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S06.E05: Will Power

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. "And you can bet that if it was Alexia who had committed the crime of getting a DUI while driving on a suspended license (which is a crime as well and indicates there was something committed by her to have her license taken away), it would just mean Kyle is the worst mother in the world and Alexia should be branded for life for daring to put other people at risk. People like me and my family who drive that stretch of road many times. Something is obviously wrong there if a child already has a suspended license and then continues to drive since we know Yolanda isn't able to drive! *cough* BS *cough* How many times did that child drive before finally doing something that brought her criminal actions to light?"

If Alexia had gotten a DUI, neither Kyle nor Mauricio would be making excuses for her. Sure, they'll engage in some private, parental soul searching, but they would NOT be defending her irresponsible indeed, criminal, behavior.

. "And you can bet that if it was Alexia who had committed the crime of getting a DUI while driving on a suspended license (which is a crime as well and indicates there was something committed by her to have her license taken away), it would just mean Kyle is the worst mother in the world and Alexia should be branded for life for daring to put other people at risk. People like me and my family who drive that stretch of road many times. Something is obviously wrong there if a child already has a suspended license and then continues to drive since we know Yolanda isn't able to drive! *cough* BS *cough* How many times did that child drive before finally doing something that brought her criminal actions to light?"

If Alexia had gotten a DUI, neither Kyle nor Mauricio would be making excuses for her. Sure, they'll engage in some private, parental soul searching, but they would NOT be defending her irresponsible indeed, criminal behavior

The weird thing about Bella's DUI, is Yolanda had the majority of the viewers' blessings about the tough no nonsense way she handled it.  It was Yolanda that wrote a blog talking about all the tough love she dished out Bella's way for breaking the law.  Granted it was short lives because she was moving to NY in six weeks.  So to go back and revisit the situation and make excuses now is irresponsible and not in keeping with Yolanda's original stance.  Yolanda knew of Bella's alleged Lyme Disease at the time of the incident, so since then she and Bella have decided to blame all of life's little tarnished expectation on LD.  I liked the Yolanda who did not make excuses for bad behavior.  I must say her first slip off the non-nonsense pedestal came from her continuing, undying support of Brandi's drunken antics.  Consistency is not one of Yolanda's attributes at this point.

  • Love 8


After the waxing she commented that she had been going to the woman who did the waxing for many years. Within earshot of the woman Lisa then said, "She's known my hoo-ha long time!" and cackled and guffawed more than she ever has before. I was completely disgusted after already being very disgusted by the whole waxing thing I'd just been subjected to!


Haha, I must have tuned out or left my body after being traumatized by the waxing, because I missed this too. For all the glitz and glamour of these rich L.A women, this "waxing my privates on tv" is about the tackiest and most embarrassing thing anyone can possibly do.

  • Love 8

Haha, I must have tuned out or left my body after being traumatized by the waxing, because I missed this too. For all the glitz and glamour of these rich L.A women, this "waxing my privates on tv" is about the tackiest and most embarrassing thing anyone can possibly do.

Amen. It's so stupid and juvenile. They act like it's the height of culture and status. NO, Mushmouth (and other silly ho-wives)--many, MANY of us get waxed, so no one expects to find a random ape like you in Burke's Peerage. You're a standard-issue pig getting a rather typical spa service that is lacking in any kind of refinement, elegance, or je ne sais quoi--especially the way you rubes go about it. Yuck. Not to mention the fact that in spite of how skeletal and surgically-enhanced you keep yourself, you're a middle-aged hag. It would be sad and trashy if a young girl were trying to be cutesy with something like this, but you hags just make it seem repugnant and gross.


Finally, I was another whose jaw dropped when Mushmouth squawked an allusion to a 2 Live Crew lyric and then barked up with her requisite hysterical laugh that I always expect to conclude with a hacking smoker's cough.  Klassy. 

Edited by StevieRocks
  • Love 4

Haha, I must have tuned out or left my body after being traumatized by the waxing, because I missed this too. For all the glitz and glamour of these rich L.A women, this "waxing my privates on tv" is about the tackiest and most embarrassing thing anyone can possibly do.


I'd definitely put in the the Top 10, heh! Seriously, do Rinna and Kyle think there's something so unique, so Hills of Beverly about getting an on-camera Brazilian that the huddled masses out there on the barren frontiers and in the teeming slums eagerly await these moments? Perhaps they're unaware (neither comes across as terribly well educated) that the waxing of sundry body parts existed for years before either signed a HW contract.

  • Love 7

I'd definitely put in the the Top 10, heh! Seriously, do Rinna and Kyle think there's something so unique, so Hills of Beverly about getting an on-camera Brazilian that the huddled masses out there on the barren frontiers and in the teeming slums eagerly await these moments? Perhaps they're unaware (neither comes across as terribly well educated) that the waxing of sundry body parts existed for years before either signed a HW contract.

BH is not the only HW show we have seen women get waxed. It seems to be a go to for the producers across the entire franchise for some reason, that and the ever believable psychics . We had psychics on NY/OC so now we get waxing in the BH and colonics in Atl. LOL

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 2

BH is not the only HW show we have seen women get waxed. It seems to be a go to for the producers across the entire franchise for some reason, that and the ever believable psychics . We had psychics on NY/OC so now we get waxing in the BH and colonics in Atl. LOL


But this is subforum  for the BH crew and the post I quoted was here and was itself in response to another post here and so I mentioned L&K.

But this is subforum  for the BH crew and the post I quoted was here and was itself in response to another post here and so I mentioned L&K.

LOL, I was just pointing out that waxing, physics and now colonics seem to be a go to for the franchise, not just BH. In other words, production/Bravo like to torture us with these scenes on all the shows. LOL I wonder if the HWs get paid a little extra for allowing cameras film waxing and or colonics though, which might explain why these women do it on camera. LOL

That's exactly where the 'long time' came from and why Rinna said it with the Asian accent. 


What she said, exactly was: "She know my hoo hoo long time."    Not, "She's known my hoo hoo for a long time."  There's a difference.  Especially, imo, when she used an accent while saying it.


Between that and Harry's swastika t-shirt at Halloween at an event that was likely, heavily attended by Jews, I think they're probably more stupid than racist. 


I mean, they may be both but it's hard for me to believe that there's not a whole lot of ignorance there to be so blatant and not see anything wrong with what they said or wore.

Exactly--co-sign 100%. Also, I don't think of it as not being PC, (as one poster suggested), so much as just being ignorant, as you said----not to mention corny, lame, not smart, unenlightened, and any other word that describes a dimwitted, unsophisticated nitwit. I'm sure the good people of Medford, Oregon must look at her as the village idiot. I'll take the fast-food eating Medford, Oregon residents over a dullard like you any day, Mushmouth. You weren't "too fabulous" for Medford; you were too damned ig'nant. 

Edited by StevieRocks
  • Love 6

Haha, I must have tuned out or left my body after being traumatized by the waxing, because I missed this too. For all the glitz and glamour of these rich L.A women, this "waxing my privates on tv" is about the tackiest and most embarrassing thing anyone can possibly do.

I was badly amazed when in 2003 in the first episode of the first ANTM we were "treated" to the on-air Brazilian bikini wax

I am even more badly amazed that "the wax" has become de rigeur for the Hos. Tacky just begins to describe it.

  • Love 3

I was badly amazed when in 2003 in the first episode of the first ANTM we were "treated" to the on-air Brazilian bikini wax

I am even more badly amazed that "the wax" has become de rigeur for the Hos. Tacky just begins to describe it.

Well, at least the BH group hasn't sunk as low as to get "colonics" ON camera like the Atl group has! LOL

  • Love 2

Edited to erase my post. Was trying to say simply that Lyme has so, so often been misdiagnosed as Depression. I was... and I read about it all the time. But never mind.....ugh

What a nightmare. I'm so sorry. I once had an appointment to see how my wrist was healing after an injury and casually mentioned I was frustrated because I couldn't ride horses, and my doc said she could recommend an antidepressant! I was like what? It's my WRIST. Depression has become such a blanket diagnosis that it does a disservice to people actually suffering from depression.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 10

My very first job was a teacher's assistant at a high school. I saw all kinds of behaviors - good and bad - from children. It didn't  matter what kind of money they came from or whether they came from struggling families. Bratty children is not a rich family thing.


Bolding mine---This is 100% right. It is not at ALL a rich family thing; it's an ill-breeding thing. When dumb apes calve kids, the poor kids become dumb apes, bless their hearts. :(  It never ceases to amaze me that there is so little emphasis put on education on these shows. I know that, for the most part, the hos are uneducated, practically illiterate, and have zero interest in anything other than clomping around a shopping center, but I'd think they'd want--OR EVEN THINK OF IT AS A STATUS SYMBOL--to have their children well-educated and in good schools. That is one of the things that has the biggest influence on kids. When they are surrounded by apes who were calved by apes, they behave as such, and when they are surrounded by children who are from families who value education, they behave as such. <shrug>

  • Love 1

Haha, I must have tuned out or left my body after being traumatized by the waxing, because I missed this too. For all the glitz and glamour of these rich L.A women, this "waxing my privates on tv" is about the tackiest and most embarrassing thing anyone can possibly do.

I guess they finally took the hint that we didn't want to see anymore "women empowering" pole-dancing lessons, so they decided to go with coochie waxing scenes instead...that sounds like something Bravo would do. 

  • Love 4

I may be wrong for thinking this, I don't know if it's "shaming" or what, but I always hate it when thin people talk about how much they love food and how much they eat. It just bothers me for some reason. I guess it's because if an overweight person does that they aren't given the same reaction, it's always about how they should eat a healthier diet. Also, just because they are thin, doesn't mean they should eat like that. I'm not advocating Yolanda's eating habits, but it just rubs me the wrong way. 

Indeed. And it insults our intelligence. I'm glad none of us remember the time Yo was starving GiGi and instilling into her how "worth it" it was to only eat salads. And the time Yo visited Mo and his new courtesan and SMELLED a whole basket of bread when the new courtesan asked her to join them for dinner. Your diets consist of a tictac and a Correctol, so you can miss me with the photos of burgers and croissants. What's next? Rachel Zoe claiming she throws down weekly at the Olive Garden and then inhales a couple of funnel cakes at the local fair? Please. 

  • Love 11

I have only read the first two pages so I don't know how many times this has been brought up but I think most of Yo's problems are menopause.  I just went through a total hysterectomy with ovaries removed about 6 months ago and what she is describing her symptoms to be sounds so much like what I am currently facing.  Going through menopause is one thing that can be very difficult on women but being thrust into it overnight is certainly not for the faint at heart.  I have never felt so horrible in my entire life.  I am an extremely active individual and for the last few months menopause has severely altered my way of life.  The depression and anxiety, which I never had before are horrible.  I WILL get through this but it is very rough. When Yo said the anxiety, depression, brain fog and exhaustion were so tough I thought, "Girl, you are going through menopause."  It ain't for sissies. 

  • Love 9

Edited to erase my post. Was trying to say simply that Lyme has so, so often been misdiagnosed as Depression. I was... and I read about it all the time. But never mind.....ugh

Don't think your posts aren't helping someone - even if many posters here are more interested in snark. The only reason I am well is because I googled all sorts of word combinations related to Lyme and read hundreds of threads about the experiences people had with the disease - on all kinds of sites that I never even posted on because I was too sick to waste energy posting. You never know who might read your posts and see a way to get help - it's so true what you say about being our own advocates; most doctors are just beginning to learn about the complications of Lyme.

Cheers to you, and a happy healthy 2016!

Edited by nexxie
  • Love 9

Well I'll defend Lisr I keep reading she "repeated" a 2 live crew lyric. I'm not certain who 2 live crew are but I think there some singing group? I don't know. So maybe Lisa doesn't know either. I'm certainly not being disrespectful by inadvertently sayng what some group I've never heard in my life says. Also,as someone else mentioned, why is it bad to say something with a asian accent but not a french, german, or dutch one???? Everybody gets way to butt hurt about this crap.JMO..

Well I'll defend Lisr I keep reading she "repeated" a 2 live crew lyric. I'm not certain who 2 live crew are but I think there some singing group? I don't know. So maybe Lisa doesn't know either. I'm certainly not being disrespectful by inadvertently sayng what some group I've never heard in my life says. Also,as someone else mentioned, why is it bad to say something with a asian accent but not a french, german, or dutch one???? Everybody gets way to butt hurt about this crap.JMO..

Don't know why that posted twice. Sorry.

  • Love 10

There have been multiple posts delineating why Rinna's remarks were offensive but I'll take another stab at it. She didn't just quote a hip-hop lyric; she deployed a particular phrase that epitomizes an ugly stereotype about Asians and requires deleting an important linguistic article (so there's no ambiguity about what her reference was; conventional English does not typify "she's waxed my hoo hoo long time" over "she has been waxing my hoo hoo for a long time"). This is no different from Rinna crowing "aahhh soooo" like Mickey Rooney's yellowface turn in Breakfast at Tiffany's. And, for an analogous example, let's imagine that Rinna broke out a Hatiie McDaniel/Mammy imitation replete with "sho 'nuffs" in describing the service of her black housekeeper/nanny/other domestic employee. Not all ethnicities and cultures have the same histories; the past of some are defined by oppression and exploitation while the past of others are characterized by conquest, victory, and power. This is just a bald reality of anthropology - it doesn't inherently make people of the latter races and ethnicities evil, bad, or bigoted. But it does mean that a wealthy white woman performing a French accent to snort over the hilarity of her cosmetician performing the standard duties of her occupation is definitely not comparable to her using disturbing and reductive caricatures to mimic Asians, blacks, or Latinos. There's also a whole tangle of issues about how the line in question that Rinna invoked was delivered by a sex worker character and the fetishization of Eastern women as "exotic" in Western society. And statements don't have to involve threats of lynchings of overt slurs like "chinky chinky Chinaman" to be racist - that's the whole premis behind ideas like structural and casual racism. But I remember certain TWOP posters objecting to the contention that comments from Brandi to Joyce like "get me a drink before I kill a PR" or "speak English, this isn't Miami" betrayed substantive bigotry so obviously mileage varies a lot on these matters.

  • Love 13

BH is not the only HW show we have seen women get waxed. It seems to be a go to for the producers across the entire franchise for some reason, that and the ever believable psychics . We had psychics on NY/OC so now we get waxing in the BH and colonics in Atl. LOL

I think the original waxing incident was pretty funny when Jeana and Vicki subjected Vicki's assistant to the pain.  Of course it was behind closed doors.  Kyle's first waxing was at the behest of her riding coach but since then I think the message is suppose to be these women subject themselves to a lot of pain for beauty.  So anyone seeking the bare look is forewarned it can and is painful.  We have seen Kim with a nose job, Estella and Lynn Curtain with facelifts, the Umansky girls and the pain of ear piercing (a bit overdone), some unusual facials.  I think the scene has played itself out.  Time to find something other than waxing or psychics.  Although I would not mind seeing Allison duBois just one more time.

  • Love 2

There have been multiple posts delineating why Rinna's remarks were offensive but I'll take another stab at it. She didn't just quote a hip-hop lyric; she deployed a particular phrase that epitomizes an ugly stereotype about Asians and requires deleting an important linguistic article (so there's no ambiguity about what her reference was; conventional English does not typify "she's waxed my hoo hoo long time" over "she has been waxing my hoo hoo for a long time"). This is no different from Rinna crowing "aahhh soooo" like Mickey Rooney's yellowface turn in Breakfast at Tiffany's. And, for an analogous example, let's imagine that Rinna broke out a Hatiie McDaniel/Mammy imitation replete with "sho 'nuffs" in describing the service of her black housekeeper/nanny/other domestic employee. Not all ethnicities and cultures have the same histories; the past of some are defined by oppression and exploitation while the past of others are characterized by conquest, victory, and power. This is just a bald reality of anthropology - it doesn't inherently make people of the latter races and ethnicities evil, bad, or bigoted. But it does mean that a wealthy white woman performing a French accent to snort over the hilarity of her cosmetician performing the standard duties of her occupation is definitely not comparable to her using disturbing and reductive caricatures to mimic Asians, blacks, or Latinos. There's also a whole tangle of issues about how the line in question that Rinna invoked was delivered by a sex worker character and the fetishization of Eastern women as "exotic" in Western society. And statements don't have to involve threats of lynchings of overt slurs like "chinky chinky Chinaman" to be racist - that's the whole premis behind ideas like structural and casual racism. But I remember certain TWOP posters objecting to the contention that comments from Brandi to Joyce like "get me a drink before I kill a PR" or "speak English, this isn't Miami" betrayed substantive bigotry so obviously mileage varies a lot on these matters.

Thank you for this cerebral and sensible post. Very well-put.

Let's not give 2 Live Crew too much credit, "me love you long time" is from the Kubrick film Full Metal Jacket, it's part of the Vietnamese prostitute character's dialogue. Would Rinna have known it was an "Asian thing" if she hadn't seen that movie?

I was looking to see if this was pointed out. It's from one of the very first scenes in Vietnam.. 2 Live Crew simply samples it

Let's not give 2 Live Crew too much credit, "me love you long time" is from the Kubrick film Full Metal Jacket, it's part of the Vietnamese prostitute character's dialogue. Would Rinna have known it was an "Asian thing" if she hadn't seen that movie?

I was looking to see if this was pointed out. It's from one of the very first scenes in Vietnam.. 2 Live Crew simply samples it

  • Love 2

Let's not give 2 Live Crew too much credit, "me love you long time" is from the Kubrick film Full Metal Jacket, it's part of the Vietnamese prostitute character's dialogue. Would Rinna have known it was an "Asian thing" if she hadn't seen that movie?

BUT, did she see the movie and if so, does she remember the dialogue from the movie? I have seen that movie, FMJ, numerous times but remember few lines from the move itself. I am not sure that any of us can say with any certainty that LisaR was being racist or that she made a bad attempt at a joke, a tasteless joke, but a joke none the less. Who knows? LOL

  • Love 7

Just to stir the shit a little regarding waxing - why are so many women trying to look like little girls anyway?

Some ladies leave a landing strip but I believe the reason for all the waxing in the bikini area is shaving causes a rash on any and with the way bathing suits are cut these days and the popularity of the thong hair removal seems to be in order.  I also question why ladies want to go completely bare. According to a segment on the Today Show with Hoda and Kathy Lee, there are girls as young as eight years old getting waxed.  I found this article http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2012/aug/07/pubic-hair-has-job-stop-shaving  Let's hope this doesn't develop into a RH epidemic.


BUT, did she see the movie and if so, does she remember the dialogue from the movie? I have seen that movie, FMJ, numerous times but remember few lines from the move itself. I am not sure that any of us can say with any certainty that LisaR was being racist or that she made a bad attempt at a joke, a tasteless joke, but a joke none the less. Who knows? LOL

If it was brought to Lisar attention she has not responded.  Nor did she respond to Harry drinking what appeared to be a beer.  She either isn't being asked the questions or evades answering them. 

  • Love 1

Some ladies leave a landing strip but I believe the reason for all the waxing in the bikini area is shaving causes a rash on any and with the way bathing suits are cut these days and the popularity of the thong hair removal seems to be in order.  I also question why ladies want to go completely bare. According to a segment on the Today Show with Hoda and Kathy Lee, there are girls as young as eight years old getting waxed.  I found this article http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2012/aug/07/pubic-hair-has-job-stop-shaving  Let's hope this doesn't develop into a RH epidemic.


If it was brought to Lisar attention she has not responded.  Nor did she respond to Harry drinking what appeared to be a beer.  She either isn't being asked the questions or evades answering them. 

I looked over her twitter quickly and didn't see anyone ask her about the comment/joke BUT I did see her getting slammed for the M Syndrome comment/question.

To me it looks like Lisa R lacks self-awareness, and maybe she explained it when she said that feelings weren't acknowledged in her upbringing.

Does Lisa even realize that she laughs in an over-the-top way at her own comments? Does she realize that producers manipulate her into talking about things that the other cast members might not mention? Does she realize that she makes fun of the woman who's most familiar with her hoo-hoo? Does she realize that to a lot of people her lips look like a butthole on her face? (I mean, does she really see what it looks like, not that she should care about what others think.)

Lisa reminds me of someone who needs the approval of others too much and doesn't value her own inner self enough - she really seems to believe that people are more fabulous in BH than they are where she's from, and maybe even that they're more fabulous than she could ever be. A crazy illusion that makes for good TV I guess.

Edited by nexxie
  • Love 4

Lest anyone think this comment comes from a prude, think again!  LOL  I'm way far from it!  Still, I have a question.


Is nothing sacred?  I'm talking about Lisa's waxing on television.  Most everyone has heard of it.  Does that mean it must be shown?  Most of us know how babies are made, too.  Is that the next step for BRAVO?  I found absolutely nothing educational about Lisa on the floor moving her body around and making the appropriate "ouches."  I did feel embarrassment for the women watching, and I felt anger. 


Do you think any man would lie there and, under lights and camera, submit to something similar?  I don't.  I think it's a combination of looking down on females and requiring everything of them, plus LisaR's attitude of (to quote her) "doing anything for money."  It was an extremely personal few minutes put on television to raise ratings.  Sarcastic congratulations to BRAVO for getting its pound of flesh via Lisa.


For me, it comes down to this:  I watched RHOBH from the first episode, thinking that I would see fabulous people, gorgeous wardrobes, incredible mansions (inside and out), enviable parties, unbelievable shopping sprees, out of sight jewelry, etc., etc.  Wax jobs, women dangling from ropes upside-down with their legs apart, black nipple covers, and anything else demeaning to women?  I didn't sign up for them.

  • Love 6

To me it looks like Lisa R lacks self-awareness, and maybe she explained it when she said that feelings weren't acknowledged in her upbringing.

Does Lisa even realize that she laughs in an over-the-top way at her own comments? Does she realize that producers manipulate her into talking about things that the other cast members might not mention? Does she realize that she makes fun of the woman who's most familiar with her hoo-hoo? Does she realize that to a lot of people her lips look like a butthole on her face? (I mean, does she really see what it looks like, not that she should care about what others think.)

Lisa reminds me of someone who needs the approval of others too much and doesn't value her own inner self enough - she really seems to believe that people are more fabulous in BH than they are where she's from, and maybe even that they're more fabulous than she could ever be. A crazy illusion that makes for good TV I guess.

here is an article chronicling Lisa and her lip implant removal surgery and the before and after pictures.  http://www.people.com/people/archive/article/0,,20434699,00.html  After such a positive result she decided to go back and dick them up again.  I guess one might say she has her own psychological issues.

  • Love 6

here is an article chronicling Lisa and her lip implant removal surgery and the before and after pictures.  http://www.people.com/people/archive/article/0,,20434699,00.html  After such a positive result she decided to go back and dick them up again.  I guess one might say she has her own psychological issues.

Thanks - I remember seeing those pics when it happened, but had forgotten how normal she looked after the surgery. The article quotes her saying she didn't want to be defined by her lips anymore - sad she didn't stick with that.

  • Love 4

Lest anyone think this comment comes from a prude, think again!  LOL  I'm way far from it!  Still, I have a question.


Is nothing sacred?  I'm talking about Lisa's waxing on television.  Most everyone has heard of it.  Does that mean it must be shown?  Most of us know how babies are made, too.  Is that the next step for BRAVO?  I found absolutely nothing educational about Lisa on the floor moving her body around and making the appropriate "ouches."  I did feel embarrassment for the women watching, and I felt anger. 


Do you think any man would lie there and, under lights and camera, submit to something similar?  I don't.  I think it's a combination of looking down on females and requiring everything of them, plus LisaR's attitude of (to quote her) "doing anything for money."  It was an extremely personal few minutes put on television to raise ratings.  Sarcastic congratulations to BRAVO for getting its pound of flesh via Lisa.


For me, it comes down to this:  I watched RHOBH from the first episode, thinking that I would see fabulous people, gorgeous wardrobes, incredible mansions (inside and out), enviable parties, unbelievable shopping sprees, out of sight jewelry, etc., etc.  Wax jobs, women dangling from ropes upside-down with their legs apart, black nipple covers, and anything else demeaning to women?  I didn't sign up for them.

The waxing scenes started in the OC, as ZM pointed out earlier today, and have happened on several HW shows. If you have watched the BH show since season 1 then you may remember Kyle/Kim getting waxed ON camera several seasons ago. Sadly, we can now add watching someone, Porsha Atl, get a colonic ON camera! And YES, I do think there are men out there that would get themselves waxed ON camera if the price was right. LOL

  • Love 6

The waxing scenes started in the OC, as ZM pointed out earlier today, and have happened on several HW shows. If you have watched the BH show since season 1 then you may remember Kyle/Kim getting waxed ON camera several seasons ago. Sadly, we can now add watching someone, Porsha Atl, get a colonic ON camera! And YES, I do think there are men out there that would get themselves waxed ON camera if the price was right. LOL


But why is anyone paying them to show this?!  Why?  I would pay not to see it.  Is there someone in the audience that actually wants to see this?

  • Love 7

But why is anyone paying them to show this?!  Why?  I would pay not to see it.  Is there someone in the audience that actually wants to see this?

I don't think most women want to see these scenes, or even most men, but for some reason, Andy, who has a very, very immature and mean little mind when it comes to women IMO, loves it. I guess anything to mock women is fair game in his mind.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 10

I don't think most women want to see these scenes, or even most men, but for some reason, Andy, who has a very, very immature and mean little mind when it comes to women IMO, loves it. I guess anything to mock women is fair game in his mind.

Andy always reminds me of that middle-school kid who's so desperate to get in with the mean girls that he goes around doing their dirty work - kudos to him, I guess, for making that inclination pay off in a big way!

  • Love 4

here is an article chronicling Lisa and her lip implant removal surgery and the before and after pictures.  http://www.people.com/people/archive/article/0,,20434699,00.html  After such a positive result she decided to go back and dick them up again.  I guess one might say she has her own psychological issues.



She did not have an implant.  She had tissue removed.  Taylor has a lip implant.  They cannot be removed because tissue grows around the implant and cannot be cut away successfully. 


Quote from the article.



During the one-hour procedure, Fisher downsized the lip by about 30 percent and "removed tissue in areas where there was more fullness than normal, such as the corners of her lips," he explains. "I feel confident it's going to be a positive change for her." Since the surgery, "talking is easier," says Rinna. "It feels lighter."

  • Love 2

I agree that Yolanda looks ill (she also looks "puffy"), but I do think that a lot of her looking ill compared to flashbacks is because she is not wearing any makeup. I can look ill without makeup, as I would think, a lot of women would. Not using concealer to hide dark circles, no foundation to even out or brighten skin tone, no mascara or eyeliner to emphasize your eyes, can make you look ill.

It's not just when Yolanda doesn't wear makeup. Yolanda wears makeup to emphasize her illness. Yolanda was wearing makeup when she got the IV with Erika. Watching that in HD was kind of horrifying. She was wearing a lighter base than would work with her skin, and a dark brown eyeshadow around her eyes.

Yolanda is sick, but she is also playing it up. I don't know if her playing it up is production driven or not, but Yolanda has decided to go full bear, regardless.

Edited by MatildaMoody
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The waxing scenes started in the OC, as ZM pointed out earlier today, and have happened on several HW shows. If you have watched the BH show since season 1 then you may remember Kyle/Kim getting waxed ON camera several seasons ago. Sadly, we can now add watching someone, Porsha Atl, get a colonic ON camera! And YES, I do think there are men out there that would get themselves waxed ON camera if the price was right. LOL

The previews for this season of Newlyweds shows one of the men getting waxed. I can't even.

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She did not have an implant.  She had tissue removed.  Taylor has a lip implant.  They cannot be removed because tissue grows around the implant and cannot be cut away successfully. 


Quote from the article.

Didn't Camille say she had her lip implant removed?  I know a woman I worked with had an implant put in and to have it removed,  She claimed she was allergic.  Taylor likes the look.

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Let's not give 2 Live Crew too much credit, "me love you long time" is from the Kubrick film Full Metal Jacket, it's part of the Vietnamese prostitute character's dialogue. Would Rinna have known it was an "Asian thing" if she hadn't seen that movie?


I've never seen that movie, but I've known for years that it's an Asian thing and I know exactly what it means.  I thought it was common knowledge.  I do believe that Lisa knows too, but didn't intend to be offensive.  It was a dumb thing to say, IMO.  Sometimes it's best to think before you speak, but she seems far too impulsive for that.  And always much too ready to go for a laugh.


Someone upthread mentioned a makeup artist friend who had only good things to say about Lisa.  I know people who have worked with her too, and they all love her because she is down-to-earth, easy to talk to, always upbeat, genuine, very nice, and she treats everyone the same whether they're the network president or a cabdriver she'll never see again.   I've heard this from too many people to not believe that it's true.  I wish she would pull back a little on this show.  She's trying too hard, and would be so much better off if she just acted more like her real self.


It's not just when Yolanda doesn't wear makeup. Yolanda wears makeup to emphasize her illness. Yolanda was wearing makeup when she got the IV with Erika. Watching that in HD was kind of horrifying. She was wearing a lighter base than would work with her skin, and a dark brown eyeshadow around her eyes.

Yolanda is sick, but she is also playing it up. I don't know if her playing it up is production driven or not, but Yolanda has decided to go full bear, regardless.


Yes, I've noticed that too.  It's certainly seemed to me more than once that she's not simply going without makeup - She's actually applying it with the intent to deceive.  I don't think it's producer-driven. That seems like a definite Yolanda move to me.  She's playing a role, and is carefully choosing hair, makeup, and wardrobe to fit the part.

Edited by DebbieM4
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