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Season 13 Last Chance Kitchen


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If Jason makes his way back into the main competition, I hope he can keep up this level of enjoyment in cooking and also this level of personality. He's so much more likable on LCK. 


I still love Kwame, but I'm not disappointed Jason beat him out. I like this streak he is on. Tom is so fun on LCK too, it's amazing! 


At what point does LCK end and whoever is left standing goes back to the main competition?

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Tom said he had to beat two more so the top 3 will become a top 4 when he rejoins.

I love both migas and egg bhurji so I would have loved to try both. I think Kwame did it for the sake of presentation but I wish he had cooked the eggs with the tomato, onion and spices as it is traditionally done rather than just adding the eggs on top at the end, one of the things that makes it so delicious is the eggs get infused with all the flavors.

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I thought this challenge was pretty stupid. Neither of them did any "flair" while cooking. They should have been given time to practice some showmanship things without any knowledge of the foods they would use. I wanted Karen to win. I have been to Bennihana. The worst food for $90 ever. Did not enjoy it at all. Rice was dry and I did not like being forced to be at a table with other people and have to talk to them. Hated it. 

I love your avatar :)

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But remember, when Benihana started, there wasn't even PF Chang, and even the much more well-known chinese food was stil at the pupu platter and chop suey stage in most of the country. It took some showmanship for them to be able to sell japanese food to America, where the only thing most people knew about Japan was that we fought a war with them, they were making better cars than we were, and someone from there was real unpopular with Beatles fans. It's a little dated now, but Rocky Aoki was a smart man.

Heh. Growing up in Southern California, I'd known Japanese food since the 50s, so Benihana to me was exactly what it seems to be -- a tepid version of one tiny aspect of Japanese cuisine. And I agree, it's not even all that great teppanyaki.


But, hell yeah -- Wagyu beef!

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This really must be the nicest/most fun group of chefs ever, and I think a lot of that is coming out in Tom on LCK. I feel like in past seasons, I hated him more than ever on LCK because it felt like he was just picking favorites, and this season, you can really see his reaction to each dish and he just seems to be having a great time. 

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I just want to say I hate the way the bravo tv app is set up. The screenshot for the latest episode of LCK is right next the screenshot for the latest episode of TC so it spoils who is eliminated before I even click. App design fail.


I'm not quite sure what you are referring to. Do you mean the "normal page view" of the Bravo TopChef website when one looks at it? (http://www.bravotv.com/top-chef) If so I see nothing "spoilery" about it. If you are referring to an iOS (iPhone) or other mobile device then I don't see what you are seeing - perhaps you could elaborate on this.


In any case, I am glad Jason made it through. His migas dish looked wonderful. Perhaps he may well make it back into the finale. Kwame's eggs bhurji REALLY should have had the eggs fried WTH the other components.

I feel so vindicated! I actually liked Jason during the regular competition, and empathized with him. I'm an introvert too, and it seemed to me that he was actually surprised at himself and his own reactions during the competition. I definitely believed that he could be a fun, funny person around those he trusts, so when he was competing and expressing real dismay and surprise at his feelings of disconnection, I felt bad for him.


So it's been great to see him do so well on LCK. He's consistently kind, funny, and not afraid to be the total weirdo that he is (and I mean that in the best way), and I love that about Jason. I also think his socks may be his superpower.


I think Grayson and Tom had friendly interactions because she did an entire season with him already, and a difficult unpopular season at that.  If he didn't like her and respect her abilities he wouldn't have wanted her to come back in the first place.  Having said that she seemed pissed off throughout her tenure on this season, which was odd, but again we don't know all the whatevers here.


In general one of the things I enjoy about LCK is that Tom seems to have a friendly humorous attitude towards all of the chefs, which they seem to share, both towards him and towards each other. Plus,  the focus is actually on the cooking itself, which sometimes seems to get skipped over a bit on the show itself. 


I agree. It didn't hurt that Grayson was one of the few shining lights of the Texas season, which was so dour and nasty overall. She was one of the few who was consistently funny, kind, and supportive, and she didn't join in with all the awful Mean Girl behavior either. The cheftestants and judges have talked about the fact that they get comfortable with Tom, Padma, and especially Gail because after TC they see each other around the food circuit on a casual basis as well. I think Tom can genuinely like Grayson and get a kick out of her without finding anything unprofessional in it at all on either side.


It reminded me of that 1 season of Masterchef sponsored by Walmart.  Gordon Ramsey could. not. stop praising how juicy those steaks they got from Walmart


Right! Those STUNNING! BEAUTIFUL! JUICY! steaks! (hee!)


Last Chance Kitchen is just so much better than the main show. It shows all the stuff you want to see, while Top Chef cuts all that out and replaces it with stupid filler.

An Tom really lights up, while in the main show he's usually pretty dour. What's up with that? Does he just not enjoy being around Padma and the other judges or something? Long shooting hours making him grumpy and tired? Bored with the gimmicks?


I so agree. I absolutely love LCK this season and think it's been the most fun and enjoyable run of LCK in the history of the show. Everyone is just palpably having SO MUCH FUN, and you can see it and feel it. Even though everyone's taking each challenge seriously, there's so much joy and humor in it, and I love watching the peanut gallery of chefs cheering each other on.


My favorite little moment of the last LCK was Tom breaking out the sake, everyone having  a shot, and then Tom sending them back in for another bottle! It was just kind of adorable.


I'm even enjoying how grumpy Philip looks, because to me it's like he's secretly having fun, but he's like a little kid who thinks he's supposed to be above the fray (bless his little heart), and of course he's probably still nursing some residual defensiveness over his recent trouncing.


It's amazing how demeanor can so dramatically change someone's attractiveness.  Now that Jason is more relaxed, happy, and feels accomplished, he is actually pretty handsome.  I would not have said so previously.


I think Jason's adorkable, and especially now that he's letting so much of his personality shine through. And best of all, he's found that sense of joy he was lacking on the main show. It's so great to watch him having an absolute blast as he decimates the competition. I am rooting so hard for him to win through to the comeback spot. But even if he doesn't, he can really be proud of his performance here.


I wish Top Chef (Main) showcased more of the personalities like LCK does. The main show seems positively cold and sterile compared to the warmth and goofy charm of LCK this season. I could watch 40 minutes of expanded LCK episodes in which the chefs joke with each other and do goofy competitions and race (or prance) around frantically. Good times. (And of course, in which Tom tries to act paternal and professional but ends up cracking up because it's all so darned cute and enjoyable.)

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I also love LCK for all the reasons you guys have said (Tom's ease, the camaraderie, the joy, Jason emerging like a strange butterfly from a cocoon). 


I guess all the eliminated chefs (including the "reigning champion of Last Chance Kitchen") are sequestered somewhere together, right? They really seem to be having a great time and enjoying each other a lot.  And even though I know the peanut gallery is prompted by the producers to call things out like "Whatcha making, Jason?"  "Hey what's burning?!"  their involvement is a lot of fun to watch.

Y'all have crystallized why I'm actually enjoying this season of LCK so much more than in past seasons (other than it actually plays without interruption on the Bravo site...I swear Bravo's site never had enough capacity until about mid '15).  The contestants and Tom just seem to be having fun and are in a happy space.  But it made me think about Tom coming around to see what the LCK contestants are cooking...to their frustration sometimes, though they laugh off his interruption.  Remember when he used to do that mid challenge on the main show?  It was like Tim Gunn's mid design check in, which still exists on PR, but Tom's mid challenge check in has gone away.  I wonder why and miss it.


Laughed at the last challenge...it was like Tom was playing an iteration of "Name that Tune" and the guys didn't get it: "I can cook that fish in 15 minutes!" "I can cook that fish in 14 minutes!"  Maybe they didn't want to get it, so they could max out the time.  Either way, I kinda hope Amar gets back into the game because I have a weird affinity for him and think he got hosed on that damn toast QF.  Though Carl's okay too...it's just I couldn't remember him until about half way into the competition.

Wow.  The one coming back in is about salt.  Someone was a little stingy with the salt.  Since Amar pan roasted his fish in butter he may have the correct amount unless he used unsalted butter which is likely.  He also used mirin and capers which contain salt.  Carl grilled his fish and made an apricot chutney.  This is not looking good for Carl.  Damn, he is one of my favorites with Marjorie.  

Very disappointed Jason didn't make it all the way through back into the main show.  He might not become Top Chef in the end but I was really pulling for him to do what Louis Maldonado did** back in season 11.


** Eight straight wins in LCK, back into the finale. Alas, the wind at that stupid al fresco cook-off did him in (IMO).

I just watched, and I could swear that after he tasted Amar's dish, Carl turned to him and said to him, quietly, something like "wow, salty."


But of course we know Tom likes salt.



Thank you for this!  I now have hope that Carl will be back.  Nothing against Amar, I have just had a soft spot for Carl from the beginning.  If Anwar comes back, I will be fine with that.  

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YES!  Carl laughed and said a little salty!  Yeah, Carl may come back!  Usually Tom tells them to taste the others dish at the end.  He told Amar, taste that right after he had his bite.  Another clue it is too salty.


I think they included that just to eff with us. They wouldn't actually telegraph the outcome so clearly, would they? Carl making the salty comment jumped right out at me, and then when Tom directly called out salt before naming the winner? I'm going with reverse psychology here and thinking Amar takes it.

Tom told both of them to taste their dishes.



Yes but usually after he has tasted both.  


I think they included that just to eff with us. They wouldn't actually telegraph the outcome so clearly, would they? Carl making the salty comment jumped right out at me, and then when Tom directly called out salt before naming the winner? I'm going with reverse psychology here and thinking Amar takes it.



I think you may be correct!   Good editing department if so.  

They are definitely playing with us, the preview in the Spoilers/Predictions thread definitely shows Amar cooking in Las Vegas.  Too bad, I liked Carl.


Although couldn't that be a sous chef situation?  I know they already had people come back to help with mini restaurants, but it happens so often in the finale that it might be here too (I didn't catch that scene and not going to a spoiler thread, so I don't know if it was clear that he was cooking for himself or not).

Although couldn't that be a sous chef situation?  I know they already had people come back to help with mini restaurants, but it happens so often in the finale that it might be here too (I didn't catch that scene and not going to a spoiler thread, so I don't know if it was clear that he was cooking for himself or not).

If you view the Season Trailer in the Spoilers/Predictions thread it appears clear that Amar returns to Las Vegas as one of the four finalists, and not as a sous chef, as he is standing prominently behind the serving station as the food is being presented, and is quoted in a talking head about the pressure.  Carl, supposedly viewed by another poster running around in the background of Las Vegas, is most likely the one returning to Las Vegas as a sous chef to one of the finalists. 


The week-to-week previews are more often edited to throw viewers off (as compared to the Season Trailer), so it makes sense that a focus on Carl noting the salt in Amar's dish, and Tom citing salt as a deciding factor, was intended to throw the viewer off the fact that the issue is with the salt in Carl's dish. 


From a "fairness" point of view, the decision to have Amar return as one of the four finalists makes sense as well.  Amar was sent packing over toast and a sudden-death quickfire challenge under enormous time pressure.  Carl essentially already had his shot at being one of the four finalists, with plenty of time to conceive and prepare his best culinary effort in a regular challenge, and he lost fair-and-square. 


It really is too bad that Carl chose to prepare a days-long, time-intensive dish, when if he had cooked literally any other dish in his repertoire, he would most likely have made it into the finals, given Isaac's and Marjorie's weaknesses with their own dishes.  The decision to prepare a dish that one does not have nearly enough time to make is really a "stupid" mistake to have made so late in the game, right up there with Kwame's decision to use store-bought elements as a critical part of his dish.  Carl was right in his self-assessment, he allowed his ego or hubris to affect his decision-making.  Sometimes it really is go big AND go home.

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Very disappointed Jason didn't make it all the way through back into the main show.  He might not become Top Chef in the end but I was really pulling for him to do what Louis Maldonado did** back in season 11.


** Eight straight wins in LCK, back into the finale. Alas, the wind at that stupid al fresco cook-off did him in (IMO).

I've just been watching through LCK as a prep for tonight's show and I was also disappointed that Jason didn't make it. Although, as soon as Tom said in his introduction that he had been outvoted on eliminating both Amar and Carl, I knew that Jason would have to be super-perfect to beat them. Not that Tom is biased, and wouldn't have eliminated either Amar or Carl if they had really made a mistake, but he is human and I think that circumstance set the bar extra high for Jason. He sounded accepting and positive in his exit interview, though, and I hope he has found his mojo as a chef again.

Jason got a lot of exposure that will help him.  Had he not won so many in a row I never would have learned of his wacky and adorable quirks!  I didn't like him until LCK.  And I don't think that would have come out if he had remained in the competition.  He was clearly not happy there. 

Edited by wings707
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I just watched, and I could swear that after he tasted Amar's dish, Carl turned to him and said to him, quietly, something like "wow, salty."


But of course we know Tom likes salt.



......aaand Amar wins.

More corroboration that Colicchio & Co needs salt, salt, and yet more salt in their food. 

Edited by chiaros
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