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"The View": Week of 12/07/15

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Wendy was excellent today. She did not have her hot topics persona going on.  She is smart and it showed.  I was impressed.  I was also amazed that to learn that her height is all in her legs!  What a lucky woman!  She looked very short sitting on that chair before they brought her a pillow.  She sat lower than everyone including CCB!  40 inch legs, wow.   


I did not notice any shade cast on Whoppie at all.  None.  The statement she made about not liking hosting when things aren't going smoothly was a personal one.   

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Stop. No. Really?  One guy built a wooden boat without power tools and crew?  That is enough but he then put 8.74 million species in duplicate (17.4 total) on said boat?  I have no words.  Well, yes I do.  Get them off this show.  That is just plain ignorance and crazy talk.  . 


I forgot to mention food for all the different diets and water!  

I don't think that's really fair. They're free to believe in what they want to believe. The View is meant to have different views and as long as they can agree to disagree, then that's their own prerogative. CCB and Paula have never pushed their religion on anyone, but they have shared their views on things and thoughts on their religion. The only one who doesn't follow the whole 'agree to disagree' thing is Whoopi.


I was worried about CCB, but she seems fine. Paula has been a great addition though, despite her Rubio love, she's been great in all of the segments and hasn't let Whoopi bully her around which I love.


Truthfully, I think Bitsy (and Sherri in a smaller degree) kind of ruined Christians on this show and made us all worried about what they will say. CCB and Paula may love their faith, but I don't think they've done anything to warrant them being removed from the show or have a split screen. lol. (And I'm saying this as a non-Christian, non Republican Canadian Muslim here).

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I enjoyed today's show. Even Candace and Whoopi didn't get on my nerves. No bitchiness and no defense of Trump's BS. Is it me, or is Michelle dialing it back? Maybe she's trying to save her job.


I agree with others about it being strange that Candace looks like a deer in headlights when asked about her religion. Joy wasn't even being condescending when she asked about it (imo). It's especially odd considering Candace brings it up ALL THE TIME. How can you talk about it constantly and then find it hard to explain? Weird.


I didn't watch the Wendy interview--did it really sound like she was talking about Whoopi or was that just a coincidence? That would be unexpected since Wendy always defended Whoopi on her show, from what I remember. She always thinks Whoopi is the only co-host who should stay and didn't Whoopi appear on her show not long ago?


Foghorn Leghorn, I was going to say the same thing about Michelle standing next to Candace. She looked like a monster. Is Candace just that tiny?

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I don't think that's really fair. They're free to believe in what they want to believe. The View is meant to have different views and as long as they can agree to disagree, then that's their own prerogative. CCB and Paula have never pushed their religion on anyone, but they have shared their views on things and thoughts on their religion. The only one who doesn't follow the whole 'agree to disagree' thing is Whoopi.


I was worried about CCB, but she seems fine. Paula has been a great addition though, despite her Rubio love, she's been great in all of the segments and hasn't let Whoopi bully her around which I love.


Truthfully, I think Bitsy (and Sherri in a smaller degree) kind of ruined Christians on this show and made us all worried about what they will say. CCB and Paula may love their faith, but I don't think they've done anything to warrant them being removed from the show or have a split screen. lol. (And I'm saying this as a non-Christian, non Republican Canadian Muslim here).



I see your point and agree.  I am an atheist with strong spiritual underpinnings.  I live by the wisdom that says allow others to be as they are and create your own life, basically .  There is no right way to be, think or believe.  I do indulge myself on message boards about what I see on TV.  Some things reach the tipping point for me and Noah's Arc was one of them, clearly!!  LOL.   That is hypocritical, of course.   And no, they should not be kicked off the show.  I was just being outrageous on that one.  As I said, I take joy in going over the top sometimes.  It is sport for me.  

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And even if there are POTUS  terms with presidents with whom I disagree, I still respect the office - especially when other countries are trying to take us down.

CCB and Paula likely would have bitched about it whatever Obama said. It would have been wrong no matter what.


Also, showing fear is an automatic win for the enemy. They will stand around and high five each other. So we mourn and pay our respects to our dead, hope to heal our wounded and otherwise -- show. no. fear. PERIOD. It was mentioned in the show's clips that some neighbor of the terrorists saw something weird and did not report it. I don't know the answer, but I will say that if I ever see something fishy I will WILL call it in. Better safe than sorry. Innocent people will not likely be irreparably offended if LE knocks on their door and it may save lives. People see things and should say so. That's one good defense; It  is not expensive and totally doable.


Paula got in a great dig at Whoopi about (not) being hit on and she immediately feigned backtracking, "People would be too intimidated!" You cant unring the bell or untoast the toast hee. . Brill!


Huckabee, "We have the right to bear FARMS." OK. then. At least his firearms (farms) pronunciation is not as  cringeworthy as WBush's "Nuc-U-ler. NO ONE could take him aside and correct that ....as leader of the free world? It was embarrassing. And while I'm bitching, Obama drives me nuts when he uses the article "a" in front of a word with a vowel.... "a ...otherwise"  "a ....awful" [/rant]

I'm glad someone else noted "farms." At first I thought he kind of tripped over his tongue, but he said it again and again. So maybe some people think we're trying to take away their farms. That's probably it. lol

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Heads up for those interested!!  Rachel Maddow will be on Lawrence O'Donnell's show tonight to further discuss their theory that The Trumpster is trying to get himself disqualified because he really doesn't want to be President & is only doing this for the attention.

If that happens (which would be fine with me), I think it would be about the craziest, wildest thing a candidate ever did. It's so much easier to say, "Because of the needs of my family at this time . . . " 

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I come from a tiny family now.... brother, sister, 2 nieces. I had the show on this morning but was a blubbering mess with joy because a niece had a baby last night.....our first new member of the family in 37 years!


But I rewatched the show later and decided Michelle might have changed a little until she would ban orange people or some such nonsense. And I hope she has now been educated a little about Ali's condition. Sigh.


Candace is not bothering me much.....she has tamed down the religion part of her personality. But I think Joy's question was innocent.


Whoopi really needs to ditch those gray scarfs that go with nothing in her wardrobe.


ETA......should add I have a wonderful SIL, a wonderful step-aunt that is really a friend, and the new mommy has been married for 10 years and had difficulties conceiving. Her husband is terrific. 

Edited by maggiemae
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I am always surprised when Cameron can't really express her religious beliefs when she is questioned. She always looks like a deer in headlights especically when Joy asks her to explain something that was said. I found this link where Cameron explains her religious beliefs. Since I was raised a Baptist, I find her religious tenets sort of "new age" Christian (if that is a thing?).



The thing that struck me the most is she says that she had broken all 10 commandments. I assume that means adultrey and murder? Probably not.

Although she is definitely not fundamentalist. The short skirts, wine drinking and dancing rule that out.

I kind of feel like Candace is really downplaying her religion. When she was on Dancing with the Stars, she wouldn't stop with the modesty crap, to the extent that she would remove her half-grown children so they couldn't see certain people dance. She also went on at length about her costumes having to be modest. Yet I've noticed her in promo shots for The View, wearing dresses much less modest than her dance costumes.

She's managed to avoid sounding BSC like her brother, but I don't think her beliefs are much different. She has talked about needing to be submissive to her husband. And when your child deliberately picks the lock of your bedroom door to catch his parents in the act, something's up. Either he knows much more than you think, or he's just that curious and you haven't educated him properly on the birds and the bees. That story was just odd, IMO.

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Congratulations on the new baby maggiemae!

I noticed how CCB looks over to Paula often with a smirk on her face, as if they have a private joke about these foolish liberals.  It's very rude.

Agree...and it's rude how joy eye rolls when either ccb or paula speak as if to say how stupid and uninformed conservatives are.

Both sides do it on the panel.

 All these co-hosts are rude to each other, to the audience, and often to the guests.   It's how they roll and has been for a long time.  That doesn't make it okay but I'm not ever going to be surprised at at rudeness on this show. 

Paula & CCB need to have several seats. I'm glad that this country still has a President who, to paraphrase the old Secret commercial, "never lets them see him sweat," especially at times like this.  Now more than ever, we need a President who appeals to the best in us, not panders to the worst.

And yet Whoopi seemed to think the President's speech was for children?  I'd still love to know where the eff she came up with that - unless it was, as I suspect, just a shot at Paula.   Weird and dumb. 


I loved the shade Wendy tossed out today and whether it was intentional (I think it was)  or not, everyone at the table got it. They looked at Whoopi, and then things got quiet and super awkward, LOL.    


Whoopi opened the segment saying, "You are in your eighth season!" and Wendy corrects her saying, "Seventh."   Whoopi says, "Really?" and looks at her blue cards, hahahaha.   When Whoopi asked her if she's still having fun, Wendy said she's having the time of her life and as soon as she's not, she'll leave.   THEN, she added, "I think people know when they see a phony and when the host is not happy, people know it.."  Then Joy made some unfunny crack, "It's kind of like a dog..."   and quickly changed the subject. But not before the camera got a shot of Whoopi.  Paula laughed at the whole thing and so did I.  Ha!


Also, I loved what Paula was wearing today, head to toe (black and while print sleeveless dress with red heels that weren't five inches)   

Edited by Cosmocrush
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I come from a tiny family now.... brother, sister, 2 nieces. I had the show on this morning but was a blubbering mess with joy because a niece had a baby last night.....our first new member of the family in 37 years!


But I rewatched the show later and decided Michelle might have changed a little until she would ban orange people or some such nonsense. And I hope she has now been educated a little about Ali's condition. Sigh.


Candace is not bothering me much.....she has tamed down the religion part of her personality. But I think Joy's question was innocent.


Whoopi really needs to ditch those gray scarfs that go with nothing in her wardrobe.


ETA......should add I have a wonderful SIL, a wonderful step-aunt that is really a friend, and the new mommy has been married for 10 years and had difficulties conceiving. Her husband is terrific. 

Congratulations Great Aunti Maggie!!

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Awwwww, thanks, my friends, on the birth of my Great Niece. I am over the moon because I always wanted my nieces to have a part of our family in addition to their other families......and this baby was so wanted after 10 years of marriage. 


OK......back on topic......will watch the show tomorrow.

Awwwww, thanks, my friends, on the birth of my Great Niece. I am over the moon because I always wanted my nieces to have a part of our family in addition to their other families......and this baby was so wanted after 10 years of marriage. 


OK......back on topic......will watch the show tomorrow.

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I didn't see it......but I did some clips from it today. Very odd......didn't see any gold guild at all, or Baron Trump.


BW is the safest interviewer Trump can talk to. Even Morning Joe told him to answer the question and then went to commercial when this egomaniac insisted on keep talking. 


Sigh. You sure have it good up there in Canada MC. Now it is so important that so many countries are against Trump after his remarks, I mean crap, last night. 

Edited by maggiemae
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The guilty and the shiftess know that Walters will caveal to anything to get the interview.  It never occured to her why people like Castro and Assad were so willing to sit down with her.  Over someone else who might ask real questions.  It was why Ted Kennedy went to her when he needed to redefine himself when he re-entered politics and wanted to put what the public knew and held against him when she was still with NBC way back.  She has never been a good interviewer.  She has been a great way to continue or carefully orchestrate how you get public attention.  She is and always will be the People Magazine Sexiest Man Alive cover of journalism.  Tons pay attention but no one truly redefines their thoughts on the matter.  But thanks to heavy pr and consideration by the subject, it makes money and some people notice that person more.  Plus it creates a false sense of achievement. Walters loves that.  Especially if she can roll around in it like dog with a dead animal's sickeningly fragrant carcass.




I think the eyerolling is worse than just being rude.  All of these women know the cameras are on them.  They do it instead of actualy engaging.  They do it more often than not, in my opinion, as a means to show the audience "look see?  I find that silly" and yet won't open their mouths and say why.  I get on some level they want to not descend into a catfight.  But that shows how thin and sad this show is that disagreements are feared to result in such a screech fest.  And that the hosts not only see that as a possibility but see that as the probability.  It is kind of a safe and in my eye on a show called The View cowardly response.  If a comment needs a response.  Give it.  If you feel it is not important enough to disagree with vocally then courtesy should be the norm.  Not the exception.  And that means letting someone air a view or idea that is other than yours and seeing it simply as such.  Not something that you need to undermine with grimaces and pretending your bowels are rebelling.

Edited by tenativelyyours
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The guilty and the shiftess know that Walters will caveal to anything to get the interview.  It never occured to her why people like Castro and Assad were so willing to sit down with her.  Over someone else who might ask real questions.  It was why Ted Kennedy went to her when he needed to redefine himself when he re-entered politics and wanted to put what the public knew and held against him when she was still with NBC way back.  She has never been a good interviewer.  She has been a great way to continue or carefully orchestrate how you get public attention.  She is and always will be the People Magazine Sexiest Man Alive cover of journalism.  Tons pay attention but no one truly redefines their thoughts on the matter.  But thanks to heavy pr and consideration by the subject, it makes money and some people notice that person more.  Plus it creates a false sense of achievement. Walters loves that.  Especially if she can roll around in it like dog with a dead animal's sickeningly fragrant carcass.


I think you completely nailed this!  Great post.


I also agree about the eye rolling.  When my teenage niece does it (I can hear her do it on the phone, lol) it's because she's a teenage girl.  When these women, and I think Whoopi is the worst offender because she makes a point of looking at the audience and then rolling her eyes, they all look like immature mean girls.  

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Yes, the eye roll is a FU when someone wont answer a question or show you don't agree with their answer. Ridiculously immature and rude.

That said, I figured Joy uses it because there is not enough tv-allotted time to pursue the question. Whoppi uses it to get a cheap laugh and show she thinks her co-hosts' comments are stupid. Haha.

You are right, tentativelytv, why do we keep expecting any intelligence from this show?

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Paula asked Raven if she could touch her YARN dreads, and Whoopie yelled "Don't touch her hair!!!" then "Good God!" I was stunned at that. Raven was wearing a craft project that she made, as she explained, and Paula gets yelled at for asking to touch the YARN, not actual hair??? I can't believe the awful treatment of Paula that Whoopie dishes out daily.


It's ironic to me that in an earlier (endless) discussion of people cutting in line ahead of her,  Whoopie talked about extending courtesy to other people as being important, and then she went on to yell at her co worker, trying to make Paula feel like she committed a crime for asking to touch Raven's head craft felted yarn project.

Edited by Kenz
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Raven with her yarn hair and her birthday bash on the show is not must see television for me tomorrow. The girl is so immature and it will be unwatchable. Kudos to those of you who will subject themselves to it. I will read the reviews tomorrow.


Thanks to all in advance.


Another thing Whoopi and her ugly ass sweater that she thinks is all that just reinforces just how immature she is too. Of course she had to put down Joy for not liking it! Then she told Paula not to touch Raven's hair. Why Paula would want to touch it baffles the hell out of me!

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Not much to say about today's show, but I did like their talk about Trump, although it feels like an everyday conversation about him... I don't think Raven added anything at all today, outside of one Twitter comment she read. I think I'd rather have a Muppet sitting at the table everyday.

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Wow. Whoops didn't need to scream at Paula about Raven's hair Cant Raven speak for herself? Anyway, it reminded me of a friend a few years ago. We used to work together and and were friends, grew apart, then I saw her in the grocery. I had had some thyroid issues at the time and hair loss and I thought OK I'll try   wearing one of those ponytail clip hair pieces She "was all" (as the kids say) LOUDLY ... "IS THAT REAL? LET ME JERK IT!" and she reached up to .. well ....jerk it. I stepped back horrified. I'll take my further horrifying rants to small talk.


Whoopi appreciates courtesy or however she phrased it. WUT? How ironic. Is that irony? I need to look up irony.

Edited by ari333
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When discussing the throw-away bit about men having better senses of direction, Whoopi had to "scold" Paula and CCB for adding, that they themselves, fall into that category (not-so-great senses of direction).  Whoopi had to channel Yoda about being able to do it for yourself, and GPS's will fail and "then what are ya gonna do?"   They can't seem to admit to anything without her stepping-in to tell them they're wrong/deluded.  


She really needs to lecture those two, doesn't she?  It's a little intense.   And it's a pattern….like Paula simply saying she wanted a spa service for Christmas and Whoopi has to make it a sermon about the importance of doing for ones self etc.  


Oh, and nice sweater, you sexy bitch  :)

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Why Paula would want to touch it baffles the hell out of me!



I might like to touch it too.  I like felted wool...the process and the result.  It seemed truly artistic to me and I was happy to see that aspect of Raven's talents.

Edited by Former Nun
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I might like to touch it too.  I like felted wool...the process and the result.  It seemed truly artistic to me and I was happy to see that Raven's talent.


I agree. It was ridiculous of Whoopi to scold Paula, "don't touch her hair!"  Black people don't like white people to touch their hair.  It was not hair, it was a craft project made of felted yarn!  Too bad Paula did not have enough time for a comeback.  Raven did not correct Whoopi either.  Silly.   

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ETA my bad, missed there was another page. duh.

That flew over my head so good call!  I did wonder who WW was talking about and I did notice it got quiet then Joy rambled about the sick dog and everyone hemmed and hawed and we had a "let's move on" moment!  Must be getting hot in the kitchen for WG with Paula throwing a great jab at her being hit on yesterday and now another jab from WW!  Love it!!  Who's up!?  


Could Michelle have looked any more awkward towering behind Candace in the Babyface segment?!  She was so uncomfortable asking her questions too.  Loved Babyface and had to google that song, loved it!

Sick dog?


That would be close to an all-time great shot!

Hope it wasn't a miss.

Edited by NewDigs
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There are a number of youtube videos that give instructions on the yarn / hair technique. I've watched a couple and they are pretty interesting. IIRC, one of the first to do this was an African American clothing designer. I watched the video a couple of months ago. I agree BTW, I thought it looked pretty good on Raven. Then again, I thought it was a nifty idea when I first saw it.

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I had to go out this morning so I missed the show.  Just watched it & I really must say, if I were Paula, I'd have a lawyer watching every friggin show!!  THAT was work-place harassment.  I'm not one for confrontation, but if a third party (The Whoopster) interjected a harsh command to me like that, I'd be telling her not to take that tone with me.  You could tell Paula was taken aback & Raven didn't seem bothered at all.  What a giant bitch!!!

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My cable is back (no thanks to Comcast's help line). I have sound again! The weird thing is, all my shows taped, but it seems that the ones on ABC didn't record with sound, so The View and Jeopardy were basically silent movies. Thank you to everyone here for keeping me in the know. (I probably could have turned on the closed captioning, but that would have required paying close attention, and it didn't sound like I wanted to.)

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Whoopi was in uber lecture mode today. I might have to take a little break from the show. When the guest was talking about the movies, she (the guest) made a comment, "Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, what can I say.? Whoopi said in a very low nasty tone, "Just tell us about it." And she had her head down the entire time just chomping on the popcorn. She seems angry about something. Hopefully, she is on probation.

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When discussing the throw-away bit about men having better senses of direction, Whoopi had to "scold" Paula and CCB for adding, that they themselves, fall into that category (not-so-great senses of direction).  Whoopi had to channel Yoda about being able to do it for yourself, and GPS's will fail and "then what are ya gonna do?"   They can't seem to admit to anything without her stepping-in to tell them they're wrong/deluded.  


She really needs to lecture those two, doesn't she?  It's a little intense.   And it's a pattern….like Paula simply saying she wanted a spa service for Christmas and Whoopi has to make it a sermon about the importance of doing for ones self etc.  


Oh, and nice sweater, you sexy bitch  :)

Hahahaha *snort*   If anyone should be shouting "Good God!" across the table, it should have been Paula having to look at the sweater. 


I missed the show but watched the clip of "men have better direction".   This "study" was also mentioned on CBS This Morning but another co-host added the disclaimer that the entire study was 18 Women and 18 Men. Thirty-six people.  That's it and it's what Whoopi should have mentioned if she wasn't just reading off a teleprompter. 


Whoopi's constant jumping on Paula (and Candace today)  really is becoming a pattern and it seems like it's always about stupid stuff.   How rich that Whoopi would chastise anyone for relying on a GPS when we all know she has a driver. 


Also, I kind of loved Raven's hair/craft project; it's impressive in that she actually did it herself. 


Oh and STFU Whoopi and please, buy a mirror.  

Edited by Cosmocrush
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When discussing the throw-away bit about men having better senses of direction, Whoopi had to "scold" Paula and CCB for adding, that they themselves, fall into that category (not-so-great senses of direction).  Whoopi had to channel Yoda about being able to do it for yourself, and GPS's will fail and "then what are ya gonna do?"   They can't seem to admit to anything without her stepping-in to tell them they're wrong/deluded.  


What is her problem?  I have a terrible sense of direction.   3 men in my family have an amazing internal sense of direction.  Going down a winding dark street in an unfamiliar neighborhood, I get turned around and have no idea which way to go.   My husband and sons  say "we need to go south, so turn left" .   They immediately know, at all times, which direction they are going in - they say they "feel" it.  I ask "how do you know what direction  you're facing?"  and they say "how do YOU NOT know?"  It's like they have a compass in their brains.   If I rely on them for directions, it's not because I'm deferring to men, or not trying hard.   There are some things they are better at - just like they're better at reaching a high cabinet.  Yeah, I can get a step ladder, but if there's a tall guy standing there, I'll ask him .  And if I get lost, and one of the guys is with me, I'll ask them.  

Whoopi can scoff at "research"  if she wants to, but there are differences in male/female brains, on average.   I never heard of Paula's NESW thing, but I often have to figure - face North, West is on the left, because Left and West both have short 'e' sounds.   


Why can Whoopi be DYSLEXIC and that's OK, but other people can't be not good at directions?  

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Why can Whoopi be DYSLEXIC and that's OK, but other people can't be not good at directions?



Any and all of Whoopi's shortcomings and inabilities are quirky and charming and make America* love her more.  These white chicks need to show more respect and it's Whoopi's job to school 'em, y'all!   Good god!


*and the world?

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Hello everyone, I am a new poster but a long time reader of the site.

Not to defend Whoopie, but I think Dyslexia is a structural issue of the brain, a disorder, sort of.

Being directional challenged is a choice, and can be changed through learning skills and tools.  It is not a structural brain issue (disorder).  Paula gave us the example NSEW she uses to orient herself.

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A  tad off subject, but related to Whoopi's ego. Last night on Jeopardy there was an EGOT category and none of the questions referenced Whoopi...What can I say....

The Academy Awards did a retrospective of past hosts a few years ago and surprise, surprise….no Whoopi Goldberg.  Ouch.  


And in that vein, I think the movie reviewer (sorry, forgot her name) who appeared on View yesterday hit a nerve with WG when she praised and professed her love of all things Tina Fey/Amy Poehler.   Yes, Whoopi they are two of the highest profile, and in demand, female comedy writers/actors.  Shouldn't she be proud and happy for their enormous appeal and success?  Oh, wait, never mind. 

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Hello everyone, I am a new poster but a long time reader of the site.

Not to defend Whoopie, but I think Dyslexia is a structural issue of the brain, a disorder, sort of.

Being directional challenged is a choice, and can be changed through learning skills and tools.  It is not a structural brain issue (disorder).  Paula gave us the example NSEW she uses to orient herself.

Welcome jrthin!!!  Always nice to see a new poster jumpin' into the quicksand.  LOL.

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does anyone know why Raven was the only one absent for the Ron Howard "interview"?  Maybe she had to go wash off Paula's cooties? (Not that she would have contributed much except to remind RH that they were both former child stars...)

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  Pigs must be flying somewhere because I actually agreed with Whoopi and CCB for putting Donald Trump on blast for his suggestion to ban foreign Muslims from entering the U.S. because of the recent terrorist attacks here & abroad, which is outrageous, to say the least. Like I always say, "I'm no fan of political correctness, but I know ignorance when I hear it." Not only do I find Trump's suggestion, cruel, wrong and batshit crazy, it's also against the Constitution. Like CCB said, if the Government targets mosques, then it's just a matter of time before they go after churches & synagogues. Even worse was Trump's interview with Barbara Walters, in which he not only claims that he's not a bigot, he said that "some of his best friends are Muslims," which IMO is bullshit because that's what bigots always say when they insult a minority. If Trump truly had Muslim friends, he wouldn't have said that in the first place-at least, not in public.


  Then again, this is Donald Trump, who has a terminal case of diarrhea of the mouth, whether it's Mexicans, John McCain's POW status, women's looks, the terror attacks in Paris or now terrorism in San Bernadino. When "Christian" terrorists attack schools, churches, movie theaters & women's health clinics among other places, Trump never demanded a public ban on letting foreign Christians into the U.S. What's really funny, however, is the Republicans' finally disavowing Trump, as if they didn't create the monster in the first place & Trump's tantrums at most of the media after the story broke. If Trump can't handle the likes of Megyn Kelly or George Stephanopolus, then how can he deal with Putin or ISIS? Heaven willing, we'll never find out.


  Re Wendy Williams' throwing shade at Whoopi, she didn't say nothing that I didn't already know.

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If there is a ban on Muslims, wouldn't people just pretend not to be Muslims? I don't get it, but Trump really sounded like more of a moron than usual; and he IS big ole bigot. If not, I'll eat your hat. .


I felt embarrassment for Raven wearing that --- whatever that was. I'm all for funky and edgy on younger folks, but that was just awful imo. That white trail thing looked like the pull device that you dry your hands on in that rotator towel contraption at a gas station bathroom.


Did Joy get a whole hour for her Bday? I know Whoopi did.


Get off my lawn kids! And pull your damn pants up! :)

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