FormerMod-a1 December 1, 2015 Share December 1, 2015 Quote Oliver and Barry Allen take Kendra Saunders and Carter Hall to a remote location to keep them hidden from Vandal Savage while they figure out how to defeat him. Malcolm arranges a meeting between Vandal, Green Arrow and The Flash that doesn’t go as planned. Meanwhile, Felicity, Thea, Diggle and Laurel work with Team Flash to come up with a weapon powerful enough to destroy Vandal Savage. Link to comment
wonderwall December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 Basically this episode ruined everything. lol no, that was one of the worst episodes. The writers literally handled every single storyline poorly. So basically, all the Arrow storylines are unresolved... But at least we know more about the Hawks! YAY! Not. What a terrible episode. I'm going to prentend this episode never existed The journalists LIED about Oliver's maturity in this episode. Never trust again. So terrible. So so so BAD. 20 Link to comment
Primal Slayer December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 This was the most boring episode ever. Not worthy of a "big time" crossover. 5 Link to comment
dtissagirl December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 THIS IS SO DUMB I HATE EVERYTHING DID I MENTION IT WAS DUMB? 8 Link to comment
Chaser December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 I don't understand anything. 3 Link to comment
EmeraldArcher December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 HATED IT! So pissed at STUPID OLIVER!! The only redeeming moment was Malcolm at the very end. The rest SUCKED. 1 Link to comment
hogwash December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 Reveal spoiler He's gonna propose without telling her?? He deserves to get dumped. 5 Link to comment
Guest December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 Okay, so the crap they did to Olicity aside, that was the shittiest most boring episode ever. Wow. Just so bad. Link to comment
InsertWordHere December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 Not a fan. Thank goodness for hug giving, time traveling Barry. Oliver, what are you doing? 4 Link to comment
Morrigan2575 December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 Last night was on speed, tonight dragged. I figured out around 8:45 that Oliver wouldn't tell Felicity in the new time-line and since there was no DNA no way she'doesn't fight him or breakup with him. So, yeah this stupid secret and lies shit is really going to screw up Olicity and Oliver and Felicity for the rest of the season. Hawks still suck as actors, Vandal Savage was a lame ass villain and I still hate Malcolm Merlin. 4 Link to comment
SonofaBiscuit December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 So, is Carter always the one who gets his memories back first? From the way he talks, it seems as if he's always the one trying to help Kendra remember who she is. According to him, he's also the one who typically makes the plans, and he's the one that finds their Hawkpeople costumes (or finds them with Kendra's help). Doesn't seem very fair to me. I'm glad that Oliver was smart enough to run a DNA sample on that piece of hair, and I'm happy that he confessed to Felicity that something was up, and he wanted to look into things before talking to her about it. But, the fight that they had was completely idiotic. I feel like all he needed to do was explain that he just made the kid discovery a few hours earlier, and he was going to talk to her about it the second he had a minute to wrap his head around it. No, instead we get "when were you going to tell me?" "I don't know." Blech. Fuck off, time travel. Please keep that crap over on The Flash. GROSS to Vandal Savage proclaiming that he would "know Chiara as you have known her" (while stroking her face). So, you're going to force her to have sex with you?! Fucking gross. LOL, did Laurel stumble as she jumped out of the van to do her canary cry? I'd check the DVR, but meh. As for LoT...pass. Carter does have nice abs, though, so I guess that's something. Oliver, remember that time that Felicity told you that Malcolm Merlyn was Thea's father? But you can't tell her about your kid? You fucking suck, Oliver. 17 Link to comment
Popular Post KenyaJ December 3, 2015 Popular Post Share December 3, 2015 Oliver, you fucking idiot. 29 Link to comment
BumpSetSpike December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 (edited) Waste of time. Plain and simple. Hardly worthy of being called a cross-over "event" but nothing more than "let's waste Arrow on setting up yet another new show we are going to pay much more attention to." I don't watch The Flash this season because I hate the time travel and multiple universes. I seriously have a hard time believing SA truly likes the direction of his show. I miss the "grounded" storytelling on Season 1 horribly. Edited December 3, 2015 by BumpSetSpike 8 Link to comment
hogwash December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 After S03, do they actually think that freaking anyone wants to see dumbass Oliver who lies about dumb shit and keeps crap from Felicity??? Ugh, he actually really deserves to get dumped but I can't go through that shit again, you shit-show!! I REFUSE!! 15 Link to comment
tennisgurl December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 No Oliver! No No NOOOOOO! WEHAVE TALKED ABOUT THIS! COMMUNICATION DAMN IT! So lame. A mystery kid? Hiding it from his girlfriend/family? Yeah, this is going to suck. 8 Link to comment
Primal Slayer December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 As a "2 hour" movie, this was not worth it at all, in one bit. Such a let down. 7 Link to comment
wonderwall December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 (edited) Tlak about the most unnecessary angst ever. I hate this. Edited December 3, 2015 by wonderwall 5 Link to comment
Delphi December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 Ugh. I liked Thea. I'm repeating myself from last night. I enjoyed Felicity. Uhm. I guess I liked Barry saving everyone and such. I notice Felicity took the longest time to burn, guess who they thought people would be most affected by. Good news, Laurel wasn't terrible at all. She was pretty good. Go Laurel! 4 Link to comment
BkWurm1 December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 You know, it really isn't the surprise kid that ruins everything. It is the self centered mom that seems to go out of her way to make the father implode his life while she calls the shots. 22 Link to comment
Primal Slayer December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 So are we not getting an episode next week? Link to comment
prospazzinator December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 (edited) I don't watch Arrow, but I just had to come express my frustration about the Oliver's kid storyline. The whole "I'm the mother -- I decide what kind of relationship you'll have with your child" crap is such nonsense. That doesn't have to be how that works and I hate that tv shows keep saying it is. Surely there's a court around so Oliver can go establish paternity and get some access to his kid. But then you wouldn't have any drama with Felicity without that stupid storyline. Kendra should have stayed with Cisco. Carter doesn't come across well at all. And what a waste of Barry's time traveling ability. Letting everyone die would have been my preferred ending to that boring mess of 2 hours. Edited December 3, 2015 by prospazzinator 9 Link to comment
Guest December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 (edited) That fight between Olicity didn't even feel like them. It didn't even feel like Felicity. They trust each other. Oliver might have wanted to get things settled in his head and find out whether William was really his son first but then he straight up lied to Felicity's face even once he had done that. He could have told her and asked her not to say a word and it would have been a secret between them as a couple. So much contrived angst. Edited December 3, 2015 by Guest Link to comment
EmeraldArcher December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 Even though I've seen that spoiler video, with all that glass on the loft floor, my fan fic-conditioned response kicked in and I half expected her to see the ring amongst the glass. And my internal NOOOOO! SAY NOOOOO, FELICITY!! overpowered the Olicity fan girl in me. See what you've done, you stupid show?!? Now I'm dreading next week, and all Olicity romance is RUINED until he makes this right. Fuck. 6 Link to comment
Delphi December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 On 12/3/2015 at 2:06 AM, tennisgurl said: No Oliver! No No NOOOOOO! WEHAVE TALKED ABOUT THIS! COMMUNICATION DAMN IT! So lame. A mystery kid? Hiding it from his girlfriend/family? Yeah, this is going to suck. What's worse is that Felicity made it very clear that she wouldn't care! It's the lack of his trusting her. Which he does trust her, Sandra is just bitchy. Ugh. I wish Vandal would set me on fire. 7 Link to comment
statsgirl December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 If I didn't care about these characters and only watched for action and paper thin plot, I would have enjoyed it much more. Oliver is an idiot. The mother said "You've taken everything from me" and he bought it. Huh? she didn't lose anything, the kid still doesn't know that Oliver is his father. Oliver's the one who lost being able to be a father and LOST BEING ABLE TO BE HONEST WITH FELICITY!!!! Also she didn't tell Oliver about the first $1 million Moira gave her to move the Central City. I still don't care about the Hawks. At all. And so, so much time spent on them. If there's a Mary Sue in this universe, It's Cisco. 10 Link to comment
Guest December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 I can't get over how out of character this all felt, given Oliver's growth this season. And that baby mama is the WORST. I mean, good for her for not cashing in Moira's money but what exactly did Oliver take from her? And since when does he owe her?! I'm so confused by that part. Link to comment
tennisgurl December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 I just have no idea why they want to add in extra ANGST to Olicity. After its all been going so well too! Why?!?! On a lighter note, I do love Barry and Oliver together. They make me smile. Unlike this plot... 4 Link to comment
hogwash December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 What the hell was that "I'm back in Star City" comment?? You're a fictional character but I will still frigging strangle you Oliver!! 2 Link to comment
AyChihuahua December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 I said this was going to suck. The writers are ALL THE SAME as the one destroyed EVERYONE except Roy throughout an entire season. It was only a matter of time before they ruined everything again. They live and breath and eat and poop bullshit manufactured melodramatic ANGST. 2 Link to comment
jb0495 December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 Oliver even said to Barry that he thought it was better that he left things alone. I thought that was the out, right there, not the stupid shit the writers have done now!! Ugh I've really liked Season 4, Olicity, Felicity, Mama Smoak etc and was so excited for The Calculator. Now I'm not excited for the good stuff because I'll need to wade through angst. I loved seeing Oliver as a dad, SA played that really well. Horrible shame that it wasn't with an Olicity baby!!! 2 Link to comment
Sakura12 December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 The reviewers were right about 1 thing. The Flash episode was better. This ep was boring, I don't care about Oliver's baby mama drama and don't like secret keeping Oliver. Has he learned nothing in 4 years! Secret keeping only leads to bad things. Hawkman is still a dick. I hope Kendra gets to be the stronger one this time, with hopefully Reveal spoiler Hawkman dying on LoT I'm still going to watch LoT because I really missed Sara this episode. I guess she disappeared since Laurel never mentioned anything about her. I also don't get why Caitlin was in this episode, what did she do? Diggle, Thea and Because Comics were just extra boots on the ground. 1 Link to comment
bettername2come December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 Post time travel, I really wanted Cisco to touch Barry, get a vision, and be like, "Dude, what the hell did you do?" Last year's crossover was better, although I always think some really entertaining dialogue comes out of the crossovers. 1 Link to comment
BkWurm1 December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 On 12/3/2015 at 2:09 AM, Angel12d said: That fight between Olicity didn't even feel like them. It didn't even feel like Felicity. They trust each other. Oliver might have wanted to get things settled in his head and find out whether William was really his son first but then he straight up lied to Felicity's face even once he had done that. He could have told her and asked her not to say a word and it would have been a secret between them as a couple. So much contrived angst. The only thing I take comfort in is that Oliver's reason for not telling her is not that he doesn't trust her but that he made a stupid ass promise. So the love and trust is there, he's just a frackin' dumbass. And the worst part about this is you know when the shit finally hits the fan and the truth comes out, you know Oliver won't even explain WHY he felt compelled not to tell Felicity. Aghhhhhh! Reveal spoiler They've ruined the proposal. There is no way in hell Ms. "I Hate Mysteries" would have let Oliver get away with just a never mind it's behind me now. 4 Link to comment
Popular Post apinknightmare December 3, 2015 Popular Post Share December 3, 2015 Things that are stupid about this storyline: 1. Oliver 2. Oliver 3. Oliver 4. The mother making demands about Oliver keeping secrets when he could just...go see a fucking lawyer? 5. Oliver 6. Everyone involved in this show. I knew it would get fucked up, but...I honestly didn't think it would be so epically fucked up. And it sucks especially since WE know she wouldn't have cared about the fact that he had a kid. 31 Link to comment
Primal Slayer December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 Is how I am feeling after this episode. 15 Link to comment
Guest December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 They literally just unravelled everything so they could have some bullshit Flash time travel crap on Arrow. That's all I got from that tbh. Link to comment
Sakura12 December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 On 12/3/2015 at 2:16 AM, BkWurm1 said: Reveal spoiler They've ruined the proposal. Did you really expect these writers to give you nice things? The Stupid Disease is back. I guess there is no cure for that. 5 Link to comment
jay741982 December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 Fuck the fucking writers! Oliver doesn't even know That Felicity wouldn't care about him having a son yet he lies. Fuck him what a fucking idiot but yet he will get a pass from certain folks when Felicity finds out and bitches him out and she will get the hate when she's in the right!! Why why why why why why do the writers do this BS. Link to comment
AyChihuahua December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 On 12/3/2015 at 2:16 AM, BkWurm1 said: The only thing I take comfort in is that Oliver's reason for not telling her is not that he doesn't trust her but that he made a stupid ass promise. So the love and trust is there, he's just a frackin' dumbass. And the worst part about this is you know when the shit finally hits the fan and the truth comes out, you know Oliver won't even explain WHY he felt compelled not to tell Felicity. Aghhhhhh! Reveal spoiler They've ruined the proposal. Last season his reason for not telling her anything was to keep her safe. He ALWAYS has a reason. It's just a bullshit reason. Reveal spoiler When he gets dumped, he's going to deserve it. Actually proposing without telling her he has a kid, and he's visiting that kid, is a HORRIBLE thing to do. He's going to what, spring the kid on her post-vows? "Surprise, you're a stepmom!" And now we have YET ANOTHER shoe waiting to drop. 3 Link to comment
EmeraldArcher December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 On 12/3/2015 at 2:16 AM, BkWurm1 said: Reveal spoiler They've ruined the proposal. They really have, those stupid idiots. So, I don't have Twitter, but I want to get one and start trending #BreakingUpWithArrow Anybody gonna help? 1 Link to comment
nerdyduck December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 On 12/3/2015 at 2:14 AM, tennisgurl said: On a lighter note, I do love Barry and Oliver together. They make me smile. Unlike this plot... I do too. I love that hug at the end. Okay episode. The Flash part was way better. But what was the point of having Caitlin there? I thought we were done with Oliver angst. I really don't care for the baby mama drama. Not sure about LoT. I might watch the pilot and go from there. 1 Link to comment
Guest December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 At least Malcolm is being a consistent evil bastard. That's…something, I guess. Link to comment
wonderwall December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 They fucked it up so bad that even that supposedly sweet moment at the end between Oliver/Felicity is tainted. This is all so fucking terrible 14 Link to comment
SonofaBiscuit December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 Spoilers people, spoilers. I'd probably be furious if I hadn't checked out of this show last season, but at this point, meh. Whatever. It's just so effing stupid. 1 Link to comment
Orion December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 Well, that happened. Bored, to sad, back to bored, ending with sad and enraged. Feels like Season 3. *sigh* Was WM on vacation when this episode was written? 10 Link to comment
pivot December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 On 12/3/2015 at 2:09 AM, Delphi said: Ugh. I liked Thea. I'm repeating myself from last night. I enjoyed Felicity. Uhm. I guess I liked Barry saving everyone and such. I notice Felicity took the longest time to burn, guess who they thought people would be most affected by. Good news, Laurel wasn't terrible at all. She was pretty good. Go Laurel! Laurel was awful as usual. First, Katie could not have sounded any more insincere when she said "that's why we love you Felicity". Her bad acting dropped another notch there. Then, they had her do that moronic canary cry while standing right out in the open. Notice no one flinched and just kept moving? The only positive point with her was how little onscreen time she had. Oh, and watching the ease with which Savage tossed her across the room. As for the Felicity and Oliver angst, it's stupid and unnecessary. There is literally no reason for Oliver to keep a secret from Felicity. Felicity would understand and the mom would never know. Plus, considering the mom lied to Oliver about his son for 8 years, I think Oliver is due a small lie like that. I hate manufactured drama. With the exception of the made up angst, this episode was so much better than last night because there was less focus on the Flash cast. I really don't need to see any of them again except Barry. The rest just can't act (excepting Tom and Jesse). I used to think Cisco wasn't bad away from Kendra, but it turns out that he is just bad outside of an occassional wisecrack. Honestly, where did they find that Hawkman? He was like the male version of Katie Cassidy. He has zero chemistry with any actor on the screen. Yikes, even by CW standards he is bad. 5 Link to comment
apinknightmare December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 On 12/3/2015 at 2:21 AM, wonderwall said: They fucked it up so bad that even that supposedly sweet moment at the end between Oliver/Felicity is tainted. This is all so fucking terrible He cuddled up to Laurel like the douche he was when he kept the pregnancy a secret. I guess it makes sense he'd cuddle up to Felicity like the fucking douche he is while keeping this a secret. 22 Link to comment
Nostariel December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 (edited) Secret keeping bullshit? Really, show? REALLY? Best parts: Barry being his adorkable self and Malcolm being a sneaky little shit, LOL. I love them. Everything else: UGH. Hawkdouche is the wooorst. The character is unbearable, the actor is terrible and woefully miscast. Daniel Jackson Hawkman is only Hawkman. This new guy can die ASAP, thanks. Kendra was fine, both character and actress. It's clear she's had more training on stage than on screen, but she's not awful or anything. Cisco and her as couple were still gross. Vidal Sassoon was bad, and not even in an amusingly cheesy way. I am disappoint. I went into this on the side of BabyMama, because pre-island Ollie was seriously a garbage person and post-island Oliver went out of his way to convince the media that he was still garbage after he came back. Having had a father like that, I totally got why BabyMama would run screaming from the idea of having him in her son's life. But the conversation they actually had was super weird. If you think about it, the convo only made sense if BabyMama knew he was the Arrow, which she clearly doesn't, so WTF was that? It's like the writers forgot to give her a POV that made sense because they just wanted to move the plot along in a certain direction. That direction being, of course, ~DRAMA~. Oliver keeps secrets! DRAMA! Felicity overreacts so much that Barry thinks they broke up! DRAMA! Barry goes back in time, a bunch of awesome/hilarious fighting happens, the world is saved, Oliver decides being a secret-keeping douche is the only way to keep Felicity with him! DRAMA! I really, really dislike these writers sometimes. UGH. Edited December 3, 2015 by Nostariel 10 Link to comment
nksarmi December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 On 12/3/2015 at 2:16 AM, BkWurm1 said: The only thing I take comfort in is that Oliver's reason for not telling her is not that he doesn't trust her but that he made a stupid ass promise. So the love and trust is there, he's just a frackin' dumbass. And the worst part about this is you know when the shit finally hits the fan and the truth comes out, you know Oliver won't even explain WHY he felt compelled not to tell Felicity. Aghhhhhh! Reveal spoiler They've ruined the proposal. There is no way in hell Ms. "I Hate Mysteries" would have let Oliver get away with just a never mind it's behind me now. Those are the moments I hate the most, when Oliver stands there completely shutting down while Felicity rages but if he just. spoke. up - she would forgive everything. It makes me want to scream, BUT.... Felicity would not have broken up with him over this - there is no way. Felicity is WAY to smart to not realize that he just found out and that him not telling her wasn't about not loving her or not trusting her, but it was about trying to figure things out. The only reason the writers did that was to make the audience scared that she will dump him when the truth finally does come out. Personally, I'd bet money that what will happen is that Felicity is going to feel hurt and betrayed because it will takes months for it to come out and then we will get the ultimate in Laurel propping (and these boards will explode lol) and she will be the one to bring them back together. But all in all, I don't hate this episode and in fact, I kind of enjoyed it. I thought they somehow managed to handle a whole lot of people semi-well and I'm glad the second time around Oliver used everyone. But holy hell, WTF Malcolm?!?!?! 2 Link to comment
hogwash December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 How would the mother even know if he tells Felicity? How is this situation any different from the stupid "I just came back from the dead but I'm gonna train with Malcolm" thing? This is literally S03's BS writing in a nutshell. It's a dumb secret that literally doesn't freaking need to be a secret. I wonder if they'll go full S03 and have other people start finding out but still have Oliver keep Felicity out of the loop. This is such contrived nonsense. 21 Link to comment
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