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"The View": Week of 12/07/15

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I've seen mention of this before when the topic comes up but I still don't get it.  If she wanted it gone she could just colour over it, no?  And assuming that she colours her hair, which, given her age, I am sure she must, she must purposely have her colourist leave that one grey streak as-is.  I don't like it or get the point of it but whatever, I don't like her much period, lol.  


Stacey's streak is a pigment deficiency, and they are notoriously difficult to color.  IF it can be colored over, it usually results in an "off" shade and is very temporary, lasting only to the next washing, if that long.  There's really not much she can do about it except learn to love it as it is.


ari333 said:

I don't want any POTUS to telegraph to the enemy what our plans are unless it is a deliberate misleading ploy. I also don't want any POTUS, current or future, to appear rattled or "emotional" (=CCB). In televised speeches POTUS should treat the enemy like they are not a big deal ....even if they totally ARE - don't let them know that.

THIS!  I have to trust that President Obama is more privy and more informed on these terrorist matters than any of us could possibly imagine, and that he is handling his dispensation of information to the public in the most advantageous manner for the nation's overall security.  Why anyone would want this job is beyond me, and I wish him the wisdom he needs to make the right decisions and the fortitude to stand his ground against his detractors. 

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On the same page, Whoopi was INSANE in her response to CCB's and Paula's criticisms of the President's speech. Another example of her losing her mind when someone dares to disagree with her. She is out of control. I am growing to dislike her extremely intensely. This is coming from someone who shares her admiration of Obama, but can't stand her bullying and irrationality when he is criticized. Or when anything she likes is criticized, or when an opinion of hers is not shared.


Whenever Whoopi responded, CCB would give Paula the side-eye with a smirk and Paula would just smile back.  Methinks those two gossip about Whoopi behind her back.  Maybe they are plotting how to best take her down.  Fingers crossed.  Then maybe Paula and Joy can take CCB down.

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Stacey's streak is a pigment deficiency, and they are notoriously difficult to color.



I was extremely stressed out as a teenager and developed chronic ulcers on my scalp from the tension. Wherever I got a persistent ulcer, my dark brown hair grew out pure white/silver. (An interesting look for a 16-year-old.) So I just kind of embraced it and used temporary stuff to streak different colors all over my hair. When I got older and had to enter the job market, I got layered haircuts and tried to cut the silver streaks shorter than the hair surrounding it. Now that I'm older, the rest of my hair has "caught up" to the streaks and it's not as noticeable, but I completely validate what you said about being difficult to color. It was like I had teflon-coated silver coming out of my head at random places.

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I remember when Whoopi was sick and paula wad moderstor..it seemed like she got some good response as moderator..which probably didn't sit well with whoopi. Hence why Whoopi has come to work even thought there were a few occasions she didn't sound very well.

Me thinks her I'm dislike of paula is due to replacing nicole, not being intimidated by her like the others (including Rosie o..a bully herself) and being decent with her talking points.

I have noticed CCB has improved some since starting..and hearing she goes to paula for advice makes sense. I don't always agree with her viewpoint, but she seems like a somewhat softer Bitsy..imho

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It is interesting that Joy is the only mod that can fill in for Whoopi and WG takes it in stride. She had a fit when RO did when she was out for her back, and Paula when she was out for her brothers death. 

Whoopie owes her job to Joy.  

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Dear, Dear, Dear Cameron and Paula,


I know you expect our President to present a passionate front and you're disappointed by his intelligent and calm demeanor.  Take yourselves to YouTube where you can watch a number of videos of a passionate leader--the epitome!   Adolf Hitler!

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Man, this panel drives me nuts. I personally don't WANT a President who freaks out, I want someone better than me. Someone who talks calmly with common sense to keep me from freaking out. CCB has said before that she wants Obama to show passion. I totally disagree. I want him to be the Calmer-in-Chief. And Candace, how he says something isn't important, it's what he does that matters. Does she not remember that the U.S. invaded the WRONG FREAKING COUNTRY and totally destabilized it a few minutes after 9/11 happened? That's what happens when Presidents act "with passion." Give me cool, calm and collected any day.


On the same page, Whoopi was INSANE in her response to CCB's and Paula's criticisms of the President's speech. Another example of her losing her mind when someone dares to disagree with her. She is out of control. I am growing to dislike her extremely intensely. This is coming from someone who shares her admiration of Obama, but can't stand her bullying and irrationality when he is criticized. Or when anything she likes is criticized, or when an opinion of hers is not shared.


Joy being gone somehow makes Whoopi act crazier than usual. "Joy-less" is coming to mean "joyless" for me!


CCB is married to a Russian, so I believe she is pronouncing Maksim as he does.

ChicagoCita, I am jumping in this post's lap and hugging it.  While CCB and Paula were shadow boxing with their criticism of the Prez speech, Whoopi did the worst thing ever by shutting them down.  Notice the look between the two of them at the end.  How about this, Whoopi the moderator...let everyone speak and let the audience and viewers decide.  This is not your Star Trek character where you are the wise sage and weigh in on everything.

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Dear, Dear, Dear Cameron and Paula,


I know you expect our President to present a passionate front and you're disappointed by his intelligent and calm demeanor.  Take yourselves to YouTube where you can watch a number of videos of a passionate leader--the epitome!   Adolf Hitler!

Good one, Former Nun. Nobody could fire up a crowd like Hitler! Trump and Cruz have probably analyzed his films to mimic his tactics of  promoting fear and hate to bind this great country together. 

Edited by Kenz
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While CCB and Paula were shadow boxing with their criticism of the Prez speech, Whoopi did the worst thing ever by shutting them down.  Notice the look between the two of them at the end.


I noticed how CCB looks over to Paula often with a smirk on her face, as if they have a private joke about these foolish liberals.  It's very rude.

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Dear, Dear, Dear Cameron and Paula,


I know you expect our President to present a passionate front and you're disappointed by his intelligent and calm demeanor.  Take yourselves to YouTube where you can watch a number of videos of a passionate leader--the epitome!   Adolf Hitler!

Gee, and I was thinking Donald Trump!  

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Paula & CCB need to have several seats. I'm glad that this country still has a President who, to paraphrase the old Secret commercial, "never lets them see him sweat," especially at times like this.  Now more than ever, we need a President who appeals to the best in us, not panders to the worst. 

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Paula & CCB need to have several seats. I'm glad that this country still has a President who, to paraphrase the old Secret commercial, "never lets them see him sweat," especially at times like this.  Now more than ever, we need a President who appeals to the best in us, not panders to the worst. 



And even if there are POTUS  terms with presidents with whom I disagree, I still respect the office - especially when other countries are trying to take us down.

CCB and Paula likely would have bitched about it whatever Obama said. It would have been wrong no matter what.


Also, showing fear is an automatic win for the enemy. They will stand around and high five each other. So we mourn and pay our respects to our dead, hope to heal our wounded and otherwise -- show. no. fear. PERIOD. It was mentioned in the show's clips that some neighbor of the terrorists saw something weird and did not report it. I don't know the answer, but I will say that if I ever see something fishy I will WILL call it in. Better safe than sorry. Innocent people will not likely be irreparably offended if LE knocks on their door and it may save lives. People see things and should say so. That's one good defense; It  is not expensive and totally doable.


Paula got in a great dig at Whoopi about (not) being hit on and she immediately feigned backtracking, "People would be too intimidated!" You cant unring the bell or untoast the toast hee. . Brill!


Huckabee, "We have the right to bear FARMS." OK. then. At least his firearms (farms) pronunciation is not as  cringeworthy as WBush's "Nuc-U-ler. NO ONE could take him aside and correct that ....as leader of the free world? It was embarrassing. And while I'm bitching, Obama drives me nuts when he uses the article "a" in front of a word with a vowel.... "a ...otherwise"  "a ....awful" [/rant]

Edited by ari333
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NeNe was on WWHL with Andy Cohen.  (Just for the record, I despise Nene).  Andy asked her what was up with how the ladies on The View treated her.  She said Joy was definitely throwing shade and Raven was downright rude and looked her up and down.  She said she was invited to come on the show and was asked to bring pictures of her house and promote the show she is in (Chicago).  I have to agree a little bit with NeNe (argh, choke).  Maybe this is why they can't get good guests.  They invite a guest, and if they don't like them or agree with, they are rude to them.  As professionals, they should be above that.  I remember once when Oprah interviewed a child molester, you could tell she was horrified, but she treated the man in a professional manner.

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I noticed how CCB looks over to Paula often with a smirk on her face, as if they have a private joke about these foolish liberals. It's very rude.

Agree...and it's rude how joy eye rolls when either ccb or paula speak as if to say how stupid and uninformed conservatives are.

Both sides do it on the panel.

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An eyeroll is a sign of contempt; so I don't like it just on principle. I also hate that slight head shake with the smirk. CONTEMPT.

Holy shit on a cracker I CANNOT believe I agreed with CCB when she said if the govt shuts down Muslims they can shut down other religions.... or whatever she said. 


I truly loathe Trump and on a shallow note I hate his face.


I don't know the diff between the regular Christian and Evangelical. Anyone?


Also, I didnt' like the panel or some of them laughing at Ali's facial expression in the photo with Trump. He has Parkinson disease.


I wish Whoopi would keep her gas updates to herself. It is not cute or funny.


I thought assault rifles were banned in the U.S around early to mid 1990s. Am I misremembering or did it happen and later get overturned? OK Joy said 2004 the ban changed. Im a little confused on the years. But really what is the need for them? I don't know so very many hunters, but I know of none, zero, who use assault rifles for hunting.

Whoever names their kid, "Saint" should be taken out back and flogged.

We have a neighbor who has a son named, "GiftFromGod," I kid you not. And the other kids are named Jim and Susan

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There was an assault weapons ban during the Clinton administration that expired after, I believe, 10 years. It expired and Congress chose not to extend it. There is currently no assault weapons ban.




I'll take any further comments to small talk thread, but now I wonder how many shootings with assault weapons happened during the ban period.

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I don't know the diff between the regular Christian and Evangelical. Anyone?



ari33, there shouldn't be a difference.  Originally, Christians were believers who followed the teachings of Christ.  Now there's nothing but disrespect from one religion to another and some Higher Power has decided to parse the various denominations.  Catholics are Christians...but somehow Evangelicals preach that they aren't.  Mormons (LDS) are Christians, but many "Christians" think they know better.  Protestants are Christians.  Baptists are Christians.  Pentecostals are Christians.  Now there are "evangelicals" across all of the religions, so there may not be a decisive answer to your question.  

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Then maybe Paula and Joy can take CCB down.



Why would Paula take her buddy down?


I noticed how CCB looks over to Paula often with a smirk on her face, as if they have a private joke about these foolish liberals.  It's very rude.



Religious arrogance at its very best!


Agree...and it's rude how joy eye rolls when either ccb or paula speak as if to say how stupid and uninformed conservatives are.



I remember when that happened, it was right after CCB and PF said they believed in Adam & Eve and Noah's Ark.  And to be specific, the eyerolls (which aren't polite!) weren't about stupid and uninformed conservatives, it was about stupid and uninformed religious fundamentalists.

Edited by sugarbaker design
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Thanks, Formernun.  I thought  Christians were generally just those who follow the teachings of Christ?  (I was raised Catholic --school and everything).  I think the differences/rules are made up by the pastors/ministers/leaders of whatever "church" they have set up and lead. I had a friend in the 80's who would visit all different kinds of churches (I think mostly protestant, but who knows),  just for her own edification. Then the church she chose split apart cuz of arguments between the pastor and board of advisors.  


It boggles the mind how "religious/spiritual" folk are so hateful.  


I thought it was VERY PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE the way Candace would not answer Joy's question, about if she was evangelical.  Like it's a big deal--so what, who cares?  Let's go look at Stamos' butt.

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Agree...and it's rude how joy eye rolls when either ccb or paula speak as if to say how stupid and uninformed conservatives are.

Both sides do it on the panel.

I really dislike that this panel is seen as "two sides", liberal and conservative, instead of individuals, each with her own opinions.   I'm not saying you see it that way, but more that it's the way The View has changed.  It's like the difference between a discussion and a debate.   In a debate, you are obligated to refute the "other side", whereas in a discussion, you can find common ground.  It's what I dislike about how the show has evolved over time.  It's less genuine, because the women on there now are compelled to take a stand on every issue which falls in line with their own conservative or liberal label.   I am definitely liberal, but I don't blindly choose the "liberal"  side of every single issue.  I use my head and my heart and am generally open to hearing information about an issue before deciding.  And I don't feel compelled to be strongly PRO or CON on every single issue.  

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We have a neighbor who has a son named, "GiftFromGod," I kid you not. And the other kids are named Jim and Susan.


Hah! This made me laugh (especially the juxtaposition with Jim and Susan). There are a *lot* of names that mean "Gift from God" which makes it even more hilarious to me. John, Jonathan, Ian, Matthew, Micah, Michael, Nathaniel, Sean, Simon, Theodore, even Zebidiah. I mean, there are literally a shit-ton of names that mean that. Poor kid.


I don't know the diff between the regular Christian and Evangelical. Anyone?

Technically, evangelical means sharing the good news about Christ to all who will listen. Technically, it's something all Christians are told to do. As someone who does not do well with being hard-sold or proselytized to, I don't do it (although I'm happy to talk about it if asked). I think the Christians who do evangelize tend to be more literal and fundamentalist in their Christianity, so there's an overlap with people who are conservative in their politics and social values. Unfortunately, the two traits tend to get intertwined and that's where you get the "God, Guns and Country" mentality. Just my opinion, but I can't think either God or the Founding Fathers look kindly on that.


I accidentally sat on the universal remote last night and now my TV has no sound. (It's not the mute button.) Whatever combination of buttons got butt-pressed has rendered my TV viewing impossible. So I'm depending on y'all to get me through until it's fixed!

Edited by ChicagoCita
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I accidentally sat on the universal remote last night and now my TV has no sound. (It's not the mute button.) Whatever combination of buttons got butt-pressed has rendered my TV viewing impossible. So I'm depending on y'all to get me through until it's fixed!

 A gift  from God regarding this show, perhaps?


(If you have a "menu" button on your remote, perhaps you can get into the settings and correct it?)

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I really dislike that this panel is seen as "two sides", liberal and conservative, instead of individuals, each with her own opinions.



I'm 75 and when I was in my early 40s I ran around with two divorced mothers--my age, similar circumstances.  We had a great time...did lots of stuff, helped each other.  I gave a baby shower for one of their daughters.  We truly had NO care what political or religious beliefs each other held.  It's quite different today.  Online both of them are very vocally conservative--almost to the point of rudeness.  I had no idea.   When did all this American devisiveness start?

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Good for Wendy Williams for losing 50 lbs, but when I lose weight I lose it all over my body including my breasts. She has that stick body with huge melons look .  This sounds bitchier than I intended. But Im trying to make a point. 

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Good for Wendy Williams for losing 50 lbs, but when I lose weight I lose it all over my body including my breasts. She has that stick body with huge melons look .  This sounds bitchier than I intended. But Im trying to make a point. 

I think she had a boob job several years ago.  Just sayin'.

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I think she had a boob job several years ago.  Just sayin'.


Thanks OK

No judgment then.

And if she gets outta the shower, looks in the mirror and likes what she sees at 49..  big ole kudos! 

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I think she had a boob job several years ago.  Just sayin'.


She has had those for 20 years.  She mentions that often!  

 A gift  from God regarding this show, perhaps?


(If you have a "menu" button on your remote, perhaps you can get into the settings and correct it?)



Yes you can do it. Check input first and get that on cable or satellite, then go to settings if that does not fix it,  and see if anything is askew there.  All providers have a tech line for help too.  I sit on mine with great regularity, every time swearing NOT to leave it on the bed.  I have an intimate relationship with DIRECTV tech help.  

Edited by wings707
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I remember when that happened, it was right after CCB and PF said they believed in Adam & Eve and Noah's Ark. And to be specific, the eyerolls (which aren't polite!) weren't about stupid and uninformed conservatives, it was about stupid and uninformed religious fundamentalists.

Even so, still not right.

I like all of them..even raven. And there have been a few times CCB has expressed views not in line with religious fantatics...as well as paula.

I think Michelle, when she isn't joking, comes across more balanced..and I wish she'd stop trying to insert a joke and just express her view since she does have some interesting insights.

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I accidentally sat on the universal remote last night and now my TV has no sound.


Try hitting the "Input" button - it's usually located on the bottom row, left.  Hopefully that'll get you back in business, ChicagoCita.

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I would much prefer we have a compassionate POTUS (like we do) than a passionate one demanding killing, boots on ground and bombing "the shit out of them."


The Conservatives change their wording depending on their front runner.  Right now it's "passionate" spitting and screaming Trump, so Obama isn't passionate enough.  If Carson takes the lead (a man so lacking in passion that he's almost comatose), Obama will be an out of control radical black man. 


Huckabee, "We have the right to bear FARMS." OK. then. At least his firearms (farms) pronunciation is not as  cringeworthy as WBush's "Nuc-U-ler. NO ONE could take him aside and correct that ....as leader of the free world? It was embarrassing. And while I'm bitching, Obama drives me nuts when he uses the article "a" in front of a word with a vowel.... "a ...otherwise"  "a ....awful" [/rant]


I hated how W pronounced "terror" as if it was Scarlett O'Hara's plantation.  I try to make allowances for people who haven't been fortunate enough to have a good education.  But W was the product of two Eastern elitists, and went to the best schools money can buy.  Ugh!


Obama's use of "a" in front of the words has always been part of his speaking style.  It's not really "a", but "uh....".  It's preferable to the common "um....." that people use, IMO.


And I will add - I despise Huckabee and his ilk.  When he used the words "holiday party", I jumped up and screamed - "He hates Jesus!  He's in league with the war on Christmas!".  Couldn't help myself.


I don't know the diff between the regular Christian and Evangelical. Anyone?


Evangelicals tend to be born-again Christians.  They don't believe in original sin or earning one's way to heaven through good works.  They believe that any sinner will receive forgiveness if they atone - which is the only way to attain heaven.  They stress the concept of Jesus dying on the cross for their sins, which is why there is no original sin.  Children are not baptized until a certain age (age of consent varies), and then baptized with full immersion (as Jesus was).  Typically one is "saved" and then a baptism ceremony is performed. 


Evangelicals also tend to be Fundamentalists.  To them, the bible is not full of allegories and symbolism.  They interpret the bible literally.  Jonah was swallowed by a great fish, Noah really did have an ark, Jesus did cast out demons and turn water into wine.  This can make it difficult for them to accept science, and they tend to disbelieve evolution.  Depending on the church, you may find people speaking in tongues and laying on of hands.

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Obama's use of "a" in front of the words has always been part of his speaking style.  It's not really "a", but "uh....".  It's preferable to the common "um....." that people use, IMO.


He also says "ta" for "to", which for some reason drives me a little nutty.

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Why would Paula take her buddy down?




Religious arrogance at its very best!




I remember when that happened, it was right after CCB and PF said they believed in Adam & Eve and Noah's Ark.  And to be specific, the eyerolls (which aren't polite!) weren't about stupid and uninformed conservatives, it was about stupid and uninformed religious fundamentalists.


Stop. No. Really?  One guy built a wooden boat without power tools and crew?  That is enough but he then put 8.74 million species in duplicate (17.4 total) on said boat?  I have no words.  Well, yes I do.  Get them off this show.  That is just plain ignorance and crazy talk.  . 


I forgot to mention food for all the different diets and water!  

Edited by wings707
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Heads up for those interested!!  Rachel Maddow will be on Lawrence O'Donnell's show tonight to further discuss their theory that The Trumpster is trying to get himself disqualified because he really doesn't want to be President & is only doing this for the attention.

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Heads up for those interested!!  Rachel Maddow will be on Lawrence O'Donnell's show tonight to further discuss their theory that The Trumpster is trying to get himself disqualified because he really doesn't want to be President & is only doing this for the attention.


This is certainly a theory that I've wondered about, but Ivanka has sold her soul and lost all credibility (IMO) to prop up her father.  Maybe he didn't fill her in?

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This is certainly a theory that I've wondered about, but Ivanka has sold her soul and lost all credibility (IMO) to prop up her father.  Maybe he didn't fill her in?



There may be a simultaneous truth here.  He is seriously running but at the same time is not holding back on things that could disqualify himself because he sees value in both avenues.  

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I am always surprised when Cameron can't really express her religious beliefs when she is questioned. She always looks like a deer in headlights especically when Joy asks her to explain something that was said. I found this link where Cameron explains her religious beliefs. Since I was raised a Baptist, I find her religious tenets sort of "new age" Christian (if that is a thing?).



The thing that struck me the most is she says that she had broken all 10 commandments. I assume that means adultrey and murder? Probably not.

Although she is definitely not fundamentalist. The short skirts, wine drinking and dancing rule that out.

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Wendy basically calling out Whoopi as a host who hates her job was masterfully low key shade. They even had a quick close up of her reaction once Joy tried to awkwardly interject about how it's like having a sick dog.


That flew over my head so good call!  I did wonder who WW was talking about and I did notice it got quiet then Joy rambled about the sick dog and everyone hemmed and hawed and we had a "let's move on" moment!  Must be getting hot in the kitchen for WG with Paula throwing a great jab at her being hit on yesterday and now another jab from WW!  Love it!!  Who's up!?  


Could Michelle have looked any more awkward towering behind Candace in the Babyface segment?!  She was so uncomfortable asking her questions too.  Loved Babyface and had to google that song, loved it!

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Wendy basically calling out Whoopi as a host who hates her job was masterfully low key shade. They even had a quick close up of her reaction once Joy tried to awkwardly interject about how it's like having a sick dog.

Thanks geekburger, I thought I misunderstood what she was saying, but you're right, low key shade (at it's finest).


Also, our Mayor here in Calgary, Naheed Nenshi who was voted #1 Canadian Mayor, is Muslim &, in response to Donald Trump's remarks said:  "I would like to see Mr. Trump tell my Mum & Sister they can't go to Hawaii in February!"


ETA:  Not to brag, but ...

Nenshi was ranked second most important person in Canada, next to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, by Maclean's magazine 50 top Canadians list for 2013.[8]

Nenshi was awarded the 'World Mayor' prize in 2014 by the City Mayors Foundation. He became the first Canadian mayor to win this award.[9]

Edited by Medicine Crow
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