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All Episodes Talk: Celebrating Diversity

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I have diabetes, but type one so mine was not preventable like Rachel's. However, seeing her mom's concern for her daughter getting this horrible disease reminded me so much of my own mother. Rachel's proclamation of "I hate needles!" was word for word the exact same thing I said when I was diagnosed and the nurse was teaching me how to inject insulin. I said those words through hysterical tears, and I was a fully functional 26 year old independent woman at the time. Just the whole scenario seemed so real to me and it might be because it's something so familiar and recent to me, but it made me so emotional. I really hope that Rachel is able to beat this because she has been dealt enough in life to also have to deal with such an emotionally and physically exhausting disease. I've only had it for a little under a year and I would not wish this on my worst enemy. I wanted to reach through my screen and give Rachel the biggest hug in the world when she rejected that cookie and compromised to eat only half of the donut.

Also, how exhausting must it be to be around Sean? It seems that he's the least functional and self aware one in the group. I felt so bad for poor Steven trying to lighten the mood after the "drama," he really seems burnt out with Sean as room mate. Steven seems so high functioning that if I met him, I probably would not have thought he had downs syndrome at first glance. I want to watch him and John have a go at being room mates!

I'm such a reality tv addict and avid snarker, but this show is my break from all of that. It's just so sweet to watch and I love all the characters. 

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Fuzzy i feel the same way I like all of the people (yeah even Sean a bit bot his parents do annoy me)

I am Megan and Kris fan .The pictures of pretty 23 year old Kris holding her baby girl with so much love being a tear to my reality tv jaded eyes.

Maybe Megan lacks life skills but she has a sharp sense humor. I think she and Steven might be a great couple.

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Heck, I was so frustrated with Sean through the screen I can't imagine how it was for Steven.  I was thinking that if they didn't have DS, Sean would be the raging jerk I'd never date but Steven would be a major catch for me.  Sean was happy when Steven agreed that living together wasn't great but he was really shocked to hear that Steven would be happy living with John.  I thought that was great, because I don't think anyone really works with Sean about his behavior the way it should be done.  Sean feels that just because he said something "nicely" his needs and wants should be served over everyone else's. Like when he was making the burrito, when he asked for help putting it all together and the guy said no, do it yourself Sean responded with a lot of anger "Hey, I asked you nicely."  It doesn't seem like he's been told no a lot in his life.

Edited by Eater of Worlds
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I think John and Steven would be great roommates, they are both fairly laidback and want to get along and compromise. Sean is just...ugh. I feel bad because I know it must be difficult, but his parents just seem to find his attitude adorable and no, just no.

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16 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

I think John and Steven would be great roommates, they are both fairly laidback and want to get along and compromise. Sean is just...ugh. I feel bad because I know it must be difficult, but his parents just seem to find his attitude adorable and no, just no.

It's almost like they are saying "Aw, look at my spunky disabled kid!"  I've gotten shit like that from my own family, growing up with a disability but I grew up.  Sean isn't changing in maturity because of his disability so he's stuck in that role they've pigeonholed him.

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3 hours ago, Cherrio said:

Looks like Rachel is missing one of her shoes. :)

Oh, bless her heart. That must be why she missed getting the first picture. Looks like all the girls are sporting cute and sensible shoes, though. 

Another cute press piece on the show. Sort of hints at a spoiler though:


I definitely think Steven and Megan are an item now. Maybe that'll be the big twist of the season finale? It'd be great to see them try to make it work - though like Cristina and Angel, they'll clearly need help from their parents. 

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"I can't believe you have a fear of sex! Wow, like, I never heard that before."

"Yeah, insects. Yeah."

"Oh, insects? Yeah, I don't like insects either."


Rachel trying to play off the sex/insects misunderstanding all cool made me chortle delightedly alone in my living room. 


Also, to echo my statement from a few weeks ago:


<3 <3 Mariano <3 <3


(Sorry for the weird extra-large line breaks; I just came back in to edit and I do indeed have the correct number of "returns" in between stuff. Not sure why they're showing up like 2x size on this post.)

Edited by AllisonWonderland
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Swim for those chili cheeseburgers, John Tucker! Having mental strategies to deal with challenging situations is a great adaptive skill. What a great swim coach, too, to notice and embrace John’s strategy. This was a good way to demonstrate real life skills for perseverance in the face of challenges, knowing that this show is drawing a big audience of viewers with Down Syndrome. John is becoming that role model that we saw him wanting to be last week.

Similar for Rachel and her mom. Rachel is an interesting mix. She’s so capable in predictable environments like her office or her home, but she melts down in unfamiliar settings. I like how her mom scaffolds for her and encourages her to find ways to feel comfortable trying things she initially resists. At the end of the day it’s always Rachel’s decision to try it, which is the only way she’s going to have fun. 

Elena’s father, on the other hand.... I’m sure loves his daughter, but he doesn’t seem to be able to see the world at her level. Cristina’s father understands Elena so much better. I want the Sanzes to adopt the whole cast. And me, too.

Poor Caroline. Did she know what she was getting into with Sean? I don’t think his promise ring carries the same weight as Angel’s. I hope Sean’s parents are in close touch with Caroline’s the way Megan and Brendan or Cristina and Angel’s parents are, to help guide and structure the interactions.  I don’t know if that would help much in this case though. Sean’s just in a world of his own.

I wasn’t sure about Sean C. last season, but he’s grown on me. I couldn’t figure him out at first, but I think he’s just a genuinely sweet guy who gets a kick out of spending time with Sean and appreciates his quirks and his humor. I hope we get to see Best Man Sean on camera. Maybe a bachelor party with a “50’s/90’s” theme?

Mayda Del Valle! I remember seeing her in Def Poetry Jam on Broadway years ago. How cool to see her sharing her skills and experience this way. She’s a legit expert for Elena to learn from.

The rest of the cast are doing a good job promoting Megology by sporting her pieces on camera. Megology was branded all over that camping trip.

I wonder if some of the recurring cast like Caley and Jared are getting decent money from A&E. I hope so. I like how they round out the cast and make the group gatherings not feel so artificial and forced, even though I’m sure they were handpicked for this like all the other cast members.

Angel’s romantic surprise for Cristina was adorable. I’m sure there was a lot of production help in making that happen, and for this show, I’m okay with that. The deeper dive into their relationship this season has demonstrated that they probably couldn’t do it by themselves, but they’re still a sweet and loving couple who will be able to overcome the roadblocks from their disabilities with the help of supportive and involved families.

I’m really looking forward to watching-


Steven try to land the girl of his dreams on camera. He’s not being subtle at all by rocking that black leather jacket to the bowling alley in the preview for next week. He’s said from the beginning that he’s the Matt Damon of the cast, and now he’s going for tortured romantic lead.  Based on the intensity of the preview scene, I think the show is setting itself up for more awards in the future. This looks like amazing TV. 

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First the raging jealousy and ridiculous demands, now sitting on a rock blubbering to a picture because she's away from her fiancé for two days -- Cristina, girl, don't make me stop liking you.

Dancing with her family was very cute, though.

The patience required to put up with some of these folks is far more than I have; I can come away from a one-hour show emotionally exhausted, so I can't imagine the people who do it day in and day out. 

Rachel's mom is so good with her.  When Rachel's initial reaction is to insist she doesn't want to go, her mom doesn't push, just says she has time to decide.  Later she offers to get a hotel room nearby, so that Rachel can give it a try knowing she'll be able to call her mom and have her there in minutes if she gets scared.  All this easing into things means Rachel winds up deciding to just go ahead and join the group.

The families of Rachel and Cristina are aces, pure and simple.  

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Good for you, Rachel!  And good for Elena too, fighting her stagefright at the poetry reading.
John really motivated himself in the swimming, and did well.  Good for him!

I'm sorry that Steven fell for Megan, and hate it that he may be hurt.  I'd rather him find someone else.
Do we know where Sean's girlfriend came from?  She's not the one who was in Las Vegas, is she?
When he go the ring out, at first I thought he'd taken his friend Sean's ring.
I didn't notice the Megology clothing, just looked like ordinary clothes.

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On 9/9/2016 at 1:07 AM, fuzzylollipop said:

I have diabetes, but type one so mine was not preventable like Rachel's. However, seeing her mom's concern for her daughter getting this horrible disease reminded me so much of my own mother. Rachel's proclamation of "I hate needles!" was word for word the exact same thing I said when I was diagnosed and the nurse was teaching me how to inject insulin. I said those words through hysterical tears, and I was a fully functional 26 year old independent woman at the time. Just the whole scenario seemed so real to me and it might be because it's something so familiar and recent to me, but it made me so emotional. I really hope that Rachel is able to beat this because she has been dealt enough in life to also have to deal with such an emotionally and physically exhausting disease. I've only had it for a little under a year and I would not wish this on my worst enemy. I wanted to reach through my screen and give Rachel the biggest hug in the world when she rejected that cookie and compromised to eat only half of the donut.

Also, how exhausting must it be to be around Sean? It seems that he's the least functional and self aware one in the group. I felt so bad for poor Steven trying to lighten the mood after the "drama," he really seems burnt out with Sean as room mate. Steven seems so high functioning that if I met him, I probably would not have thought he had downs syndrome at first glance. I want to watch him and John have a go at being room mates!

I'm such a reality tv addict and avid snarker, but this show is my break from all of that. It's just so sweet to watch and I love all the characters. 

Sorry to hear about your diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes.  But only a year in, it is understandable that you would be overwhelmed.  if it is ANY consolation, my friend's son was dx'ed at age 9, is now 21, has a pump and carries on seemingly without noticing.  Of course, he DOES have to watch is carbs, etc. and be aware of his symptoms, but it doesn't run his life at this point.  Best of luck to you.

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1 hour ago, Granny58 said:

Sorry to hear about your diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes.  But only a year in, it is understandable that you would be overwhelmed.  if it is ANY consolation, my friend's son was dx'ed at age 9, is now 21, has a pump and carries on seemingly without noticing.  Of course, he DOES have to watch is carbs, etc. and be aware of his symptoms, but it doesn't run his life at this point.  Best of luck to you.

Thank you so much! Yes it is really overwhelming and such a major life change. I do hear it gets better, so that's a comfort. 

I'm sorry to hear about your friend's son as well. It is so sad for a child, or someone like Rachel with Downs syndrome, to have to deal with this because, simply, it is so much work! I feel like you almost need a math degree to count carbs and adjust insulin accordingly. Definitely something the parents will have to take care of. 

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I got a little teary at Angel's night of romance.  I almost pulled my husband in the room to show him as an example but I didn't think it would go over very well...It's so sweet that he saw that Christina craves romance and planned such a special night for her.  I also liked her dad and Kris talking to Elena in a very adult way about being happy for her friends instead of jealous.  Being around happy couples can be hard on anyone that's feeling alone.

I hope things don't end badly for Steven with his crush on Megan.  I think he's in a really hard position having Mosaic DS because he's kind of in the middle of being DS and typical which would definitely make dating really hard.  He seems so sweet and thoughtful and I thought it was cute when he was helping the girls out of the van on their camping trip.  His parents raised a really nice son.

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10 hours ago, auntjess said:

I wonder if Elena might have mosaic DS, as intellectually, she seems to be on a higher level than most of the others.  Her problems seem more emotional.

I told my daughter the same thing when we watched this on DVR last night. Elena seems very much with it, intellectually (and even emotionally given her awareness of her issues). I wonder if she has been tested to see if this is the case. In my completely uneducated opinion, she needs therapy more than she needs DS support. 

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Her mother talked earlier of getting her examined by a doctor, (this was after the pushing episode), and it sounded like a great idea.
Then in the next episode, her mother gives her some pills to take, but I didn't hear/see any indication that Elena herself had seen the doctor.
I can imagine how hard it would be to find yourself grouped with people, that you don't feel a part of.

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I need Rachel in my life.  All day, every day.

When she smiled after she made the decision to go camping without her mom?  So sweet.  I think she was just so genuinely proud of herself.  As she should be! And then I think she had a great laugh when she was saying she's not good at camping.  That girl.  Love so much.

And Steven is a really wonderful young man (I feel old as shit saying it like that...but it's just the truth).  He is mature and a great friend.  And patient!  Good lord is he patient (in regards to Sean).

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I've wondered the same thing about whether Elena might really have Mosaic Down Syndrome or a similar variant. Statistically it's rarer, but I think that individuals who have it tend to be higher functioning on average, so if you're going to select a group of articulate, high functioning adults with Down Syndrome for a reality TV show, it's not out of the question that you could end up with two people in that category.  I think they'd have to do a genetic test to determine if she does have the Mosaic version, it's really just about what the chromosomes show. 

I assume that Elena did see a doctor for the prescription and the talk with her mom was just for TV purposes. No doctor who values their license would prescribe psychiatric medication to someone they haven't met. I think some of what we see of Elena's narrative might be distorted because we never get to see her group home - most likely because there are other residents there and the cameras don't have permission to film. So anything that happens in the group home that's significant, like maybe going to the doctor and getting a prescription, has to be recreated by her family for the cameras. Have we ever even seen her group home staff? 

I think the reason why Sean and Steven are "rooming" together has a lot to do with the fact that their families live near each other. John's family lives up in Los Angeles proper, not really that close. I agree that John and Steven would probably be much happier together. They both have a degree of social awareness that Sean doesn't come close to reaching. 

It appears to me that Megan likes Steven back. She seems so relaxed and giddy when she's talking to him. Even more than with her mom. The only obstacle is poor, loyal, Colorado-bound Brendan...

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On September 13, 2016 at 11:23 PM, AllisonWonderland said:

"I can't believe you have a fear of sex! Wow, like, I never heard that before."

"Yeah, insects. Yeah."

"Oh, insects? Yeah, I don't like insects either."


Rachel trying to play off the sex/insects misunderstanding all cool made me chortle delightedly alone in my living room. 


Also, to echo my statement from a few weeks ago:


<3 <3 Mariano <3 <3


(Sorry for the weird extra-large line breaks; I just came back in to edit and I do indeed have the correct number of "returns" in between stuff. Not sure why they're showing up like 2x size on this post.)

Omg that sex/insects thing had me cracking up so hard!! And Rachel describing the smores to the camera the look of pure joy on her face. She just wears her heart on her sleeve I adore her!!!!!

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I must comment on Rachel's diabetes.  I think her doctor did her and her mother a great disservice by scaring her with the threat of insulin and that horse syringe. If her pre-diabetes progresses to full blown Type 2 diabetes, she will be treated with oral medication.  She will not go straight to insulin. Eventually, when she does need insulin, she will be given an insulin pen with a tiny painless needle. Even if she used a syringe, which very few diabetics do these days, it would be a delicate insulin syringe with a tiny needle. That doctor was so wrong to scare them like that. I know that Rachel' mom is especially scared because her mother-in-law died from diabetes in her 60's, but when that happens it is usually because they didn't know they had diabetes until damage had already been done. Rachel is pre-diabetic, so it isn't going to sneak up on her.  To the young woman who posted above about being overwhelmed with Type 1 diabetes, I want to suggest she talk to her endocrinologist about an insulin pump. It makes things much easier about figuring out dose, etc.  I am a 70 year old type 1 on a pump, but I had plenty of experience with using insulin syringes and pens.  I am very disturbed about this doctor putting out such bad information to Rachel, her mother, and the  viewing audience.

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i think that for someone with developmental delays, like Rachel, scaring them with worst case scenario will work much better than a detailed explanation listed above. Rachel isn't going to "get" that. She will respond to her fear of needles and dire circumstances. I get what you are saying but a step by step response for possible treatment options is not going to stop her from eating 4 smores or hiding candy style granola bars in her drawer.

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Wow. They really saved the best stuff for the end of the season, didn’t they?

I love that Angel’s mom was cheering Cristina on at the Emerald Ball competition. Their families are the cutest. Cristina’s dad was right, at least from the footage we saw, it’s not charity to say she was holding her own out there. I was able to find her results online, and it looks like she finished second for that heat and advanced to two more rounds. That’s pretty respectable for anyone’s first time out.

I would genuinely like to see her on the next Dancing With the Stars. She might have a hard time with some of the quicker weeks, and her parents would have to prepare her for the disappointment of probably being eliminated at some point, but it’s a realistic dream, especially as this show starts to get more attention.

I feel like a terrible person for rooting for a dude with Down Syndrome to get dumped by his girlfriend. I’m sure Brendan is a lovely guy, and we know that he has a good family. But he isn’t what Megan needs right now, and she and Steven have such a sweet chemistry. Any girl should want a guy to talk about her the way that Steven talks about Megan. He’s smitten. There’s no faking that. And from the preview, it looks like Kris is kind of shipping it, too.

Three cheers for Mali Hunter. I loved the way she pushed John without patronizing him. I wonder if she has someone in her family with a disability. She seemed to really get it. She knew exactly how to keep challenging him and encouraging him to deliver a better and richer product, all the while making it clear to him that she had the confidence he could do it. Writing about his beloved late sister is much more fertile artistic ground than “Shake your booty booty”.  

I can’t believe this season is over next week. When is season 3??

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I loved the ballroom sequence and as always Christinas parents. She actually did a great job which is no easy feat.

I don't however like the promotion (I think its producer encouraged for storylines) about Steven liking Megan.  She was/is still involved and has a boyfriend. She even had a talk with Sean last year about him being wrong in pursuing her.  Steven should be told/taught that you do not pursue people who are involved with others.   Meghan did that herself last year in talking to Sean and Seans friend talked to him about his inappropriate behavior with his girlfriend.

Steven should not be encouraged to think its ok to pursue her because he thinks she will like him more. He needs to wait until she breaks up with Brendon. As Meghans mother I would not encourage her to start another relationship with Steven. Typical or not, you should not jump from one guy to the next. Steven not too long ago said he would never date a disabled person, so I would question his true feelings.

I understand what reality shows will do and what lengths they will go to to produce ratings, but they are dealing with people who seem to be extremely fragile emotionally.   I have said it before, I really don't think this show and thinking they are celebs is healthy for them.  They can barely deal with everyday things, what will happen when the show gets cancelled?  While I truly do think Christina did a wonderful and authentic waltz, Dancing with The Stars cannot hire her because she could decide to stop dancing and run into the audience because she missed a step. Its a live show.

The John Atlanta thing was ok. It was nice to see his family on a trip and get to record with such a kind person.    But I just do not see John ever making a living in music.  The singing he did , those long notes were 10% John, 90% fixed, fixed again and enhanced.    We all heard his true singing at the beginning which is was pretty bad.

I guess I would much rather see them work at real accomplishments, jobs and not some phony fancy home rental that A&E paid for.  

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Yes, I found this episode horribly "just for the show" forced.  We saw how a skilled producer could make John's performance sound decent, but it can only go so far; he's never going to have a career at this, and his mom's perfectly logical "have a go at it until 30, and then it's time to figure out a job vs. a hobby" stance was tossed aside in favor of some delusional "he's a rapper" BS.

Cristina competes at a venue attended by 20 people, about 12 of whom are her peeps?  Those scenes were great, mind you, particularly Cristina being disappointed in second place and her mom doing the math for her on what a great accomplishment that is, but let's not pretend this was actual footage of an all-star competition.

And Steven is, what, entitled to Megan because he's a good guy who has decided he likes her?  Her feelings and that of the man to whom she's committed mean nothing?  Good on them if they decide to start dating after she breaks it off (with the guy she unrealistically expects to marry and impregnate her), but this "I want her and thus I shall have her" storyline isn't any more cute because of DS. 

Really just a shit storm of an episode, IMO, and Exhibit A in how this series devolved from documentary to "reality" show.

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On ‎9‎/‎18‎/‎2016 at 11:25 PM, sunsheyen said:

i think that for someone with developmental delays, like Rachel, scaring them with worst case scenario will work much better than a detailed explanation listed above. Rachel isn't going to "get" that. She will respond to her fear of needles and dire circumstances. I get what you are saying but a step by step response for possible treatment options is not going to stop her from eating 4 smores or hiding candy style granola bars in her drawer.

I disagree completely. Using scare tactics makes people reluctant to visit the doctor. Rachel may have a cognitive disability but she's an adult and deserves the respect that other patients receive. .

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I have concerns about a Steven and Megan relationship. Megan is lovely, but she is almost obsessed with getting married and being a mother. Steven (sweet, adorable, funny, insightful Steven!) explained in an earlier episode that he resisted dating girls with a disability because his experience has been that their focus is often only on marriage and he wasn't so inclined. I worry that Megan is simply going to transfer her wedding/baby goal from Brendan to Steven who is clearly emotionally involved, but may find it bewildering to realize that Megan is on a fast track and he is now part of that plan. Selfishly, I want Steven and (my girl!) Rachel to date, but I know that won't happen. 

Also, it seemed like the producers arranged for Brendan to visit Megan in California just to create tension in order to promote a Megan-Steven relationship story line. It seemed like Brendan was being used by the show and it felt pretty uncomfortable to watch.

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John did not sound dissimilar from the rappers today; Future, Desiigner, Lil Yachty, and many others have made millions mumbling on heavily autotuned tracks. What will keep him from success is not so much his DS, but his clean lyrics, lack of drug use, and lack of abusive language towards women. I think with some enunciation lessons, a good avenue for him might be Christian hip hop; no more "shake your booty booty" nonsense, but it could be a good avenue for him to still make his music but in a way his family could better support. There's a niche of gospel music that sounds a lot like contemporary rap and hip hop.

I think Christina did a good job, not because or despite or disability, but genuinely a good job. It looked like she was competing against fellow amateurs, I'm sure the competition had different tiers of competition. I wouldn't expect anyone just starting out to automatically be an "all star" dancer; no one would expect even the winners of DWTS to go on and place in a professional level dance competition, maybe a pro-am at best. I believe that, with the right supports in place, she could do a competition like DWTS and do well. If Kim K and Amber Rose can get up there and stomp their way through competition, Cristina could certainly glide her way though.

Steven is very introspective, I'm happy he's been able to separate what he's been told to feel towards women by media (look for a neurotypical, conventionally pretty girl, be a cad, etc), but he still has some work to do on accepting boundaries and women's roles; I feel like Megan has become a conquest for him to "get the girl" that just happens to be her. Though he cited her music and movie tastes,  I also think a big reason behind his feelings is because she is closer to conventional beauty than Rachel, who is larger (but honestly has the best personality to me, hands down), and Elena, who is half Japanese and isn't large, but isn't thin either. With her long blonde hair, blue eyes, and thin size, Megan is as close to a conventional DS "10" as you're going to get.

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I didn't realize how good looking Steven was until he put on his Joe Cool leather jacket.  He came to win.  Brendan is a minor inconvenience.  I fear that a lot of this might be producer driven.  

"What do you think of Megan?", "She's pretty cute isn't she?",

"You guys have a lot in common, don't you?" 

Tap anyone in the head with things like that and it'll only be a matter of time before they think

"hey, Megan IS a good catch for me!"

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I keep coming back to Steven's TH, the one where he talks about feelings coming from his heart.   It sounded almost exactly like the dialog he wrote for his improv class.  He does think of himself as an actor so I think it was more intended for promoting an acting career.  In just this one episode we have Steven (imo) hoping to be a working actor, Meghan telling Brett Ratner she is also a producer, telling Mariah Carey she wants a role in her next video and John promoting his rapper career.    It was an hour long fantasy.     The only slight possibility is that Meghan could keep advancing as a dancer, but not as a professional. She does have some natural talent.

Dreams keep being mentioned constantly.  Its great to have dreams, but real life is not usually so dreamy for "typicals".  Its about jobs, struggle, hopefully happiness and working on dream like goals in spare time.

 I keep thinking about the line Joan Cusack says in Working Girl.  "I may dance around in my underwear, but it doesn't make me Madonna,"     Real life.

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The John scenes really bothered me because of the extreme auto tuning. I imagine they can make anyone sound decent. I also disagree with the producer that you can't set an age limit to succeed. My stepdaughter's mother has a manchild that's been living off her and our child support for seven years. My stepdaughter told me his job is 'band practice'. He's a 45 year old bloated alcoholic that should have looked into other options years ago. I think the rapping has been a great experience for John but it would be nice for him to find a job in the real world that would provide him with some money and give him something he could be proud of at the end of each day.

I agree with the post above that Megan will switch her thirst for marriage and a baby to Steven and he'll end up miserable.

Christina's ballroom dancing made me tear up. She looked beautiful and had such tremendous support from her and Angel's family. I wish I was half the mother that Christina's mom is.

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On 9/18/2016 at 3:25 PM, Lynn said:

I must comment on Rachel's diabetes.  I think her doctor did her and her mother a great disservice by scaring her with the threat of insulin and that horse syringe. If her pre-diabetes progresses to full blown Type 2 diabetes, she will be treated with oral medication.  She will not go straight to insulin. Eventually, when she does need insulin, she will be given an insulin pen with a tiny painless needle. Even if she used a syringe, which very few diabetics do these days, it would be a delicate insulin syringe with a tiny needle. That doctor was so wrong to scare them like that. I know that Rachel' mom is especially scared because her mother-in-law died from diabetes in her 60's, but when that happens it is usually because they didn't know they had diabetes until damage had already been done. Rachel is pre-diabetic, so it isn't going to sneak up on her.  To the young woman who posted above about being overwhelmed with Type 1 diabetes, I want to suggest she talk to her endocrinologist about an insulin pump. It makes things much easier about figuring out dose, etc.  I am a 70 year old type 1 on a pump, but I had plenty of experience with using insulin syringes and pens.  I am very disturbed about this doctor putting out such bad information to Rachel, her mother, and the  viewing audience.

I am very happy that you are 70 yo and have type 1 d with a pump....not that you have it, but that you are doing well at 70!  WOO HOO!!!  I will definitely point to your post as a success story the next time it comes up between my friend and I and her son (who is doing well with it, but is only 21 - he's got a long way to go).

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4 hours ago, Trampolina said:

I wish I was half the mother that Christina's mom is.

I was thinking this exact same thing....how can I remember this when a similar situation presents itself to me.  Christina's parents are amazing!  

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i thought the John Tucker thing was definitely for the show- they made it seem at first like he just got the call out of the blue, but that Mali(?) gave it away when she was talking about how she was just going to do this but now she wants to really help him do well or something like that.  As far as the "get a music career by 30 or find a job" line, I would like to know what he has been doing with himself for all of his 20s.

I enjoyed Cristina's dance, and I loved sweet Angel popping in to wish her luck!  And her family LOLing that she was pissed to get second place!

And I'm looking forward to the lovely Rachel getting asked on a date next week!

If I didn't know production was setting it up, I'd suspect Kris of creating drama by bringing Brendan to town.  But I don't see her going back to Colorado because I do think that she loves that Megan has real friends and a real social life where they are now (as opposed to being a cheerleader which was cool in her mind but now she sees what it's like for Megan to have real friends who are peers rather than typical girls being kind).  So unless Brendan's entire family is willing to move to LA that relationship is over.

As much as I like Steven, I think he's a product of the movie culture he loves.  Realizing he can't score a typical girl, he wants the hottest one with DS he can find :)

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get a music career by 30 or find a job" line, I would like to know what he has been doing with himself for all of his 20s.

Why has he not had a job? He can still do his music and get a job. So he will turn 30 and then what? He has no skills and who is going to hire him?

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John did have a job at one time, working in an animal shelter, or somewhere with pets.
They may not show what all they do, because we never see Steven work, but I've read here or somewhere, that he works at a grocery store.
I'm glad that we had an episode not mostly about Megan, or sometimes Sean.
And Christina did very well in her dancing.

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Steven also had a seasonal job at Angel Stadium last year.  Remember the singing/acting/dancing program shown in the first season where John and Elena went?  That's what John has been doing since high school.

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Well...I think Steven and Megan would be great together. Her boyfriend really does not seem to be that into her...the Moms even said how they set up dates etc over the years. 

Even in Colorado she was the one making moves and professing love. Kris laid it out for her...Megan needs to make some decisions here.

I do think she and Steven are compatible...Megan has a great semse of humor and is very on trend about movies music fashion fads...Steven likes that

I do notice a lot of product placement like the old infomercials Tae Bo guy haha...well maybe that's good...hopefully more $$ for the cast! 

The Emmy award is so great...and can open more opportunities for them!



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I did see, in the preview of next week, Megan pushing a stroller, with what I assume is one of those dolls designed to show what caring for a baby entails.
I hope so, and I hope Kris doesn't step in and do things for her.

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