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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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In fairness, I believe Sheila wasn't specific about where the wedding was going to be held. She even mentioned the beach, so Finn kinda sorta gets a pass for inadvertently showing up at the wedding.

Isn't Malibu quite a hike from Beverly Hills? WTF order pizza from Il Giardino? It would be ice cold by the time Finn got home with it. Anyway, I thought the mega trend right now was to have your own wood-fired pizza oven outdoors. Surely the cliff house has one somewhere on the property. Maybe next to the tennis court that nobody uses. 🤑

And, I am pretty sure there are pizza joints in Malibu. Some probably even deliver ... ya think? 🤔

Once the "honeymoon" is over, somebody should suggest to Deacon that he open a delivery service. 🙄


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On 5/22/2024 at 5:52 AM, GHScorpiosRule said:

know that Ron quit because he was forgetting things after a really bad accident, but what I wouldn't give to have him back-just write on big giant cue cards for him to read or something. As I've stated before, he wasn't the greatest thespian, but he did give Ridge charisma, charm, and yes, brought the sexay.

Original recipe Ridge was on paper every bit as loathesome as the current ogre we have now, but at least he able to turn the rage down when he needed to and the only time he anywhere near as harsh towards Brooke as the current version is on any given day ending in Y was when he found out who Hope's father was, and frankly for as much as the narrative framed Brooke as the sympathetic victim that fans claim the show does now, it's was well earned and the only consequence she gave a fuck about.

15 hours ago, KerleyQ said:


I so wanted Finn to respond, when Steffy said "and then Liam is going to hang out here for a while," with "actually, no. That's not OK. I don't want the man who has repeatedly tried to undermine our marriage to hang out in our house." 

God, this. And she STILL hasn't brought up Rome after A DAMN YEAR, like the slag that she is.

I hate Liam and Steam as much as the next person but jeez, can't Sinn be allowed to have some conflicts? The reason why Nick was a successful spoiler for Bridge was because Nick was wild about Brooke but he did call bullshit where he saw it, including the day of their wedding. They both made the other want to be better people rather than give into their worst impulses. 

But frankly between this crap and the Sheila nonsense, Finn is hardly any better of an option than that self serving snake in the grass Liam is. If the men will always be  trash, I wish the show would give us the fun kind of trash like bad boy Deacon or one who owes his fucking selfish shit like Bill instead of these Chinese bootleg copies of Ridge. It's not for nothing that a good portion of the fanbase consider Liam a bigger villain than Thomas.

16 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

Why didn't Hope just tell Deacon that she would rather stand up for him? It's certainly not unheard of for women to stand up on the groom's side, or vice versa.

This show loves to remain stuck in 1947, it seems.

Even the comparatively more conservative ATWT had besties Katie Peretti and Henry Coleman standing up for one another at one another's weddings kHeney more than Katie because my GOD she ran through husbands like toilet paper during COVID)

I'm pretty sure even Days of our Lives, a show for which the Salem Catholic Church is a core set and has had a number of priests as main characters, have had more unconventional than B&B has.

On the other hand, I'm appreciative of any wedding we get that doesn't take place in Eric's living room these days. Small miracles, I guess.

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1 hour ago, Artsda said:

Finn let himself be peer pressured by everyone.

He really does just go along with whoever is in front of him at any given moment. He needs to get a spine. 

I think it would have been exactly what Sheila deserves if, listening to the officiant talking about the commitment exchanging the rings represents made Finn flashback to his own vows and realize that he wants to put his wife first and truly cut Sheila out of his life. Not that I want Princess SuperBitch to get the win here, either, but Sheila getting everything she wants doesn't sit right, either. 

Enough with the fucking nine toes. They're bordering on making it seem like a kink. No thank you. 

Ridge is just so over the top with his "Finn would never go to that wedding" that it again had me conflicted, because I love that he's not getting what he wants. 

Judging by the preview scenes for next week at the end, I'm assuming that Steffy decides to blame Hope for Finn staying for the wedding, so she's going to get her revenge by cutting off HFTF. At this point, I honestly can't wait for Finn/Hope, because it is exactly what Steffy deserves. It's past time karma pays Princess SuperBitch a visit. 

I can't remember now, does Hope know about Liam and Steffy kissing after he saw her with Thomas? I've been waiting for Finn to find out about that shit. 

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Sheila has had plenty of second chances, and there have been times where she had everything she ever wanted. Eric adored her way back when; he would have moved heaven and earth to be with Sheila. When you consider that after Sheila walked out on their wedding, making Eric look like a complete fool, that he came back to the church later that evening and found Sheila there and listened to her reasons and not only forgave her, but married her still? But Sheila was fighting a lot of battles at that time, and the walls would eventually close in on her and destroy her happiness with Eric. She has nothing to hide from Deacon, he knows every horrible thing there is to know about her, so maybe that will be the difference here. I don't think she deserves happiness or peace of mind, but Show wants her as part of the story, so if her story is to now cause havoc in Her Highnass's life without any schemes, or plans, or manipulations, or kidnapping, or poisoning, or physical harm, just by being alive and happy? I guess I will have to be on board for it. 

My issue with Finn is the 360 he has pulled. The day they rescued Birth Mommy, he was over the top, going on about how they were given a second chance. He made it clear that he wanted to be in Sheila's life and to have a relationship with her. Now he is back to being distant. Please give Finn a lane and have him stay in it. 

That was an awful lot of food for only four people. Of course, Finn did eventually show up, but even for five people that was a lot of vittles. 

So, Steffy is going to pull the company's most successful line in order to hurt Hope? Shocking! The decision making history of Forrester CEO's is not something to be proud of. For the most part anyone in the seat has used it as a means to control and hurt others. Eric was a good CEO in the beginning, but the battle for BeLief changed all that, and he lost his company. Brooke could have, and probably should have, used the company to leverage her revenge, but she instead dug in her heels and learned the business and really wanted to make her impact. But that doesn't change that it was all cloaked in anger and vengeance; Brooke just didn't let it control her decision making. Well, except for kicking Stephanie out of her office. I watched a video with KKL and AN that intimated that they were going to give Brooke a new business SL, maybe this will have something to do with that. God knows the character is long overdue, all she does now is paw on Ridge and tell him how wonderful he is. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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I’d accuse the show of using AI generated scripts, but a computer would find a much more logical way to have Finn to show up at the wedding. Bell’s lazy, contrived writing insults the intelligence of the audience. Hell, it insults the intelligence of cucumbers. Granted, I’m the fool who keeps turning on the show.

I wonder where Steffy would get the idea that Finn could be easily manipulated by a woman to do whatever that woman wanted without any regard for his own feelings? Projection much? Steffy, being one of the worst misogynists on the show, naturally will blame Hope. On the plus side, Liam might overdose on smug and be rendered comatose.

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16 hours ago, Artsda said:

Finn let himself be peer pressured by everyone.

Seriously. Frankly, if I wanted to see either Steffy or Hope with a spineless jellyfish, we already have Liam and SC has actual acting ability.

15 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

I can't remember now, does Hope know about Liam and Steffy kissing after he saw her with Thomas? I've been waiting for Finn to find out about that shit. 

Neither of those clowns ever fessed up but Hope correctly guessed that he had already hightailed it in her direction. Not that her dragging Liam's sins that she had long forgiven wasn't deflect from her kissing Thomas but every decision of his since last July was proof that Hope should've cut bait far sooner.


4 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

The decision making history of Forrester CEO's is not something to be proud of. For the most part anyone in the seat has used it as a means to control and hurt others

Truly, they do. That Brooke was easily the best CEO that company ever had is a testament to what an absolute clusterfuck of a work environment it truly was and even she used it as a seduction weapon for Ridge a good portion of the time.

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17 hours ago, Snaporaz said:

The toe cookies were funny.  Gross, but funny.  That said, can we never ever see or hear about Sheila's stank feet ever again?

When I saw those witch finger cookies, I thought, wait a minute - it's not Halloween. Those are all Halloween staples now. Even Martha Stewart makes them.

16 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

Not that I want Princess SuperBitch to get the win here, either, but Sheila getting everything she wants doesn't sit right, either. 

The pendulum has swung so far in her favor that I am fully expecting it to swing just as far in the opposite direction. However, I have to agree with what RunTheTable said, if Sheila being happy ruins Stuffy's day, then yeah! I am surprised that they've given Sheila so much, but I don't expect it to last.

Those previews... ugh. I had hoped that they dropped that Ploppy and $Bill nonsense. It only made him look bad. And then Stuffy being the mean girl to Hope, I guess that's why Thomas will return, to save HFTF. Of course there's always the possibility that now that Hope and Sheila are family it could trigger Sheila.

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1 hour ago, SweePea59 said:

Of course there's always the possibility that now that Hope and Sheila are family it could trigger Sheila.

There's something Hope should have considered when agreeing to be her maid of honor and seemingly blessing their union. Sheila is now going to consider Hope to be her beloved stepdaughter. I'd wager that Hope does not want a psycho going all deranged pitbull anytime someone hurts her even the tiniest bit. 

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Whatever happened to those buckets of ducats Sheila was bragging about several months ago ??  Out of gratitude towards her new daughter for helping persuade Finn to come to her wedding...why not set Hope up in a brand new and improved HFTF as a Forrester rival ??

How long will Steffy's arbitrary firing of Hope last before Grand Dad steps in and transfers her to the Black Hole that is the "Paris Office" ?? 


Is Steffy pregnant with Baby #5 IRL , so a banishment to Paris is in order ??



Edited by Peppermint
Changed DIL to daughter before being called to the principal's office
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10 hours ago, Peppermint said:

Whatever happened to those buckets of ducats Sheila was bragging about several months ago ??  Out of gratitude towards her new daughter for helping persuade Finn to come to her wedding...why not set Hope up in a brand new and improved HFTF as a Forrester rival ??


Oh, man, I wish! Sheila owning the rival fashion house? It's just what this show needs! That would be too good to be true! And of course Sheila could lure Thomas back as head designer. Shades of when Ridge slicked back his hair and was working at Spectra. Delicious! Let the fashion espionage and fashion showdowns begin!

Now, whatever really happens will be nothing short of a major disappointment. 

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On 5/25/2024 at 1:41 PM, KerleyQ said:

There's something Hope should have considered when agreeing to be her maid of honor and seemingly blessing their union. Sheila is now going to consider Hope to be her beloved stepdaughter. I'd wager that Hope does not want a psycho going all deranged pitbull anytime someone hurts her even the tiniest bit. 

On the other hand, Hope finally having a pitbull in her corner will be one of the few net benefits Sheila has ever given to the world.

As I sit here typing this, it's actually kinda funny they've become related by marriage given that without Sheila coming to Los Angeles, without whatever brought her and Amber from Furnace Creek and that baby switch after Amber married Rick and Rick trying to buy off Deacon, Hope would not exist.

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20 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

On the other hand, Hope finally having a pitbull in her corner will be one of the few net benefits Sheila has ever given to the world.

As I sit here typing this, it's actually kinda funny they've become related by marriage given that without Sheila coming to Los Angeles, without whatever brought her and Amber from Furnace Creek and that baby switch after Amber married Rick and Rick trying to buy off Deacon, Hope would not exist.

I think I would love it if Sheila were to start throwing shade at Steffy if she even so much as hinted at calling Hope a slut--of course I would love it if Hope stopped taking the high road and got as nasty and mean as Steffy but Sheila's going scorched earth would be just as awesome.  Again, anything that upsets or makes Steffy unhappy is automatically fabulous in my book.

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For someone who really wanted to play with his daughters, it’s quite ridiculous for Liam to let them go next door to a pool party. This is par for the course though.  

Katie, the yenta, basically just barges in to Bill’s home under the premise to ask Bill about parents weekend. Gets her answer, that she could have gotten over the phone, then plants her ass, in a chair, and plays the jealous ex wife. 


The advertisement say Red Bull gives you wings. On that note, Hope gives Finn Balls in not allowing Stuffy to dictate how Finn should feel about Shiela. 

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11 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Katie, the yenta, basically just barges in to Bill’s home under the premise to ask Bill about parents weekend. Gets her answer, that she could have gotten over the phone, then plants her ass, in a chair, and plays the jealous ex wife. 

That whole scene was awful. And how tacky was Ploppy with her, "I had him first"? Bill said he and Ploppy knew each other about 20 years ago, which we all know should be longer ago than that, but I had to check to see when he first married Katie and that was 15 years ago. BTW, Will was born in 2012, so he should actually be 12 now.

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4 hours ago, SweePea59 said:

That whole scene was awful. And how tacky was Ploppy with her, "I had him first"? Bill said he and Ploppy knew each other about 20 years ago, which we all know should be longer ago than that, but I had to check to see when he first married Katie and that was 15 years ago. BTW, Will was born in 2012, so he should actually be 12 now.

I believe it was the other way around. Katie was tackle with Poppy and Poppy was just reacting to Katie’s smugness. 

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I absolutely hate the way Steffy speaks to Finn. She’s correct that Sheila is dangerous ~ she shot them both ~ & if Finn gives her an inch, even inadvertently, she thinks it’s a mile. But the way that Steffy speaks to him is like kicking a puppy. He was literally speaking to her about the pizzas when she grabbed her phone, which was :07 seconds after he walked in the door. She was furious that he’d withheld that info, when he was trying to tell her, but she just got distracted. Both Finn & Hope thinking about each other at the end, I’m guessing those 2 will have fireworks by July 4. 

Liam chucking Hope on the shoulder on the way out, in case you didn’t notice, they’re just coparenting buddies now. 

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Liam you are such a fucking idiot. Finn should have put his wife and family first?  Liam, when was the last time you put your wife and family first?  If you did, then you and Hope would not have gotten a divorce. 

So Poppy confesses that Bill could be sort of be or possibly be Luna’s father.  Now that is a lot better than Jack or Finn being Luna’s father.   

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33 minutes ago, Artsda said:

Not back to this Luna is Bills thing. 

Ugh. I know. I thought they dropped it. I don't know when JMW told them she was preggers in relation to their shooting schedule, but maybe they had dropped this dog of a storyline and then panicked with her news and revived this crummy story line to fill the void while they rewrite hers. I honestly can't think of anything that would make me interested in it.

Edited by SweePea59
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Even when Steffy is in the right, she's just so awful that I can't find it in me to agree with her. The way she talks to Finn, like he's a misbehaving child, is just so disrespectful. Hope was right, Finn needs to be the one to figure out what kind of relationship he wants to have with his psycho birth mother. He's never allowed the chance to do that, because both Sheila and Steffy are the worst and just shove their own agendas onto him without giving him a chance to speak or think for two seconds. Liam is, at least, being far more reasonable in that he expresses to Hope that he doesn't think it's a good idea for her to spend time around Sheila, but his only demand is that she not bring Beth around her. Obviously, they're not a couple anymore, while Steffy and Finn are, but we all know that Liam doesn't let a little thing like not being partnered up with either Steffy or Hope to stop him from trying to tell them what to do.

Now we're going to pretend that Poppy hasn't repeatedly told Bill and Luna that he isn't Luna's father? Is she going to turn out to be lying now, because better him than the truth? Or are they rewriting all that they've written on this topic? 

I hate that we only see Bill like once every other month or so, and this is what we're wasting him on. He's probably the most interesting male character on this show, so is it too much to ask that they bring on someone who doesn't suck to be a new love interest for him? And they can toss Poppy at Zende. I'd try to beat that Brill drum again, but this show will never let Brooke be truly happy with someone who isn't Ridge, so... 

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How gross was all that? Liam gleefully gloating because Finn “disobeyed” his wife and then Steffy scolding Finn like he was a puppy who piddled on the carpet… so much cringe. Liam’s new role as the wandering condescending jackass is not a good one.

No better day of the week than Exposition Tuesday, where RJ and Luna rehash the Bill/Poppy relationship after they themselves rehashed it for Katie. Please, tell me more about this offscreen past. Just don’t get to the fucking point about the identity of Luna’s father.

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6 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Liam gleefully gloating because Finn “disobeyed” his wife and then Steffy scolding Finn like he was a puppy who piddled on the carpet

This really pissed me off. "Disobey"? What? Is Finn Steffy's child or husband? And the last part is exactly what I mentioned to someone else-except that he looks like a whipped and abused puppy. It seems all Finn does is apologize to Steffy. I don't understand why he continues to take her abuse.

And the way Hope was remembering those scenes in Finn's office? Hmmm....

And Bill? IF you had looked for Poppy--and found her--I don't think Liam and Will would be in existence today. The former, no biggie, but what about Will? I stopped watching this show before Bill was introduced, and when both Katie and Donna were recognizable characters. I haven't watched in years, yet I still recognize Brooke. And just what was that with the jealousy and possessiveness Katie was showing? And that remark that "15 years is a long time to be friends" nonsense. So should I end my friendships that have gone past the 15 year mark?

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1 hour ago, Js Nana said:

I'm waiting for the episode where Finn's reply to one of Steffy's "bad boy, bad boy" rants is: "Frankly, you insufferable PiA, I don't give a damn what you think; so, go F yourself because I'm out of here, and I'm taking my kid with me."

I would KILL for this to happen and I kind of think Finn's on his way to reacting like this but not on his own account but because of Steffy's actions towards Hope.  Finn's willing to accept all of Steffy's bitchiness because he feels guilty for upsetting her but now that she's turned her vindictiveness on Hope?  I think that's where Finn will draw the line.

And I love how aghast Liam is at Finn's "disobeying his wife" but Liam didn't seem to have any issue with going against Hope's wishes--you know, like when she didn't want him to have sex with Steffy--when they were married.  It can't be said enough but waffle boy really needs to look up the definition of hypocrite.

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Eric says that Bill is full of himself?  I guess he hasn’t met Ridge of Stuffy. Ridge and Stuffy are so full of themselves that there is no room for anyone else. Even Brooke or Finn. 

Yes Stuffy, you are Co-CEO but you can make unilateral decisions?  As Co-CEO you suck because you are willing to put personal feelings over good business. 

Gossip is the most impotent thing in the Logan Cauldron’ life. It’s more important than Donna being with her Hunny Bear. 

Poppy road the stallion and still remembers what it was like 20 years later. Bill is the man. Brooke and Katie must be very jealous that Poppy is now riding the stallion instead of them. 


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Hope...Excellent choice for her today, adorable hair style, very sweet.

Brooke...Lovely color for her, dress was classy and classic.

Donna...Nice "At-Home" outfit. Should have washed her hair this week, though.

Poppy...Ill-fitting gunny sack. Old hippy brown is not her color.

Luna..."Peek-A-Whoa " !! At least her ass was covered today.

Eric...Wealthy man of leisure. He wears it well.

Katie..2nd day in a row of a really nice dress. If I had Forrester $ I'd buy them both.

Stefffy...When she stood up, "thank Gawd it's shorts". 

RJ...Meh...lose your 'roid dealer.

$Bill...Would look jes' fine without the shirt.

No comment on scripts/storyline/acting/pl........zzzzzzzz

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And just what was that with the jealousy and possessiveness Katie was showing?

That's easy to answer. This show is a poorly written mess, where character motivations and so forth make zero sense. When Bill was begging for Katie to give him another chance (number 500 or so), Katie wisely stepped away for good. Bill and Katie haven't had any scenes in ages and now suddenly ... she's jealous I guess. Ugggh. Also ugggh to revisiting this horrible Bill/Poppy/Luna crap.

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On 5/28/2024 at 11:35 AM, nkotb said:

Liam chucking Hope on the shoulder on the way out, in case you didn’t notice, they’re just coparenting buddies now. 

Good. Hope doesn't have enough psychotic stepbrothers in the world that will ever make me want to see her back with the guy who doesn't even make the tiniest bit of effort to be a better person and can't even own his bullshit.

On 5/28/2024 at 8:59 PM, KerleyQ said:

Liam is, at least, being far more reasonable in that he expresses to Hope that he doesn't think it's a good idea for her to spend time around Sheila, but his only demand is that she not bring Beth around her. Obviously, they're not a couple anymore, while Steffy and Finn are, but we all know that Liam doesn't let a little thing like not being partnered up with either Steffy or Hope to stop him from trying to tell them what to do

Eh, I can't begrudge Liam for not wanting Beth around Sheila and at least this time, it doesn't feel like it's some self-serving weasel tactic. Still, considering he didn't even fight for custody after Hope spent the last year shacked up with Thomas, it's a bit like locking the barn after the horse has escaped.

On 5/29/2024 at 3:56 PM, Waldo13 said:

Yes Stuffy, you are Co-CEO but you can make unilateral decisions?  As Co-CEO you suck because you are willing to put personal feelings over good business. 

One thing I've gotten to appreciate out of Ridge from the earlier seasons on YouTube is how for all the flippant devil-may-care attitude he had about everything else in his life, the one thing he did take serious was the business. Like when the first time Eric and Stephanie were getting divorced, he and Thorne and Kristen have an episode that IIRC didn't even take up the full episode but that wrapped up with him reminded them they had a business to run that needed their focus. Or how he was passionately trying to get a fast fashion division started. Or hell, even how he was willing to sacrifice his own marriage to Taylor to get the company from Brooke.

But even as late as 2010, Ridge sacked Steffy from the company bc after that Ho for the Future stunt she pulled, he understandably didn't believe she wasn't responsible for that Brooke video.

Which is a lotta worlds to say that if there was any continuity between that version of Ridge and the one we have today, he wouldn't allow her to tear up a line that's doing well for them over petty beef. But Ridge hates "that one" now and he'll probably enable the bullshit as Brooke says nothing. 

Edited by Anna Yolei
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2 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Eh, I can't begrudge Liam for not wanting Beth around Sheila and at least this time, it doesn't feel like it's some self-serving weasel tactic. Still, considering he didn't even fight for customy after Hope spent the last year shacked up with Thomas, it's a bit like locking the barn after the horse has escaped.

Oh, I agree. I think he was being remarkably reasonable. He's a douche about Finn, because he is so dying for that marriage to blow up, but he was absolutely right to say that Hope can do what she wants, but he does not want Beth around Sheila. And Hope readily agreed. I appreciate that both he and Hope seem to have the mentality of adults can do whatever they want, but we have to have some kind of agreement on the kids' well-being. 

I'm wondering if the reason we got the scenes of Eric asking Brooke to take on a role at FC being shown at the same time as Steffy was vengeance cutting HFTF, are going to lead to Eric and Brooke (and maybe Ridge, but I doubt he'll go against Princess SuperBitch) telling her that, actually, the line won't be cut. It would be great if Eric actually listens to Hope and agrees that Steffy was irresponsible as a co-CEO to practically pack Thomas's bags without a solid plan in place to replace his work. HFTF was hugely successful with Thomas as the designer, so it was not a remotely smart move for the business to pull him from that role. This leading to Steffy somehow losing her title, or being turfed out to Paris (for JMW's maternity leave) would be amazing. 

I'll also accept Finn hearing about this stunt and finally being done with her bullshit enough to snap at her. Finn and Eric both booting her, and Steffy going overseas for a couple months, coming home to find Hope and Finn together, would just be the best karma she's ever faced. 

While I'm playing writer, if they did send Steffy to the Paris office, they should probably wait to bring Thomas back until the two of them can return together and see how everything has changed while they've been gone. 

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10 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

I'm wondering if the reason we got the scenes of Eric asking Brooke to take on a role at FC being shown at the same time as Steffy was vengeance cutting HFTF, are going to lead to Eric and Brooke (and maybe Ridge, but I doubt he'll go against Princess SuperBitch) telling her that, actually, the line won't be cut. It would be great if Eric actually listens to Hope and agrees that Steffy was irresponsible as a co-CEO to practically pack Thomas's bags without a solid plan in place to replace his work. HFTF was hugely successful with Thomas as the designer, so it was not a remotely smart move for the business to pull him from that role. This leading to Steffy somehow losing her title, or being turfed out to Paris (for JMW's maternity leave) would be amazing. 

I would LOVE for Steffy to be booted on her arse. There were scenes in the previews from last week, where Ridge and Brooke were in the office when Steffy is ranting about basically firing Brooke.

Steffy is such a narcissistic vile bully and abuser. She's supposed to be in her...late 20s? Early 30s? How did she get to be co-CEO of anything, when from what I've seen in the past month, is her checking upon her husband, texting him, and bitching about not knowing where he is and how he KNOWS not to be anywhere near Sheila. Actions and words of a text book abuser.

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Of course Katie wants Bill back but only because he is seeing another woman.  I guess Katie is done with Carter. 

Li, just has to stick her nose in other people’s business. Li confronting Luna is really low blow. 

I still don’t get it. Carter is COO not the CFO. It’s not the COO’s job to opine over financial matters. His main job is to oversee the daily operations, of the company, to ensure it’s running properly.  Recommendations as to the financial conditions comes from the CFO. 

Liam, you dolt, you have been working day and night to complete a task?  That a knee slapper. Does day and night include all the times you went to see Stuffy and Hope?  I guess playing with Kelly is also not included in your working day and night.  

Another Red Herring?  First Luna not being pregnant and now Luna’s father is Bill?  


ETA:  Hope challenges Stuffy to a mudd wrestling match. Loser leaves FC. 

Edited by Waldo13
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Steffy is vile. She’s just about reached unwatchable status for me, a lofty perch once solely occupied by her gross older brother. She thinks she’s such a hot shit CEO when her only qualification has been who her father and grandfather are.

Imagine showing up at your niece’s workplace to tell her that her mother is a gold digging whore. Li could put her rabid protectiveness to better use by getting between Finn and his abusive wife.

Did something happen with Katie and Carter? Why has Poppy had such a dramatic change of heart about Luna’s father? I guess I’m just used to stories that are built on some kind of, you know, logical foundation. 

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