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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Did anyone notice Zende’s feet position when he walks?  His feet are really toed out and his walk reminiscent of Chaplin!  Lol

Steffy’s Rapunzel length hair!  Yuk!

The whole episode was devoted to conversations about Finn and his wonderment.   Tongue baths all around!  I can’t recall Katie even having met Finn?  Although he is not memorable in any case.

I should be used to it by now but Paris’ hair is doin’ me head in!

So what happened to Justin and his proposal to Ridge and Thomas?



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21 hours ago, ByaNose said:

JMW looks kind of bored with the actor playing Finn. This has to be the most 1950’s storyline she’s ever played since she started. She’s at home folding clothes and hiring nanny’s. It’s soooooo boring that I can’t believe she’s into it. Of course, it’s an easy paycheck sitting around all day but it’s rather mundane for daytime in 2021. 

JMW must spend a metric shitton of time at the gym to prep for all the heavy lifting she has to do in the scenes with Finn. COVID must've killed any possible acting class he could have taken because he's STILL worse than all of the teenaged actors combined (well, OK, not Emma because she was hands-down the worst teen actor I've seen in decades). I'm praying for his demise because my finger is starting to hurt from the constant FFing of his scenes, they're so cringey.

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Am I wrong or did Katie loose weight?  But Brooke is still obnoxious. In addition, Stuffy’s extensions have extensions. 

Please please Paris mind your own fucking business. Are TIIC making you an honorary Logan where everyone’s business is their business and feel free to discuss it. Paris and the Logans are all a Nosy Rosy. 

I know that B&B is only 20 min, that’s why  Finn owns a transporter to get from FC to Malibu before the episode is over.  As for Ridge, he’s probably using Brooke’s broom to get from Malibu to FC.  

Give me a break!  Paris is at FC for about a hot second and she’s already an expert in fashion. No Paris, even the partially open door and the warehouse guy know more about fashion than you do. Beside, with long green talons, a funky wardrobe, and fuller brush hair, you can’t be taken seriously. 

Ridge, don’t you have more than one grandchild?  Ridge, you talk about Hawaii with such happy thoughts but you don’t seem to remember what happened the last time you were there. 

Stuffy tells Finn he’s hind and considerate but she left out that he bores her to tears. 

The only difference between Liam and Finn is hair color and Liam is a little less boring. Stuffy is going to love Finn until the end of time and I’m paraphrasing the immortal words of Meatloaf from “Paradise by The Dashboard Light” Stuffy, within six months, will be praying for the end of time so she can end her time with Finn. 

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Katie's hairdo. That was certainly a look. 😼

Brooke on her fate and destiny b.s. again. She wields that crap like a weapon to justify whatever she decides must be. And what must be is Steffy married and away from Liam. Sure, Brooke. As if being married ever stopped Steffy or Liam...

The chem test continues. Why is Paris schmoozing Finn so hard?

What's the holdup, Katie? You might ask the same thing about your former stepson and his felonious fiancée. The woman you crowbarred into the Logan family with no regard for her victim, your niece Hope. 'Member that? 🤨

Finn came back without the diapers. Or did he leave them in the car? 🙄

Oy, Paris in profile. I'm thinking she needs a much better bra. Or a bra. 😉

The show really is trying hard to build up Steffy and Finn getting married. If they seemed more like a rootable couple IMO there wouldn't need to be such a hard sell.

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I thought the same thing about Paris. She is a small woman, so it must be pretty uncomfortable for her. She needs more support.

Oy vey! Enough! I've had enough of the slobbering over Steffy. When Sludge called her "accomplished," I thought, "wait a minute ... "

Let's see ... RM Ridge urgently summoned Steffy from overseas boarding school to come back home and help with the company. So she came back and then got stuck in the mailroom so she could "learn from the ground up." (If it were me, I'd be pretty pissed to be shipped back home from school, especially since I suspect Steffy was earning a B.S. in truancy and partying ... ) That's when she got together with Marcus "Mushmouth" Walton Forrester.

Somehow, she made her way to PR and I think reported to Katie and that's when she started in with trying to seduce Bill, with a few detours to try to interfere with Hope and Oliver and Jackie and Owen.  After that all came down, Hope became an intern and out of spite, Katie chose HFTF instead of Steffy's tired "Hollywood Glamour" campaign.

I think Steffy has been fired and rehired on and off from FC, especially after the "Ho for the Future," and "Maskgate" videos. Even though the latter was the work of Justin.

Then, Quinn magically appointed Steffy co-CEO as a way to curry favor with Eric and the rest of the family, and keep Steffy with Wyatt and you know the rest of the story.

So, Steffy hasn't really "earned" anything. She got lucky and had nepotism going for her. If she had to go outside FC and compete for a job at a different company, I don't think she'd be very successful. I guess at least she did better than Thorne, who never got promoted either career-wise or location-wise, having never left the FC basement.

Steffy looked like a tired aging sex kitten today in that whatever it was she was wearing and the ratty Rapunzel wig. Is she trying to reprise "Sexy CEO?"

Brooke and Katie simpering over "fate" and "destiny" was laughable. HT and KKL deserve so much better ... 

Edited by CharlizeCat
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59 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:

Pretty lame episode yesterday.

So we have had the Paris/Finn chem test. It failed. Can we move on from this nonsense now. 

Loved Brooke's outfit and Katie's hair. 

Well, now you've gone and done it. They will surely make Pinn a "thing" for at least the next 6 months. Because Steffy must be the perpetual "victim."

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My main snippy takeaway from yesterday’s episode…Ridge certainly had a lot to say about Finn wanting to get couch-married. Remind me again, Ridge, where you married Caroline II, sans any witnesses, save for an infinity pool & several rays of sunshine. Hypocrite much??

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I can’t stand seeing Brooke, the Forrester Hole, constantly berating poor Quinn. Quinn had one little affair, it’s not like she bent over and played Guess the Forrester Penis the way Brooke has.  Good for Quinn standing up for herself and letting Eric know that the way he favors that old whore over his own wife is disgusting. Go to hell Eric! 
I think I hate Finn. 

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17 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

Somehow, she made her way to PR and I think reported to Katie and that's when she started in with trying to seduce Bill, with a few detours to try to interfere with Hope and Oliver and Jackie and Owen. 

Slight nitpick, but the Owen thing happened shortly after her off-screen breakup to Rick and before Hope was even SORASed. There was no Taylor hissing in her ear about evil Logans there, no Logans involved period, just Steffy nearly drowning and then imprinting on Owen for a few weeks. Thankfully, that crap was not dragged out, likely because TIIC knew they'd be having Katie marrying Bill soon and could have her cause trouble there.

But it's only a slight one because everything else is correct about her unearned "achievement" in the company. In the old days, we got to hear about Ridge and Thorne going to Europe and learning about the business. In fact, Ridge's first in canon Europe trips where he gets a sense of purpose played a part in why he breaks it off with both Caroline and Brooke--he has much to learn and he can't give either of them his full undivided attention.

Hell, even Brooke post divorce had to jump into this multi-million dollar company with a lot of on-the-job training. She was "handed" the company--one she never would have gone after if the Forresters had t been shit people trying to trick her outta what she was owed--but we watched her earn her stripes.

Steffy (and even Hope, for that matter) got where she was because of the family she was born into. I am as tired of hearing about her "hard work" as I was when TIIC were tongue bathing Hope ten years ago for commercializing virginity. Yawn.

6 minutes ago, Chatty Cake said:

Quinn had one little affai

Two, actually.

Which makes Ridge's reaction in particular all the more obnoxious.

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3 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

Slight nitpick, but the Owen thing happened shortly after her off-screen breakup to Rick and before Hope was even SORASed. There was no Taylor hissing in her ear about evil Logans there, no Logans involved period, just Steffy nearly drowning and then imprinting on Owen for a few weeks. Thankfully, that crap was not dragged out, likely because TIIC knew they'd be having Katie marrying Bill soon and could have her cause trouble there.

But it's only a slight one because everything else is correct about her unearned "achievement" in the company. In the old days, we got to hear about Ridge and Thorne going to Europe and learning about the business. In fact, Ridge's first in canon Europe trips where he gets a sense of purpose played a part in why he breaks it off with both Caroline and Brooke--he has much to learn and he can't give either of them his full undivided attention.

Hell, even Brooke post divorce had to jump into this multi-million dollar company with a lot of on-the-job training. She was "handed" the company--one she never would have gone after if the Forresters had t been shit people trying to trick her outta what she was owed--but we watched her earn her stripes.

Steffy (and even Hope, for that matter) got where she was because of the family she was born into. I am as tired of hearing about her "hard work" as I was when TIIC were tongue bathing Hope ten years ago for commercializing virginity. Yawn.

Two, actually.

Which makes Ridge's reaction in particular all the more obnoxious.

Her and Ridge just kissed right? She never touched the penis. It was wrong, sure but Ridge was forgiven as usual.

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Eric has defended Quinn plenty of times. I got sick of hearing her berate Eric today. BTW, who messaged over paperwork regarding the divorce the other day (when Carter wasn’t at the office) if Quinn doesn’t have an attorney? 🤨
Too bad FC has only two offices in its building. They need one of those sliding “Occupied” signs (like they have on airplane loos) on the door of that smaller office.

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5 hours ago, nkotb said:

My main snippy takeaway from yesterday’s episode…Ridge certainly had a lot to say about Finn wanting to get couch-married. Remind me again, Ridge, where you married Caroline II, sans any witnesses, save for an infinity pool & several rays of sunshine. Hypocrite much??

And at least he got her a real ring vs a red ribbon of true wuv.

1 hour ago, Chatty Cake said:

Her and Ridge just kissed right? She never touched the penis. It was wrong, sure but Ridge was forgiven as usual.

Well, there was dry-humping and rolling around in Eric's guesthouse. 

And fucking him vicariously through Shauna, so. 

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6 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

I can’t stand seeing Brooke, the Forrester Hole, constantly berating poor Quinn. Quinn had one little affair, it’s not like she bent over and played Guess the Forrester Penis the way Brooke has.  Good for Quinn standing up for herself and letting Eric know that the way he favors that old whore over his own wife is disgusting. Go to hell Eric! 
I think I hate Finn. 

Cosigned. Brooke has basically been the town bicycle when she's in a relationship/married AND/OR when her lust interest is also partnered. NOTHING is off-limits to Brooke, not her sister's husband or her daughter's husband or her other daughter's boyfriend, but yet she'd probably follow the pope around and lecture him about his own morality. She's a disgusting waste of flesh. And while I adore KKL, I just want to shoot her up with Afrin because I don't think she's breathed out of her own damn nose since 1989.

Also cosigned on Finn. I'm bummed because now we know there's something janky going on with his 'family,' which basically ensures him a storyline and more screentime. Praying for a recast ASAP, which would be the only way I could sit through that.

Edited by lightninggirl
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Finn and Stuffy the cure for insomnia.  I was hoping that Paris would walk it and be a cock blocker or should I say wiener blocker.  

Sign up that new model today. She would make a much better lead model than Zoey and I’m sure she could act a lot better. 

Carter is Eric’s “mouth piece” but Brooke is his Doberman Pinscher.  

Quinn is 100% correct about Eric. He chose Brooke over her. Eric forgave Brooke more times than her and he still allows her opinion to be paramount over his happiness. How many times did he stand there and allow Brooke to bastardized Quinn.  You go Quinn giving Eric what for. Eric absolutely deserves it. 

Is Brooke just an annoying person or is it her voice that makes her more annoying. Either way she makes my skin crawl. 

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I’m not sure which Brooke irritates me more: the one who simpers and acts like a 12 year old girl with her first crush or the shrill, hateful bitch who accuses other women of being exactly like she’s always been. Shut the hell up, Brooke!

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I did think that was a gorgeous gown Eric designed but describing it as feeling "like butter"? Nah. Swing and a miss, writers.

Quinn and Eric didn't have a prenup? 🤔

Finn. You think you and Steffy will be married for decades. You're so cute. Have you met Steffy before? There's a better chance of her keeping a pet goldfish for 30 or 40 years than the same husband.

Ugh, I majorly need Ridge, Brooke, and Eric to stop talking to Carter like he's their child. But wow, Carter seemed rather concerned about Quinn meeting with Eric. Wonder what he was afraid would happen, they'd magically reconcile?

How are you planning to marry someone who's told you nothing about their family or upbringing? For all Steffy knows, Finn has 17 siblings and both of his parents are prisoners in Siberia. 😑

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If Brooke is the town bicycle, then Taylor is a tandem bicycle as she slept with two different sets of fathers/sons. She was with Eric, Ridge, and both of Ridge’s half brothers - Thorne and Nick. She also worked her way through the Logan family by sleeping with Stephen, Brooke’s father and was involved with Brooke’s brother as well. She also had the hat trick by sleeping with Brooke’s son, Rick, who was Eric’s son and half-brother to Ridge and Thorne. And her daughter’s recent boyfriend. There was also the devirginizing James while married to Ridge and sleeping with Blake and Ridge in the same day with nary a shower or change of clothing. Yet she’s held up as some paragon, the Madonna to Brooke‘s Whore of Beverly Hills. Granted, she’s considered crazy and also offscreen but the point still stands. 

As for the recent comparisons with Quinn. Well, from where I sit, Brooke may be the “Slut From The Valley” (although I’m so tired of that, especially when the men she and others sleep with get passes) and should keep her eyes on her own paper re Quarter, but until Brooke rapes and kidnaps and attempts to murder multiple people, I won’t even consider the two women in the same universe. 

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I liked Quinn today, standing up for herself and to Eric. Eric needs to hear what a dumbo he is when it comes to Logans. 

Brooke had how many WTD including with Eric and Ridge. She slept with Ridges entire family, her sister's husband and her daughter's husband. She should be not speaking and everyone knows it. Eric should have shut her up. 



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Yeah, Quinn's proud of what she's "becoming" because it's clear Eric was done with her and she has to try to do a power play.  She's lying, self righteous trash fully on display.

Total nonsense about Eric never defending her, and especially about taking Brooke's word over hers.  Uh...because Brooke was right? And it's not owning your mistake when you get caught and run out of chances.  Dumbass.  

I get it if other people have a different take, but this just seems clear to me that this is trying to make Quinn as the brave and strong protagonist.  It's like viewers are supposed to side with Quinn, who kidnaps/rapes people but she's "true to herself" or some bullshit, vs Brooke.  Who hasn't done nearly the sheer evil Quinn has, BUT she's a needling hag, so automatic villain.  

I'm not exactly sure why they're hiding the Ridge/Quinn affair.  Whether it's one less fuck up for Quinn to answer for, or because it makes Ridge look bad.  Which...it does, and should.  

Edited by JNavarro
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4 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

If Brooke is the town bicycle, then Taylor is a tandem bicycle as she slept with two different sets of fathers/sons. She was with Eric, Ridge, and both of Ridge’s half brothers - Thorne and Nick. She also worked her way through the Logan family by sleeping with Stephen, Brooke’s father and was involved with Brooke’s brother as well. She also had the hat trick by sleeping with Brooke’s son, Rick, who was Eric’s son and half-brother to Ridge and Thorne. And her daughter’s recent boyfriend. There was also the devirginizing James while married to Ridge and sleeping with Blake and Ridge in the same day with nary a shower or change of clothing. Yet she’s held up as some paragon, the Madonna to Brooke‘s Whore of Beverly Hills. Granted, she’s considered crazy and also offscreen but the point still stands. 

As for the recent comparisons with Quinn. Well, from where I sit, Brooke may be the “Slut From The Valley” (although I’m so tired of that, especially when the men she and others sleep with get passes) and should keep her eyes on her own paper re Quarter, but until Brooke rapes and kidnaps and attempts to murder multiple people, I won’t even consider the two women in the same universe. 

👏👏👏👏👏 Thank you!

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5 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

If Brooke is the town bicycle, then Taylor is a tandem bicycle as she slept with two different sets of fathers/sons. She was with Eric, Ridge, and both of Ridge’s half brothers - Thorne and Nick. She also worked her way through the Logan family by sleeping with Stephen, Brooke’s father and was involved with Brooke’s brother as well. She also had the hat trick by sleeping with Brooke’s son, Rick, who was Eric’s son and half-brother to Ridge and Thorne. And her daughter’s recent boyfriend. There was also the devirginizing James while married to Ridge and sleeping with Blake and Ridge in the same day with nary a shower or change of clothing. Yet she’s held up as some paragon, the Madonna to Brooke‘s Whore of Beverly Hills. Granted, she’s considered crazy and also offscreen but the point still stands. 

As for the recent comparisons with Quinn. Well, from where I sit, Brooke may be the “Slut From The Valley” (although I’m so tired of that, especially when the men she and others sleep with get passes) and should keep her eyes on her own paper re Quarter, but until Brooke rapes and kidnaps and attempts to murder multiple people, I won’t even consider the two women in the same universe. 

THIS allllll day long!  Yes, Brooke has had many, many, many immoral/squicky relationships and/or sexual encounters with inappropriate men but she has never RAPED or attempted to MURDER anyone (that I know of). Thus, Brooke versus Quinn's crimes aren't in the same zip code since Quinn's crimes are, well, actual crimes that can be prosecuted.


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Right out of the gate Eric was defending Quinn. Not a single person in his family was on board with them getting married, but marry her he did. He continued to defend her in the following months, until Ridge came up with his little plan to "expose" Quinn as a gold digger by putting the moves on her. Of course there was no doubt she would reciprocate; this is the one and only Ridge Forrester. But a creep got caught up in his own web of lies when he started to see a different side of Quinn, and his penis started talking to him. After weeks of kissing and fondling each other, with the added bonus of Guest House bed rolling, Eric forgave both his treacherous son and his betraying wife. 

As far as Brooke goes, I totally am on board with her protectiveness. She and Eric share a special bond that has lasted more than thirty years. However, that doesn't give Brooke the right to arbitrarily interfere in Eric's marriage. The problem is, that overall Brooke has been on target and Quinn knows it. Even so, Eric hasn't just fallen in line with Brooke; there were many times he called her out, even going so far as to tell her not to come to the wedding vow renewal. The problem is they are trying to make Brooke into the new Stephanie and it is not working. Where Stephanie came off as the snobby, society wife, who could cut you to the quick with a single statement, or the tone of her voice, or one single look of disgust; Brooke comes off like a shrill badger, who just wants to make an issue out of Quinn, and not Quinn's behavior. Brooke's attacks don't feel grounded in love and concern; they feel catty, and petty, and very disingenuous. Even so, I still feel she is fully entitled to feel the way she does. Quinn has been attacking Brooke and her family ever since she hit the scene, starting with Hope and Liam, then a short stint with Donna, and then Katie. But she has saved the biggest guns for Brooke by having an affair with her fiance, and being the ringleader of VegasGate. 

This is another thing Quinn doesn't get. She has committed so many crimes and has never been punished. From stalking and trying to kill Liam, to kidnapping an injured Liam and subsequently raping him; pushing Deacon off a cliff, filing false documents. The list is long and it is ugly, so I don't feel that Quinn has owned her actions at all. 

Overall, I think Quinn got it wrong. Outside of her saying Eric never defended her, and took Brooke's side in everything, was her statement that he had always forgiven his wives. There is some truth in that, mostly regarding Stephanie, but he sure didn't forgive Sheila. But the big difference is; with the exception of Ridge and Brooke celebrating BeLief on the lab room floor, and Sheila getting Connor to get her pregnant, none of Eric's wives have stepped out on him. When it comes to actions, crimes, and crazy; Sheila would be the closest to Quinn. We know Sheila committed murder, as well as attempted murder of her own mother, and kidnapping, and so many other crimes. Quinn isn't far behind her. Stephanie also pulled some horrible stunts, always trying to hurt and destroy Brooke, and while Eric always eventually forgave Stephanie, her actions only further cemented Eric's love and loyalty to Brooke. 

If they want to give us a new, better version of Quinn, I would be ok with that. But she has to know that you can't go forever doing horrible things without repercussions. At some point your actions will catch up with you; maybe this is that time, and maybe it has everything to do with Carter. And I am ok with that too, because they are the best thing to happen to Show in a long time. Quinn's dark evilness against his sugary sweet goodness? Yeah, and they are hot as fuck too. 

Steffy and Finn. Oh dear. Was that suppose to show me how they burn the house down? I actually felt like I had been doused with ice cold water. Finn is the biggest drip. One big ole sappy ass drip of nothing. And why the deer in headlights look every time Steffy brings up mommy and daddy? Did it never occur to the good doctor that maybe his fiance might want to meet his family? If there is some deep, dark secret, Finn should have been coming up with a plan of action. But nooooooo; he has been so far up Steffy ass, that he hasn't been able to think about anything else. 

9 hours ago, JNavarro said:

I'm not exactly sure why they're hiding the Ridge/Quinn affair.  Whether it's one less fuck up for Quinn to answer for, or because it makes Ridge look bad.  Which...it does, and should.  

Personally, I think it has more to do with making Brooke look bad. They want us to believe that Brooke's attacks and feelings about Quinn are groundless. So, we can't be reminded that Quinn was having an affair with Brooke's fiance. 

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It seems to me the show is trying to make Brooke the new Stephanie and recreate the Stephanie vs. Brooke situation. Problem is, Quinn does not work as the new Brooke. Quinn is a lot of things but a helpless victim of fate and destiny is not one of them. If she really wanted to, she could shut Brooke down permanently, something Stephanie never managed to accomplish. (Though not for lack of trying, I guess.)

I wish the show weren't trying to get viewers to take sides between Brooke and Quinn because I'm not going to be on either of those teams. I like Quarter but that's not going to last forever. Quinn has assaulted if not killed people with impunity and still feels justified in her actions. Meanwhile, Brooke has always seemed like a boundary-less busybody trying to rest on her youthful laurels to me. At this point I'm almost looking for her to do something really out there like sleep with Thomas to distract him from Hope.

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A great big WORD to your entire post, @RuntheTable!

Eric has defended Quinn six ways from Sunday, starting with him marrying her in the first place, despite him being well aware of all she had done to Liam and to Hope. He defended her and forgave her after she cheated with his own son (and, in fact, Eric forgave Quinn before he forgave Ridge). He defended her and forgave her after her actions during and in the aftermath of VegasGate. 

He is just DONE this time (from all appearances) although who can say what the future will hold. But I foresee the possibility of something with Donna/Shauna, but him ultimately circling back to wanting Quinn only to find it's she who is done with him.

As for Ridge, he can STFU, truly, about Quinn. I think a lot of his nonsense is because he, too, succumbed to Quinn, his supposed enemy, with their affair, and that she showed him for the philandering chump he is and always has been with that interlude as well as during VegasGate. Because he conveniently forgets that it was HIS idea to go to Vegas with Shauna and HE got himself soused. Yes, Quinn had her part as did Shauna, but Ridge helped orchestrate much of what happened. So, again, STFU, Ridge!

I can agree that Brooke has a right to be concerned about Eric. They share 30+ years of history. He's the father of two of her children. They share grandchildren. I would find it odd if she didn't show concern. Now, concern doesn't = the right to interfere as Eric is a grown man and capable of making his own decisions (good, bad, or otherwise). You are right that many, many times Eric has told Brooke, through his own words and actions, exactly that - that it's HIS life. 

I also agree that they're trying and failing to make Brooke the new Stephanie which cannot and will not work because the women couldn't be more different. I think they also tried for it with Quinn and it, too, failed miserably. Because there can only be ONE Stephanie Douglas Forrester. Let's let both ladies be who they are instead of trying to shoehorn them into roles that don't suit them and, in fact, make them come off looking badly.

I've already discussed my thoughts about Brooke's concerns about Quinn being dismissed because "she was a slut, too!" Because first, slut-shaming really should have gone the way of the dodo bird and as I said earlier, somehow we never see the men called out for it. I mean, Brooke didn't have sex by herself nor Quinn. I suppose the men are just being men or worse, as has been the cases with Carter, they're just the poor, widdle victims of these calculating sirens. To which my reaction is pretty much this:


I brought up Taylor's history not to shame her but to say, well, she slept her way through two families and with some questionable choices along the way. She thought nothing of her daughter Phoebe's pain when she took up with Rick, which, in part, I'll stand by led to Phoebe's demise. So doing much the same as Brooke here yet it's only Brooke that I see consistently being taken to task for it, onscreen and off. Sure, Taylor is offscreen and has been for some time (and I wish they would recast with Colleen Zink or someone of her caliber already) but that doesn't change the facts of that. Nor does it change the fact that the argument that Brooke shouldn't dare throw stones at Quinn for being unfaithful because she did it, too! doesn't hold up for a lot of reasons. Brooke cheating in the past doesn't negate Quinn's actions as last time I checked, you can't unfuck a dick. And Brooke has plenty of beef in her own right as Quinn terrorized her family (Hope and Liam) for years and while Hope's poor choice of footwear the day of her baby shower for the baby she lost with Wyatt was a factor, Quinn's actions also contributed to that loss. Add in Brooke's love and concern for Eric and she's not the one in the wrong here. Quinn and her affair with Carter, on top of everything else, was the final straw for Eric. So I may not like Brooke's approach at time because yes, it can come off shrilly, but she's not the one who cheated here. Quinn is. And Eric made up his own mind to toss her out without Brooke having to say a word. He did that all on his own and initiated the divorce as well. Brooke certainly wasn't holding his hand or a gun to his head to make him do either action.

And, as I said previously, holding up Quinn's crimes to Brooke's cheating?


Even if Quinn had never cheated on Eric, Brooke will still be a far better person because she hasn't raped anyway (not once, let alone multiple times), she hasn't kidnapped anyone much less an obviously brain-injured in-need-of-medical-care amnesiac, she hasn't tried to kill anyone as Quinn did with Deacon and Liam (and she may have actually killed Mr. Montemayor to get her clutches on the HFTF diamond). That this even has to be said. And while Brooke has been dragged ad nauseum for her sexual escapades, when has Quinn EVER paid for anything before now? She's been forgiven over and over and over again, by Eric, by Liam, by Hope. She hasn't served one day of jail time which even if her victims wanted to drop the charges, that's not how it works. And Deacon is the one in jail for attempting to get revenge on her (which, wrong, is still wrong and he should have faced the consequences). But still, the irony. Apparently, no one gives a good god damn that she pushed him OFF of a CLIFF.

I agree that I would love to see a more nuanced version of Quinn. One where she still has her prickly edges but they're softened somewhat through her feelings for Carter. And yes, they are hot as hell. I mean, I can't stand Quinn, never have, except for the brief interlude with Deacon and the earliest Queric days, but she is must-see-TV for me with Quarter. 

As for #Sinn. Oh vey. They are terribly dull, aren't they? I LOL at your "one big ole sappy ass drip of nothing." So spot on. 

Although I have to laugh at Finn's "ruh roh!" facial expressions, too. For all the reasons you stated, but also, his future MIL is a whackadoo who tried to kill Bill and did kill Darla by plowing her down while drunk as well as buying a stolen baby. His future FIL has trouble keeping his dick in his pants, especially around the wives of his relatives. Whatever skeletons are in your family's closet, Finn, I think you'll be just fine.

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2 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

The problem is they are trying to make Brooke into the new Stephanie and it is not working. Where Stephanie came off as the snobby, society wife, who could cut you to the quick with a single statement, or the tone of her voice, or one single look of disgust; Brooke comes off like a shrill badger, who just wants to make an issue out of Quinn, and not Quinn's behavior


And to be honest, not even Stephanie--who coined the SFTV phrase--had any problems with Brooke's middle-class raising but the fact that she was seemingly driving a wedge between her family (which was mostly revisionist history--Caroline got the letter before the wedding anyway and Eric was separated from Stephanie well before he looked at Brooke, but I digress). 

If Stephanie were here, she'd be reading Quinn for filth the right way by dragging up all her discretions from the day she came into their lives. Unfortunately, Stephanie would have no room to talk about the biggest elephant in the room--Captive Cabin--but she'd sure be quick to point out that Eric went against his whole family to marry her, even knowing what she'd done to Liam mere months ago, and gave her a pass that he didn't even afford Brooke at the time re: Ridge. She was a battle-axe who went way to far at times but she also focused on the really, truly shitty things Brooke did.

Brooke just comes off as a nag who just never liked Quinn because reasons. She does have real reason not to trust her, everyone does, but none of that's been the focus. And that along with this blatant double standard really rustles my jimmies.

EDIT: and yeah, I forgot to mention that despite Steph's method, her love and concern for those around her were always at the forefront of her fury. That just doesn't come across for Brooke with Quinn and having come into the show when Amber was married to a barely legal Rick, I know she's capable of that balance.

2 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

If they want to give us a new, better version of Quinn, I would be ok with that. But she has to know that you can't go forever doing horrible things without repercussions.

Ironically enough, this is the one thing she and Liam (her previous nemesis before Brooke) share: a complete inability to see how their actions hurt people. They do shit and expect to just be forgiven. 

And like Liam, she needs to actually own some of her shit before she can make any headway in being tolerable. Say what you will about Brooke, but she takes her lumps when they're deserved.

1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I wish the show weren't trying to get viewers to take sides between Brooke and Quinn because I'm not going to be on either of those teams.

I can understand this, and I've been there more than once with this show. Some shit, all parties suck. (See also: Liam versus Thomas)


Edited by Anna Yolei
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Right back at cha there @CountryGirl; awesome post!

I love taking the occasional deep dive into Show's history, and given that I have been watching old episodes on YouTube, I have rediscovered so many things I had forgotten. 

Regarding Brooke; a girl from the valley has most certainly paid for her missteps. She has never been allowed to move on and forget; yet those around her who have committed heinous acts are the one's who continue to call her out. I think what infuriates me the most is that, in most cases, Brooke was retaliating. Stephanie and her henchwoman, Taylor, conspired non-stop against Brooke. Yes, Stephanie was the ringleader, and she did all the heavy lifting, but Taylor went along, and didn't think it was wrong. Given that Taylor was lauded as one of the best Psychiatrists around, I find that very troubling. There two came up with some truly horrific schemes, but you never hear anyone calling them out for it. No, instead it is always how Brooke deserved it. In her most famous scene ever, Red Suit Brooke, she even lays voice to that with Stephanie. The previous night, after Ridge committed his treachery by getting Brooke to sign away her rights to BeLief before telling her he was staying with Taylor, a victorious Stephanie shows up and rips Brooke to shreds. Brooke, in a state of disbelief and despair, was not able to hold her own with Stephanie this time. It was a horrible and heartbreaking scene. But the next day, after Connor found out what was happening, and Brooke showed up ready for battle, her words to Stephanie were "you come to my home on the darkest night of my life, and you carve my heart into little pieces, You deserve it Brooke, that's what you said, you deserve it Brooke." Expect no one deserves to have a family send a fake masseur to their home, nor do they deserve to have their home security violated; two examples of how Stephanie took Brooke's life and wellbeing into her non-caring hands, with the second ending with Brooke getting raped. How about telling her that her father was dying? The fiasco in Venice, with the entire family involved? Had to get Brooke away from Thorne though. BoinkBerry? But Brooke deserved it all because Stephanie said she did. Stephanie was a jealous, frigid, old bitch. Plain and simple. Running around talking about how Brooke stole her son and her husband. Fucking nonsense! It is bad enough she thinks a person can be stolen, when anyone with common sense knows that will only happen when someone is ready to move on, and Eric was beyond ready. But to say that about her son? Very odd. But she ran her anti-Brooke campaign, while hailing Taylor as a saint, with full knowledge otherwise. She knew Taylor slept with James, but gave her a pass; just like she gave her a pass for Prince Omar. 

I have been focused on the period after Taylor's first death, when she returns and tells a happily married Brooke that she wants her life and her husband back. It is galling. And infuriating. Then, she gets pregnant, and passes the baby off as Thorne's, breaking his heart in the process, and after telling Ridge the truth, tries to make Brooke the guilty party. Yeah, so Brooke knew, but Taylor was the one who was pregnant and had lied about who the father was, how did it become Brooke's responsibility to tell Ridge the truth. Taylor was such an entitled bitch. But Brooke deserved it. 

1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

It seems to me the show is trying to make Brooke the new Stephanie and recreate the Stephanie vs. Brooke situation. Problem is, Quinn does not work as the new Brooke. Quinn is a lot of things but a helpless victim of fate and destiny is not one of them. If she really wanted to, she could shut Brooke down permanently, something Stephanie never managed to accomplish. (Though not for lack of trying, I guess.)

I wish the show weren't trying to get viewers to take sides between Brooke and Quinn because I'm not going to be on either of those teams. I like Quarter but that's not going to last forever. Quinn has assaulted if not killed people with impunity and still feels justified in her actions. Meanwhile, Brooke has always seemed like a boundary-less busybody trying to rest on her youthful laurels to me. At this point I'm almost looking for her to do something really out there like sleep with Thomas to distract him from Hope.

Excellent points here as well @Joimiaroxeu. I hadn't even looked at the other side of the equation. Quinn certainly isn't Brooke, she is the polar opposite. While Brooke has always been about destiny, and has often been the hapless victim of circumstance; Quinn is one who makes the circumstance happen, instead of allowing it to come to her. I also agree about taking sides in this. However, as someone who has supported and loved Brooke from the first day she saw her, I think I will have to remain firmly in her camp. 

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Quinn vs Brooke. Give me Quinn every day of the week. Quinn, good or bad knows who the hell she is and owns it. Quinn, by being in Carter’s arms deep down inside she knew Eric is no longer the man for her. The lady of the mansion was just a facade. Where Brooke is a pure disingenuous hypocrite who is completely fake. Her facade is trying to be a born again virgin.  

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Finn and Stuffy the cure for insomnia.

They certainly are but I don't care. If he keeps Stuffy occupied and away from Liam and Hope? I'm good. I'd rather watch this insomnia duo than anything to do with the triangle of doom. Now I will say I wish they had cast the dude who played Vinny as Finn because he was a much better actor and I think he had more chemistry with JMW.


I don't care one bit about how many people Taylor or Brooke slept with. Or Eric and Ridge for that matter. My issue with Brooke, Ridge and Eric going on and on about Quinn cheating is the hypocrisy. It's tiresome considering the things each of those characters has done over the years.

I suppose they don't bring up a lot of the Quinn past stuff because she committed actual crimes and newer viewers might be left going 'ummm why is she not in prison?!?' The writers want us to just sort of forget all that and move on. While Brooke's past is a crucial part of the history of this show dating back to day 1. And I might also add that while Brooke hasn't committed any actual crimes, her actions should have certainly caused a lot of deep emotional pain and scars for those she wronged. Those things aren't just nothing just because they aren't crimes.

I like Quinn with Carter. Period. I will stick with this show while that is an ongoing concern. If it ends or when it ends, I'm likely to go back to not caring about Quinn one way or the other. I will always despise Brooke.

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30 minutes ago, hypnotoad said:

I suppose they don't bring up a lot of the Quinn past stuff because she committed actual crimes and newer viewers might be left going 'ummm why is she not in prison?!?'

I'm one of those newer viewers. Started watching just because it was the first soap to return to new episodes. Without knowing all of their past crimes and misdeeds, I was sort of rooting for Quinn and Thomas (until reading about their histories here in the forum). As a longtime Y&R viewer watching B&B commercials, I thought Brooke was the long-suffering heroine of the soap. But she has come across as insufferable this past year.

And, just a broad observation: the cast is fantastic, but the writing is horrendous. Plot points are shoehorned in with no organic flow and certainly no logic. And the dialogue is adolescent at best. Yet still I watch . . .

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And, just a broad observation: the cast is fantastic, but the writing is horrendous. Plot points are shoehorned in with no organic flow and certainly no logic. And the dialogue is adolescent at best. Yet still I watch . . .

Yep, my attitude toward B&B in a nutshell, plus I'm often fascinated by the clothes. Times like now I wonder how a soap with such terrible writing and plotting generates the kind of insightful analysis there is here. You guys are really bringing it today.

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The buttons on Quinn's pants are a No.

Is Brooke Eric's mother or something. Why does she tell him what to do and who not to talk to. She treats him like a child who cannot do anything without her. 

Finn being adopted... how not surprising. Let me guess that his birth parent/s are already on the show.

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How about the other day Brooke was happy for Steffys engagement because its good news for Hope and Liam. Your daughter married a waffler, Steffy getting married should have no effect on Hopes marriage, Ridge has no business being with a woman who is so shitty to his kids. He needs a new woman desperately. 

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26 minutes ago, backhometome said:


Finn being adopted... how not surprising. Let me guess that his birth parent/s are already on the show.

I'm down for it as long as Bill doesn't turn out to be his father, I'm good.

Ridge has been pretty shitty to Brooke's  kids, too. He's had numerous physical altercations with Rick and the TK version told another family member (Taylor?) that he "never cared much for Hope." That's why I always get so irritated when he is overly saccharine to Hope or expresses her concern about her happiness or wellbeing

And who can forget RM's Ridge macking on Bridget when he found out that he wasn't her father or half-brother. 

Hope has never done anything intentionally shitty or harmful to Ridge directly. He is just sticking up for his poor little spoiled brat princess wannabee. Steffy, OTOH, has been cruel to Brooke and Thomas has been verbally abusive to Brooke, as well as the lie he told that he and Brooke slept together while they were stranded on that island and tripping on those boinkberries. The latter so he could get ahold of Stephanie's FC stock. 

Rick has been antagonistic towards Ridge, so they both gave as good as they got.  They earn props solely for:


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Brooke, Carter can’t speed up anything. Divorce takes 6 months in CA.  Brooke, yes it’s Carter’s job to “stick it” to Quinn but in the divorce, CA is a mutual property state.   The settlement would be to share anything obtained during the marriage.  And once again Brooke couldn’t be more right. Quinn IS in Carter’s tender loving hands. 

Stuffy finally got dressed but those pants aren’t exactly flattering on her. Finn, the 80’s called. They want their Polo Shit back. 

So Finn is adopted. So what!  Genetic and medical history can be revealed through DNA testing.  I got the feeling that his adopted dad is Finn’s real father. But I also think that it could be that Stuffy is marring someone who’s related to her.  


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3 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Quinn vs Brooke. Give me Quinn every day of the week. Quinn, good or bad knows who the hell she is and owns it. Quinn, by being in Carter’s arms deep down inside she knew Eric is no longer the man for her. The lady of the mansion was just a facade. Where Brooke is a pure disingenuous hypocrite who is completely fake. Her facade is trying to be a born again virgin.  

/golf claps

Amen, @Waldo13! Quinn is deranged and also a criminal, which Brooke (to the best of my knowledge!) is not (I've watched this show from its very first episode, so everyone blurs with one another at some point). However, like you, I'll take Quinn every day over sanctimonious Brooke and her high horse. Every dang day.

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Taylor did basically the same nookie tour that Brooke did. She allowed Brooke to make her crazy blaming her for stealing her husband but Ridge was mostly excused for being a man whore. Just like Carter is so far being excused. I was team Taylor in the early days. She was so beautiful and classy. 

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3 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

How about the other day Brooke was happy for Steffys engagement because its good news for Hope and Liam. Your daughter married a waffler, Steffy getting married should have no effect on Hopes marriage, Ridge has no business being with a woman who is so shitty to his kids. He needs a new woman desperately. 

As @Anna Yolei, pointed out, Ridge was shitty to Brooke‘s kids long before Brooke ever looked sideways at Thomas or Steffy. She was a loving stepmother to them after Taylor’s 2nd dirt nap and she had a good relationship with Phoebe (whom I wish they hadn’t foolishly killed off). Thomas had caused issues for years - he was all in on the Boinkberry Island stuff with granny Stephanie so he could get more FC shares (which directly hurt Brooke) and look at all the shit he’s pulled on Hope, including attempting to kidnap her and rape her as he had roofies courtesy of Vinny. Oh and let’s not forget that he helped keep Beth from her parents for months.  Then there’s Steffy, whose been a nasty little bitch from jump with her incessant hatred of the Logans. The childish Ho-gan stunt. Outing the Oliver/Brooke boink. Her pursuit of Liam after he saved her from drowning, despite him being engaged to Hope and gleefully accepting Hope’s still-warm-from-her-finger engagement ring. All the stunts she pulled, which are too many to list, but most recently, her cheating with Liam and having her second WTD debacle. 

If I was Brooke, I wouldn’t like them either, much less feign affection to please the father who treated her kids like dirt. 

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So do people not get their babies christened on this show? I wondered why Hayes' big introduction to his extended families won't be until the wedding.

Brooke keeps giving commands to Carter about Eric's divorce. He doesn't work for her. Shut up, Brooke! Get back in your effing lane. 🤨

I guess Quinn has a key to Carter's place now. He may come to regret that.

Well, it's now apparent where Finn gets his willfulness from. How did Jack know to come to Steffy's house to find Finn?

Not sure I get why Finn was scared to tell Steffy he was adopted. It's not shameful. And now there's a new secret, described in the promo as a bombshell. Knowing this show that could mean any silly thing. Maybe Finn's an extraterrestrial. 😉

Is Ted King Latino? NTTAWWT, but he has a certain look and I wonder if it's deliberate. I've previously complained about this show being set in CA/LA and not having any or Latinx characters (besides the police detective who's basically an occasional day player). Is this B&B's attempt to address that lacking? Finnegan is an Irish name though. Ow, my head hurts. 🥴

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