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  1. I retract all the benefit of the doubt i gave nick. Hes a total a-hole... Wow..
  2. He isn’t belittling or mocking anyone. The guy is not attracted to his new wife. He is giving the experiment time to see if attraction could possibly grow. During this time he is choosing to NOT sleep with her until he has an attraction (and for that I applaud him, because a real d-bag would just do it cause he can). He is being cordial, nice, trying to make her laugh, respectful with the dog in the crate, he is not disrespecting her or leading her on. He says to the camera that he thinks shes a pretty girl, I don’t think that is meant to mock her, he probably thinks she is but he doesn’t feel that spark or chemistry just yet. It’s a process. And everyone deals with things differently and in their own pace. But Sonia, the experts, and the producers cannot seem to accept or respect his particular internal process and keep pressing him for answers, so he exploded. I would too, I hate being pressed! Is he a extrovert fun expressive man? NOT AT ALL. But i will take a good person with those qualities versus someone like Derrek who can chat it up and have fun but when things get tough he takes mysoginist low blows.
  3. Lol!! No im not Nick, i just think hes being unfairly ganged up on for not wanting to bang someone he's not attracted to.
  4. Omg that sex/insects thing had me cracking up so hard!! And Rachel describing the smores to the camera the look of pure joy on her face. She just wears her heart on her sleeve I adore her!!!!!
  5. Why does nick have to be labeled gay, bi, weird, into casual sex, autistic, etc because he isnt attracted to a slightly "ok" looking girl? Why all these crazy theories and over analyzing? You guys are acting like she is a victoria's secret model and theres no way he couldnt be attracted to her. Hes not attracted to her. ITs really that simple. I for one do not find Sonia attractive, shes weird looking and has a weird needy personality to match. I would love to see each one of you paired with someone you dont find attractive, and then have huge pressure from everyone to be intimate with them. How would you feel?
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