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Season 6 First Looks

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I don't know the Dutch Legal Code, or even Dutch. A written caution might've been appropriate. Or even just a verbal reprimand.

And Yolanda, you were a bad hostess. Nussing is more disgustinck dan a bad hostess.

I am thinking they probably had to pull filming permits in Holland.  I am just not a fan of calling the police for social squabbles-I guess Kim didn't see the need either. 


Yolanda was a bad hostess for bringing up such a stupid topic at dinner.  Glad it happened in her homeland.  She basically said the rest of the women weren't genuine because they didn't publicly air their dirty laundry.  Something tells me Yolanda would not have been airing her daughter's DUI had it not been for TMZ.  Minors arrests are usually confidential but someone tipped off TMZ. 

  • Love 8

Lisar spent the entire flight to the Netherlands harassing Kim, Kim clearly did not want to talk to her, but Lisar was unrelenting. No matter how shrill and finger pointy she got, Kim wasn't violent, Lisar was. Look at Lisar's Twitter, she is quite combative and often goes too far.

We didn't see the flight to the Netherlands.  We only saw the flight to Calgary.  In Holland Kim went off on Kyle for causing them to have to wait.  Brandi screamed out "mother&cker" when Kim got her luggage caught on the escalator.  Such a bunch of classy broads.


Kim jumped all over Lisar on the private plane.  Let's remember who put the hate Lisar ball in motion-Brandi, by misrepresenting she and Lisar's conversation.  Lisar was apologizing to Kim-Kim is the one who got mad and then Kyle was the one that hid her face causing a later attack on Kyle by Kim.  At most it was a three minute exchange.

  • Love 13

I didn't see Kim as being harassed on that flight. Not at all. Just because Kim responded with "drop it now" doesn't mean that she was being harassed IMO. As usual, Kim didn't want to have to be responsible for dealing with a mess that was 100% her own making. Kim seemed like she was the one being offensive while LisaR was trying to deal with Kim being a total bitch towards her. The silent treatment isn't really a reasonable solution when they're required to interact with one another. I thought Kim not wanting to talk to her was childish and cowardly but the entire situation could have been avoided if Kim hadn't started off the trip being nasty. (Or to take it back further, they wouldn't have had their issue in the first place if Kim hadn't relapsed and been blasted on however many kinds of drugs.)

Like Brandi, LisaR needs to give Twitter a rest. That being said, being combative through Twitter is ultimately better than being physically combative with people in real life. Again, we're talking about a woman who tried to assault a police officer last year lol. Between the two of them Kim easily seems the most violent. Take Kim on Game Night with Brandi where Taylor felt that she had to come in between them. Kim was so loaded that she was totally willing to go there and didn't stop until another woman came between her and her target. (Brandi was equally aggressive. I can defend her on Game Night all day long but not in the moment where she and Kim both seemed like they were ready to get physical.) Another time that comes to mind is Kyle's White Party in season 2 where Kim was aggressive and totally in Brandi's personal space.

It's probably best I answer in Lisar's topic.

Well I do know Dutch and the Dutch legal system.....naw, but that would be amazing wouldn't it? I just hate when we fight over Kim . Lol.

Yes agreed, let's not go to that dark place.

The preview looked pretty good. On a positive note. I'm assuming that Kim and Brandi only filmed with Yo and Kyle. So ff'ing will be easy and will not miss out on much, if one chooses not to be exposed to those 2 again.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 8

Kim has no sense of how frustrating it must be for Kyle when Kim tells her to have more faith in her. She'd just had her ass arrested twice and is clearly deep into her addiction but in her eyes Kyle is wrong for not having more faith? As usual, Kim sees herself as the victim. 


I'm curious about the context of Eileen saying that she has to take the bullet all of the time because I can't recall any situation on this show where she's been in a situation where it seems like she's taking a metaphorical bullet for somebody. I wonder if she's talking to LisaR? 


Kathryn's husband made me laugh when he seemed annoyed that Kathryn didn't share more of the gooseberry with him. Then the way he nibbled at it like he was afraid of tasting her lip gloss was kind of funny. 


I'm looking forward to Dubai. The only annoying thing is since Yolanda won't be there that means we're likely going to be treated to solo scenes of her boring LD stuff. I wonder which of the producers is so gung ho on Yo that they're convinced most viewers are interested in seeing this boring mess? Didn't they get enough complaints during the Brooks drama? Or were the OC ratings good and they thought lightning would strike twice by using a similar story on BH? (I didn't watch OC last season so I'm curious.)


Eileen talking about taking the bullet really confused me as well. I'm wondering if it has something to do with her being somewhat outspoken on occasion, but I don't remember any backlash from those times, except from Kim. Which could be the possible reference since we are indeed going to have to put up with Kim and her "nobody trusts me" nonsense once again. It did seem to me that I saw LisaR's hair opposite her.


Dubai looked so sumptuous that I was very excitedly looking forward to the trip until they distracted me with all the drama. You are right, we are going to get Yolanda anyway, but worse than solo - oh, my, Brandi as her comforter. Fans can't win for losing here.

  • Love 8
LisaR says "Hallefuckinglujah" when Mr. G asks this person to leave so I'm guessing that it's not her (unless she's happy that she's being asked to leave?)




That's what I thought was going on - LisaR being happy at being asked to leave, but now that you mention it, it does make more sense that she's happy someone else is being asked to leave.

  • Love 2

It looks like Kyle doesn't fault Kim entirely ("Lisa R likes to act as though her hands are clean in that fight", and to Lisa's face "You did come after her from across the table"). The Richards/Hilton clan dynamics are so fucked up, but Kyle and Kim do have a fierce, albeit toxic loyalty to one another and she seems to be annoyed with Lisa R for milking the Kim incident for two years now. She said on WWHL that she was extremely offended by Lisa calling Kim gross, and now "fucking lunatic" and "rabid dog" have been added. Very interested in if Kyle and Lisa R will be enemies next season. IMO the danger of holding a very large, public grudge as Lisa R has is that after a certain amount of time the grudge holder looks worse than the offender. God knows people HATE Kim but she's not there, she can't defend herself, she's at arguably the weakest point in her life, and Lisa is not aware that she will lose the audience's sympathy for being a bully, IMO.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 9

It looks like Kyle doesn't fault Kim entirely ("Lisa R likes to act as though her hands are clean in that fight", and to Lisa's face "You did come after her from across the table"). The Richards/Hilton clan dynamics are so fucked up, but Kyle and Kim do have a fierce, albeit toxic loyalty to one another and she seems to be annoyed with Lisa R for milking the Kim incident for two years now. She said on WWHL that she was extremely offended by Lisa calling Kim gross, and now "fucking lunatic" and "rabid dog" have been added. Very interested in if Kyle and Lisa R will be enemies next season. IMO the danger of holding a very large, public grudge as Lisa R has is that after a certain amount of time the grudge holder looks worse than the offender. God knows people HATE Kim but she's not there, she can't defend herself, she's at arguably the weakest point in her life, and Lisa is not aware that she will lose the audience's sympathy for being a bully, IMO.

Am I the only one who thinks it is time for one if not both of the Richards sisters to take a stand and tell Brandi and Lisar they will not tolerate either of them speaking in their presence or on social media negatively about their sister.  It is overdue.  Lisar is supposedly sane and sober and she needs to understand she needs to let go with Kim.  Brandi is neither sane or sober but Kim needs to assert herself and say NO MORE about my sister, her husband or her kids.  At this point it is bordering on ludicrous that both Brandi, (who does not want to come between a family) and Lisar (I am sorry if) have got to be able to intellectualize they are doing harm and it is not good for their public personas. 


I don't think Kim has ever been anywhere since the end of her second marriage but at "the weakest point in her life".  If it isn't about her sobriety, it is about her fiancé (a guy she dated for at best a few months) death, her mother's estate, Monty, her son, her dog, her friend Brandi.  Kim is always is mourning. 

  • Love 13

Apparently my DVR didn't capture the prolonged "sneak peek" but I did get the first 10 minutes of next week's episode and that conversation between Kathryn and her husband about "Calcutta" marble had me rolling.


Now I really want to see old man lawyer kicking someone out of his house.  I can't find it on the Bravo site, damnit!


More evidence that I really can't like Kathryn.  She was showing off, but ended up showing her ignorance.  I'm assuming she was referring to Italian Calacatta marble.   And why in the world do you fly in part of Israel's wailing wall for decorative purposes in your kitchen?  That just seems so disrespectful. 


Good on Kathryn's husband for at least knowing where Calcutta is.

  • Love 5

It looks like Kyle doesn't fault Kim entirely ("Lisa R likes to act as though her hands are clean in that fight", and to Lisa's face "You did come after her from across the table"). The Richards/Hilton clan dynamics are so fucked up, but Kyle and Kim do have a fierce, albeit toxic loyalty to one another and she seems to be annoyed with Lisa R for milking the Kim incident for two years now. She said on WWHL that she was extremely offended by Lisa calling Kim gross, and now "fucking lunatic" and "rabid dog" have been added. Very interested in if Kyle and Lisa R will be enemies next season. IMO the danger of holding a very large, public grudge as Lisa R has is that after a certain amount of time the grudge holder looks worse than the offender. God knows people HATE Kim but she's not there, she can't defend herself, she's at arguably the weakest point in her life, and Lisa is not aware that she will lose the audience's sympathy for being a bully, IMO.

I agree that LisaR needs to let it go but I don't give a shit about Kim not being there to "defend" herself because her behavior was indefensible as Kyle said there and then. These are called consequences and I'm glad that Kim has to *finally* deal with them because she so rarely does. Even now it doesn't really work because there's always going to be someone there to pet Kim and tell her that everyone else is just being mean and that she's the poor, helpless victim. When has Kim not seen herself as a victim?


Has Kim acted like a fucking lunatic? Absolutely. LisaR can at least admit it when she loses her mind in addition to apologizing and correcting her behavior. Kim is incapable of stuff like that. 


I agree though that there's no need to call Kim a "gross" or a "rabid dog" even if those feel like accurate labels. It isn't nice and it isn't going to win her any points with people. 


I disagree that it was wrong for her to say anything though. If Kim had taken people's concerns seriously in that season when everyone (even Brandi) could see that she was heading for a downward spiral, maybe she wouldn't have ended up in that mess of trouble last year. Instead, she wanted to force everyone else to play the stupid game where they have to pretend that they're dealing with a sober person. I'm glad that LisaR and Eileen refused to play Kim's game and have never thought they were wrong for commenting on what was right in front of them. 


Brandi choosing to coddle Kim all season long and pretend that she's sober did more damage than anything LisaR did to Kim that season IMO. 


I thought Eileen did the best job of explaining why the women were legitimately concerned about the drug addict in their midst. I realize that there are cynical interpretations that think Eileen or LisaR would only talk about Kim because they wanted camera time and that there was no other component at play, but I thought Eileen did a good job of explaining that morally, she couldn't just pretend to not notice and thought that her conscience would feel better if she said something because God forbid something horrible happens down the road and they're all suddenly in the position where they're wondering if they could have done something. Eileen (and LisaR) wanted to at least make the effort because they could see it really was that bad. Consider too how bad it looked to the audience. I'm sure it was *way* worse behind the scenes and that there was plenty of evidence that Kim was using in addition to drinking. 

  • Love 14

I was confused about Kathryn's stone in her kitchen--is there some reason someone would have stone shipped from Israel? Is it special stone? Is that a thing rich people do, do things with Israeli stone because it has special qualities and looks particularly nice? From her joke about people putting their hands on it she seemed to suggest stone was more spiritual when it came from Israel or something. (I did get that that was a reference to the Wailing Wall which isn't about the type of stone!)

  • Love 2

I was confused about Kathryn's stone in her kitchen--is there some reason someone would have stone shipped from Israel? Is it special stone? Is that a thing rich people do, do things with Israeli stone because it has special qualities and looks particularly nice? From her joke about people putting their hands on it she seemed to suggest stone was more spiritual when it came from Israel or something. (I did get that that was a reference to the Wailing Wall which isn't about the type of stone!)


Simple answer - Kathryn is a show-off ignoramus.

  • Love 4

More evidence that I really can't like Kathryn.  She was showing off, but ended up showing her ignorance.  I'm assuming she was referring to Italian Calacatta marble.   And why in the world do you fly in part of Israel's wailing wall for decorative purposes in your kitchen?  That just seems so disrespectful. 


Good on Kathryn's husband for at least knowing where Calcutta is.

It is NOT stone from the "Wailing Wall", it is a stone mined in Israel and is also called "Jerusalem Stone", https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerusalem_stone

  • Love 11

Oddly, kim'S absence is felt..yet brandi could never be seen and the show would still go on.

To be free of kim, I think kyle needs to go.

I agree with Avaleigh, with all the real life news that was going on with Kim, the arrests/multiple rehabs/going off the rails in Mexico, it is hard to ignore her and the impact she still brings to the show even outside her sister Kyle.

  • Love 7

Not seeing why it's odd that Kathryn imported dolomite from Israel and/or transposes some fashion of spiritual distinction on it. It's been used in the construction of temples and churches in other parts of the world; Israel at large is the holy land of Abrahamic religions; and other materials (like, say, water from Lourdes) are often celebrated/fetishized for their spiritual properties. As for using it in her kitchen, also not seeing how it's disrespectful or suspect - most non-Protestant Christian church structures are intensely decorative as well as functional. If she wants to use the stone in her kitchen, it's no more eyebrow-raising from my perspective than Erika creating a "chapel" in a spare room or people storing holy water, sage, sweetgrass or any other manner of faith-oriented natural articles in their home . . . As for the question of who Thomas ejects from his home, I'm pretty sure that is indeed Mrs. Edwards and not Lisa. The whole-season synopsis released by Bravo prior to premiere noted that a feud erupts between Kathryn and Erika. Probably not a wise gambit on the part of either; I thought a significant reason that Carlton and Joyce never gained traction was that they spent a lot of their time fighting each other and the audience was not familiar enough with either to have any investment.

Not seeing why it's odd that Kathryn imported dolomite from Israel and/or transposes some fashion of spiritual distinction on it. It's been used in the construction of temples and churches in other parts of the world; Israel at large is the holy land of Abrahamic religions; and other materials (like, say, water from Lourdes) are often celebrated/fetishized for their spiritual properties. As for using it in her kitchen, also not seeing how it's disrespectful or suspect - most non-Protestant Christian church structures are intensely decorative as well as functional. If she wants to use the stone in her kitchen, it's no more eyebrow-raising from my perspective than Erika creating a "chapel" in a spare room or people storing holy water, sage, sweetgrass or any other manner of faith-oriented natural articles in their home . . . As for the question of who Thomas ejects from his home, I'm pretty sure that is indeed Mrs. Edwards and not Lisa. The whole-season synopsis released by Bravo prior to premiere noted that a feud erupts between Kathryn and Erika. Probably not a wise gambit on the part of either; I thought a significant reason that Carlton and Joyce never gained traction was that they spent a lot of their time fighting each other and the audience was not familiar enough with either to have any investment.

  • Love 6
Not seeing why it's odd that Kathryn imported dolomite from Israel and/or transposes some fashion of spiritual distinction on it. It's been used in the construction of temples and churches in other parts of the world; Israel at large is the holy land of Abrahamic religions; and other materials (like, say, water from Lourdes) are often celebrated/fetishized for their spiritual properties.



That was my question--I'd never heard of it being a thing that there was a special kind of stone in Israel that made it something you'd want to important rather than use some other stone. And while I get that people might take anything from Israel to be special because it's Israel, I didn't know this was a thing. The way Kathryn explained it it might as well have just been imported because they wanted to be able tot say the stone in their kitchen came from someplace besides the US.

  • Love 1

Brandi seemed to have a plan to make Rinna the bad guy on that trip. During the lunch they have before the trip Rinna tries to get Brandi to "own" the way she behaves the way she does, Brandi turns the focus to Kim. When Rinna point blank says that they CAN'T do an intervention for Kim, Brandi suggests they do one for all of the women so Kim does not feel ganged up on. The problem was that Rinna didn't take the bait


Then, they are sitting down to dinner after Kim has had ample time to stew; Rinna has had ample time to re-think her approach to dinner; and Yolanda (IMO) had time to hear out all sides along with what she is being told by production. There is a reason that Yolanda started that dinner by asking everyone to talk about the parts of their lives that they were hiding from each other. I personally don't think it had anything to do with Yolanda's illness or Bella's DUI. But, mileage varies.

Aha!  I never thought about it that way before.  But I totally agree - if Rinna would'nt take the bait, Brandi found someone who would :)

Lisar spent the entire flight to the Netherlands harassing Kim, Kim clearly did not want to talk to her, but Lisar was unrelenting. No matter how shrill and finger pointy she got, Kim wasn't violent, Lisar was. Look at Lisar's Twitter, she is quite combative and often goes too far.

I don't remember it like this at all. Right before they got on the plane we learned that Brandi had told Kim about the conversation she had with Kim, where she told her that Lisar was talking about an intervention, all the while leaving out her in role in that discussion. Lisar didn't know that Brandi had gone to Kim, or that Kim was pissed at her. All she did was ask Kim if she was OK, because she was acting strangely and giving Lisar the side-eye. My memory is that Kim went after Lisar to the point where everyone on the plane was beyond uncomfortable. Lisar tried to give her side of the story and diffuse a clearly nuts Kim, at which point Kim told her to basically leave it alone. I never saw Lisar harassing her on that flight. At all.

  • Love 12

Missed the first look, saw the Bravo previews though.


In the first one, I agree with Erika, stop blaming some unknown person for the Munchhausen crap Lipsa, own it.  YOU brought it up, and frankly, probably saw it on House or another medical show.  "Never heard of it" my ass.

ITA. "people" (inside your head) may have been talking about Munchausen, but Lisar chose to spread it to Kyle and LVP, so own up to it. It's your fault it was talked about on the show.  She got LVP and Kyle in trouble with Yo bc they weren't homies (btw I think that came from Erika not Brandi - Yo hasn't been hanging with Brandi during this part of the season - Brandi didn't film till later I think) and Lisar helped to fuel the Yo lyme storyline.  Next to Yo, Lisar has spoken more about Lyme than anyone.  And if she hadn't been so thirsty for a storyline, Yo and her lyme would have just been boring and wouldn't have garnered so much airtime.

  • Love 2

Yeah, it bothers me that MOST of the stories these women are using about about other people.  Kim or Yo.  What are the rest of them bringing, that's personal and real?  Next season, I'm sure we will see Rinna mourning the parents she never bothered to visit, maybe now she will at least visit her mother once a year.  We got Eileen get a partially paid trip to Italy to dump some of her died a while ago sister's ashes over rooftops, and a bit of Vince's grief over his dad, which at least is something about herself, contrived as the first part was.


Other than that, they sit around and gossip about Kim, Yo, or Brandi, and soon, probably Erika. 


I'm over it, these women aren't bringing it, and the previews are really scrambling for something to air, so we get more Kim, Brandi, and Yo stuff.  Yawn.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 4

ITA. "people" (inside your head) may have been talking about Munchausen, but Lisar chose to spread it to Kyle and LVP, so own up to it. It's your fault it was talked about on the show.  She got LVP and Kyle in trouble with Yo bc they weren't homies (btw I think that came from Erika not Brandi - Yo hasn't been hanging with Brandi during this part of the season - Brandi didn't film till later I think) and Lisar helped to fuel the Yo lyme storyline.  Next to Yo, Lisar has spoken more about Lyme than anyone.  And if she hadn't been so thirsty for a storyline, Yo and her lyme would have just been boring and wouldn't have garnered so much airtime.

Lisa already went to Yolanda and apologized for the comment and that should have been enough. How sad is it that Yolanda lied to LisaV/Kyle just to punish LisaR AFTER that apology? How sick!


Oh, and Brandi was very much a part of Yolanda's life even when she wasn't filming with/for Yolanda. Brandi has been in Yolanda's ear/up her butt the whole time they were filming, just behind the scenes and not on camera with few exceptions.


Yeah, it bothers me that MOST of the stories these women are using about about other people.  Kim or Yo.  What are the rest of them bringing, that's personal and real?  Next season, I'm sure we will see Rinna mourning the parents she never bothered to visit, maybe now she will at least visit her mother once a year.  We got Eileen get a partially paid trip to Italy to dump some of her died a while ago sister's ashes over rooftops, and a bit of Vince's grief over his dad, which at least is something about herself, contrived as the first part was.


Other than that, they sit around and gossip about Kim, Yo, or Brandi, and soon, probably Erika. 


I'm over it, these women aren't bringing it, and the previews are really scrambling for something to air, so we get more Kim, Brandi, and Yo stuff.  Yawn.

Had the others ignored Yolanda outside the occasional "poor, sick Yolanda" she,. Yolanda, would have been pissed they didn't talk about her enough. Yolanda chose to put her medical issues ON camera as her MAIN/SOLE storyline this season. Maybe had she should have sat this season out if she didn't have anything else to bring.


As for Kim, she IS the pink elephant in the room because of her horrid actions off camera, including but not limited to just her arrests. Add to that, she bad mouthed LisaV every time she got an interview, so IMO, LisaV has the right to talk about Kim/her behavior ON camera. Both LisaR and Eileen had the right to say/ask about Kim's behavior at the beginning of the season but should have let it go by now. For Kyle, it is an ongoing, very public feud with her sisters that Kim's BFF, Brandi, has kept in the public via her tweets, podcast and interviews. At this point, Kyle has the right to defend herself. JMO

  • Love 11

I think at the time of filming Kim's behavior was still in the news and people were continuing to be concerned and curious about her....they still are. It's fairly scandalizing--actress arrested, later leaves country misses scheduled check in for rehab, reports of partying in Mexico, shoplifting, lawsuits. I don't blame them for talking about her and while they should respect Kyle's wishes not to discuss with her if she indicates she doesn't want to, there is no reason they can't discuss it amongst themselves. They have been pretty decent imo on what they have said on camera regarding Kim~~they could have been much worse and I wouldn't have blamed them.

  • Love 12

That's Kyle's storyline though, so we will never be done with it, Kim will just rarely be paid for it.


Even though she often protests, I agree with you about Kim being Kyle's storyline for a long, long time.  I do think that she's making an effort to branch out a bit this season (especially since Kim is not part of the cast).  Unfortunately, Kyle doesn't seem to have anything interesting to add so she's adopted the role of an instigator.  She didn't have to seat Kathryn across from Faye or press LisaV for information about Yo's kids, etc.  When she's not being a shit-stirrer, she goes back to whining and weeping.  It's pathetic.

Edited by AnnA
  • Love 4

Even though she often protests, I agree with you about Kim being Kyle's storyline for a long, long time.  I do think that she's making an effort to branch out a bit this season (especially since Kim is not part of the cast).  Unfortunately, Kyle doesn't seem to have anything interesting to add so she's adopted the role of an instigator.  She didn't have to seat Kathryn across from Faye or press LisaV for information about Yo's kids, etc.  When she's not being a shit-stirrer, she goes back to whining and weeping.  It's pathetic.

Kyle has had a lot of storylines this year.  She went to France, Italy, England, she opened a store in the Hamptons, we saw her extended family, she has had a Kim-free al fresco dinner, a Kim free anniversary party, she has tended to Yolanda, met Erika Jayne gone to an Erika Jayne performance.  Has the total amount of time talking about Kim amounted to more than seven minutes all season?  Got my stopwatch out.  I don't think so.  Essentially Kyle is being asked about her out of control, on the headlines sister who the women asking had a working relationship with and trip to Amsterdam that was hellish. Lisa adds animals to her menagerie, and looks at new restaurant spaces, Lisar spends times talking on the phone to her parents, kids and husband, Yolanda is just about Lyme, and Erika is about shock value-and has to have two personalities, Kathryn is just always pissed off and Eileen has her career and family.  Don't know what more they can do for a "storyline".  Do we need divorces, homicides, arrests, bankruptcies, illnesses? 

  • Love 8

It's not a travel show, and no one cares about what these bimbos are selling.  It's not even "lifestyles of the rich and famous."  It's BRAVO.  They want drama, action, something to happen, personal stuff.  Angst. 


Camille's dinner party from hell.  Kyle trying to strangle Kim in the limo and screeching at her.  Stuff that gets ratings and makes people tune in.  Obviously they tried hard with the OJ crossover story, but neither Faye nor Kathryn gave them much. 

  • Love 2

It's not a travel show, and no one cares about what these bimbos are selling.  It's not even "lifestyles of the rich and famous."  It's BRAVO.  They want drama, action, something to happen, personal stuff.  Angst. 


Camille's dinner party from hell.  Kyle trying to strangle Kim in the limo and screeching at her.  Stuff that gets ratings and makes people tune in.  Obviously they tried hard with the OJ crossover story, but neither Faye nor Kathryn gave them much. 

Kyle never tried to strangle her sister-the most either of them were guilty of was misdemeanor finger pointing and hand slaps.  There might be an public indecency thrown in there for Kyle and her short dress and some unfortunate views and of course Kim drunk in public.


I think it is time to move past the term "storyline".  Some women are pretty one-note-like Yolanda and the Lyme disease others aren't.

  • Love 5

It's not a travel show, and no one cares about what these bimbos are selling.  It's not even "lifestyles of the rich and famous."  It's BRAVO.  They want drama, action, something to happen, personal stuff.  Angst. 


Camille's dinner party from hell.  Kyle trying to strangle Kim in the limo and screeching at her.  Stuff that gets ratings and makes people tune in.  Obviously they tried hard with the OJ crossover story, but neither Faye nor Kathryn gave them much. 

Then why does Bravo/production always include at least 2 trips per season on all the HW shows? Yes, the travel porn, house porn, designer clothes/accessories, ect are very much a part of this show and to a lesser extent the other HW shows. Kyle never tried to strangle anyone, let alone Kim...ever and the sisters have no problem screeching at each other but Kim gets the gold for doing it to ALL the other HWs with the possible exceptions of Adrienne, Camille and Yolanda. LOL

  • Love 4

Am I the only one who thinks it is time for one if not both of the Richards sisters to take a stand and tell Brandi and Lisar they will not tolerate either of them speaking in their presence or on social media negatively about their sister.  It is overdue.  Lisar is supposedly sane and sober and she needs to understand she needs to let go with Kim.  Brandi is neither sane or sober but Kim needs to assert herself and say NO MORE about my sister, her husband or her kids.  At this point it is bordering on ludicrous that both Brandi, (who does not want to come between a family) and Lisar (I am sorry if) have got to be able to intellectualize they are doing harm and it is not good for their public personas. 


I don't think Kim has ever been anywhere since the end of her second marriage but at "the weakest point in her life".  If it isn't about her sobriety, it is about her fiancé (a guy she dated for at best a few months) death, her mother's estate, Monty, her son, her dog, her friend Brandi.  Kim is always is mourning. 


You know, I'm kind of sick of the Richard's sisters more than anyone else just because neither one will just do this. 

  • Love 4

Even though she often protests, I agree with you about Kim being Kyle's storyline for a long, long time. I do think that she's making an effort to branch out a bit this season (especially since Kim is not part of the cast). Unfortunately, Kyle doesn't seem to have anything interesting to add so she's adopted the role of an instigator. She didn't have to seat Kathryn across from Faye or press LisaV for information about Yo's kids, etc. When she's not being a shit-stirrer, she goes back to whining and weeping. It's pathetic.

But this just gets us back to the same old place, doesn't it? What storyline does anyone have? I don't see how Kyle has any less going on than any of the others.

I'm not sure if anyone heard Kyle on Heather Dubrow's Podcast, but she said Faye wasn't only invited, but that she has been a paid cast member since before the shit with Brandi in S3. She said she was invited to Kyle's lunch by production and was on the schedule to be there. She also said that while she wasn't responsible for the placement of the place cards or the seating arrangement, that she took responsibility because it was her event. She said it has been Faye's decision to stay away from the show for the most part because of the viciousness of the audience reaction during the Brandi deal.

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 8

Kyle lunged for her throat in the limo, Adrienne had to hold her back.


Anyway, I enjoy the travel, but travel alone doesn't keep the ratings up, neither does doing nothing but talk about 2 former housewives, and Yo.  It's bad enough that Yo is talking about Yo.

Kyle was doing that "Richards" finger pointing and tried to do it IN Kim's face, she did NOT try to reach out and grab Kim's throat and Kim was trying to kick Kyle so Adrienne put her hands up to stop BOTH of them. LOL


As for them talking about Kim and Brandi, well, those 2 can just blame themselves for that. Kim was in the papers, legit newspapers, because of her horrid, illegal and stupid behavior and I don't think it could be ignored by the cast...at all, especially since Kim was talking smack about LisaV in most of her interviews, including TV interviews. As for Brandi, again, Brandi was talking about them, especially LisaV, Kyle and LisaR on twitter and on her podcasts, she was vile, nasty and very ugly about them in a very public way. Kim and Brandi brought it on themselves and nothing most of them have said has been all that bad IMO.


No, Yolanda is the one creating the chatter about her with all her tweets/IG posts/sickie photos. Then she talks about herself non stop on the show. She has yet to ask "How are you" to anyone or "What's new with you" to anyone, it is all me, me, me, me, my kids but don't talk about them but please talk about them, me, me, me!


We all know that production films hours and hours of footage and then edits it down to what they want us to see/hear, which means there is a lot more footage NOT about Yolanda/kids, Brandi or Kim than there is about/including them.

  • Love 8

Kyle lunged for her throat in the limo, Adrienne had to hold her back.


Anyway, I enjoy the travel, but travel alone doesn't keep the ratings up, neither does doing nothing but talk about 2 former housewives, and Yo.  It's bad enough that Yo is talking about Yo.

Here it is. . . no throat lunging-just hand slapping and grabbing.  .http://www.hulu.com/watch/209067

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