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S06.E02: Tuscany!

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Seems Kathy extended half an olive branch and Kyle wasn't up for it.  http://allthingsrh.com/kyle-richards-skips-kathy-hiltons-christmas-party/

So once again, they invite Kyle but not Mauricio? I am glad that Kyle didn't fall for this yet again, enough is enough. He, Mauricio, started his own business years ago and Rick/Kathy have to let it go, they are very petty IMO and I also think this attitude is hurting Rick's business more than Mauricio leaving H&H ever did. Talk about holding onto a grudge! LOL

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So once again, they invite Kyle but not Mauricio? I am glad that Kyle didn't fall for this yet again, enough is enough. He, Mauricio, started his own business years ago and Rick/Kathy have to let it go, they are very petty IMO and I also think this attitude is hurting Rick's business more than Mauricio leaving H&H ever did. Talk about holding onto a grudge! LOL


It really makes me wonder just how badly the Hiltons relied on what Mauricio was bringing in to H/H.  I know they have money.  I also know a lot of what they had in their heyday the old man let dry up and designated more 90 % of it to charitable foundations. 


Maybe the reason the Hiltons did not want Mauricio at the wedding was the fear he might chat with the Rothschilds and let drop just how much Rick Hilton's wallet depends on the kindness of others when it comes to ready cash to pay for a lifestyle he might have to actually work to maintain otherwise.  I mean it is not just Rothschilds money but also Guiness and Goldsmith right?  Those are some mighty deep wells Rick might want to draw from in one way or another.  All three families probably have looked at L.A., real estate in some form or another.


Don't get me wrong.  Both Hiltons have been known to nurture grudges and they both seem incredibly small and petty people who don't look kindly on success that does not reflect back on themselves in some way.  I mean long before Paris was even Paris and helped spawn the culture that now has the Kardashian bunch of grubby scum, Kathy and Rick were drunkenly sliding off ottomans in private clubs while men leered at their teenage daughter shimmying on table tops.  These two are pretty low and their wonderful sons seem to be determined to prove how little they have changed in the years of parenting.

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Those sisters!  If Kyle isn't fighting with Kim, she has Kathy to contend with!  I'd think that Kathy would be far too embarrassed to pull another stunt like this.  Does she feel left out because both of her sisters have been full time HWs and she hasn't?  So she's creating her own drama?  Someone needs to muzzle her.

I DO think jealously is playing a role in Kathy/Rick's grudge against Kyle/Mauricio. How dare Kyle become MORE popular than Kathy/her spawn or even Kim, she was supposed to be the little sister that looked up to Kathy/Rickand Kim, she was never to surpass them in any way shape or form and Mauricio was never to become as succesful in business as Rick.......How DARE they! LOL Also, I don't know that it is Kyke fighting with the sisters as much as they are fighting with her and she is no longer willing to put up with it. You can only take this type of crap treatment from anyone, let alone those that claim to "love you" for so long beore you get to the point of walking away and I think that Kyle is finially at the end of her rope...it's about time IMO.

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It really makes me wonder just how badly the Hiltons relied on what Mauricio was bringing in to H/H.  I know they have money.  I also know a lot of what they had in their heyday the old man let dry up and designated more 90 % of it to charitable foundations. 


Maybe the reason the Hiltons did not want Mauricio at the wedding was the fear he might chat with the Rothschilds and let drop just how much Rick Hilton's wallet depends on the kindness of others when it comes to ready cash to pay for a lifestyle he might have to actually work to maintain otherwise.  I mean it is not just Rothschilds money but also Guiness and Goldsmith right?  Those are some mighty deep wells Rick might want to draw from in one way or another.  All three families probably have looked at L.A., real estate in some form or another.


Don't get me wrong.  Both Hiltons have been known to nurture grudges and they both seem incredibly small and petty people who don't look kindly on success that does not reflect back on themselves in some way.  I mean long before Paris was even Paris and helped spawn the culture that now has the Kardashian bunch of grubby scum, Kathy and Rick were drunkenly sliding off ottomans in private clubs while men leered at their teenage daughter shimmying on table tops.  These two are pretty low and their wonderful sons seem to be determined to prove how little they have changed in the years of parenting.

As nasty as Rick has treated Mauricio, I just don't get the sense that he, Mauricio, would spill private info about him at the wedding, JMO of course. I think Kathy/Rick were just being the snobs and grudge holders they naturally are and feared that the new inlaws would actually like Mauricio as a person more than they like the Hiltons. I suspect that not inviting the other 2 daughters, Kyles/Mauricio's, was to keep the "normal/nice" daughters from making the Hilton spawn look even more unbalanced/depraved in comparision. LOL

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Let me clarify.  I don't mean Mauricio would trash Rick.  But I think rick might fear he would.  Or more reasonably, he might just fear that talk about professons would lead to the knowledge of what Mauricio did, who he did it with and who he does it with now on a much more formidable  and impressive level.  At a time in his own "professional" life when he might want to once again utilize his in-law ties to his own advantage.

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I DO think jealously is playing a role in Kathy/Rick's grudge against Kyle/Mauricio. How dare Kyle become MORE popular than Kathy/her spawn or even Kim, she was supposed to be the little sister that looked up to Kathy/Rickand Kim, she was never to surpass them in any way shape or form and Mauricio was never to become as succesful in business as Rick.......How DARE they! LOL Also, I don't know that it is Kyke fighting with the sisters as much as they are fighting with her and she is no longer willing to put up with it. You can only take this type of crap treatment from anyone, let alone those that claim to "love you" for so long beore you get to the point of walking away and I think that Kyle is finially at the end of her rope...it's about time IMO.

I am watching a very similar situation going down right now on my husband's side of the family. One sibling is extremely jealous of her younger sibling. She feels her father has always given her the side-eye for years while giving the other sister all the attention. There are other unfounded accusations being made by this sibling, but that is the story, short and sweet. She puts on a smiling face at parties and get-togethers. She cries to her dad in private about how he has been unfair to her and gives him a hard time if he dares to take the other sibling to lunch. Forget the fact this father bought this child a car, spent all kinds of money on her and her family and still, she resents him for whatever petty mess occurred many, many years ago and is holding her father emotionally hostage, throwing guilt trips any chance she gets. It is nauseating and disgusting. It isn't as if she is in need of anything. She has the means to buy whatever the hell she likes.


I am deeply grateful for the family I have and how we grew up. We bonded through some tough times and love each other very much. We support one another. As I watch this shit go down on spouse's side of the family, I shake my head. I imagine the Hiltons are capable of being some major assholes. Money doesn't define who can be capable of being an asshole or not. Coming from a well-known family doesn't define that you will be a classy person and a loving person to your family. The mere fact anyone on the HIlton side dis-invited any of the Umanskys, including children, makes them assholes. As Alexia spoke up about not wanting to discuss the matter, I could hear it in her voice how hurt she was at the discussion. Not so much because Lisa was prying, but due to the fact her siblings and dad were being treated in such a heartless manner. I don't think Alexia would have spoken up and had a quiver to her voice to stop the discussion if there was any sort of untruth being said by her mother. I felt Alexia's pain. It is one thing for her mother to have to endure another heartbreak from a sibling but now, here is her father having shit thrown his way by a family member.

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I'll admit that I'm looking to see if there's anything to suggest that Kyle and Mauricio ever lived in a van. So far I haven't found anything...

Kyle's first husband was wealthy and she had a child with him.  Her mother was still alive and had a home, even Kim at the time was living large in a Davis mansion.  Mauricio's parents were still married and living in Bel Air. There is just nothing to indicate she, Farrah and Mauricio would be living in a van.  Brandi has said she couched surfed and lived out of her car after her divorce perhaps it is nothing more than getting the two characters mixed up. 

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Probably not the case, but I think Alexia is a mouthy, spoiled brat.  And she's rude. Tonight if you rewatch this epi, when the food arrives on the yacht, Kyle says the food is like art and starts taking pictures.  Moe tells them that there are still dishes coming and Kyle says, "Don't tell us how to take our photos". Then Alexia, omg, she looks so snotty when she says it, says:  "Yeah, if we want to take a photo we're going to take a photo."  LOL.  Gurrrrl....hope you can swim.  Poor Moe, I hope all the females in his home don't talk down to him like Kyle and Alexia do.


And while there's a side of me that thinks she was the voice of reason for shutting Lisa Vanderpump down at table re:  Weddingate, Alexia rubbed me the wrong way in that scene, too.  A bit bossy for someone barely out of a training bra. 

LOL I have heard worse from the thousands of teens I have ever dealt with over the years and I never assumed or thought they were snotty. They are being teens. That is how teens sometimes talk and behave. They are annoyed with their parents and have no patience for them. Maybe you and maybe others didn't, but that is the norm among teenagers. Nothing unusual about it. I have heard the best behaved teens talk that way at times.

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Let me clarify.  I don't mean Mauricio would trash Rick.  But I think rick might fear he would.  Or more reasonably, he might just fear that talk about professons would lead to the knowledge of what Mauricio did, who he did it with and who he does it with now on a much more formidable  and impressive level.  At a time in his own "professional" life when he might want to once again utilize his in-law ties to his own advantage.

That I agree with. I think Rick and Kathy judge others by how they themselves act or would act .

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Maybe you and maybe others didn't, but that is the norm among teenagers. Nothing unusual about it. I have heard the best behaved teens talk that way at times.


Not all teens talk like that to their parents. Mine would have been swimming or scrubbing the waterline.  Maybe it struck me as extremely snotty because Alexia said it to her dad, the guy who made it possible for her to dine al fresco aboard an 80'+ yacht on her way to a villa in Tuscany. LOL. I dunno.  She's always seemed like the rude one. It started with the college tour. She might be delightful IRL.  But I also have to remember she's got 50% of the Richards blood coursing through her veins. There's something genetic there that makes them messy women.

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LOL I have heard worse from the thousands of teens I have ever dealt with over the years and I never assumed or thought they were snotty. They are being teens. That is how teens sometimes talk and behave. They are annoyed with their parents and have no patience for them. Maybe you and maybe others didn't, but that is the norm among teenagers. Nothing unusual about it. I have heard the best behaved teens talk that way at times.

I didn't hear anything particularly disrespectful, but then I give teenagers on these shows a lot of latitude. It cannot be easy to be that age and have cameras following you around. There is a reason that you have to be a certain age to vote, or to buy cigarettes or alcohol. Even the best of them don't always have the ability to use good judgement or to understand the consequences of their words or behavior (just ask Bella). It's possible that Alexis doesn't want her family vacation filmed, or her college good-byes for that matter. She might also not like being involved in any manner in the shit-storm that is her family dynamics. She became a central player in the dog bite drama last year which caused stress and tension between Kim and Kyle, and talked about endlessly on blogs and in social media.  Maybe she hates it. I was a great kid, but a total smart ass around my mom's work friends and at her work events when I was a teen, but also when I was in my 20's.  She had a stupid job and worked with stupid people, which I liked to mock and highlight whenever I had to be around them. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
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No offense to any posters, but mods, shouldn't all this Mauricio/Hilton/Agency stuff be in Kyle's topic? Sorry guys- its just getting really repetitious and I want to read about the episode.

I think people are talking about the why of the disinvite and the partial invites and what gives with the Kyle and Kathy.  It was the center piece of the episode.  Oh and Mauricio getting lost.

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Gee Kathy and Rick have the Hilton name and his company to make them rich & famous.  Kyle and Mauricio are on their way with his new company, and the wealthy clients.  Poor Kim has a one bedroom condo and all she can claim is her daughters husband's family owns Fat Burger.    Diamonds for some, a chili-cheeseburger for others.

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Avaleigh, on 15 Dec 2015 - 09:00 AM, said:


I'll admit that I'm looking to see if there's anything to suggest that Kyle and Mauricio ever lived in a van. So far I haven't found anything...


I just spent an hour and 15 minutes searching for any evidence I could find, at every search engine available to me, that Kyle and Mauricio spent any time in a van after their marriage or at any other time.  The only link between the names Kyle Richards, Mauricio Umansky and the word "van" refers to a sentence in which Vince Van Patten's name was mentioned.                                                                       

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I'll admit that I'm looking to see if there's anything to suggest that Kyle and Mauricio ever lived in a van. So far I haven't found anything...

I just spent an hour and 15 minutes searching for any evidence I could find, at every search engine available to me, that Kyle and Mauricio spent any time in a van after their marriage or at any other time.  The only link between the names Kyle Richards, Mauricio Umansky and the word "van" refers to a sentence in which Vince Van Patten's name was mentioned.

'Twas I that made the post that has the 2 of you in research mode so, if I may:

It was on an episode in one of the early seasons not an article ( or maybe an article too, but I heard it on the show). I truly don't commit to memory every minute detail regarding what these women say and do but it might (please note I said might) have been during a discussion of pre-nups (my spell check keeps changing the preceding to "pre-nips", which works too, I guess) or the lack thereof.

The segment in question, which featured most --or maybe all -- of the women could have been a let's-sit-around-and-pretend-we're-all-buds scene or perhaps in one of the reunions. Among the remarks: Camille and Kelsey had no pre-nup, a legal omission that, no doubt, makes Camille extraordinarily happy; Lisa and Ken have no pre-nup (pretty sure Lisa said something like, " they didn't exist when we married." Or maybe she said, "we're English -- we don't do that." Or maybe she said both. I could see her saying both.) But I digress. Somewhere in all the talk is where I recall Kyle saying she and Maurice have no pre-nup and then she mentioned the van.

So -- at this point, if you want to continue looking for the comment, it's possible you'll find in somewhere in season 1 or 2 or 3-- not positive but possible. Of course, you'd have to watch all those eps again, which, to me, sounds rather deadly but maybe not to anyone else.

Hope this helps and happy hunting.

Not all teens talk like that to their parents. Mine would have been swimming or scrubbing the waterline.  Maybe it struck me as extremely snotty because Alexia said it to her dad, the guy who made it possible for her to dine al fresco aboard an 80'+ yacht on her way to a villa in Tuscany. LOL. I dunno.  She's always seemed like the rude one. It started with the college tour. She might be delightful IRL.  But I also have to remember she's got 50% of the Richards blood coursing through her veins. There's something genetic there that makes them messy women.

I never claimed all teens talk like that. I pointed out that it is quite normal for some teens to talk that way. Some do it to their parents' face, others do it behind their parents' back. Kids are not known for being discreet. They let it all out sometimes. They aren't very patient. I think some parents realize that it is not worth making a big deal out of it or they deal with it in private, something I used to do with one of my own kids.   When I discussed that sort of talk to a therapist after one of my own began to talk that way, this therapist reminded me that the adolescent years are a unique time for teens. She offered her explanation and it made sense. Alexia sounds no worse or less than any other teen. It could be worse. She could be acting like Kim.


Why is it we are seeing footage of Dick Van Patten now that he has died? I wish Bravo would have aired all that footage they had of him instead of giving air time to scummy Brandi, wacko YoFo and addict Kim. I have always been a fan of the Van Patten family. I thoroughly enjoyed Dick Van Patten in Eight is Enough.  He was such a sweet man. I never heard anything negative about him.



So -- at this point, if you want to continue looking for the comment, it's possible you'll find in somewhere in season 1 or 2 or 3-- not positive but possible. Of course, you'd have to watch all those eps again, which, to me, sounds rather deadly but maybe not to anyone else.

Isn't it possible Kyle made some kind of joke about living in a van?  Knowing she had a child with a man who had money, it is extremely doubtful she and Mauricio, who had made some money by the age of 26, would be living in any vehicle.

Edited by GreatKazu
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Isn't it possible Kyle made some kind of joke about living in a van?  Knowing she had a child with a man who had money, it is extremely doubtful she and Mauricio, who had made some money by the age of 26, would be living in any vehicle.

Absolutely. And since we now know from posts upthread that Kyle said she and Maurice "didn't have anything", well, maybe she was striving for humor. It appears the first husband didn't leave her a well-fixed BH divorcee if she claimed she didn't have anything. Poor Kyle should have picked a better first husband.

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Absolutely. And since we now know from posts upthread that Kyle said she and Maurice "didn't have anything", well, maybe she was striving for humor. It appears the first husband didn't leave her a well-fixed BH divorcee if she claimed she didn't have anything. Poor Kyle should have picked a better first husband.

I do think it was humor.  Kyle saying they didn't have anything can mean something different when said with humor. If Kyle said it to be serious, I would just chalk it up to what she defines as not having anything. I have heard couples say they started out their marriages "not having much". That didn't mean they were dirt  poor or living in a car. They meant they had second-hand furniture given to them while living in a small rental home and they each had a car that was over 10 years old. It is all how one defines "didn't have anything". If it was said with humor, then it is just a play on words.

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I do think it was humor.  Kyle saying they didn't have anything can mean something different when said with humor. If Kyle said it to be serious, I would just chalk it up to what she defines as not having anything. I have heard couples say they started out their marriages "not having much". That didn't mean they were dirt  poor or living in a car. They meant they had second-hand furniture given to them while living in a small rental home and they each had a car that was over 10 years old. It is all how one defines "didn't have anything". If it was said with humor, then it is just a play on words.

ITA with you. And anyone springing from the loins of Big Kathy would never not have anything or Big Kathy would have failed in what appears to have been her raison d'être.

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Welp, the Hiltons look like petty assholes. I don't know their side, but they look like assholes with all these conditions. I am going to guess that Kyle's daughters are better behaved than their cousins at threat age. They seem to know how to behave themselves and not create a scene at a wedding.

I was sad when Lisa's daughter said I love you and the grandma said 'okay' click. Not going to judge that relationship.

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I'm a bit late to the conversation, but came to see what others thought regarding Alexia shutting down the topic of the wedding at the dinner table. I posted elsewhere that I found it rude for her to abruptly blurt out like that and it was disrespectful to her parent's guests, and was surprised at how many people defended Alexia. Granted, not many of them are much older than Alexia, and are not parents themselves. Kyle is mostly to blame, as she should have sensed her daughter's feelings. I don't blame Alexia for feeling that way, but it was inappropriate for her to say it like that. She could have either asked one of her parents politely, if they could change the subject, or excused herself from the table.

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At the dinner table in Tuscany:

Even a sledge hammer may not have worked on LisaV. Once she starts to make a point in front of the camera it's hard to stop her. That's why the production folks like her. Loyalty to Kyle flew out the window once LisaV got started.

Alexia spoke for me in that scene. Though I may have wanted to throw a sledge hammer at LisaV I wouldn't have wanted to damage my TV. The rude person at the table was LisaV. The voice of reason was Alexia.

The consequences of talking about a subject a HW doesn't wish to discuss may be that said HW (Kyle) leaves the show. I don't think LisaV cares as long as she performs in front of the production crew and gets her " at-a-boy."

LisaV let Kyle know:


Edited by talula
  • Love 5

Welp, the Hiltons look like petty assholes. I don't know their side, but they look like assholes with all these conditions. I am going to guess that Kyle's daughters are better behaved than their cousins at threat age. They seem to know how to behave themselves and not create a scene at a wedding.

I was sad when Lisa's daughter said I love you and thewhen talking to them simply grandma said 'okay' click. Not going to judge that relationship.

Bolding mine


I have elderly parents and hearing me on the phone is sometimes challenging because they are becoming hard of hearing. I have gotten some inappropriate responses simply because they misunderstood what I said. Could this be the case?

  • Love 6

At the dinner table in Tuscany:

Even a sledge hammer may not have worked on LisaV. Once she starts to make a point in front of the camera it's hard to stop her. That's why the production folks like her. Loyalty to Kyle flew out the window once LisaV got started.

Alexia spoke for me in that scene. Though I may have wanted to throw a sledge hammer at LisaV I wouldn't have wanted to damage my TV. The rude person at the table was LisaV. The voice of reason was Alexia.

The consequences of talking about a subject a HW doesn't wish to discuss may be that said HW (Kyle) leaves the show. I don't think LisaV cares as long as she performs in front of the production crew and gets her " at-a-boy."

LisaV let Kyle know:


Except that it was Kyle that introduced the subject of the wedding in the first place, First time was when Kyle talked to Lisa via cell phone when driving her car the

​"I was told it would be better for everyone if I didn't go to the wedding" conversation. Then after spending the day with Lisa in Tuscany, just the two driving around and then during their walk around the house when it was just the 2 of them, Kyle chose to say NOTHING about her now attending the wedding. Instead, Kyle waits until they are sitting at the table/dinner, with her kids present, to talk about it to Lisa. Then Mauricio chimed in, more than to willing to talk about to both Lisa and Ken. Lisa was only expressing support FOR Kyle and nothing more, as was Ken for Mauricio IMO.

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In episode two Kyle brought up the wedding in a talking head and mentioned the wedding briefly on her travel agenda with Mauricio. It is LisaV who brought up bringing a dress for the wedding while Kyle was in the car. Then Kyle informed LisaV that she was not attending and didn't need the dress.

My post referred to the table talk in Tuscany, not the conversation In the car. LisaV pursued the conversation at the table in Tuscany even though Kyle said she didn't wish to discuss the wedding in front of the camera.

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In episode two Kyle brought up the wedding in a talking head and mentioned the wedding briefly on her travel agenda with Mauricio. It is LisaV who brought up bringing a dress for the wedding while Kyle was in the car. Then Kyle informed LisaV that she was not attending and didn't need the dress.

My post referred to the table talk in Tuscany, not the conversation In the car. LisaV pursued the conversation at the table in Tuscany even though Kyle said she didn't wish to discuss the wedding in front of the camera.

All Lisa said to Kyle in the phone call was that she had chosen a dress for Kyle to wear per Kyle's request. It was Kyle that put it out ON camera about the disinvite, NOT Lisa.

Then in Tuscany, it was Kyle that didn't use their 1 on 1 time to talk about the wedding, instead she brought it up at the table with her kids present AND Mauricio chimed in expressing how he felt, there by keeping the conversation going. Had Kyle NOT wanted to discuss the wedding ON camera or in front of her kids the she should NOT have brought the subject up at all. Kyle knows this family dirt would make it past editing and be shown ON an episode.

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I do believe Lisa/Kyle had the conversation because originally Lisa and Kyle were going to film in London-Lisa' home turf.  So there had to be a way to let the audience know there was a change in plans.  Then there was the dinner conversation where Lisa was trying to make sense of things.  I think once again it was for the benefit of the viewers.  Had it not been discussed there would have been questions why the girls and Mauricio weren't in the photos.  I think Rick Hilton stepped on his dick and needs to live with the consequences.  To make it sound now as if all will be well because Kyle is taking a stand against Bravo for the sake of the family is just rancid.  The Hiltons made the rules, knew it was a public wedding and chose to make the choices they did.    In reality it is not that big s deal-it happened and the fact the details were made public are minor.  Had Kim not so publicly crashed there would have been questions why she wasn't there.  Don't raise a couple of celebutantes and crave the limelight and then change the rules when you are uncomfortable.

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All Lisa said to Kyle in the phone call was that she had chosen a dress for Kyle to wear per Kyle's request. It was Kyle that put it out ON camera about the disinvite, NOT Lisa.

Then in Tuscany, it was Kyle that didn't use their 1 on 1 time to talk about the wedding, instead she brought it up at the table with her kids present AND Mauricio chimed in expressing how he felt, there by keeping the conversation going. Had Kyle NOT wanted to discuss the wedding ON camera or in front of her kids the she should NOT have brought the subject up at all. Kyle knows this family dirt would make it past editing and be shown ON an episode.

Lol, Kyle said she'd talk about her family issue "later" with Lisa. LisaV wouldn't listen and kept delving deeper and deeper into Kyle's family dynamics until finally Alexia put a firm end to the subject with her father agreeing. It was Kyle's decision to end the discussion concerning her family, though it took her daughters pleas before LisaV put a lid on it.

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Lol, Kyle said she'd talk about her family issue "later" with Lisa. LisaV wouldn't listen and kept delving deeper and deeper into Kyle's family dynamics until finally Alexia put a firm end to the subject with her father agreeing. It was Kyle's decision to end the discussion concerning her family, though it took her daughters pleas before LisaV put a lid on it.

  At the time Alexia asked for the discussion to stop, it was Mauricio talking, expressing HIS opinion, not Lisa, Ken or Kyle. I took Kyle's "later" comment as she would go into more detail with Lisa later, not to not talk about it or show/offer support to her there and then BUT, as they say....YMMV. LOL

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I do believe Lisa/Kyle had the conversation because originally Lisa and Kyle were going to film in London-Lisa' home turf.  So there had to be a way to let the audience know there was a change in plans.  Then there was the dinner conversation where Lisa was trying to make sense of things.  I think once again it was for the benefit of the viewers.  Had it not been discussed there would have been questions why the girls and Mauricio weren't in the photos.  I think Rick Hilton stepped on his dick and needs to live with the consequences.  To make it sound now as if all will be well because Kyle is taking a stand against Bravo for the sake of the family is just rancid.  The Hiltons made the rules, knew it was a public wedding and chose to make the choices they did.    In reality it is not that big s deal-it happened and the fact the details were made public are minor.  Had Kim not so publicly crashed there would have been questions why she wasn't there.  Don't raise a couple of celebutantes and crave the limelight and then change the rules when you are uncomfortable.


I agree, they had to talk about it to explain the trip changes AND to explain why Mauricio, Sophia and Alexia were MIA at the wedding itself. IMO, Lisa was caught off guard with Kyle asking about the dress because Kyle already told her she didn't need it, that she was NOT going to the wedding. This allowed Kyle to acknowledge the change in plans for her to attend and then to let the viewers know it was NOT her or Mauricio's idea for him to not attend. Mauricio would have been raked over the hot coals by viewers had no one known he was not invited to begin when photos were released with him absent from the wedding. It would have made Mauricio look like the "dick" instead of the real dick..........Rick. I don't think Kathy/Rick counted on Kyle/Mauricio revealing the truth ON the show, I think they counted on them keeping silent like this family DIC(K)TATES!  LOL 

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Lol, Kyle said she'd talk about her family issue "later" with Lisa. LisaV wouldn't listen and kept delving deeper and deeper into Kyle's family dynamics until finally Alexia put a firm end to the subject with her father agreeing. It was Kyle's decision to end the discussion concerning her family, though it took her daughters pleas before LisaV put a lid on it.


Kyle did say that, but it was AFTER she brought up the wedding at the dinner table herself.  She asked Lisa if she had brought a dress for her to wear at the wedding, and Lisa was all confused because, the last time they spoke about a dress, Kyle told her NOT to bring it because she'd been disinvited.  Now, suddenly at the dinner table, Kyle is asking her about the dress, and she said she hadn't brought one because Kyle told her she wasn't going.  That's how the convo started, and it was only after Lisa kept asking wtf that Kyle said to talk about it later, long after the topic had been broached by Kyle.


Kyle tried to pretend like she didn't want to talk about it, but if that were really true, she wouldn't have brought it up at the dinner table in front of the cameras.

Edited by izabella
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I do believe Lisa/Kyle had the conversation because originally Lisa and Kyle were going to film in London-Lisa' home turf.  So there had to be a way to let the audience know there was a change in plans.  Then there was the dinner conversation where Lisa was trying to make sense of things.  I think once again it was for the benefit of the viewers.  Had it not been discussed there would have been questions why the girls and Mauricio weren't in the photos.  I think Rick Hilton stepped on his dick and needs to live with the consequences.  To make it sound now as if all will be well because Kyle is taking a stand against Bravo for the sake of the family is just rancid.  The Hiltons made the rules, knew it was a public wedding and chose to make the choices they did.    In reality it is not that big s deal-it happened and the fact the details were made public are minor.  Had Kim not so publicly crashed there would have been questions why she wasn't there.  Don't raise a couple of celebutantes and crave the limelight and then change the rules when you are uncomfortable.


I give zero credence to whatever tabloid is reporting whatever Rick may or may not have said.  Kyle isn't going ANYWHERE, for sure not because of Nicky's stupid wedding talk.  Kyle herself brought it up on the show, so she clearly didn't care if that branch of the family was offended.  If Kyle didn't leave after the limo scene, she ain't leaving now for the sake of the Hiltons.

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I give zero credence to whatever tabloid is reporting whatever Rick may or may not have said.  Kyle isn't going ANYWHERE, for sure not because of Nicky's stupid wedding talk.  Kyle herself brought it up on the show, so she clearly didn't care if that branch of the family was offended.  If Kyle didn't leave after the limo scene, she ain't leaving now for the sake of the Hiltons.

LOL It was TMZ AND they have Rick ON camera saying it! I also think Rick is lying to take the heat off of him/Kathy that they are getting via social media and the tabloids, I do NOT believe a word HE said either. LOL

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Why didn't Kyle get her own dress for such a glam wedding? I thought she owned a clothing store? At the very least any full length gown Kyle borrowed from LisaV would have to be professionally hemmed?!? Why would Lisa want her designer dress altered? Wait a second, doesn't Kathy also sell formal gowns. The whole dress thing sounds sketchy to me...designed for a reality show, Lol.

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