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Witney and Lindsay aren't Ballroom-lite. They have tons of ballroom experience. They are just crossed trained in other styles, but with a concentration on ballroom.


Allison will no doubt be a better pro then Tyne, but I hope she gets a crash course, because teaching it is a whole different ball game.

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I actually was really hoping Derek would finally take that season off because ugh, I'm not looking forward to more of the "Derek is the Golden child/spawn of evil/Derek, Derek, etc." conversation during the season. 


Yes. I feel like it was even worse last season with people comparing Derek with Maks and trying to argue over who was better. I wish he had left with Maks, at least for a season or two. Maybe the conversation over if Derek is favored or evil or whatever won't be as bad this time, people have got to still be tired of it after last season.


I looked up Keo on the Youtube. There's not a lot of videos, but I'm excited to see him on the show based on the few I've seen. He was amazing to watch. If he can teach half as well as he can dance then I think he could be the surprise of the season.

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I'm flat out mad that Sharna got shafted.  Especially the WAY she got shafted.  That was low, producers.  I'm also not happy that Derek and Mark are back.  I thought Mark wanted to concentrate on his music?  I thought Derek had other avenues to explore?  What, did they decide to give him a leftover wax mannequin from Madame Tussauds this season and he's got to figure out how to make it dance on its own?  Basically, I'm asking how we can miss them if they won't go away?!


I'm with others that think Allison is a brilliant dancer, but she's a contemporary dancer, not ballroom.  If this show is shifting to more of a So You Think You Can Dance: Celebrity Edition format, then I question whether I'll keep watching.  I think a lot of it depends on how well Allison does as a teacher and the chemistry with her celeb partner.  Will they give her a ringer or stick her with the geriatric celebs?

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Yes. I feel like it was even worse last season with people comparing Derek with Maks and trying to argue over who was better. I wish he had left with Maks, at least for a season or two. Maybe the conversation over if Derek is favored or evil or whatever won't be as bad this time, people have got to still be tired of it after last season.

As long as a Hough and a Chmerkovskiy appear on the show at the same time, it will never end.  It's not even really coming from the pros themselves so much as the fans.  Even with Maks gone, it's not over because now it will just revert back to Val vs. Derek.  It's also not helped by the fact that both S16 and S18 came down to a Chmerkovksiy/Hough finish, which each camp taking one trophy.  Plus of course Val hasn't gotten a trophy yet.  Then throw on top of that that I think Derek and Val are probably the two strongest male choreographers the show has, barring any work from the new pros since I don't really know their capabilities.  Not over by a longshot.


Though I do expect Val to be a bit hungrier for the title this season than he was last, depending on his partner assignment of course.  For whatever reason the guy tends to roll over when Maks is around.  Not that he didn't work hard with Danica, but he was about Maks getting his win from day one.  Which I understand for obvious family reasons, but I don't think he was really focused on getting the prize for himself.


Then again you would think after four straight female celeb victories, the audience would be ready to crown a male winner.

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I actually was really hoping Derek would finally take that season off because ugh, I'm not looking forward to more of the "Derek is the Golden child/spawn of evil/Derek, Derek, etc." conversation during the season. 



Yes. I feel like it was even worse last season with people comparing Derek with Maks and trying to argue over who was better. I wish he had left with Maks, at least for a season or two. Maybe the conversation over if Derek is favored or evil or whatever won't be as bad this time, people have got to still be tired of it after last season.


I have to agree.  I was hoping that Derek would take a break because I am beyond sick and tired of the "Derek is the Golden Child/spawn of evil/the bogeyman of the show/Derek, Derek, Derek, Derek, etc" conversations.   It's ridiculous.  I am not ready to deal with that again.


The conversation over if Derek is favored or evil or whatever will always be bad.  It was horrible last season because of Maks.  Val is still around and I'm sure he's walking around thinking, "It's my turn to win".  Especially if the rumors turn out to be true and Maks ends up being a judge on the show.  So, it's still going to be bad.  You don't want to deal with that because it overtakes the show.

Edited by OnceSane
talk about the show not fans
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I think the Derek/Maks thing at this point isn't driven by the pros themselves, if it ever was. And since both of them are very popular, talk about them then tends to dominate all discussions. I understand that people get tired of it. On the other hand, they have both always generated interest for the show and the show has played up the contrast between them to create a narrative and hook viewers. So it's not unexpected that it's played out that way.


Maks is out of the picture now, so that should calm things down. And even should he come back for a bit of judging, I don't think he's the "Julianne type" with an agenda to settle grudges or anything. He's always struck me as friendly and constructive in the judging stints he's done so far.

Edited by OnceSane
Keep it to the show, please.
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I can totally understand the feelings of frustration that the show has shifted so much from ballroom. I do think that people like Witney and Lindsay are ballroom trained, but it's tough to compare their experience with someone like Karina. And I agree that I HATE that Sharna isn't there. She and Tristan (lucky Strictly in Britain -- they were wise to snap him up!), along with Emma, have been such great pros and have really added a breath of fresh air to the show. I like Cheryl, I even like Derek and Mark at times -- but I would love to see them take some time off and give other pros a shot.


All that said, I am a complete and total hypocrite because I have an unabashed love for Allison Holker. If the show is going the direction of contemporary/jazz (which I see as a debatable decision), I don't think they could do better than Allison. I hope, hope that she's good at the ballroom styles -- the woman has a facility for movement that is just incredible, but even I recognize that doesn't make her a ballroom pro...but I can't help it. I'm thrilled for her, and I hope she succeeds and has a great partner. Emma is the one who really deserves a contender this time! I guess I hope that both Allison and Emma don't get stuck with a geriatric partner:)

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All that said, I am a complete and total hypocrite because I have an unabashed love for Allison Holker. If the show is going the direction of contemporary/jazz (which I see as a debatable decision), I don't think they could do better than Allison. I hope, hope that she's good at the ballroom styles -- the woman has a facility for movement that is just incredible, but even I recognize that doesn't make her a ballroom pro...but I can't help it. I'm thrilled for her, and I hope she succeeds and has a great partner.

I'm with you in regard to Allison.  She is a brilliant multi-genre dancer but I too wonder about thrusting her into a ballroom-centrc show like DWTS.  It will interesting to say to the least but I wouldn't sell her short.  If you saw her on SYTYCD last night you got a glimpse of her incredible talent and sheer beauty.

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Allison will no doubt be a better pro then Tyne, but I hope she gets a crash course, because teaching it is a whole different ball game.


I think that's what Allison has been doing since leaving SYTYCD.  She's taught classes IIRC, & she may have choreographed a duet for SYTYCD (not sure on that one). 

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Latest gossip report is that if Cheryl didn't sign back on last minute, Jenna would have gotten her spot.  Still doesn't remotely explain the Sharna situation since the show is basically saying they value Jenna, Witney and etc. over Sharna.  Courtesy of Kristyn Burtt.  Take it with a grain of salt, but her info is usually correct.


Sharna, Maks, Val and Karina are doing Ballroom With a Twist shows for the next several days in Seattle.  Part of the show is always a Q&A portion with the audience.  While I'm sure Sharna won't say too much and obviously Val and Karina are still employed by the show, I am interested to see if we get any information there.   The pros tend to be a little more candid at those.  I have to imagine the questions poor Sharna will get, so I'm curious to see how she handles it or if the others say anything.  Maks might shoot his mouth off except for the fact that I think he's still gunning for a job behind the judges table. 

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Sharna strikes me as being fairly outspoken with her opinions and not shy at all with the press.  While that may be acceptable behavior for Maks,  I wonder if the producers didn't appreciate that quality in Sharna.  Just speculation on my part, but it's my feeling that the show likes their ladies to keep it zipped. See Edyta and Lacey.  Well, it's their loss.  Sharna was a real asset to the show.

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Partners with 3+ 30s: Derek 7, Mark 4, Cheryl 4, Karina 3, Tony 2, Val 1
Maks 3, Kym 2, Julianne 2, Dmitry 1
Multiple finals: Derek 8, Cheryl 7, Mark 6, Karina 4, Tony 3, Val 2
Maks 5, Kym 4, Julianne 2, Anna 2, Edyta 2, Lacey 2


So the obvious ones to return did so. The past favorites who left are Kym for Aussie DWTS, Julianne to try to be an actress/singer, and Maks who might be a judge and seemed kinda tired of competing.

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Partners with 3+ 30s: Derek 7, Mark 4, Cheryl 4, Karina 3, Tony 2, Val 1

Maks 3, Kym 2, Julianne 2, Dmitry 1

Multiple finals: Derek 8, Cheryl 7, Mark 6, Karina 4, Tony 3, Val 2

Maks 5, Kym 4, Julianne 2, Anna 2, Edyta 2, Lacey 2


So the obvious ones to return did so. The past favorites who left are Kym for Aussie DWTS, Julianne to try to be an actress/singer, and Maks who might be a judge and seemed kinda tired of competing.

Thanks for posting that. I don't think that explains everything. Kym was available for S18, but wasn't chosen. And pros only reach multiple 30's or the finals multiple times if they are given the raw materials to do so. If anything, the 30 stat shouldn't mean much because if stars are pulling in 30's and getting eliminated early anyway, that could be a sign the pro isn't connecting with viewers.  Plus, Lacey has as many finals appearances as Val and I think they both did 6 seasons, yet she fell out of favor long ago. 


While we're on stats, I think Cheryl has the longest losing streak with 15! seasons in a row. In recent years I think she's great at hiding her partner's weaknesses and buying them a few extra weeks, but she's not so great at setting them up to actually win.


I like Sharna and I would have liked to have seen her in the cast. I don't think she's the best latin dancer, but the show has enough latin specialists anyway. She did sort of get eliminated 1.5 times last season since Cody's elimination was half based on switch up week. That might not have been her fault at all if he was never pulling in a lot of votes, but I'm just throwing that out there.


Allison's inclusion is I think a step in the wrong direction. As brilliant as she maybe at contemporary, she couldn't partner someone like Charlie White. Now that pros have fan bases and the show is casting a lot of ringers, the line between pro and star is becoming blurred. Allison's inclusion only makes sense if there will be even more contemporary and jazz with less ballroom.


I'm still on the fence about whether I'll be tuning in this season. Rob Wade has been asked repeatedly about Maks future with the show and stated that they're looking for a way to keep him involved. How that situation resolves itself will probably determine if I tune in or not. Maybe seeing some unexpected partnerships  (meaning not giving the ringers to the usual suspects) could also persuade me.

Edited by Dots And Stripes
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While we're on stats, I think Cheryl has the longest losing streak with 15! seasons in a row. In recent years I think she's great at hiding her partner's weaknesses and buying them a few extra weeks, but she's not so great at setting them up to actually win.


Except you also have to factor in Cheryl hasn't gotten very good partners in recent seasons.  Nobody was going to set up DL Hughley and Drew Carey for a win.  Even Derek couldn't have done that.  Yes, she made the finals with Jack.  But Jack IMO was never meant to be a gift.  He was was someone that came in and took everyone by surprise and I very much think the producers gave her Jack thinking she would make another early exit that season.  Long past are the days when Cheryl would get the Gilles types and people with a fighting shot at winning.

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Except you also have to factor in Cheryl hasn't gotten very good partners in recent seasons.  Nobody was going to set up DL Hughley and Drew Carey for a win.  Even Derek couldn't have done that.  Yes, she made the finals with Jack.  But Jack IMO was never meant to be a gift.  He was was someone that came in and took everyone by surprise and I very much think the producers gave her Jack thinking she would make another early exit that season.  Long past are the days when Cheryl would get the Gilles types and people with a fighting shot at winning.

I totally agree that partners are a huge factor. But if Gilles would have won, she wouldn't have this streak. She's had several contenders since her last win in season 3 including Gilles, Christian, the heavily promoted William Levi, Chad, and arguable Rob, Jack, and I'd even throw in Chris Jericho. It matters how other contenders fare in the same season. We can only have one winner every season. I'm just throwing out there that now that all of what I consider longtime pros have won, Cheryl has the longest losing streak. I still think she has a stronger overall record than Tony, who has the most total losses. I wouldn't mind her getting a ringer since she does tend to get her share of challenges, although usually the challenges are at least big stars.


I find these sort of stats are interesting, but I agree that no stat is going to paint the full picture.

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Val has the edge if you add up the # of 3x 30+ seasons + # of finalist seasons he's had. It's why I said he was an "obvious" choice over fellow 2x finalists.


Or, if you want to look at just this decade's seasons (so the back half of them), which also better demonstrate heavy Derek bias:

3+ 30s: Derek 6, Mark 2, Karina 2, Cheryl 1, Tony 1, Val 1
Maks 1, Kym 1

Multiple finals: Derek 7, Mark 4, Cheryl 3, Karina 3, Val 2
Maks 3


Of course there are factors in place about WHY a contestant can rack up those 30s - i.e. the producers giving their favorites better dancers, and then the judges overscoring them to make sure they outlast the less favored. But the fact that they do so also in a roundabout way makes it more obvious that they would keep bringing back said faves. They justify themselves in advance. 

There's the question about why certain people who did well earlier were not brought back at that juncture, but after this many seasons of them not going far and/or not being around all, fans wouldn't realistically expect them to come back now.

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So it's a mark to show who the producers favor? IMO, I still don't think the number of 30's is a measure of much besides who three people like best. I also think producers should want to look at who is bringing in votes as a better sign of who connects with the audience. Still, I can't say I know what the producers are thinking or that their thinking is always logical.


Val has the edge if you add up the # of 3x 30+ seasons + # of finalist seasons he's had. It's why I said he was an "obvious" choice over fellow 2x finalists.



The other 2x finalists you mentioned were women. Val wouldn't be competing with them for a spot anyway. I also don't get why 2 final appearances would be the magic number to secure a spot on the show and not 1 or 3 or 4. I think it more has to do with producers wanting to create spaces for new pros and having to make cuts somewhere. I think there are different reasons why particular pros get phased out. 

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I'm still on the fence about whether I'll be tuning in this season. Rob Wade has been asked repeatedly about Maks future with the show and stated that they're looking for a way to keep him involved. How that situation resolves itself will probably determine if I tune in or not. Maybe seeing some unexpected partnerships  (meaning not giving the ringers to the usual suspects) could also persuade me.


Why do they need to keep Maks involved with the show?  He finally won the precious.  Let him go off into the sunset, never to return.

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Why do they need to keep Maks involved with the show?  He finally won the precious.  Let him go off into the sunset, never to return.

I like Maks, so I want to see him. He's entertaining. I'm sure it doesn't hurt that he can bring a lot of publicity to the show, especially when buzz starts to die down a few weeks into the season.


If we're letting pros ride off into the sunset after they win once...

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My memory of it is that it was announced she'd be judging the Australian show significantly before the pro lineup was finalized. 

You  might be thinking of last fall, S17. She was a judge on the Australian version last fall, but I remember a video where she said she would like to come back for 18. The Australian version only runs one season a year, so theoretically it wouldn't conflict.

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If Len has to leave then for the love of all that's sparkles and glitter I do not want Maks on that judging panel.  Not only because I do not want the constant drama but if Val should win, it would be always because his brother was a judge to some people. 

I don't know why I have such a soft spot for Val yet a deep dislike for Maks, but I do and I would rather Val not be tainted or painted with the Maks brush any further on this show.


Plus I like Len with all of his crusty grumpiness.  It would never be the same without a 10 from Len and I don't want him to go.

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Methinks the only significant decision left to TPTB is whether Len will return as the putative chief jidge, with Maks a frequent guest jidge, or if they will just hire Maks full time and Len will become but a memory. 

Holy crap! Is this a rumor? I knew Maks might get on the judging panel, but to replace Len as Head Judge?! Why can't they replace Carrie Ann who brings a whole new meaning to the word "inept"?  And if Len is retiring altogether, can't they find someone with more judging expertise than Maks?  Have they just completely given up on any credibility at all?


And I agree with BeaVee that Maks really doesn't need to be on the permanent judging panel as long as Val is competing.  I don't have a big problem with Maks judging (except not as Head Judge - give me a freaking break), but I do think that it's ridiculously unfair to have Maks judging his own brother.  What the hell, show?

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I still think that if Len goes TPTB will want to replace him with someone just like him personality-wise. Problem is, I don't know if such a person exists. Still, you've got flamboyant Bruno and space-cadet Carrie Ann so you've got to have someone on that panel with a more calming presence to round it out. Also, having someone who's actually danced, taught, and judged ballroom would be helpful, too. Just saying.

I've heard Shirley Ballas's name bandied about but if people have a problem with Maks being a judge due to Val there is no possible way Shirley could be objective with her son Mark and practically adopted son Derek still on the show.

Edited by COESpiral
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I've heard Shirley Ballas's name bandied about but if people have a problem with Maks being a judge due to Val there is no possible way Shirley could be objective with her son Mark and practically adopted son Derek still on the show.


Well obviously the solution is to remove Derek and Mark from the show! lol  If they hired Shirley Ballas as a judge, DWTS would be must watch TV for me.  Or how about Melanie LaPatin?

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All three judges are expected to return. Len hinted he wanted to retire at the end of last season, but Rob Wade said he expects Len to return. The rumor is Len might miss a few weeks because this season overlaps with Strictly. 


I referred to the fact that Rob Wade has expressed interest in keeping Maks involved with the show. Maks wants to judge. I haven't heard anything about him becoming 'head judge.' I don't think head judge means anything anyway. I also don't recall seeing any reporting that Maks is actually replacing Len. Rob Wade did say they were considering adding a fourth judge. When Rob Wade was giving interviews in July it didn't sound like anything was certain.


Maybe I'll expand on my thoughts about Maks judging in his thread at some point.

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But then Bruno would have to as well, since they're both judging on Strictly, no?

Sorry I wasn't clear. Len would miss DWTS some weeks because he apparently doesn't want to travel between London and LA every week. It's not that he can't do both. I meant that they overlap as in both are happening in the fall, not that they tape on the same nights. It sounds like Bruno will still do both shows.

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if Val should win, it would be always because his brother was a judge to some people.


I don't see how this is possible since it's the public who votes for a winner. Same goes for Shirley and Mark Ballas. In fact, I think the relatives would be more critical of their brother/son because they KNOW what they're capable of...and if they don't deliver, I'm sure they wouldn't have a problem saying so.

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Julianne is pretty far down on my list of former pros who I would want to see back as a judge so I'm not too excited about this news. Not surprised about it though. I'm also not thrilled about the time 4 judges takes up but if it spares us guest judges every week I guess it's a plus.

Edited by Buggin
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I don't think Maks or Julianne should be a judge when they have siblings and other personal relationships competing on the show.


I wonder if Maks would have come back as a dancer if he'd known he wasn't getting the judging spot. He seemed to hedge his bets and then suddenly made his announcement on The View right after a trip to LA. I thought they'd worked something out.


Julianne's failed acting career and potential return to the show should probably be a lesson to Maks about giving up a "sure thing" and what you're good at to try to pursue an acting career. Especially since he really doesn't have any talent as an actor. Riding who is/isn't he sleeping with rumors in the tabloids isn't going to turn him into the next Tom Cruise. The producers gave him a second chance after a year off where the best he could do was appearing in a country music video. No other exiled pro has gotten that opportunity though a few sure seem like they'd love to have it. I think he's got terrible people guiding him and his career and while this new agent is a step in the right direction, I think it might be too little too late for him.

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Great.  A 4th judge.  As if we don't spend enough time listening to Bruno's "hilarious" double entendres or CAI sobbing over contrived moments. And by all means, let's get Maks or Julianne to judge their own family.  What a super idea. I'm sure there won't be any bias at all.


Here's where I am at with DWTS:  What used to be my favorite show, full of real ballroom/latin professionals, genuine moments between couples, and lovely classic routines, has now become a hodgepodge of dance styles that no one can do well, staged rivalries and showmances, theme nights of crap music and judges that try to hog as much attention as they can.  It's a fucking circus and I'm pretty much done with the whole mess.

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Sunny, I think the last "genuine" season was Season 10. It's the last season I truly enjoyed and since then I think it's been downhill with everything you mentioned, along with producer manipulation, ridiculous overscoring and judges inconsistency.

Edited by Toonces464
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Sunny, I think the last "genuine" season was Season 10. It's the last season I truly enjoyed and since then I think it's been downhill with everything you mentioned, along with producer manipulation, ridiculous overscoring and judges inconsistency.

ITA. It makes me sad. It was the one show I could count on to create pure escapism for me. I'm also bummed out because I've always enjoyed the DWTS community at TWoP and now here.  But I just can't with this crap anymore. I hate how they've mucked everything up to create watercooler moments and controversy and other BS filler. It's not worth the aggravation to me anymore. The hell with it.

Edited by sunnyheart
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Julianne's excuse for judging while Derek was a pro was that she's there to judge the celebrity, not the pro. Well, in 2 guest appearances she took 2 shots at pros. She won't do that to Derek.


Julianne is an awful choice. Yes, I think the producers still love Derek too much for their own good. This is just another extension of that. Maks would also be biased, but if the producers don't care about fairness why should I? I didn't want Maks because he would help Val. That would actually have been the worst part of Maks judging. I would just rather watch Maks than Julianne any day of the week. 


If this comes to fruition then I'm done for the season.

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Sorry I wasn't clear. Len would miss DWTS some weeks because he apparently doesn't want to travel between London and LA every week. It's not that he can't do both. I meant that they overlap as in both are happening in the fall, not that they tape on the same nights. It sounds like Bruno will still do both shows.

Which is the way it's been for a few years now.  Len and Bruno commute back and forth between London and Hollywood in the fall (the British show airs on Saturdays, with the results show being taped that night and airing on Sunday night), but because Len is the head judge, he gets to take a week or two off from each show during the course of the seasons.  Bruno, on the other hand, still commutes back and forth the entire time.

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Well like others, I don't want either Maks or Julianne as a fourth judge because I find both insufferable. I don't even care about the sibling element - I just don't want to deal with them on the judging panel week after week.  Although it would be great if Maks is made a judge and some Pro gives him a taste of his own medicine as he did to Len and Carrie Ann throughout the seasons. It would be funny if the two people angling for the position are the two who most acted like they were too good for the show. Frankly, I don't even want a fourth judge - didn't the show see how that worked out for American Idol? Let me answer that, not very well.


Sunny, I think the last "genuine" season was Season 10.



Wasn't Season 10 the season Nicole won because ymmv but I remember that season having the whole Maks/Erin showmance, Cheryl/Ochocinco showmance, Nicole's obvious ringer-ness that everyone tried to conveniently ignore. I guess they weren't throwing contemporary/jazz at the couples yet so that was a good thing and there were some really great dances but I don't know I guess I just feel like the show has never been "pure" or genuine since maybe Season 1 when they didn't know how it would take with the public and how successful it would be. But once it really took off, madness ensued. And with a new producer coming on, likely wanting to create his own stamp on the show, yes there's bound to be more craziness. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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Frankly, I don't even want a fourth judge - didn't the show see how that worked out for American Idol? Let me answer that, not very well.


I'll counter answer by stating that DWTS is one of the few versions of the show that only has three judges.  Every other version that I've ever watched always has four judges on the panel (and the Mexican and Romanian versions even have five!), and it has always worked out very well (then again, most of the judges on the other versions are actually DanceSport pros and instructors who really do know what they're talking about, so there's that to it).


I say, bring on the fourth judge, as long as it's someone who actually competed in and taught DanceSport as Len did!

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If Julianne comes back as a judge (I don't care for how long)... Nice knowing ya, DWTS! That's what I call jumping the shark. The producers must be interested in declining their ratings even further by considering bringing her back.

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