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S06.E02: Tuscany!

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Because they want us to think they are wealthy enough to vacation on the Mediterranean and the Amalfi coast, they just don't want us to realize they can only afford to do it "off season"?  Tho I'm sure they will say it had to do with the real estate market or the timing of the Hilton/Rothschild wedding.

Summer is the high season, and mid July to the end of August is the Peak Season.    I was there a couple years ago in late March which I think was the low season; I know there was a pretty good price break on the villa -  about half of Peak price.  The temps were in the 60s and there weren't any bugs or need for air conditioning although we didn't use the pool either or dine outdoors of course.  Mosquitoes drive me crazy. 


----->  ETA:  Sorry, I missed zoeysmom's post that basically said the same thing.   


The entire "Kyle needs a dress from Lisa" was a set up so Kyle could talk about being disinvited to the wedding, IMO. 

And Lisa's closet, which blows my mind.    I still don't understand how they have all those dogs but the carpets, furniture etc. stay pristine white. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 5
I think the daughters were playing their part too actually.


I don't see that all. I'm actually not convinced that Kyle and Lisa set up the entire conversation. But if they did, I don't think the girls were in on it. Alexia or Sophia (sorry, I get them confused) look genuinely upset and uncomfortable about the conversation. I can't say I blame her. It would suck to be ostracized from a family event for no real reason, and then have it talked about in front of a bunch of cameras. 


And I don't think Rick Hilton really is exceptionally unreasonable, he gave that cushy real estate job to Maurice-o because he was family, and I can see why he had an expectation that Maurice-o wouldn't steal as his clients and employees, because Rick Hilton is family. It was a Hilton family and Rothschild family event, a thieving Umansky wasn't owed anything.


Did Mauricio actually take Rick's clients, though? Or his own, that HE brought in? Hilton may have given him the job, but Mauricio worked hard and built himself up - and apparently made Hilton's firm a ton of money. But they wouldn't give Mauricio a partnership. What is he to do?Just keep slaving away, while others get all the credit? I don't blame him for striking out on his own. And I don't want the terms of any contracts were, but I see nothing wrong with taking your own clients with you. 

  • Love 14

I know how the Hiltons abhor publicity about their family and yet here is Nicky posting a photo (wearing silly little hats) with another RH star-Bethenny Frankel.  https://www.instagram.com/p/_FbsfnDXc7/?taken-by=nickyhilton  Maybe it is time to drop the pretense they are above the RH franchise.

Bolding mine.   


Exactly.  I was never clear on why Kathy Hilton thought she was too good for RHOBH.  Please. 


I find it hard to believe the Hilton's are so touchy about publicity considering their own daughter helped blaze the trail for talentless famewhores to become celebrities.  I also seem to remember some really dumb show starring Kathy where she taught wannabees how to behave like Hiltons or something.  Maybe it's not publicity the Hilton's hate, maybe it's just not being able to control profit from it.   Also, if you don't want to look like an asshole publicly then don't act like one privately.  

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 16

Real estate agents are like hair dressers.  I would follow mine around the city, if she moved to a different salon or if she started her own place.  I think people develop a relationship with the real estate agent, not the agency they work for.  Mauricio left, and it's not a surprise that people who liked him as their agent would want to keep working with him and refer their friends.

  • Love 13

Real estate agents are like hair dressers.  I would follow mine around the city, if she moved to a different salon or if she started her own place.  I think people develop a relationship with the real estate agent, not the agency they work for.  Mauricio left, and it's not a surprise that people who liked him as their agent would want to keep working with him and refer their friends.



You get a haircut every 6 weeks but you only buy one house and that can be for a lifetime!   Should you decide to move again, it is likely to be many years down the road.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 4

Bolding mine.   


Exactly.  I was never clear on why Kathy Hilton thought she was too good for RHOBH.  Please. 


I find it hard to believe the Hilton's are so touchy about publicity considering their own daughter helped blaze the trail for talentless famewhores to become celebrities.  I also seem to remember some really dumb show starring Kathy where she taught wannabees how to behave like Hiltons or something.  Maybe it's not publicity the Hilton's hate, maybe it's just not being able to control profit from it.   Also, if you don't want to look like an asshole publicly then don't act like one privately.  


More likely not enough to be pulling a Bravo paycheck.

Kathy has appeared numerous times on RHBH and still hasn't gotten a (what is the BH thing they hold? A Diamond?)

She probably doesn't even get the "friend" of HW salary.

She's pissed that Bravo is not chomping at the bits to make her a BHHW


She did make me laugh when Adrienne had an event as the finale...and said to Adrienne...you do magic?


I remember Kathy had some reality show with Brooke Mueller (Charlie Sheen's drug addict ex) that didn't even last one season

  • Love 2







Did Mauricio actually take Rick's clients, though? Or his own, that HE brought in? Hilton may have given him the job, but Mauricio worked hard and built himself up - and apparently made Hilton's firm a ton of money. But they wouldn't give Mauricio a partnership. What is he to do?Just keep slaving away, while others get all the credit? I don't blame him for striking out on his own. And I don't want the terms of any contracts were, but I see nothing wrong with taking your own clients with you. 

Years ago my husband worked for a friend.  After several years, the friend was not interested in a partnership, so my husband opened his own firm.  He never took clients with him, but people he had worked with over the years came to him.   Often he and our friend competed for jobs.  The friend got angry, and refused to speak to him for many years - or only business politely if he had to.   Well, about five years ago we get a call from him.  He's dying of cancer, and was in the middle of planning out a large ranch in Utah and a custom home near us.  He wanted my husband to do the work, oversee the project and take it over when he was gone.    You can hold a grudge, but in the end, you have to let go of anger.  I always looked on our situation as a Karma test.  Do we help, forgive, etc or do we say screw you.   We dropped everything and dove in.    


Rick has to let it go, and be proud of what Mauricio has accomplished. 

  • Love 10

Bolding mine.   


Exactly.  I was never clear on why Kathy Hilton thought she was too good for RHOBH.  Please. 


I find it hard to believe the Hilton's are so touchy about publicity considering their own daughter helped blaze the trail for talentless famewhores to become celebrities.  I also seem to remember some really dumb show starring Kathy where she taught wannabees how to behave like Hiltons or something.  Maybe it's not publicity the Hilton's hate, maybe it's just not being able to control profit from it.   Also, if you don't want to look like an asshole publicly then don't act like one privately.  


HA!  I remember that show, "I Want to be a Hilton."   Paris made a sex tape that went viral on top of that ridiculous show she did with Nicole.   I am enjoying watching Kathy dig the hole she is in even deeper.   She has no credibility  I hope Kyle is able to see things clearly and soon. 

  • Love 8

You get a haircut every 6 weeks but you only buy one house and that can be for a lifetime!   Should you decide to move again, it is likely to be many years down the road.  


You're right that most people are like that, but in the circles these people move in, it seems like they do a lot of real estate transactions.  Maybe it's all the divorces.  Plus, if you're the Vanderpump-Todd's, you eventually decide you need to move from one enormous house to another because now you want a swan moat and room for a tiny horse.


My guess is there are also commercial real estate transactions, and developers, so those would be ongoing relationships and where the big bucks are.

Edited by izabella
  • Love 11

What is the timing?  Are we to assume they have made up now?  Nikki's wedding was before Faye's?  

I do not believe they have made up.  Mauricio is not invited to Hilton events, and Rick doesn't attend Umansky events.  So if it is neutral party they have to use their discretion.  Kyle attends all the events (well maybe not the arraignments of her nieces and nephews) but she is there.  So she will never be accused of holding the grudge and missing the event.

  • Love 7
And I don't think Rick Hilton really is exceptionally unreasonable, he gave that cushy real estate job to Maurice-o because he was family, and I can see why he had an expectation that Maurice-o wouldn't steal his clients and employees, because Rick Hilton is family. It was a Hilton family and Rothschild family event, a thieving Umansky wasn't owed anything.



From what I understand of the situation, he is being unreasonable. Maybe not in an OTT way, but expecting Mauricio to keep making money for him rather than strike out on his own is pretty entitled. If somebody makes themselves valuable you have to either pay that value yourself or they're going to go out on their own. Not many people will continue selling themselves short just because somebody else prefers to make more money off them. If clients went with Mauricio it's because they were his clients and they wanted him. He's the one who did the work for them.

  • Love 13

Alexia or Sophia (sorry, I get them confused)

I notice a lot of people can't tell who is whom. I used to get confused, but the way to tell them apart is that Alexia, the older one, is shorter and traditionally very pretty. She's got perfect eyebrows. She was the one who shut down the conversation about the wedding. Sophia, the younger one, is very tall, and she has a heavier brow. She looks like she's coming out the end of an awkward stage, and she'll probably be model material within a year or two. Sophia is shy, and Alexia is a little more happy-go-lucky and materialistic. I like them both a lot as far as kids of Housewives go.

I get a bit of a colder(?) vibe from Farrah, who is also gorgeous.

  • Love 6

Rick has to let it go, and be proud of what Mauricio has accomplished. 


I agree with this and would add that if you're Rick Hilton, and you're running a large real estate firm, a big part of your job is to identify employees who are talented and entrepreneurial and provide an environment where they can flourish. Otherwise they're going to leave, and if they're really talented, clients are going to follow. Either Hilton failed to recognize Mauricio's talent and leadership skills or, for whatever reason, he failed to reward it with money and leadership opportunities. It can be hard to keep successful people like Mauricio happy, but at the end of the day that is top management's responsibility. If Hilton failed to do so, he has no one to blame but himself.

  • Love 10

We've bought/sold 6 houses. We really liked all of our realtors but did our due diligence and interviewed them (among others) before we hired them to represent us. It made no difference what agency they were connected to-we didn't care. What was important to us was how many houses had this person sold in the last year, how professional was her/his presentation to us, how hard this realtor would work for us? I couldn't even tell you what realty agency these people worked for at the time. I'd follow Mauricio anywhere he went if I thought he could sell my house. It appears to me that Rick Hilton is an entitled ass who has raised less than honorable children with the exception of Nicky who seems to have stayed out of the spotlight and has never been arrested. 

  • Love 6

I don't see that all. I'm actually not convinced that Kyle and Lisa set up the entire conversation. But if they did, I don't think the girls were in on it. Alexia or Sophia (sorry, I get them confused) look genuinely upset and uncomfortable about the conversation. I can't say I blame her. It would suck to be ostracized from a family event for no real reason, and then have it talked about in front of a bunch of cameras. 





Did Mauricio actually take Rick's clients, though? Or his own, that HE brought in? Hilton may have given him the job, but Mauricio worked hard and built himself up - and apparently made Hilton's firm a ton of money. But they wouldn't give Mauricio a partnership. What is he to do?Just keep slaving away, while others get all the credit? I don't blame him for striking out on his own. And I don't want the terms of any contracts were, but I see nothing wrong with taking your own clients with you. 



I think production asked LIsa to bring up the topic, hoping for drama.  Kyle probably didn't object because she did her duty of saying she didn't want to talk about it.  It got the information out.  Mauricio was able to say he didn't understand why 2 of his daughters were excluded.  He did not mention that he thought he should have been invited..  And that question still hangs in the air for me.  Portia was the flower girl, got it.  But why was one older daughter included, did she have a role? 


I agree about Mauricio.  When you gift someone with a material item or an opportunity it is just that, a gift.  Was Mauricio supposed to stay there for the rest of his life?  People move around in business all the time.  Head hunters seek successful business people for other companies all the time, too.


Clients are people, they cannot be stolen.  I do business with whom I choose as does everyone. 


Rick Hilton's net worth is estimated at $300 million.  I think they will make it if they coupon. 

Edited by wings707
  • Love 10

Because they want us to think they are wealthy enough to vacation on the Mediterranean and the Amalfi coast, they just don't want us to realize they can only afford to do it "off season"?  Tho I'm sure they will say it had to do with the real estate market or the timing of the Hilton/Rothschild wedding.


Oh, I doubt that very much.  It's pretty clear that they are quite wealthy.  And also Bravo likely paid for at least some of that trip since it was filmed.  Kyle & Mauricio never give me the impression that they're trying to impress us with their wealth.    I think they could live in a much more grand house than they do.  They live well, I'm sure, but I'm willing to bet they don't spend everything they have, and likely have lots of money put away in investments, etc.


I'm curious to know if Portia really was the only underage guest. I'd be willing to bet there were some underage people from the Rothschild side of the family. 


I think the daughters were playing their part too actually.


I kind of thought so too.  I'm not sure, but it did cross my mind as a possibility.  I kind of hope that they were.  Otherwise, it's distasteful that the conversation went on with them sitting there.  If the idea was to let the Hiltons (and everyone else) know that the Umansky girls were hurt, then I approve!  The Hiltons should be made aware that their ridiculous, selfish attitude has an impact on young family members who absolutely did nothing wrong.  Shame on them for being so petty and causing further problems and rifts in a family that has had more than enough already.  It's disgraceful that they're causing this nonsense to trickle down to the younger generation.


I can't hate Nicky, as far as I know she's never done or said anything objectionable. Nicky being loyal to her father is not unreasonable, even if her father is being unreasonable. Fathers are far more important than an uncle by marriage. And I don't think Rick Hilton really is exceptionally unreasonable, he gave that cushy real estate job to Maurice-o because he was family, and I can see why he had an expectation that Maurice-o wouldn't steal his clients and employees, because Rick Hilton is family. It was a Hilton family and Rothschild family event, a thieving Umansky wasn't owed anything.


I don't see anything "thieving" about Mauricio.  He didn't sign his life over to Rick Hilton.  And I don't see how the job was cushy.  A break, yes, but Mauricio worked hard, took the ball, ran with it, and became extremely successful.  He wasn't relaxing in a lavish office and having a paycheck handed to him.  He had every reason to expect that his efforts would be rewarded and appreciated, and when they were not, he left.  There's not one reason why he shouldn't have done that.  Groveling at the feet of Rick Hilton for the rest of his life was never part of the arrangement, I'm sure, and Rick's belief that he could hold Mauricio hostage is misguided, to say the least.  He was in a position to toss Mauricio out at any time, and I'm sure Mauricio knew that.  So Mauricio was smart to advance his own career in a way that would provide a more solid financial future for his family.


If clients followed him to The Agency, then that's further testament to how good he is.  He didn't kidnap these people and force them to use his services.  It was their choice, and it's very common.  If Rick hired Mauricio for any good-will-toward-family reasons, then he should be happy for his success.  But from what we know of the Hiltons, that's not how they roll.  No good will toward family and no happiness for anyone else's success.  Just jealousy.  Lots of it.

  • Love 17

You get a haircut every 6 weeks but you only buy one house and that can be for a lifetime!   Should you decide to move again, it is likely to be many years down the road.  

A good Realtor will stay in touch with all past clients.  Satisfied past clients are the best source of referrals for others looking to buy or sell.  Also, I know a Realtor who has been in the business for about 40 years.  A quarter-century ago, she sold a home to one client.  25 years later, that same client was ready to sell.  Guess which agent she called to take the listing?

  • Love 7

I can't hate Nicky, as far as I know she's never done or said anything objectionable. Nicky being loyal to her father is not unreasonable, even if her father is being unreasonable. Fathers are far more important than an uncle by marriage. And I don't think Rick Hilton really is exceptionally unreasonable, he gave that cushy real estate job to Maurice-o because he was family, and I can see why he had an expectation that Maurice-o wouldn't steal his clients and employees, because Rick Hilton is family. It was a Hilton family and Rothschild family event, a thieving Umansky wasn't owed anything.

I disagree that Rick gave Mauricio a 'cushy' real estate job.  Given Mauricio's success, I don't think it was handed to him and he's further proved himself by continuing his success with his own business.  Interesting that his first commission came from Kyle's ex husband, not Rick.  He was Rick's company's top sales person for the first eight or nine years he was there.  I have no doubt that this wasn't about 'charity' from Rick.  It was about Mauricio being really good at what he does.




I understand Nicky going with her parents but I totally disagree with Rick and Kathy's handling of the situation.  They are the ones who were totally immature and ridiculous in this situation.  Grow up Rick.  Mauricio has the right to be successful and if you don't give him what he deserves, at a certain point he doesn't 'owe' you anymore.  I think Rick is pissed because his top sales person left and Rick lost control of Mo.  Kathy is pissed because she was the 'rich' oldest daughter that Kyle deferred to for years.  Well, guess what happened.  Kyle got the fame that Kathy never got in reality TV.  Kyle got the good husband and the normal, overall good kids.  Oh, and Kyle got the job of picking up Kim's pieces for years until Kyle decided not to put up with 'all' of it.  So, who has that job now?  Kathy.  And I'm sure she hates that she has to figure out what to do with Kim when it was so much easier to jet off to wherever and let Kyle and Mauricio 'handle' it.  Not anymore.

  • Love 14

Why would anyone plan a trip to Tuscany at that time of year when it was so hot and the mosquitoes were so bad? We travel a lot and always check out the weather when planning trips. For instance, we're going to Savannah, GA with some friends in late January-early February when the weather will be mild and not so hot and humid like it is in the summer. Apparently, the great holiday planner, Mauricio, isn't so great at planning. I do have to say that I really like Kyle and Mauricio and their children. Her sisters, Kim and Kathy? Ugh. 

I thought the trip was planned in conjunction with Nicky's wedding which took place overseas?


I can't hate Nicky, as far as I know she's never done or said anything objectionable. Nicky being loyal to her father is not unreasonable, even if her father is being unreasonable. Fathers are far more important than an uncle by marriage. And I don't think Rick Hilton really is exceptionally unreasonable, he gave that cushy real estate job to Maurice-o because he was family, and I can see why he had an expectation that Maurice-o wouldn't steal his clients and employees, because Rick Hilton is family. It was a Hilton family and Rothschild family event, a thieving Umansky wasn't owed anything.

Where was it said or alluded that Mauricio was stealing clients? Call me ignorant but, I thought employees and clients can freely go find employment elsewhere and seek other realtors as they please.



Fathers are far more important than an uncle by marriage.


I can see why he had an expectation that Maurice-o wouldn't steal his clients and employees, because Rick Hilton is family.

So, is Mauricio family or not? If Mauricio is family to Rick, than Mauricio is more than just an uncle by marriage to Nicky. If Mauricio is just an uncle by marriage, then Rick isn't his family.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 7

I thought the trip was planned in conjunction with Nicky's wedding which took place overseas?

Where was it said or alluded that Mauricio was stealing clients? Call me ignorant but, I thought employees and clients can freely go find employment elsewhere and seek other realtors as they please.

So, is Mauricio family or not? If Mauricio is family to Rick, than Mauricio is more than just an uncle by marriage to Nicky. If Mauricio is just an uncle by marriage, then Rick isn't his family.

I think Rick gave Maurice-o a cushy job as a favour to his sister in law Kyle, and Maurice-o could reasonably be expected to be considerate of his sister in law Kathy.

I think Rick gave Maurice-o a cushy job as a favour to his sister in law Kyle, and Maurice-o could reasonably be expected to be considerate of his sister in law Kathy.


Considerate, sure, but should he also give up his own ambition and career - for the foreseeable future - because Rick hired him?  It's such a rich people thing; to think you own the "less thans."  Tell me there's not some classism (and even, possibly, racism) in there (not from you, but from the Hiltons):  the poor Mexican Mauricio should have been grateful to have a job at all and take what he was given without complaint.  How dare he show ambition, and how dare he start his own company.


I mean - he started his own company.  With his own unique business model, based on sharing commissions with everyone, not just partners, to encourage and foster collaboration within the firm.  And he works his tail off, by all accounts.  And he's successful.  As far as I can tell, that's pretty much the American Dream.  We should be showing Mauricio our respect for that, not criticizing him for daring to rise up above his station.


ETA - I remember in the "lost footage" episode in Season Two, Kyle and Mauricio had a conversation on the beach in Hawaii about starting the firm.  They both commented that it might be awkward with Rick, and Kyle said, "Rick's a businessman, he'll understand."  Apparently she gave her family too much credit, yet again.

Edited by ottergirl
  • Love 17

Oh, I doubt that very much.  It's pretty clear that they are quite wealthy.  And also Bravo likely paid for at least some of that trip since it was filmed.  Kyle & Mauricio never give me the impression that they're trying to impress us with their wealth.    I think they could live in a much more grand house than they do.  They live well, I'm sure, but I'm willing to bet they don't spend everything they have, and likely have lots of money put away in investments, etc.



I kind of thought so too.  I'm not sure, but it did cross my mind as a possibility.  I kind of hope that they were.  Otherwise, it's distasteful that the conversation went on with them sitting there.  If the idea was to let the Hiltons (and everyone else) know that the Umansky girls were hurt, then I approve!  The Hiltons should be made aware that their ridiculous, selfish attitude has an impact on young family members who absolutely did nothing wrong.  Shame on them for being so petty and causing further problems and rifts in a family that has had more than enough already.  It's disgraceful that they're causing this nonsense to trickle down to the younger generation.



I don't see anything "thieving" about Mauricio.  He didn't sign his life over to Rick Hilton.  And I don't see how the job was cushy.  A break, yes, but Mauricio worked hard, took the ball, ran with it, and became extremely successful.  He wasn't relaxing in a lavish office and having a paycheck handed to him.  He had every reason to expect that his efforts would be rewarded and appreciated, and when they were not, he left.  There's not one reason why he shouldn't have done that.  Groveling at the feet of Rick Hilton for the rest of his life was never part of the arrangement, I'm sure, and Rick's belief that he could hold Mauricio hostage is misguided, to say the least.  He was in a position to toss Mauricio out at any time, and I'm sure Mauricio knew that.  So Mauricio was smart to advance his own career in a way that would provide a more solid financial future for his family.


If clients followed him to The Agency, then that's further testament to how good he is.  He didn't kidnap these people and force them to use his services.  It was their choice, and it's very common.  If Rick hired Mauricio for any good-will-toward-family reasons, then he should be happy for his success.  But from what we know of the Hiltons, that's not how they roll.  No good will toward family and no happiness for anyone else's success.  Just jealousy.  Lots of it.



1 million likes!  I agree with every word.  I have been tooting this horn for days but you said it better.  


I would love to see this blow up in Kathy and Rick's face.  I have a hunch that many clients of Mauricio and Rick's firm watch this.  I am always surprised when I see big celebrities on WWHL who watch the housewives series.  If I lived in this town it would have a huge pull for me even if I never watched reality TV.  Lisa and Ken have a high profile there due to their restaurants.  

  • Love 5

They live in Bel-Air.  According to Variety they bought a mansion in 2004.  We saw their home when Brooke got married.  I think they raised Paris and Nicky in LA for the most part and moved back to NY when the girls were in high school.


They have a condo in NYC and a home in CA so they live on both coasts. 



  • Love 4
Then a couple months later, Rick and Maurico put differences a side so they could walk Faye Resnicks down the aisle for her wedding.


This has got to be the single most mind-boggling sentence I've ever read on the internet. 




You get a haircut every 6 weeks but you only buy one house and that can be for a lifetime!   Should you decide to move again, it is likely to be many years down the road.


How long have you been watching Housewives? Some of these broads move every year! LOL



In all seriousness, yes - you generally get haircuts a lot more often than you buy a home/property. But the process is a lot more involved. Depending on your preferences and the market, it can take months to find the perfect place. You want an agent that you can trust and feel comfortable with. If you come across a good one, even if it's not years and years until you need him again, you're likely to go with that realtor.



But why was one older daughter included, did she have a role?


Farrah was in the bridal party. I do wonder how close she and Nicki truly are. 






I think Rick gave Maurice-o a cushy job as a favour to his sister in law Kyle, and Maurice-o could reasonably be expected to be considerate of his sister in law Kathy.


Considerate how? Should have seriously stayed with Hilton's firm his entire life, even though Hilton refused to make him partner? I'm sure Mauricio appreciated being "given" the job, but he clearly more than earned it in the end. If they wanted his loyalty, they should have worked harder to keep him. 

Edited by ghoulina
  • Love 13


They have a condo in NYC and a home in CA so they live on both coasts. 




Don't forget their home in The Hamptons and the one in Palm Springs.  So they have a home on both coasts and vacation homes.  They have plenty of places to lay their head.


They have a condo in NYC and a home in CA so they live on both coasts. 




Don't forget their home in The Hamptons and the one in Palm Springs.  So they have a home on both coasts and vacation homes.  They have plenty of places to lay their head.

  • Love 4

It seems bad news is just I a part of everyday life for the Rick/Kathy Hilton brood.  Nicky, the quiet one, seem to have learned her lesson early on when it come to big business.


Nicky Hilton 26 year old hotel baroness.  http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,1211011,00.html  With no help from her family.  I wonder how a 26 year old come up with the money to fund not one but two hotels?


Maybe not in Miami:  http://www.tmz.com/2007/11/05/nicky-o-hotel-a-no-go/


Seems Chicago didn't work out for the Nicky O either:   http://www.chicagobusiness.com/article/20070220/NEWS/200023935/nicky-o-hotel-projects-dropped


Marrying well works for this family, now Nicky and her new Rothschild hubby are looking at $20 million dollar home in NYC.  Something tells me her handbag line and coffee table book isn't the money behind this real estate purchase.


I wonder why Nicky never joined Hilton/Hyland?  If family I so important it would seem she would have stepped up to the plate.  Of course Brooke Brinson was a Hilton/Hyland agent and her only listing of late was Kyle' house in the desert.   No wonder Rick was upset.  He needed the 25% of Mauricio's earnings to fund this family.

It seems bad news is just I a part of everyday life for the Rick/Kathy Hilton brood.  Nicky, the quiet one, seem to have learned her lesson early on when it come to big business.


Nicky Hilton 26 year old hotel baroness.  http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,1211011,00.html  With no help from her family.  I wonder how a 26 year old come up with the money to fund not one but two hotels?


Maybe not in Miami:  http://www.tmz.com/2007/11/05/nicky-o-hotel-a-no-go/


Seems Chicago didn't work out for the Nicky O either:   http://www.chicagobusiness.com/article/20070220/NEWS/200023935/nicky-o-hotel-projects-dropped


Marrying well works for this family, now Nicky and her new Rothschild hubby are looking at $20 million dollar home in NYC.  Something tells me her handbag line and coffee table book isn't the money behind this real estate purchase.


I wonder why Nicky never joined Hilton/Hyland?  If family I so important it would seem she would have stepped up to the plate.  Of course Brooke Brinson was a Hilton/Hyland agent and her only listing of late was Kyle' house in the desert.   No wonder Rick was upset.  He needed the 25% of Mauricio's earnings to fund this family.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 6
Considerate how? Should have seriously stayed with Hilton's firm his entire life, even though Hilton refused to make him partner? I'm sure Mauricio appreciated being "given" the job, but he clearly more than earned it in the end. If they wanted his loyalty, they should have worked harder to keep him.



As far as I can tell Kathy isn't being inconvenienced in any way by Mauricio starting his own company. Why does it matter to her? She's still rolling in money. He's been perfectly considerate, he's just also making decisions on what's best for him and his family rather than the Hiltons liking to think of themselves as owning people or something. 

Edited by sistermagpie
  • Love 9

I can't wrap my head around Kyle being 100% innocent in getting uninvited.  She's a high maintenance, pain in the ass. 


Moe was telling the truth when he told Alexia that getting lost with Kyle would have been "so not fun" for him.  Also at breakfast on the boat....


Kyle:  "Honeeey, how far away is the villa from here?"  Moe:  Approximately an hour and a half, I think.  Kyle:  "You told me 45 minutes."  Moe: "Well, then I may have made a mistake."  


Sit down, Kyle.  You're on a yacht on the way to a villa.  Shut yer yap and enjoy the warm ocean breeze.  Morris made a mistake or maybe the captain of the boat was in error. Kyle isn't happy unless someone is apologizing to her. And if he already told her 45 minutes, why did she ask again?  Whiny, pain in the ass.


If Moe has to answer to Kyle like that often, and if she really is a sour puss when LOST IN A FERRARI IN THE ITALIAN COUNTRYSIDE....well, he's dumber than he looks. 


Harsh?  LOL. Sorry.  I'm just feeling twitchy because there's another side to the Kyle getting disinvited story and we're not seeing it. She did something awful, and got herself uninvited. 





Edited by ryebread
  • Love 6
Harsh?  LOL. Sorry.  I'm just feeling twitchy because there's another side to the Kyle getting disinvited story and we're not seeing it. She did something awful, and got herself uninvited.


Yes, Kyle did do something in Kathy's mind.  Kyle is working on some tv show about her life growing up, and Kathy sent her a cyst and decease letter (or something like that), and then uninvited her to the wedding.

Edited by izabella
  • Love 6

I'm not even so convinced she got un-invited.  She did something, Kathy got pissed.  Kyle said, "You're so mean. {insert crying face} I'm not coming to the wedding."  Kathy didn't apologize or beg Kyle to reconsider. There probably wasn't a dis-invite or a re-invite.  Kyle was just making up drama. She wiped her eyes on her kaftan sleeve and went to the wedding.  Because she wouldn't/couldn't miss a wedding at Kensington.


That's why Nicky's response on Twitter to how she was feeling about the wedding drama being played out on TV was, "Shocked." Because it never happened.  Kyle fabricated it. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


And even if I don't believe it 100%, it's just another way to look at what might be going on.  I'm LMBO at how the evil witch Kathy is so mean to Kyle.  All three of those sisters are Messed.Up.  And I don't believe for a second that they don't each take a turn at being horrible.

  • Love 7
I'm not even so convinced she got un-invited.  She did something, Kathy got pissed.  Kyle said, "You're so mean. {insert crying face} I'm not coming to the wedding."  Kathy didn't apologize or beg Kyle to reconsider. There probably wasn't a dis-invite or a re-invite.  Kyle was just making up drama. She wiped her eyes on her kaftan sleeve and went to the wedding.  Because she wouldn't/couldn't miss a wedding at Kensington.

That's why Nicky's response on Twitter to how she was feeling about the wedding drama being played out on TV was, "Shocked." Because it never happened.  Kyle fabricated it. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

And even if I don't believe it 100%, it's just another way to look at what might be going on.  I'm LMBO at how the evil witch Kathy is so mean to Kyle.  All three of those sisters are Messed.Up.  And I don't believe for a second that they don't each take a turn at being horrible.


That's an interesting take, and at least worth considering. But how does the issue with Kyle's middle daughters factor in? I generally like Kyle, but I can admit she has her flaws and might be a bit dramatic and immature at times. Still, I can't see her hurting her daughters like that. I'd still think that, and Mauricio being banned, has to come from the Hiltons. 

  • Love 7

I think Rick gave Maurice-o a cushy job as a favour to his sister in law Kyle, and Maurice-o could reasonably be expected to be considerate of his sister in law Kathy.

Being a successful REA is NOT a "cushy" job, it involves a lot of work, networking and earning clients trust, all of which it appears Mauricio did. He was THE most successful of all the agents for Rick/partners agency and was promised a full partnership that they refused to give him. Also, we have never heard Mauricio utter a bad word about Kathy/Rick or their kids, ever.

I can't wrap my head around Kyle being 100% innocent in getting uninvited.  She's a high maintenance, pain in the ass. 


Moe was telling the truth when he told Alexia that getting lost with Kyle would have been "so not fun" for him.  Also at breakfast on the boat....


Kyle:  "Honeeey, how far away is the villa from here?"  Moe:  Approximately an hour and a half, I think.  Kyle:  "You told me 45 minutes."  Moe: "Well, then I may have made a mistake."  


Sit down, Kyle.  You're on a yacht on the way to a villa.  Shut yer yap and enjoy the warm ocean breeze.  Morris made a mistake or maybe the captain of the boat was in error. Kyle isn't happy unless someone is apologizing to her. And if he already told her 45 minutes, why did she ask again?  Whiny, pain in the ass.


If Moe has to answer to Kyle like that often, and if she really is a sour puss when LOST IN A FERRARI IN THE ITALIAN COUNTRYSIDE....well, he's dumber than he looks. 


Harsh?  LOL. Sorry.  I'm just feeling twitchy because there's another side to the Kyle getting disinvited story and we're not seeing it. She did something awful, and got herself uninvited.

First, Kyle washed her hands of Kim and placed Kim in Kathy's care which Kathy did/does NOT want, then Mauricio's Agency became more successful than Ricks, a BIG no, no for Kathy and finially, Kyle got a show based on HER life as a tween/teen without getting either the Ok or imput from Kathy FIRST, another giant no, no. Kyle's big mistake was moving on with HER life HER way without getting Kathy's blessing/approval first and Kathy can not stand it at all. JMO
  • Love 14

I don't think Kyle was dis-invited either.  There was a heated argument and Kyle, feeling hurt and angry, decided to interpret Kathy's words that way (knowing it was not entirely true).  I can almost hear Kathy saying, well don't come, then!   That is my guess. 


Kyle's entire family should have been invited in the first place.  The blame for this upheaval lies squarely n Kathy and Rick's lap.  No matter what issues came before (Kim),  it was Nikki's day and not the right place to display personal vendettas.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 6

Being a successful REA is NOT a "cushy" job, it involves a lot of work, networking and earning clients trust, all of which it appears Mauricio did. He was THE most successful of all the agents for Rick/partners agency and was promised a full partnership that they refused to give him. Also, we have never heard Mauricio utter a bad word about Kathy/Rick or their kids, ever.

First, Kyle washed her hands of Kim and placed Kim in Kathy's care which Kathy did/does NOT want, then Mauricio's Agency became more successful than Ricks, a BIG no, no for Kathy and finially, Kyle got a show based on HER life as a tween/teen without getting either the Ok or imput from Kathy FIRST, another giant no, no. Kyle's big mistake was moving on with HER life HER way without getting Kathy's blessing/approval first and Kathy can not stand it at all. JMO


You're right that we've never heard Mo utter a bad word about the Hiltons.  But we've never heard the Hiltons utter a bad word about Mo, either. We only hear what Kyle and RadarOnline is telling us.  I agree that real estate is not a cushy job.  It's cut throat.  At their levels of $$, I imagine even more so.  I don't think the Hiltons are the only ones capable of cutting throats, though. I even agree that clients following Mo isn't a bad thing.  But who's to say that there wasn't some nefarious behavior on his part in the split.  No matter how many white parties the Umansky's throw, I'll never think of them as lily white.


I also don't disagree that Kathy is probably pissed about Kyle's show.  Even though we only have Kyle's word for that. But I don't believe that Kyle isn't capable of doing a "Ha ha, take THAT, sis." while stabbing a witchy finger in Kathy's direction.


At one time, many thought Kyle was Vyle.  And that when we referred to the 'Bitchard Sisters' we weren't referring to Kim and Kathy.  Kyle was part of that equation.  I don't understand what she's done to become so blameless in all these scenarios that SHE is bringing to our TVs.

Is the board acting wonky for any one else?  Clicking the Quick Reply button doesn't work the first time.  But if I click it a second time, the post doubles itself requiring me to go back in and edit out the repeated post.

  • Love 4

Kyle isn't happy unless someone is apologizing to her.



THIS!  I have never seen a person's behavior boiled down to a single descriptive sentence as clearly as this!  It tells us every single thing we need to know about Kyle, her insecurities and her motivation for every single thing she does.  Of course, YMMV.  :o)

Edited by Vanderfabulous
  • Love 4

You're right that we've never heard Mo utter a bad word about the Hiltons.  But we've never heard the Hiltons utter a bad word about Mo, either. We only hear what Kyle and RadarOnline is telling us.  I agree that real estate is not a cushy job.  It's cut throat.  At their levels of $$, I imagine even more so.  I don't think the Hiltons are the only ones capable of cutting throats, though. I even agree that clients following Mo isn't a bad thing.  But who's to say that there wasn't some nefarious behavior on his part in the split.  No matter how many white parties the Umansky's throw, I'll never think of them as lily white.


I also don't disagree that Kathy is probably pissed about Kyle's show.  Even though we only have Kyle's word for that. But I don't believe that Kyle isn't capable of doing a "Ha ha, take THAT, sis." while stabbing a witchy finger in Kathy's direction.


At one time, many thought Kyle was Vyle.  And that when we referred to the 'Bitchard Sisters' we weren't referring to Kim and Kathy.  Kyle was part of that equation.  I don't understand what she's done to become so blameless in all these scenarios that SHE is bringing to our TVs.

I don't think Kyle is "blameless", I have no doubt that she makes her fair share of mistakes within the Richard family's disfunction BUT, compared to her 2 older sisters, she is the lesser of the evils.


Oh, and Kim and her BFF, Brandi, HAVE stated that Rick does NOT like Mauricio, yet they have never said that Mauricio has a problem with Rick, so it is more than just Kyle and ROL saying there is a problem. LOL

  • Love 7

Kyle has been my favorite HW from day one and I've defended her on boards from the Kyle is vile factions. That said, I have always thought of her as flawed. She's annoying, has a silly sense of humor, can be immature, petty and mean. But she's a great mom, can be a good and loyal friend and has an interesting life. It's nice to not have to defend her as much now, but I don't think she's great. Just not nasty like Kathy or screwed up like Kim.

Edited by VanillaBeanne
  • Love 12

Kyle isn't happy unless someone is apologizing to her.



THIS!  I have never seen a person's behavior boiled down to a single descriptive sentence as clearly as this!  It tells us every single thing we need to know about Kyle, her insecurities and her motivation for every single thing she does.  Of course, YMMV.  :o)



I see this.  Kyle does not leap to find the part she plays in strife.  And that is annoying.  In this particular case (wedding) I am in her camp.


 Upon hearing that only 3 out of her family of 5 were invited, my guess is that she did not handle it calmly.  I am not sure I would either. I will give her a break on that.  It was a lousy and immature thing to do to them and Nikki.  

  • Love 4

I can't wrap my head around Kyle being 100% innocent in getting uninvited.  She's a high maintenance, pain in the ass. 


Moe was telling the truth when he told Alexia that getting lost with Kyle would have been "so not fun" for him.  Also at breakfast on the boat....


Kyle:  "Honeeey, how far away is the villa from here?"  Moe:  Approximately an hour and a half, I think.  Kyle:  "You told me 45 minutes."  Moe: "Well, then I may have made a mistake."  


Sit down, Kyle.  You're on a yacht on the way to a villa.  Shut yer yap and enjoy the warm ocean breeze.  Morris made a mistake or maybe the captain of the boat was in error. Kyle isn't happy unless someone is apologizing to her. And if he already told her 45 minutes, why did she ask again?  Whiny, pain in the ass.


If Moe has to answer to Kyle like that often, and if she really is a sour puss when LOST IN A FERRARI IN THE ITALIAN COUNTRYSIDE....well, he's dumber than he looks. 


Harsh?  LOL. Sorry.  I'm just feeling twitchy because there's another side to the Kyle getting disinvited story and we're not seeing it. She did something awful, and got herself uninvited.

If the E! story is correct it sounded to me like after Kyle got a letter from Kathy's attorney the wedding invite came into play.  I don't know if Kyle is a huge pain in the as much as she reminds me of Baby in Dirty Dancing and "nobody is going to put baby in the corner."  Kyle has elected not to keep weeping family events under the rug and I think Kim and Kathy are taken back.  There is a certain rule it seems that applies to Kyle and her family, when they have an opportunity to make money it hall be shared with Kim and Kathy or their offspring.  From Kim insisting Brooke share the listing, to Kathy objecting to a sitcom.  They seem to be trading on family when it comes time to pass out the profits.


Well he was correct with both answers.  It took Kyle 45 minutes to get to the Villa and Mauricio and hour and a half. 

  • Love 3

Oh, and Kim and her BFF, Brandi, HAVE stated that Rick does NOT like Mauricio, yet they have never said that Mauricio has a problem with Rick, so it is more than just Kyle and ROL saying there is a problem. LOL


So now Kim and Brandi are the bastions of truth??  Is this the world we live in? ;-)


Zoeysmom:  I see you got a double post, there, too.  And wings and WireWrap, do you see how some of your quote boxes are empty in your posts?  I'll contact the mods if you guys can confirm you're seeing what I'm seeing.

  • Love 7


But who's to say that there wasn't some nefarious behavior on his part in the split.  No matter how many white parties the Umansky's throw, I'll never think of them as lily white.

Ryebread, I have to believe that there was nothing untoward in Mauricio's split from Hilton/Hyland, or else I have no doubt there would have been some type of legal action against him.


All in all, if the rumors are true and the Rick and Kathy's issue with the Umanskys is a business relationship gone sour, that is really pretty petty of them.  I am sure that the core of the Hilton's wealth is from Hilton Hotel money, and not from real estate dealings.  


I don't think Kyle is perfect, she acted horribly in the beginning towards Brandy (although maybe she had a point, now that I look back), but she seems to be a really good friend.  She's stuck by Taylor, Faye Resnick, and probably others who aren't very popular.  


I'm not really sure whether she did anything to get uninvited to the wedding, but it doesn't really matter to me.  Anything that happened between her and Kathy or Mauricio and Rick should have been put aside for the wedding.  As many have said here before, she's not the one in the wrong here.  She was put in this position by Nicky, or Kathy, or whoever was in charge of the invites.  Kyle was in a bad position, and made her choice to go to the wedding.  I can't judge her for that, and I don't know what I would do in the same position.

Edited by balshureen
  • Love 9

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