at the SH Gazette (and doesn't consider it a real job hence why "I have no job" or even that it's closing down because small town papers are struggling these days). I just can't see Jess being happy living in SH; he always seemed to be a big city guy and settling in small-town, judgemental Stars Hollow with people who practically got out their pitch forks when he first lived there seems out of character. And working at the SH Gazette would feel like a step down and less satisfying than his work at the publishing house and arts scene in Philly.


I think they could handwave the reaction of the town with the whole, "who isn't kind of a jackass at 17, at times? People growup" to explain jess being accepted by the people of Stars Hollow, rather than greeted with pitchforks, but it kind of makes more sense to me that Rory hits town and is immediately pressured by Taylor or someone to do some work for the Stars Hollow Gazette and he has to interview Jess.   

For one thing, in the rest of the setup for the room, it looks like Jess is not on the working side of that desk.  I can't be sure of that and time is going to tell, but that makes the most sense to me.  I wonder if Jess is a successful author in the GGverse and Rory ends up being given the job of interviewing in a freelance capacity for the Gazette (which we're all talking about it like that's a thing...but I don't recall it being discussed before...I can see it on the window also, I just wasn't aware that SH had a Gazette :) )

Edited by stillshimpy
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Well, I guess that there are several interpretations of Rory's "I don't have a job" -- one being that she is working for the SH Gazette but doesn't consider that to be a real job.

Bingo. That is what I think is happening. I think Jess is there to visit with Luke and when visiting Rory at her new "job," he tells her that she doesn't have to work there that she could do so much more. Didn't Milo say Jess comes to town to push some people in a way that only he can. I forget exactly the term that Milo used.


I'm team Jess, but I hope and believe that Rory will end this revival single. 

  • Love 3

I see 2 possible Rory arcs : 1) Rory returns to SH, her journalistic career a failure, is re-inspired by her surroundings and her friends and family, and returns to the big city on a stronger footing.

Or, 2) Rory returns to SH, discovers that her true calling lies closer to home (writing a memoir? teaching at Chilton?), and remains.

If Rory does remain in SH, I don't see her remaining single at the series end. She'll wind up with Jess. There are just not enough other Rory-eligible men in SH.  

Send Rory back to the big city, and the viewer can believe that Rory will eventually find someone.

Edited by clack
  • Love 4

That's interesting spec and I'm curious at how they play out Rory's career arc. Personally I think it would be more realistic and fitting for her character to decide to settle down and become an English teacher at Chilton or something rather than become a hot shot foreign correspondent for the NY Times. Have her go "I've had my exciting, vagabond, exploring the world phase and now I want some stability, and as journalism is shrinking, how about I go back to my true passion of books." If they wrote it carefully it could be more her moving onto the next stage of her life rather than her giving up. Or even invoke some nice, full circle symmetry of the show beginning with Rory getting into Chilton and ending with her working there. And school like Chilton is so prestigious that working there would still be pretty impressive.

But I feel ASP would see that as a let-down ending if Rory's big journalistic dreams come to nothing. And as discussed numerous times before there were plenty of points during the series when it was pretty obvious Rory didn't suit journalism - investigate/overseas journalism especially - but the show never once explored other options or possibilities for her. From the pilot to the final episode it was "I'm gonna be Christiane Amanpour". And unfortunately I don't see them changing that now, especially if Rory's spent the last however long pursuing that dream. Given how they've historically handed Rory everything, the show will probably end with her being awarded the Pulitzer. 

There could be a middle ground option: Rory doesn't become a journalistic star but does get a permanent, respectable journalism job, possibly near enough to SH to visit regularly, but not totally returning for good. 

Edited by TimetravellingBW
  • Love 8

I was never bothered by Rory wanting to be a journalist. All kinds of people pursue all kinds of professions. Sure, she's naturally on the meek side but we've seen her show her spine when thrust out of her comfort zone. Plus, I'm under the opinion that self-discipline and drive, both which she had a lot of, are way more important than having the natural "temperament" or whatever people like to say she lacks in order to be a jornalist. Now, becoming a foreign correspondent is a whole other deal and I always chalked it up to Rory dreaming big which was perfectly in her right to do as an ambitious young adult not yet out of college.

6 hours ago, TimetravellingBW said:

Have her go "I've had my exciting, vagabond, exploring the world phase and now I want some stability, and as journalism is shrinking, how about I go back to my true passion of books." If they wrote it carefully it could be more her moving onto the next stage of her life rather than her giving up.

I think this is the way the Revival will go as well, with dash of "damn becoming a foreign correspondent was a pipe dream". But I don't think "Jack Kerouac" Rory would be happy settling down in a strict place such as Chilton. Not to mention so into her comfort zone. 

I would much rather see her continue do the hipster thing, maybe working on a indy publishing house like Jess, somewhere she'd still feel at the center of things like New York.

Edited by cuddlingcrowley
  • Love 4

It must be a weird feeling to interact with your de facto mother in law while knowing that she believes she knows the likely day and maybe time of your expected death.  Especially when the mother in law is Emily Gilmore, who has never liked Luke. 

In know if I were the MIL, I'd always be thinking "September 2, 2023, 8 p.m." when I looked at him.  And if I disliked the SIL, there might be an occasional cackle. 

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So, were those thinly veiled fat jokes I spyed in the pool scene? Well, glad to see ASP hasn't completely gotten away from her shallow and slightly offensive roots. With any luck there will be some gay and slut jokes. But I guess I shouldn't expect too much from a middle-aged woman who's style could be described as "Gothic Cat in the Hat".

Edited by HeySandyStrange
  • Love 7
On 10/19/2016 at 6:19 AM, huahaha said:


4 hours ago, HeySandyStrange said:

So, were those thinly veiled fat jokes I spyed in the pool scene? Well, glad to see ASP hasn't completely gotten away from her shallow and slightly offensive roots. With any luck there will be some gay and slut jokes. But I guess I shouldn't expect too much from a middle-aged woman who's style could be described as "Gothic Cat in the Hat".

Yeah, those jokes weren't fun to watch. Of course, I was distracted trying to see if Luke was somewhere in the background wearing those shorts and the lifeguard tee.

  • Love 1
25 minutes ago, FictionLover said:

The trailer was fun to watch but these 7 minutes,  not so much. It made me feel like I was expecting too much. Anyone else feel the same? Probably better to expect less and maybe have a nice surprise. 

I didn't watch, but I'm not worried. I don't think scenes from this show work all that well out of context.

  • Love 5
6 hours ago, Kromm said:

The very definition of a leak. Off a screen at EW Popest:

I liked it for a weird reason. 

By getting to see both IMO good moments and not so good moments (didn't like the fat shaming), I was able to "test-watch" the revival. Now I feel I'm ready to enjoy it for what it is, and not worry so much about what i expected it to be. 

In the original series, I never liked everything either. On rewatching the new clips, I'm able to keep myself from being too judge-y. I think it means I'll enjoy the revival more.

  • Love 1

I wasn't crazy about all of the clips either.  But realistically there are always bits here and there that I don't care for.  I think getting non-eventful chatter without any of the actual plot lines make it feel kind of empty.  Of course, hopefully once we know everything else that's going on it will be much more enjoyable to watch. 

The one thing that jumped out at me was when Lorelai said "any dress would were would be lucky without underweat". It was so predictable that I actually said it with her. I didn't like all the storylines in the show either but I don't remember ever feeling it was predictable. Regardless, I guess I can't help looking forward to it.

I guess I'll have to wait a month to see those scenes because I could barely make out the audio. The only dialogue I could really hear was in Emily's scene with Luke. The GG's scenes were hard to hear, especially when they were at the pool. 

21 hours ago, txhorns79 said:

Essentially, the entire presentation is a more eccentric version of Lorelai Gilmore, which makes sense, but is also a little much. 

I have realized that Lorelai is actually a toned down version of Amy. Imagine Lorelai walking around in those hats lol

  • Love 2

Want to see the first episode before anyone else? Looks like it will happen in Berlin.

Germany is having a publicity event on November 10 in Berlin. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if there aren’t similar events elsewhere in the world. What I can’t find is if tickets will be for sale as well as prizes from magazines, etc.

Also, they speak of it being exclusive, but I can imagine it's exclusive within Germany.

Als Highlight sehen Sie die erste Folge exklusiv vor allen anderen! 


On 10/27/2016 at 11:01 AM, HeySandyStrange said:

Who knows, if speculation is true, maybe Rory ends up teaching at Chilton and meets her own Max Medina and they leave us with the possibility they will grow closer and end up together. I wouldn't mind that at all.

Ooh, or maybe she hooks up with THE Max Medina. She's a grown woman now. 

(Sorry, that was wrong). 

  • Love 1
22 hours ago, FictionLover said:

The trailer was fun to watch but these 7 minutes,  not so much. It made me feel like I was expecting too much. Anyone else feel the same? Probably better to expect less and maybe have a nice surprise. 

There's something about Lorelai that niggles. It's like all of the scenes are of her reacting, not doing things herself. She can't insult Taylor because her mouth's full, Rory and Luke sort how how to babysit her, she has that weird interaction with another person about being happy. Even her hike (is that a business card in her hand?) seems more pensive than peaceful.

  • Love 1
18 hours ago, junienmomo said:

Want to see the first episode before anyone else? Looks like it will happen in Berlin.

Germany is having a publicity event on November 10 in Berlin. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if there aren’t similar events elsewhere in the world. What I can’t find is if tickets will be for sale as well as prizes from magazines, etc.

Also, they speak of it being exclusive, but I can imagine it's exclusive within Germany.

Als Highlight sehen Sie die erste Folge exklusiv vor allen anderen! 


Wonder if I should go there. I'm currently like 2h away from Berlin by train. But since I'm still not really excited maybe I should skip it.

1 hour ago, Smad said:

Wonder if I should go there. I'm currently like 2h away from Berlin by train. But since I'm still not really excited maybe I should skip it.

I still haven't found the details on the event, but I signed up to win tickets at one magazine's site, and I got an email from Netflix offering a chance to get tickets. I'll hear by Nov 4 if I've got the ones offered by Netflix. It looks like all tickets are free, but I wouldn't be surprised if there are scalpers out on the day of the event. 

I'm further out, coming from Stuttgart, but if I get tickets, I'm sure going to do my best to go.

From a new interview with Matt Czuchry...


I am not going to talk about the details of the ending right now.  That is for Amy and Dan to talk about because it is their ending, not mine.  I am very protective of Amy and Dan since they trusted me by sharing the last scene and last four words with me before the release of the series.  I know fans are really excited about the ending.  As they should be, and they will certainly have a LOT of passionate discussions about the ending.  I guarantee that.  


So apparently Logan isn't in the final scene, FWIW.

Neither is Jess...


Although Ventimiglia was not present when the final four words of dialogue were spoken on the GG set, the actor is aware of what they are — and stayed mum on revealing them to antsy audiences.

“I’ve known what it was for some time. Years ago, I casually asked [creator Amy Sherman-Palladino]. I said, ‘Amy, everybody talks about it. What was it?’ And she told me. And she didn’t hang anything over my head and say, ‘Well, you can’t say anything.’ It was just like, oh I get it. Oh wow, that’s really lovely. Yeah. People will find out Nov. 25.”

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